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Margarita is an Orthodox name. Name day of Margarita according to the Orthodox calendar - patroness of the name

The Holy Great Martyr Margaret is revered by Orthodox Christians all over the world. The icon of this saint can help you change your life in better side and strengthen your faith in the Lord.

History of the icon

Saint Margaret was born in Italy during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. Margarita's mother died when the girl was not yet a year old, and the baby was given to the care of a nurse, an Orthodox Christian. Margarita grew up as a believing girl and at the age of 15 she told her father that she would not worship pagan gods.

The father tried to convince the girl, but she remained firm in her faith. During a wave of persecution of Christians, Margarita was taken away and tortured, forcing her to renounce her faith. However, the girl remained firm and refused to give up her beliefs. After much torture, Margarita was executed by cutting off her head.

The girl’s body remained incorrupt, and anyone who came to honor her memory was healed of illness or received a vision exposing his enemies. After the emergence of Christianity, the great martyr was canonized.

Where is the miraculous image located?

The icon of Saint Margaret was in one of the churches in the city of Constantinople. Currently, the whereabouts of the icon are unknown.

Description of the icon

Using copies and lists, the original image of St. Margaret was restored. In the icon, the holy great martyr is depicted in a red robe covering her head. IN right hand The saint holds an Orthodox cross. The gaze of the Great Martyr Margaret is directed directly into the eyes of everyone who approaches the icon.

This image symbolizes the saint’s honesty and openness before God. The red veil recalls the blood shed by a young girl in the name of the Lord, and the cross reminds of the duty of every Orthodox Christian to honor the memory of all those who gave their lives for the sake of the true faith.

How does the holy image help?

The Holy Great Martyr Margaret is considered the patroness of all those unjustly offended and humiliated. The saint prays for the consolation of grief for the dead, the healing of illnesses, and the exposure of lies and bad intentions.

There are cases when sincere prayer in front of a saint icon helped people throw off the burden of someone else's guilt from their shoulders, believe in themselves and completely change their destiny.

Prayers before the icon of Saint Margaret

“Offering Margaret, holy great martyr, who accepted a terrible death in the name of our Lord and Savior, hear my prayer and do not leave it unanswered. I pray to you, take illness and sorrow away from me, preserve the purity of my immortal soul and help me to walk the path to the Kingdom of Heaven with dignity. Amen".

“Holy Great Martyr Margaret, I resort to your mercy and humbly ask: show me the path to bright faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, do not leave my soul to be torn apart by sorrows, melancholy, lies and the sin of despondency. May I not disgrace your great sacrifice in the name of faith and may I avoid being cast into fiery Gehenna for eternal torment. Amen".

Prayers before the image of the Holy Great Martyr Margaret can cleanse your soul of sins and give you a new, bright life path. We wish you peace in your soul and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.07.2017 05:49

Orthodox icon Saint Marina was written in honor of the Christian deed of a young girl. Marked with special power...

Margarita is a very beautiful, but not very popular name in Russia. In addition, he is not on the church lists of names, and because of this, difficulties arise during baptism. Among other things, the question arises of what name to baptize Margarita with and what day to celebrate her name day. Margaritas currently have several options for solving these problems, which we will discuss in this article. But first we will find out what name days are in essence.

About name days

Name day is the name of the holiday, which is officially called the day of the angel. Although by angel we do not mean an angel at all, as we imagine him, but a saint, in whose honor a person bears his name. This association is established during the sacrament of baptism, and therefore unbaptized people, in principle, cannot celebrate name days. That saint of God, whose name is given to a person in the sacrament, becomes his patron, so to speak, a patron in spiritual life and an intercessor before the Almighty. And the day of his church memory also becomes a person’s personal holiday.

How to find out the name day?

