home · Lighting · How to arrange a bouquet with gladioli. Bouquet of gladioli: vase with blades and wedding glamelia. Bouquets of dahlias

How to arrange a bouquet with gladioli. Bouquet of gladioli: vase with blades and wedding glamelia. Bouquets of dahlias

The holidays flew by like a colorful dream. September 1 is approaching - the day when schoolchildren will bring flowers to their teachers. Bouquets of asters, dahlias, zinnias and the most school flowers in the world – gladioli – will stand out against the general background of Dutch roses and will give your child’s teacher real emotions that smell of sun and garden. You can make such beauty out of garden flowers - what a salon! In this review we will tell you how to create an impressive and memorable bouquet from ordinary country flowers.

What should a school bouquet be like?

Autumn. This can be achieved with the help of color (by the way, autumn yellow-orange colors are also the colors of gratitude, and in a bouquet intended for a teacher, this is doubly appropriate). Rowan twigs or decorative cereals can add an autumnal “sound” to the bouquet.

Durable– let the flowers donated by your child please the teacher for as long as possible. Asters and garden chrysanthemums do not fade the longest among cut country flowers: a bouquet of them can last up to two weeks. Bouquets of zinnias and gladioli last a little less, with roses things are worse - it’s good if they last about five days, and shrub roses last even less. Lilies could top the list of long-lived cut flowers, but they are definitely not suitable for a school bouquet due to their strong smell and pollen.

Appropriate. It is wrong to give a strict male teacher a “girlish” bouquet of pastel roses - discreet ones are suitable here plain flowers with dark greens. A good choice– gladioli or chrysanthemums, and the older the teacher, the more solid the bouquet should be. But you can give a young teacher a delicate bouquet in pastel colors. An authoritative, experienced teacher can be presented with large, double, ceremonial flowers. The boy can go to the line with a simple bouquet from one gerbera and greenery. Gerbera, by the way, can be replaced with sunflower. A girl with such a delicate bouquet.

Beautiful. For many garden plants There is amazing property: in a flowerbed they may not make much of an impression, but in a bouquet they look just great! So, sedum, which grows on every second garden plot, in the vicinity of asters or zinnias can become the basis of a good flower arrangement.

What flowers to choose for a bouquet?

Many parents of schoolchildren plant flowers so that they bloom just in time for September 1st. The basic country flowers for a school bouquet are:

Gladioli. True, these strict flowers can throw out their favorite trick and bloom as early as August. Dutch varieties from packages “fall short” of the start school year. Therefore, for the first of September bouquet, many gardening parents plant old Russian varieties in mid-May.

For bouquets, gladioli are cut as soon as the first 3 flowers open. To make the bouquet last longer, you need to pinch off the lowest bud and use a toothpick or needle to different places pierce bottom part stem.

Dahlias. For the bouquet, choose varieties with strong, dense petals that will not wrinkle and will withstand the school ruler without damaging their appearance. Plants are cut only when the flower is fully in bloom. Clear the petals from the part of the stem that will stand in the water, and the bouquet will live for a really long time. If you want to place dahlias in the same bouquet with other flowers, be careful. This is an aggressive flower, from the proximity of which others simply wither. But dahlias can be made friendlier by slightly scorching their stems with fire.

Roses second wave of flowering. These whimsical beauties must be kept in settled water (the water should be changed every day). You can extend the life of cut roses by scorching the stem and tearing off not only the leaves, but also the thorns. Freshly cut roses cannot stand being in the same bouquet with other flowers and quickly fade - to correct this circumstance, they need to be kept separately in water for several hours. By September 1, Ann Henderson, Pastella, and Anny Duperey will be in bloom. An original, eye-catching bouquet is made from Paso Doble roses. They bloom steadily at the beginning of the school year and last a relatively long time in The Fairy bouquet. Augusta Luise blooms until frost, which is why it is especially loved by parents of schoolchildren.

