home · electrical safety · Erudite. Folklore festival “Autumn gatherings - cabbage plant” The tale of how cabbage spread across the earth

Erudite. Folklore festival “Autumn gatherings - cabbage plant” The tale of how cabbage spread across the earth

Fairytale Health Guide
A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova

Target group:

For children from 5 years to 12 years,
parents, teachers, educators

The books are intended for everyone who wants to heal themselves and their children with the gifts of the earth. In the “Fairytale Health Guide” series, fruits, berries, vegetables, grains, nuts and honey will tell you about their healing and nutritional properties in entertaining and kind stories. The second volume will help you make friends with vegetables- real health pantries that replace potions and pills. In addition to fascinating tales, conversations and games, the book contains many original recipes vitamin kitchen, selected in such a way that children can prepare them without the help of adults. And, of course, as in our other books, the heroes of fairy tales are always ready to come to the aid of their neighbors - and even those far away... There is already a shortage of such heroes in modern children's literature!

Functional purpose:

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary, development of healthy eating skills, development cognitive activity, expanding ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, developing communication and partnership skills.

The book helps children think about their physical and spiritual health, about the magnificent gifts of nature that surround them at every step.

A collection about the values ​​of vegetables in the form of interesting fairy tales, necessary for every mother and grandmother. A reference book for any person who cares about their health and the health of their family. An indispensable guide to everyday use housewives. Vegetable menu. After each tale, you will be presented with easy recipes using this vegetable.

Functional purpose:

skill development healthy eating;
emotional-volitional development;
enrichment and activation of the vocabulary;
development of verbal and logical thinking, imagination, attention;
development of cognitive activity, fine motor skills
.. . and sensorimotor coordination;
expanding understanding of the benefits of vitamins and
.. . treatment natural means,
development play activity, communication and partnership skills;

Technical specifications:

Authors: A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova,
format 60x84/16, number of pages: 224


Pumpkin (read a fairy tale)

  • Visiting Aunt Pumpkin
  • Magic pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pumpkin cutlets
  • Pumpkin pilaf
  • Pumpkin dessert


  • Advice in Korneplodia
  • Salad "Merry"
  • Raw food cabbage rolls


  • New friend
  • How did cucumbers appear on earth?
  • Salad “Refreshing”
  • Cucumber Sandwich Mix
  • Sandwich with cucumber “Summer”
  • Cucumber soup
  • Dessert “Unusual”

Vegetable pumpkins

  • Zucchini and squash
  • Zucchini stew
  • Zucchini and apple salad
  • Zucchini cookies
  • Zucchini Sandwich


  • Smart carrot
  • The Legend of Carrots
  • Why do gnomes love carrots?
  • Carrot Pie
  • Carrot salad with oranges
  • Carrot smoothie
  • “Dessert” salad
  • Carrot salad with plantain


  • Brave traveler
  • Radish, carrot and apple salad
  • Radish with cheese
  • Savory dessert
  • Radish and nut pancakes


  • Tale about a turnip
  • Raw food salad
  • Baked turnips with cheese sauce


  • How did the radish appear on earth?
  • Radish salad with cottage cheese
  • Salad "Spring"


  • In the tomato kingdom
  • How a tomato and a man became friends
  • Miracle Powder
  • Pie with tomatoes
  • Tomato pots
  • Tomatoes with cheese and herbs
  • "Red Caviar" from vegetables


  • Seven sisters
  • How cabbage spread across the earth
  • Salad "Snow White"
  • Pancakes with cabbage
  • Cauliflower with kefir
  • Cabbage cutlets


  • Vegetable families
  • life savior
  • Good potato
  • Potato apothecary
  • Second bread
  • Potato salad with nuts
  • Vitamin potatoes with dill
  • Potato and pumpkin pancakes
  • Potato and onion salad
  • Three brothers
  • Onion family
  • Salad “Mystery”
  • Salad from onions and drain
  • Onion salad with nuts
  • Onion caviar
  • Arabic salad
  • Green onion salad with plums
  • Green onion salad with cottage cheese


