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Do I need to open garlic from the ground? Growing garlic - discovering the secrets of an excellent harvest. Signs and causes of garlic rotting during storage

If gooseberries have been growing at your dacha for a long time, you got the bush from your grandmother, and she once took cuttings from her great-grandmother, most likely you are familiar with the problem of powdery mildew firsthand. This whitish coating on the leaves and stems, brown spots on berries, which can be peeled off if you try, but it’s still not pleasant enough. Old varieties are good because they are tasty and definitely have not undergone any modifications, but the problem is that they are not at all resistant to various diseases.

I don’t want to get rid of a tasty variety, but I don’t want to defeat powdery mildew. At the same time, it would be nice to do without toxic pesticides. Effective folk remedies prevention and control of powdery mildew. And they have been tested in practice. To help gardeners, we publish an environmentally friendly table safe means protection against powdery mildew on gooseberries.

According to science, the disease of gooseberries, which everyone calls powdery mildew, is called spheroteca. It affects all parts of the bush: leaves, shoots, ovaries, berries. At first, the plant is covered with a white coating, and over time it turns into a brown coating, reminiscent of felt. Affected shoots become bent, leaves curl, and fruits do not fill well.

The disease is caused by a genus of fungi with the same name, which release spores twice: in spring and summer. Therefore, in a good way, you need to carry out three treatments of gooseberries against powdery mildew: before flowering, immediately after flowering and before leaf fall. In this case, it is better not to spray the bushes, but to wet them, trying not to miss a single branch. In addition, it is important to remember that the fungal spores overwinter in the litter, that is, it is necessary to spill the same product on the soil around the bush.

Folk remedies for powdery mildew on gooseberries

Means Proportions and method of preparation Processing Features
Ammonium nitrate
50 grams of ammonium nitrate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Gooseberries are treated after flowering.
1 tbsp. soda, 1 aspirin tablet, 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil dissolve in 4.5 liters of water. The bushes are treated with this composition once every two weeks during the season.
The water should be brought to a boil. In early spring, before the snow melts, gooseberry bushes are doused with boiling water directly from a watering can.
Haupsin or trichodermin ()
150 ml. The drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spray gooseberries during the growing season at intervals of 2 weeks.
Option 1. One kilogram of ash is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 7 days, stirring occasionally. Then carefully pour the infusion, leaving sediment at the bottom.

Option 2. 300 grams of ash are mixed with 10 liters of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes. Then cool until sediment appears and carefully pour into a clean container.

Option 3. 3 kg. ash is poured with 10 liters of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Then filter.

Spraying is carried out at the end of May - beginning of June three times with an interval of one day. The ash sludge is diluted with water and the soil under the bushes is watered with this mixture.
Soda Ash
50 grams soda ash dissolve in small quantities hot water, then bring the water to 10 liters and add 10 grams of liquid soap. Gooseberries are processed twice: before flowering and after flowering.
Kefir or sour milk
1 liter of kefir or sour milk is mixed with 9 liters of water.
Mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and infused for three days. Then dilute again with water 1:3 and filter.
Onion peel
200 grams of husk onions pour 10 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 days. Gooseberries are treated before flowering, after flowering and before leaf fall.
Milk serum
1 liter of whey is mixed with 9 liters of water. Treatment is carried out three times every three days.
30 grams of dry tansy are poured with 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours. Then cook for 1.5-2 hours and filter. Tansy decoction is used to treat the ground around the bushes in spring and autumn.
Rotten hay or forest litter
The bucket is filled one third with hay, topped up with water and left for three days. Then again dilute with water 1:3 and filter. Gooseberries are treated before flowering, after flowering and before leaf fall.
2 tbsp. soda and 50 grams of grated laundry soap are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The bushes are treated twice: before flowering and after flowering.
For 10 liters of water you need 20 grams of superphosphate, 50 grams of potassium chloride, 30 grams of urea, 5 grams of potassium permanganate. Gooseberries are sprayed once after flowering.
Take 100-150 ml. drug per 10 liters of water. The bush and the soil under it are treated in the spring before flowering and in the fall after fruiting.
1 kg. fresh horsetail is poured into 10 liters of water and boiled for 2 hours. The broth is cooled, filtered and diluted with water 1:5. Spray gooseberries for summer season at weekly intervals.

