home · electrical safety · DIY floor vases made from cardboard tubes. DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected solutions. From a metal pipe

DIY floor vases made from cardboard tubes. DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected solutions. From a metal pipe

Individual interior details, namely vases, panels and other decorative elements give the interior individuality and a lively atmosphere. However, interior decoration is not always the work of professional designers who are specially trained in this art and have innate talent - a room can be successfully decorated, guided solely by your own taste.

Although most jewelry must be made by professionals, it is also possible to this process with your own hands. In this case, we cannot talk about metal or stone products - their processing is quite complex and time-consuming, but to create simple and at the same time original jewelry from easily processed materials, anyone can do it.

For creating decorative ornaments At home, you can use not only samples purchased in specialized stores, since their price is quite significant, but also using improvised means. At first glance, they appearance may not correspond to the final goal, but in in capable hands, from waste material can be created a real masterpiece applied arts.

Even an element such as a linoleum pipe, which remains after the covering is laid, can be used as a decoration after proper processing. This article will describe in detail instructions on how to make a floor vase from this material for interior decoration.

Manufacturing process

When packing linoleum in rolls, a hollow tube made of durable cardboard is added in the middle, which is most often thrown away after laying - it will serve as the main material for the future vase. It will be possible to place dried bouquets in it, decorative branches trees and other light decorations, but it is not advisable to use it as a carrier for planting living plants.

Frame assembly

When cutting, you will have to make a lot of effort and the seam will, in any case, be difficult to call smooth - it is much easier to cut the pipe with a hacksaw.

  • Through roulette and a simple pencil marks are made on the pipe that correspond to the required length of the future vase - you should make at least four marks, and the ideal value would be eight points, since in the future it will be easier for you to combine them into one line;

A large number of marks guarantees an even cut, which in turn will be the key to flat surface vases - a skewed, uneven edge is unlikely to contribute to the good appearance of the product.

  • Once the cutting line is marked, you can begin cutting. A hacksaw will do an excellent job of this task, leaving an even, correct cut without tearing off the edges, as can happen if you use an ordinary wood saw for this purpose. The cut should be made in a circle, gradually turning the pipe during the cutting process - this way you will not lose your bearings;

  • Then you need to prepare the basis for the future vase- most often she has round shape and is made from corrugated cardboard. Also, the material for it can be hardboard, plywood, etc. – the only condition for the material is that it has the necessary strength to withstand the weight of the future vase along with its contents;
  • The diameter of the base must exceed the diameter of the pipe to ensure the stability of the future structure - and the greater its value, the more stable the vase will be. The cutting of the base is carried out depending on the material - corrugated cardboard can be cut with a stationery knife, and other materials are processed with saws for the appropriate purpose.

For reasons of style, it often happens that the base has a size that is not much larger than the circumference of the pipe - “as long as it stands,” however, do not forget that it is necessary to take into account the presence of a decorative element inside: branches, flowers, etc. – the more they rise above the vase, the more stable the base should be.

  • When marking shapes such as a square you should not have any special problems, but to cut out a perfect circle you will have to use special device. Since it is difficult to find a compass of this size, you need to find a rope whose length will correspond to the radius of the future base;
  • One end of it must be tied to a nail, and a pencil must be attached to the other- a nail is stuck into the center of the future circle, the rope is pulled tight and the contour of the circle is outlined in a taut state. This way you will get a perfect circle, since the rope will not let you go outside the circle, and the same degree of tension will allow you to control the inside;
  • After both elements are cut out, you can begin to connect them. To place the pipe exactly in the middle, measure the distance from the edge of the base to its surface and move the pipe until the length of the sections on all sides is equal - this will be the correct location;

Exterior design

Floor vase can be decorated in any way - light stucco made from flour mixed with PVA, dried citrus slices, herbarium, coffee beans, etc. The only condition when decorating, the decor is light in weight - it is not advisable to use massive metal decorations for this purpose. As an adhesive for installation, you can use the same PVA or epoxy composition with an accelerated hardening time.