Garden chrysanthemums. Great choice for a school bouquet: these are the flowers that look fresh, cheerful, and somehow life-affirming in the fall. The main thing to remember is that you cannot cut chrysanthemums for a bouquet. Chrysanthemums for a bouquet are broken, and it is better to do this in the evening or in the morning. Flowers should be in full or almost full bloom. They will last in the bouquet even longer if you throw a silver spoon or decoration into a vase of water. They combine chrysanthemums with asparagus (especially large, cool colors), thuja branches (especially yellow, medium-sized) and fern branches (small-flowered). In the latter case, the bouquet should be low.

Asters. Along with beautiful, large-flowered varieties, small-flowered perennials can also be used - they will complement a mixed bouquet. To make a bouquet of asters last even longer, you should remove almost all the leaves from the stems, except the top ones, and change the water as often as possible. If you add a little alcohol to the water (a teaspoon per liter of water), the bouquet will break all records for longevity.

Gerberas – festive, elegant and at the same time quite official flowers. According to etiquette, they can be given to both men and women, and for a gift to a male teacher it is better to choose a bouquet of five flowers in burgundy and orange shades. Rose, chrysanthemum and aster go well with gerberas. Florists especially like to combine gerberas with roses. Five gerbera flowers, several medium-sized roses, lush greenery - a magnificent bouquet is ready. You can make a bouquet of just gerberas, for example, make the center of the composition light flowers, and the edges are dark.

The bouquet will last longer if you trim the ends of the flowers by about a centimeter every day under running water. There should not be much water in the vase: due to the small hairs that cover the stems of the gerbera, they quickly become covered with mucus.

Sunflowers. The teddy bear variety is especially suitable for a school bouquet. These soulful and cute “bears” bloom in mid-August and bloom until the frosts, they are invariably liked by teachers and, oddly enough, often win against the backdrop of prim roses from a flower salon. Both simple sunflower bouquets and mixes with them are good. Sunflowers are combined with gladioli in lilac and violet shades, and look good next to dahlias. The bouquet is complemented by rare sprigs of greenery.

Zinnias: There are tall and large varieties that look like double gerberas. In the first of September bouquet they look especially impressive: straight stems, elegant flowers. They are combined with light, delicate plants, for example, asparagus. For a bouquet, zinnias are cut, the inflorescences of which have opened ¾, and then they do not lose their natural colors for a long time and retain their freshness.

Marigold. Large varieties of these unpretentious flowers - 10-12 centimeters in diameter - are especially suitable for a school bouquet. Their orange-yellow-red color scheme and autumn scent with fruity notes fully correspond to the mood of the first day of the school year. The bouquet includes strong flowers with fully open inflorescences, but a dense core. The bouquet will last longer if you cut the stems to the height of the vase and remove the root leaves.

Snapdragon. These joyful ones bright flowers unusual shape always cheer up the person who receives them as a gift. They go well with many other country flowers: with the same bush roses, chrysanthemums, asters... Such a bouquet can be stored in a vase for up to two weeks.

Tall eustomas. These gorgeous exotic flowers can create a real sensation in the schoolyard. Eustomas are flowers popular among FORUMHOUSE gardeners. But among less advanced gardeners it is quite rare plant: you won’t immediately understand what kind of beauty this is, where it comes from. There is hardly a teacher who will remain indifferent to such a bouquet, but it would be more appropriate to give it to a young teacher.

Eustomas remain fresh for a long time when cut. While they are standing in the vase, some flowers on the stem dry out, others bloom - beauty!


I put them in bouquets for September 1st (in fact, that’s why I sowed them), I was tired of telling everyone what kind of animal it was.

These plants can play second fiddle in school bouquets perfectly.:

  • Jerusalem artichoke. You can make a bouquet of fiery red dahlias and yellow Jerusalem artichokes that look like strange daisies.
  • Aspagarus - asparagus for a bouquet.
  • Hydrangeas paniculata.
  • Decorative sedums.
  • Ornamental cereals.
  • Bladderwort.
  • Rudbeckia. Look great in a bouquet with any blue flowers and perfectly complement zinnias.

