home · electrical safety · Decorative elements for window framing. Framing the windows of the house with different materials. Framing windows on the facade with wood

Decorative elements for window framing. Framing the windows of the house with different materials. Framing windows on the facade with wood

Why do we need decor and framing of window openings on the facade?

The windows of a house from the outside serve not only as a portal of entry natural light into the house, but also one of the main elements of facade decor. If you decide that your windows should do more than just technical function, but also aesthetic, then the surest way to achieve the goal is to decorate the windows with moldings on the facade of the house.

What is molding? This is an overhead polystyrene foam structure that looks like a decorated panel. Most often, the framing of windows is the framing of moldings.

Photos of window decor from the outside

In addition to the decorating function, decorating windows on the outside with molding protects the window from excess moisture and penetration of cold air. When deciding to frame a window opening in your home, you satisfy several needs at once:

  1. in the beauty of your facade
  2. in protecting the home from external damage
  3. in home insulation

In our catalog you can find many ideas for framing windows with moldings. We can frame house windows of any complexity, so do not limit yourself to style diversity. Be it antique decor or trendy surrealism - our designers will create any project that we bring to life.

Modern materials

Service life more than 200 years

In order to create beautiful decor buildings nowadays use a variety of materials. Among them: building gypsum, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, plaster, etc. Each of them has a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages. You can read more about each material in our article on insulating the facade of a building.

External casing for windows

Slopes for windows made of polystyrene foam

Among the many materials to create façade decor, we chose construction foam, also known as expanded polystyrene. When creating window moldings, we use modern technologies that allow us to create moldings of any size and shape with high strength. We cover our facade decorative elements made of foam plastic with a high-strength polymer, which increases the strength of the structure and guarantees the service life of the decorative element for more than 200 years.

Why expanded polystyrene?

Advantages of expanded polystyrene in creating facade decorative elements for window framing

Light weight

This material is light in weight. This makes it much easier to carry out finishing works at height, as well as its transportation and unloading

Any shapes

The physicochemical properties of expanded polystyrene make it possible to manufacture products of any shape from it (including bent arched ones). It is also possible to produce custom frames for window openings.


Practice shows that with proper care (timely painting, cleaning), such material can last 30-40 years. That is why it is perfect for framing the windows of the facade of a private house.

Weather resistance

Expanded polystyrene does not rot, does not absorb moisture, does not rust

Quick installation

The material features ensure convenient installation. The window frame on the facade can be easily adjusted to the required size.

The facade of a house is, of course, its face. Therefore, its arrangement is given great attention. And it helps to complete the image window framing. This artistic technique gives general appearance buildings of elegance. Also, edging allows you to emphasize the taste and character of the home owners. Today you can create a wide variety of frames.

A wide variety of all kinds of building materials are used for edging. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This must be taken into account before creating the external frame of the window opening. The advice of experienced builders will tell you which options are popular today.

Window framing (photo presented below) is one of the most important decorative elements of the facade. Therefore, today a huge number of material options are used, from which a wide variety of edging can be made. The choice depends on many factors.

Using modern materials you can give your windows stylish look. If you approach the selection process correctly, you can create not only a beautiful, but also a durable edging. Today, in most cases, brick, plaster, natural stone, polyurethane panels, as well as wood. There are other types of materials. In the vast majority of cases, domestic designers choose wood or brick to decorate the facade.

Materials are purchased in accordance with design requirements. They should be combined with the window frames, as well as the exterior itself.


Well suited for city residents. First of all, you need to carefully consider the design of the edging. The material should fit well with the wall masonry. The brick must close all unsightly cracks that remain after installing the window in the opening. For this purpose, special brick platbands or a certain masonry method are used.

Everything must be arranged according to this point. This point must be thought through at the construction planning stage. In some cases, errors may be made. Asymmetrical windows with frames look even more unaesthetic. It may be necessary to cut out a section of the masonry.

Certain types of materials are suitable for using bricks. It can be a thickened shaped, hyper-pressed or shaped brick with cavities. The first one is cheaper and more durable. Hyper-pressed varieties are similar in their characteristics to natural stone. Cavity brick costs and weighs less than other varieties.