  • Garlic healer
  • Garlic caviar
  • Simple garlic sauce
  • Garlic oil
  • Garlic puree


  • How Signor Eggplant treated his teeth
  • Eggplant caviar with tomatoes
  • Eggplant puree
  • Eggplant and bean salad
  • Eggplant baked with cheese


  • Legume family
  • Prince Pea
  • Pea sandwich seasoning
  • Pea soup with cheese
  • Bob the Soldier
  • Finnish bean porridge
  • Bean salad
  • Singing Bean
  • Bean salad with nuts
  • Bean soup with vegetables
  • Bean salad
  • Bean and potato salad
  • Lentil savior
  • Pumpkin-lentil porridge
  • Lentil soup
  • Magic Soybean
  • Soya's Journey
  • Soy-apple salad
  • Soybean salad with potatoes and onions


  • Parsley and Peter
  • Parsley salad
  • Parsley dressing


  • Salad girl
  • Green salad with beans
  • Green salad with olives


  • Bouquet of dill
  • Dill sauce
  • Potatoes with dill sauce


  • Named pepper brothers
  • Peppercorn
  • Red hot pepper
  • How hot peppers became sweet
  • Roasted peppers with garlic
  • Stuffed pepper

Healing vegetables

  • Vegetable hospital
  • Vitamin seasoning
  • Blood purifying salad
  • Cleanser
  • Against sore throat
  • Health mayonnaise
  • Anti-inflammatory agent
  • Vegetable cafe
  • Vitamin breakfast menu
  • Quiz about vegetables


Excerpts from a book for children about VEGETABLES: -


Healthy image life is the ability to wisely use the vitamin storehouses of the earth. We pass by these magical storerooms and suffer from it ourselves. However, it is never too late to change the situation. Especially if there is a baby in the family - the one for whom everything is just beginning.

If you want your children to be healthy, the “Fairytale Health Guide” will definitely help you. In addition to fascinating tales, conversations and games, you will find recipes for vitamin-rich cuisine. On the one hand, they are simple, on the other, they are designed to maximize the preservation of vitamins and microelements in food. The recipes are selected in such a way that children can prepare them without the help of adults.

We begin to think about our physical and spiritual health when our body cannot cope with the loads and stress that surround us at every step, and then we turn to help healing powers gifts of nature. But if we had become acquainted with them in childhood, many problems might not have affected us. Love and HEALTH to you!!

Read excerpts from the book "Fairytale Health Guide" (about vegetables)

"Vitamin Table Recipes" - Find out FIRST
New HEALTHY Recipes.

Olga Petrovna Savelyeva, teacher at MBDOU “ Kindergarten No. 50" Cheboksary


About Kapus KapustychI, Princess of Brussels Sprouts and Cucumber

Just think how great God’s light is! People, animals and birds, all sorts of herbs and ants live in it, apparently and invisibly.

In a certain Kingdom, in a vegetable garden state, there lived Tsar Cabbage Kapustych I. And he had a daughter, Brussels Cabbage. What a life she had: Kapus Kapustych I pampered her with all sorts of superphosphate fertilizers and abundant watering, she grew up in the sunniest place in the garden. Freedom, and that’s all! But the Princess never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

It was bitter for the Tsar Father to look at his sad daughter. Then he opened his royal chambers to everyone who wished to be his guest.

“Let everyone,” he says, “try to cheer up my Tsar’s daughter Brussels Sprouts; whoever succeeds, she will be his wife, and I will grant him half of my garden kingdom. This is my sovereign word!

As soon as he said this, the vegetable people began to boil at the royal gates! Suitors arrived from all over: Prince Carrot, Bell Pepper, Signor Tomato and Overseas Eggplant, the famous merchants Turnip and Rutabaga, even the peasant Zucchini came running, leaving his large family (he, of course, was more interested in half the kingdom, not the Princess). The feasts began, honey flowed, buffoons, fun, but the princess still did not laugh, she sat sad, shed tears and did not even look at anyone.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, a young Cucumber galloped up on a big grasshopper: handsome, stately. The Princess of Brussels Cabbage looked at him, fell in love with him, and couldn’t take her eyes off him. Meanwhile, Pea the Buffoon ran past and scattered his round children under the young man’s feet. The cucumber stumbled, waved its arms funny and plopped down on the ground. But it didn’t hurt him at all, it was just funny. He laughed with such a fervent laugh that the Princess could not resist. They laughed like that for an hour, looking at each other.

