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Mineral decorative plaster b max how to work. Mineral plaster for interior work. Mineral plaster in the interior

Until relatively recently, many people associated plaster with rough work, the purpose of which was solely to level the surfaces of walls - it was applied both indoors and outdoors. Today the situation is somewhat different, and the status of plaster has become somewhat higher. It's already decorative material, which allows you to create relief surfaces with a unique structure.
To obtain such surfaces, a mass is used various materials, but the most popular today is mineral plaster, on the basis of which almost everything is made decorative coverings. This is “bark beetle”, and pebble plaster, and modern fur coat, and a whole range of coatings for production interior work– they all have a number of their own characteristics that need to be dealt with when choosing. This is exactly what we will do in this article - together with the Dream House website, we will study this material in detail and identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Mineral plaster for interior work photo

Mineral plaster: what is it?

To understand what mineral plaster is, the first thing you need to do is understand its components - so to speak, study the composition of mineral plaster, on the basis of which you can draw quite a lot of conclusions. And dry mineral mixtures are made based on the following natural materials - the key word here is “ natural materials", which allows mineral plaster to be elevated to the category of environmentally friendly finishing materials.

The conclusion suggests itself: in its composition (if, of course, not counting modifiers, which are also mostly natural components), decorative mineral plaster does not contain any chemicals. The naturalness of this material is beyond doubt, and this at least reveals ample opportunities its use in finishing premises for any purpose. This is supported by other advantages of this material, which we will get acquainted with later.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral plaster

What mineral plaster is environmentally friendly pure material, clear as day. But besides this point, it also has a number of other advantages, which include the following points.

By and large, the advantages of mineral plaster do not end there - the list can be continued, but there is no point in it. It’s better to talk about the shortcomings, of which there are very few. Firstly, this is a very limited range of colors, which comes down to white and gray shades - in principle, this point is compensated by the possibility of surface painting. And the second point is the possibility of small cracks appearing. In principle, this is a matter of technology, and cracks appear only when the plaster application technology is incorrect.

Types of mineral plaster and their features

Mineral plaster is divided by area of ​​application. In this regard, mineral plaster can be distinguished for facades and for interior work. The differences between them are significant and they lie in two points: first of all, in characteristics and resistance to natural factors, and secondly, in the decorative component. Mineral plaster for interior work has a more attractive appearance, but it cannot be used outside - with facade plaster on mineral based things are completely opposite. It has a rougher appearance, but if necessary can be used indoors.

These are not the only differences that mineral plaster can boast of - among other things, it is divided according to the type of surface structure. In this regard, we can highlight the following types material.

By and large, almost everything on a mineral basis belongs to the category of thin-layer - the thickness and, accordingly, the consumption of mineral plaster per square meter depends on the size of the granules, which is another difference between one material and another. A small fraction of filler (up to 3mm) is introduced into some formulations, while granules up to 5mm in size are placed into other solutions. Depending on this, the resulting surface may look rough or not very good.

Mineral plaster for facades photo

A separate category of mineral plasters includes so-called creative compositions for independently creating interesting structural options. This material, as they say, is for professionals - with its help even full-fledged drawings and ornaments can be created on the surface of the wall. By and large, this is a regular mixture without granular filler - it is assumed that, if necessary, the master plasterer will add all the necessary components himself, depending on what he wants to get into end result. Alternatively, fillers may not be introduced into the solution at all - in such cases, the structure is obtained through a special application technique and the use of a special tool.

And in conclusion to the topic of what mineral plaster is, I will say a few words about it self-application. There is practically nothing complicated in this matter, although it will be very difficult to do without experience. In principle, experience is a gainable thing and if you really want to, you can acquire it, as they say, along the way. You need to start work from the farthest corner of the wall, where you can easily get your hands on it. As for the application technique, it is almost identical for all types of mineral plasters - the solution is applied to the surface with a spatula, and then rubbed with a foam grater. It is in the process of rubbing that the surface structure is created - as you already understand, it completely depends on the movement of the hand. It is these movements that you need to learn first.

