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Energy properties of plants. Research paper “How do negative and positive words affect plant growth? Plant energy and human chakras

Plant energy

Over many centuries of living next to man, some plants have changed under his influence: they began to better suit his needs, produce tastier fruits and a more abundant harvest, changing the rhythm of their lives, they began to cultivated plants, but at the same time paid for it with a decrease own energy. More severe growing conditions increase the energy of plants. Almost everything wild plants retain a valuable advantage - they have stronger energy than their cultural counterparts.

Most favorable conditions to saturate plants with energy - in the mountains. Therefore, for example, mountain honey is most useful for humans, and mountain herbs are especially healing.

By taking a plant home, we deprive it of its usual habitat and condemn it to loneliness. That is why human love is so important for plants. And they remain very grateful to those who love and care for them - they give them health, cleanse their energy from negative influences, prolong life and even die themselves, giving all their little strength to save a person from illness. If plants in the house suddenly begin to get sick or die, look for the reason: either someone in the household is sick, but the disease has not yet manifested itself, or negative energy has appeared in the house, causing harm to the residents.

The aura of plants is complex and multi-layered. The more the aura of a plant and a person coincides, the greater sympathy and love he feels for this or that plant.

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Research“How do negative and positive words affect plant growth?”


From a biology teacher we learned that words have energy: positive words have positive energy, negative words- negative energy. This means that this energy affects everything around. Since we cannot measure the energy of words, we wanted to find out how the energy of words affects plants. And measure changes in plant growth and development as an indicator of the action of the energy of words. From the book by Masaru Emoto “ Secret life water,” we learned that words affect the properties of water and the shape of the ice crystals that form. We decided to test the effect of positive and negative words on plant growth and the formation of roots in green cuttings indoor plants.

Purpose Our research work is to study the influence of negative and positive words on the growth and development of plants.

Based on this, we put the following tasks:

    Plant seeds in different pots and say positive or negative words over them. The results of observations are recorded in tables and presented in the form of graphs.

    Explore different sources of information on this topic.

    Analyze the results and answer the question “How do negative and positive words affect plant growth?”

Object Our research includes plants grown from seeds and green cuttings of indoor plants.

Subject Our study was the effect of positive and negative words on the growth of germinating plants and the development of roots in cuttings of indoor plants.

Material The seeds of Mimosa pudica and beans, cuttings of Setcreasia and Pelargonium and creeping shoots of Chlorophytum crested were used for the study. We chose Mimosa pudica because, in our opinion, this plant is very sensitive: when touched, it lowers and folds its leaves. Beans have very large seeds. Of the indoor plants, we chose Chlorophytum crested, as it forms creeping shoots “whiskers”; Setcreasia and Pelargonium (Geranium) as they are easily propagated by cuttings.

Theoretical significance This work lies in the fact that the effect of negative and positive words on the development of roots in plant cuttings has not been previously studied.

Practical significance This research work is the possibility of using words for better results in growing indoor plants from cuttings.

Our work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, list of sources of information and an appendix.

Main part.

In our information age We sometimes do not pay attention to the consequences of the words we speak. But a lot of different studies are already being carried out on the energy of words on various objects. In Masaru Emoto’s book “The Secret Life of Water” there are these words: “The human soul contains truly fantastic power... But the power of our thoughts is like a double-edged sword. If people want to witness the end of the world, that's exactly what will happen." That is, positive words have a positive effect, and negative words have a negative effect. To check this, we planted the seeds of Mimosa Shystlivaya, five pieces in two pots; came up with a poem with positive and negative words. The pots were marked “-” “+”. A positive poem was recited over the “+” pot, and a negative poem over the “-” pot. After ten days, shoots of one plant appeared in the “+” pot, but no changes were observed in the “-” pot. Perhaps negative words influenced the seeds and they simply did not sprout. Or positive words stimulated the germination of the seed. We no longer began to observe these plants

