home · Measurements · Folk conspiracies against cockroaches. Conspiracies and rituals against cockroaches in the house. Protective magic against insects in the house and apartment

Folk conspiracies against cockroaches. Conspiracies and rituals against cockroaches in the house. Protective magic against insects in the house and apartment

Cockroaches live on our planet for more than 100 million years. They survived many major disasters, including asteroid impacts, global cooling and even droughts (the Prussians needed large quantities water, but were still able to survive).

It is not surprising that many modern insecticides not effective enough in the fight against these nasty insects. But since science is still powerless, it makes sense to try to resort to magic. Not to say that there are many conspiracies and prayers against cockroaches, but the experience of our ancestors proves their effectiveness, no matter how archaic it may sound!

It is believed that this "technique" I still went to get rid of cockroaches from pre-Christian Rus'. Like many other similar conspiracies, they based on appeal to the forces of nature, in particular to:

  • water (rain);
  • the sun;
  • earth;
  • flame (sometimes identified with the sun).

The interesting thing is that the conspiracy against cockroaches is directed not to kill an insect, but to try to kick him out of the house, and the further the better.

A conspiracy is being made on Thursday, possible after sunset, but not advisable.

Pour into a deep container ice water, ideally from a well, so that your hands would burn with cold.

A few handfuls of liquid splashes in the corners of the room(with your palm, no spray guns), while pronouncing alternately three conspiracies:

I drive small creatures and scum, fleas and bedbugs, ants and cockroaches, from my threshold onto the dusty road. They will perish there from the dry and cold wind. They will perish in the taiga, they will perish in the sand.

Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, here you will find bitterness and aspen, and in the forest - honey and raspberries. Get away from me, don't come back.

Go, cockroaches, into the deep forest, where animals do not roam and people do not walk. And whoever remains will suffer cruel destruction. The key is language. The mouth is a lock.

After that All floors in the house are washed with water from the container, including thresholds, and at the same time it is pronounced request to rid the house of cockroaches, directed to Father Domovoy. Text arbitrary, but sincerity is needed, otherwise the forces of nature will be upset, and then don’t expect help from them!

Prayer against cockroaches in the apartment

Prussians annoyed people back in Biblical times, and then there were much more of them on earth than now - the ecology today is no longer the same. The most the first saints, which began to be considered protectors from various insects, including cockroaches, became Blasius and Tryphon. The prayer looks like this:

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or mental or physical illnesses will begin to arise holy name yours, he will be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Reading text three times, after each utterance of the words of prayer follows cross yourself three times, and weigh bow to the ground three times. The time of day does not matter, but you need to have a calm mood and a sober mind.

Also good for repelling cockroaches prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Please note that some “knowledgeable” people advise combining the prayer below with Slavic spells. You can’t do this - it’s a sin!

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Helper! You love people and help them everywhere: on the road, in the field, and in the house. Intercede for me, God’s servant (your name), save and preserve me from all evil! Amen!

Signs if there are cockroaches in the house

Such insects could not bypass folklore. Their life is very closely combined with human life, and this “friendship” has lasted for many centuries. Exists There are many signs associated with cockroaches. Here are the most common ones: why cockroaches are in the house:

By the way, albinos were previously more common than today. The reason for this lies in the environment, which has become much worse.

This could not but affect the evolution of cockroaches, which, although slowly, continues to this day!

Useful video

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment in the video below:

Find out how to use prayers and spells to get rid of cockroaches in your house and apartment.

They try to fight insects and expel them from their home. Modern industry has come up with various means to combat cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and midges.

You can read about what they are and how to use them in the article ““.
In the old days, when there were no industrially produced insecticides, people used the means at hand and available to them. One of these can be considered prayers and conspiracies, the basis of which is concentration, faith, and concentration of energy. Why not try this method of getting rid of cockroaches in apartments and houses today?

How to get rid of domestic cockroaches in an apartment forever with help, prayers, and spells?

