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Automation and technical means of automation. Technical means of automation Information and methods of its transformation

Question 1 Basic concepts and definitions of A&C

Automation- one of the areas of scientific and technological progress that uses self-regulating technical means and mathematical methods with the aim of freeing people from participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transferring and using energy, materials or information, or significantly reducing the degree of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed. Automation makes it possible to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, optimize management processes, and remove people from production processes that are hazardous to health. Automation, with the exception of the simplest cases, requires an integrated, systematic approach to solving a problem. Automation systems include sensors (sensors), input devices, control devices (controllers), actuators, output devices, and computers. The computational methods used sometimes copy the nervous and mental functions of humans. This entire complex of tools is usually called automation and control systems.

All automation and control systems are based on such concepts as a control object, a communication device with a control object, control and regulation of technological parameters, measurement and conversion of signals.

The control object is understood as a technological apparatus or a set of them in which standard technological operations of mixing, separation or their mutual combination with simple operations are carried out (or with the help of which are carried out). Such a technological apparatus, together with the technological process that takes place in it and for which the system is being developed automatic control and is called a control object or an automation object. From the set of input and output quantities of a controlled object, controlled quantities, control and disturbing influences and interference can be distinguished. Controlled quantity is an output physical quantity or parameter of a controlled object, which during the operation of the object must be maintained at a certain specified level or changed according to a given law. Control action is a material or energy input flow, by changing which, it is possible to maintain the controlled value at a given level or change it according to a given law. An automatic device or regulator is called technical device, which allows, without human intervention, to maintain the value of a technological parameter or change it according to a given law. An automatic control device includes a set of technical means that perform certain functions in the system. The automatic control system includes: Sensing element or sensor, which serves to convert the output value of the controlled object into a proportional electrical or pneumatic signal, Comparison element- to determine the magnitude of the discrepancy between the current and specified values ​​of the output value. Setting element serves to set the value of the process parameter, which must be maintained at a constant level. Amplifying-converting the element serves to generate a regulatory effect depending on the magnitude and sign of the mismatch due to an external energy source. Actuator element serves to implement regulatory influence. produced by UPE. Regulating element– to change the material or energy flow in order to maintain the output value at a given level. In automation practice During production processes, automatic control systems are equipped with standard general industrial devices that perform the functions of the above elements. The main element of such systems is a computer that receives information from analog and discrete sensors of technological parameters. The same information can be sent to analog or digital information presentation devices (secondary devices). The process operator accesses this machine using a remote control to enter information not received from automatic sensors, requesting the necessary information and advice on managing the process. The work of the automated control system is based on the receipt and processing of information.

Main types of automation and control systems:

· automated system planning (ASP),

· automated system scientific research(ASNI),

· system computer-aided design(CAD),

· automated experimental complex (AEC),

flexible automated production (GAP) and automated process control system ( APCS),

· automated operation control system (ACS)

· automatic control system (ACS).

Question 2 Composition of technical means of automation and control of automated control systems.

Technical means automation and control are devices and instruments that can either be automation tools themselves or be part of a hardware and software complex.

Typical automation and control tools can be technical, hardware, software and system-wide.

Technical means of automation and control include:

− sensors;

− actuators;

− regulatory authorities (RO);

− communication lines;

− secondary instruments (displaying and recording);

− analogue and digital control devices;

− programming blocks;

− logic-command control devices;

− modules for collecting and primary processing of data and monitoring the state of a technological control object (TOU);

− modules for galvanic isolation and signal normalization;

− signal converters from one form to another;

−modules for data presentation, indication, recording and generation of control signals;

− buffer storage devices;

− programmable timers;

− specialized computing devices, pre-processor preparation devices.

Technical means of automation and control can be systematized as follows:

CS – control system.
Memory – Master device (buttons, screens, toggle switches).

UIO – Information display device.
UIO – Information processing device.

USPU – Converter / Amplifier device.
CS – Communication channel.
OU – Control object.
IM – Actuators.

RO – Working bodies (Manipulators).

D – Sensors.
VP – Secondary converters.

By functional purpose they are divided into the following 5 groups:

Input devices. These include - ZU, VP, D;

Output devices. These include - IM, USPI, RO;

Devices of the central part. These include - UPI;

Facilities industrial networks. These include - KS;

Information display devices – UIO.

