home · Other · Installation of the hob. How to install a hob into a countertop with your own hands. Correct installation: steps

Installation of the hob. How to install a hob into a countertop with your own hands. Correct installation: steps

This step-by-step instruction on how to cut a hole in a countertop made of chipboard or MDF for a hob with your own hands. When you probably need to know how to cut holes in chipboard or MDF countertops if you are installing a sink or cooktop. This task may seem simple, but we can assure you that there are many nuances that need to be taken into account for a good result.

On the one hand, you must carefully follow the outline of the gas stove using a template or follow the instructions indicated on the product. In most cases, there are certain restrictions that you must pay attention to, such as the minimum distance from the stove to the back panel or on both sides, to. Use a large L-shaped square to draw a rectangle on your workbench, otherwise the corners will not be at right angles.

To get an accurate hole you should use good saw with matching blade. Therefore, the blade must have teeth oriented downward, otherwise it will split the surface. Drill starting holes along the four corners of the rectangle using a drill or (the hole should be wider than the size of the jigsaw blade).

Work plan for installing the hob into the countertop


  • table top;
  • carpenter's pencil;
  • insulating tape.


  1. Protective gloves, safety glasses;
  2. Saw or jigsaw;
  3. Tape measure, level, square;
  4. C-clamps.
  • Wear safety glasses when making cuts.
  • Choose a blade with fine teeth.


  • 10 minutes

When installing hob gas stove or you must cut holes in the countertop.

Tip: Follow the manufacturer's instructions when cutting a hole in your kitchen countertop if you want to prevent potential problems.

How to cut a hole in a countertop for a hob

Marking guide lines

The first step is to determine the outline of the slab. In most cases, it should contain instructions on how to do this, but there is a technique that only provides recommended hole sizes. Place the hob on top of the cabinets. Leave the recommended distance from the back panel to the front edge of the tabletop.

Draw a median on the countertop and mark the cut lines using the manufacturer's instructions.

Marking the countertop for the hole for the stove

As you can see in the picture, you need an L-square, a tape measure, and a carpenter's pencil to get the job done professionally. Make sure the cut lines are parallel and at right angles. In addition, the rectangle must be symmetrical.

Tip: Check that the rectangle underneath is positioned correctly. kitchen cabinet, in which the hood will be built, and there is sufficient space around it (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions).

Installing spacers under the countertop

To get an accurate result, you should place several spacers under the tabletop. However, the tabletop must be level.

You should leave about 5 centimeters free space between the cabinets and the countertop, otherwise the saw blade may damage them.

Making initial holes for drilling

Use a drill with a special bit to create starting holes along the corners. It is very important to line up the bits correctly, otherwise you may drill out of line.

Tip: Make sure you use good equipment for drilling with speed control. Place the drill on low speeds and hold the drill with both hands if you want to have good control over it. Repeat the process for each corner of the rectangle.

Passing the laminated layer

In this image you should notice that the drill goes through upper layer. Do not use too much pressure on the drilling equipment, otherwise it may slip out of place.

We remove residues from the process with a vacuum cleaner

Drilling a hole in a countertop with a drill will create a lot of residue, so we recommend that you have someone clean it up as you make the hole.

Tip: Work with great care and attention as it is important to make the holes exactly in the indicated places.

Initial holes for cutting in the tabletop

After drilling the corner pilot holes, you need to make cuts along the guide lines. If you are not experienced in this area, you should cover the cut lines with masking tape. This way you will help prevent the edges from fraying.

Cutting a hole in a tabletop with a jigsaw

To make the cuts, we recommend that you use a jigsaw. Choose a blade with downward-facing teeth. In addition, the blade must have set teeth. If you have not worked with a jigsaw before, we recommend that you secure the tabletop. Make sure the blade follows the cut lines exactly.

Tip: Remove chips that form frequently, otherwise they may cover the lines. Set the jigsaw at low speeds.

