home · measurements · Decorating bottles with shells with your own hands. Marine bottle. Bottle decoration for various celebrations

Decorating bottles with shells with your own hands. Marine bottle. Bottle decoration for various celebrations

For work, we need the following materials:

  • bottle
  • acrylic paints (burnt umber colors, Ivory, gold. Or any other as you wish)
  • texture fine-grained paste or putty
  • crystal paste
  • shells, beads, coins and other "treasures"

To begin with, the bottle must be cleaned of labels and degreased, in order for the bw paint to hold better. You can do this with alcohol or any other means (I use nail polish remover). Next, we prime our bottle (I have cognac) with burnt umber acrylic paint using a sponge, gently “bumping” the entire surface:

We are waiting for the paint to dry, if the paint layer is thin, then you can cover the bottle again. The paint must be tight.

The next step is to apply texture paste, if there is none, then ordinary construction putty will do.

First, we apply putty at random ... we just spread it where we want, bw later we get a relief (like silt and all that).

I do not like all kinds of drawings on the bottles, and therefore I cover them with putty:

We try on our "treasures" to the resulting relief.

It can be various shells, pebbles, coins, beads, etc. and leave the putty to dry.

The next step is to apply crystal paste (or texture paste with glass beads, I think with sand or just coarse-grained paste will also work), on which we glue all our "treasures of the bottom of the sea", pressing them into the paste.

In some places we apply the paste on top of the "treasures", as if they had grown into the silt and lime growths on the bottle:

Again, we are waiting for the crystal paste to dry completely and begin to paint the resulting relief with the same burnt umber:

I did not try to thoroughly paint over the entire relief, because. this creates even additional volume and in any case it will still be covered with tinting.

Well, now we actually start toning. Using a sponge and ivory paint, we tint our bottle.

To do this, we collect a small amount of paint on a sponge, dry the sponge on a piece of paper and, with an almost dry sponge, we smack our relief:

It turned out so silty, overgrown limescale bottle.

In principle, it was possible to stop there, but I decided to decorate our old copy a little bit and just slightly gilded my bottle.

I tinted the stars, a coin and quite a bit walked over the relief:

By the way... don't forget to prime and tint the bottom of the bottle.

Well, that's all! We cover the whole thing with varnish, better matte, because. a bottle of sea water is unlikely to shine, but I didn’t have a matte one, so I had to cover it with a glossy aerosol varnish ... iii ... Here is the result.

Our beautiful bottle is ready! Straight from the bottom of the sea and on our holiday table!

In contact with


Due to the hot summer and the lack of holidays, dreams about the sea do not let go for a second. Dreaming of splashes of cool sea ​​water and a fresh breeze, proceeded to decorate the bottle in nautical style. In general, the most difficult thing in decorating bottles is to find a bottle suitable form. For example, I, a non-drinker, often stop at the alcohol department of a supermarket, looking at bottles and already coming up with images for them. But spending a lot of money on something that will eventually go down the drain ... pfft, thank you. None beautiful bottle with an unusual shape, this is not worth it. But to walk around friends, neighbors, and even go through the bushes, this is our method :) As a result of the search, I got a pot-bellied bottle, which was just asking for this master class.

In addition to the bottle, I needed a cork with a cap for the bottle, PVA glue, bandage, white napkins, a fragment of a decoupage napkin, brushes, acrylic paints, jute rope, Moment glue, masking tape, construction starting putty, acrylic varnish, glue gun, sandpaper , sand, shells, stones.

We clean the bottle of stickers and degrease with alcohol. Glued on one side front side to the glass is a fragment of a napkin with dolphins.

On the back of the bottle opposite the napkin motif with masking tape highlighted the window.

I decided to make it uneven, slightly beveled, reminiscent of a wave. I covered the entire bottle with turquoise acrylic paint.

I cut the bandage into rectangles of different widths and, dipping them in PVA, glued them to the bottle.