When believers are baptized or when they baptize their children, the choice of name is taken more than seriously and consciously. Therefore, such people do not have questions about when to celebrate and in whose honor they should celebrate. But most people treat this more negligently, so it is necessary to make a few clarifications. Firstly, if a person was baptized in childhood, and he does not know in whose honor (there is no evidence preserved, parents do not remember, etc.), then he has the right to choose as his patron any canonized saint of the same name, based on his personal likes and dislikes . If he himself cannot make a choice, then the patron is calculated according to the calendar. To do this, you need to find a namesake saint in the calendar, whose day of honor will be closest to the person’s birthday. This saint will be considered the patron saint. It is worth saying that once a choice is made, it cannot be revised in the future.

Below we will talk about how to choose the patroness of the Margaritas, and briefly touch on the biography of their main saint.

Name day of Margaret according to the church calendar

It is traditionally believed that Margarita is something that is not in the Orthodox calendar. Therefore, Margarita’s name day church calendar celebrated on the day of remembrance of one of the saints Marina - it is with this that Margarita is baptized. However, the situation changed somewhat in 2010, when, after the glorification of a number of holy new martyrs and Russian confessors, two Saint Margarets were introduced into the calendar. And now Margarita’s name day, baptized after 2010, can be celebrated in their honor.

The first of them is Margarita Gunaronulo, who during her lifetime was the abbess of one of the monasteries. The problem is that she does not have her own resident day of remembrance and therefore women given under her protection must celebrate the day of the angel on January 25 - the day of remembrance of all new martyrs and confessors.

The second is nun Margarita Zakachurina. Her day of remembrance is celebrated, in addition to the general day of remembrance of confessors and new martyrs, on December 2. Of course, they are little known, and many continue to be baptized in memory of more famous Marina Antioch. This is due to the fact that in catholic church this ancient saint is named Margaret. Therefore, Orthodox name days are also most often dedicated to her memory. Thus, the choice remains with the person.

About the Holy Martyr Margaret (Marina)

As it were, most of Margaret has the honor of being the ward of this particular holy martyr. Martyr Marina (Margarita), and simply whose church memory is widely and solemnly celebrated throughout Orthodox Church(especially in Greek jurisdictions), born in Antioch of Pisidia. Her father was a pagan priest, and when he found out that his daughter had converted to Christianity, he renounced her and kicked her out of the house. Together with her guardian, she began to live in the field, grazing herds of animals. One day, the prefect of the region named Olimvrius saw her and, falling in love, offered her his hand and heart, setting the condition that she return to the bosom of the religion of her ancestors. However, Margarita, wanting to preserve her virginity and fidelity to Christ, refused. The angry ruler tortured her, as a result of which she died, having previously performed a number of fantastic miracles. Among other things, she was allegedly swallowed by a dragon, but then spat out because she was carrying a cross.

This happened, according to life, in 304. However, many historians doubt both the historical accuracy of the story of St. Margaret and her existence. Some experts argue that the legends about her are a development of the Christianized legend about the goddess Aphrodite. Moreover, already at the end of the 4th century, Pope Gelasius cult of St. Margaritas were banned as false. Therefore, Margarita’s name day was not celebrated there in her honor. However, the veneration of this saint remained in the Eastern Church, from where it then again penetrated into the Western during Crusades. One way or another, Margarita’s name day is celebrated today on July 17 according to the old style or July 30 according to the new style.

In women, girls and girls with beautiful name name days twice a year. According to Orthodox calendar the church name Margarita coincides with the secular one, but until 2000 the Russian Orthodox Church baptized all Margaritas under the name

  • 30.07 – Great Martyr Margaret (Marina) of Antioch;
  • 15.12 – nun, martyr Margarita Zakachurina.

Origin of the name and its features

The name Margarita has Greek roots. It comes from the word “margaritis”, which means “pearl”. It is also known that this word was used to describe the goddess Aphrodite, who was the patroness of sailors. The name came into the Russian language along with the spread of Christianity.