Bottom line

Vases made from linoleum pipes will decorate any room with their unusual appearance. They can also bring practical benefits, becoming a haven for dried bouquets and light everyday items.

What makes our home truly cozy? Of course, nice and stylish little things! Floor vases can become an important element that complements the design of your apartment or house.

And here's good news for you: you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive designer new items. Floor vases can be made with my own hands, and from rather ordinary raw materials!
Today you will learn how to make a beautiful floor vase from waste material with your own hands, easily and efficiently.

Ready to create? Then let's go!

DIY floor vase from a jar

Sometimes you can create the most unusual things from the most simple materials. Look at this vase, would you think that the basis for it was the familiar three-liter jars? That's the same!

Admit it, did you want one for yourself? Then take out your reserves of creative energy from your pockets and go ahead!

To create a floor vase from a three-liter jar you will need:

  • Two 3 liter jars;
  • One tea saucer;
  • One plastic container from canned food;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cardboard egg trays;
  • Silicone glue “liquid nails”;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Decorative elements of your choice;

Stage No. 1

Let's create the base of our vase. To do this, take two jars, fasten the bottoms with silicone glue, and glue an upside-down saucer to the neck of one of the jars. It will serve as a stable leg for the future masterpiece.

Then we trim Plastic container from the can and attach it to the neck of the top can with glue.
Let it dry overnight.

Stage No. 2

During this period, we can soak pre-shredded cardboard egg trays in water until completely limp. After this, the cardboard should be squeezed out thoroughly and mixed with PVA glue until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Apply the slurry to the base of our vase in an even layer.
Leave for two days.

Stage No. 3

After the workpiece is completely dry, level the texture with alabaster.

Stage No. 4

In this form, the vase is completely ready for the final stage of finishing - decoration. Use your own imagination or the tips we will give below.

DIY floor vase made from plastic bottles

Another chic option for waste-free use of garbage. Don't throw away plastic bottles, you can use them to create real masterpieces for your home!

A floor vase from plastic bottles can be made in different styles. For example, excellent option it can become an ordinary five-liter bottle with a cut-off neck, wrapped in thin birch bark.

Idea: "Dress" plastic bottle in a stylish “sweater”, crocheted or knitting needles. This know-how will pleasantly surprise guests and fill your home with comfort and warmth.

Floor vase made of cardboard and papier-mâché

Yes, you read that right, you can also make a stylish floor vase from cardboard. It can’t be distinguished from an expensive designer one, just believe me. And if you don’t believe it, see for yourself.

To create a floor vase from cardboard with your own hands you will need:

  • Cardboard tube (can be taken from under a linoleum roll);
  • Thin cardboard;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Newspapers and egg trays for papier-mâché;
  • Polymer putty;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Acrylic lacquer;

Stage No. 1

We attach the pipe to the cardboard base and draw a shape for the future vase. We make 30 identical templates and cut them out.

Stage No. 2

We glue the cardboard blanks to the pipe, distributing them evenly around the perimeter. Leave for several hours until completely dry.

Stage No. 3

We glue the base of the vase with pieces of newspaper sheets in several layers.

Attention: the layer of paper must be thick enough so that the voids are not visible during subsequent finishing.

Stage No. 4

Soak the egg trays in water, squeeze them out and mix them with PVA glue. Apply an even layer to the base and let dry.

Stage No. 5

Coat the vase with putty in an even layer. When the mass dries, smooth out the texture using sandpaper.

Stage No. 6

We decorate the vase. This can be easily done using spray paint of any color. On top you can finish it in the style of decoupage, stucco, or apply the ornament manually using acrylic paints.

Stage No. 7

Covering the surface acrylic varnish, leave to dry.
That's all the tricks. DIY floor vase made from papier-mâché and cardboard is ready. Enjoy!

Floor vase made of pipe

Everything is quite simple here. If after renovation you still have unnecessary plastic or cardboard pipes at home, do not rush to throw them away, it is better to make a wonderful vase out of them.