In conclusion I would like to say that powdery mildew, like many other fungal diseases, loves humidity, thickened plantings and soils poor in organic matter.

Therefore, firstly, you need to try to regularly cut out old, poorly fruiting branches so that air can freely penetrate inside the bush. And secondly, to heal and enrich the soil with organic matter. Instead of digging under the bushes, weeding out all the weeds and removing the litter (what if there is a fungus lurking there?), it is better, on the contrary, to put tops under the gooseberries (the tops of nightshades are especially good: potatoes and tomatoes) and generously spill them on top with a solution of EM preparations . Beneficial microorganisms will quickly get down to business and “chew” organic residues along with pathogenic fungi.

When growing any garden crop, there is a risk of infection by a number of dangerous diseases. For example, there are gooseberry diseases that, in the absence of the necessary treatment and prevention, can cause enormous damage to the crop and lead to the death of the plant. To combat them, fungicides of different effectiveness and methods of application have been developed, allowing you to save the bush at any stage of infection.

This is a common name, or rather, a sign of the most common disease of gooseberries and many others. garden crops– powdery mildew or spheroteca. It is divided into two types (European and American), both of them have almost identical external manifestations, but differ only in the type of fungus that causes the disease.


The first symptoms of powdery mildew appear in spring or early summer, immediately after the bush blooms. On young vegetative parts of the plant (usually with bottom side) a characteristic white coating appears, having a loose structure.

In the initial stages of the disease, it is easily erased, so some gardeners mistake the infection for ordinary pollution. Gradually, colonies of the fungus spread to the gooseberry ovaries, fruits and cover already most plants. The plaque becomes denser every day, eventually taking on a dark brown tint.

Against the background of the disease, the growth and development of shoots stops, and they become bent.

The leaves dry out, curl and begin to separate from the plant. Powdery mildew causes the greatest damage to the crop - the fruits stop growing, a strong coating appears on the berries, they burst and crack.

If treatment is not started in time, the infected gooseberry bushes die within two to three seasons, and the pores of the fungus are carried by the wind and insects to nearby fruit bushes.

Powdery mildew can persist on fallen leaves and branches even in the most very coldy, and upon reaching optimal temperature the disease reactivates.


When spheroteca fungi are detected on a plant, the fight against them should continue throughout the season, but we must not forget about preventive measures.

There are many different effective treatment methods, the most common of which are:

  1. All infected parts of the plant, including berries, must be taken outside the site and completely destroyed.
  2. More in early spring it is necessary to treat the bush with hot boiling water, because heat kills the fungus.
  3. It is recommended to use fungicides until the first ovaries form. The most commonly used solution is Bordeaux mixture (a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk) or a solution of soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water). To enhance the reaction and interaction with the bush, it is recommended to add 50 g of laundry soap to the solution. It is advisable to spray with chemicals in the first half of the day.
  4. In later stages of the disease, an infusion is used wood ash(300 g of dry mixture per 10 liters of water). This product can be used to treat both ground and upper parts of the bush.
  5. If the entire planting of gooseberries and nearby plants are infected, strong complex fungicides should be used. For example, “Topaz”, “Fundazol”, “Fitosporin” and others.
  6. As additional measure can be entered organic fertilizers, for example, bird manure, mullein or humus (in a ratio of 1:3 relative to water). After feeding, the vital activity of bacteria increases, which subsequently begin to feed on the mycelium of the spheroteca.

There are a number of gooseberry varieties that have increased stability to fungal diseases, including powdery mildew. If a spheroteca has already been observed on the site, it is recommended to plant them.


The second most common gooseberry disease, which is also a fungal infection. The onset of the disease usually occurs in mid-summer, especially during the rainy season.