How to make a bouquet

The best bouquets are made from flowers different types, but you don’t need to collect everything that grows in your garden into one such mix. Two or three varieties of flowers will be enough, it is important that they are combined in color, mood (whatever you say, you can’t put a rose in the same bouquet with daisies), flower size and texture.

Make sure that the plants in the bouquet are different heights. Here is the formula that professional florists use when composing bouquets:

most tall flower- ¼ of its height = average flower;
average flower - ¼ of its height = shortest flower.

If you use this formula, all the flowers will be visible in the bouquet.

The color scheme of the bouquet for September 1 can be contrasting, for example, yellow-blue or yellow-violet; monochrome - when colors of the same color, but of different saturation, are collected into a bouquet; identical (for example, yellow-orange).

In the center of such a bouquet there can be any flower of any color, the main thing is that it is noticeable and stands out in the composition. It could be the largest gladiolus or sunflower, or the largest and brightest aster. The remaining plants, smaller and less bright, are gathered around in a spiral, and the stems can be fixed with tape. And by the way, have you probably noticed that bouquets containing flowers of varying degrees of openness - from buds to fully blossomed flowers - look especially attractive? Use this technique in your student's bouquet.

The stems of the finished bouquet are trimmed evenly with pruning shears and tied with a matching color satin ribbon, lace or decorative cord (the choice depends on the style of the bouquet). To prevent the ribbon from slipping, secure it with decorative needles. A beautiful ribbon and, if necessary, wrapping, will give a bouquet of simple flowers a designer look.

Don’t be afraid to decorate your bouquet with greenery: a couple of branches and it will sparkle with all its colors. AND decorative cereals: the main thing here is that the grains in the bouquet should be higher than the flowers, but not obscure them.

If you want to give it to your teacher floral composition, which will stand on the desktop for a long time, this is not as difficult as it seems.

♦ Decorate the jar or glass in which it will stand with wrapping paper.

♦ Cut out a piece of suitable size from green floral foam (oasis) and saturate it with water. There is one subtlety: the oasis must float freely in a container of water until it drowns itself - only then will it be completely saturated and be able to keep the composition blooming.

♦ Let’s start composing the composition. Florists say that when arranging flowers and greenery in a floral oasis, the main thing is to maintain the given shape: ball, trapezoid, etc. All flowers parallel to each other should be at the same level.

The composition can be decorated with school supplies: bright, sharp pencils, boxes of paints, a tiny decorative globe, etc. Can you use bright ones? autumn leaves, bunches of rowan or viburnum, fruits - from apples to corn... It is important not to overdo it: greenery and decorations should not draw attention to themselves, the main thing is the flowers.

Stately swordsmen attract attention with their proud posture. If decorative gladioli grow in the garden, even a summer resident who knows nothing about floristry can make a bouquet of them with his own hands. Tight stems, open flowers, simple to decorate, need few additions, so good on their own.

Stories and legends

Gladiolus (sword) perennial Iris family. The shape is reminiscent of gladiator swords or wide flat swords. Swordfish originated in the tropical and subtropical zones of the Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa. Some wild species grow in Western Siberia. According to one version, the plants owe their appearance to the fraternal friendship of Thracian captive warriors.

During the Roman-Thracian War, enemy warriors turned into slaves, obliged to carry out any orders of the victorious people. Among the prisoners were the young men Sevt and Teres, whose friendship and loyalty were known to the enslavers. The cruel Roman commander decided to mock the vanquished by inviting them to fight in a gladiator match. The winner was promised freedom and an unhindered return home. But once in the ring, the young men, putting their swords aside, rushed into each other's arms. Ready to accept death for disobedience to the bloodthirsty crowd, they knelt in the middle of the arena. The angry spectators really insisted on the death of the Thracians. But at that moment, when the blood of the warriors watered the sand of the arena, their swords took root and bloomed. In honor of the courageous gladiators, the flowers were named gladioli.