A stylish DIY floor vase made from a pipe is easy, practical and beautiful.

Simply wrap a cardboard or plastic pipe in newspapers, securing them with PVA glue, paint with acrylic paint White color and decorate.

Idea: to decorate a floor vase made from a pipe, use old nylon stockings. Soak them in PVA, squeeze them thoroughly, and then put them on the prepared pipe. Distribute over the entire area, creating curly folds. Let the workpiece dry, and then paint and decorate to your liking.

DIY floor vase made from newspaper tubes

The now fashionable technique of weaving from paper wicker allows you to create lovely crafts from waste material.

In order to make a chic wicker floor vase with your own hands you will need:

  • Newspaper tubes (about 400 pieces);
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;

Stages of work:

  1. We make a 4x4 cross braid, then secure it with one tube around it. This will be the basis of our future vase. Next, we perform seven rows of regular circular weaving around the base, gradually spreading one tube at a time.
  2. After this, we begin to remove the walls of the vase, bending and weaving in the previously separated tubes. Moving up, we gradually expand the space of the product up to 22 rows inclusive.
  3. Then we weave about ten rows evenly without spreading, and coat the product with varnish.
  4. Then weaving continues, narrowing the rows and tilting the tubes inside the product until about 72 rows.
  5. We expand the neck of the vase over 12 rows and complete the weaving by creating sides in 3 rows. We cut off the remaining pipes.
  6. We cover the product thin layer PVA, wait until completely dry. Then comes final stage finishing - varnish coating. This should be done several times in a row.

DIY floor vase decor

There can be a lot of options for decorating a floor vase, the most trendy of them are: wrapping with twine, decorating with glitter, silicone glue, as well as good old decoupage.

Of course, the vase should be decorated in accordance with the style of the room; the method of its external decoration will depend on this.

Well, since we already have a beautiful vase ready, we can think about what to fill it with.

Please note that not all types of homemade masterpieces are suitable for living bouquets, which means we will also make flowers for floor vases with our own hands.

Creating artificial bouquet, use the most common tree branches. It looks very beautiful and natural. At the same time, for greater harmony with the bouquet, an eco-style vase does not even need to be painted.
Attaching balls from leftover knitting threads to branches is an excellent and economical option for needlewomen.

In any case, DIY decorative branches for floor vases are already long time do not go out of fashion. So feel free to use them to decorate your own home.

No matter how fashion changes, handicrafts are always in trend. Remember that you can create masterpieces from the simplest and cheapest materials design art. The most important thing is imagination and a creative approach to business.
A DIY floor vase is easy, beautiful and stylish. Get creative and get inspired.

Good luck!

DIY floor vase: secrets, techniques and unexpected decisions updated: April 23, 2018 by: dekomin

After renovation, there is always a lot of garbage left in the house, but you shouldn’t rush to throw it away, as there will definitely be some among it. interesting items, which after decoration can look like excellent accessories. An example of this are pipes, which can be turned into stunning vases. Next we will look at several ways to do this.

Vases made of plastic pipes

Decoration with stockings

First of all, let's look at how a vase is made from plastic pipe with your own hands. For these purposes it is best.

So, the instructions look like this:

  • If there is a segment longer than 60 cm left, it must be divided into 3 parts.
  • Next, the ends of the workpieces need to be cut obliquely.
  • Then you need to soak the stockings with PVA glue and squeeze out the excess suspension.
  • After this, the stockings need to be pulled over the pipes to end up with twisted folds.. The product should be left in this form until the glue dries.
  • Further actions depend solely on your imagination, for example, the products can be painted different colors and glue them together. For stability, you can glue a cardboard circle or square to their bottom. As a decoration for crafts, an excellent option is beads, beads, small seashells etc.

In the end it will be very beautiful product, which will look expensive, despite the fact that the price of materials is minimal.

In the photo - the implementation of a combined decor

Combined decoration

The technique for making the product in this case does not differ from that described above. The differences lie only in the method of decoration.