Brussels Sprout was not only beautiful, but also a very smart Princess. So she refused to marry a stranger who did nothing but make her laugh. “Can you guess my riddles? I’ll be your wife, but if not, go wherever you look, away from my garden,” said the Princess, “here’s your first riddle!”

She has a lot of clothes
The clothes have no fasteners.
If any of the clothes
Suddenly he prepares a salad,
Will definitely find it in it
There’s a whole warehouse of vitamins.”

The good cucumber scratched the back of his head, thought and said: “Maybe it’s cabbage?”

Yes, right. Do you know, well done, what vitamins cabbage contains? No? “So I’ll give you a hint,” said the Princess, “Cabbage is rich in fiber, easily digestible proteins, organic acids, glucose, fructose, and nitrogenous compounds. The vitamin composition is unique in its own way. It contains most of the B vitamins, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), E, ​​A, U, C, H (biotin, vitamin B7), folic acid (B9). Mineral composition includes: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, chromium, zinc, iron, manganese. That's it! Well, now the second riddle!

The head is on a leg,
Green clothes.
It’s impossible to count how many there are!
Maybe ten, maybe five!
They grow thickly!
What is this?

I know I know! It's cabbage! - Cucumber shouted.

Well done! And finally, the third and final riddle!

This noblewoman can be colored.
Early, middle, late... Light
And the fat one is violet-colored.
Tell me, who doesn’t know this beauty?
It can be eaten stewed or eaten raw!
She wears a hundred clothes, it's called...

It's cabbage, cabbage! - all the vegetables shouted in unison, - Hurray! To our Tsar-Sovereign Kapusta Kapustych I, his daughter Brussels Kapusta and their entire large family!

The Princess agreed to marry the young Cucumber. Guests began to congratulate the newlyweds and bestow valuable gifts. And Tsar Kapus Kapustych I kept his royal word: what he promised, he gave.

This is how cabbage and cucumbers now grow in our gardens in sunny places, and we always water them very generously. We make them delicious salads, simmer, salt and marinate. And cabbage soup without cabbage, no cabbage soup; and potatoes without pickled cucumbers are not as tasty!

In the garden, cabbage is called lady cabbage. Why exactly the lady? A fairy tale will tell us about this.

"Lady Cabbage"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

One day the kids Carrot and Beetroot asked their mothers why they call Cabbage “lady”? But I must say that Cabbage really was like a lady in the garden. It took up a lot of space in the garden bed, and the bed itself, allocated for cabbage, was larger than others. She was provided with the most abundant watering; and the weeds were afraid of her. They easily adapted to the sprouts of carrots and beets, but they preferred to stay away from cabbage. She's so big, she'll crush you inadvertently.

The mothers of babies Carrot and Beetroot didn’t really know why Cabbage was called a lady. They decided to ask King Pea about this.

- Cabbage is a lady because she always dresses up, walks around in a hundred clothes. And whoever walks around in rich attire is a lady. And besides, she is so large and healthy. “A real Russian lady,” said Tsar Gorokh.

Carrots and Beetroot nodded cheerfully. They loved the way Cabbage grew. She's so beautiful green color. The color of hope.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale “Lady Cabbage”

What vegetable in the garden is called “lady”?

What was the attitude towards cabbage in the garden?

Why were the weeds afraid of Cabbage?

Which vegetables did you want to know more about Cabbage?

As King Pea explained, why is cabbage a lady?

Describe cabbage. What is it: big or small, round or flat, green or yellow?

Do you like cabbage?

Dear Guys! Try to guess the riddle: “One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.” You guessed right! This is cabbage.

Let's remember what it looks like head of cabbage. It is large, round, and looks like a head.

