home · Tool · Which air freshener is best for the home in a review of automatic, spray and gel products. Why commercial air fresheners are harmful to health Which air fresheners do not contain carcinogens

Which air freshener is best for the home in a review of automatic, spray and gel products. Why commercial air fresheners are harmful to health Which air fresheners do not contain carcinogens

The air we breathe is odorless and intangible. And so, unnoticed, during the day, through the lungs, a person passes approximately 16,000 liters of air. It is very important that its composition contains a certain amount of oxygen, saturated with negatively charged ions. Harmful emissions from enterprises, exhaust gases, products of incomplete combustion of hydrogen, chemical substances, destroy its beneficial components and form harmful ones.

Types of air fresheners for apartments

Today, the shelves of supermarkets and home care stores are bursting with air fresheners. different forms and types, for every taste and budget. And the sellers are vying with each other about how clean the air will be in your apartment, and the smell of the sea breeze (or other “chemicals” available in the range) will “transport” you to the sea coast.

  • The most popular, easy to use, convenient, with a large “fragrant” variety are air fresheners in aerosol form. What does the manufacturer write about it? One press is enough for the product to neutralize unpleasant odors, maintaining the aroma of “something” from several minutes to several hours.
  • The next, no less popular group is gel fresheners. They are presented in the form of a plate placed in Plastic container with holes to diffuse the aroma. Also, gel balls have recently appeared on sale, filled with a container in the form of a bowl with a lid with holes. The manufacturer of the gel balls claims that its product is made from 86% natural ingredients. It actively neutralizes and aromatizes a room of less than 10 square meters. m, recommended for use in sanitary rooms, cars, hallways.
  • Next up are toilet air fresheners. They are also available in several forms: gel stickers on inner surface toilet; hanging containers with liquid (disinfecting and refreshing); in tablet form (in a hanging container or for dissolution in the toilet cistern).

Important! Please note how unsafe the drugs are: the manufacturer warns that you should not handle them with unprotected hands!

  • This is not the first year that models of air fresheners powered by electricity have been on the market. They are plugged into an outlet, have replaceable containers, can function without interruption for up to 14 hours, and have adjustable intensity of aromatic substances.
  • Electronic models “came” to the market quite a long time ago, but they were used mainly for air freshening in public buildings. Over time, they began to be used more often to neutralize unpleasant odors in the toilets of private houses and cottages. They operate on batteries, have three spray modes, 5 working periods (night, day, daily, morning, hourly), and an indicator for changing the flavored cartridge.

The dangers of air fresheners: what manufacturers don’t say

Sometimes pleasant, sometimes quite annoying, the smell of air fresheners can cause not only headache. Preparations in the form of a spray provoke nausea, dizziness, poisoning, allergic reactions and other, more serious diseases. They contain toxic volatile substances that penetrate the human body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin. Almost all air fresheners contain sodium benzoate and sodium nitrate. These elements are classified as pesticides that can cause DNA mutation and anemia.

The reproductive system, kidneys, and adipose tissue are affected Negative influence phthalic acid salts. Propane and butane irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, and cause suffocation.

Unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to make profits, deliberately engage in deceit in relation to consumers. The labels never state that odors are masked or “clogged” rather than eliminated. But those who are familiar with the properties of human olfactory receptors understand that we perceive a freshener due to a strong chemical aroma that overpowers all other odors.

Another important warning, which is sometimes indicated on the label, is that air fresheners can only be used in ventilated, large room. Naturally, bathrooms and toilet rooms and hallways are not such.

Important! If you use an air purifier in your home that significantly changes the composition of the air, do not use a chemical air freshener. Otherwise, light harmful chemicals will enter the respiratory tract along with the purified air.

Alternative Air Freshening Methods

Considering all of the above, we can draw certain conclusions about whether air fresheners are harmful to human health. Even in such " intimate places» apartments like toilet room, trying to “improve” the microclimate with the help of such devices will result in nothing but harm to your health and the health of your loved ones. Several safe and effective advice how to replace a harmful chemical air freshener with a safe one, in different rooms our apartments.