Often done using wooden platbands. This type of edging will suit residents country house or dachas. The platband can become a real decoration of the window opening. Thanks to the characteristics of the material, graceful shapes and lace patterns can be cut out of it.

Wooden trim reliably closes the gaps between the frame and the window opening. Our ancestors believed that such a frame could protect the owners of the house from the evil eye.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material. This is a good insulator. It prevents the penetration of noise, dust and other external factors inside the home. Wood is expensive material. He demands proper care. Without this, the platband will be short-lived. It is best to use oak, larch and linden for such purposes.

Stone and plaster

It looks very beautiful and rich. For similar purposes, shell rock, sandstone, and limestone are used. This type of finishing is highly complex. A labor-intensive process will require installation a large number of individual elements.

Natural stone is a heavy material. Therefore, the walls must be strong. The building must have a high-quality foundation. In addition, this framing option is intended exclusively for tall buildings.

If you need to maintain a classic style when decorating a facade, it is best to use gypsum stucco moldings. This option is the most labor-intensive. It is used quite rarely. This is a fragile and heavy material. Its use is considered impractical today.


can also be done using polyurethane. The presented finishing option has many advantages. Thanks to this material you can create the most unusual and original design. This is a durable edging option that is lightweight. It will not place much load on the foundation. Install polyurethane frame also quite simple.

Polyurethane can be combined. With its help you can create various decorative elements, for example, arches, cornices, moldings, etc. This new construction material provides a lot of opportunities for the creative imagination of designers. They can experiment with combinations of color, style, and additional decorations.

This is a practical, easy-to-care material. He is not afraid of adverse influences environment. Polyurethane can be used for up to 30 years. This is a durable, simple and relatively inexpensive material.

Other artificial materials

Today it is also made of plastic profile panels. This is one of the most inexpensive options. It harmonizes with frames and walls made of various materials. The disadvantage of the presented edging is its low decorative effect. Products made from polyurethane look more impressive.

One type of framing that is gaining popularity today is wood-polymer composite. This option is also relatively low cost. The frame is easy to install and has a long service life.

Artificial materials have many advantages. However, their appearance sometimes leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase high-quality materials that will fully comply overall design facade.


You can do it yourself. Polyurethane is best suited for these purposes. You can create elements from it of varying complexity. They add up to an interesting, original picture. The whole procedure will not take much time.

Installation involves fastening polyurethane elements with glue or using self-tapping screws. All components of the frame are on sale. It is necessary to carefully select them according to the size of the window.

The shape of the opening is also taken into account. It can be rectangular or rounded at the top. For each window option, suitable framing elements are available for sale. These include arches, sandriks, round edgings, panels, decorative shutters, and moldings. Also often used cornice strips. Available for sale wide choose sizes of frame parts.

Must correspond to the general design of the facade. At the same time, the dimensions of the building itself, its style, and finishing materials are taken into account. This will create a single harmonious image. In this case, the framing will be able to advantageously emphasize the features of the building and its windows.

Having considered the options that can be used when decorating window edgings, each owner of a private home will be able to choose best type finishing. The edging can advantageously emphasize the features of the structure.

Window surrounds are traditional decorations that were once a very popular architectural element for decorating the front of a home. Modern architecture for some time I reduced the prevalence of these parts and learned to build without them.

However, you should not abandon traditional window decoration. We will recommend how to choose suitable style window frames, and what materials are best to use.

Framing windows on the facade of the house - photo

Traditional architectural details add charm to old houses. They appear where they are needed: skirting protects the basement walls, cornices protect the walls from rain and connect them with the roof, entrance portal decorates the front door.

Window surrounds are distinctive window decorations that smooth the transition from wall to window opening and emphasize their shape. The delightful architectural elements that can be seen on houses and buildings of the early twentieth and nineteenth centuries are most often embellished with very durable plaster.

Unfortunately, during major renovations they increasingly disappear under a layer of insulation. The original wall surface is covered with a layer of polystyrene or mineral wool, and jewelry is most often damaged. Insulated houses receive new facades. Only in exceptional cases, for example when an architectural monument is being renovated, is the façade finished or reproduced using traditional methods, using special weather-resistant mixtures to restore decorative architectural elements. Owners of old houses who need major renovation and insulation, such methods of façade restoration are usually not used.

