home · Measurements · Detergents for cleaning hands. Daily hygiene: how to wash your hands correctly. Medical recommendations How and with what to wash your hands from fuel oil, wipe fuel oil from your skin at home: tips, recommendations

Detergents for cleaning hands. Daily hygiene: how to wash your hands correctly. Medical recommendations How and with what to wash your hands from fuel oil, wipe fuel oil from your skin at home: tips, recommendations


    mechanical removal of transient microflora;

    ensuring cleanliness and hygiene.


    before and after examination of the patient;

    before and after performing various procedures;

    before preparing and serving food, before eating;

    after visiting the toilet;

    after blowing your nose.

The necessary conditions:

    elbow tap in the treatment room, dressing room, operating unit and at the nurse's station in the neonatal department, tap with wings at the ward station, in the outpatient reception room, etc., warm water;

    bar or liquid soap with a dispenser;

    an individual towel, changed at least every 6 hours, disposable napkins or an electric dryer.


    Check the integrity of the skin, remove watches and jewelry from your hands.

    Open the tap.

    Lather your hands and wash the tap handles with soap.

    Moisturize your hands and forearms.

    Lather your hands generously with soap twice and thoroughly rub them together, starting from the tips of the fingers, then the spaces between the fingers, the back and palm of the hand, and with rotational movements at the base of the thumbs.

    Hold your hands so that your hands are above your elbows, without touching the sink.

    Rinse off the foam from the soap (if it is bar soap) and place it in a soap dish with bars.

    Rinse your hands with warm running water until all soap is removed, allowing the water to flow freely down your hand from the cleanest area.

    Close the tap.

    Dry your hands with a dry, clean individual towel, disposable wipes or dryer.

    Throw disposable wipes into a special container and then destroy them.

19. Hand hygiene (level 2)

Target: ensuring infectious safety of patients and staff:

    security high level cleanliness and hygiene;

    remove decay products and microorganisms from nails, hands and forearms;

    temporarily reduce the amount of resident microflora;

    briefly delay the development of microorganisms.

Indications: aseptic invasive procedures.

The necessary conditions:

    healthy and intact hand skin, nails protruding no more than 1 mm beyond the fingertips, without varnish, no jewelry on the hands;

    elbow tap in the treatment room, dressing room, operating unit and at the nurse's station in the neonatal department, warm water, bar or liquid soap with a dispenser;

    70% alcohol or alcohol-containing skin antiseptics, approved for use in the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by law;

    disposable wipes, tampons, sterile gloves.


    Clean the areas under the nails with a nail cleaner under running water.

    Wash wet hands thoroughly with soap and water.

    When washing your hands, rub thoroughly and hold in such a way as to avoid contamination from touching the sink, robe and other objects.

    Dry your hands with a sterile gauze pad.

    Thoroughly treat the skin of your hands for 2-3 minutes with swabs moistened with 70% alcohol or an alcohol-containing skin antiseptic.

    Throw the used balls into a container.

    Wear sterile gloves.

    After finishing work, remove gloves, wash hands and apply softening cream.

The world is populated by invisible microorganisms - bacteria, viruses and microbes. Most of them are not dangerous to humans. Some live on humans and are part of the body. Another part of microorganisms, getting on the mucous membranes or in the digestive tract, become pathogens.

Why do you need to wash your hands?

To avoid the spread of viral or bacteriological diseases and infection with worms, you need to wash your hands regularly.

When you touch objects in crowded areas, such as in public transport, restaurants or at work, you transfer microorganisms to the surface of your hands. Further, by touching other objects around you, you spread microorganisms throughout the space. So, every time the accumulation of harmful bacteria and viruses around increases. By washing your hands correctly and regularly, you will prevent the spread and accumulation of harmful microorganisms.

When to wash your hands

If you decide to become a model of cleanliness and wash your hands 20 times a day, that’s bad. Frequent washing hands destroys beneficial microorganisms on our body. They are our protection, and getting rid of them will lead to negative consequences.

There is a list of actions after which you must wash your hands.

Going to the toilet

There are many bacteria on the surface toilet paper and toilet items: brush, water flush button and toilet lid.

Traveling by transport

The largest number of germs is found on poles and handles, buttons and levers for opening doors.