To attract good luck in battles with the enemy and protect against mortal wounds, ancient Roman warriors wore amulets made from gladiolus rhizomes. Flour from root bulbs was added to food for toothache and as a diuretic. Leaves and petals were applied to wounds for speedy healing. And they drank the decoction for headaches and dizziness.

If you follow the beliefs of African tribes, then the history of the origin of the sword is different. The number of internecine wars and raids between neighboring tribes was common in ancient times. But one day, the conquerors came suddenly and took him by surprise a large number of Aboriginals. Only the elder and a couple of warriors managed to escape, taking with them the main wealth of the tribe. Enemies tortured the elder's daughter for a long time, trying to find out where her father was hiding. But the proud girl refused to tell about the secret hideout. Then the leader of the enemy army decided to execute her in front of her fellow tribesmen. But when he put his sword to the girl’s throat, it turned into a blossoming stem of gladiolus with bright red flowers. The conquerors of such a miracle were frightened, realizing that their actions were displeasing to the gods, they hastily left the village.

The Russian name of the flower has such variations as “saber grass” or the more widespread sword. So called due to the shape of the sword-shaped leaves and a height of up to 1.5 meters. And today many believe in magical power flower, believing that the presence of two or three plants on the site can protect against the evil eye and bad messages of ill-wishers. The stems of the fennel are erect, unbranched, and grow in well-moistened soils, often in lowlands, in calm conditions, which protects them from breakage in windy weather. Wild varieties were originally considered a wetland weed. Gladiolus began to be widely cultivated at the beginning of the 19th century.

Who do they give it to?

Traditionally, gladioli are considered masculine flowers, symbolizing fidelity, nobility, straightforwardness, and reliability. But in Eastern culture they are given as a sign of deepest respect, care and attention, so it is also appropriate to give them to women.

For men's compositions, monochromatic varieties of cream, lilac, red and salmon colors are used. Women are given more varied and colorful compositions. Low-growing gladioli are used in wedding bouquets or glamelias are created from their petals.

Impressive skewers are used for interior decoration large premises: meeting rooms, conference rooms, hotel lobbies, reception areas, stage decoration and restaurants.

Gladioli are among the Top 5 cut flowers grown for sale in the world.

What to combine with

Next to the stately tall sword, when decorating compositions of the same level, the following look harmonious:

  • dahlias;
  • orchids;
  • hydrangeas;
  • feverweed;
  • large roses;
  • eustoma;
  • callas;
  • chrysanthemums.

For cascading, multi-level, S and L-shaped compositions next to the gladiolus, the following are suitable:

  • bush roses;
  • medium dahlias;
  • lilies;
  • asters;
  • alstroemeria;
  • gerberas.

Green additions to the skewer can be:

  • eucalyptus;
  • cattail;
  • brunia;
  • aspidistra;
  • ruscus;
  • bergrass;
  • hosts;
  • rhubarb;
  • asparagus;
  • fern.

When to cut and how to extend the life of gladiolus

When cutting gladioli grown in flower beds with your own hands, it is worth considering some rules:

  1. The flower stem is not cut off completely, but only a half-centimeter cut is made, breaking it off with your hands. This will extend the life of the flower and allow all the upper buds to open.
  2. Only those plants whose lower flower is fully open are cut, otherwise the buds will wither without opening.
  3. It is necessary to collect gladioli for bouquets in the morning before 9 or in the evening after 18.
  4. If you break it off top part stem located above flower buds, then this will save strength and extend the life of the bouquet. But such manipulation distorts the appearance.
  5. Even after cutting, the flower stalks bend in the direction of sunlight, so the vase with the bouquet should be periodically turned around.
  6. Before assembling the composition, all lower leaves are removed from the plants; upon contact with water, the foliage decomposes and shortens the life of the bouquet.
  7. Before placing in a vase, cut stems are renewed under cold running water using a sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees.