As a child, Margarita was a hot-tempered and capricious girl. She can throw a tantrum almost out of nowhere, for example, if they don’t want to buy her what she wants. She never listens to her parents and hates being told what to do. It is sometimes impossible to come to an agreement with her - the more you beg her, the more she resists. In order for her to make concessions, she must be treated as an equal. This active girl is capable of being a leader among the children in the yard and loves to play active outdoor games.

Margarita is a capable child, but she does not show any effort or activity in her studies. She has excellent memory and intelligence. She is able to solve problems with increased complexity, when others still solve simple tasks. In graduating classes she becomes more responsible and achieves results. She is a talented and gifted person. She has a good ear for music.

Margot is not afraid to defend her opinion and ask uncomfortable questions. She is straightforward and open. If a person is unpleasant to her, she can directly express it. steadily pursues its goals. She is characterized by a sharp mind and practicality. She easily adapts to new circumstances and, if necessary, can use cunning.

Margarita has great ambitions, values ​​herself highly and is not without healthy egoism. She is so confident in herself that she writes off any criticism addressed to her as envy. She is straightforward and categorical with the people around her, can speak out sharply, and is unable to restrain her emotions in a difficult situation. It's easy to piss her off. Despite the respect of her colleagues, they stay away from her, as they know her hot temper and tendency to scandals. It is very difficult and at times impossible to argue with her, since it will be something supernatural to convince her. For her, her own opinion is above all.

IN professional activity will be a successful critic, economist or even a judge, teacher, engineer or researcher. Will be able to realize his ambitions in a leadership position, as an entrepreneur or in politics. Can reach certain heights in the artistic or musical field.

Rita is a very sociable and sociable person. She knows everything thoroughly about her social circle. It will be difficult for her to console her friend, since she simply does not know how to do this, but she will be able to give an objective assessment of the current situation. She always tells her friends that they need to face the difficulties and hardships of life without fear, overcome all obstacles, and not sit in tears, be killed by grief and become despondent. She herself lives only by such principles.

Margarita is a very temperamental and sensual person. Her bright appearance, impetuosity, directness and frankness attract men to her. She easily falls in love and throws herself headlong into the raging ocean of passions. She can have relationships with two men at once. She will like it if they fight for her, and she will give preference to the strongest. She often makes mistakes, but is not very upset about it. She may have several marriages. Due to her frivolity and inconstancy, she may be an unfaithful spouse. She does not like to do housework and does it with difficulty. She loves children and tries to be friends with them; she does not keep them strict. She values ​​her independence and freedom very much.

Patroness of the name

Margaret (Marina) of Antioch is revered by Orthodox Christians. Believers believe that she will help everyone who in prayer asks her to be saved from illness, and will protect her from anger, slander, curses, injustice and other troubles. They also turn to her in grief, repentance of sins and guidance on the true path. The peasants consider her their patroness and ask her for salvation in years of crop failure, protection of crops from pests and natural elements. Saint Margaret was born in Antioch. Her father served as a pagan priest. Upon learning that his daughter had become a follower of Christ, her father drove her away. She lived in a field and was an ordinary shepherdess. The Roman perfect asked her to marry him and renounce her faith, but was refused in response. For this, a 15-year-old girl was tortured and killed in 304.

The Venerable Martyr Margarita Zakachurina was born at the end of the 19th century. She was a nun at a rural monastery in Pakhota, and then worked as a dressmaker in the Labor Needle artel. In 1937 she was arrested and exiled to Kazakhstan. Five years later she was sentenced to death.

Margarita is a name that exists in both Latin and Greek, and it means “pearl”, “mother of pearl”.

Origin of the name

In ancient times, the adjective “margaritos” was often assigned to the incomparable goddess Aphrodite, the patroness of wanderers and sailors. Indeed, on the altar of this Greek beauty, travelers seeking favor presented gifts in the form of pearls and unusual mother-of-pearl shells.