During gluing, I form large folds.

When the glue has dried, I glue the surface with white napkins so that the structure of the bandage does not shine through.

After the wipes have dried, I apply another layer of paint.

We approached the most responsible - modeling an octopus. I wanted him to wrap his tentacles around not only the bottle, but also its neck. Therefore, I pour sand with shells and stones inside, and in a moment I glue the cork with a cap to the bottle.

Did you know that an ordinary glass bottle can be turned into exclusive decoration interior? This does not require significant financial outlays or innate talents - make original accessory from improvised means everyone can. Let's see how you can decorate a bottle with your own hands.

For stylish decoupage bottles can fit anything: twine, ribbons, shells, leather, beads, salt, napkins, cereals and even egg shells - it all depends on your imagination and desire to create. You can decorate the bottles in Provence, Terra, Rustic, Country or Vintage style.

Using a large transparent glass bottle of sufficient volume, you can arrange even a small florarium in it

Do not rush to throw away glass bottles - they can become an excellent exclusive decor element.

Bottle decor options

  • Decoration of bottles from the inside. To do this, you need transparent bottles, preferably unusual shape, with a variety of depressions, notches and tubercles. You can decorate bottles with flowers, wax or cold porcelain.
  • Bottle decoration on the outside. Many ways of external decoration are suitable for decorating gift drinks - the bottle can be opened and its contents removed after the decoration is completed.

DIY bottle decor: painting from the inside

An easy way to add color to a grooved bottle body. Pour the paint of the desired shade into the vessel, shake the bottle, twist it under different angles and then fix upside down. Excess paint will flow out, and the first layer will dry. Repeat the procedure so that there are no unpainted fragments.

A little painting tutorial glass bottles from within

Salt bottle decor

Salt bottle decor is a fairly popular option, since it does not require a lot of money and time, but it allows you to show your imagination to the maximum.

Salt decoration - option number 1

Pour salt into a heat-resistant bowl, add acrylic paint and mix, kneading the resulting slurry with a fork. We put the mixture in the oven (100 degrees), after an hour we take it out, knead again with a fork and sift through a sieve. It turns out something similar to colored sand. We make several types of such "sands" - different colors.

Advice! To get interesting shades, mix several colors of paint before adding it to salt, kneading the resulting slurry with a fork.

We take a funnel and pour salt into a bottle, alternating colors. It is important that the bottle inside is completely dry. When the vessel is filled to the top, close the bottle with a cork and decorate it as desired.

Fall asleep colored salt in a bottle, you can use a paper or plastic funnel, as well as use a container with a dispenser

Bottles can be filled with sand and decorated with macrame elements

Salt decoration - option number 2

Now we will decorate the outside of the bottle. We remove the labels and wrap an elastic band at least 5 mm wide on the bottle body - in the form of a spiral or in random order.

Randomly wind the rubber bands around the bottles

Evenly cover the bottle with white paint, and after it dries, apply glue. We put a bottle smeared with glue on the salt scattered on paper and gently roll it. When the glue dries, remove the gum and get a bottle with patterns. You can dilute this bottle decor with sparkles and rhinestones. In this way, you can decorate bottles with semolina or other, more original things.

Vintage decoupage bottle

Unusually shaped bottles can be used as lamp shades

Decor of cereals and pasta

Decor of bottles with cereals - one more interesting option vessel decorations. The main stages of work: remove all labels and degrease the glass with alcohol. We apply glue to the bottle and create several layers with a border in the form of a wavy line - glue peas at the bottom, use rice, lentils, buckwheat and any other cereals above. From curly pasta(bows, shells, leaves, etc.) we create an ornament or a thematic drawing. We fix the pasta with glue on top of the layers of cereals, we also decorate the lid with pasta. We paint the resulting creation - here it is better to use spray paint with metallic effect.

