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Digital cable television. Terrestrial, satellite or cable television

Television broadcasting can be distributed in different ways. In one case, it is broadcast by high-frequency signals transmitted to the consumer through a laid cable. This is how cable TV differs from terrestrial and satellite television broadcasting.

The VIP TV company provides services for laying cables and selling television packages from various operators. Despite the development wireless technologies, cable TV still has big number advantages due to which it will be popular for many years to come.

The cable television broadcasting system is constructed as follows. There are satellites above the equator that spread television signal. It is accepted by the powerful satellite dishes, which are usually located on the roofs of city buildings. This signal is retransmitted via optical fiber and then delivered to end consumers via coaxial cable. To connect cable TV, just run the cable into your home and plug it into the TV connector.

In this regard, let us note several advantages of television, which comes to our homes and apartments via cable. Digital cable TV- a technology that appeared in connection with the objective shortcomings of previously widespread terrestrial television broadcasting. With the growth of cities, especially Moscow, the main drawback of the on-air model became more and more apparent - the property of the television signal to be reflected from any objects. Obstacles included buildings and structures, trees, vehicles, and even heavy precipitation or falling leaves. The transition to a digital cable television model has freed millions of viewers from annoying interference and distortion in sound and video.

Cable TV also has significant advantages over the satellite model of television broadcasting. The most noticeable thing is the minimum price for connecting via cable. When setting up a satellite television signal reception system, you need to purchase an antenna (dish), a bracket for mounting it, a converter, a receiver and other elements. To connect digital cable television, you just need to run a wire into the apartment. In this case, you save yourself from both the costs of equipment and the problems with its installation and configuration. Simply connect the cable to the appropriate connector on the TV. In addition, the variety of TV channels that cable provides cannot be achieved through the use of a single antenna. To watch all the same programs, you need to connect several multidirectional satellite dishes.

It should be noted other advantages of cable television over satellite:

  • eliminates the risk of breakdown or theft of expensive equipment
  • Disruptions in cable television broadcasting occur rarely and are eliminated within as soon as possible
  • You can connect any number of TVs to the cable, and viewing channels will be independent
  • cable television makes it possible to watch television channels that are not available on simple satellite dishes

Hundreds of different TV channels are distributed through digital cable television, which most actively covers the urban (and therefore the most advanced and solvent) population. In addition to publicly available federal channels, viewers with a minimum subscription fee have the opportunity to watch many thematic programs dedicated to sports, films, recreation, music, nature, family issues, children, and so on. The list of topics covered by cable TV channels is huge, and it is constantly growing. The high noise immunity of the cable, which we have already identified as one of the main advantages of cable television broadcasting, allows us to convey all this diversity to the end consumer with high image quality and stereo sound.


If you have problems with quality m of the image, then you need to first of all find out the reason. Perhaps your TV settings have gone wrong (check all the settings in the menu, using the instructions, try to change something). If this does not improve the image, check the antenna. First, at the point where it is connected to the TV, check whether the plug is connected well. Try removing it and reinserting it into the socket.

If you have an outdoor antenna or satellite dish, check them, maybe they have simply been damaged by strong wind, changed position. Try turning the antenna in different directions and fix it at the moment when the signal is strongest. Also make sure that there are no obstacles in the signal path (roofs of neighboring houses, trees, etc.). If you do not have a satellite dish, but a regular antenna, try installing it higher.

You can try an antenna amplifier; to purchase it you will need to tell the store the make and model of your TV and antenna. When connecting it, set the gain limit according to the noise level.

When you look for the cause of the problem, pay attention to the cable. Check its integrity, it may be frayed or torn. Pets love to chew on it, so if you have pets, they may be causing the problem. Then you will need to replace the cable piece. This is easy to do: just cut out the damaged area and insert the whole one using special adapters.

To significantly improve quality sound when recording or editing audio files, it is enough to know only a few simple rules. Certainly, quality sound largely depends on personal perception. You'll have to experiment to get the best sound, but don't forget the basic rules of audio that can be applied to almost any situation.

You will need

  • Computer, audio editor Audacity


To get advanced capabilities for working with audio files, install any audio editor (for example, the free Audacity). After launching Audacity, in the “Preferences” submenu, select “Quality”, where you can determine the highest possible sampling and sampling rates.

Avoid sudden volume changes sound. When recording or editing an audio waveform, make sure the volume is within normal limits and monitor the incoming signal level (the green recording level bar will turn red). Otherwise, Audacity will cut the audio, resulting in distortion in the recording.

When saving sounds, use appropriate compression methods. If quality sound more important than the file size and disk space, save the file without compression in best quality. For sketches, use mp3 compression.