Contact with money

Money changes hands and is a carrier of infections. The dirtiest money is small denomination bills and coins.

Working with the ground

Contact with the patient

All objects in the room with a sick person become dangerous vectors diseases.

Sneezing and coughing

When we sneeze or cough, we push a lot of pathogenic germs into our hands with the air. Further, we spread these germs by shaking hands or touching objects.


Counters and the products on them are touched daily and accumulate a lot of germs. You don’t know what’s wrong with the person who took the product before you, but didn’t buy it, but put it in its place.

Visiting hospitals

Even with repeated cleanings using disinfectants, medical institutions accumulate viruses and bacteria that we can bring home.

Contact with animals

Microbes and worm eggs live on the fur of animals and on their mucous membranes, for example, on the nose and eyes.

Work in the archive

Archival documents are located in warm, damp rooms with a large accumulation of paper dust, which is ideal condition for the proliferation of fungi, bacteria and microbes.

Before bedtime

In a dream, a person does not control his actions. He may suck his thumb or scratch himself, so unwashed hands can lead to infection.

Contact with child

Young children have weak resistance to harmful microorganisms. Your dirty hands can cause skin or allergic diseases. If you touch toys that they lick or suck on, you can transmit worms or bacteria.

Cooking food

If you don't wash your hands before preparing food, you risk transferring germs not only to your body, but also to family members.

After cleaning

Any dirty work involves contact with a huge number of microorganisms.

How to wash your hands correctly

There are several ways to wash your hands, but not all are correct. Simply washing your hands with water will get rid of 5% of microorganisms on your palms. Washing your hands with soap and water and drying them with a towel will get rid of 60-70% of germs, since there are a lot of bacteria on the towel that multiply and accumulate. The exception is a clean towel, ironed and washed at a temperature of at least 90°C.


  1. Open the water tap.
  2. Apply soap to your hands in a thick layer. If you have liquid soap, use at least one tablespoon. Do not use germicidal soap frequently.
  3. Lather your hands well down to the hands.
  4. Clean the areas of your hands under your nails and between your fingers.
  5. Lather for another 30 seconds.
  6. Rinse soap scum off your hands big amount water.
  7. Wipe your hands paper towel or a clean cloth towel.
  8. IN in public places Open the toilet door with a paper towel without touching the handle with clean hands.

Washing your hands this way will get rid of 98% of harmful microorganisms.

Hand wash products

Depending on what you got your hands on or what objects you came into contact with, there are many ways to wash your hands.

Washing powder

Suitable for cleaning hands after working with petroleum products, car repairs and plumbing work. Disadvantages of this method:

  • difficult to wash off with cold water;
  • burning in open wounds;
  • overdrying of the skin.

Machine oil

Used to wash off paints, varnishes or fuel oil from hands. The advantage is moisturizing the skin and removing complex impurities. The disadvantage is that you have to wash it off with soap.


The method is suitable for drivers whose car breaks down on the road. Dust and sand absorb oil and remove it from your hands. After cleaning your hands with sand, wipe them with a dry, clean cloth.

Dishwashing liquid

Cope with any fat. The disadvantage is the large consumption of water to completely wash off the liquid from your hands.

Hand cleaning lotion

Among hand cleaning lotions, Step Up should be highlighted. It contains biodegradable substances that help not only effectively cleanse the skin of your hands, but also moisturize it. Step Up does not contain petroleum products and is safe for health. Deals with grease, paint and difficult-to-remove stains.

Aloe juice, natural oils and vitamins, nourish the skin of the hands and are an antiseptic. Step Up is suitable for dry hand washing, that is, washing without water. Apply the product to your hands and wipe dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. No deficiencies were identified.

Stores are ready to offer a bunch of drugs. To make the tests more difficult, we decided to smear ourselves to the fullest: we mixed old lithium grease with road dirt, took also grease for CV joints and even Permatex Super 300 adhesive sealant. The latter, as you know, is resistant to oils and antifreeze, there’s no way to get rid of it.

Our opinion about each of the tested products is in the photo gallery. We especially note the Ma-Fra brand products we liked - Manibel and Pole Position, a couple of "orange" Permatex preparations and a gel from Astrokhim.