The process looks like this:

  • The stockings are stretched from the bottom and top of the blanks, leaving a “bare” area in the middle.
  • The space between the stockings should be coated with PVA glue.
  • Next, the surface treated with glue should be sprinkled with cereal. Which one is up to you to decide.

  • After the glue has hardened, the pieces need to be glued and painted. For stability, you can make a cardboard stand and paint it in a suitable color.

This completes the manufacturing process of the product.

From a metal pipe

If metal pipe the edges are sawn off evenly, then it is also suitable for our purposes. The best option is a workpiece that will turn out immediately with a stand.

Below we will consider one of the options for how to make a floor vase with your own hands from a pipe of this type:

  • First of all, the workpiece must be pasted over with regular toilet paper. In this case, small folds are allowed.
  • Then two layers of black paint should be applied to the paper.
  • After this, you need to apply varnish with bronze powder over the black paint.
  • Additionally, the product can be decorated with beads or glass beads.
  • To complete the bottom, you will need mounting foam. The craft should be placed on a plastic stand and the foam stream should be directed downwards. When the foam hardens, it can be tinted with spray paint.

Unusual edges of the product can be made using welding machine, simply melting them.
As a result, they will turn into fancy lace.

Of course, such a product is not intended for fresh flowers, since it will not be possible to pour water into the container, but a composition of dried flowers in such a vase will look very interesting.

From a cardboard tube

When packaging linoleum, manufacturers place a pipe made of thick cardboard, which is excellent material for making a vase. As always, to get an original result, you just need to show a little imagination.

Below we will consider one of the options for making a vase from a cardboard tube with your own hands. Before you begin, you need to prepare the following materials for this product:

So, the work is performed in the following order:

  • As is the case with plastic products To make vases from linoleum pipes with your own hands, first of all you need to cut the cardboard blank into three parts.
  • Next, all three parts must be glued together with PVA glue and secured with copper wire.
  • Without waiting for the glue to dry, apply masking tape to the joints.
  • After a day, when the glue has completely hardened, you should remove copper wire, after which the workpieces must be wrapped with a cloth soaked in PVA. In this case, you need to form folds.
  • When the fabric dries, it must be painted with bronze paint. You can use the composition in a spray can.
  • When the paint dries, you need to “walk” over the entire relief with acrylic gold paint to make the vase shine.
  • To complete the work, the vase can be decorated with twine or other decorative elements.

At this point, the floor vase made from a linoleum pipe is ready. Of course, it is not necessary to perform all actions exactly. Using this idea as a basis, you can experiment and come up with your own product design.

A vase is just that little thing that can add special charm and comfort to any room. Of course, purchasing this beautiful thing will not be difficult. However, a truly beautiful and exquisite vase is not cheap. Well, some cheap products do not paint the home at all, and even look trashy. We suggest you make such a piece of jewelry yourself, with a little effort and spending a little free time. Products made with your own hands look very original and unusual, and besides, it’s always nice to admire the object of your creativity. One of the options is a DIY vase made from a cardboard tube. We will offer you several ideas for creativity in this article.

Making a vase from cardboard

First, let's look at the simplest option for making a cardboard vase with your own hands. To do this you will need the following:


  1. Form the box into a hexagonal shape.
  2. Start making decorative elements for our vase from corrugated cardboard. To do this, cut small triangles with different sides.
  3. Apply glue to the edge and lay out decorative elements along the edges of the future vase, leaving small gaps between each figure.
  4. After you have covered the entire vase and it has completely dried, apply no a large number of putties.
  5. After drying, paint the vase with contrasting colors: dark color– in areas between triangles.

Unusual cardboard vase

The production of such a vase is somewhat different from the previous version. To make a cardboard vase, you will need:

  • A narrow glass jar, for example, for canned mushrooms.
  • Cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Marker.
  • Glue.
  • Ruler.