Benefits of window framing

The window frame is a special accent that draws attention to this part of the facade. What are the advantages of such decorative elements?

  • They protect the glass from rain and wind.
  • They enliven the facade, providing a play of light and shadow.
  • Changes are also visible from inside at home - the window is visually well protected.
  • The window frame can be prominent, wide, or discrete and linear. With the help of framing, you can change the proportions of the window opening - visually expand it, raise it, or solidly “prop it up”. In this way, you can influence the nature of the window opening, for example, by adding an arch to a rectangular opening or a solid frame to thin mullions.

However, the shape and size of the frame should not be random, but should be in harmony with the design and proportions of the entire facade. There are several options for performing this decor, these are:

  • window frames on the façade made of polyurethane;
  • decor with foam profiles;
  • brick frame;
  • framing windows with siding;
  • wood frame;
  • metal edging.

We live in a climate that tests our finishing facade materials on the ability to solve problems associated with changes in temperature and humidity. For example, in late winter and spring, water can freeze several times a day, penetrating finishing layers and destroying weak, poorly designed and constructed structures. exterior finishing building. This forces us to use some established solutions. On the other hand, finishing good materials provides good protection from rain, unfavorable temperatures and noise.

Simple brick is well suited for framing arched window openings and door portals. The bricks are rounded on one side and beveled on the other, forming a soft frame, emphasizing the recess in the wall, letting in more sunlight inside. There are more decorative brick Gothic form, it is ideal for houses decorated in gothic style, it is used in prestigious offices, elegant loft-style houses.

Currently on sale you can find a large assortment brick, clinker, which has a varied palette of colors. This choice allows you to realize an exceptional window design, create elegant contrasts and stylish combinations with the facade and window sill.

You can insert colored stripes or inserts from individual bricks into a light brick arch different color with a wall. You can create an arch from bricks of two colors, one of which will be the same color as the facade, and the other darker or lighter.

Brick window frames must provide adequate thermal protection, protection against water penetration, structural safety and satisfy the aesthetic needs of the building owner. Brick is effective solution technical problems, an interesting accent, and sometimes very impressive decorations.

When installing, pay attention to moisture insulation between the invisible part window frame and a brick window sill, as well as for thermal insulation between the wall and polyurethane foam so that thermal bridges do not arise in these areas.

Framing windows on the facade of the house with foam plastic

In this case, we buy ready-made façade profiles or we can take advantage of the offer of design and finishing companies. Foam profiles adapted to modern technology construction - they are easy to use, made of hydrogenated polystyrene or extruded polystyrene designed for gluing to various substrates.

Moldings, cornices and window sills made of foam plastic are offered by manufacturers of home insulation systems, as well as companies that specialize in the design and decoration of facades. The latter, as a rule, have a larger selection of profiles for cladding - rich artistic ones and more stylish or simple ones.

Photo. Design options for window openings using various architectural elements made of foam plastic

You can order sections of arc-shaped foam profile for framing arched windows and additional elements, such as corner and window elements.

For houses of old construction, you can try to restore original jewelry by ordering moldings of the appropriate shape. These can be frames around window openings or decorations on the top of the facade. Renovating an old home in this way will help it retain its character and charm.

Photo. Old house before and after façade insulation. Plaster and brick frames of old windows have been replaced with stylish decor of expanded polystyrene profiles.

Foam window frames are also of interest to investors building stylish houses, classic manor houses or villas. While designers most often recommend traditional technologies for such houses, many builders choose cheaper solutions. Instead of a three-layer wall, two-layer insulation is used, and instead of a thick traditional plasterthin layer. You can achieve artistic diversity by using special decorative profiles. If this is done as designed, the effect can be satisfactory. Architectural references to the past require appropriate decoration, without which it will be difficult to achieve a convincing effect.

It is difficult to imagine a stylish home without framed window openings. However, not only a tribute to tradition and history is the motive for such decoration of facades. In addition to stylish decors imitating decorations in classic style Other forms can be seen on the facades of new houses. What is the name for window framing on the facade of a house? Eat different variants decor.