Keeping shells as a reminder of carefree days on the beach is best in the form of interior items, jewelry and souvenirs. After all, they are so beautiful, completely free, natural and durable material. In this article you will find 50 inspiring photos, 8 ideas and as many step-by-step DIY shell crafts for beginners.

Basic instructions for preparing shells


Before you start making crafts from shells, you need to properly prepare them.

  • If the shells are “dead” and there are no remains of mollusks left in them, then they just need to be soaked in a solution of water and any chlorine-containing agent (for example, with bleach, “Duckling”, etc.) in a 1: 1 ratio for 30 minutes. If the shells are very dirty or you want to remove the dark outer layer (periostracum), then soak them longer. After soaking, brush the shells with a brush and rinse in clean water.
  • If the shells are "live", that is, they have the remains of mollusks (albeit long dead) and have bad smell they must be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, dip the shells in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then remove the remains of the mollusks with tongs, nail scissors, etc. There is a second way: heat the shells in the microwave for 30 seconds, then try to remove the remains with tongs. If unsuccessful, continue heating the shells in the microwave, checking the result every 10 seconds. Once all the remains have been removed, treat the sinks with chlorine according to the first instruction.

After processing, inspect the shells for chips and, if any, sand them with a sanding block, disc, or sandpaper. If desired, you can give them a shine with clear nail polish or furniture, as well as with oil or fat cream. True, in this case, before processing the shells with glue, the gluing points will have to be additionally degreased with alcohol.

Hole drilling

To make some types of shell crafts (for example, wind chimes, beads, bracelets and other jewelry), you need to drill a hole in them. This task is quite simple, the only difficulty is that the shells can crack or delaminate at the drilling site.

  • Therefore, remember the main rule: the thinner the shell, the smaller the hole should be in it and, accordingly, the thread / accessories of the decoration.

There are two ways to make holes in shells - manual and automated.

Method 1. Pick up a drill for a drill, screwdriver or straight grinder with a diameter of 0.8 - 2 mm. Place the shell on a wooden or plastic board and stick it on with masking tape. Drill a hole directly into the tape - it will not allow the shell to split or delaminate.

Method 2. If you do not have a screwdriver or drill, then you can make a hole in the sink with a carnation and a hammer. To do this, first glue the shell with masking tape, put it on inside shell mark, then attach a nail and gently tap it with a hammer a few times to make the initial hole. Next, expand the hole by moving the same nail back and forth inside it until you reach the desired diameter.

If neither a nail nor a hammer was at hand, then use an ordinary needle, nail scissors or a knife and “drill” the hole manually. The result will appear in about 10 minutes.

Idea 1. We encrust frames, frames and frames

Shells can be used to decorate the frame of a mirror, picture or photo frame. We present examples of such crafts in the following selection (scroll the photo to the right).

Today we offer you to decorate a frame for a mirror with shells, but by the same principle you can decorate any photo frame or picture frame.


  • Small, medium and large shells and, if desired, additional decorations (eg, starfish, pearls, skate figures, etc.).
  • Glue gun and a few sticks of glue or clear epoxy.
  • Newspaper or any unnecessary paper to protect the mirror from glue.
  • Masking or regular tape.


Step 1. Protect the mirror with paper by securing it with masking tape. At this stage, the frame can be painted if its original appearance does not suit you.

Step 2. Sort the shells by size to make it easier to create a future composition.

Step 3. First, glue the first row of small or medium shells (about the same size) around the mirror.

Step 4. Now start gluing the largest shells. Beforehand, you can play with the layout options and choose the best one. If you are using epoxy, then after all the parts are glued, leave the frame to dry overnight.

Idea 2. We make a Valentine panel

From the shell collection different forms and sizes, you can make a panel in the form of a valentine. However, you can cut out any other shape from cardboard / plywood, say, the same seahorse or a letter.


  • Glue gun or any strong adhesive;
  • Collection of river and sea shells;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Leg-split.