  1. Start from the bottom. Take a jar, place its bottom on the cardboard and outline the outline with a marker - this will be your bottom for the vase.
  2. Cut it out with scissors, adding a couple of centimeters to the drawn outline.
  3. From the remaining cardboard, cut out a large number of thin strips 1-1.5 cm wide. The width of all strips should be the same, so you need to use a ruler for these purposes.
  4. Cut identical pieces 3-4 cm long from the resulting strips. Their length depends on the diameter of the bottom of the future vase.
  5. Start making the vase itself. To do this, glue pieces of cardboard along the edge of the bottom. This must be done in such a way that the blanks do not go beyond the outline drawn with a marker.
  6. Apply a second layer of cardboard pieces in a checkerboard pattern. Continue layering the entire vase in the same manner.
  7. Periodically insert the craft into the jar to check that it fits.
  8. When the jar is completely hidden, work can be stopped. Leave the vase to dry until the morning.

The very next day you can start using the new vase for its intended purpose.

Important! The jar can be left inside, then the structure will be somewhat stronger. In addition, such a product can be used as a candlestick, but then the candle must be inserted into the jar.

Floor vase made of cardboard

In order to make a floor vase from a cardboard box with your own hands, you will need:

  • Cardboard from boxes.
  • Cardboard tube (suitable for linoleum).
  • Hot melt adhesive or Titan glue.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pencil, stationery knife, scissors.
  • Lots of paper or newspapers.
  • Polymer putty, for example, finishing “Hercules”.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Two-step craquelure.


  • Draw the shape of your future vase. In our case, this is the shape of an ancient Greek amphora, so there will be handles on the four cardboard pieces.
  • Cut out blanks from cardboard. Four blanks with handles. There should be approximately 30 pieces.
  • Glue the blanks to the pipe. Glue the blanks with handles on both sides.
  • Try to place the workpieces close to each other - at a distance of approximately 1 cm.
  • Glue the resulting shape with pieces of paper or newspaper with PVA glue. It is advisable to do this in several layers so that there is good density and so that the newspaper does not tear while applying a layer of papier-mâché.
  • Soak the cardboard egg trays in water, then squeeze and mix them with PVA glue using a mixer. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, coat the entire vase with it.
  • When the vase is dry, turn it upside down and coat it with the mixture, or apply a sickle net.
  • Coat the bottom of the product with putty, and when it dries well, coat the entire vase.
  • Once dry, go over the craft with sandpaper to make it smooth.
  • Paint the vase gold spray paint.
  • Draw a picture and color it. However, before applying the drawing, you must first make a sketch of the vase in order to properly think through how it will look as a result.

Important! When applying the ornament, you can make a stencil so that the pattern is even, trace it with a pencil and paint it with a thin brush.

A floor vase can become one of essential elements home decor. At the same time, you can even make it yourself from different materials. If you know a few tricks, the product will turn out no worse than store-bought. Ready-made instructions and design examples - about all this right now.

A floor vase can become one of the most important elements of home decor

Before you start making this interesting piece, you need to take a close look at the house and try to imagine:

  • in which part the vase will look best;
  • what tones and decorative elements should prevail in the finished product;
  • what flowers and others ornamental plants(twigs) are optimal;
  • finally, how large a vase needs to be made so that it looks especially good in the interior.

In fact, it’s enough just to “see” the future vase well in your imagination. And to make it easier, Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  1. First of all, it is better to decide on the sizes in advance. A vase looks appropriate when it approximately matches the size of the surrounding furniture. For example, it should rise slightly above the sofa or chairs.
  2. In shape you can choose between round and original options. Calm, symmetrical edges are best chosen to create a peaceful atmosphere. And if you want to enliven the space, it is better to make a vase with an original, curved neck, interesting designs and decorative elements.
  3. Concerning color design, it is best to make sure that your masterpiece stands out well against the background of the floor, furniture, and wallpaper. Otherwise, the vase will literally merge with the rest of the objects.