Facade mineral plaster has been used in construction for quite a long time and that is what we will talk about today. Also in the video in this article you can see all the details of the work and the photo will show some moments.

Mineral facade plaster consists of components such as quartz or marble chips (see Facade plaster with marble chips: types, features, methods of application), lime hydrant, Portland cement white, plasticizers, light mineral fillers, as well as substances that give hydrophobic property composition that allows it to repel moisture.


  • Mineral plasters for facades are diluted with water; instructions are in the package. Using a spatula ready-made composition applied to the surface to be plastered, after which textured roller(see Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface) create a relief for the coating. When finishing external walls, reinforcing mesh should be used to strengthen the layer. This approach guarantees reliable adhesion of the solution to external wall building.

You don’t have to use a mesh, just use soil deep penetration, but in this case, you need to consider a couple of points:

  1. The thickness of the applied layer should not exceed 30 mm.
  2. The depth of the unevenness of the wall surface cannot be large.

If this is not feasible, then it will not be possible to do without a grid.

  • Mineral plaster is very unpretentious to surfaces, which allows it to be used for external thermal insulation systems. During the work, the prepared composition is consumed economically.
  • To be able to do the job efficiently, you should adhere to a certain temperature regime. Plastering is not performed when the temperature is less than 5°C and above 30°C. The coating will dry completely in 72 hours.

Advantages of mineral plaster

Mineral facade plaster will help you and save money, since the main advantage of the material is its low price. This is due to the absence of expensive components in the dry mixture, which ultimately allows the manufacturer to sell the product at an attractive price.


  • Another advantage of the material is its high vapor permeability. This feature distinguishes the plaster in question from others, for example from acrylic, by the ability to use it when plastering surfaces with low diffusion resistance, such as cellular concrete. Thanks to the vapor permeability of excess moisture is removed from the air in the room without forming condensation on the surfaces of the walls and without transferring moisture into bearing structures. Simply put, walls finished with mineral plaster “breathe”.
  • The material has a high pH level, due to this it has good resistance to biological influences. Mineral plaster is resistant to various types of mold fungi, shoots and other similar types of biological effects.
  • This type of plaster tolerates temperature changes well, is resistant to precipitation, and also has frost resistance and fire safety.
  • When dried, the solution does not crack or shrink.
  • In operation, surfaces finished with this material show excellent performance. best side. They are easy to clean and wash, for which all cleaning products are suitable. Mineral plaster is completely safe from an environmental point of view.
  • You can also do all the work yourself perfectly. The price will then be significantly lower.

Negative aspects of mineral plasters

The main disadvantages of the material are the following five qualities:

  1. Large labor costs during work. For high-quality finishing surfaces require highly skilled manual labor.
  2. A small number of plaster colors, which is due to the alkaline composition of the mixture. True, it's being decided this disadvantage Just. When the plaster has dried, it is possible to give it the required color using facade paints.
  3. Relatively short service life. Surface repairs will be required after a maximum of 10 years.
  4. When preparing the solution, you must strictly adhere to the recommended dosages and adhere to all technological standards.
  5. The finished coating is not resistant to vibration.

IN this moment, On the market building materials leader among thin layer plasters For facades in the price and quality segment, mineral plasters are used. This mixture is also valuable because over time the lime in its composition carbonizes, due to which the coating gains greater hardness.

Stages of facade finishing

Attention: Mineral plaster for facades is used only after the building has settled, otherwise finished surface will crack. The process begins when other types of work are completed. Having completed the installation of the roof, drainage pipes, loggias or balconies and measures for organizing external waterproofing, they proceed to plastering the facade of the building.

The plaster composition is applied to the prepared wall surface. To do this, remove dust from it, as well as all bitumen, greasy contaminants and salt stains that have appeared.


  • When plastering facades they use different types solutions that have different strength characteristics and are also hygroscopic and porous. The most common use is cement-sand (see. Let's look at how to plaster with cement-sand mortar), lime and lime-cement composition. Choose suitable look, based on the conditions under which the façade is expected to be used and its design features.
  • When carrying out work in hot weather, when the air is dry and warmed up above 23°C, the surface of walls built from bricks and blocks must be moistened with water.

