home · Installation · Garden design (39 photos): zoning of the area, decorative camouflage, new landscape decor. Modern landscape design. Main trends Landscape design

Garden design (39 photos): zoning of the area, decorative camouflage, new landscape decor. Modern landscape design. Main trends Landscape design

Before the beginning summer season It is useful to familiarize yourself with fashion news in landscape design. Of course, no one plans to blindly follow trends, but some of them are so good that hands simply reach out to repeat the idea.

In general, you need to take into account that this year the craving for romance will intensify. Motto: "Less hybrids, more - natural species!”, will dictate the rules for planting flower beds. Forbs on the site are the most fashionable technique, so we advise you to refresh your memory.

Fashionable landscape design ideas 2016

Take a look here:

1. The entire area is in one color

And it doesn’t look sad at all! Plain-colored playgrounds allow you to play with garden furniture as you please. And psychologists say that uniform dark green quickly calms the nerves.

2. Zen garden

Another way to calm down is to use a rake to make even strips around the pine trees. For those who missed it - our workshop on .

3. Translucent fence

4. Pallet furniture

In general, on a wave - any garden furniture, which makes one think about reuse, but benches and tables made of pallets are just the squeak of the season. We have already written, and you should definitely take a look at this article again.

5. Garden in pots

Mega trend current year- flowerpots. , a garden made of wooden containers, art installations will appear both at gardening exhibitions and in ordinary households.

6. High border made of natural plants

7. Rose bushes

2016 will be a golden year for roses. Interest in them will flare up with renewed vigor. Depending on your preferences, you can grow tea, hybrid tea, climbing - all of them will be incredibly relevant.

And now about what is not fashionable in garden design and summer cottage in 2016:

  • weeping willows and other bent trees;
  • greens like a golf club;
  • buxus balls;
  • figures made of corten steel;
  • more than three different materials in one space (for example, a gazebo);
  • flower beds with blooming onions.

Have you ever thought about what your garden will look like in 2016? Winter - best time to take stock of last season and review various options changes. Usually empty winter Garden allows you to see the actual structure of the space and get a good idea of ​​what you need to do.

In this article you will find out what garden design is in fashion today, study possible ways its improvements and see 35 inspiring photos of garden plots near the house. Enjoy watching!

How to update and create a stylish garden design - landscape ideas 2016

If we talk about the growing trends of recent years, the landscape design of the garden and site has especially begun to develop in the following three directions:

  1. The effect of a “wild” or semi-abandoned garden;
  2. East Asian (Chinese) style and Zen gardens;
  3. Modern minimalist design with clean, straight lines.

Let's look at the features of each of these trends in modern garden design, and also enjoy beautiful photos gardens of recent years.

Garden design with the effect of “abandonment”

This is definitely main trend in landscape design. Allowing different technologies simplify our lives, we nevertheless strive to surround ourselves with natural natural materials and motives. This is probably required by our inner need to have balance and equilibrium in everything.

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So, what does it take to create beautiful design garden in a naturally overgrown style?

First of all, it should be noted that such a design is easiest to create if there is a certain number of mature trees and bushes. The main features of the style - romance and some mystery - are achieved precisely due to the presence of dense vegetation on the site.

The desired effect can also be achieved using tall grass(knee-length and above), randomly planted flowers and other plants, as well as simple, uneven paths between them.

Simply put, this garden design requires the least amount of care and effort. Although this does not mean that he does not require them at all. Sometimes designing alternating levels of tall and short plants so that they appear naturally growing rather than awkward can be even more challenging than creating an orderly garden design.

The advantage of a romantic wild garden is the presence of secluded places that are perfect for rest and relaxation. Consider placing a wooden bench, a wrought iron table with chairs, a wicker arch, a gazebo, etc. in such a garden.

An additional decoration for an “abandoned” garden can be: large stones, antique vases and other objects that allegedly ended up here by chance.

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By the way, the latest features of this garden design - stones, ancient look and places for relaxation - strongly resonate with Chinese style and Zen gardens. It's time to get to know them!

East Asian garden design (new photos)

An integral part of Zen gardens are open gazebos for relaxation, the presence of bodies of water (ponds, streams), inspiring abstractions or stone figures and the absence bright colors. Looking at the photos of garden plots in chinese style, you will notice that they are dominated by green color plants. You can see red, pink, white and other flowers less often, but in general the composition always remains calm and self-possessed. The second most popular garden design in 2016 is perfect for people with hard work and simply those who know how and love to draw strength from Mother Nature.