Step 1. Cut out the base for the heart-shaped panel from cardboard.

Step 2. Use a knife or awl to make two holes for the twine.

Step 3. Start gluing the shells, trying to leave minimal gaps between them. Leave the loop holes open.

Step 4. Cut the twine to the desired length, thread the two ends of the rope through the holes from the inside of the panel and tie into double knots.

In the next video, you can see a visual master class on making crafts from shells with your own hands in the form of a valentine panel.

Below are other ideas for creating a panel of shells.

Idea 3. "Write" a picture on canvas

And here is another idea for creating a wall craft from shells.


  • Canvas on a stretcher;
  • Shells;
  • Glue gun or other strong adhesive, for example, "Moment";
  • Template or stencil of the desired design, printed on paper;
  • Acrylic paint for background (optional)
  • Brush (optional)


  1. If you want to repeat the idea of ​​​​the painting of this master class, then first create a background for the composition of shells. To do this, use a brush and acrylic paint of the desired color. Wait for the background to dry before moving on to the next step.
  2. Fix the template or stencil to the canvas with masking tape, and then trace its outlines with a pencil.
  3. Start gluing the shells on the drawing without going beyond its borders.

Idea 4. We cook candles for mini-candlesticks

Shells are almost finished miniature candlesticks that are just waiting to be supplemented with paraffin wax and a wick. You can use the resulting candles for a romantic picnic or just to decorate the interior.


  1. Sea or large river shells;
  2. Small round candles in tin molds;
  3. Water and a saucepan for a water bath;
  4. PVA glue or Double-sided tape.


Step 1. Remove the candle itself from the tin container, and then remove the wick from it by pulling the metal base at the bottom of the candle (see photo). Set aside the wicks and return the candles to their molds.

Step 2. Glue each wick on double-sided tape or PVA glue in the center of the shell.

Step 3. Now we need to melt the paraffin to completely liquid state. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, then lower the heat so that the water stops boiling, and lower the molds into it.
  2. Put the candles on the stove, heated to the minimum heat, and make sure that the paraffin does not burn.
  3. Warm up the wax with a hair dryer.

Step 4. As soon as the paraffin is melted, remove the molds from the heat and proceed to filling the shells. It is best to use any tongs or a pair for this. chinese chopsticks. Remember to protect the table surface with newspaper beforehand.

  • If the shells are already too unstable, and you are afraid that the paraffin will harden unevenly, then it is better to spread the candles into the cells of the egg packaging or fix, for example, with soft plasticine that does not leave marks.

After about 20 minutes, the paraffin will completely harden, and you can enjoy the light of candles from shells.

Idea 5. Making a marine-style topiary

Topiary is a small ornament in the form of a tree in a pot. You can learn the principles of making topiary from shells with your own hands or from the following video lesson.

And in this selection of photos you can get ideas for decorating a topiary from shells with your own hands in a traditional way. round shape or in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Idea 6. We make a flower candlestick

If you have enough bivalve shells, you can make them into flowers.

Today we propose to make just such a craft from mussel shells.


  • Shells of bivalves;
  • Any round base of small diameter;
  • Glue gun;
  • PVA glue (optional)
  • Glitter (optional)


Step 1. Prepare the shells - wash them with soap, remove the remains of organic matter and, if desired, bleach them with chlorine-containing products (see instructions at the beginning of the article).

Step 2. Paint the round base of the candlestick in any neutral color, for example, white.

Step 3. While the base dries, sort your sink set by size.

Step 4. Start gluing 1 row of shells on the sides of the base with hot glue.

Step 5. When the first row dries a little, start creating the second row, placing each new shell overlapping the previous one and so that it is between the two shells of the first row. As a result, you will have a layout of two rows of shells in a checkerboard pattern, as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Glue the third and all subsequent rows according to the same principle, but not on the base, but on the joints of the shells of the previous row (the place is marked with an arrow in the photo below).