TSAiU perform the following functions: 1. collection and transformation of information about the state of the process; 2. transmission of information via communication channels; 3. transformation, storage and processing of information; 4. formation of management teams in accordance with the selected goals (criteria for the functioning of systems); 5. use and presentation of command information to influence the process and communicate with the operator using actuators. Therefore, all industrial means of automation of technological processes, based on their relationship to the system, are combined in accordance with the standard into the following functional groups: 1. means at the system input (sensors); 2. means at the output of the system (output converters, means for displaying information and process control commands, up to speech); 3. intra-system control systems (providing interconnection between devices with different signals and different machine languages), for example, have relay or open-collector outputs; 4. means of transmission, storage and processing of information.
Such a variety of groups, types and configurations of control systems leads to many alternative design problems technical support APCS in each specific case. One of the most important criteria The choice of TSAiU can be based on their cost.

Thus, technical means of automation and control include devices for recording, processing and transmitting information in automated production. With their help, automated production lines are monitored, regulated and controlled.

The introduction of technical means into enterprises that allow automation of production processes is a basic condition efficient work. Diversity modern methods automation expands the range of their applications, while the costs of mechanization are usually justified end result in the form of increasing the volume of manufactured products, as well as improving their quality.

Organizations that follow the path of technological progress occupy leading positions in the market and provide better quality working conditions and minimize the need for raw materials. For this reason, it is no longer possible to imagine large enterprises without the implementation of mechanization projects - exceptions apply only to small craft industries, where automation of production does not justify itself due to the fundamental choice in favor of manual production. But even in such cases, it is possible to partially turn on automation at some stages of production.

Automation Basics

In a broad sense, automation involves the creation of such conditions in production that will allow certain tasks for the manufacture and release of products to be performed without human intervention. In this case, the operator’s role may be to solve the most critical tasks. Depending on the goals set, automation of technological processes and production can be complete, partial or comprehensive. The choice of a specific model is determined by the complexity of the technical modernization of the enterprise due to automatic filling.

In plants and factories where full automation is implemented, usually mechanized and electronic systems management is transferred all the functionality to control production. This approach is most rational if operating conditions do not imply changes. In partial form, automation is being introduced at individual stages of production or during the mechanization of autonomous technical component, without requiring the creation of a complex infrastructure to manage the entire process. A comprehensive level of production automation is usually implemented in certain areas - this could be a department, workshop, line, etc. In this case, the operator controls the system itself without affecting the direct work process.

Automated control systems

To begin with, it is important to note that such systems require full control over an enterprise, factory or plant. Their functions can extend to a specific piece of equipment, conveyor, workshop or production area. In this case, process automation systems receive and process information from the serviced object and, based on this data, have a corrective effect. For example, if the operation of a production complex does not meet the parameters of technological standards, the system will use special channels to change its operating modes according to the requirements.

Automation objects and their parameters

The main task when introducing production mechanization means is to maintain the quality parameters of the facility, which will ultimately affect the characteristics of the product. Today, experts try not to delve into the essence technical parameters different objects, since theoretically the implementation of control systems is possible at any component of production. If we consider in this regard the basics of automation of technological processes, then the list of mechanization objects will include the same workshops, conveyors, all kinds of devices and installations. One can only compare the degree of complexity of implementing automation, which depends on the level and scale of the project.

Regarding the parameters with which automatic systems operate, we can distinguish input and output indicators. In the first case it is physical characteristics products, as well as the properties of the object itself. In the second, these are the direct quality indicators of the finished product.

Regulating technical means

Devices that provide regulation are used in automation systems in the form of special alarms. Depending on their purpose, they can monitor and control various process parameters. In particular, automation of technological processes and production can include alarms temperature indicators, pressure, flow characteristics, etc. Technically, the devices can be implemented as scaleless devices with electrical contact elements at the output.

The operating principle of the control alarms is also different. If we consider the most common temperature devices, then we can distinguish manometric, mercury, bimetallic and thermistor models. Structural design, as a rule, is determined by the principle of operation, but operating conditions also have a significant influence on it. Depending on the direction of the enterprise’s work, automation of technological processes and production can be designed taking into account specific operating conditions. For this reason, control devices are developed with a focus on use in conditions high humidity, physical pressure or the effects of chemicals.

Programmable automation systems

The quality of management and control of production processes has noticeably increased against the background of the active supply of enterprises with computing devices and microprocessors. From the point of view of industrial needs, the capabilities of programmable hardware make it possible not only to ensure effective control of technological processes, but also to automate design, as well as conduct production tests and experiments.