By the way, the name “cabbage” comes from the ancient Roman word “kaput”, which means “head”.

Listen to the poem.

Young cabbage

The leaves are curling.

It will become round like a ball,

Big as a head.

A head of cabbage consists of light green, large, smooth leaves, tightly pressed together. In the very core of the head of cabbage there is a dense, large stalk.

Cabbage has been known to people since time immemorial. More primitive used it as a food product. Of course, it was wild cabbage with a tall stem and a small number of straight leaves that did not curl into a head. Wild cabbage still grows on the banks Mediterranean Sea. And cabbage cultivation began five thousand years BC. They began to grow it for the first time in Spain, where it comes from vegetable crop reached other countries.

How wild cabbage became cultivated plant with large succulent leaves?

To get large emerald green heads of cabbage, people had to work hard: choose the largest seeds, plant them in a well-fertilized wet soil in lowlands, in water meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes, water the seedlings abundantly.

Do you know, dear guys, that a head of cabbage is not a cabbage fruit at all? After all, the fruit certainly contains seeds, but a head of cabbage does not contain them.

Where does the cunning cabbage hide its seeds?

To find out, you need to plant a cabbage stalk and root in the ground in the spring. Tall stems decorated with tassels will grow from it yellow flowers. Bumblebees and bees hover around them, collecting nectar and carrying pollen from flower to flower, pollinating the cabbage. In autumn, instead of flowers, fruits are formed - pods with round seeds.

The greatest botanist of antiquity, Theophrastus, wrote about how to grow cabbage.

The famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras wrote: “Cabbage is a vegetable that maintains cheerfulness and a cheerful, calm mood.”

Cabbage has received wide recognition and love in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. The Greeks highly valued medicinal properties cabbage, it was believed that it heals diseases and heals wounds.

The ancient Romans treated cabbage and its juice for many ailments: headaches, stomach diseases, insomnia.

The ancient Roman sage Cato left the following notes about cabbage: “Eat it raw or boiled. If you want to eat it raw, then soak it in vinegar, after which it becomes digestible and healthy. It’s very beneficial to eat a little cabbage before lunch and then after lunch.”

Ancient Egyptians served boiled cabbage as a sweet dish after dinner.

In Rus', cabbage has been one of the favorite and most common vegetables for a long time. It began to be cultivated in vegetable gardens in the 9th century. Foreigners who came to Moscow were amazed at the Slavs’ love for cabbage and its abundance. One of the travelers wrote: “In Muscovy, ordinary white cabbage grows, which the Russians stock up on in large quantities and which the common people eat twice a day.”

The following sayings speak about the people’s love for cabbage: “Why bother with a garden if you don’t plant cabbage”, “Not a single mouth can live without cabbage”, “Bread and cabbage will not be tolerated”, “Cabbage is not empty, it flies to mouth".

When planting cabbage, the peasants usually said: “Don’t be long-legged, be pot-bellied, don’t be empty, be tight, don’t be red, be tasty, don’t be old, be young, don’t be small, be big.”

The first head of cabbage was covered with a large pot, and then with a white tablecloth, so that the forks grew tight, juicy and white.

In the old days, peasants also knew various tricks to protect cabbage from pests. Nettles were planted in the corners of the beds and they said: “Nettles are for the worms, and cabbage is for us.” To prevent cabbage butterflies from appearing in the garden, flaxseed was scattered between the beds, the smell of which drove away insects.

Serving boiled cabbage to the table, the hostess said:

The cabbage curled into a head of cabbage -

Sharovita, curly,

There is baldness on the top of the head,

Eat healthy!

Cabbage is usually harvested in October, with the first frost. No wonder they say: “The cabbage is the last one to leave the garden.” And in mid-October good housewives They usually ferment cabbage, hence the saying: “September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.”

Fermentation of cabbage was accompanied in Rus' by cheerful “cabbage parties” - parties in honor of cabbage.

The girls dressed up, went around all the houses singing and helped the owners chop cabbage. A little later, young men appeared with gifts for the owners and their assistants. The hostess baked a pie with cabbage and treated it to the guests.