But here’s the thing: the “Choice of ZR” award, which was awarded unanimously, went to the most ordinary napkins. Convenient, cheap and works - overall, we really liked them. And also - no rags are needed for them.

ASTROhim Hand cleaning cream with abrasive

Approximate price, rub., 60

Well packaged, the lid is easy to open. The cream easily removes remaining dirt, grease, and oil. Overall, I liked it, but, unfortunately, I didn’t want to wash off the sealant - unlike another product from the same company.

MA-FRA Pole Position

Approximate price, rub., 300

Neutral, non-irritating odor. And the lid is uncomfortable. The consistency is thick and contains abrasive particles. The font in the instructions is very small. The product is great: it removes dirt, grease, oil well and even removes sealant easily.

BBF Cleaning paste

Approximate price, rub., 50

The opening process is not the most convenient. The smell is neutral. Thick paste with abrasive particles. The instructions are in Russian, but the font is quite small. The product easily removed dirt, grease, and oil residues. The sealant did not overcome it.


Inconvenient lid. The instructions are in small print. Smells like oranges. The composition is thick, jelly-like, there is no pumice. Of all the contaminants, only the sealant caused difficulties - it required additional time.

3M GLASS WIPES Glass cleaning wipes

Approximate price, rub., 120

Taken out of competition as not at all intended for cleaning hands, they coped with dirt, grease, oil and even treacherous sealant without any problems. Plus, you don’t have to think about what to wipe your hands with later. The wipes are thoroughly impregnated and do not dry out in the air. It took two to clean my hands. The most effective remedy of all those tested.


Approximate price, rub., 160

I didn't like the lid. There are instructions in Russian, but they are printed in small print. The orange smell did not raise any objections. The composition is thick, jelly-like, with the addition of pumice. I dealt with dirt, grease, and oil, but I had to tinker with the sealant, despite the presence of pumice. We won on the second try.


Approximate price, rub., 70 rub. (100 mg), 130 rub. (440 mg)

This one differs from its neighbors from the “cleaner” family in the absence of abrasive particles. Therefore, the sealant did not succumb to it. But everything else washed off quite easily.

MA-FRA Pole Fluid

Approximate price, rub., 1100

Cleverly packaged and with a dispenser. Instructions in Russian. Pleasant smell, thick composition, with the addition of pumice. It removes dirt, grease, and oil well, but, alas, it couldn’t handle the sealant. Three liters will last a long time, but still pay attention to the price tag...

ASTROhim Hand cleaning gel

Approximate price, rub., 100

Convenient packaging, the lid can be opened with one finger. But on the contrary, it closes with difficulty, and the residue in the spout splashes in all directions. Pleasant orange scent. The instructions are in Russian, but the font is very small. The composition is liquid and spreads easily. Removes all contaminants; I got the sealant done on the third try.


Approximate price, rub., 180

Neutral, non-irritating odor. The lid is uncomfortable. The font of the instructions is very small. Unlike other cleaning products from this company, the product feels like wet sand. Removes dirt, grease and oil well. And even the sealant was finished with ease.


Approximate price, rub., 80

Convenient packaging, but the screw cap is not notched - oily fingers will slip. The instructions are printed in large print. The smell is neutral, non-irritating. The consistency is a thick paste with abrasive particles. Easily copes with dirt, grease, oil, but the sealant remains undefeated.

Permatex Blue Label

Approximate price, rub., 150

Non-irritating, neutral odor. detailed instructions in Russian, but the font is small. Opening the lid is extremely inconvenient and requires a lot of force. With dirty hands This is difficult to do: your finger slips. The composition is thick, jelly-like, without abrasive particles. Of the proposed contaminants, all but the sealant won.

3ton Hand Cleaner

Approximate price, rub., 90

Convenient screw cap with a notch. It opens without problems even with oily hands. Instructions in Russian - small print. The composition is thick and the smell is pleasant. It removes dirt, grease, and oil well, but it doesn't work well with sealant.

Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness is the key to health in all areas of life. If we are talking about medicine, then cleanliness of hands should be an integral rule, because life, like everything else, depends on such a trifle at first glance. medical personnel, and the patient. The nurse is responsible for ensuring that the condition of her hands is satisfactory and meets medical health standards. It is important to get rid of micro cracks, hangnails, clean your nails and remove any nails, if any. Why is this so important and what are the requirements?