Cut flowers need special care, then they will delight you with flowering and lifespan longer:

  1. Gladioli are placed in a stable vase with high sides to relieve the load on the stem.
  2. Dilute in water under the bouquet to choose from: an aspirin tablet or activated carbon, 1 teaspoon 3-6% table vinegar, five drops of ammonia, 5 grams of sugar or several crystals of citric acid.
  3. Plants are stored on a glazed balcony or away from radiators central heating, at a temperature of 5-10 degrees.
  4. Drafts and straight lines are detrimental to gladioli. Sun rays, in this case, the buds quickly wither and fall off.
  5. Replacing water, updating the cut on the stems, and removing wilted buds is a daily and mandatory procedure.

Bouquet for a schoolboy

Giving bouquets using garden flowers on the first of September has become an unspoken tradition. And with a little preparation and purchasing packaging materials in advance, you can make a composition many times better than standard market ones. For a bouquet for September 1 you will need:

  • gladioli of three colors: white, pink and salmon;
  • several branches of craspedia (golden ball);
  • alchemilla greens;
  • 3-4 clusters of ripe rowan or one long branch with clusters;
  • 3-4 branches of fern;
  • roll transparent film;
  • kraft paper with newspaper print;
  • scissors;
  • sector;
  • textured twine;
  • stapler

Step-by-step photo instructions for a master class on how to pack gladioli with your own hands:

  1. Spread a roll of transparent film on the table and cut a square. Rotate the film diagonally.

  1. We fold the stems of the gladiolus, crossing them at a slight angle, relative to each other.

  1. Around the sword we place the remaining elements: green fern at the bottom, alchemilla and craspedia on the sides. We put a rowan branch on top.
  2. We fold the edges of the transparent film on both sides around the composition, packing it so that it fits tightly inside.

  1. We fix the bottom of the bouquet with braid. Unfold the kraft paper on the table and cut out 4 identical squares.
  2. We cut three squares from one of the corners to the center. Wrap over transparent film.

  1. We fold the last square as shown in the photo, and also cut it. This crafting element is necessary to decorate the bottom of the bouquet.

  1. We tie the bottom with decorative twine, from which we tie a bow.

  1. We fasten the upper part of the kraft sheets using a stapler. We bend one of the sheets to the outside.

  1. We decorate the finished composition with a decorative butterfly.

When decorating wedding celebrations or anniversaries, large bouquets are used to decorate the halls. They are heavy and difficult to hold in your hands, but the compositions are irreplaceable in decorating and creating a festive atmosphere. When on country flower bed There is beautiful flowers suitable size and textures, you can assemble the composition with your own hands. To do this, you will need buds of the same pink tone and materials:

  • tall gladioli 5 pcs.;
  • large roses 10-15 pcs.;
  • lilies with open buds 7-9 pcs.;
  • carnation, chrysanthemum or aster 7-9 pcs.;
  • fern 10-12 stems;
  • aspidistra greens;
  • glass flask or other stable vase;
  • narrow stitch;
  • scissors;
  • floral wire;
  • foam "oasis".

Guide to composing an interior bouquet:

  1. We place the nourished “oasis” in the middle of the vase. To do this, we cut it according to the shape of the bottom and such a height that the structure is tightly fixed and does not fall to one side. Then we place the sponge in a nutrient solution, which will prolong the life of the cut flowers.
  2. Using tape and scissors, make a grid on the top of the flask with a cell of 1*1 cm;
  3. In the center of the structure we install the heaviest plants - gladioli. Before this, we update their lower sections under running cool water at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. We remove pollen carriers from lilies to reduce the intensity of the aroma and to keep the petals clean. We place them in the composition so that the flowers look outward, towards the viewer. We first strengthen the stems with floral wire to make it easier to unfold the flowers at the desired angle and not be afraid to tear the bud from the stem.
  5. By outer edge We arrange the vases with greenery of fern and folded aspidistra leaves. We arrange the roses in random order.
  6. At the end we complement the composition with pink carnations, small asters or chrysanthemums.
  7. We check the stability of the structure and straighten all the elements.