You should always increase the sample rate BEFORE you start recording. Subsequently, if you record a low quality file and try to improve it by introducing higher sampling rates, you will only increase the file size, but will not affect it in any way. quality.

Experiment with the equalizer. This is a powerful tool that can allow you to get rid of extraneous noise or cut off unwanted frequencies. When working with the equalizer, do not overdo it, otherwise the sound may become flat and uninteresting.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

As you work through Audacity's various options, save multiple versions of the same audio file so you can choose the best one later.

After purchasing a new one TV After a while, you often get the feeling that the picture on it is somehow “not the same.” And if fine-tuning the channels and cleaning the screen from dust does not give a positive effect, then there is only one conclusion - parameters Images installed in the store are not suitable for your TV viewing conditions. Let's look at a few professional steps for "non-professional" configuration of basic parameters Images at home.

You will need

  • To set up, you will need a working control panel, an instruction manual, a DVD player and discs with high-quality recordings of several wide-format films (so that there are dark stripes when playing back from top to bottom of the image). You can do without a player and set up via one of the TV channels, but this is not entirely convenient.


Connect the player to the TV, start watching a movie and enter the settings menu.

Adjust brightness Images. This is done as follows. Pause playback at a frame with approximately equal amounts of dark and light areas. Increase the brightness to maximum and gradually lower it until the bars at the top and bottom are black. If individual details in the frame become indistinguishable, then add a little brightness.

Adjust the contrast. The adjustment is made on an image with a white object and visible dark details (snow and trees, a glacier with cracks, etc.). Increase the contrast to maximum. Then begin to gradually reduce it. Fix the level when dark details become blurry and hard to see. After this, start increasing the level until you get normal Images.

Adjust color saturation (chroma). It is best to make adjustments frame by frame with human face. Increase the color until you get a “super tan” on your face, and then reduce it until you get natural colors, without redness in the wrong places.

Adjusting color tone and sharpness. The most acceptable parameters are 50 (color) and 0 (sharpness). Change only if clearly necessary.


Be careful with the brightness and contrast settings; inflated values ​​will not add realism to the picture, will not increase the service life of the TV, and may damage your eyesight.

Helpful advice

Since TV viewing occurs mainly in the evening, before manipulating the image settings, set the appropriate lighting mode in the room. And for daytime viewing, use the preset modes (normal, bright, standard, etc.) made by the manufacturer.

Before uploading or downloading a movie, in order not to waste time and traffic, it is always important to determine quality films. All RIPs (copies) have certain markings in the title that indicate the parameters of the film. In addition, there are many programs that can give technical information about the video. It can be used to more accurately determine the quality of the copy.


After downloading the movie, to view its parameters in more detail, you can use the small program AviInfo, which displays all the information about the video. The key parameter can be considered resolution - the higher it is, the better the picture. The parameters of the audio track also play an important role - the higher the bitrate, the better quality.


On many popular torrent trackers it is posted in the description of the film specifications, which should help in choosing the right quality.


  • how to determine the quality of a film

Cable TV is a model television broadcasting, in which the television signal is distributed using a high-quality signal transmitted via cable. The development of television technology has led to the existence big choice companies that provide this service.


To install cable television in your home, first of all, you need to choose a supplier company and enter into an agreement with it. Carefully study all the clauses of the contract, for example, whether the cost of connection includes laying cables inside the apartment, setting up channels, technical support, etc. Also pay attention to the order in which the contract is terminated.

After you have concluded an agreement, you need to purchase the necessary cable footage to lay it inside the apartment. Also buy a splitter if you have several TVs in your apartment. There is no need to pay extra for this, since you are paying for the access point. The cable can be used either coaxial or fiber optic.

Lay the cable, it is advisable to “store” it under the baseboard to avoid it in the future mechanical damage. Install splitters and connect the signal source to one output, and the cables that will be connected to the TV to the other.

If you have an additional set-top box, connect it to the TV receiver as well. With it, you can record a TV program, pause a live program, and continue watching after a while from that point. Set up channels and enjoy watching.

You can also connect cable TV to your personal computer. Buy a TV tuner. Connect it to your computer and automatically install the necessary drivers. Connect the TV tuner and set-top box using an infrared transmitter. Next, on your PC, go to Start and click Run. Enter the “TV Signal Setup” command. The cable TV setup menu will be available in the dialog box that appears. Program the channels you want, adjust clarity and save. You can start watching.

What determines the sound on a computer? The sound card takes incoming information and translates it into signals that are transmitted through the speakers. Sometimes quality sound on your computer may be bad or just need an update. This can be done in hardware and software.

You will need


Download new drivers for your sound card. Even if the driver that comes with operating system, works normally, formatting or other system settings may affect this software. Find information about your sound card by clicking Start - Control Panel. Double-click on the “Sound Devices” icon and look at the name of the sound card in the window. Search the Internet for drivers for your device. Download and install them according to the instructions. The system will automatically replace the old sound card driver with a new one.