A popular window framing detail modern houses there was a rather simple strip around the windows to divide the façade. Glued strips and panels allow you to enliven the visual composition of the facade. They can be used to differentiate wall thicknesses, create divisions and accents that break the flatness standard.


Traditional window frame elements are the top edge of the cornice. This practical detail served as protection against rain leakage. The pediment can be used alone as a decoration, thinner than the thick frame around the window opening.

Window sills

The cornice under the window sill gives the window a solid foundation, regardless of whether it is classically profiled or has a rather simple form. Exists big choice thin and thick foam cornices, with imitation stucco or simple minimalist forms, from which you can choose the option that best suits the style of the building.

Cornice with ears

This is an extension of the window cornice in the upper part with peculiar ears. Classic “ears” are a characteristic folded stripe above top part window. This window opening decoration is not bulky and quite interesting.

Stripes, cornices and other surface finishes can add variety to the appearance of your home.

Window sill with apron

Supporting the window sill with a cornice with two consoles on the sides refers to traditional “aprons” - these are decorative form window sill extensions. As a motif taken from the past, it primarily appears in stylish homes.

Window frames with trapezoid

The decorative element crowning the window frame is a trapezoid. It fits the profile of a massive closed arc shape.

Cornice framing

A simple strip that runs around the top edge of the window and connects to the cornice that divides the façade along its length. This method of decorating windows in a composition has a long tradition.

Decors instead of stripes

Rectangular panels above the window - original way select and decorate the window. Rectangular roller shutters will look in harmony with this design.

Frames with geometric details

Simplified old design forms can be replaced with an interesting one modern alternative in the form of architectural details in geometric shape. This extraordinary solution will make the façade brighter and more expressive.

House in rustic style, often decorated with wood. Can be used here to frame windows hardwood in dark brown color. Beautiful wooden frames, covered with mastic and varnish, will decorate the light, smooth facade of the building. For harmony, you can emphasize the foundation line with a wooden belt in dark shade brown.

You can also order openwork wooden window decorations, which will emphasize the character and give shape to the house, creating a new aesthetic quality for the facade.

Openwork window decorations attract attention and enliven the appearance, providing a play of light and shadow. Decorative openwork forms, depending on the ornament, can change the proportions of the window opening - visually expand and improve it. Wooden decorative lace, embellishments and relief details can completely change the appearance of a building.

It can be:

  • decorative openwork windows;
  • bindings and decoration of decorative windows;
  • stylized wooden shutters;
  • details decorative tree, including moldings, stripes and side stripes, headers.

Modern architecture offers us a large selection of materials and methods that allow us to create practical and aesthetic window framing, which will become a real decoration of the facade of the house and at the same time will perform all the necessary functions to protect the window from weather surprises. We can choose traditional jewelry by restoring an old house either when building a new one, or to resort to elements of architecture of a modern form.

Moldings, cornices and window sills are offered by manufacturers thermal insulation systems, as well as many other companies. These architectural elements will help us emphasize window openings and even visually change their shape - make them higher or lower, wider, more massive. You can also change the shape of the window using semicircular arches made of foam, brick or wood, as well as other materials. When choosing a window framing option, moderation and harmony should be observed between the design of window openings, the style and design of the entire facade of the building.

Framing (edging) windows on the facade of a residential building or any other building helps to significantly improve the external appearance of the building and gives it grace and completeness. Currently, a large number of materials for facade stucco are produced. A significant part of them is characterized not only high quality, but also accessibility.

General information

The construction industry is developing very rapidly, and the market for construction and finishing materials is regularly updated with new high-tech materials that allow us to expand the field of activity of designers and architects.

New and modern finishing materials make it possible to make the framing of your home's windows stylish, original, attractive and durable. For decorative frame For windows, materials such as brick, natural stone, gypsum, polyurethane panels, wood and other materials can be successfully used. Most often you can see the framing of openings on the facade with brick and wood.

The choice of material directly depends on the goals that the home owner achieves. In addition, it should be remembered that framing with brick, wood, polyurethane slabs and other materials allows you to create original style window frames.