The technique of creating a bouquet in the form of a single flower has been known since the mid-19th century, and gladioli were the first plants used in them. Nowadays florists create a flower bouquet from lilies, orchids, roses, peonies or combining different petals in one masterpiece. Glamelias are made to decorate cakes, in the form of hair clips or boutonnieres for the groom.

Used to create glamelia various techniques using glue, wire, toothpicks, hairpins. You will need:

  • 25-30 open salmon-colored gladiolus flowers;
  • floral sponge;
  • porta bouquet holder;
  • toothpicks;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • satin ribbon to match the gladioli.

Steps for assembling glamelia with your own hands:

  1. From a piece of floral foam we cut out a ball to the size of the middle of the porta bouquet. We place it in a dissolved nutrient mixture, which is sold in bags in flower shops. We wait several hours until the sponge sinks to the bottom of the vessel with liquid, which is a sign of good impregnation.
  2. We insert the sponge into the middle of the porta bouquet holder, which we will install in a narrow, high jar to make it more convenient to work with the composition and touch it with your hands as little as possible.
  3. Dip one pointed edge of a wooden skewer into glue. We place the open buds on the glued edge of a toothpick so that they fit tightly and do not dangle. Leave the glue to dry. We stick the lower pointed end of the skewer into the sponge, starting from the center to the periphery. We imitate the natural arrangement in the inflorescence.
  4. We decorate the outer part of the portbouquet's leg with a satin ribbon, wrapping several dense layers so that during the day we do not accidentally expose the structure with our hands.

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We make a bouquet of gladioli.

Gladioli are lush and solemn flowers. Their wide range of colors makes it possible to create bouquets and compositions with subtle transitions in the entire range of color shades.

Everyone will be pleased to receive a bouquet of magnificent gladioli as a gift. The main thing is to be able to choose the right ones specific case flowers.

Schoolchildren September 1 would be better suited a bouquet of bright colors, but not necessarily red. The bouquet must correspond to the height of the student and not be an obstacle to the child’s movement. Therefore, for the youngest schoolchildren, medium- or small-flowered gladioli will be a good option.
For girls It is better to give small bouquets, you can use small-flowered gladioli, soft pink, blue, bright yellow, orange and salmon flowers.

For young women Flowers in raspberry, salmon, red tones or in combination with white are suitable.

For middle aged women a good gift there will be gladioli of cream, salmon, orange, bright yellow colors, as a symbol of the sun, joy and love of life.

For men It is better to give plain gladioli in rich crimson, red, and salmon colors.

Bridal bouquet should be light and elegant, so it is better to use medium- or small-flowered gladioli in delicate tones - white, salmon, pink. Delicate greenery of asparagus, asparagus or gypsophila will give a feeling of lightness to the bouquet.

Newborns Along with the toys, you can bring as a gift a small bouquet of small-flowered or miniature gladioli in delicate tones: pink for girls, pale blue for boys.

Lovers of the unusual They will be happy to receive flowers of exotic colors - brown, smoky, green, chocolate or multi-colored.

Gladioli can be used to make compositions or bouquets to decorate the interior and any celebrations. They are good for floor vases and for miniature compositions using miniature varieties.

To reveal all the beauty of gladioli, use these practical advice:

  • It is good to add lacy asparagus or gypsophila to a bouquet of gladioli.
  • If you need to add larger leaves, you can use hosta or rhubarb leaves.
  • Gladioli go well with large flowers that are harmonious or contrasting in color.
  • If the inflorescences are very loose, remove 1-2 lower flowers with bracts.
  • For inflorescences that have not yet bloomed, cut off the top green buds by about a third.
  • Before making a bouquet, refresh the cut by 2-3 cm.