Prayer means turning to higher spiritual powers, to God or deities, spirits of the surrounding and other worlds. By praying, a person entrusts himself to these higher spiritual powers. Prayers are very great strength, if they are spoken in faith. It seems that it is hardly worth praying for such a trifle as cockroaches in the house. However, there are such prayers; we will talk about them later.

IMPORTANT: Prayer is a tool Orthodox religion, while conspiracy is more characteristic of the remnants of paganism in our minds.

When it comes to removing cockroaches, which are part of nature, a spell can be a very effective tool. This word refers to spells, special magic words addressed to the spirits of nature, calling on them to help.

By the way, in the old days, our ancestors often used conspiracies to destroy domestic insects - bedbugs, worms, etc.
Everyone can pronounce special words, however, for it to be effective, it is still worth observing the ancient rules and requirements:

  • concentration on the words of the conspiracy, concentration.
  • the plot should be read in a whisper or in a muffled voice; the plot should be read without being distracted by any external stimuli, putting energy into the spoken words.
  • Having a strong belief in what one is doing produces greater results.

Looking at the conspiracies, you can see that they are built according to certain laws. If suddenly, when pronouncing a conspiracy, you forgot any of its words, it’s not scary. The main thing is that you strictly adhere to the structure of the conspiracy.

Here are examples of some conspiracies, simple and effective:

Conspiracies against cockroaches.

The pronunciation of these words is accompanied by rituals or follows immediately after them.

  1. It is necessary to clean the house, wipe the surfaces in the room, and sprinkle the corners with Epiphany water. In this case, you need to wait until all surfaces are dry.
  2. Only the person reading the conspiracy or prayer should be present in the room.
  3. The ritual should be performed either at dawn or at sunset, but not at electric light, but with a candle bought in the church.
  4. The spell is pronounced on a container of water 3 times or 7 times, then the floor in the room is washed with this water again.

Ritual for hatching cockroaches on the waning moon

The waning moon is considered favorable time for carrying out various rituals, including those aimed at getting rid of cockroaches in the house.

Here is an example of one of them:

  • need to catch a cockroach
  • he is put in Matchbox
  • the words of the spell are pronounced over the box 3 or 7 times
  • open the box over the sink and wash the insect down the drain

Words of the waning moon spell.

Prayer from cockroaches and bedbugs to Tryphon

The holy martyr Tryphon of Apamea was known for helping to rid crops of harmful insects, and thereby saving people from hunger. Tryphon of Apamea is an intercessor before the Lord, and the payment for his intercession is true faith.

To get rid of cockroaches they pray to Saint Tryphon.

First prayer to the martyr Tryphon of Apamea:

Prayer to Saint Tryphon.

Second prayer to the martyr Tryphon of Apamea:

Plot against cockroaches for money

Believe it or not, it used to be that cockroaches in the house were a sign of wealth. Because it is possible that cockroaches breed where there is an excess of food, the remains of which they get. Or simply because they used to monitor cleanliness and hygiene as carefully as they do now. A conspiracy to use cockroaches to attract money will seem absurd now, but it was:

  • it was important to catch a cockroach in a wealthy family without being noticed
  • brought the insect into their home
  • held the insect in their left hand and read the spell over it three times
  • the words were as follows: “Just like in that house the barns are bursting and goods are abounding, so in my house let the barns be bursting, goods and wealth are accumulating. Amen"

  • turn off the lights everywhere
  • light a church candle
  • say: " How many cockroaches have crawled out here, let us have so much money!»

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies against cockroaches

Traditional healer Natalya Stepanova knows this conspiracy against cockroaches:

  1. The ritual uses Epiphany water and black Thursday salt.
  2. Cockroach removal is carried out from Thursday to Friday, at midnight.
  3. Salt is poured into the corners, three pinches in each.
  4. They pronounce the words of the conspiracy.
  5. Then they go through all the corners again, sprinkling them with holy water.
  6. The salt is left in the corners for 9 days, then swept out with a broom.
  7. They relight the candle they bought in the church and walk around the corners with it.

Conspiracy from cockroaches by Natalia Stepanova.