Finished hole in the countertop for the stove

Last but not least, you need to take care of installing the hob into the countertop yourself. If you followed our tips and read the manufacturer's instructions, the hob should fit into the hole easily. However, if the edges are not completely straight, you can smooth them with silicone or caulk.

Tip: Use sandpaper to smooth the cutting edges.

Installing the hob into the countertop

After this, all you have to do is install the hob into the countertop, connect it and secure it with the screws that should come with it.

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Built-in household appliances give the kitchen unit an aesthetic appearance appearance, therefore extremely popular among buyers. Electrical and gas stoves not only save space in the kitchen, but are also highly functional. But how to install a hob into a countertop? Today we will tell you about this in detail.

Step-by-step instructions for inserting a built-in slab

Installation of a built-in gas or electric stove is carried out in accordance with the instructions. It is not particularly difficult, but it requires knowledge of several points, which allows the whole process to be carried out not only efficiently, but also quickly.

Before inserting the slab, it is important to determine its exact dimensions, which are indicated in the diagram in the instructions. The length and width of the device are measured using a tape measure according to outer edges, to reduce the likelihood of error, it is recommended to re-measure.

Note! The diagram in the instructions for the equipment shows the minimum values ​​of indentations that need to be left from the edges of the tabletop. It is not recommended to reduce them; it can only be changed upward, since a very narrow edge of the table can break over time.

In accordance with the dimensions of the purchased gas or electric panel, you need to make markings on the countertop. It is important to draw all the lines extremely carefully, since any inaccuracies and distortions will be impossible to correct in the future. When marking on surfaces dark shades or with smooth texture To limit them and improve visibility, you can use paper tape.

After marking, you will need to embed the hob into the countertop:

  • Initially, a hole is drilled in the place where the cut will be made;
  • Cutting can be done using a jigsaw, and to reduce the roughness of the resulting cuts, it is recommended to use a file with fine teeth. Alternative optionmanual frezer(the corners of the cut are rounded using a radius cutter, and the resulting edges are additionally polished). If you don’t have a jigsaw or router, you can cut the mounting hole using conventional drill, this will require drilling a large number of holes on the inside of the marking;
  • Sawdust is removed from work surfaces using a construction or household vacuum cleaner.

Note! To ensure that the cut piece of the tabletop does not damage furniture set a stool or sheets of chipboard should be placed under it.

How to secure the hob to the countertop?

It is important not only to install it correctly, but also to install it correctly. After cutting the hole in the kitchen set, you need to secure the hob to the countertop. It is first necessary to “try on” the equipment in order to make sure that the dimensions of the mounting hole correspond to the dimensions of the equipment.

After grinding, all cuts are compacted silicone sealant, which will prevent the material from getting wet and swelling, and dirt and food debris getting inside. Along with silicone sealant, a self-adhesive seal can be used, which is fixed on the edge of the cut, and an aluminum tape that protects it from temperature changes.

The hob looks very beautiful and modern in the kitchen. So, you bought a hob. Now how to embed the hob into the countertop with your own hands? Is it possible to do this yourself and what are the subtleties and recommendations in this matter?

So, you decided to save money and install the hob yourself and not call a furniture assembler, then this article is for you!

Installing a hob is not that difficult, but, as in any business, there are some subtleties. The most important thing to have on hand necessary tool, desire and not a lot of patience.

Modern hobs can be dependent (i.e. installation hob made only in combination with a dependent oven) or independent (in this case, the connection of an independent hob is made autonomously).

Dependent hob connects through the oven, and both components are controlled using a touch panel or conventional controls located on the surface. The dependent hob is located above the oven, as in the design of a conventional kitchen stove.

Independent hob can be installed anywhere at the client’s request, the main thing is that it does not violate the basic rules for installing hobs.

Hobs are also divided according to heating method into: gas and electric.