Plastered walls made of small-piece materials must meet certain parameters:

  • The corners and surface of the masonry should not deviate from the vertical, at a distance of one floor by more than 1 cm, and at full height buildings no more than 3 cm;
  • Rows of bricks are allowed to deviate relative to the horizontal axis by no more than 1.5 cm per 10 m of length;
  • The unevenness of the vertical surface when applying the rule to a length of 2 m should not be more than 1 cm.

Facade plaster requires the application of several layers.


  • In the case of facade restoration work, solutions are used that are similar in quality and strength characteristics to the previously applied plaster. The restored parts are aligned with the plane of the facade and given the same texture.

Attention: When working to restore the surface of the facade, it is not allowed to use compounds that differ in strength from those already applied. It is not permissible to use cement-sand mixture when repairing lime-cement and lime plaster (see Prepare your own solution for lime plaster), since due to the influence of external factors, it is possible that the repaired areas will peel off.

  • When repairing cracks with a width of up to 1 mm, expanding them is used polymer cement composition. When it is necessary to renew a surface finished with decorative plaster, another composition is used - terrazite.
  • The mixture prepared for the work is applied to the wall using a spatula or grater made of stainless steel. When the solution has thickened, its application becomes more difficult; you can restore the original consistency by mixing the composition with a drill with a special attachment. Moreover, it is not permissible to re-add water to an already prepared mixture. The thickness of the plaster layer on the facade is determined based on the fraction of aggregates; on average, the range is 1.5-3.5 mm.
  • After applying the solution to the surface, you need to level it and remove the excess with a grater. When the plaster dries and does not remain on the tool, the finished layer can be given the required relief. This is done with a plastic grater, holding it in horizontal plane. It is necessary to plaster one wall without stopping, following the “wet to wet” rule. When you still cannot do without a break, you need to stick along the line on which you are supposed to stop. masking tape and put it on it plaster composition. At the end of the pause, the tape can be removed by removing the remaining fresh solution.
  • Decorative plasters based on polymers are applied in the same way, although there is one point - they must be delivered to the work site in a prepared form. When starting finishing, they are mixed and plastering of the surface begins.

Attention: When choosing decorative plaster, among other factors, the resulting surface topography is also taken into account.

Mineral facade plaster is quite easy to apply and everything can be done with your own hands, you can see the entire progress of the work in the video in this article and photo.

If we consider all the finishing mixtures currently on the market, then decorative mineral plaster is one of the most popular and popular options. This is due to a number of advantages inherent in this group of mixtures: low cost, good performance characteristics, ease of application and availability in all specialized stores. Let's figure out what types of compositions there are and what features the process of applying them has.

Types of compositions and their characteristics

In order to thoroughly understand the features of a particular option, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Naturally, the indicators may vary, but the average values ​​are always unchanged, so we will present the information in the form of a table so that it is clear and understandable:

Mixture consumption About 1.5 kg per square meter with a layer thickness of 1 mm
Amount of water per bag 25 kg From 5 to 7.5 liters depending on the desired consistency and external conditions
Viability of the composition This indicator indicates how long after preparation the solution will be suitable for application. The minimum acceptable indicator is 60 minutes, on average it is 90-120 minutes
Layer thickness Plaster can be applied in a layer from 2 to 30 mm
Working temperature To achieve optimal results and ensure best quality works, best suited temperature Range from +10 to +25 with a deviation of no more than 5 degrees
Adhesion The adhesion strength of the finished solution should be 0.3 MPa or more
Frost resistance This criterion determines how many freeze-defrost cycles the finishing layer can withstand without compromising strength; it must be at least 25, in high-quality compositions - 50 or more

Advice! When purchasing plaster, be sure to check the production period, since the properties inevitably deteriorate during storage. Perfect option– mixtures made no more than 2 months ago and stored in a dry room.