Thursday's plot to get rid of cockroaches using soap

Conspiracies on Thursday have special magical powers.
To get rid of cockroaches, you need to take a squirt of soap, wash your hands with it, catch a live cockroach and also wash it with the same soap, then put it in a matchbox, take it out and bury it somewhere in the ground. No one should see the ritual performed and no one should be present at it. The words to be spoken are: “ I bury the cockroaches and cover them with damp earth. I call for a spell for good luck. Amen».

Simoron rituals to get rid of cockroaches

Simoron rituals were invented to make it easier to get rid of existing failures and problems, including the presence of cockroaches in the house. They are good because you can improvise yourself, while investing significant faith and energy in the ritual.

For example, in the case of cockroaches, you can come up with some kind of ritual destruction of one individual, while thinking about the entire population that has settled in the house. In this case (not everyone can bear it), the insect corpse must lie in a visible place for five lunar days.

You can also try one of the ancient rituals, but accompany it with figurative energy to get rid of unpleasant and hateful living creatures in the house.

VIDEO: Traditional methods of fighting cockroaches. Death to cockroaches!

Cockroaches are a real scourge; they can greatly ruin the lives of not only those who live in the apartment, but also their neighbors. There are a huge number of ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. All of them act with varying effectiveness, but they promise to destroy insects once and for all.

One of these interesting ways You can call it conspiracies. How much is this effective method- everyone will decide for themselves.

  • The red longhorned beetle is one of the most common types of domestic insects. In addition to apartments, they take root well in garden houses, street buildings, canteens, cafes, restaurants, clinics, apartment and private buildings. This pest has an elongated, narrow body with a color ranging from light to dark brown. These insects feed on both fresh and spoiled foods, and in search of food they show miracles of agility. Like ants, cockroaches reproduce very quickly, making them very difficult to remove;
  • The black longhorned beetle is the second most popular inhabitant of residential and commercial premises. These insects usually live in garbage cans, basements, sewers, and from there they get into apartments. At the same time, they do not like to climb high, so they are a real disaster for residents of the first floors and prefer to spend the winter there. This pest reproduces even faster than the red one. And if it starts up in the house, this is a signal that the owners do not really like to clean up and take out the trash. The fact is that the black barbel does not disdain anything; he likes scraps from a garbage can. Thanks to such dietary diversity, this insect very actively carries harmful bacteria, and is also a distributor of E. coli, ulcers, cholera and other infectious diseases;
  • white cockroach is not a separate species. This is a young insect that has shed its chiton shell. The molting process, as they grow older, can be repeated up to eight times. At this time, the pests are white in color. Over time, the body acquires its normal shade. It is almost impossible to spot the white longhorned beetle in an open area. As a rule, he hides and does not come into the light;
  • American cockroach - named after its main habitat, although its homeland is Africa. His resettlement to another continent took place along with the products that were transported on ships. Pests of this species adapt very quickly to new conditions, which is why they spread throughout the world. Despite the fact that in Africa there is very hot climate, the insect has adapted perfectly to the calmer climate of America and Europe. The harsh Russian conditions did not even stop them from finding their place in the sun here, or rather in apartments. However, very low temperatures they are not suitable. Pests die at zero degrees. Feature This type of insect is that they are not only very mobile, but also aggressive, they can attack domestic animals and sleeping people;
  • Turkmen and Egyptian cockroaches – enough rare species home pests in middle lane Russia. They prefer to live in southern regions and Central Asia. These insects live both in human dwellings and in buildings for livestock. In addition, snakes and lizards are very fond of eating Turkmen and Egyptian longhorned beetles;
  • furniture cockroach – comparatively the new kind pests that were discovered about half a century ago in Central Russia. This type of insect has a bright red color and transparent striped wings. The furniture beetle does not eat regular human food, preferring wallpaper paste and the spines of old books. That is why he builds nests closer to his favorite food - libraries, bedrooms, archives;
  • The Central Asian cockroach is a resident of Southern Russia, and is also very fond of settling closer to people, as well as food supplies. The insect has a dark color, almost black abdomen, but its head is a very bright yellow shade.