In order for all staff to comply with the European medical standard, it is important to tell each employee about existing requirements disinfection of hands, instruments and other medical supplies. Available for nurses separate rules hand care, this includes the following requirements:

  • you cannot paint your nails or glue artificial ones
  • nails should be neatly trimmed and clean
  • It is not recommended to wear bracelets, watches, rings or any other Jewelry, since they are sources of bacteria and microbes

It was found that it is the lack of proper care among doctors and nurses that contributes to the development and rapid spread of nosocomial infectious pathogens throughout the clinic. Touching manipulation devices, devices, patient care items, test equipment with unclean hands, technical equipment, clothing and even medicinal waste can negatively affect the health of the patient and everyone in the hospital for a long period of time.

To prevent the spread of microorganisms and reduce the risk of infection through hands, there are rules and means of disinfection. Any hospital employee must follow these recommendations, especially those who work closely with sources of infection and infected patients.

In medicine, several methods have been developed for disinfecting the hands of all medical staff:

  • hand washing with soapy water and plain water, without the use of additional funds
  • washing hands with antiseptic hygiene products
  • surgical disinfection standards

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However, there are rules for washing hands this way. It was noticed that in frequent cases After treating the skin of your hands, many bacteria remain on the inner surface and fingertips. To avoid this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. First, you need to remove all unnecessary items: watches, jewelry, and other small items that contribute to the proliferation of microorganisms.
  2. The next step is soaping your hands; you need the soap to penetrate all areas.
  3. Rinse off the foam under running warm water.
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

When the washing procedure is performed for the first time, dirt and bacteria located on the surface of the skin are removed from the hands. When repeated treatment with warm water, the skin pores open and the cleansing goes deeper. It is useful to do light self-massage when soaping.

Cold water is less useful in this case, because it is the elevated temperature that allows soap or other hygiene products to penetrate deeply into the skin and remove the thick fat layer from both hands. Hot water also will not work, it can only lead to a negative result.

Surgical rules for disinfection

Surgery is an area where neglect of hand hygiene rules can cost the patient’s life. Hand treatment is carried out in the following situations:

  • Before any type of surgery
  • During invasive procedures such as vascular puncture

Of course, the doctor and everyone assisting during the operation put on disposable sterile gloves on their hands, but this does not give the right to forget about hygienic means of protection and hand treatment.

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Next, the usual hand cleaning is carried out again and three milligrams of an antiseptic are applied, and it is rubbed into the fabric and skin in a circular motion. It is advisable to carry out this entire process several times. A maximum of ten milligrams of antiseptic is used. The processing time takes no more than five minutes.

After the procedure or operation has been completed, the sterile gloves are thrown away, and the skin of the hands is washed with soap and treated with lotion or cream, preferably made from natural substances.

Modern methods of disinfection

Medicine is moving forward and disinfection techniques are improving every day. On this moment A mixture is widely used, which includes the following components: distilled water and formic acid. The solution is prepared daily and stored in enamel dishes. Immediately wash your hands with ordinary soap, and then rinse with this solution for a couple of minutes (the part from the hand to the elbow is treated for 30 seconds, the rest of the time the hand itself is washed). Hands are wiped with a napkin and dried.

Another method is disinfection with chlorhexidine, which is initially diluted 70% medical alcohol(dosage one to forty). The processing procedure lasts about three minutes.

Iodopirone is also used for hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff. The whole process follows a similar pattern: hands are washed with soapy water, then nails, fingers and other areas are disinfected with cotton swabs.

Ultrasound treatment. The hands are lowered into a special one through which they pass ultrasonic waves. Processing lasts no more than a minute.

All methods are good, it’s just important not to neglect the general recommendations.

So, hand disinfection plays an important role in medicine. It is not enough to simply wash your hands with water. Hand treatment is carried out in different ways, various hygiene products are used, depending on the situation. Neglecting basic rules can lead to negative consequences that will affect not only patients, but also medical personnel.