Computer devices that are used on modern enterprises, solve problems of regulation and control of technological processes in real time. Such production automation tools are called computing systems and operate on the principle of aggregation. Systems include unified functional blocks and modules from which they can be composed various configurations and adapt the complex to work in certain conditions.

Units and mechanisms in automation systems

The direct execution of work operations is carried out by electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic devices. According to the principle of operation, the classification involves functional and portion mechanisms. IN Food Industry Such technologies are usually implemented. Automation of production in this case involves the introduction of electrical and pneumatic mechanisms, the designs of which may include electric drives and regulatory bodies.

Electric motors in automation systems

The basis of actuators is often formed by electric motors. Depending on the type of control, they can be presented in non-contact and contact versions. Units that are controlled by relay contact devices can change the direction of movement of the working parts when manipulated by the operator, but the speed of operations remains unchanged. If automation and mechanization of technological processes using non-contact devices is assumed, then semiconductor amplifiers are used - electrical or magnetic.

Panels and control panels

To install equipment that must provide control and monitoring production process At enterprises, special consoles and panels are installed. They contain devices for automatic control and regulation, instrumentation, protective mechanisms, as well as various elements communication infrastructure. By design, such a shield can be metal cabinet or a flat panel on which automation equipment is installed.

The remote control, in turn, is the center for remote control- this is a kind of control room or operator area. It is important to note that the automation of technological processes and production should also provide access to maintenance by personnel. It is this function that is largely determined by consoles and panels that allow you to make calculations, evaluate production indicators and generally monitor the work process.

Automation systems design

The main document that serves as a guide for technological modernization production for the purpose of automation is the scheme. It displays the structure, parameters and characteristics of devices, which will later act as means of automatic mechanization. In the standard version, the diagram displays the following data:

  • level (scale) of automation at a specific enterprise;
  • determining the operating parameters of the facility, which must be provided with means of control and regulation;
  • control characteristics - full, remote, operator;
  • possibility of blocking actuators and units;
  • configuration of the location of technical equipment, including on consoles and panels.

Auxiliary automation tools

Despite the minor role, additional devices provide important control and management functions. Thanks to them, the same connection between actuators and a person is ensured. In terms of equipping with auxiliary devices, production automation may include push-button stations, control relays, various switches and command panels. There are many designs and varieties of these devices, but they are all focused on ergonomic and safe control of key units on site.

The classification of technical automation equipment is not something too complicated and loaded. However, in general technological means automation have a fairly extensive classification structure. Let's try to figure it out.

Modern means automation are divided into two groups: switched and non-commutated (programmed) technical means of automation:

1) Switched automation equipment


Relay circuits

2) Programmed automation tools

ADSP processors

ADSP processors are an automation tool that is used for complex mathematical analysis of processes in the system. These processors have high-speed input/output modules that can transmit data at high frequencies to the central processor, which uses complex mathematics to analyze the operation of the system. An example is vibration diagnostic systems that use Fourier series for analysis, spectral analysis and a pulse counter. As a rule, such processors are implemented in the form of a separate PCI card, which is mounted in the appropriate slot of the computer and uses the CPU for mathematical processing.

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

PLCs are the most common automation tools. They have their own power supply, central processor, RAM, network card, input/output modules. The advantage is high reliability of the system, adaptation to industrial conditions. In addition, programs are used that run cyclically and have a so-called Watch Dog, which is used to prevent the program from freezing. Also, the program runs sequentially and does not have parallel connections and processing steps that could lead to negative consequences.

PKK (Programmable Computer Controllers)

PKK - computer with input/output cards, network cards, which serve for input/output of information.


PAK ( programmed automated controllers) – PLC+PKK. They have a distributed network structure for data processing (several PLCs and PCs).

· Specialized controllers

Specialized controllers are not freely programmable automation tools, but use standard programs in which only some coefficients can be changed (PID controller parameters, actuator running time, delays, etc.). Such controllers are oriented in advance known system regulation (ventilation, heating, hot water supply). At the beginning of the new millennium, these technical means of automation became widespread.

A feature of ADSP and PKK is the use of standard programming languages: C, C++, Assembler, Pascal, since they are created on a PC. This feature of automation tools is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that using standard programming languages ​​you can write more complex and flexible algorithm. The disadvantage is that to work with them you need to create drivers and use a programming language, which is more complex. The advantage of PLCs and PACs is the use of engineering programming languages ​​that are standardized by IEC 61131-3. These languages ​​are not designed for a programmer, but for an electrical engineer.

Principle of information transformation

Management principles are based on the principle of information transformation.

