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Hitachi National Park. Hitachi National Seaside Park. Infrastructure of Hitachi Park in Japan

July 25, 2014

Hitachi Park in Japan delights everyone: local residents, travelers who have seen a lot, and lovers of beauty who come from everywhere to this wonderful place. WITH Japanese name parka translates as "dawn". Real bright feelings embrace those who step on the ground, covered with a bright and delicate flower carpet.

Wonders of nature in a blooming park

In this Japanese park most areas occupy the most different flowers, of which there are a lot of varieties and names. Species diversity There are few bushes and trees.

Fragrant ones grow not in flower beds, but in huge fields. It seems that a living multi-colored sea surrounds the entire space around. Gardeners select plants in such a way that all year round it was beautiful in the park. In Hitachi, some plant species replace others during different flowering periods. Flower paradise is always very beautiful and picturesque.

In Holland and in they are also very beautiful and somewhat similar to Hitachi. But here, there are some “highlights” that make this space unique.

Flower festivals in Hitachi

“Harmony of Nemophila” is the name of a popular festival, which is organized in honor of a delicate flower, unusual for Europe. Blue nemophila is planted in large areas. The hilly terrain, dotted with waves of soft turquoise color with an amazing aroma, smoothly flows into the vault of heaven. It seems that it is erased by the earth in a blue robe.

In the spring, a cherry blossom festival is held in the open spaces of Hitachi. Thousands of trees with delicate flowers exude a sweet aroma and can melt with their beautiful view even the coldest heart. The branches are decorated with paper lanterns, symbolizing the arrival of spring, peace and tranquility.

Autumn outfit

Park guests who come to Japan in the fall cannot immediately understand what they see in front of them. Fluffy, delicate balls of orange, greenish-yellow, and red cover vast areas. These strange balls are kochia bushes, which create an alien landscape on Earth and evoke a lot of positive emotions from meeting such a miracle.

In Hitachi Park Japanese soil In addition to amazing flowers and other plants, there is entertainment: attractions, a zoo, a swimming pool, recreational areas, souvenir shops, etc. Everyone can take a break from the hustle and bustle, worries and noise of the metropolis in a flower paradise.

Magnificent Hitachi Park photo


There is a truly magical place in the world, this is Honshu Island in Japan. You can call it that if only because the Hitachi National Park is located here. Seaside Park). This is one of the most beautiful parks in the country. Its name in translation means nothing more than “dawn” and very accurately reveals the essence of the beauty of the park itself.

Just a few decades ago, in the place where today the park is fragrant with flower beds, there were US military bases. After some time, these lands were transferred to the Japanese government. And already in 1991, the first part of the Hitachi park opened. At that time, its area was no more than 70 hectares. Today the park has expanded significantly and is freely spread over an area of ​​120 hectares. But the hardworking and purposeful Japanese are not going to stop there and are planning to soon expand it to three hundred hectares.

The Japanese Hitachi Park surprises not only with its size; it is recognized throughout the world as unusual. Where does this fame come from?

The fact is that in this park it is not mainly trees and shrubs that grow, as is usually the case in such places, but numerous beautiful flower plants. Exactly various types and varieties of flowers form the basis of the Hitachi Park, with flowering different plants occurs almost continuously, bright buds gradually replace each other.

Japanese Hitachi Park is filled with large areas of flowers not only for the sake of decorating the landscape. Their natural beauty delights the eyes of numerous visitors during various flower festivals. The festival most beloved by the public is called “Harmony of the Nemophiles.” Usually it is timed to coincide with the flowering of a rather rare flower plant- blue nemophila. Four and a half million copies of this flower are planted on the gentle hills of a Japanese park, which turn sky blue during its flowering period. And to tourists, who come here in the thousands to see this floral miracle, it seems that the sky merges with the earth at these moments.

In fact, this flower is not at all a typical plant for the Japanese landscape. IN natural conditions it is found only in one place on earth - in North America. Namely, in the states of Oregon and California. In this area, the nemophila growing in sunny groves is called “American forget-me-not” or “blue eyes”. In fact, the color of the flowers of the plant is not only pure blue, sometimes the flowers take on a spotted color.

The name of the flower itself, “nemophilas”, consists of two words: the Greek “nemos” - grove and “phileo” - love. Probably, the origin of this word can be explained by the fact that some types of nemophila like to grow in partial shade rather than in a sunny place. Nemophila is an annual herbaceous plant with pubescent and pinnately lobed leaves up to 20 cm high and fairly large single bell-shaped flowers.