We found on the Internet similar work“The wonderful power of words” and saw that in this work they simply uttered positive or negative words - we used quatrains. On January 19, 2015, we started a new experiment: sowing the seeds of mimosa pudica in three pots (10 seeds in each), but decided to recite the poem after the shoots appeared. The shoots did not appear ten days later or later. In parallel with planting Mimosa, we soaked bean seeds and placed one cutting of netcreasia, geranium and one creeping shoot of chlorophytum in three glasses (“+”, “0”, “-”). A week later, the beans appeared roots and buds and we planted them in three pots “+” “-” “0”. They recited poems over glasses with cuttings and planted beans almost every day. For beans, we measured the length of the shoot; for cuttings, we measured the length and number of roots that appeared; the results were recorded in the observation diary in the form of a table. Graphs were built based on the table data. When constructing graphs, the length of the shoots for beans was added up, and the length of the roots for cuttings of indoor plants was added up. The graphs show the positive influence of positive words not only on plant growth, but also on the formation of roots in cuttings of indoor plants.


After the research, we can say that positive words have a positive effect on plant growth and the formation of roots in cuttings of indoor plants, that is, they stimulate their growth. And negative words inhibit plant growth and the formation of roots in indoor plants. In the future, we can conduct an additional survey of students at our school and study the influence of positive and negative attitudes on academic performance. In Masaru Emoto's book The Secret Life of Water, it is said that even words written on paper change the shape of ice crystals. This means that you can also check the influence of words written on paper on various living objects, for example, plants.

Annex 1

Positive verse:

A rainbow will wake up in the sky,

Happiness, joy will return.

Gratitude again and again!

I give you love!

Negative verse:

Oh you ugly, oh you dirty!

You sluggish, frail flower!

You sow fear and horror!

Death will come to all flowers!

Appendix 2 (beans)

Appendix 3 (pelargonium)

1st row – (+); 2nd row – (0); 3 row (-)

Appendix 4 (netcreation)

1st row – (+); 2nd row – (0); 3 row (-)

Appendix 5 (chlorophytum)

1st row – (+); 2nd row – (0); 3 row (-)

Observation diary

Table 1 “Mimosa Shy”

Observed changes



“+” - a seedling of one seed has appeared

“-” - no changes

“+” - cotyledon leaves appeared

“-” - no changes

“-” - no changes

“+” - cotyledon leaves have opened

“-” - no changes

“+” - the first true leaves appeared

“-” - no changes

Table 2 "Beans"

Observed changes


Soaking Bean Seeds

The seeds are swollen

Spine appeared

A shoot has appeared, planting sprouted seeds in the ground, 2 seeds per jar

We begin to recite poetry

(+) 1 shoot appeared from underground

(0) 1 shoot appeared from underground

(-) no changes

(+) shoot 1.5 cm, 2 shoots appeared

(0) shoot 1.5 cm

(-) no changes

(+)1 shoot 2.5 cm, 2 shoot 1.5 cm

(0)1 shoot 2.5 cm, 2 shoots appeared

(-)1 escape appeared

(+) 1 shoot 3 cm, 2 shoot 2 cm

(0)1 shoot 3 cm, 2 shoot 0.5 cm

(-)1 shoot 2 cm, 2 shoots appeared

(+)1 shoot4.5 cm,2 shoot3 cm

(0)1 shoot 4 cm, 2 shoot2 cm

(-) 1 shoot 3 cm, 2 shoot 1.5 cm

Table 3 “Indoor plant cuttings”

P - Pelargonium

S – Setcreasia

X – Chlorophytum crested

Beginning of the experiment: put the cuttings in water

Beginning of the experiment: put the cuttings in water

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (0.5 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (0.5 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 2 roots (0.2 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (4.5 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (4.5 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 2 spines (1.5 cm)

P – 4 roots (0.4 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (8.5 cm)

P – 1 spine (0.1 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (6.1 cm)

P – no changes

C – no changes

X – 2 spines (3cm)