For preserving cut flowers can you advise adding to 1 liter boiled and cooled to room temperature water:

  • or 1 tablet of activated carbon;
  • or 1 tablet of crushed aspirin;
  • or 2 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • or 1 teaspoon of table salt;
  • or 1 teaspoon of boric acid;
  • or 1 tablespoon of vinegar;
  • or 2-3 drops of ammonia;
  • or 0.4 g of citric acid;
  • or 0.5 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
Using one of these compositions you can prolong the flowering of gladioli in a vase.

The Art of Composing flower arrangements- fascinating creativity, giving an extraordinary state of mind. From contact with beautiful flowers, a person himself becomes more beautiful. After all, everything in the world is interconnected!

Already by their lush and solemn appearance, these flowers seem to say what they are intended for. Bouquets of gladioli - wonderful decoration and an unforgettable gift for birthdays and weddings, for newborns upon discharge from the hospital and for schoolchildren on September 1, for women and men. Collect such a bouquet - not an easy task. But all the difficulties are nothing compared to the joy of the one who receives this bouquet!

However, before we begin to compose the mentioned bouquet, we will learn how to properly cut flowers for it.

The moment to cut gladiolus is determined by the weather. If it is cloudy outside and the plant is well supplied with moisture, and daytime temperatures are moderate, cutting can be done at any time. In summer, when the weather is good, it is reduced: the period from 11 to 18 hours falls out of it.

The best option is a half-opened bud. All the flowers will open gradually, and bouquets of gladioli will last well in water for one and a half, or even two weeks.

Properly cut gladiolus is the key to the health of its corm. To prevent her from getting sick, you should use the following technique. Having marked the place of the cut on the stem, sharp knife make two cuts on it opposite to each other without touching the leaves. Then carefully remove the peduncle from the cut part, shaking it from side to side. In this case, the leaves will cover the cut, and water will not get there, causing rot.

Gladiolus inflorescences, like ready-made bouquets, should be placed in water, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. To prolong the freshness of gladioli, add one of the following products to 1 liter of such water: Activated carbon(1 tablet), aspirin (1 crushed tablet), granulated sugar (2 tsp), table salt (1 tsp), boric acid(1 tsp), vinegar 3% (1 tbsp), ammonia(2-3 drops), lemon acid(0.4 g) or potassium permanganate (0.5 g). The water must be changed daily, and the stems must be trimmed a little before placing them in fresh water. You should also promptly remove the lower flowers if they begin to fade.

Now we collect a bouquet of gladioli, taking into account who and what it is intended for.

The older the woman, the larger and more magnificent the gladioli in the bouquet should be. Girls will be very pleased with soft pink, orange, bright yellow and blue small-flowered gladioli. For young women - red or crimson, plain or in combination with white. For middle-aged women - cream, orange and bright yellow.

Definitely large, plain, red or crimson in color.

Another thing is wedding bouquets of gladioli. For such a special occasion the best option There will be light and graceful flowers in delicate tones. Large specimens are not suitable; it is best to take small-flowered branches, as a last resort- medium size. Green decoration will help to “unload” the bouquet.

And for babies who have just been born, very miniature gladioli in gender-appropriate colors would be appropriate.

When the children are old enough to go to school, they will take a “classic” bouquet with them to the holiday. The gladioli in it, by the way, do not always have to be red; the main thing is that they are bright. And one more thing: choose a bouquet of such a size that it does not interfere with the first grader when moving.

Tandems are also possible: dahlias, orchids, chrysanthemums and other voluminous flowers with tall stems go well with gladioli. For decorative gladioli, florists recommend taking gypsophila, bergrass, hosta, asparagus or rhubarb. And the inflorescences will look great against the background of palm leaves.

Bouquets of gladioli are elegant and fresh, regardless of location: in the palm of a first-grader, in the hands of a bride, in a table composition, or in a large floor vase. Admiring these flowers is truly a delight for the eyes and soul!