Gas hob

When purchasing a gas hob, when self-installation, you need to carefully check the correctness of all connections, as this is dangerous for your life, so it is better to call a specialist who can connect your hob to natural gas. There are situations when it is impossible to install a hob because the gas pipe runs too far from the wall and, as a result, the size of the countertop and hob will not allow you to do this. Consider this.

Electric hob

With an electric hob, everything is much simpler; just follow the rules of electrical safety and caution when working with electrical appliances. When purchasing a hob, you should carefully consider the dimensions of the hob itself.

Installing the hob

What tools are needed to install the hob? You won’t need a lot of tools, namely:

  • drill or drill-driver;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • measuring angle;
  • a pair of adjustable wrenches;
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers.

This is the tool needed to cut in and install the hob.

The installation of the hob can be divided into several individual species works

First– this is the implementation of the correct insertion of the hob into the countertop.

Second– what you need to do, actually connecting the hob to gas or electricity.

And so let's get started. The first step is always to read the documentation that comes with the hob. There are always approximate instructions and a diagram of the insert for the hob. Based on the dimensions of the hob recommended by the manufacturer, you will need to make a cut in the countertop. Although manufacturers provide cutting instructions in the hob documentation, their accuracy should still be checked.

To embed the hob into kitchen countertop, you need to apply markings along which the technological hole will be cut.

Typically, the hob is embedded above a special work table, into which the oven will then be installed.

Where the hob will be installed, from the edge of the tabletop, which is adjacent to the wall, measure from 50 to 75 mm. The manufacturer recommends a standard of 50 mm, but in some cases this is not possible, since either a gas pipe passes through, or this is the wish of the owners. In this case, we measure and put marks in two and draw a solid line along them with a pencil, along this line the tabletop will be cut. Once again we check the distance from the edge of the tabletop to the line in several places, guided by the expression measure seven times, cut once!

Now that we have the first line, we can begin further marking the surface. Of course, there are so many craftsmen, there are so many ways, but I usually do this: I put a ruler at the bottom of the tabletop along the wall and draw a line on the edge of the tabletop on one side and then on the other, then I continue it with the help of a measuring angle, so that it goes to top part table tops, so I know exactly the edges of the inner walls of the work table.

Then, using the same corner, I draw these lines until they intersect with the first line. I check the intersection angle between these lines, it should be 90 degrees. After this, from the first line along these lines you need to measure a distance equal to 490 mm and put marks along which we will draw a line parallel to the first.

But that's not all, since we only marked two along which the saw will go. Now we measure the distance between the lines that we drew from below; it may differ in size, but it is approximately equal to 576 mm, and our width should be equal to 560 mm. Now subtract 560 from 576 and divide the resulting value in half. It turns out that on each side you need to step back 8 mm inwards and draw a line on each side.

Now the outline along which we will cut is ready. Once again we check all the dimensions for compliance, check the diagonals, they must be the same. We drill holes in the corners so that the jigsaw file can pass through them freely.

Connecting the hob

Once everything is done, you can connect the electric cooktop to electricity. To do this, use a wire for single-phase current- three cores of four square millimeters each. For this, a PVS 3 x 4 cable and a special 32A socket are used. Most apartments have one phase, so it is necessary to install jumpers according to the diagram below. For three-phase, use a 5 x 2.5 mm² wire.

Embedding technology gas surface the same, but in addition to the wire, it is necessary to ensure that the gas hose is sealed.

Installing a hob into a countertop: 6 steps

You can install the hob yourself if you first read the instructions Many years ago kitchen sets We couldn’t imagine the possibility of installing a hob in them. Today this is a common phenomenon, which allows you to save space in the kitchen, and also makes cooking more convenient and comfortable. You can install the hob into the countertop yourself. The main thing is to correctly determine the sequence of actions and follow it. It is very important to correctly determine the dimensions of the future opening.

DIY hob installation

Modern technologies do not stand still. Today it has become possible to integrate hobs into kitchen units, which has a qualitative effect on the interior of the kitchen and its functionality. The insertion of the hob will not be noticeable for a long time.