As for specific options, you can most often find products from the following companies on the market:

  • "Caparol" is a company that is very well known among specialists and has proven itself well throughout the world. The cost of the compositions starts from 800 rubles, and if you decide to purchase premium plaster, then be prepared to pay from 2 to 4 thousand per bag;
  • Products of the company "Volma" popular among developers for its low cost, which is especially important for large volumes of work. Prices start at 250 rubles, which makes these formulations accessible to a wide range of clients;
  • Another domestic manufacturer- "Bolars", this option is also distinguished by its affordable cost and good quality, prices vary from 250 to 500 rubles per 25 kg bag;
  • "Ceresit" is a world-famous brand; it is also very popular in Russia, since the quality of all products from this manufacturer is consistently high. As for prices, they start from 400 rubles;

  • Another very popular option, which is often used by professionals, is Vetonit brand plaster., these compounds are distinguished by the highest quality and reliability, but the average cost is about 800 rubles.

"Vetonit" - perfect solution for those who value quality

As for the main composition options, we can distinguish four product groups that are in greatest demand:

  • "Fur coat" or "lamb"- a textured surface, which is most often implemented on facades and applied automated method or using a special roller. This option is distinguished by a large structure, which not only makes the surface more attractive, but also makes it possible to hide fairly large irregularities;

  • Bark beetle– this option is well known to everyone; its main difference is the presence of pebbles in the composition, which, when smoothing the surface, leave characteristic indentations on it. This plaster is perfect for both exterior and interior work. The main thing is to choose the optimal size of pebbles that will create texture;

  • Many people call compositions with granite filler “Bayramix”, since this brand was the first to present such an option. Nowadays, similar compositions are made by many manufacturers; they differ in the size of the pebbles and color design;

  • Plaster compositions with fine granite filler used for the so-called Venetian, the solution is applied to the surface in a special way, after which it is treated with wax or acrylic composition. The result is a surface that imitates natural stone. This option is used exclusively indoors.

Types of mixtures by purpose and composition

If we consider all the options as a whole, it is easy to understand that they are divided according to the scope of application; there are mixtures for external and internal use. They have different compositions, so the main indicators may differ. Let's study each type separately.

Decorative mineral plasters

This is the name for compounds that are used indoors and, in addition to protecting the surface, give it a certain texture. When choosing, primary attention should be paid to three factors: the basis of the mixture, the composition of the filler and the size of the granules used in the solution.

First of all, let's figure out what fillers are used:

  • Colored clayinexpensive option, which is distinguished by a wide variety of shades, which is especially appreciated by interior designers;
  • Ceramic particles used to give a certain decorative effect, they are rare, since the production process of such plasters is quite labor-intensive;
  • Glass particle filler- interesting from the point of view appearance solution. There is no need to worry that the walls will be scratched, all parts are processed and do not have sharp edges;
  • Waste from coal production, most often anthracite. This filler is used in the manufacture of dark-colored compounds and is rarely found on the market;
  • Mica– due to the characteristics of the material itself, its particles when added to plaster mixture give the surface a very interesting effect;

  • Due to the widespread availability and availability of quartz, it is not surprising that it is often used as a filler. Mineral decorative plaster for walls with quartz it is low cost and easy to use;
  • Finally, compositions with marble chips They are distinguished by a very attractive appearance and durability of the plaster layer. Great amount variety of options compositions allow you to create different decorative effects, this option is used exclusively for interior work.

The second factor is the size of the filler; the decorative effect of the composition directly depends on this. Experts identify several main options:

  • Coarse textured compositions include particles with a diameter of 5 mm or more; this option is most often used for facades, so it makes no sense to consider it in detail;
  • Large-textured plasters are made with the addition of particles ranging in size from 3.5 to 4 mm. This option can be used for finishing walls that are subject to high loads and abrasion; it is most often used in corridors and common areas;
  • Medium texture mixtures are a universal option in which the filler particle size should be from 1.5 to 3 mm. They are most often used for the same corridors, but they can also be used in rooms with high humidity;
  • Fine-textured compositions with filler with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm are used where it is necessary to achieve light relief or create various decorative effects. Very a good option for most premises;
  • Fine-textured with particles less than 0.5 mm are made with the addition of fine clays and, after application, provide very flat surface. Most often they are used to create the so-called Venetian plaster.