Converters are devices used to convert quantities of one physical nature into another and vice versa.

Sensors are devices that produce a discrete signal depending on the code of the technological process or the impact of information on them.

Information and methods for converting it

The information must have the following properties:

1. Information must be understandable in accordance with the adopted coding system or its presentation.

2. Information transmission channels must be noise-proof and prevent the penetration of false information.

3. Information must be convenient for processing.

4. Information should be convenient for storing it.

To transmit information, communication channels are used, which can be artificial, natural, or mixed.

Rice. 3. Communication channels

We will talk in more detail about communication channels a little later.

Technical automation equipment (TAA) is designed to create systems that perform specified technological operations, in which humans are mainly assigned control and management functions.

Based on the type of energy used, technical automation equipment is classified into: electric, pneumatic, hydraulic And combined. Electronic automation tools are classified as a separate group, since they, using electrical energy, are designed to perform special computing and measuring functions.

By functional purpose, technical automation equipment can be divided according to standard circuit automatic control systems for actuators, amplifiers, correcting and measuring devices, converters, computing and interface devices.

Executive element - This is a device in an automatic regulation or control system that acts directly or through a matching device on a regulatory element or object of the system.

Regulating element carries out a change in the operating mode of the managed object.

Electrical actuator with mechanical output - electric motor- used as a terminal amplifier of mechanical power. The effect exerted by an object or mechanical load on an actuator is equivalent to the action of internal, or natural, feedback. This approach is used in cases where a detailed structural analysis of the properties and dynamic features of the actuating elements is required, taking into account the action of the load. An electrical actuator with a mechanical output is an integral part of the automatic drive.

Electric drive - This is an electrical actuator that converts the control signal into a mechanical action while simultaneously amplifying it in power due to an external energy source. The drive does not have a special main feedback link and is a combination of a power amplifier, an electrical actuator, a mechanical transmission, a power source and auxiliary elements, united by certain functional connections. The output quantities of the electric drive are linear or angular speed, traction force or torque, mechanical power etc. The electric drive must have the appropriate power reserve necessary to influence the controlled object in forced mode.

Electric servomechanism is a servo drive that processes the input control signal with amplification of its power. The elements of the electrical servomechanism are covered by special feedback elements and can have internal feedback due to the load.

Mechanical transmission The electric drive or servomechanism coordinates the internal mechanical resistance of the actuator with the mechanical load - the regulatory body or the control object. Mechanical transmissions include various gearboxes, crank, lever mechanisms and other kinematic elements, including transmissions with hydraulic, pneumatic and magnetic supports.

Electrical power supplies actuators, devices and servomechanisms are divided into sources with practically infinite power, with a value of their internal resistance close to zero, and sources with limited power with a value of internal resistance different from zero.

Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators are devices that use gas and liquid, respectively, under a certain pressure as an energy carrier. These systems occupy a strong place among other automation equipment due to their advantages, which, first of all, include reliability, resistance to mechanical and electromagnetic influences, a high ratio of the developed drive power to its own weight and fire and explosion safety.

The main task of the actuator is to amplify the signal arriving at its input to a power level sufficient to have the required effect on the object in accordance with the stated control goal.

An important factor when choosing an actuator is to ensure the specified system quality indicators with the available energy resources and permissible overloads.

The characteristics of the actuator must be determined from the analysis of the automated process. Such characteristics of actuators and servomechanisms are energy, static, dynamic characteristics, as well as technical, economic and operational characteristics.

A mandatory requirement for the actuator drive is to minimize engine power while ensuring the required speeds and torques. This leads to minimization of energy costs. Very important factors when choosing an actuator or servomechanism are weight restrictions, overall dimensions and reliability.

Important components of automation systems are amplification and correction devices. Common tasks solved by correction and amplification devices of automation systems are the formation of the required static and frequency characteristics, synthesis of feedback, coordination with the load, ensuring high reliability and unification of devices.

Amplifier devices the power of the signal is amplified to the level necessary to control the actuator.

Special requirements for corrective elements of systems with variable parameters are the possibility and ease of restructuring the structure, program and parameters of corrective elements. Amplifier devices must satisfy certain technical specifications by specific and maximum output power.

The structure of an amplification device is, as a rule, a multistage amplifier with complex feedback connections, which are introduced to improve its static, dynamic and operational characteristics.

Amplification devices used in automation systems can be divided into two groups:

1) electrical amplifiers with electrical power sources;

2) hydraulic and pneumatic amplifiers, using liquid or gas, respectively, as the main energy carrier.