Methods of verbal struggle

Desperate to use professional remedies, many people are looking for other ways to get rid of everyday problems. For example, they turn to supernatural forces. This method is quite suitable for fighting cockroaches.

Disappointed in professional means, in desperation, a person uses, in his opinion, the last resort, which, as he thinks, will finally rid him of the cockroach scourge.

The following “verbal” methods of fighting cockroaches can be distinguished:

  • Conspiracies against cockroaches;
  • Prayers for cockroaches.

Since ancient times, such methods have been resorted to when conventional means had no effect. To believe or not to believe in prayers and conspiracies today is a personal matter for each person. However, there are reviews that after using spells against cockroaches, the insects actually leave the home. Therefore, it is worth noting that the help of such methods is obvious.

What is a prayer to get rid of cockroaches? This is a certain set of words in a canonical sequence, according to which people turn to God for help in difficult situations. A conspiracy to expel cockroaches is also a speech addressed to higher powers. Prayer and conspiracy are very similar; they enhance each other’s effects. The main thing is to say the right words correctly in a certain period of time. If at the same time a ritual is carried out to destroy insects, then the whole action will become clear, consistent and in full accordance with Orthodox canons.

If you have decided to use a conspiracy against cockroaches in your apartment, it is important to know that carrying out the ceremony requires some preparation:

  • prayer against cockroaches in the house is said in a calm, always sober state;
  • it is important to pay attention to the intonation with which the words are pronounced - they should be spoken clearly, calmly, with the correct wording;
  • before getting rid of cockroaches forever using a spell, the house must be thoroughly cleaned, washed, and wiped all surfaces dry;
  • It is best to carry out the ritual in the morning, at dawn. A prayer to the martyr Tryphon can be used as a strong reversal from the invasion of cockroaches. This is a Saint who has the power to cast out demons, which he received as a gift from God to help ordinary people in difficult situations. Also, a conspiracy-appeal to Nicholas the Saint helps get rid of cockroaches and bedbugs;
  • When pronouncing a conspiracy to expel cockroaches, the power of conviction and the belief that everything said will definitely come true is very important. Different researchers say differently. Some advise not to adhere to the verbatim pronunciation of the conspiracy, while others argue that only ancient texts should be spoken exactly according to the text, and modern texts of conspiracies can be invented by yourself, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the structure of the conspiracy.

Prayers to help

Let's consider what prayers can be used when fighting cockroaches:

  1. Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Saint.
  2. “Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Helper! You love people and help them everywhere: on the road, in the field, and in the house. Intercede for me, God’s servant (your name), save and preserve me from all evil! Amen!"

    A prayer against cockroaches in the apartment of Saint Nicholas is said in the morning.

    Tryphon of Apamea fervently believed in the Lord and earned his mercy by helping people - saving their crops from harmful insects, thereby saving from hunger. Prayer to the martyr Tryphon against bedbugs and cockroaches at home is said in morning time So:

    “Holy Martyr of Christ, Tryphon, hear now and at any time the prayers of us, the servants of God (names) and be an intercessor for us before the Lord. You, who healed the king’s daughter in the city of Rome, tormented by the devil, heal and deliver us from his wiles all the days of our life. Amen".

  3. Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon.
  4. “O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or the holy will begin to call upon illnesses of soul or body your name, he will be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

    The prayer to Tryphon against cockroaches is said exclusively in the morning at dawn.

Conspiracies against pests

Now let’s find out what popular conspiracies against cockroaches exist:

  1. Traditional spell for water.
  2. There is no need to choose a specific day to carry out the ceremony in the apartment. It is necessary in the evening, before going to bed, to prepare a plate, fill it with water, and place it in the sink. After this, you should read the water plot against cockroaches:

    “An uninvited guest, a domestic pest, go away and take your relatives, do not appear in my house, go to the river to drown yourself.”

    After the spoken words, you can safely go to bed. In the morning, floating insects should be washed down the drain. The greatest effect is achieved with regular ritual performance. You can get rid of other insects in the same way.