Jun 22, 2017 Violetta Doctor

The issue of the need for hand hygiene by medical personnel was first raised only in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, due to unsanitary conditions in Europe, almost 30% of women giving birth died in hospitals. The main cause of death was the so-called puerperal fever. It often happened that doctors went to women giving birth after dissecting corpses. At the same time, they did not treat their hands with anything, but simply wiped them with a handkerchief.

Types of processing

Keeping hands clean is mandatory for all healthcare personnel. Hygiene treatment of medical staff’s hands can be carried out in two ways:

  • removing contaminants and reducing the number of microorganisms on the skin of the hands using soap and water;
  • the use of special alcohol-containing skin antiseptics, which reduce the number of bacteria on the skin to a minimum level.

Only the second method can be called hand hygiene. The first is just hygienic washing. Hand washing is necessary liquid soap with a dispenser and wipe with an individual disposable towel. But disinfection is carried out using skin antiseptics.

According to the rules, medical personnel must always have hand sanitizer available. In addition, they must be provided with creams, balms, and lotions intended for skin care. Indeed, with constant hygienic treatment, the risk of developing contact dermatitis increases. Also selection detergents and antiseptics should be carried out taking into account individual intolerance.

Important Terms

Every hospital employee should know when the hands of medical staff should be sanitized. This is necessary in the following situations:

  • before and after contact with each patient;
  • before and after putting on gloves that are used during medical procedures, contact with excreta or body secretions, dressings, mucous surfaces;
  • after contact with intact skin, for example, after measuring blood pressure, pulse, or shifting the patient;
  • after working with equipment that is located in close proximity to the patient;
  • after treating patients with various purulent-inflammatory processes.

If there is obvious contamination of the skin of the hand with the patient’s blood or secretions, they must first be thoroughly washed with soap and water and dried. After this, they must be treated twice with an antiseptic.

Hand washing technique

Do not forget about the importance of cleansing the skin not only in hospitals, but also in other places. The hand treatment technique remains the same everywhere. Before starting the procedure, you must remove all rings, watches and bracelets. Any foreign objects make it difficult to remove pathogenic microorganisms. It is advisable to wash your hands with moderately warm water.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you must first wet your hands and squeeze them. The hand treatment algorithm looks like this:

  1. Lather the soap by vigorously rubbing your palms together.
  2. Rub one palm against the other in a back-and-forth motion.
  3. Rub the back surface right hand left palm and vice versa.
  4. Connect the fingers of the right hand and the interdigital spaces of the left, carefully process them.
  5. It is necessary to go through and inner surface fingers.
  6. Cross your outstretched fingers and rub your palms together.
  7. Pin and walk back side fingers on the palm.
  8. Rub thoroughly in a circular motion thumb, to do this, its base must be grasped with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.
  9. The wrist is treated in a similar way.
  10. Rub your palm with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Each movement should be repeated at least 5 times, and the total duration of this wash should be about a minute.

Rules for medical personnel

Every hospital and clinic worker should know how to clean the hands of medical staff. SanPiN (scheme proper washing given above) establishes the procedure not only for cleaning the skin, but also for its disinfection. Healthcare workers should also remember the following requirements:

  • short-cut nails without varnish;
  • absence of rings, signet rings and other similar jewelry.

Nail polish can cause unwanted dermatological reactions that can lead to secondary infection. In addition, dark varnish does not allow assessing the degree of cleanliness of the subungual space. This may cause poor processing. Cracked varnish is considered the most dangerous. Indeed, in this case, it becomes more difficult to remove microorganisms from the surface of the hands.

Performing a manicure itself is associated with microtraumas that can easily become infected. This is one of the reasons why medical professionals are prohibited from wearing false nails.

Any jewelry or jewelry may cause the hand hygiene of medical staff to become less effective. In addition, they can damage gloves and make putting them on more difficult.

Nuances for surgeons

The treatment of the hands of people participating in surgical interventions is carried out according to a slightly modified scheme. For example, the washing time for them is extended and amounts to 2 minutes. The further algorithm for processing hands is as follows. After mechanical cleaning It is necessary to dry the skin using a sterile cloth or disposable paper towel.

In addition to washing, treatment with an antiseptic is also important. Attention must be paid not only to the hands, but also to the wrists and forearms. The skin should remain moist during the specified treatment time. You cannot wipe your hands; you must wait until the antiseptic has completely dried. Only after this can surgeons put on gloves.