Purchase and install a new sound card. Available on the market different kinds of these devices: basic ones aimed at ordinary consumers, as well as sound cards designed for gamers or recording engineers. The device is placed in a special slot in the computer. Follow the instructions to install it: screw it tightly and connect it to the pin connectors. A new sound card will also require new drivers, which usually come on a CD with the hardware.

Connect higher quality speakers to the audio output. Most modern computers have digital audio outputs and can work with 2.1 systems (two speakers and a subbuffer), and some support 5.1 (five speakers and a subbuffer - typical Surround sound). Using better speakers will result in clearer, richer sound.

Video on the topic


Mac computers use sound cards that are integrated into the motherboard, making upgrading them more difficult. However, you can buy an external, Mac-compatible sound card that connects via USB or Firewire ports. Replacing the motherboard is more expensive solution, but can also be carried out.

Quality sound today it is measured in the number of kilobytes of sound stream per second (Kbps), in other words, in bitrate. The audio file format, or extension, also plays an important role in sound quality.


To find out the quality sound for any music file or song, right-click on it and select the last item “Properties” in the Windows context menu. In the file dialog box that appears, go to the Details tab.

You will see several information blocks containing tags, information about the stream, source, content and file parameters. In the “Audio” block you will most likely see a single line if you are working with an mp3 file. The “Flow rate” line displays the number of kilobits of data per second: - 48 kbit/s - quality of Dial-Up telephone conversation; - 96 kbit/s - quality of weak radio broadcast, vinyl; - 128 kbit/s - average quality of radio broadcast, maximum simplified quality *.mp3 (the most common bitrate, with this quality sound complex instruments and melodies can be distorted and “crackle”, but light, quiet melodies, as well as speech, sound high quality); - 160 kbit/s – confident quality radio broadcast; - 192 kbit/s - standard mp3 quality; - 256 kbit/s - CD quality; - 320 kbit/s - studio quality.

Pay attention to the file extension. WAV (Windows Audio Video) music files typically have more high quality sound, from 320 to 1000 and over Kbps. VBR-mp3 means that the sound quality changes during recording. Usually he "

At first glance, the difference between these types of television is not big. But upon closer examination, we reveal differences:
- Image quality.
Why? After all, the signal that goes through the cable is also received from the satellite?
The difference is that the cable perceives various interference and electromagnetic pulses along its entire path. In addition, the signal in the cable is attenuated due to its characteristic impedance. As a result, the quality of the resulting image drops significantly. Often, cable engineers do not use a digital signal, but an analog one! Broadcasting from the satellite is carried out in digital format with high definition and stereo sound, as well as the ability to watch 3D television.
-cable TV has more problems with weather than satellite.
Cable TV is provided via cable, which can later cause a lot of inconvenience. Interruptions in service are possible due to cable breaks, or during work on the road (through accidental contact with underground wires), which happens quite often with a long cable length. The cable can be cut, bad weather can cause damage, and many other things can disrupt the broadcast, which in any case will take time to fix.
Of course, rain, snow and wind can also distort the satellite signal, but this usually only lasts a few minutes and only in the case of very severe weather. If you have a satellite dish, the signal is truly continuous.
— Independence from the tariff policy of cable operators. You will only pay for satellite TV if you want to watch paid channel packages.
- and of course the price.
Satellite equipment can be a little more expensive than basic cable TV. The difference between cable and satellite is the purchase of equipment.

Television has undergone significant changes and increased diversity over the past 30 years. If earlier we had to be content with black and white, later color, but still on-air reception and broadcast, then rapid progress in last years gives us all new names various technologies. Is it worth keeping up with it, keeping track of new products? It’s up to you to decide, but we will help you understand modern television and radio broadcasting, so let’s talk about TV, about TVs?

The biggest disadvantages of terrestrial TV are considered to be the properties of the television signal to be reflected from any objects and to attenuate (weaken) at a relatively short distance from the transmitting station (for example, the Ostankino TV tower). Not only distance, but also buildings and trees, transport and even heavy precipitation became insurmountable obstacles to the TV signal. Only the transition to a digital cable television model saved millions of viewers from annoying interference and distortion of sound and image. The structure of cable television broadcasting looks like this: In Earth's orbit, conveniently above the equator, there are television satellites. They distribute the television signal. It is received by powerful satellite dishes, which are usually placed on the roofs of city buildings. This signal is retransmitted via optical fiber and then delivered to end consumers via coaxial cable. To connect cable TV, just run the cable into your home and plug it into the TV connector. Telecommunication companies provide services for laying cables and selling television packages from various operators. Despite the development of wireless technologies, cable TV still has a large number of advantages due to which it will remain popular for many years to come.