Among the Orthodox Slavs, the name did not become frequently used, especially in the periphery. Female conversion experienced the peak of its popularity after the publication of Bulgakov’s mystical novel “The Master and Margarita,” which gained worldwide fame.

general characteristics

Margosha is the very straightforward and principled person. She says what she thinks head-on, without embarrassment, but she doesn’t let her own mistakes slide either - the girl’s self-criticism is too high.

Little Ritulya is an independent and inquisitive child, not selfish at all, and is capricious only when she is very tired. The main thing is not to put pressure on the girl with your authority and overprotectiveness, otherwise Margot will withdraw into herself and accumulate resentment for the whole world. Give the baby freedom - she will find a use for her time and will not bother you.

Relatives should not worry that Ritochka has few friends - she inner world so multifaceted that peers feel like fools and gray masses next to them. However, the matured young lady will find her social circle and win the recognition of others with her sincerity, responsiveness and honesty.

IN interesting work the girl will succeed, perhaps even become a good leader. But personal life will initially teach a bitter lesson, although disappointment will quickly be forgotten and will only add wisdom to the owner of the pearl name.

Positive character traits

Margarita is very disciplined and responsible. Every minute in her diary is occupied.

The girl is smart and incredibly charming; the opposite sex loses her head over her refined beauty - but she chooses her life partner carefully, especially once she has been burned.

Margosha's gaiety and cheerfulness make her the soul of any, especially male, company. Optimism and the desire to learn new things open up great horizons in building a career.

Negative character traits

Among large quantity Rita feels like a duck to water to the people, but when left alone with her husband, she often gets lost and cannot say a word.

Ritochka has a hard time with household chores related to arranging her home life. She doesn’t like to cook, clean, or do laundry—it’s ideal if a man takes on all the family chores.

If, as a mother, Margot is an ideal, then how loving wife, creating comfortable environment to her husband, she is completely unsuitable. A marriage with her can only be sustained by sex, because such a passionate, frank and damn seductive partner is worth looking for.

Zodiac sign

The name is directly related to the sea, so fate will give special happiness to the girl named Margarita, who was born under the sign of Pisces.
The owner of the name is patronized by the ideal of beauty - Venus.
The colors of clothes with a mother-of-pearl effect - lilac, blue, silver, purple - are the most suitable options vestments.
The flower of the same name (daisy) will give peace of mind, and a pearl necklace will become the best talisman that brings good luck.


Margosha, Rita, Ritulya, Ritochka, Ritusya, Ritusik, Daisy, Margusya, Marochka, Tusya.

Name options

Margo, Margaret, Meg, Margareta, Margita, Mared, Małgorzata.

Historical figures

1492-1549 – Margaret of Navarre, French princess, writer
1553-1615 – Margaret of Valois, princess and queen of France
1780-1852 – Margarita Tuchkova, aka nun Melania, later Abbess Maria
1895-1980 – Margarita Vorontsova-Konenkova, the woman who turned Einshein’s head.
1925-2013 – Margaret Thatcher, politician, baroness and Prime Minister (71st) of Great Britain.

Hearing the name Margarita, the image of the great French beauty, a woman with a dramatic fate, Queen Margot, inevitably comes to mind. Even as a child, Dumas’s story was read to the gills, and the film was watched several times. Every teenager was secretly in love with the French pearl, the girls were sincerely jealous and tried to be like her at least a little.

A novel is a work of fiction. What kind of main character In fact? What character traits are inherent not only to queens and famous people with the name Margarita, but also to ordinary women living among us?

Origin of the name

We owe the birth of the name Margarita to the ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love, the patroness of sailors, Aphrodite. The word associated with it is margaritos, meaning pearl. There are good reasons for this. According to legend, she rose from sea ​​foam and, like a pearl, came ashore on the island of Crete from a mother-of-pearl shell. Since then, sailors have brought gifts of pearls and mother-of-pearl to please their intercessor.