P – 4 roots (0.8 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (11cm)

P – 1 spine (0.2 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (9 cm)

P – 1 spine (0.1 cm)

C – no changes

X – 2 roots (4 cm)

P – 4 roots (1.6 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (14.5 cm)

P – 1 spine (0.3 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (11 cm)

P – 1 spine (0.2 mm)

C – no changes

X – 3 roots (7cm)

P – 6 roots (2.3 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (18cm)

P – 5 roots (0.7 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (14.5 cm)

P – 1 spine (0.3 cm)

C – no changes

X – 3 spines (9.5cm)

P – 6 roots (6 cm)

C – 2 roots (0.2 cm)

X – 6 roots (24.5 cm)

P – 5 roots (2.2 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (16 cm)

P – 4 roots (1.5 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (11cm)

P – 6 roots (8 cm)

C – 2 roots (1.5 cm)

X – 5 roots (27 cm)

P – 5 roots (5 cm)

C – 1 spine (0.2 cm)

X – 5 roots (20cm)

P – 4 roots (3 cm)

C – no changes

X – 5 roots (13.2 cm)

Beans at the end of the experiment.

Appendix 6 Images.

Houseplant cuttings.

Cuttings in a glass “+” at the end of the experiment

Cuttings in glass “0” at the end of the experiment

Cuttings in a glass “-” at the end of the experiment

List of information sources used.

    The secret life of water, M.Emmoto, translated by O.G.Belosheev, Minsk: “Medley” 2006

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Absolutely everything, including plants, has its own biofield and energy. They will in a certain way influence the subtle bodies of a person, his psyche, and subconscious.

It is with plants that you can begin your knowledge of healing and magic. And in fact, plant magic is experiencing a rebirth. A sorcerer cannot be considered a real sorcerer if he does not know how to use herbs in his practice. Since ancient times, sorcerers turned to herbs.

Protective powers of the herb. Fumigation.

Each blade of grass absorbs its own range of strength, so we use some herbs for healing headaches, some for liver diseases, some for colds, etc. But there are a number of herbs that have a very powerful healing effect, their effect immediately affects the entire human body, and not just any individual organ, and, in addition, they regulate the very energy of the body.

These herbs have a very pure spectrum of radiation, in which there is practically no black color. Their energy contains nothing from the underworld, not even the energies of the dead kingdom, so they have a very strong healing effect on humans, as well as the ability to drive away evil spirits.

These are St. John's wort, hyssop (blue St. John's wort), lavender, nettle, wormwood, thistle, dill, Mother of God grass, Ivan da Marya, etc.

In order to get the greatest power from the herb, it is collected at a favorable time.

To protect yourself from evil spirits, herbs are used only in the form of smoking or water infusions. Alcohol infusions and capsules with dried herbs are not suitable for this purpose. To prepare infusions and smoke the herbs must first be dried - losing water, they acquire fiery energetic power. A power that increases their ability to drive away evil spirits.

Smoking or incense affects our mind and, purifying our thoughts, drives away possible troubles and misfortunes. They are good because they clean not only the person himself, but also the home.

Herbal infusions act entirely on our entire body, cleansing it of dirty accumulated energy. Water allows the power of herbs to freely fill the cells of our body and tune in to receive light energy. The enormous power of herbs lies in the fact that they are able to form a common energy field, uniting their disparate forces into a common mind. When a person consumes an infusion of herbs, he involuntarily connects to the general energy field plant data. And the less he resists its effects, the faster the recovery will come. Therefore, never collect withered, weak grass growing in garbage dumps and other dirty places - otherwise, by taking an infusion from it, you will connect not only to the pure energy of the plant, but also to the energy of the place where it grew; do not try to take a “horse” dose of the infusion orally at once - by dramatically changing the energy of the body, you scare your own body and it begins to resist healing (microdoses work better and more beneficially; it is no coincidence that homeopathic methods of treatment are one of the most reliable); Taking the infusion, help your mind - imagine the field flowering herbs the type you take, the healing will go faster. When dousing or bathing in the infusion, do not be too lazy to do this either - the surge of strength will be greater than when performing the procedure mechanically.