Cabbage cutting ended with round dances, comic songs and dances.

Why do you think people love cabbage so much before and now?

Right! Because it is tasty and healthy. It contains a lot of mineral salts, sugars, and vitamins. The most useful substances are contained in the stalk. But carotene, a growth vitamin, is found in the outer greenish leaves. In addition, cabbage is unpretentious, “a hundred clothes” protect it from the cold, it gives good harvests, and the heads of cabbage can be stored for a long time. This allows you to eat fresh cabbage all year round.

The most common variety of cabbage is white cabbage. It is usually grown by seedlings, and only in the southern regions are the seeds sown directly into the ground.

Cabbage loves light and moisture and needs to be watered frequently, especially during head formation.

Listen to the poem.

Summer rain

Summer rain with a soft paw

Stroking vegetables in the garden.

He only touches the cabbage,

How the cabbage starts to rise:

The leaves are white and succulent

Curls into heads of cabbage.

They ask for onions and celery:

“Give us something to drink quickly!”

Peas reach for the streams:

“Without water, I’m completely dry!”

The blessed rain is warm

They greedily drink carrots and beets,

And rosy tomatoes

And a springy lettuce leaf.

The streams gurgle merrily,

And the wet garden sparkles,

The garden comes to life -

Everything about him is growing rapidly!

Let's continue talking about cabbage varieties. You already know one - white cabbage. Red cabbage - Native sister white cabbage Its heads of cabbage are very dense, red-violet in color. It contains more vitamin C, is more nutritious and stores better than white cabbage.

Many of you love to eat boiled or fried cauliflower. Cauliflower - annual plant. It forms inflorescences, which we eat. For a long time cauliflower did not grow in Europe and was very expensive. That's why the English still say: “The best of flowers are cabbage flowers.” In fact, cauliflower is very tender, tasty, and contains a lot of vitamins.

Answer the questions

What does a head of cabbage look like?

What ancient Roman word does the word “cabbage” come from? What does it mean?

Where does wild cabbage grow?

Why was cabbage valued in ancient times?

What were cabbage parties called in Rus'?

Which useful material does cabbage contain?

What varieties of cabbage do you know?

What dishes are prepared from cabbage?


Presenter 1 : Welcome, invited and welcome guests! We invite everyone to our hut and warmly welcome you! Don’t be embarrassed, don’t be shy, make yourself comfortable! I invited you, beautiful maidens, and good fellows, to talk about one ancient custom of the Russian people - about cabbage gatherings.


What are get-togethers?

These are not trifles at all:

This is creativity and work,

This is friendship and comfort,

This is a song, this is a laugh

This is joy for all of us!


On the ruins, in the light

Or on some logs,

Gathered gatherings

Old and young.

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And what can I say:

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived!

Presenter 2 . There were many holidays in Rus', but the most generous, the most joyful were in the fall, when people, having harvested the crops from their fields and gardens, made preparations for the long winter. One of these holidays was popularly called the skit party. It took place in the fall on Exaltation Day, when the first frosts appeared and mass cutting and pickling of cabbage began. Housewives invited their neighbors and girlfriends to help chop cabbage for the winter. Refusing an invitation was considered a sign of disrespect for the hosts. So the smartly dressed girls went from house to house with songs, jokes, and jokes, helping each other in preparing cabbage. The guys didn’t help chop the cabbage, but came for fun. And it’s better to choose a bride at work. After work, the boys and girls danced in circles, so now we’ll sing a song! (Song about the hostess)

Cabbage is a vegetable rich in vitamins. It should be eaten by both old and young, as well as those who have poor health.

Presenter 1: Dear guests, I want to ask you for help. Help me chop cabbage for the winter. There is a lot of work, I can’t manage it myself. Can you help? That's good... Thank you for your kind words.

First, let’s determine the weight of the heads of cabbage in order to properly salt the cabbage. Let's play a game with our parents.

Game “Determine the weight of a head of cabbage by eye” "(2-3 times).

The teacher throws a head of cabbage down a row, asking parents to determine the weight, then checks the weight on the scales. The winner receives a head of cabbage as a prize.