Advice! If you want to create the effect of ancient walls covered with cracks, then after applying the plaster you need to dry the surface using a hair dryer.

As for the basics, there are two options:

  • Portland cement, most often white, so that the surface is light after drying. This is the most popular option, the advantages of which are not high price, simple instructions on application and good performance characteristics;
  • Another group of compounds is manufactured at silicate based, its main advantage is the excellent vapor permeability of the layer, that is, the walls can breathe, which is very important in some facilities. But due to more high cost this type of plasters is much less common than the first.

Facade plasters

As for the composition, there are no special differences from the options described above, so this aspect There is no point in going into detail.

Let's figure out what the main differences are in compositions for external use:

  • Most often, options with coarse aggregate are used, since the resistance of the finish to adverse influences should be an order of magnitude higher than in interior spaces. Mineral decorative pebble plaster is often used, which creates a relief surface with a pronounced texture;

  • To increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation and moisture are introduced into the composition special additives. They make it possible to improve the characteristics of the mixture, thereby significantly extending the service life of the coating;
  • Most often, the layer of composition applied to the surface is 5 mm or more, which causes high consumption of the mixture. Therefore, it is important to choose quality option at a low cost.

Let's figure out how to properly apply mineral plaster.

A detailed description of the process is a topic for a separate article, so we will look at the main stages so that you can navigate the nuances of the work:

  • First of all, you need to carefully prepare the surface. If there is an old coating on it, then it is advisable to remove it. After removal old plaster or paint, carefully look at the walls for damage and cracks. If any are found, it is best to seal them with cement mortar;
  • The next step is to apply a primer to the surface. It is important to use a high-quality composition that will strengthen the base and improve the adhesion of the plaster layer. If you carry out work outside or in rooms with high humidity, then it is best to choose options with antiseptic additives. This will protect the surface from the formation of fungus and mold;
  • Next, you need to prepare a solution; to understand this process, it is best to read the instructions, which are always present on the packaging. It is important to follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations, since any violation of the proportions can lead to a deterioration in the properties of the composition;

Remember! The amount of solution prepared should be such that you can use it up before it begins to set. It is best to prepare a little plaster for the first time to try applying it to the surface and evaluate the speed of work.

  • As for the application method, it may differ depending on the type of composition used. If a fur coat is applied, then you will need wide spatula for distributing the composition over the surface and a special structural roller;
  • To create a bark beetle structure, you will need a metal trowel, with which you make indentations in the desired direction;

  • Work with Venetian plaster much more difficult, you need to have certain skills to achieve the required result;
  • The last step is to apply protective composition or coloring. This stage is not always necessary and is most often used when carrying out facade finishing work. Although in the bathroom this process will not be superfluous.


Mineral plaster for facades is the most popular solution today, but also interior decoration This group of compounds is in great demand. It is important to choose a high-quality option and apply it correctly - the video in this article will show some points clearly, and if something is not clear, then ask questions in the comments.

Mineral decorative plaster is one of the natural materials, which are extremely popular and in high demand due to such qualities as ease of use and the ability to create a special, unique coating on the walls of the facade.

Mineral plaster for interior work is designed to create finishing coating on the walls indoors and is distinguished by the fact that it does not harm the health of the inhabitants of the home.

It contains only natural ingredients, it is universal and suitable for both interior and exterior work; it does not require special training and attracting specialists.

What is the composition and where is it used?

Marble granules give mineral plaster a recognizable texture

Mineral facade plaster applied to the surface of external walls using a spatula or trowel. It ensures the creation of a durable and reliable layer, the only drawback of which can be considered its instability to the effects of aggressive environment and changes in climatic conditions.

The composition of mineral plaster includes:

  • slaked lime;
  • granite, marble or sandstone granules;
  • crushed quartz;
  • glass and anthracite;
  • colored clay and light fillers.