Satellite TV is also becoming more accessible, but it is more individual and optimal in remote areas, which are the majority in our country.

The obvious advantages of satellite and cable television are reliability, signal quality and a huge selection of channels: news, business, music, children's and entertainment programs. What differentiates these last two ways of watching TV is the price or cost of connection and the cost of equipment. The cable connection is minimal. When setting up a satellite TV signal reception system, you need to purchase a dish (antenna), a bracket for mounting it, a converter, a receiver and other elements. To connect digital cable television, you just need to run a wire into the apartment. In one case, you save yourself from the costs of equipment and the problems with its installation and configuration. In another you get a fixed payment and a huge variety of TV channels. Sometimes we install several multidirectional satellite dishes and this is also a price for possible diversity.

Our company "Engineering Group" offers installation, installation, configuration and maintenance of equipment for receiving satellite, cable and terrestrial television channels. If any of the television systems are already functioning at the facility, we are ready to offer modernization and replacement of equipment, as well as the integration of home theater systems into existing television systems. As part of the implementation of our projects, we offer equipment from the world's largest manufacturers.

The Father of Television and More

July 17 (29), 1889 - July 29, 1982

Life modern man strongly associated with television. There was a time when we sat at home from morning to evening, with our noses buried in the “talking box.” Now, however, (in the age of universal computerization) some of the population’s priorities have changed a little: they moved from one screen to another.

However, even today many people prefer to watch entertainment shows and analytical programs, concerts and films, news and sport competitions on TV. And at the same time, it does not occur to any of us ordinary people that there once lived a man (by the way, a winner of the US National Science Medal) who was worried about how an image could be transmitted over a distance. Have you ever wondered about something like this? And Vladimir Zvorykin (that was the name of this man) filed a patent for electronic television, and subsequently developed a kinescope and an iconoscope (transmitting tube).

The successful testing of the iconoscope inspired the scientist to develop television system. It’s hard to imagine, but already in 1940, having broken the light beam into three primary colors (blue, green, red), Zvorykin received color television.

Other ingenious inventions of the scientist

But a scientist would not be a scientist if he did not have a desire for new discoveries. In his laboratory, plans were born to create devices with wonderful names: orticon, vidicon, etc. Among his developments was a system electronic control traffic movement. Who knows, perhaps, without the “intervention” of V. Zvorykin, they still would not have learned to computer predict the weather using radiosonde rockets.

The range of inventive thought was so wide that discoveries spread to the field of medicine. Blind people are grateful to the genius for inventing a reading device for them television device. The scanning electron microscope is also his work. It seemed that there was no limit to the limit of imagination embodied in reality: the endoradiosonde method was also based on his ideas.

The whole world to this day uses the brilliant inventions of V. Zvorykin, a scientist born in Russia (Murom), but forced to emigrate to America in the post-revolutionary years.

Are we collaborating?

We do not undertake to compete with a scientist who has eighty scientific papers and more than one hundred and twenty patents, but we are proud that our activities have a point of contact with his discoveries. V. Zvorykin developed a night vision device (yes, yes, that too), we design and install security and security systems for facilities, including a video surveillance system (can you see the similarities?).

Close cooperation with our clients at all stages (from design to installation and maintenance) earns their positive feedback.

Isn't it time to start our cooperation with you? You will not regret!

Why do they trust us?

Why do they trust us?

Low prices . We really offer low prices and even more so with a complex order or with repeated requests, because you are working not with intermediaries! cost of the project when ordering installation work! Cost of equipment and Supplies much less than competitors due to experience and sales volumes. We consider the first year of maintenance (TO-1 and TO-2) to be a guarantee and it is free for our Customers!
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Full-time specialists. Our engineers and installers working on site work on a permanent basis; we carry out all work from installation to commissioning ourselves, without the help of random installation teams. Our engineers are not sellers of related services and additional work, but trained professionals focused on results.
Legality. Our activities are legally established; we are always ready to provide you with the necessary permits, approvals, licenses and certificates. The absence of intermediaries allows us to reduce acceptance times technical solutions and ultimately - save your money.
Service center. Since 2009, we have been providing you with services for maintenance and repair of complex modern engineering systems, has diagnostic equipment, a stationary workshop, and its own warehouse for spare parts and replacement stock. The qualifications of our employees allow us to repair and put into operation almost any security system in the shortest possible time, and the mobility of the teams and the presence of several strongholds allow us to arrive on site urgent repairs within 2 hours in Moscow.
Individual approach for us it is sensitivity to the customer’s expectations, complete mutual understanding, reliability of cooperation, efficiency and achievement of a common goal. We strive for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

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