  3. Plot against cockroaches on food.
  4. To get rid of cockroaches, a food spell is perfect. The time of the ceremony can be any. It is necessary to boil three eggs and potatoes, and they need to be cooked for quite a long time - three hours. As soon as the products are ready, they should be cooled and cleaned. The yolks are not needed for the ceremony; they can be thrown away. Proteins and potatoes are pureed, mixed with twenty bags boric acid. Small balls are made from the resulting mass. At the same time, a conspiracy against cockroaches in the apartment is pronounced:

    “I speak to all the creeping creatures:

    Cockroaches, ants, bedbugs.

    You can’t live here, you can’t eat here,

    You can't drink here.

    My food is poison for you.

    Get away from my doorstep!

    Many contemporaries are tired of their own pragmatism and the difficult surrounding reality; they gladly accept help from mystical sources, they want to learn to believe in something unusual, to perceive the world differently.

    Various everyday problems, such as domestic insects that have multiplied and do not want to disappear with the help of chemicals, can push a simple housewife to find out some non-standard effective method getting rid of them, for example, a conspiracy against cockroaches. It happens that the power of faith gives us what we want, and it is not at all necessary to know the exact explanation of what is happening.

    What are conspiracies based on?

    It is worth taking a closer look at some components of traditional Slavic culture. Our older generation, most of whom grew up in rural areas, probably remembers that ordinary people often used “whispers”, sentences and conspiracies in matters of everyday and everyday nature.

    From minor ailments, childhood illnesses, to a long journey, to a rich harvest, from house mice, bedbugs and cockroaches, there were simple conspiracies that were spoken quickly in right time. This method of “helping” oneself in business was common in the life of a simple peasant. He said it, believed it, which means he defended himself.

    Modern man also pays great interest to unconventional methods protection or assistance in business, but does not know how to do it independently and correctly, or is afraid to let something into his life that does not have a material basis. But he still watches with curiosity how others use these methods.

    The practical use of spells goes back to antiquity. Libraries of ancient Russian cities store birch bark letters from the 14th-15th centuries with preserved spell texts. They were found during archaeological excavations on the land of ancient Novgorod; examples of ancient European and ancient Indian conspiracies are also known.

    Researchers believe that on the basis of this we can judge the life ideas of our ancestors as containing a large share of the mythological.

    The basis for modern conspiracies was given by ancient pagan prayers and spells used at a time when people idolized higher powers and natural phenomena. The structure of any conspiracy is subject to certain laws. The introductory part implies a certain journey with the designation of a helping force, which traditionally includes the forces of nature (rain, wind, sun, stars) or the Lord, the Virgin Mary and the saints.

    For example:

    I drive small creatures and scum, fleas and bedbugs, ants and cockroaches, from my threshold onto the dusty road. They will perish there from the dry and cold wind. They will perish in the taiga, they will perish in the sand.

    The second part of the plot structure is verbally formulated according to the principle of comparison:

    Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, here you will find bitterness and aspen, and in the forest - honey and raspberries. Get away from me, don't come back.

    And the consolidating part of the conspiracy is a specific reference to the strength of the word, to the castle:

    Go, cockroaches, into the deep forest, where animals do not roam and people do not walk. And whoever remains will suffer cruel destruction. The key is language. The mouth is a lock.

    In a number of Christian conspiracies, a person turns to specific helpers as a helping force. To Grandfather Brownie - reading the spell and bedbugs in the hut, to the Mother of God - for successful childbirth, to Saint Blaise - for successful breeding of livestock, to the Sun-Father - for preserving crops, to Herod’s Daughters - for healing from minor illnesses.

    See also our experiments on cockroaches:

    We catch cockroaches and test for them different means- see the results...

    How do spells against cockroaches work?

    No one will deny that such situations often arise. life situations when the usual methods do not help, and it is difficult to find a solution on your own. Then people turn to higher powers with the help of prayers and conspiracies.

    Prayer is an appeal to God according to certain canons. And a conspiracy is a magical ritual speech, which also allows for appeal to higher powers. The spoken prayer strengthens the conspiracy many times over. And a certain ritual makes the appeal clear and focused. Even philosophers believe that the word dominates the phenomenon and is capable of determining “fate.”