  • A well-functioning exhaust hood in the toilet will not allow unpleasant odors to linger. If natural ventilation not enough, you can install exhaust fan, which will also cope with excess humidity.
  • If you urgently need to get rid of an unpleasant odor in the toilet, simply lighting matches will help (2-3 pieces one at a time is quite enough).
  • Special “bombs” for the toilet will also help to “refresh” the air. Making them is very simple - mix ½ tbsp. soda with ¼ tbsp. citric acid, add 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tbsp. l peroxide and 10 drops of any aroma oil. Mix and roll into small balls approximately 2cm in diameter and leave to dry. Then the toilet is cleaned with this ball, giving it a scent.
  • Every thing in the apartment has its own smell. Conducting wet cleaning, some can be eliminated. And here cushioned furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains and so on - odors accumulate. The usual will help in the fight against them. baking soda. It is necessary to sprinkle it on a mattress or carpet, leave for 30 minutes and then vacuum thoroughly.
  • Vinegar will help remove the tobacco smell. If you moisten several napkins in a weak vinegar solution and place them in a certain room, then after 2-3 hours it will disappear. persistent odor tobacco
  • You can make your own gel freshener. To do this, you will need 1 bag of gelatin, water - 2 times less than the recipe on the back of the bag, any essential oil. Dissolve gelatin in water, add oil, mix and pour into a container with a lid, in which you have previously made holes. Leave the gelatin to harden and the natural freshener is ready.

The importance of clean air in human life

To clearly understand how important air is for human life, the following data can be provided. A person can live without food for about a month, without water - about 3 days, without air - no more than 5 minutes. Breathing ensures metabolism in the body.

How much clean air we breathe, we go so “correctly” internal processes in the body and gas exchange occurs with external environment. The percentage of oxygen in the air should not change, otherwise, even a minimal decrease leads to the development of diseases - first of the cardiovascular system (due to lack of oxygen in blood cells), and then of others. The respiratory organs and skin are involved in the process of air entering the body. They are the first to receive the “blow” from poor quality air.

A decrease in the amount of oxygen in its composition indicates that the concentration has increased carbon dioxide as a result of environmental pollution. One of the suppliers harmful substances, are chemical air fresheners.

Important! Today there are many recipes on how to get rid of odors in an apartment without resorting to harmful air fresheners. Foreign odors appear where the rules of basic hygiene are violated. Therefore, it would be appropriate to remember the well-known phrase: “Cleanliness is the key to health!”

Sweet odors in your home can increase your risk of serious health problems, including cancer.

Whether you want your home to be filled with the scent of cinnamon apple pie, clean laundry, or forest morning freshness, rest assured, there's probably an air freshener to suit your needs. But did you know that its sweetish smell can be harmful to your health? Over the past decade, scientists have conducted research that has identified potentially harmful chemicals contained in such refreshments.

In 2015, on all kinds of aerosols, electrical installations, candles, oil diffusers and other products, the U.S. air freshener market generated approximately $1.8 billion. According to the National Consulate for the Protection of Resources, 75% of families use such funds.

University of Melbourne Professor Anne Steinemann has conducted extensive research into the health effects of fragrances. She found that one quarter of the ingredients in air fresheners are classified as toxic or hazardous. “Ultimately it comes down to individual sensitivity,” she says. – Symptoms may not appear. However, just because these drugs don’t kill you doesn’t mean they are completely harmless. Some effects may appear later."

How worried should you be?

Fragrance products have been found to contain hazardous chemicals that end up in the air you breathe. However, not every researcher confirms the fact that these drugs are harmful. Kent Pinkerton, a professor at the Center for Health and Environmental Affairs at the University of California, Davis, specializes in the effects of toxic substances on the respiratory system. It studies the effects of particles present in the air both indoors and outdoors.

“I'm not sure air fresheners should be banned,” says Dr. Pinkerton, “we don't have strong evidence. But you definitely need to be careful with some chemicals. As you consider this question, think about what your lungs experience on a daily basis. Our lungs are like a filter. On an ordinary day, even the clearest one, we inhale millions of particles and still feel fine. Either these particles are non-toxic, or they are retained by the filter.”

When assessing the potential risk of using products like air fresheners, you need to consider the weakest links. In this case, these are people whose lungs are already more susceptible (for example, those who suffer from asthma or chronic lung diseases), as well as children. “Children do not have a fully developed metabolic system—their bodies are not able to process certain substances,” says Dr. Pinkerton, who is also a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Davis School of Medicine. "Regardless of what's in the air, children are 30 times more likely to be exposed to substances due to the relationship between activity level and body size."