Presenter 2 : There are a lot of types of cabbage, and they are all united under one type - “garden cabbage”. Why do you think? (Because it grows in the garden.)

Presenter 1 : Oh, what great fellows! What varieties of cabbage do you know? (Cabbage (white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi).

Presenter 2 : Well done, beautiful girls and kind fellows. But in order to cook something from cabbage, it had to be chopped.

Presenter 1: Hey, girlfriends, come out and chop the cabbage.

Help me chop the cabbage,

Help me console her!

Song we chop cabbage..

Presenter 2: Before potatoes spread to Rus', cabbage was the second food product in every peasant family after bread.

Presenter 1 : I see that you are masters of singing. Can you solve riddles? Listen here:

Student 1.

What's that creak, what's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I... (cabbage).

Student 2.

Worth Ermoshka

On one leg

He has a hundred clothes on,

Not sewn, not cut,

Everything is scarred. (Cabbage.)

Student 3.

Like a disheveled sheep -

White marble head of cabbage.

The leaves stay so thick

The beauty has... (cabbage).

Presenter 2. Yes, you are good at solving riddles. Well, try to guess other riddles - not about cabbage, but about those products that were added to it when fermented to make the cabbage tasty.

Student 4. For the curly tuft

dragged the fox out of the mink.

Very smooth to the touch

It tastes like sweet sugar.


Student 5. I'm red, I'm sour.

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow.

Come on, who knows me?


Student 6. I am a rosy doll

I won’t tear you away from my friends.

I'll wait until matryoshka

It will fall into the grass on its own.


Presenter 1. That's right, these are carrots, cranberries and apples. They were added to cabbage to make it not only tasty but also beautiful.

Student 7

I, friends, am a head of cabbage,

Extraordinarily delicious.

I turned white from the top.

I'm already quite ripe.

Boil it if you like, salt it if you like.

Do as you please.

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat.

Student 8.

Young head of cabbage,

Dear head of cabbage,

Don't bother - you

We'll put it in a vat,

And we’ll salt it for future use,

And let's cook cabbage soup,

Let's serve it on the table

Let's treat our friends.

Student 9.

I also know the counting rhyme!

I peel vegetables for cabbage soup.

How many vegetables do you need?

Three potatoes, two carrots,

One and a half heads of onion,

Yes, a parsley root,

Yes, cabbage cob.

Make room, cabbage,

You're making the pot thick!

One two Three! The fire is lit

Stump, get out!

The song of the housewife came from the market

Presenter 2. In ancient times cabbage was considered medicine and used for insomnia, poisoning, headaches, and stomach diseases.

Student 10. B Ancient Egypt Boiled cabbage was served at the end of dinner as a sweet dish.

Student 11. Where do we use cabbage? It became the basis of the Russians national dishes: pickled sour cabbage, pies with cabbage, cabbage rolls... And cabbage soup was served not only in simple huts, but also in the royal chambers.

Presenter 1: You are doing well, my assistants. " A good start- half the battle is pumped out.” And so that we can get it done faster, amuse us with a funny joke and a tall tale!

12-13Boy and girl in Russian costumes they walk to the music and meet in the center of the hall.
Ulya. Hello, Filya!
Filya. Hello, Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Filya. Grandma sent pies with cabbage.
Ulya. Where are they?
Filya. And I put them under the bench.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would put them in the oven, you would come and eat.
(They turn their backs to each other and disperse, meeting at the central wall.)
Ulya. Hello, Filya!
Filya. Hello, Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Filya. Grandma sent a sundress.
Ulya. Where is he?
Filya. And I put it in the oven!
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would put it in the closet.
(They disperse and meet in the center of the hall.)