    If you want to rid your home of insects with the help of a magical spell, you should still remember that the ritual should begin in a carefully tidied and washed room. It is also necessary to wipe all surfaces dry.

    If the conspiracy is accompanied by prayer, it is better to start it at dawn. For a successful result, you should turn to Saint Nicholas the saint or the martyr Tryphon, to whom the Lord gave the power to cast out demons. Here is an example of such a prayer:

    God's Helper, Saint Nicholas! You are everywhere, in the field, on the road, and in the house. Intercede and save from all evil!

    Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, go away, don't expect anything from me! You are so disgusted with everyone that you perish. So that my eyes never see you, so that the birds peck you! I bequeath to you forever and ever to leave my house and forget the way back! Amen!

    This conspiracy against cockroaches is accompanied by a certain ritual. Water is poured into a cup and the text above it is read. Having said all that, water should be used to clean the floors throughout the entire house.

    Researchers of traditional culture clarify that it is not necessary to use the text of the conspiracy verbatim. The main thing is to stick correct scheme, speak confidently and clearly formulate your desire. The driving force will be your conviction that everything you asked for will come true.

    There are also several additional recommendations To correct use spells and incantations. The person pronouncing them must be calm and sober, in normal mental state. Great importance has intonation and form of speech. You should speak clearly, calmly, and formulate correctly.

    In existing ancient spells, worked out by the experience of our ancestors, it is better not to change the wording at all. Spell texts related to problems modern life, it is permissible to compose it yourself, correctly using the structure of the plot.

    The power of conspiracy. Reviews

    Despite pragmatism and education, modern man believes that “folk” means that it has absorbed the wisdom of the people, the foundations that have developed over centuries, which should be preserved and observed.

    Folk signs, ethnoscience, traditional methods, are not considered as primitive superstitions and unfounded hopes. On the contrary, by using something that relates to the experiences of many people, you expect to get a better result.

    TO folk methods getting rid of insects also includes conspiracies. Reviews of housewives who have resorted to this method have one thing in common - it is unknown why, but it works!

    Here are examples of reviews:

    Anna: “I read the prayer along with the conspiracy. Just in case, three times in a row, for 9 days, in the morning. Then I washed the house with charmed water. It helped until the cockroaches came back!”

    Elena: “And I also splashed water from a cup in all corners, I read that they do this too. A month later I didn’t see a single cockroach. I learned the cockroach conspiracy six months ago from a friend.”

    People did not always have a negative attitude towards cockroaches. Thus, until the reign of Peter I, these insects were considered a symbol of wealth and home comfort: if arthropod guests lived in a house, it meant that it was prosperous. It got to the point that people caught a cockroach in a wealthy family, charmed it with the help of special magic words and released it into their home, so that material well-being and goodness would come into the house along with the insect. And during the holiday week, with the help of cockroaches, they told fortunes of wealth and performed a special money ritual.

    Cockroaches and bad energy

    Now these insects are considered the personification of dirt. And where there is dirt, there is, as we know, poverty, social disorder and misery. It is not surprising that cockroaches prefer to inhabit the houses and apartments of disadvantaged families, and simply cannot stand cleanliness.

    You need to get rid of cockroaches in your home in a timely manner, and not only for reasons of hygiene. Skeptics, of course, will doubt it, but these insects are capable of spreading bad energy, which can negatively affect the health and well-being of household members. Particularly vulnerable to this negative impact Small children.

    By settling in the housing of socially disadvantaged families, cockroaches absorb the energy of destruction and degradation that reigns there, and thus themselves become its source and carriers. That is why it is advisable to fight cockroaches with magical spells and rituals.

    Spells against cockroaches for home use

    A witchcraft spell against cockroaches is a special verbal formula that reconfigures the internal energy of a house, as a result of which the home becomes unsuitable for life for red or black “colonizers.” Cockroaches will leave this house in a hurry and never return to it.