The base is white Portland cement grade M500 and higher. To prepare the working composition, it is necessary to dilute the dry mixture with water strictly in accordance with the instructions and let it brew before applying it to the surface of the walls.

In addition to all of the listed components, the dry mixture includes various additives that significantly increase qualities such as moisture resistance and resistance to low temperatures.

Protect the coating created using mineral plaster from aggressive external environment Coloring with a special coloring composition helps.

The production of mineral plaster mixtures is carried out in modern production workshops in accordance with all existing rules standards and requirements.

Main advantage mineral composition is that after complete hardening, a durable but breathable layer is formed. This is possible due to the absence of synthetic additives among the components.

Uniqueness of the material

Due to the vapor permeability of the mixture, condensation does not form on the walls of the building

Mineral plaster has high vapor permeability, which means that condensation will not form on the walls of the building, and excess moisture will be freely removed from the room. Thanks to lime plaster:

  • differs in plasticity;
  • easy to install;
  • provides regulation of room humidity;
  • does not emit harmful fumes;
  • retains its main properties for years.

Decorative mineral plaster for facade and interior walls gains strength by absorbing excess water vapor. Gradually, the stone gains strength properties, and the coating only gets better every year.

Advantages of the composition

Application to inner surface Mineral plaster walls have a number of advantages, including:

  1. The resulting layer is able to withstand minor mechanical loads and damage if its integrity is not compromised. After drying, it acquires sufficient strength and provides a durable finish.
  2. Facade mineral plasters, provided that all rules for preparing the composition and applying to the surface of external walls are followed, form a layer that, after additional painting, is not susceptible to the negative effects of precipitation. On facades you can use compositions containing quartz, mica, glass.
  3. The peculiarity of the structure of this coating is such that it makes the layer breathable and does not allow condensation to accumulate, eliminating the danger of mold and mildew appearing on the walls.
  4. The hardened layer of mineral plaster becomes so strong that it does not crack under the influence of temperature changes.
  5. Mineral plaster is fire-resistant and fireproof, since it contains no flammable materials.
  6. Mineral plaster applied to the walls after complete drying can be cleaned and washed with any detergent compositions regardless of their chemical aggressiveness.

Types and features of application

The mixture for interior work should not be used for façade finishing.

Depending on the scope of application, mineral plaster is divided into facade and decorative. There are a number of significant significant differences between them regarding both appearance and technical characteristics.

Thus, the mixture for interior work is more decorative, but cannot be used on external walls, since it is not resistant to external factors.

Facades are resistant to various negative impacts and on interior walls look rough.

Such mixtures have found their application in finishing balconies and loggias, premises winter garden or storage rooms. The place of application depends on the structure of the composition.

Bark beetle texture

By structural type they are distinguished:

  • bark beetle, which contains significantly fewer granules, and the pattern appears on the surface after hand movements that are made only in one direction: horizontally or vertically; the resulting pattern resembles a cut of a tree damaged by a bark beetle;
  • the fur coat is made with a composition containing fine-grained filler and using a special application technique; first, plaster is applied to the surface of the walls, smoothed and a special roller is rolled over the wet surface or simply a trowel is applied and with a sharp movement it is torn off the wall; this is how the “fur coat” appears;
  • Venetian is performed using a special application technique; strokes with a spatula are made in a chaotic manner, the composition is applied in several layers, each layer is sanded and ironed, be sure to be coated with wax, and then polished, achieving not just an even and smooth, but also a glossy surface;
  • pebble or lamb; the surface treated with it resembles the skin of a young lamb; to achieve this effect, the composition applied to the walls is distributed in a circular motion, and a certain pattern appears due to the inclusion of small granules of ceramics or minerals in the mixture. More about application mineral mixtures watch in this video:

Another important advantage of mineral plaster is affordable price. Having decided to carry out Finishing work on the facade of his country house or decorate the walls of a balcony, the consumer will always be able to purchase dry plaster mixture and carry out the work independently without any extra material costs.