Ulya. Hello, Filya!
Filya. Hello, Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Filya. Grandma sent a calf.
Ulya. Where is he?
Filya. And I put it in the closet.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would take him to the barn, give him water to drink, some hay...
(They disperse and meet at the central wall.)
Ulya. Hello, Filya!
Filya. Hello, Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Filya. Grandmother sent Nadyushka.
Ulya. Where is she?
Filya. And I took her to the barn, gave her water to drink, and gave her hay.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Filya!
Filya. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would sit her at the table and give her tea.
(They disperse and meet in the center of the hall.)
Ulya. Hello, Filya!
Filya. Hello, Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Filya. Grandma sent a little pig.
Ulya. Where is he?
Filya. And I sat him down at the table and gave him tea.
Ulya. Oh, Phil, Phil, you simpleton!

Listen to more tales.

Boy 14: It was in November, the first of April.

It was dry in the yard, knee-deep mud.

A tall, short gentleman was walking.

He is curly, hairless, thin as a barrel.

Boy 15 : A village was driving past a man.

Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.

The horse snatched the cart from under the whip

And let's bludgeon the gates with it.

Boy 16 : The roofs got scared, they sat on the crows,

The huts have fled from the village!

Nonsense, nonsense, pure nonsense!

GIRL: Hey girls - laughing,

Isn't it time to sing ditties?

BOY: And the boys will get up too

The girls won't be left behind!

"Cabbage ditties"


Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully,

We are cabbage ditties

We'll sing great.


I tried all summer

I got dressed and got dressed.

And when autumn came,

I gave away all the outfits.


Alena dressed up

In your green sundress,

She curled the frills thickly,

Do you recognize her? Cabbage!


To keep the stove burning,

We have to turn up the heat

To make the ditty easier to sing,

We need to help by dancing.


My cabbage is good

Well, why am I bad?

Now I’m sitting in the garden bed,

I'm waiting for the groom.


He let the goat into the garden,

To guard the cabbage,

Irresponsible goat:

He ate the cabbage and left.


We fought for cabbage

Every day and every hour

Only caterpillars after all

They managed to defeat us.


Sonya walks between the ridges,

Selects everything:

Where is the cabbage, where is the weed,

She won't find it.


My brother is prowling around the kitchen,

He is looking for cabbage forks.

Well, what does it matter to me?

I ate it a long time ago.


We thought and decided for a long time:

What should I give my mother?

And they decided for her holiday

Salt all the cabbage.


We are painting on cabbage

They painted for mom,

And for brightness lipstick,

And they took the blush.


Chopped all the cabbage

And the floors were washed.

Our mother was surprised:

“Children, is that you?”


Mom, you are our dear,

We all love you.

Upset and offend

We won't have you!

Presenter 2: I dressed up like that, and you did your best. Everyone who has green in their clothes, please come out to me. Your task: make a hat out of cabbage leaves and demonstrate it on your assistant.

Presenter 1. Who bakes us delicious cabbage pies? (mothers and grandmothers). Today, at our cabbage gatherings, we must not forget about them. And our guys prepared a little surprise for their beloved mothers and grandmothers. They will sing for you songs that you have already heard, and there will also be a premiere of a new song.


Mom brings me

Toys, candies,

But I love my mother

Not for that at all.

Funny songs

She hums

We're bored together

Never happens.

I open it for her

All your secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for that

That she is my mother!

The game my mother is the most...

Song "I'll sit by the window"


My mom the best,

Success accompanies her.

Succeeds here and there

Young beyond her years.

Loves to sing and have fun

And as beautiful as the Firebird.

Smart, sweet, generous, slim,

And I'm very much in love with my dad.

I love mommy dearly,

After all, mom is the whole family.

Situation game: Let's play in a situation

Very often children behave unexpectedly in some situations. Now we suggest you play out such situations, three pairs of mother and child come out.

They pull it out. And now the most important thing! The mother will be the child. And the daughter or son is the mother.

Situation 1: Mom persuades the child to sit down and do his homework.

Situation 2: Mom takes her child to the dentist

Situation 3 The mother explains to the child. That you need to behave well at school!

Song "Lights"


There's nothing sweeter

Mom's smile -

As if the light of the sun will flash,

The unsteady darkness will be dispelled!

Like a tail flashing,

gold fish

Will bring joy to the heart

Mom's smile!

A hundred paths, roads around

Travel around the world:

Mom is the most best friend,

Better than mom- There is not!