Letter-by-letter interpretation and decoding of the name Margarita

The meaning of a girl's name plays a big role. Character traits are initially laid down in the letters that make up her name. The decoding of each of them carries certain information about the character traits of the owner of the name.

M - talks about Margot as shy and shy girl ready to show care and help people close to her.

A – is associated with the desire of the representative of the name to obtain emotional and material comfort.

P – gives confidence, sometimes excessive, in one’s abilities, helps to analyze current situations for acceptance the right decision. At the same time, irrepressible enthusiasm and passion can push a lady to take unjustified risks, which ultimately ends in trouble.

G – indicates observation and desire to learn.

A – gives off slight selfish notes in Rita’s character.

R means that Rita is brave and purposeful.

And - testifies to kindness, mercy and desire for beauty.

T - characterizes Margot as a person who thirsts for justice and always tries to get to the bottom of the truth.

A – sometimes means inflated self-esteem, which does not allow one’s own projects to be realized.

What does the name Rita mean for a girl?

As a child, Rita is a little spinning top. She manages to go everywhere: chat with children who are out for a walk, play the games offered. There is a certain primacy behind her. Margarita copes with tasks faster, everything comes much easier to her than to other children.

As a rule, in companies she occupies a leading position and becomes the center of attention of her peers. It is worth noting that the girl will never offend the weak. At the same time, she is so harsh in her judgments that she causes fear among her peers.

Rita has developed excessive curiosity. She loves to poke her nose into other people's secrets, but she will never use this information for selfish purposes, much less turn it into evil.

The girl has a personal position on every issue. Margarita confidently defends her point of view, citing such arguments in its defense that sometimes even adults become confused. She is considered precocious.

For a child, Rita is indeed very independent. Likes to express his position directly to his face. Her judgments may offend her interlocutor. It is difficult to resist this; only decent upbringing can moderate her ardor.

The girl has a constant conflict with her parents. She doesn't listen to anyone, is stubborn, and often makes scandals. Mom and dad need to establish contacts with their daughter, using new approaches each time. Even in early age Rita clearly knows what she wants. It is impossible to force her to do something she doesn't like. It is important to teach her to love this or that activity, explaining its benefits.

It cannot be said that Rita does not like small children, but she will not raise them, citing more important matters. Since childhood, she has been cunning and smart.

The meaning of the name Rita for a girl: school years

At school, a girl will not work hard on her studies unless she decides that she needs it. Then Rita will become the best student in the class.

The girl has a mathematical mind, her strong point exact sciences. It should be taken into account that she also solves logic problems simply and without constraint. Such abilities bode well for the success of the chess field.

Rita doesn't have a close friend at school. She is friends with everyone at the same time. The girl will easily let you write off homework and will always give you tips on the test. In high school, he puts special zeal into his studies, as he understands the importance of education in life.

The meaning of the name Margarita for a woman

Entering adult life, Margarita remains straightforward. The ability to express to a person’s face everything that she thinks about him, regardless of his gender, age or position in society, will remain with her for the rest of her life.

Margot is inherently self-critical. All her life she has been trying to get closer to the ideal. Her main trump card is honesty. Among other women, she stands out for her courage and desire for risk. Almost always he is acquitted and Margarita wins.

But still, the owner of the name is overly capricious and impatient, which people do not like. To achieve her goal, she shows all the selfishness of her character. Rita is always confident in her abilities.

This is a rather practical person who clearly knows what she needs from life and how to get it. From the outside she seems like a smart girl. There are a lot of acquaintances and comrades around her, but, just like in childhood, she is not really friends with anyone.

Characteristics of the name Margarita

The meaning of the name Rita for a girl largely depends on the time of year of her birth. It determines her character and destiny.

Margarita celebrating her birthday in winter is reminiscent of the Snow Queen. She becomes a real tyrant both in the family and at work. The environment must unquestioningly obey and carry out her will. Other people's opinions are absurd and have no right to life. She will not get along with a strong personality either at work or at home.