Framing options

Homeowners and professional builders are used various options window frames.

Wooden elements

Framing windows on the façade of a building using wooden elements is a very common option today. Their use allows you to decorate windows in a unique Russian style. This method of framing has come down to us since time immemorial and is still very popular.

The disadvantages of such finishing include significant cost, difficulty in manufacturing design elements in uniform style, fragility of wood and high requirements for finishing care.


Very convenient material to use. Most often used in brick buildings, since in this case it is possible to frame the windows of the house directly at the construction stage.


Decorating window openings with stone is quite a labor-intensive job, which requires the use of a significant number of elements. They can be represented by cornices, platbands, keystones, carved brackets, window and door slopes made of stone, and window sills.

Plaster stucco

This option for finishing windows on the facade of a building is very expensive not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of labor intensity at the stage of implementation. installation work. IN last years popularity gypsum stucco decreased significantly. It has been replaced by modern and more affordable materials.

Plastic profile panels

A very affordable option in terms of price and installation for finishing windows on a facade made of various materials, including brick, wood and others. The only, but quite noticeable, disadvantage of using profile panels is the low decorative effect of the resulting cladding.

Wood-polymer composite

IN Lately this material has attracted close attention. Its undoubted advantages are low cost, simple installation and guaranteed durability.

Ready options

Go to category ready-made options This includes window frames made of polyurethane. In order to highlight the windows against the background of the facade and make them part of the architectural composition of the house, it is advisable to use polyurethane frames. This material combines well with brick and blocks.

The main advantages of polyurethane are guaranteed durability and ease of installation work with this material.

Polyurethane perfectly tolerates temperature changes, increased humidity, and exposure to direct sunlight. The polyurethane-based design stably retains its size and shape. This material is easy to care for.

Polyurethane decoration can be mounted on a façade made from almost any building and finishing materials. It can be easily installed on smooth, rough and frame structures. Application modern material significantly increases the performance properties of the final product and reduces installation costs.

Window framing (video)


The variety of options for designing openings using polyurethane is reflected in numerous design projects with different levels of complexity. Installation on the facade is carried out as much as possible short time, which is due to the ease of processing and installation of polyurethane elements. Fastening polyurethane parts to the facade can be done using glue or self-tapping screws.

For polyurethane decoration on the facade, you will need to purchase elements, the type and quantity of which will depend on the number, size and shape of the windows. Manufacturers of ready-made frames produce the following elements:

  • sandriks of various sizes;
  • arches of different sizes;
  • round windows;
  • wall panels and various false shutters;
  • polyurethane moldings;
  • cornice strips;
  • radius moldings and cornice strips.

Decorative element of facade window frame in the form of a platband is intended for finishing the window from the sides and top. As a rule, the type of platband is selected in accordance with the stylization of the entire building.

Platbands in the style of the Greek order system have been very popular lately. The use of platbands in the framing of window openings contributes to visual expansion space.

For the facade of a house in a classic style, you can choose a platband that will stand out with its protrusions above the wall plane. It is allowed to color the element.

Very interesting and original version is the use of window framing elements in the form of columns and pilasters. This design creates an overall impression of nobility and grace.

It should be remembered that each decorative element of the window frame must correspond to its purpose and advantageously emphasize all the features. Decorative elements can transform any type of building and are successfully used in the external design of both small private houses and multi-storey buildings.

The variety of decorative window elements produced on the basis of polystyrene foam in the style of antiquity, baroque, modern or classicism makes it possible to realize any stylistic idea easily and at the lowest cost.

You can also read the material in the article in which we talk.

High quality and modern finishing window openings on any building can become original and fashionable decoration facade.

Framing windows with siding (video)

Windows may become bright accents in the decor of the exterior of your home. It is very important to choose the right frame for them, which would be practical and convenient, look beautiful and fit into the general style the entire building. If you are thinking about framing windows on the facade of a private house, this article will help you decide on the material and design, as well as take into account all sorts of nuances.


Exterior window framing is a process that must be approached carefully. Framing is preceded by the installation of the windows themselves - wooden or plastic. If you have never encountered this, it is better to seek help from professionals. It is especially important that the work is carried out by specialists if you have a ventilated facade.