You can read more about the features of electric hobs in the article “3 types of hobs”.

The first step is to make a marking on the countertop that will correspond to the dimensions of the hob.

A hole must be drilled next to each side of the niche, the diameter of each should be from 8 to 10 mm. The next step is to cut out a niche and treat its interior with silicone. The tabletop is installed on the lower level of the set. Inner part The panels are secured with double-sided tape or a little plasticine. The table top is coated with silicone.

In order to properly install the hob, you should follow the step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step installation:

  1. The tabletop is laid on bottom part headset. If the walls are uneven, the tabletop will need to be trimmed. And if they pass through it gas pipes, special holes must be made for them. The countertop should be ready to be installed down the kitchen.
  2. Inside the box in which the hob will be installed, it is necessary to make markings. To do this, you can simply make pencil marks that will help you make further markings.
  3. The table top is laid front side down, and on the reverse side they make markings for future insertion.
  4. In each proposed cut, you need to make small holes so that you can work with a jigsaw.
  5. Carefully cut out the niche using a jigsaw.
  6. You need to make sure that the tabletop does not sway under its own weight. It is better to carefully support it during the cutting process.

The inside of the cut is treated with silicone. After installing the panel, you can additionally coat it with silicone and outside. This is done in order to create an additional water barrier, since the fasteners may not be sufficiently pressed against the tabletop.

A gas hob must be chosen very responsibly, because it must last long years. After the choice is made, the panel must be installed so that it is convenient and safe to use. You can install the panel yourself, but you should not do this if you are not confident in your abilities. In any case, you can contact a specialist for help.

When installing yourself, it is important to prepare everything necessary materials: panel, measuring instruments, pencils, sealant, adjustable wrench, saw, gas winding, steel hose.

All work involving gas is unsafe. It is best to carry out the installation together with a specialist or person who thoroughly knows the entire installation process. One of the most important stages installation - hose selection.

If you need to install a gas hob, it is better to seek help from specialists

Tips for choosing a hose:

  • Check the hose for damage. There should not be a single defect on the hose.
  • The hose must be certified. When purchasing, you should ask the seller to present all documents for the goods.
  • The hose can be corrugated metal or rubber.

When installing the panel, you need to pay attention to calculating the dimensions Special attention. Sometimes, included with the hob, you can find a template that needs to be used in order to correctly cut the countertop. It is important to remember that water should not get on the surface of the panel. Gas countertop must be placed on safe distance from furniture and textiles.

How to properly install a hob into a countertop

A built-in electric stove is a very convenient device to install in the kitchen. It works as efficiently as a stationary stove, but does not take up as much space. You can install such a panel quickly and easily, without the help of specialists. The surface can be combined with an oven, which will make cooking even more convenient.

If the master conducts do-it-yourself repair not the first time, then installing the hob will not cause difficulties.

Before installing the panel, you need to correctly cut the hole in the countertop. To make installation easier, manufacturers indicate required dimensions in the instructions for the device. Preliminary marking greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation process.

Before installing the hob, special markings must be made on the countertop

Installation steps:

  • You need to make markings on the countertop that will correspond to the dimensions of the panel.
  • Using an electric jigsaw, you need to make a cutout in the tabletop. To get started, you need to drill a small hole for the jigsaw. The cut will be even if you use a jigsaw file with small teeth.
  • Dimensions hob should line up with the cut hole. Sections must be treated with sealant or nitro varnish. Sealing self-adhesive tape can be used for processing.

The electric tabletop is connected based on the diagram. It can be found on the back of the panel. It is important to connect the wires correctly in order to be able to regulate the activation of the burners and their temperature.

What to pay attention to: attaching the hob to the countertop

The hob installation process is simple, but requires careful preliminary preparation. The first step is to choose the right hob, check its passport data, prepare the tools and decide on the installation location. Installation of gas cooking and electrical surface practically no different.

You need to attach the panel to the tabletop, in which you need to make a corresponding cutout.