Dr. Pinkerton believes people should consider the risks when making the best choice for yourself and your family. “We have serious concerns about prolonged exposure to harmful airborne particles. Using air fresheners for years has potential risks.”

5 Chemicals in Air Fresheners You Need to Be Careful With

If you do use such products, be aware that they may contain the following chemicals.

Volatile organic compounds

Volatile organic compounds are gaseous byproducts released into the air through a range of products, from paints to disinfectants and vehicle products, the Environmental Protection Agency says. The most common volatile organic compounds are classified as toxic or hazardous.

According to a 2015 study by Dr. Steinemann published in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, air fresheners may contain acetone, ethanol, d-limonene, pinene and acetate. Depending on the length of time exposed to these substances, as well as individual sensitivity, toxic VOCs can cause a number of symptoms, including irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, nausea, headaches and even damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. nervous system.

“The most common chemicals found in fragrances are terpenes (limonene, pinene, etc.) and they are quite toxic,” says Steinemann, “when they interact with ozone in the air, they create a number of secondary pollutants such as formaldehyde and ultrafine particles. Ultrafine particles cause heart and lung disease and respiratory problems.”

To reduce exposure to such substances, the Agency recommends increased ventilation when using products containing the above elements. And also follow all precautions listed on the packages and throw away used flavors in special containers for the safety of the environment.


The scientific community addressed the issue of the safety of air fresheners about ten years ago. As a result of research, it was revealed that the abundance of potentially dangerous chemical elements and byproducts such as formaldehyde are released into the air every time the spray button is pressed. In 2015, the journal Science of The Total Environment published data assessing the risk of these chemicals affecting the respiratory tract under the most realistic scenario: using products containing harmful ingredients in the home. Scientists have found that electric air fresheners release significant amounts of formaldehyde (17% of the maximum limit). permissible norm) and when combined with other products used indoors (such as cleaning products and furniture polish), exposure to formaldehyde is 34% in 30 minutes.

“Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen,” says Dr. Steinemann, “In terms of symptoms, you may experience irritation in your eyes, nose, throat, and you may experience coughing, sneezing, bronchitis, and dizziness.” The reaction and intensity of the symptoms that appear depends on individual sensitivity.

According to the World Health Organization, other sources of formaldehyde include the following: rubber contained in chipboard and plywood, paints, varnishes, cleaning products, cosmetics, etc. “When using some chemicals when combined with others, the possibility of pathological reactions increases, notes Dr. Steinemann. “You increase the risk by combining products with fragrances, cleaning agents and disinfectants.”

Worried about this substance in your home? Formaldehyde is one of the few air pollutants that can be measured with a special device. Assess and then, if possible, eliminate the source. If this is not possible, try to reduce the intensity of exposure by using sealing materials on all finishing surfaces and furniture.

Phthalic acid ester

If you have a pregnant relative or small children spending time in your home, you should consider safety usual ways eliminating odors. One study conducted in 2007 looked at 14 types of air fresheners. It was revealed that 12 of them contained phthalic acid ester. Moreover, even those that stated “unscented” and “all natural.”

Phthalic ether, which is used to eliminate odors, causes changes in hormonal levels, poor sperm quality, birth defects and reproductive pathologies. Moreover, a type of phthalate ester called Di (2-ethylhexyl), found in products such as air fresheners, is a carcinogen.

1,4 dichlorobenzene

One of the main ingredients in mothballs, odor eliminators and toilet fresheners, 1,4 dichlorobenzene (1,4 DCB), has been linked to two serious health conditions. It can cause deterioration in lung function. And as a result of an experiment on mice, it turned out that prolonged use of products containing this element causes liver cancer. This is reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Even a slight decrease in lung function can have serious consequences,” said researcher Stephanie London, lead author of the study. “The best way to protect yourself, especially for children with asthma and other respiratory diseases, is to reduce the use of products and materials containing these compounds.”