Step 7. When you glue the last row, inspect the candlestick and add one or two more rows where you think it is needed.

Step 8. Hooray, the shell candle holder is ready! If desired, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles. For this you need to do the following:

  • Treat the shells with PVA glue inside or only around the edges.
  • Sprinkle glitter generously on the craft, let the glue dry, and then shake off the excess.

Idea 7. Create wind music

Shells are an ideal material for making wind chimes, because the “chime” of such sea bells is very pleasant to the ear.


  • Twine, fishing line or any thread.
  • Twig or wooden stick.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot glue gun or tool for drilling small holes (drill with a 2 mm drill or just a needle and nail scissors).
  • Shells.


Step 1. If you want the shells to be tied to the threads, then first drill holes in them (see photo). basic instruction at the beginning of the article). If you do not have a tool, and you are satisfied adhesive method fastening, then immediately proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Tie a twine to the branch as shown in the photo, measure about 7 cm from it and cut off the excess.

  • If you use shells with holes, then the twine must be cut immediately to the desired length with a margin for knots.

Step 3. Glue the shell to the twine with a drop of hot glue. Then glue another 7 cm string of twine to the other end of the shell. Continue working until you are satisfied with the length of the first row.

  • Shells with holes can be tied to a thread in at least two ways: by tying knots around the holes or under them (the knot must be larger than the hole).

Step 4. Continue hanging threads with shells to the desired number. In doing so, you can play with the length of the rows to form, say, an arch or ladder. In this case, the wind chime has alternating short and long strands.

Step 5. When the product is ready, tie another piece of twine at both ends of the branch.

Following the principles of this master class, but replacing the branch with a hoop or adding shells starfish, beads, feathers and other decorations, you can create more whimsical designs of wind music.

Idea 8. Making a cowrie shell bracelet

If you have at least one cowrie shell, then you can make a boho-style bracelet for an arm or leg out of it. You can buy all the accessories for such decoration in needlework stores or in large sewing stores.


  • One cowrie shell;
  • 1 m silk lace;
  • Half skein of floss in a contrasting color;
  • Beads (in this master class, copper beads from an old bracelet are used);
  • A pair of crimp ends with loops (intended for cords and making bracelets);
  • Fastener for jewelry (in the form of a ring or carbine);
  • Fastener ring (detachable);
  • Scissors;
  • Pliers.


Step 1. Drill a small hole on both ends of the cowrie (see the basic instructions at the beginning of the article).

Step 2. Cut about 15 cm from the skein of silk lace and set this piece aside for a while.

Step 3 Pass the silk cord about half way through one hole in the shell and tie a knot.

Step 4 Pass the other end of the cord through the middle of the shell and tie a knot at the second hole.

Step 5. Cut a few threads of floss, collect them and fold the resulting bundle around the silk cord next to the shell as shown in the photo.

Step 6. Take a short piece of lace, wrap it tightly around the top of the folded floss, tie a knot and cut off the excess. You will get a brush. Fluff it and trim with scissors if necessary.

Step 7. Start stringing beads on both ends of the bracelet. After the desired length is reached, bend the ends of the cords in half and put the resulting ends into the crimp ends.

Step 8. Use pliers to pinch the ends of the bracelet, and then cut off the excess cord.

Step 9 Using pliers, attach the ring to one end and the clasp to the other. Your shell bracelet is ready!

20 average rating: 4,50 out of 5)

The master class was held by Elena Norshakevich.

Memories of summer... Probably, they come to every person in winter. We invite you to plunge into summer by creating this unusual gift bottle.