It should be noted that to install the electrical panel you will also need to install electrical outlet. For a gas panel, you need to take care of the gas communication. The built-in panel must be installed so that the maximum gap between it and the tabletop is 1-2 mm.

When installing the hob, special attention will need to be paid to its attachment to the countertop.

What to pay attention to:

  • Correctly measure the dimensions of the panel and transfer them to the cutout in the tabletop.
  • Cut out the required segment in the tabletop in order to perform the installation correctly.
  • Treat the table top special materials, which will protect it from the effects of external negative factors.
  • Recess the panel into the cutout.

It is important to remember that the mortise panel should not be forced into the gap. If there is any play, the position of the tabletop must be aligned, focusing on the front edge. Fastening the seal over the entire surface of the tabletop will prevent contamination of the panel.

Hob seal

A sealing gasket must be attached to the hob. If the panel is removed after some time of use, you may notice that the seal will be covered in dirt and grease. The gasket requires replacement from time to time.

If there is a gap between the panel and the countertop, then the plate can be fixed in the plane, but this must be done so that debris does not fall into the vertical gap.

You can buy a special tape, or you can use a glass sealant. The table and cutout can be pre-treated with clear sealant. Remaining sealant must be wiped off or carefully removed with a spatula.

Many people prefer to use sealing tape because it is safe and environmentally friendly

Advantages of sealing tape:

  • Reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Environmental friendliness.

Bosch seals are known for their high quality. Simply installing the panel is not enough. It must be protected from moisture, grease and debris. If the panel is installed in a large opening and a gap forms, then tape and treating the gaps with sealant will help save the situation.

Installing a hob into a countertop (video)

The built-in hob is a convenient device that saves space in the kitchen and provides comfortable cooking. The rules for installing the panel are simple, so you can install it yourself. It is possible to embed a panel efficiently only when the dimensions of the panel are measured correctly. After cutting a hole in the countertop, it must be well treated with sealant to protect the panel from water and dirt. All actions must be gradual and coordinated.

Similar materials

Have you decided to completely change the interior of your kitchen and make the room more functional, beautiful and modern? It is necessary to approach this process with maximum responsibility and understanding. Replacing the headset is only half the battle. Today it is impossible to imagine a kitchen without modern, high-tech household appliances, which is able to make the housewife’s work easier. Installing a hob only at first glance seems like a simple task that anyone can easily handle. The slightest mistake can ruin complex, expensive equipment and nullify your efforts. Therefore, it is best to enlist the support of professionals.

Installing the hob: the first step is marking.

It is necessary to understand that without correct marking it is impossible to install the equipment efficiently and reliably. We can say with absolute certainty that poor-quality markings can negate all your efforts to modernize the premises. It guarantees that all holes made subsequently will exactly correspond to the required parameters and ensure high-quality work. Any countertop costs a lot, so the slightest inaccuracy will certainly become a prerequisite for additional financial investments.

Buying a new countertop, especially if it was made from valuable species wood, will result in significant costs. Installation of a hob - the price of services always depends on many factors and requires the involvement of professionals. People often go the most in a simple way and trace the panel laid on the tabletop with a pencil, and make the holes by eye. Professionals never do this. Accurate measurement of all parameters and impeccable marking of each position down to the millimeter will ensure the ideal appearance and reliable operation of the new equipment. The stages of high-quality and correct marking include several steps.

Transfer the interior space of the cabinet to the surface of the countertop. To do this, use a marker or soft pencil to draw parallel lines that exactly correspond to the boundaries internal partitions. You should get a perfect rectangle. By connecting the corners, we find the exact center in which the cross is drawn. One line should be parallel to the front and back lines, and the other should be parallel to the side lines. It is best to use a construction square for this.

Having drawn your coordinate system, you need to transfer the dimensions of the embedded panel elements onto it with the utmost care. It is necessary to make holes with a small margin, which will help to accurately center the device. After marking and checking their exact correspondence to the original data, we draw parallel lines, which, after connecting them, will be the hole into which, after cutting, the hob will exactly fit.