Margarita, born in spring, is like a light wind. There can be no talk of any kind of permanence. She is only interested in today, what will happen tomorrow is indifferent. Prefers work that involves traveling. She cannot sit in one place and is prone to inexplicable actions. Only with a man of the same character can she count on a long-term relationship. With the birth of her children, she calms down a little.

The hot sun makes the summer Margarita soulful and compliant. She is the complete opposite of her namesakes. It will be easy and simple for a man to be with her.

Autumn is the time to make money and take stock. Girls born at this time find themselves in business. These are practical, stingy people.


The name Margarita gives its owner good health. Problems can arise as a result of being addicted to fast food in your youth. However, with a twist proper nutrition, diseases will dissolve.

The other side is the woman’s psyche. Margot combines external calm, love, and the character of a queen with an internal, easily wounded daisy flower. She is often overcome by depression. They can continue indefinitely. Then Margot locks herself at home and withdraws from the outside world for several days.


Margo often falls in love. In relationships he shows sensuality and sentimentality. Demands a lot from men. Likes to be capricious. At every step he tries to control his partner, but he allows himself to flirt even in his presence, not realizing what causes jealousy. These qualities lead to the fact that Margarita rarely finds happiness in relationships with men.

In bed, Margarita prefers to be first. Commanding her chosen one, she gets maximum pleasure. She behaves passionately in bed, such sex will remain in the memory of any man for a long time.

Family and marriage

She gets married early and, as a rule, makes mistakes. Family life Margaritas rarely end in one marriage. He is looking for an ideal partner. A man who would be ready to fulfill all her whims was always nearby. Therefore, in her husband, Margarita chooses a calm and balanced representative of the stronger half, willing to completely submit to his wife.

A woman will give herself completely to her man. She will always be faithful and frank with him. But he will not tolerate betrayal on his part; he will turn the marriage into a loud scandal and divorce.

Margarita's family will always be fed. Tasty and satisfying. Although she will shift the rest of the affairs, by hook or by crook, to her chosen one. Margot loves children, but raises them strictly. As a rule, she has not one child, but several. For every achievement, even a minor one, she will praise and encourage the baby. The children reciprocate her love.


At work, determination, business acumen and the ability to take risks almost always lead Margarita to success. Excessive straightforwardness can become a hindrance. But for her, work will never come first. This is just a way to improve your financial situation. And enough to satisfy your needs.

The psychological side is more important labor activity. Margot will not stay at work for a single day if she is under pressure. Women with this name are more likely to work in finance. But they will achieve success in another field, becoming a doctor, lawyer, teacher or manager.

Thanks to her unconventional thinking, Margarita will make an excellent writer, actress, journalist or even politician. The ability to manage people will make her a good and responsible leader.

Sometimes she is overcome by laziness, but this does not affect her work in any way. Margarita will never abandon a project halfway through.

Name forms

In the abbreviated and diminutive form, the name Margarita sounds like Margaritka, Margot, Margosha, Margusha, Mara, Marusya, Maga, Maka, Rita, Ritulya, Ritunya, Ritusya, Tusya, Ritusha, Meg, Meggie, Maggie, Megi, Magi, Greta , Gita, Megan.

The name Margarita has become so popular that derivatives of the name are used all over the world. Only the pronunciation changes, but the meaning remains the same. For example, the name Margarita on English language sounds like Margaret, in French - Marguerite, in Polish language– Malgorzata, and in Czech – Marketa.

Declension of name by case

Nominative case - Margarita

Genitive case – Margarita

Dative case – Margarita

Accusative case – Margarita

Instrumental case – Margarita

Prepositional case – Margarita.

Margaret according to the church calendar

For a long time, the name Margaret was not accepted according to the church structure of Orthodoxy. On Christmastide she was listed as Marina. But in 2000, after the canonization of two great martyrs - nuns, it was decided to include the name in Christmastide and designate the day of veneration of Margaret on February 8, July 30, September 14, December 15.