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Garden landscape design in the style of modern minimalism

Along with the inspiring, nature-inspired styles described above, last years Minimalist garden design, characterized by orderliness and clear lines, began to rapidly develop. You will love this style for the interesting geometric shapes of flower beds and plantings, well-groomed paths, lush green lawn and abundance open space, which can sometimes be as inspiring as the spirit of Zen. Cleanliness and order around us is the key to the same within us!

How do you like it? Be sure to tell us in the comments which style of these three you liked the most! Well, finally, let's look at various options and ideas for improving your garden this year.

We create a garden design with our own hands

In addition to leading fashion trends, when planning the landscape design of your garden plot, you should also take into account your experience over previous seasons. To make sure you don't miss anything, use our list of question tips:

  1. Do all plants grow in in the right place? Perhaps some should be transplanted into the shade, or vice versa in the sun? Also get rid of plants that did not take root well, required complex care, or spoiled the garden design and your mood last year.
  2. Are you tired of the look of your flower beds? Would you like to try something new? color combination, which will better suit the design of the facade of the house and your state of mind?

3. How do you feel about an empty garden in winter? Evergreens conifers are firmly in fashion, so why not plant them in your garden and enjoy them all year round?

4. Is it time to add some shade or some fruit tree to your garden relaxation corner? Or maybe there’s a beautiful fluffy bush missing near the porch? Empty spaces in the garden can sometimes be very annoying.

5. What condition are yours? garden paths and the fence? Maybe it’s worth updating or decorating them, for example, climbing plants?

6. Is the irrigation system efficient? If not, then this needs to be corrected even before the plants begin to wake up and move away from winter.

7. What could make your life easier? For example, home garden It is better to place it closer to the entrance to the house or garden barbecue. You can also organize a simple covered storage for tools in the garden, so as not to carry them all the time from the garage and back. What about garden lighting? Maybe it’s worth adding path lighting or hanging cute lanterns on tree branches? Think about what you were missing last summer and how you can add it to your garden.

Follow the release of new articles on Dekorin, because soon we will publish interesting materials with DIY garden design ideas!

Planning a garden design in winter - best ideas and photos for 2016 updated: January 20, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a garden is, first and foremost, plants. However, this does not mean that there is no place for modern technologies in the garden. The main thing is that they do not destroy the charm of nature, but help take care of the site. Achievements of technological progress, which are actively used abroad, are being mastered in our country. Our publication talks about what’s new in recent years: New trends in landscape design 2019. 55 photo ideas.

New trends - drainage systems

Drainage systems are an important part of the engineering and technical equipment of the territory. The problem, however, is that the drainage system installed on the site often spoils the appearance of the site.
Experts say that it is aesthetic requirements that determine the appearance of new drainage systems on the Novosibirsk market. Technologies in landscape design are products made in Germany (by the companies “Aco” and “Anrin”), which compare favorably with Russian analogues in the first place appearance. Previously, drainage grates were rough in appearance, but these are very nice. Now drainage can be done along the paved path, or along the edge of the lawn. The design doesn’t suffer at all.”

The surface drainage system consists of channels (gutters), sand traps and metal gratings. The gutter is made of concrete, polymer concrete or plastic. Grates are available in galvanized steel, copper, stainless steel, and high-strength cast iron. The system is modular, that is, it is designed according to the principle of a designer. This allows you to assemble a drainage system of any length and configuration. New in landscape design photo:

In addition to surface drainage, there is drainage system closed type. It is designed in such a way that pipes laid underground are used to drain water. Small storm water inlets are installed on the surface. The advantage of such a system is obvious: the absence of gratings throughout the entire area. However closed system more difficult to install. In addition, when installing it, it must be possible to clean the pipes and eliminate blockages. New trends in landscape design 2019, the underground drainage system is relevant where you do not want to violate the integrity of the coating, for example, in an area with decorative paving, with a special tile pattern.

Modern technologies in landscape design for climbing plants

Anyone who has dealt with climbing plants knows what they require special care: they have to be tied up, special grilles and fences must be installed next to them. Modern technologies in landscape design they allow you to solve this problem very simply. It is enough to stretch a net next to such a plant. Preferably not metal so that it does not rust. And the plants, clinging to this network, will grow into a beautiful hedge.
Italian manufacturers, for example, offer several varieties plastic mesh"Tenax" for landscaping. New in landscape design photo:

According to specialists from the Wicker Furniture salon, which supplies Tenax products to the market, meshes differ in rigidity and mesh size and, accordingly, functional purpose. There are nets with large cells to support beans, peas, and cucumbers. There are nets for plants with heavy fruits, such as pumpkins or melons. New trends in landscape design for flowers - you can use a decorative mesh or lattice made of polyethylene.