The continuous bloom of lilies, poppies, tulips, daffodils, roses and many other plants makes Hitachi Park a truly heavenly place where it is pleasant to relax and contemplate floral wonders. You can admire each individual flower of original beauty and the patterned designs of intricately scattered flower beds. After all, flowers here are planted not in separate small flower beds, but in spacious fields. And they are always presented in such unimaginable quantities that it seems as if a sea of ​​flowers has spilled over the earth.

Also makes a lasting impression lush flowering ume and sakura in Hitachi Park. Moreover, sakura is represented here in the amount of at least one thousand trees. The Japanese park in the spring is an incredibly beautiful sight; it is amazingly transformed when the sakura trees try on their best - wedding dresses.

Of course, it is precisely during this period that the flower festival is held annually. At this time, paper lanterns are hung on the branches of each tree, which adds a special festive touch to the already lovely sakura dress.

But even in the fall, Hitachi Park does not lose its charm, but, on the contrary, acquires a different palette of colors, becoming covered with a fluffy “carpet” of green and red kochia bushes. Of course, in addition to plants, Hitachi Park also has other advantages such as a swimming pool, a zoo, an amusement park, various attractions, etc. Both adults and children will enjoy relaxing here - everyone will find something of their own.

In July, the fields of the park are covered with fluffy kochia bushes:

In September, kochia gradually change color from green to red:

The later the autumn, the more saturated the color of the kochia becomes.

Cosmos grow next to the kochia.

Hitachi was founded in 1910 by talented engineer Namihei Odaira. The name of this world-famous company was taken from the Japanese town of the same name where Odaira worked. He approached the development of the emblem with all his inherent responsibility. It should not be ordinary, but should carry something sacred, symbolic and memorable. Therefore, Odair took 2 hieroglyphs as a basis, together they read “sunrise” and “sun”, because the name “Hitachi” itself means “dawn” in translation. He inscribed these hieroglyphs in a circle in which there were 4 diverging rays, and as a result he received an emblem that looked like a target and the center of the universe. Odaira himself saw in her a person who stands against the backdrop of the rising sun and reflects on how to make the future brighter.

Following electric motors, galvanometers, transformers, water turbines, voltmeters and fans began to be produced. This provoked an increase in profits and expansion of production.

In 1924, Hitachi created the first mainline electric locomotive in Japan with the installation alternating current. This new product caused a stir and frantic demand in the Japanese market.

In 1932, an electric refrigerator was produced - a new invention of the company that conquered the market. After well-deserved success, the company tried its hand at developing the promising communications market, and already in 1940 the first automatic telephone exchange with 5,000 numbers was produced.
The war years turned out to be difficult for Japan, the country was practically destroyed to the ground, but, despite this, the Hitachi company is quickly recovering and gaining momentum, moreover, subsidiaries are opening.

In 1948, a special division for coal mining was created, as well as a division of Hitachi Koki Co, specializing in the production of tools.

In the 50s, Hitachi established itself as a stable and powerful manufacturer of air conditioners and fans. To confirm this, the first one was released in Japan in 1952 window air conditioner, in 1961 - the first air conditioner with a heat pump, and in 1967 they produced an air conditioner, the likes of which had never existed in the world. Its uniqueness lies in the function of dehumidifying the air without lowering the temperature.

In 1957, the millionth Hitachi tool was produced.
A year later, the electron microscopes produced by the company won the Grand Prix at the Brussels World Exhibition.

In the 60-70s, Hitachi was already a generally recognized leader in the field of microelectronics and computer systems. All the positions developed in these areas were successfully applied in the products they produced.

In 1970, the company developed a computer system for controlling the movement of high-speed trains, and in 1979 a series of general-purpose computers appeared on the market.

In the same 1974, the world's first hammer drill with microprocess. It was not just the world's first drill, but the world's first micro-process tool.

In 1977, the air conditioner market was in for a new product. A device with microsensors was released that monitored the temperature and humidity of the air in the room, and a year later an air conditioner appeared, which was controlled using a computer.

In 1984, mass production of 256 Kbit DRAM memory chips was launched.

The year 1985 was marked by the production of over 30 million power tools. In the same year, a CAD system with a high-resolution color display was quickly developed.

In the 90s, the company, as before, worked in many directions. In particular, highly sensitive tubes transmitting electron beam waves were developed in 1991, and modules with a wide viewing angle were developed in 1995.

In 1997, Hitachi was awarded by the Association of Japanese Electrical Manufacturers for creating the world's fastest centrifuge, which was also compact.