The power source or energy carrier determines the most essential features of automation amplification devices: static and dynamic characteristics, specific and maximum power, reliability, operational and technical and economic indicators.

Electrical amplifiers include electronic vacuum, ionic, semiconductor, dielectric, magnetic, magnetic-semiconductor, electric machine and electromechanical amplifiers.

Quantum amplifiers and generators constitute a special subgroup of devices used as amplifiers and converters of weak radio and other signals.

Corrective devices generate correction signals for the static and dynamic characteristics of the system.

Depending on the type of inclusion in the system, linear corrective devices are divided into three types: serial, parallel corrective elements and corrective feedback. The use of one or another type of correction devices is determined by the convenience of technical implementation and operational requirements.

It is advisable to use corrective elements of the sequential type if the signal, the value of which is functionally related to the error signal, is an unmodulated electrical signal. The synthesis of a sequential correction device in the process of designing a control system is the simplest.

Parallel type correction elements are convenient to use when forming a complex control law with the introduction of an integral and derivatives of the error signal.

Corrective feedback, covering amplifiers or actuators, is most widely used due to the simplicity of its technical implementation. In this case, the input of the feedback element receives a relatively high level signal, for example, from the output stage of an amplifier or motor. The use of corrective feedback makes it possible to reduce the influence of nonlinearities of those system devices that are covered by them; therefore, in some cases it is possible to improve the quality of the control process. Corrective feedback stabilizes the static coefficients of the covered devices in the presence of interference.

Automatic regulation and control systems use electrical, electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic corrective elements and devices. Electrical correction devices are most simply implemented using passive quadripoles, which consist of resistors, capacitors and inductances. Complex electrical correction devices also include separating and matching electronic elements.

Electromechanical correction devices, in addition to passive quadripoles, include tachogenerators, impellers, differentiating and integrating gyroscopes. In some cases, an electromechanical correction device can be implemented in the form of a bridge circuit, in one of the arms of which an electric motor of the actuator is connected.

Hydraulic and pneumatic correction devices can consist of special hydraulic and pneumatic filters included in the feedback loops of the main elements of the system, or in the form of flexible feedback loops for pressure (pressure difference), flow rate of working fluid, or air.

Corrective elements with tunable parameters ensure system adaptability. The implementation of such elements is carried out using relay and discrete devices, as well as computers. Such elements are usually referred to as logical corrective elements.

A computer operating in real time in a closed control loop has practically unlimited computing and logical capabilities. The main function of the control computer is to calculate optimal controls and laws that optimize the behavior of the system in accordance with one or another quality criterion during its process. normal use. The high speed of the control computer allows, along with the main function, to perform a number of auxiliary tasks, for example, with the implementation of a complex linear or nonlinear digital correction filter.

In the absence of computers in systems, it is most advisable to use nonlinear correcting devices as they have the greatest functional and logical capabilities.

Regulating devices They are a combination of actuators, amplifying and correcting devices, converters, as well as computing and interface units.

Information about the parameters of the control object and about possible external influences affecting it comes to the control device from the measuring device. Measuring devices in the general case, they consist of sensitive elements that perceive changes in the parameters by which the process is regulated or controlled, as well as additional converters that often perform signal amplification functions. Together with sensitive elements, these converters are designed to convert signals of one physical nature into another, corresponding to the type of energy used in the automatic regulation or control system.

In automation converting devices or converters These are elements that do not directly perform the functions of measuring regulated parameters, amplifying signals or correcting the properties of the system as a whole and do not have a direct impact on the regulatory body or the controlled object. Converting devices in this sense are intermediate and perform auxiliary functions associated with the equivalent transformation of a quantity of one physical nature into a form more convenient for the formation of a regulatory effect or for the purpose of coordinating devices that differ in the type of energy at the output of one and the input of another device.

Computer devices for automation equipment are, as a rule, built on the basis of microprocessor-based tools.

Microprocessor- a software-controlled tool that carries out the process of processing and managing digital information, built on one or more integrated circuits.

The main technical parameters of microprocessors are the bit depth, addressable memory capacity, versatility, the number of internal registers, the presence of microprogram control, the number of interrupt levels, the type of stack memory and the number of main registers, as well as the composition of the software. Based on their word width, microprocessors are divided into microprocessors with a fixed word width and modular microprocessors with variable word width.

By microprocessor means are structurally and functionally complete products of computer and control equipment, built in the form or on the basis of microprocessor integrated circuits, which, from the point of view of requirements for testing, acceptance and delivery, are considered as a single whole and are used in the construction of more complex microprocessor tools or microprocessor systems.