Game: “Let’s get to know each other” 6 pieces of paper, pens, books

Sometimes it seems to us that we know each other very well.

But we don’t know a lot about each other!

Let's get acquainted!

Now I will ask you simple questions one by one, and you will answer them briefly on pieces of paper.

Questions for moms:

    What should you bring to your next labor lesson?

    Who does the child go home with every day?

    What verse can your child recite right now?

Questions for children

    What school did my mother go to?

    What was mom's favorite item?

    Why does mom like pies?

Song “Early in the morning I wake up...”

Presenter 2. Do you want another fairy tale? Should I watch a real fairy tale about cabbage? Then sit down more comfortably. Begin!

A dramatization of the tale of cabbage.

Characters : 17 Presenter, 18, 19, 20,21 Hares, 22 Cabbage, 23 Hedgehog, bear 24.

Leading : One day in the fall, just before dawn, we were invited to dinner

Hares fashionista Cabbage. (song about cabbage)

Hare 1: Why sit alone and sad?

The soup is being prepared here

We will set the table for you!

Leading: The cabbage clasped its hands,

She smiled at the invitation...

Cabbage: Oh, how nice! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me.

Leading: The cabbage took a long time to dress up,

Dressed in a hundred clothes...

Cabbage puts on sweaters, a jacket, everything green.

I just finished it by lunchtime...

Finally I went!

In a good mood

The cabbage was walking along the path.

Cabbage: Crunch-crunch! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading : And the prickly Hedgehog is coming to meet you.(hedgehog song)

Hedgehog: Where are you going?

Cabbage : Hello, Hedgehog! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Hedgehog: Are you going to the Hares for lunch?

Oh, won't you end up in the soup?

Cabbage: You are prickly, but stupid, and stupid!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading : And she went her way,

His own, showing off his clothes.

I met a mighty bear,

Everyone was surprised at Cabbage (song of the bears)

Bear: To the Hares?! Well, go, go,

Don't get into the soup yourself!

Cabbage: You are powerful, but you are stupid, but you are stupid!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading : Here comes Cabbage to the Hares

And she sat down at the table with a crunch.

Cabbage: Good afternoon to you, khrup-khrup!

Serve, Hares, soup! (hares song)

Leading: Well, the Hares say...

Hare 1: Show off your outfit!

Take off your coat!

Nobody will take him!

The hare takes off his jacket and runs away with it.

Hare 2: It's warm here, no frost.

Take off your vest too!

Hare 3: How dressed up you are!

Take off your jacket too!

Hare 4: Settle down, relax

And take off your robe!

Leading: There's no point in dressing up Cabbage!

All that's left is the stalk!

Cabbage slowly walks away, head down.

But cabbage is cabbage!

Should she remain sad?

Cabbage has come to us again!

She brought something else!

The cabbage comes out with a tray covered with a napkin.

Cabbage: Everyone in the world loves cabbage:

Hares, adults and children!

I can be of use to everyone!

I will be proud of this!

I have a sea of ​​vitamins!

I'm good for both cabbage soup and second course!

But pies with cabbage...

It is something! One two Three!

He takes the napkin off the tray on which the cabbage pie lies.

Song about cabbage

Leading: The pie is delicious, aromatic,

Shall we try it, guys?

Grab both cheeks

Yes, remember cabbage!

Presenter 1: As people say

The hut is not red in its corners,

And red with pies.

Student 25

We will eat and praise the housewives

Yes, add supplements to each other.

(Everyone sits down at the table where there is a treat: pies with cabbage.)

Eat cabbage! My advice to you:

Eat! There's just so much to be found in cabbage.

In the sea, in the gorge, over the abyss

Eat healthy cabbage

And at any break

Remember the stalk.

Student 26

“Thank you” we say boldly

For you, white cabbage.

You washed yourself with the rains,

She wore three hundred dresses.

Let's eat and praise

Yes, say “thank you”.

Presenter 1: Well, we did the job and had fun. Thank you for your help. Come in for cabbage soup - I'll always be glad to have guests. And the guys will now give their mothers souvenirs that they made with their own hands.