The beginning of the 21st century was eventful. Firstly, in 2000, the world's first DVD video camera was created (it is compatible with the DVD-RAM 4.7 GB standard). Later develops a contactless integrated circuit (the world's smallest), a high-temperature lead-free solder paste, and the first commercial HDD, the capacity of which is 1TB.

Throughout its history, the company has established itself as a reliable manufacturer of a wide range of products, from electric motors to computer developments. The tools produced by the company enjoy proven success among consumers, because the quality, fineness of parts and the production traditions inherent in the company will not leave anyone indifferent. Enjoys success and Appliances. Only in 2012 does it stop producing televisions.

In 2010, Hitachi successfully celebrated its 100th anniversary. World production gurus were invited, famous people and, of course, company employees.

In 2011, Hitachi, Toshiba, Sony and Innovation Network Corporation of Japan (a Japanese public-private corporation) announced the creation of a joint venture that would specialize in the production of computer screens for portable equipment. It is expected that such cooperation will lead to the fact that this enterprise will soon become the largest player in the market.

The symbol of Hitachi Corporation has become a large spreading tree that grows in Moanalua Park (Hawaii). The age of this tree is approximately 130 years ( late XIX century), 25 meters in height, 40-meter crown diameter and 7-meter trunk diameter. It symbolizes the constant desire to expand one’s capabilities, to gain new positions in the global market, while not forgetting one’s own roots.

Hitachi History Milestones

1910: The first product of the newly formed company was three 5 hp electric motors. With. (3.6775 kW) each
1924: Japan's first AC mainline electric locomotive was designed
1932: The first Hitachi electric refrigerator was created
1948: A division was created for the production of equipment and accessories for coal mining, and power tools Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd
1952: First Hitachi air conditioner installed
1957: Hitachi power tool production reached 1 million units
1958: Hitachi electron microscopes won the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Brussels
1970: A computer system for controlling the movement of Shinkansen high-speed trains is developed
1974: First series of general purpose computers released
1974: The DV20VA microprocessor impact drill is released, the world's first microprocessor power tool.
1984: Start of mass production of 256 KB DRAM memory chips
1985: Power tool production exceeded 30 million units
1985: CAD systems with high-resolution color displays developed
1991: Highly sensitive transmitting cathode ray tubes are developed
1996: Super TFT LCD module with ultra-wide viewing angle released
1997: The company was awarded the Japanese Electrical Manufacturers Association award for the development of a compact centrifuge (150,000 rpm) - the fastest in the world
1998: A 128-megabit single-electron memory chip was created
2000: The world's first DVD video camera compatible with the DVD-RAM 4.7 GB standard was created
2001: e-government document management systems for government agencies were developed
2003: The world's smallest contactless integrated circuit with an area of ​​0.3 mm² is developed
2004: Lead-free, high-temperature solder paste created
2007: First commercial hard drive with a capacity of 1 terabyte
2010: Hitachi 100th anniversary
2011: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies' hard drive division is acquired by Western Digital.
2012: Hitachi stops producing TVs
2015: Entry of the German company Metabo into Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd.
2017: Sale by Hitachi Ltd of its division engaged in the production and sale of power tools - Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd., to the private investment fund KKR & Co. L.P. (USA), also known as Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

On the eastern coast of the largest Japanese island of Honshu, about one kilometer from the waters of the Pacific Ocean, there is a well-groomed and incredibly beautiful Hitachi Park. It is located within the city of Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Province.

Hitachi Park on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 36.405002, 140.600285
  • The distance from the capital of Japan Tokyo is approximately 100 km
  • The nearest Narita International Airport is about 75 km

A little history

The official name of the park is Hitachi Seaside Park. The name Hitachi, which is familiar to us (this includes household appliances and industrial equipment, and much more) it is actually more correct to write Hitachi, this is due to the peculiarities Japanese language. So in Japanese “hitachi” means “dawn”. Taking into account where Hitachi Park is located, it becomes quite clear why the park has this name.

Originally there was an American military base on this site, but in 1991 this remarkable park was founded here. In our opinion, the transformation of a military base into a blooming and fragrant oasis is the best thing that could happen to this piece of land.

What is so beautiful about this park? On the one hand, it is just a city park, where thousands of people come to take a break from the bustle of the city.

As a rule, in any city there are places where a person can be a little alone with nature and peace. In Brazilian Rio de Janeiro, this is Tijuca Park - a tropical jungle right in the middle of the city. In the capital of India, these are Lodi Gardens.