    How to get rid of cockroaches forever: spells and conditions for their use

    Many conspiracies have survived to this day, with the help of which people in ancient times fought against unwanted mustachioed guests in their homes. These verbal formulas still work no worse than the strongest chemical agent from cockroaches.

    So that the effect of household spells against cockroaches manifests itself in full force, experts recommendpronounce them on the flawed moon. In addition, several more requirements are put forward for the use of this magical remedy:

    • room cleaning ritual. Before resorting to a conspiracy against cockroaches, a thorough cleaning of the house is mandatory. It is also recommended to sprinkle the corners of your home with blessed water or water with added table salt;
    • serious attitude towards the conspiracy, seriousness in the process of pronouncing it, belief in the power of the magic word;
    • refusal bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.);
    • reciting the text of the conspiracy by heart, leaving it in its original form(cannot be paraphrased!).

    Here are a few old folk conspiracies that help get rid of cockroaches in the house.

    Having prepared, you should wait until sunset, open all the doors and windows in your home, then read the magic words:

    Night spell against cockroaches

    The following plot is quite simple. It is pronounced at night, in complete darkness (all light sources must be removed). The performer must stand with bare feet on the floor. The conspiracy against cockroaches is read 3 times:

    Plot against cockroaches on fresh cucumber

    For the plot, you need to prepare 1 small fresh cucumber and a knife. The cucumber is cut into 3 parts in the evening, which are left in places where cockroaches are most active (in the kitchen, for example) with the words:

    In the morning, all 3 pieces of cucumber must be collected and another short spell must be cast on them:

    “Just as this cucumber will rot in the ground, so the cockroach race will leave my house!”

    After this, you should run the knife that was used to cut the vegetable across the threshold of your home, and then throw the cucumber pieces away from your home (or better yet, bury them in the ground).

    Powerful spell of the Siberian herbalist Agrafena “King of the Cockroaches”

    To cast this spell, prepare a container of holy water. Holding it in your hands, stand in the middle of your home (main room), bow to all 4 cardinal directions, cross yourself and read the magic words:

    Following the spell against cockroaches, say 3 times Orthodox prayer“Song to the Mother of God” and sprinkle holy water on the floor of your apartment or house (do not touch the corners).

    Plot against cockroaches during spring cleaning

    A conspiracy that is pronounced during spring cleaning in your home. He needs to be caught with my own hands 4 cockroaches, put them in a jar or other container, close the lid tightly so that the insects cannot escape.

    In the evening, as soon as it gets dark outside, you need to take a container with cockroaches and any 4 coins, then go to the crossroads of 4 roads. At the crossroads, release the “prisoners” with the words:

    “On 4 sides from my house, from my threshold. Run far, don't come back. My house is dry, smooth and clean, you can’t see the food.”

    After each Prussian you need to throw 1 coin with the words:

    “The journey and refusal are paid!”

    Prayers for cockroaches

    An appeal to Orthodox saints will help strengthen the conspiracy against cockroaches. It is recommended to ask for help from God's saints before using a conspiracy, and you can do this in your own words or using Orthodox prayer.

    Also, before the conspiracy, it is not forbidden to turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. A request for help addressed to Saint Nicholas can be formatted something like this:

    “Holy Wonderworker, God's Helper! You love people and help them everywhere: on the road, in the field, and in the house. Intercede for me, God’s servant (your name), save and preserve me from all evil! Amen!"

    Typically, rituals and conspiracies against cockroaches, accompanied by appeals to Orthodox saints, are performed in the morning.

    Ritual of killing a cockroach

    You can try to eliminate insects by special ritual murders. Its essence is to catch a cockroach and make it die a slow and painful death (think up for yourself what kind of torture to organize for it). A dying pest should be placed in a visible place, and its corpse should be kept there for 5 days.

    Witchcraft spells and rituals against cockroaches are a fairly strong and proven method of combating harmful insects in the house. They belong to white magic, so this kind of rituals can be performed repeatedly. But any, even the most powerful, conspiracy against cockroaches will be ineffective if you do not maintain physical and energetic cleanliness in the house. If the home is always tidy and clean, cockroaches will forget the way there.