Once the windows are installed, you can think about the exterior decor and take into account several nuances.

  • Modern finishing options are extremely varied. At the same time, when choosing synthetic options, make sure that the material does not have any foreign odor when heated and does not deform - the quality of the material is important for your health and comfort.

  • Before installing frames made of stone or other heavy materials on the facade of the house, calculate whether the weight of the structure is too large. In rare cases, particularly heavy structures lead to deformation of the walls.
  • Please pay attention to the rules for working with different materials and consider whether you will do the finishing yourself. If the siding can be easily fixed with my own hands, stone framing will require special knowledge, and the work of specialists can be expensive.
  • Consider what style of framing will suit your home. The finishing should be organically combined with both the exterior of the house and the decorative elements on your site.

It’s good when all the architectural details form a single ensemble.

Material selection

First of all, you need to decide on the material that you want to use for finishing. Very often in brick houses the windows are also framed with brick of the same or a different color. Simple brickwork It’s not difficult to do, and this option will always look simple and stylish. The material is easy to use, beautiful and durable. Framing can be done both during the construction of your home and after its completion.

For brick house You can also use stonework around the windows. Window frame decor facing stone can be very diverse - sometimes the stone is laid evenly on the frame, and sometimes it is created interesting design or a mosaic of several types of stones.

It is worth considering how natural material, and cheaper injection molded artificial variants, which are also lighter in weight.

Metal framing looks interesting and is suitable for both modern and traditional options houses. The design of such structures can be extremely diverse. The advantage is their durability, but you need to remember that the metal quickly heats up in the sun and becomes extremely cold in the cold - in some cases this can cause discomfort.

Framing with wood is typical for both brick and wooden houses. You can make both laconic frames and carved options in Russian style. At the same time, it is very important to properly treat the wood from moisture and contamination so that the frame really lasts you a long time.

Concrete structures are also quite simple. Concrete can look quite interesting if the structures are covered with plaster and paint. This option looks good in a house with a painted facade, and it is most convenient to make such window framing at the construction stage.

For houses in a classic style, moldings with a wide variety of designs are often used. They are usually made from polyurethane. The molding is usually a white structure that imitates columns or stucco: this option can look very elegant, but it will only be appropriate if the design of the entire house is appropriate.

If you want to save money, you can use siding, plastic structures and even foam. If you choose an artificial material, you need to carefully consider its quality. The advantage is that from artificial materials you can create quite a few options for unusual design framing - this solution is suitable for modern cottages and country-style houses.

Style and design

It is very important that the design of the entire house looks like a single whole. For a harmonious style, not only the material is important - it is also of great importance color design, as well as the structure itself. Depending on your preferred materials, consider tips for stylish exterior window treatments.

Very often, for the facades of houses in the Russian style, windows are framed from wood with traditional floral patterns. At the same time, more can look great modern options: can be created wooden frame an asymmetrical streamlined shape, or make a strict geometric pattern on it. It would look very good to add a second one wooden element a different color - for example, light wood can be combined with wenge or red wood decor.

Masonry can be very diverse. Sometimes neat identical stones are used to lay out an even frame around the window in the same way as with bricks. Nevertheless, the material allows you to try more interesting designs. For example, you can make masonry that smoothly transitions into the masonry of a facade of a different color if your house is entirely trimmed with stone. You can use two or three stones to frame one window. Contrasting colors such as black and white can look good, or, on the contrary, options that are similar in tone: for example, shades of beige, brown and terracotta.

Often frames made of artificial materials also highlight windows in an interesting way. You can pick up unusual color siding or make plastic construction interesting shape.

This way you will get a facade with a modern design.

Finish options

Once you've chosen your design, think about how you'll bring the design to life.

  • If you decide to do the finishing yourself, it is better to opt for artificial material or tree. WITH plastic panels, siding or simple lining are easy to work with, so you can handle it even without professional skills.
  • You can also try to decorate the windows yourself with brick or cast stone, but this project will require more labor and precise calculations.
  • If you have a complex design from natural stone or metal, it is better to have the framing done by specialists.