But on the other hand, it is as much as 190 hectares, which now represent a wonderful, impressive and unforgettable sight. Millions of flowers grow in the park and bloom at different times.
Hitachi Park comes alive in March. At this time, daffodils bloom here. There are more than a million of them in the park. In April, tulips of 170 species and all colors of the rainbow will bloom. Looking at such magnificence, associations involuntarily arise with Keukenhof Park in Holland (there are an incredible amount of these tulips there). In the park you can also find lilies, poppies and sakura.

Nemophila flowering

But that's not all. From the beginning of May, nemophila begins to bloom. This delicate flower blue or of blue color. Imagine, about 5 million flowers bloom and fill huge areas, turning the park into a blue-blue carpet. At this time, the park hosts flower festival"Harmony of the Nemophile". This event attracts a huge flow of travelers.

Kochia balls

Since the beginning of July, the park has been covered with amazing “balls” of kochia. This interesting plant in Hitachi Park they really look a lot like large round balls of bushes.

At the beginning of autumn, kochia bushes begin to change color. Gradually, greenery gives way to yellow, orange and red flowers.

With the onset of winter, the park falls asleep and accumulates strength to next year once again amaze us with its magnificence.

In addition to the stunning flower extravaganza, Hitachi Park also has traditional entertainment for citizens and tourists - a swimming pool, a zoo and an amusement park, walking and cycling paths, and a Ferris wheel.

Hitachi Park photo

Hitachi Seaside National Park is located in the Japanese city of Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture. This is a unique place on the coast Pacific Ocean changes its color with each new season, so whenever you come here, you can admire the riot of colors.

Description of Hitachi Park

Hitachi Park covers an area of ​​350 hectares (200 hectares are open to visitors); it was founded in 1991 on the site of a former US military base. Today this place is a true flower kingdom, because all kinds of plants grow here: daffodils, tulips, poppies, lilies, sakura.

In May, Japan's Hitachi Park looks like a huge sky-blue blanket, as nemophila - American forget-me-nots - bloom on the hills at this time. This event is celebrated with the “Harmony of Nemophiles” festival; during this period, thousands of tourists come to Hitachi Seaside Park to see this amazing spectacle with their own eyes.

At the beginning of June, poppies begin to bloom - the fields turn bright red, and by July green fluffy balls of kochia appear here. Despite its demonstrative “softness,” this plant is quite prickly to the touch.

By September, the green kochia changes its color to orange and purplish red, creating a stunning contrast with the bright blue sky. The flowering time of cosmos begins in mid-autumn. Together with kochia, such a tandem creates the brightest palette - everyone should see these fabulous landscapes in their lives.

Infrastructure of Hitachi Park in Japan

The park is home to one of the oldest private houses in eastern Japan. It was located in the city of Inashiki about 350 years ago, and in 2010 it was restored and moved to Hitachi Park.

In addition to admiring the flowers, at Hitachi National Seaside Park you can go on rides, see animals in the zoo and swim in the pool. After a walk in the fresh air, you can have a snack in one of the many cafes.

There are also bicycle paths here; exploring the vast territory on a bicycle is even more interesting. You can bring your own bike or rent one on site. Rent price:

  • adults for 3 hours - 400 JPY, every next 30 minutes - 50 JPY;
  • for children for 3 hours - 250 JPY, every next 20 minutes - 50 JPY.

Visiting information

Address: 605-4 Mawatari Onuma, Hitachinaka 312-0012, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

Official site: hitachikaihin.jp

Working hours

Hitachi Park is open every day during the following periods:

  • in spring - from March 26 to May 31 (09:30 - 17:00);
  • in summer - from July 21 to August 31 (09:30 - 18:00);
  • in autumn - from October 1 to October 31 (09:30 - 17:00);
  • in winter - from December 25 to December 31 (09:30 - 16:30).

Ticket price

*Prices are current for 2018.

How to get to Hitachi Seaside parks

From Tokyo to national park Hitachi can be reached by train from Ueno Station. The JR Hitachi-Tokiwa train passes through Hitachinaka (Katsuta Station) and takes approximately 80 minutes. From Katsuta Station to the park it is only 20 minutes by bus.

Hitachi Park on the map of Hitatinaki

Hitachi Seaside National Park is located in the Japanese city of Hitachinaka, Ibaraki Prefecture. This unique place on the Pacific coast changes its color with each new season, so whenever you come here, you can admire a riot of colors.

Description of Hitachi Park

Hitachi Park spreads over an area of ​​350 hectares (open to visitors..." />