Selection of hygiene products

Many people are now opting for antibacterial soap. But it is important to follow the skin cleansing technique. If done correctly, washing your hands with regular soap will be just as effective. In surgical practice they use special means for antiseptic hand treatment. The soap contains chlorhexidine gluconate or povidone iodine. These substances can reduce the number of bacteria by 70-80% upon first use and by 99% upon repeated use. Moreover, when using povidone-iodine, the microflora grows faster than when in contact with chlorhexidine.

To be in full compliance regulatory requirements The medical staff's hands have undergone hygienic treatment; it is advisable to equip medical institutions to operate them without the use of hands.

Also in surgical practice, brushes can be used to clean hands, but this is not considered necessary. They must be either sterile for single use or capable of withstanding autoclaving.

Time periods

In surgical practice it is established special rules cleansing the skin. After the usual thorough washing according to the established protocol, they must be disinfected.

It is mandatory to sanitize the hands of medical staff. SanPin (the washing scheme remains the same) stipulates that skin cleansing before surgical procedures can be carried out using the same means as hygiene.

It is important to remember that throughout the entire period of hand disinfection, they must remain wet. To carry out the procedure, as a rule, it is necessary to use more than 6 ml of antiseptic. As a result of research, it was found that for high-quality destruction of bacteria, a five-minute treatment of the skin is sufficient. It has also been confirmed that performing this procedure for three minutes reduces the number of microorganisms to an acceptable level.

Rules for treating hands with antiseptic

After thoroughly washing the skin of your hands, wrists and forearms, you need to dry them. After this, the established standard for hand treatment for workers in operating rooms requires the use of special disinfectants.

Before this, if necessary, you need to treat the nail beds and periungual folds. For these purposes, use sterile disposable wooden sticks, which must be additionally moistened with an antiseptic.

The disinfectant is applied 2.5 ml to the hands and forearms. One treatment of two hands should require about 10 ml of disinfectant liquid. The antiseptic must be rubbed into the skin according to the same scheme as hand washing, observing correct sequence movements.

Only after complete absorption/evaporation of the product can you put on gloves. If it lasts more than 3 hours, then the treatment is repeated. After all, pathogenic microorganisms can begin to multiply again under gloves.

Final stage

But this is not all levels of hand treatment. It is important to remove gloves after working with gloves and wash your hands with soap. In this case, there is no longer any need to use a disinfectant solution. Washing with liquid soap is sufficient, preferably with a neutral pH.

After cleaning the skin, it is necessary to moisturize it. Various creams and lotions are used for these purposes. Their main purpose is to prevent the drying effect of alcohol-containing disinfectants.

It is especially worth noting that hygienic treatment In the absence of visible contamination, hands can be performed without washing. In most cases, it is enough to use antiseptic solutions for 30-60 seconds.

Possible complications

It is worth noting that regular use disinfectants are not the best in the best possible way affects the skin of healthcare workers. There are two main types of reactions that hospital employees encounter. Most often they complain of itching, dryness, irritation, cracks with bleeding. These symptoms can be either minor or significantly affect general state workers.

There is also another type of complications - allergic dermatitis. They occur when there is intolerance to any components of products intended for hand disinfection. Allergic dermatitis can manifest itself in both mild localized and severe generalized forms. In the most advanced cases, they can be combined with respiratory distress syndrome or other manifestations of anaphylaxis.

Prevalence of complications and their prevention

The significance of the problem can be understood by knowing that such hand cleaning practices result in 25% of nurses presenting with signs of dermatitis, and 85% report a history of skin problems.

The irritating effect of antiseptics can be slightly reduced by adding emollients to them. This is one way to reduce the incidence of contact dermatitis. The risk of their occurrence can also be minimized if you use moisturizers that are designed to care for the skin of your hands after each wash.

To prevent the development of complications, do not wash your hands every time before treating them with an antiseptic. It is also important to ensure that gloves are only put on when the skin is completely dry.

Do not neglect the use of moisturizers. On the market you can find special protective creams designed to prevent the occurrence of contact dermatitis. However, research has failed to confirm their unambiguous effectiveness. Stops many high price for these creams.