DIY floor vase from scrap materials (video)

Choosing decorative branches for a floor vase

The main decoration that can be placed in a vase is decorative branches. The most various decorations– and it is not necessary to choose branches of the same type. You can and often need to combine different variants to get more original compositions. Here are a few of them:

  1. Combinations of black and light significantly enliven the space due to the effect of contrast. This gives a light, nice view and looks especially advantageous in combination with lighting.
  2. The technique of attaching decorative balls to branches has long become quite common. Here you can choose light-colored products, because if necessary, they can be painted in any color, and then the composition will take on a new life.
  3. Multi-colored, wavy branches, collected in a bunch, are in many ways similar beautiful flowers, collected in a bouquet. And if you put them close to each other, it turns out very beautiful view- like fireworks.
  4. Finally, branches with leaves or small ones look very good, bright colors. They will be appropriate in any kitchen, as they create a very cozy, natural environment.


To create your own unique interior Homemade branches are also great. If you collect several dry branches, clean and dry them further, and then paint them with spray cans, this will not only reduce the cost of the process, but will also create much more more space creative imagination.

The main decoration that can be placed in a vase is decorative branches

Making a floor vase from waste material with your own hands

Making a floor vase does not necessarily require special skills or special materials. Experience shows that even from waste material you can create a very decent product and decorate it so beautifully that such a vase can easily be confused with a glass or ceramic one.

When making a floor vase, you can even use improvised materials that can be found in any home:

  • cardboard pipes;
  • linoleum pipes;
  • PVC pipes.

In this case, it is better to take exactly cardboard material, because it is very easy to work with. Of course, you can’t pour water into such a vase, but it looks great as a decoration in the house. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • the cardboard tube itself;
  • cardboard for making the body;
  • a piece of drywall or chipboard for the bottom;
  • regular PVA glue;
  • pieces old newspaper for working in papier-mâché technique;
  • paint for applying glue;
  • knife and scissors;
  • 7-8 egg yolks;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • compass, ruler, pencil.

Making a floor vase does not necessarily require special skills or special materials
  1. The most important thing is to determine the height of the finished product. As a rule, the vase should be at least half a meter high, and usually a height of 60-70 cm is chosen. It is according to this guideline that you need to cut a piece of cardboard tube - the base future crafts. Make it better sharp knife, and the cut must be taken 2-3 cm larger, and then simply trim the edges.
  2. Now you need to make the bottom. There are two options here - you can use drywall, or you can take plywood. But in any case, the surface must be level enough so that the product rests confidently on the floor and does not wobble. The circle is first drawn with a compass and then cut out. In size it must obviously be larger than the diameter of the pipe (by 4-5 cm). Attached to the base with glue.
  3. Now comes the most important and lengthy stage. You need to take several sheets of cardboard (they can be obtained by unfolding large carton boxes), which should be no less in length than the height of the vase. The outline of identical blanks is drawn on them, which will give the vase volume - that is, you need to cut out up to 20-30 identical parts that completely follow the curve of the product.
  4. And 4 more blanks are cut out along with the handles (if the craft provides for such an insert).
  5. Parts with handles are glued on each side, 2 pieces, and the rest are glued at a distance of literally 1 cm from each other. This will ensure an attractive appearance and reliability of the entire structure.
  6. Next, you need to wait a few hours so that all the workpieces adhere well to the surface. At the same time, it is better to check again how firmly they are stuck.
  7. In the meantime, you need to make a lot of pieces of newspaper, smeared with glue - you have to make the surface using the papier-mâché technique. It is important to keep in mind here that it is better to make several layers so that the paper lies as tightly as possible.
  8. Then mix the egg yolks with PVA and thoroughly and thickly wash the entire surface of the workpiece.
  9. Now you need to wait again until it dries and apply a layer of putty.
  10. And when the putty hardens, carefully sand the surface with sandpaper.
  11. The last stage of work is the most interesting and truly creative. You need to draw a picture or just put a layer of paint from an aerosol can. And now the masterpiece is ready to please the eye.

Gallery: floor vases (50 photos)

How to make your own fabric floor vase

Now you can consider another manufacturing option - the vase can be made from fabric. For this you will need the following materials:

  • the basis of the design is a terry towel (a woven napkin is also suitable);
  • cement and sand;
  • two standard 10-liter buckets;
  • water;
  • polyethylene film.