For people suffering from seasonal allergies, chronic asthma, lung disease or the common cold, air fresheners should be prohibited. This is reported by Jeanne Tuck, an allergist in Cape Gerardeau and a spokeswoman for the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

“Sprays, candles, and fragrances all contain substances that irritate the respiratory tract,” says Dr. Tuck. “Patients with asthma and other chronic lung diseases or allergies already have inflammation, so irritants can make the problem even worse.”

According to a 2011 study by the American College, volatile organic compounds in air fresheners can cause a 34% increase in health problems among people with asthma. “The example I give is: if you don’t smoke and you walk into a room full of tobacco smoke, will you feel sick and suffocate? And if you already have a cold, how much worse will you perceive polluted air? If you are sensitive enough to exposure to volatile organics, it can be harmful to your health. As an allergist, I do not recommend any fresheners to my patients,” says Dr. Tuck.

The safest method of using fragrance products indoors

If you are concerned about the effects of volatile organic compounds, phthalate ether and other chemicals contained in home air fresheners, but still want to fill your home with a pleasant aroma, try to use sources that are close to natural. Brew mint tea or peel an orange. Only natural, pure sources are free from various harmful substances. Even essential oils may contain unsafe chemicals.

Another way to freshen up a room is to simply open the windows. “Why use air fresheners at all? They are not intended for air purification and disinfection; it's just a chemical mixture that masks odors,” says Dr. Steinemann. The best smell is the absence of it. This means your home is actually clean.

It's always nice when the room smells nice. Delicate floral aromas, bold citrus notes and the smell of freshness after rain are much preferable to stagnant indoor air. The arsenal of air freshener scents is impressive. Such products are especially popular. They are used at home, in shops, offices, gyms, car showrooms and even in coffee shops, creating a special alluring aroma of baked goods and freshly brewed coffee. But are all kinds of flavorings really that good? After reading this article, you will learn why air fresheners are harmful and how to achieve a pleasant aroma in the room without causing harm to your health.

Types of air fresheners

Modern industry produces a huge variety of air freshener options:

  • They come in the form of sprays, gels, flavored liquids, sachets and scented sticks. You can also fill the room with aroma using candles, oils, special wax, flavored granules and salt, special impregnated cardboard base.
  • There are fragrances that release aroma when heated, with automatic delivery or spraying, working by mechanical pressure and simply smelling until the smell disappears.
  • What can we say about the number of available scents. In this case, the chemical industry does not stand still. You can find a freshener with a scent to suit every taste, and this list is regularly updated and growing.

However, are modern air fresheners really that good? Special attention Let's focus on aerosol flavors. Such air fresheners are dangerous to human health, because during inhalation, sprayed chemicals penetrate into the body. Small particles can even penetrate the body through the skin.

Composition of air fresheners

What does a modern air freshener consist of and what has such an effect on the human body? Paying attention to the composition, you will see many names of chemical elements that are not at all familiar to you. Each manufacturer creates a product according to its own special recipe, using unique components. Despite this, all air fresheners have basic common chemical elements.

The main components of most air fresheners are:

  • Formaldehyde. It is a colorless gas that has a pungent odor. It is added to air fresheners as an effective deodorizing substance; it is able to absorb unpleasant odors. Is toxic.
  • Sodium nitrite. Is a reducing agent. Also used as a preservative. Is fire hazardous and toxic. One of the most dangerous components of aerosols.
  • Ethanol. Represents monohydric alcohol, serves as a solvent for many chemicals. Very flammable.
  • Phthalates. These are esters and salts of phthalic acid. They are used as odor fixatives and solvents. They cause enormous harm to human health, can accumulate in the kidneys and liver, and have an effect on the human hormonal system.
  • Benzene. A colorless liquid with specific smell. It is a carcinogen, plus it is quite toxic. Serves as a solvent and synthesizes other substances.

You can also find petroleum distillates. pinene, limonene, which is used as a fragrance.

This is just a small part of the air freshener components. It’s hard to even imagine the harm air fresheners cause to the human body. Even from the main list it is clear what a considerable amount of carcinogenic and toxic substances are present in the composition.

Important! If you're looking to ditch the abundance of chemicals in your home, as an alternative, try these easy ideas for making your own air freshener:

Effect on the human body

The most dangerous air freshener is aerosol fragrance. When sprayed into the air, fine particles are released that can penetrate the respiratory system during inhalation and into the blood through the skin:

  • Regular inhalation of such quantities of harmful and toxic substances can cause various allergic reactions, irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory organs.