Structurally, microprocessor means are made in the form of a microcircuit, single-board product, monoblock or standard complex, and products of the lower level of the structural hierarchy can be used in products of the highest level.

Microprocessor systems - These are computing or control systems built on the basis of microprocessor-based tools that can be used autonomously or integrated into a controlled object. Structurally, microprocessor systems are made in the form of a microcircuit, a single-board product, a monoblock complex or several products of the indicated types, built into the equipment of the controlled object or made autonomously.

According to the scope of application, technical means of automation can be divided into technical means of automation of work on industrial production and technical means of automation of other work, the most important component of which is work in extreme conditions where human presence is life-threatening or impossible. In the latter case, automation is carried out on the basis of special stationary and mobile robots.

Technical means of automation of chemical production: Reference. ed./V.S.Balakirev, L.A.Barsky, A.V.Bugrov, etc. - M.: Chemistry, 1991. –272 p.

General information about process automation

Processes food production

Basic concepts and definitions of automation

Machine(Greek automatos - self-acting) is a device (a set of devices) that functions without human intervention.

Automation is a process in the development of machine production in which management and control functions previously performed by humans are transferred to instruments and automatic devices.

Goal of automation– increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, optimizing planning and management, eliminating people from working in conditions hazardous to health.

Automation is one of the main directions of scientific and technological progress.

Automation How academic discipline is an area of ​​theoretical and applied knowledge about automatic operating devices and systems.

The history of automation as a branch of technology is closely connected with the development of automatic machines, automatic devices and automated complexes. In its infancy, automation relied on theoretical mechanics and theory electrical circuits and systems and solved problems related to pressure regulation in steam boilers, steam piston stroke and rotation speed electric machines, control the operation of automatic machines, automatic telephone exchanges, relay protection devices. Accordingly, technical means of automation during this period were developed and used in relation to automatic control systems. The intensive development of all branches of science and technology at the end of the first half of the 20th century also caused the rapid growth of automatic control technology, the use of which is becoming universal.

The second half of the 20th century was marked by further improvement of technical means of automation and wide, although uneven for different industries National economy, the spread of automatic control devices with the transition to more complex automatic systems, in particular in industry - from automation of individual units to complex automation of workshops and factories. A special feature is the use of automation at facilities that are geographically distant from each other, for example, large industrial and energy complexes, agricultural facilities for the production and processing of agricultural products, etc. For communication between individual devices in such systems, telemechanics are used, which, together with control devices and controlled objects, form teleautomatic systems. Great importance at the same time, they acquire technical (including telemechanical) means of collecting and automatically processing information, since many tasks in complex systems automatic control can only be solved with the help of computer technology. Finally, the theory of automatic control gives way to a generalized theory of automatic control, which unites all theoretical aspects of automation and forms the basis general theory management.

The introduction of automation in production has significantly increased labor productivity and reduced the share of workers employed in various areas of production. Before the introduction of automation, the replacement of physical labor occurred through the mechanization of the main and auxiliary operations of the production process. Intellectual work for a long time remained unmechanized. Currently, intellectual labor operations are becoming the object of mechanization and automation.

Exist different kinds automation.

1. Automatic control includes automatic alarm, measurement, collection and sorting of information.

2. Automatic alarm is intended to notify about limit or emergency values ​​of any physical parameters, about the location and nature of technical violations.

3. Automatic measurement provides measurement and transmission to special recording devices of controlled values physical quantities.

4. Automatic sorting carries out control and separation of products and raw materials by size, viscosity and other indicators.

5. Automatic protection This is a set of technical means that ensure the termination of a controlled technological process when abnormal or emergency conditions occur.

6. Automatic control includes a set of technical means and methods for managing the optimal progress of technological processes.

7. Automatic regulation maintains the values ​​of physical quantities at a certain level or changes them according to the required law without direct human participation.

These and other concepts related to automation and control are united by cybernetics– the science of managing complex developing systems and processes, studying the general mathematical laws of object control of different nature(kibernetas (Greek) – manager, helmsman, helmsman).

Automatic control system(ACS) is a set of control object ( OU) and control devices ( UU), interacting with each other without human participation, the action of which is aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Automatic control system(SAR) – totality OU and an automatic controller, interacting with each other, ensures that the TP parameters are maintained at a given level or changed according to the required law, and also operates without human intervention. ATS is a type of self-propelled gun.