It is better to work in disposable rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin from the action of cement.

The manufacturing technology is very simple:

  1. First, cement (literally half a kilogram) is poured into a bucket and water is gradually added until a consistency similar to liquid sour cream is obtained.
  2. A towel or napkin is dipped into this solution, and it is important that it is completely soaked.
  3. Now this napkin is placed on an inverted bucket to dry completely. First you need to completely cover this bucket plastic film so that the towels do not stick to the surface.
  4. The surface of the bottom is carefully smoothed, and the falling folds can simply be straightened.
  5. The bucket is taken outside or placed on the balcony to dry during the day.

In fact, the floor vase itself is already ready. However, you still need to try to make the surface truly beautiful and attractive. To do this, we proceed as follows:

  1. Take 300 g of cement and sand, add one pinch of plaster and dilute the mixture with regular wallpaper glue (15%).
  2. Using a brush, thoroughly cover the entire surface of the workpiece with this solution.
  3. You can also initially add any acrylic paint and at the same time paint the craft with processing.

How to weave a floor vase from paper tubes (video)

How to make a large floor vase from burlap with your own hands

And another one is quite affordable option– make a floor vase from burlap. For this you can even take old material, and also You will need the following materials and tools:

  • PVA glue or “Moment”;
  • rope (twine);
  • cardboard tube;
  • molar tape;
  • scissors;
  • ballpoint pen.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In this case, the main product is also a cardboard tube. It is cut to the required height, all edges are carefully aligned.
  2. The surface is covered on all sides with molar tape so that eventually each area becomes sufficiently sticky.
  3. Twine is sequentially wound onto the tape - in this case it is better to start with inside. Then the workpiece will look very neat.
  4. Meanwhile, quite a lot needs to be made from burlap decorative elements: roses from circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm and leaves (also about 8 cm each, and it is better to highlight the veins and petiole with twine).
  5. Having imagined and drawn a picture in advance, cover the vase with roses and leaves.


This craft turns out to be especially cozy due to the peculiarities of the surface texture. If you make a smaller copy of the vase, you will get an excellent case for combs, cosmetics and other pleasant little things.

Another quite affordable option is to make a floor vase from burlap

Options for decorating a purchased floor vase

If you have a purchased floor vase at home, this does not mean that the space for creativity is sharply narrowed. On the contrary, even the finished product can be decorated in such an interesting way that as a result of decoration it will look much more original.

How to decorate a glass floor vase

Glass vase provides particularly rich possibilities for creativity, since the product is transparent and can be filled different materials to create an original drawing. Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • spray paint coating - both in one layer and in several colors;
  • decoration with artificial flowers;
  • decoration using bulk materials different colors(beans, peas, cereals;
  • decoration with twine and textiles.

A glass vase offers particularly rich possibilities for creativity, since the product is transparent and can be filled with different materials to create an original design

Unusual decor ideas for a finished floor vase

Here are a few interesting ideas for floor decoration PS:

  1. Decor using knitted clothes - by covering a vase or its individual elements with a sweater, you can create a very cozy atmosphere - such a vase looks especially good in the bedroom.
  2. Decorating with twine rope has the same effect. You can not cover the entire vase, but only the neck or handles.
  3. You can stick roses, leaves, spirals, patterns and others onto the twine. decorative items, made of thick fabric in warm colors.
  4. A vase covered with ordinary pasta looks incredibly beautiful and even mysterious, which then needs to be painted with an aerosol, stylizing the surface as metal.
  5. And if you want to stylize it as antique, you can decorate it with coins, which you have previously painted in dark brown or golden tones - let such a vase attract wealth into the house.

DIY cardboard vase (video)

Thus, you can decorate your home with a beautiful floor vase in any case - how homemade craft, and purchased. The main thing is to clearly imagine the future appearance of the vase and, of course, stock up on inspiration.