St. John's wort. One of the most powerful herbs middle zone Russia. This is a grass that absorbs sunlight, immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, and the first signs of colds. It opens a person’s heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him, just as they are afraid of sunlight.

St. John's wort gains its greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected on Kupala (July 7, new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that catch your eye, then next year you risk not finding it at all in this place.

St. John's wort is not used in smoking, as it does not have the power to drive evil spirits out of the room. It simply very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained within it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or in aromatic oils, that is, for direct impact on the body. Previously, in Rus', St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to extract from other sources.

Hyssop (blue St. John's wort) acts immediately on the subtle energy planes of our body. It is used in incense, incense, and infusions, but it gives the greatest strength to our body when it comes into contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly cleanse a person’s energy of accumulated dirt. Otherwise, the nature of its action is similar to that of ordinary St. John's wort.

Sagebrush- the second most powerful herb in Russia, which is now used extremely rarely. Among others, she drives away evil spirits of aquatic origin. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in mermaid week, to protect against their machinations, wormwood was hung in houses, and fires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses.

The smell of this herb can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house. Wormwood loses some of its strength in an aqueous infusion, and it has a very bitter taste, so it is most often used in the form of smoking (in addition, the power of wormwood is very great and can only be used internally in microdoses).

Wormwood has the property of restoring our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Absolutely safe method Its use is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Kupala. They used them to guess about future fate, a secret wreath was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Very bad omen It was believed that if such a wreath fell or was torn, this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time very whimsical plant. It grows slowly and does not grow well from seeds, so when cutting this grass, try not to cut it right to the root. Cut off only the top - greatest strength This plant has its buds (the stem is not needed for work).
The properties of wormwood increase on the waning Moon.

Nettle. This burning herb has the property of counteracting evil witchcraft. It was used when the body was weakened and powerless; it was placed under the soles of the shoes or boots of a bewitched person so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They used nettle brooms to sweep the floors of an enchanted home to drive out evil spirits from it. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive the evil barn owl of those entering the house. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person’s former strength. Nettle was also part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty.

Adult, but not old, nettle has the greatest power; young nettle was used only for vitamin soups and salads. Adult and old nettles have always been used in magic.

In order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable.

Nettle has the greatest power on the young Moon. But in order for it to help you or someone with your hands, you must tear it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant; it does not like cowards and aggressors. When such people pick it, the plant begins to drive a very burning juice through the leaves, which is akin to poisonous, and 70 percent of it healing properties are lost.

They tear nettles with their bare hands for special purposes... To better preserve its healing properties, it is best to cut nettles with a knife; This plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength is lost, since it loses connection with the place where it grew.

Thistle- if you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get “scaring devils,” which is quite consistent with the abilities of this “weed.” Devils are really afraid of it, so this plant was hung at the entrance to the house to prevent evil spirits from entering the home. They planted thistles on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.
This plant was not used in smoking - the smoke of thistle is very bitter and eats the eyes and throat. It drives out the evil spirits, but it’s also difficult for people to stay in such a haze.

Thistles grow in unkind places, protecting our world from evil. Therefore, the plant was judged about the people living nearby: a thistle is growing - either the people are evil, or the place is bad; In any case, it is better to stay away from him.
The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.

Lavender- this plant has the ability to concentrate the forces of the human body to fight evil spirits. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred towards everything, so it must be used carefully, little by little.

Animals and insects that carry evil do not like the smell of lavender: mice, rats, moths... Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothing were stored.

Softer effect on human body possesses lavender, picked on the young moon.

Dill. This weed is a common guest in any garden. But few people know that its smell of dill dispels the effect of witchcraft and takes the trouble out of a person. An infusion of dill helps drive out the undead sent by evil witchcraft from the body. The problem with its use is that dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as aid when cleansing the body and home, but rely only on it for protection from evil forces it would be irrational.