Bottle for decoration;
Primer adhesive (for smooth surfaces- glass, plastic, metal);
Artistic primer;
Acrylic paints;
Acrylic varnish;
White acrylic putty;
PVA glue;
"Liquid Nails";
Nail polish remover, dishwashing liquid, glass cleaner, alcohol, vodka (something to choose from for degreasing glass);
Elements for decoration, for example: shells, a chain, buckwheat groats (or beads of various shapes and sizes), twine (sesame thread);
Napkin with a three-layer pattern;
Printing a picture on a laser printer;
Brushes, toothpick, sandpaper "zero" (the smallest), scissors, narrow and wide adhesive tape;
Polyurethane pressure roller with handle (usually used when wallpapering);
Sponge for washing dishes (new);
Empty plastic bottles with a spout (from hair dye, glue or other materials), washed clean.

Soak the bottle in water room temperature to remove labels. We remove the labels, wipe the bottle dry. Apply any degreaser to the bottle, wipe thoroughly, dry.

In this case, it is important that it is clear which drink is in the bottle. Therefore, the cover with the inscriptions will not be touched. To avoid soiling the lid with primer, bottom edge We glue the lids with narrow stationery tape.
We cut off about 1/4 part from the sponge for washing dishes and, with plugging movements, evenly apply a primer to the bottle with a sponge, without painting over the neck and bottom. We leave to dry. When the bottle is completely dry, prime the bottom and dry again. We remove the adhesive tape (Fig. 1).

Cut out the picture. We thin it with a wide adhesive tape. To do this, glue the adhesive tape on the back of the picture (with overlapping strips), smooth it and press it well. Then we carefully remove the adhesive tape - it will be removed together with it and thin layer white paper.

Apply PVA glue to desired area bottles and on the picture on the reverse side, glue the picture and roll it with a roller. So the glue is evenly distributed and no air bubbles form between the picture and the bottle. Leave until completely dry (Fig. 2).


As planned, there will be a volumetric anchor on the back of the bottle. First you need to mark the drawing with a pencil. Then we dilute the putty a little with water to such a state that it is squeezed out of the bottles, but does not spread. We fill the bottles (one has a thicker nose, the other has a narrower one). To determine the desired consistency of putty, you can draw a pattern on paper and wait for drying (Fig. 3).

We apply the anchor pattern with putty. The whole anchor is from a bottle with a thicker spout, and the tip at the ends is with a thin one. When the anchor is completely dry, adjust its shape and smoothness with a toothpick. Holding it at a slight angle to the drawing, carefully remove the bumps. It is possible to polish the anchor with weak pressure with a “zero” sandpaper (Fig. 4).


With a pistol with liquid nails» glue decorative elements- a chain, shells, groats or beads. We cover the chain with the same primer that was used for the bottle (Fig. 5.6). Leave until completely dry.



We make the main background putty. To do this, with a small hard brush, we collect putty and strokes in different direction put on the bottle. You can give the desired texture with the same toothpick. Leave until completely dry. If necessary, carefully sand with sandpaper “zero” (Fig. 7).


We apply artistic primer to the bottle, painting over all the recesses and details.

Mixing paint for the main background. We thoroughly paint over the entire bottle, except for the neck. After drying, we check that there are no unpainted areas left (Fig. 8).


In the paint mixed for the main background, add white paint. We highlight the convex elements of the bottle with the resulting tone. It is better to do this with a dry brush, we pick up a little paint (Fig. 9).


If a little paint got on the neck during work, remove it with a damp cotton swab. We cover the dried bottle with varnish in one layer. So it will become clearer - whether the details have enough volume.

For the best effect, add shades to the recesses on the shells and on the main background - green or blue paint, diluted with water almost to a watercolor state. The main thing is moderation. We cover the dried bottle with varnish in several layers with complete intermediate drying. More layers of varnish can be applied to the picture than to the entire bottle - for more shine and gloss.

The final stage of work is decorating the neck. To do this, you need a napkin of a suitable color and sesame thread. Cut out a circle from a paper towel right size, remove the two lower white layers. We place the napkin on top of the lid and, making neat folds, press it to the neck of the bottle, tie it with a thread. The bottle is ready!