Important! There are studies that show a connection between regular use air fresheners and the development of asthma.

  • Systematic inhalation of formaldehyde can negatively affect the central nervous system, causing nausea and nervous disorders.
  • Some chemicals in the aerosol can affect the reproductive system and cause DNA mutations.
  • Phthalates in the composition can accumulate in the liver and kidneys, negatively affect the functioning of these organs, and they become intoxicated.
  • When harmful vapors are inhaled, the composition of the blood is affected, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed and the development of anemia.

Important! You should use aerosol air fresheners with extreme caution, and it is best to avoid them altogether, especially if there are children in the house.

Why are air fresheners dangerous? Doctors recommend familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of intoxication of the body with chemicals in order to seek treatment in time. medical care. The harm of air fresheners in the form of intoxication is manifested as follows:

  • Nervous system disorders. This may include lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, weakness and fatigue. With severe intoxication, there is a headache, hand tremors, decreased vision and irritability.
  • Manifestations from the respiratory system. May be expressed in a feeling of lack of air, burning in the nasopharynx. With severe intoxication, bronchospasm and even pulmonary edema may occur. All this is often accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Important! These symptoms are present at the initial stage of intoxication, immediately after inhalation of harmful fumes.

  • Allergic reactions on the skin. With frequent use of air fresheners, small particles after spraying can settle on the skin and cause itching and irritation. Dry skin may be present. In rare cases, eczema develops.
  • From the digestive system, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and a burning sensation in the stomach may be present.
  • Once inside the body, toxins accumulate in the liver and kidneys, causing intoxication of the body. At this stage, problems with urination may occur.
  • Increased body temperature for no apparent reason and increased sweating.

Important! In addition to air fresheners, you can replace them with safe ones, but effective means and other means to maintain order in the house. If you are interested in this offer, read our other publications:

Taking advantage aerosol air freshener air for a long time can cause severe intoxication of the body. Often a person is not even aware of the causes of these symptoms. Intoxication can have a cumulative effect. If the listed symptoms are present, it is necessary to completely eliminate exposure to these substances, ensure an influx of fresh air and seek medical help immediately.

You have become familiar with the harm that air fresheners cause to the human body, and the most correct decision after reading this would be to completely abandon chemical air aromatization. Is there an alternative? - Certainly!

Safe DIY air fresheners

In order to enjoy pleasant aromas in the room without harming your health, doctors advise using natural flavors. If desired, you can make them yourself.

Important! Do not forget about individual intolerance to the components used, because natural essential oils are allergens. Use only those components to which you are not allergic.

Knowing the harm caused by store-bought air fresheners, you can begin to self-production air flavoring agent. Popular among housewives following methods production of safe air fresheners:

  • The most in a simple way You can use essential oils to aromatize the air in a room. A few drops of it can be applied to cotton wool and placed in a suitable place.
  • A few drops of natural essential oil can be added to a humidifier. Some housewives place oil-soaked cotton wool in a vacuum cleaner.
  • The aroma of the oil spreads well when exposed to heat. Cotton wool soaked in essential oil can be placed on the radiator. There are special stone aroma lamps, in which a candle is placed at the bottom, and a couple of drops of your favorite oil are dripped into the upper bowl. When burned, the candle heats the bowl and the aroma spreads throughout the room.
  • If you want to make a fragrance in the form of a spray, then just take a suitable container with a spray bottle, pour water into it and add a few drops of essential oil.
  • To make a gel flavor, you need to take a glass of water and dissolve it in it. required amount gelatin, following the manufacturer's recommendations on the package. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add a tablespoon of glycerin to the water so that the gel flavor does not dry out for as long as possible. The last step is to add a few drops of aromatic essential oil to this mixture. The liquid is poured into small glasses or molds and placed in the desired places. Some people add food coloring to the mixture before it hardens.

Important! This flavor is very similar to the store-bought counterpart, but is not comparable in its benefits. Natural essential oil can have a beneficial effect on a person, ranging from improved emotional well-being to good physical well-being and vigor, and improved immunity.