Mother of God grass – a strong herb, which, unfortunately, does not have universal action. Its sphere of influence is fertility. But it always helps to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, and people. Smoking from the Virgin's herb calms you down nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, cuts off the effect of energy sexy vampires. Infusions act in a similar way. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the Virgin's herb helps preserve female beauty.
This herb is at its most powerful around the full moon.

Ivan-da-Marya - the last of the widespread strong herbs in Russia. It has virtually no effect on a person’s thoughts, so it is used only in infusions. This herb allows the body to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang energy, helps a person achieve happiness in life, and attracts to him what he lacks. She removes evil spirits by eliminating, with the help of the reserves of the body itself, energy holes into which evil penetrates. Calms the nervous system when constant use This herb makes a person noticeably prettier.

But this grass does not store its vultures for very long. Having collected it near the day of Kupala (when it ripens), you will be able to fully use it for no more than a full lunar month. In dried form it is with everyone lunar month loses about 10 percent of its healing properties, although chemical composition her remains the same. But even more so, try not to miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom from Ivan da Marya on the evening of July 7 (Kupala Day) in order to wash away those essences that, clinging to you, devour beauty and well-being.

And I would like to end the article with the old folk conspiracy, which was said out loud before tearing any herb for medicinal purposes. It sounds like this: “Mother Earth, help me tear up the grass.” We wish you to use the properties and power of herbs for your own benefit, for the happiness of each of us is the happiness of our entire World.

But this power exists. At least the word "lemon". Not in the “million” sense, of course, but in the “fruit” sense. They said it, and their mouth felt sour. Or "frost". Didn’t you notice how you shivered from the chill that instantly ran through your body? Dirty words, even if not addressed to us, make us feel unpleasant, gentle words make us feel warm, and cruel ones cause us pain.

Somehow scientists conducted experiments with plants. A speech containing selective obscenities was recorded on tape. Then they played the film quite loudly through speakers aimed at the plants. As a result - who would have thought! - plant cells have mutated!

It seems that if the energy of the word, like the energy of water, could rotate turbines that generate electricity, it would become brighter in Russia, and everyone would finally stop scolding Chubais.

The energy of the word is stronger than incest or the communist party.

Victor Erofeev
The word is a weapon that does not require special permission. Words can hurt, everyone knows that. But not everyone realizes that sometimes you can be mortally wounded!

The Australian aborigines still have a very unusual shape executions. One person points at the criminal with an animal bone, while others chant spells. As soon as the mental blow reaches the victim, the “executioners” leave, knowing for sure that the criminal will soon die. And indeed, the damned dies in terrible agony after a short time. According to scientists, such a reaction is the consequences of fear, which provokes a powerful release of adrenaline, reducing the blood supply to the muscles and squeezing the small muscles. blood vessels. As a result, the ritual turns into psychosomatic suicide!

Representatives of alternative medicine believe that any person is influenced by the words spoken to him: friendly, encouraging words act like medicine (sometimes not only spell healers, but also ordinary doctors work this way); hostile, insulting - like poison.

We take words very lightly, although most people are talkative. And we, women, especially. I know how and how much we can talk, for example, on the phone. We laugh, cry, swear - and all this is accompanied by a seething stream of words. But it would be good to remember that the energy of the word gives rise not only to emotion, intonation and plasticity, but also transforms the essence of things. Psychologists say that evil word, once dropped into the heart, acts no worse than arsenic. There is a theory according to which we are all subject to the phenomenon of the “failure program”. If a child in childhood parents inspired that he will never achieve success because of his stupidity, this is a time bomb. It may work after many years. Meanwhile, we often hurt those we love without even thinking about it. possible consequences. And it would be fine if we only influenced others. A person is what he thinks and what he says. Sometimes we relate words to ourselves, not realizing that they resonate in every cell of our body. And often this response is not good.