It is usually installed along walls, fences, or serves as decoration for a patio area. Soft, fine-mesh nets can be used to protect berries from birds. Dense mesh as a shade screen that protects plants from the sun. And some types of nets allow you to close off the territory from prying eyes. The choice of color depends on the owner’s preferences: there are green nets, there are blue, white, black, gray, orange. New trends in landscape design 2019, see photos:

Nets made of plastic using a special technology in landscape design are good because they do not rust, rot or deform. They're not afraid low temperatures, sun rays, precipitation. Manufacturers claim that these nets, on the one hand, are resistant to chemical substances, on the other hand, they themselves are absolutely non-toxic. Some types of nets even have aseptic properties, which means they can protect plants from pests. This is how far technology has come!

Bush rings

Modern technologies in landscape design, another interesting device from Tenax - special rings for bushy plants. The stems of growing bushes are carefully passed through these rings. As a result, when the bush grows, it turns out to be fully formed. Such rings are convenient to use for peonies, irises, delphiniums, lilies, as well as for small shrubs, such as honeysuckle or barberry.

Optical fiber for site lighting

A new product that is increasingly used for landscape illumination is fiber optics. Thanks to this, a mysterious flicker appears, an amazing play of reflections - new trends in landscape design. The growing popularity of this type of lighting in the field of landscape design is understandable: it is not current that passes through the fiber optic cable, but light, which eliminates the possibility short circuit. As company employees note, flexible and strong fiber can be installed even in hard-to-reach places; it does not heat up, does not emit heat and is not afraid of moisture.

Therefore, fiber optic systems are successfully used not only for illuminating paths and building facades, but also for lighting design of fountains, waterfalls and swimming pools. So, if your landscaping project includes a pond, fiber optic lighting will come in very handy. New trends in landscape design 2019, see photos:

Technological progress, as we know, is driven by dreams. Many owners of private estates, for example, dream of immediately getting a ready-made garden. And landscape design professionals are working hard to one day make this dream of their customers come true.

Modern technologies in landscape design, one of the ways to speed up the creation landscape compositions usage planting material with a closed root system (in other words, planting plants in containers). Previously, gardens used exclusively imported container plants grown in Poland, Germany or Holland. Today, local nurseries have begun to offer such products. Use of container technology in work optimal solution for professional landscapers. New in landscape design photo:

Not only interior design is in fashion in 2016, but also landscape design.

Each site requires special attention, care, we strive to create comfort not only in the house, but also in our summer cottage.

To make the design of your site beautiful and cozy, you should adhere to fashion trends 2016.

In 2016, a bright and unusual garden is in fashion.

So, for example, plant bright, beautiful flowers, which will attract the attention of others with their unusual beauty, for example roses, they will create beauty in the garden.

Don't forget about lilies, phlox, irises and many other flowers.

In 2016, popular various flowering shrubs, it will look beautiful on your site if you plant petunia.

Beautiful design of borders has always been in fashion, and this year is not spared.

In 2016, the decorative vegetable garden is gaining popularity.

If you don't want to study bright colors, then beautifully decorate a small vegetable garden on your site. It will be very beautiful if you plant small flowers or shrubs along with the vegetables.

Black color in design has always been particularly popular, and even now, it has not gone out of fashion for many years. It will be beautiful if you have it on your own garden plot place black furniture or decorative lanterns. They will decorate the area and give it a special coziness.

If you don't like black, then give preference to other dark tones and shades.

In 2016, it is very fashionable to plant flowers in pots; it is even more beautiful if these pots are decorated with decorative multi-colored stones.

If you haven't decided with garden fence, then it will be stylish if you make it translucent. Such a fence will not block the plants; you will see how new buds bloom in the garden.

You can make a high border from natural plants. This season it is fashionable to make small paths on your site that can be hidden different plants, for example - daisies.

From climbing roses you can create something unusually beautiful, for example, beautifully decorate a gazebo or a transparent fence. You can decorate your home with roses.

In 2016, round sculptures are fashionable; it will be beautiful if the bushes are cut into small balls.

A round pool with a waterfall will add comfort and beauty to your site.

Brightness, bright lighting, it's all the rage in 2016.

In 2016, stone products are in fashion. You can make a stone border or a stone path.

To choose a design for your site, you need one that is suitable for your site, a design that you will like most and will delight with its beauty.

In 2016 in fashion various crafts With your own hands from wood, plastic, you can make flower beds from wood for your site.