  • Various coniferous branches are an excellent scent - you can put them in a vase and enjoy the aroma.
  • Simple and original way To fill the room with pleasant aromas is to place several oranges in the room, into which you first need to stick 15-20 pieces of clove spice over the entire surface. This fragrance will emit an incredible aroma for up to several weeks.
  • If you want to make a toilet freshener, then add one tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar to a container with a spray bottle. This solution perfectly neutralizes odors and is an excellent disinfectant. If you want to use a fragrant freshener, just add a few drops of essential oil to the water and spray this solution.

Dust and aerosols, the level of which in the inhaled air exceeds the permissible concentration, have a detrimental effect on human health, especially children. The reasons leading to the appearance of these substances in environment, there are a lot.

The amount of dust especially increases in summer, in dry, hot weather, when wind currents lift small solid particles into the air. Ordinary house dust also plays an equally important role in the development of pathology in humans.

As for aerosols, their content in the atmosphere increases in those areas in the area in which large factories, stations are built, or where large car roads. Aerosol, unlike dust, is tiny solid (smoke) and liquid (fog) particles suspended in the air.

Dust(admixture of large particles solids in the air) has more mechanical action on the respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation of such air leads to chronic “traumatization” of the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi. As a result, their protective properties, the passing air is poorly humidified and less cleaned of contaminants and microorganisms. All this leads to the fact that the lungs begin to suffer. A chronic cough appears, phlegm is difficult to clear, and it becomes difficult to breathe. Very often there is a feeling of lack of air, which leads to shortness of breath. If the harmful effects of dust are not removed, the next stage will be chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

If we talk about aerosols, then they, in addition to the detrimental mechanical effect on the respiratory system, also have a chemical effect. Prolonged contact with aerosols is fraught with development. The smallest particles, passing through the small-caliber airways (bronchioles), irritate the nerve endings located in them. This, in turn, causes a spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchioles. Also, aerosols, being a foreign substance and passing through the respiratory tract, trigger an allergic reaction in them, which contributes to swelling of the bronchial wall and the production of thick, viscous sputum. All these mechanisms lead to a decrease in the lumen of the airways and are a key link in the formation of suffocation.

But this is not the only danger of chronic inhalation of aerosols. Due to the negligible size of the particles contained in it, they are capable of exerting chemical action on the body. Systematic inhalation of dust rich in various metals or silicon oxide, over the years, leads to diseases such as silicosis, asbestosis, and pulmonary metallosis.

As you can see, in this case it mainly suffers respiratory system. More severe consequences occur when aerosols containing suspended liquid particles are inhaled. When they enter the respiratory tract, they penetrate into blood vessels and spread throughout the body. In such situations, the liver and kidneys will suffer. They, being natural blood purifiers, retain all toxic and toxic substances, getting into the blood.

The liver, like any other organ, has enormous reserve capacity and copes with “its job” for many years (here we are talking about long-term human contact with small doses of aerosols). However, there comes a time when the liver fails and it cannot cope with the increased load. Then all foreign substances pass through the blood to other organs.

Behind the liver, as a rule, the functioning of the kidneys is disrupted, and then the brain is damaged. Efficiency and memory decrease, fatigue increases, and headaches occur more often. Trouble does not bypass the heart either: the rhythm is disrupted, blood pressure changes.

If the damaging factor is not removed, then all of the above pathological processes become irreversible, with a disastrous outcome. Timely identification and restriction of oneself from dust and aerosols promotes rapid recovery and restoration of previous performance.

Today, getting from point A to point B is becoming easier and easier. At your service are cars for every taste, bicycles, trolleybuses, buses, trams, trains, planes and ships. But how good is this trip for your health?

Have you noticed how many car fragrances are used by motorists? This is a huge amount. And this serious problem. After all, no one has canceled the harm of such things. Many people who have encountered such unnatural chemicals in cars in their lives have noticed dizziness, headaches, fatigue, nausea and even triggering an asthma attack after exposure to these car fragrances. And this was because such aromas contain chemical cocktails that can harm almost all body systems, including the immune system.

After talking with colleagues, friends and family members, it turns out that I am not the only one who has such a negative view of such a chemical attack that occurs in these vehicles. For example, petition, which is distributed by activists in the United States who demand that all air fresheners be banned from taxis.