It is important! In order for the hole to be perfectly straight and not extend beyond the edges of the equipment being mounted, you need to mark it slowly, using high-quality tools. You need to cut the hole with an electric jigsaw, which makes it possible to make an even and high-quality cut.

In order for the installation to go perfectly, it is necessary to perform all the work efficiently.

To cut holes of a given size in the tabletop monolith, you can use an electric jigsaw, drill or hand-held milling machine. Our specialists have everything at their disposal necessary equipment and guarantee high quality ongoing work.

By the way! In order to cut a mounting hole using a drill, you need to stock up on several drills with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters and, following the contour of the marking, drill as many holes as possible with minimum distance from each other. After this, using the same drill, all the holes are gradually connected. The main thing is to work along the internal contour of the marking. To prevent the cut piece from damaging the floor, place a stool or cardboard box in this place.

Using a jigsaw, you can get the desired hole much faster with impeccably even and smooth edges. However, you won’t be able to do without a drill, since you need to make the first hole where you can insert the tool’s file. A special stock and built-in ruler will help you complete the job flawlessly and quickly. You just need to make sure that the fallen piece does not damage the floor.

It is best to use a milling machine. It is ideal for such work, but only a well-trained specialist who knows how to work with such a tool can use it. Having made a hole, before installing the hob, take care of high-quality waterproofing. During operation, steam and water will inevitably destroy the countertop. It is best to use silicone for protection. It is easy to apply, flexible and long-term use does not lose its properties.

Steps for securing and connecting equipment when installing a hob.

Simple instructions on the sequence of work performed will help to get a complete understanding of how installation should be carried out so that the equipment can be operated long time no additional repair costs.

You need to immediately connect the gas hose, since this will be quite difficult to do later. It is necessary to install a paranitic washer in the union nut. After this, securely screw it to the existing pipe. It can be found at the bottom of the hob. In order for the connection to be as reliable as possible, the paranit should be lubricated with graphite grease or grease.

It is necessary to seal the entire perimeter of the cut hole with sealing tape. It is included in the set of equipment purchased in the store. It is necessary to glue the surface of the tabletop with a continuous layer. When turning, we simply bend the tape without tearing it. Self-adhesive tape will stick tightly to in the right place. You only need to gradually remove the protective paper layer. It is best to make a slight overlap at the joint so that there is no gap.

The hob is installed tightly in the cut-out hole and centered so that front side looked perfect, without distortions. Then, from the inside, four special plates are screwed into the corners with self-tapping screws. They provide a tight connection between the equipment and the countertop. You need to tighten the screws as tightly as possible, but be careful not to strip the threads.

Connection to the gas distribution system.

It must be remembered that any work related to installation gas equipment, are carried out exclusively by representatives gas services. Otherwise, fines cannot be avoided. Even replacing a regular faucet requires turning off the gas supply in the riser and then testing and obtaining special permission for use. We take care of all technical and organizational issues and guarantee that all work will be carried out in strict accordance with safety requirements.

Electrical connection.

We install a hob in Moscow or the region in strict accordance with existing technological standards. A moisture-resistant outlet must be used to provide power to the panel. It is mounted in advance on the inside of the headset. It is best to entrust the connection of complex equipment to professionals. This will help avoid accidents and malfunctions.

Installing a hob, the price of which can be quite significant, requires high professionalism and experience. We can give a full guarantee that after completion of the work you will not have to think about repairs in the near future. If the wiring in your home does not seem secure, it is best to install automatic system protection, which will prevent electric shock during a short circuit.

Installing a hob inexpensively by our craftsmen will help you quickly realize your dreams and completely transform your kitchen, making it more modern, comfortable and beautiful. Contact us, we are always happy to help. Call us by phone or leave a request on the website and we will provide necessary help without delay.