I understand that taxi drivers do not want to harm us when they place these artificial car fragrances. But despite many studies showing clear The relationship between synthetic fragrances and health problems, such car air fresheners continue to be very affordable. These include various hanging packages on the rear-view mirror, blocks for installation on ventilation grilles, various gels and deodorizing sprays. All of these dangerous flavors are, unfortunately, legal, and many drivers use them all the time.

Why should taxis, at a minimum, prohibit the use of car fragrances?

Here are some facts about these synthetic fragrances and fragrances

About 95% of chemical fragrances, according to the US National Academy of Sciences, are derived from petroleum (1)
Drivers of cars that use synthetic fragrances may become completely insensitive and not notice other, even very strong odors. It is called olfactory fatigue(2), which often explains the indifferent attitude of drivers towards your strong fumes after drinking alcohol.
These artificial fragrances often contain an unknown mixture of ingredients, including carcinogens, various endocrine disruptors, allergens, respiratory irritant, toxic to your reproductive system and many neurotoxic ingredients. Just one car fragrance can contain thousands of these chemicals.(3)
Not all reactions to such chemicals from air fresheners and fragrances are obvious. Some lesser-known side effects include diarrhea in children, ear pain, dermatitis, and ventricular fibrillation.(4)

Dr. Anne Steinermann, Ph.D. medical sciences, a world-renowned researcher who focuses his scientific works on studying the influence of aromas on human health, published a study in 2016, which showed that more than half of the population Western countries There is a negative attitude towards the use of such aromatic fragrances in workplaces, hotels, airplanes, taxis and medical facilities.(5)

His research found:
34% of people suffer at least one of the negative side effects after exposure to scented products
The most common symptoms are inflammatory reactions in respiratory tract and on mucous membranes, migraines, skin problems, asthma attacks and neurological problems.
According to his survey, approximately 50% of people try to quickly leave a store if they discover the use of scented products in that store.


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Secondary Pollutants in Automotive Fragrances

Here are some specific threats that come with it: car fresheners air, based on published tests:

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are among the most common chemicals found in air fresheners. The team of scientists in Dr. Steinermann's group alone discovered 133 different volatile organic compounds in popular flavored products.
Each fragrance product contains, on average, 17 different volatile organic compounds.
The products tested contained between one and eight toxic or hazardous chemicals.
44% percent of the flavored products tested contained between one and twenty-four different compounds, including 1-,4-dioxane and acetaldehyde.
Fragrance product labeling laws do not require all ingredients to appear on the label. Therefore, most labels are very vague and not specific.
Ethanol and acetone are widely used as carriers for aromatic chemicals. Along with VOCs, as well as citrus and pine aromas, they are the most common compounds found in chemical formulas these artificial scents.
, a popular synthetic citrus scent, can interact with ozone in the air, creating secondary pollutants such as formaldehyde.(6)
Benzene is perhaps one of the most concerning VOCs commonly found in air fresheners. In addition, mixing benzene with car exhaust gases turns this mixture into a carcinogenic compound.(7)

Symptoms of benzene exposure include: (8)

Fast or irregular heartbeat
Death (at very high benzene levels)

Long-term exposure to benzene on the human body leads to:

Negative changes in the bone marrow that cause symptoms of anemia
Irregular menstruation
Drying of the testicles in men
Development of leukemia
Increased risk of infections


Phthalate factor in car fragrances

You won't find phthalates on the label of air fresheners, but in fact they are.(9) And when research is done, car fragrances are among the most phthalates-contaminated products.

These harmful plasticizing chemicals can affect the human body in unexpected ways, including by causing: (10)

Decreased testosterone levels
Hoarseness of voice
Reproductive organ disorders
Changes in sperm DNA (11)


Safer options for car fragrances

Instead of these artificial scents, consider using air fresheners that are cheaper, safer, and designed to absorb and eliminate odor rather than replace it. Substances such as vinegar And baking soda They clean very well and remove odor from the car. And organic, from the medicinal class, essential oils- this is a real opportunity to replace artificial fragrances. You can choose an essential oil that suits your taste and is well tolerated by you or your family, such as lavender oil, which is a very common choice by people.

But it is worth remembering that essential oils are strong substances and should be considered as medicines, so some of them are not suitable for use in cars where children, animals, or people with underlying chronic diseases are transported.

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