First, the leaves of the plant are affected - small white spots with a glossy structure appear on them. Over time, they merge with each other, spread over the entire surface of the bush, acquiring a brown tint.

If the necessary control measures are not taken in time, the leaves begin to dry out and fall off, the appearance of new shoots is reduced, and the quality of the crop deteriorates.


Anthracnose is highly treatable if you choose the right medications. It is very important to remove fallen leaves, trim already infected vegetative parts of the plant, and then destroy them.

Septoria (white spot)

It is a type of anthracnose, but the main difference is the type of fungus that causes infection of the bush. With this disease, characteristic small spots appear on the leaves, which have a grayish tint with a brown border.

As infection progresses, black dots form on the plaque, in which an increased number of fungal spores is noted. The disease causes leaves to curl and fall off. In advanced cases, septoria completely affects the entire bush, which leads to its complete drying out.

The same fungicides as for anthracnose are suitable for treatment. Plus, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to treat the soil near the gooseberries weak solution potassium permanganate, boron or zinc. It is advisable to carry out the treatment twice per season - in spring and autumn.


There are several varieties of this disease, but gooseberries are most often affected by goblet rust. This is a fungal disease that affects the leaves of the plant.

It got its name because of the specific shape of the spots, which look like small glasses. In the early stages they take on a bright orange hue and are located mainly on the lower part of the leaves.

The peak of infection occurs in early spring, when the pores of the fungus are carried by wind and insects from the soil or other plants. As the infection progresses, the foliage becomes curled and distorted and then falls off. If treatment is not started, rust affects gooseberries. Affected fruits lag behind in development, become deformed and dry out.


Most effective method combating gooseberry rust - compliance with preventive measures and planting rules. It is recommended to plant only those varieties that are resistant to the disease. Plus, the disease is more often observed when planting near bodies of water, as well as in lowlands and areas with high humidity.

These points should be taken into account even before planting the gooseberries.

If the disease cannot be avoided, rust responds well to treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture (100 g per 10 liters of water). The treatment is carried out in three stages - at the moment of formation of the ovaries, after the start of flowering and 10-14 days after its end.

This viral disease, which is the most dangerous for most fruit and vegetable crops. Gooseberry mosaic is a specific disease for this type of plant, so infection occurs through living organisms, as a rule, various herbivorous insects (aphids or mites), as well as after pruning the bush with an untreated instrument.

External manifestations

Some time after infection, a characteristic pattern of bright yellow or light green color appears on the leaves. The spots are always located along the leaf veins, so the disease is easy to distinguish even in the early stages.

As the disease progresses, the bush stops growing and new shoots and ovaries do not appear. New sheets are smaller in size and have slight wrinkles on the surface. Fruiting practically does not occur.

Gooseberry mosaic is practically untreatable, so if an infection is detected, it is necessary to dig up the diseased bush and destroy it. Further prevention of the disease plays an important role - treating the plantings with insecticides to reduce the number of insects, purchasing and planting new bushes for renewal genetic material this garden crop.

Berry diseases

Many diseases typical of gooseberries also affect the fruits of this plant, which significantly deteriorates the quality and quantity of the harvest. When identifying any symptoms, it is important to accurately identify the disease, since treatment methods differ in each specific case.

The most common signs of gooseberry diseases:

  1. Appearance of yellowness. If the leaves and berries begin to turn yellow, we are usually talking about powdery mildew or powdery mildew. This disease affects fruits only in the later stages, so before yellowing appears, a characteristic white coating can be noticed. If the leaves have small yellow spots along the veins, the bush is probably infected with mosaic, effective treatment which has not yet been developed.
  2. Mold on berries. This symptom is characteristic only of powdery mildew, but mold can appear due to infection of the bush by aphids. To determine the disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire bush for the presence of clarifying signs.
  3. Fall of berries and leaves. Almost all diseases cause the shrub to dry out, followed by the loss of leaves and fruits. However, the cause may also be a lack of macroelements in the soil, for example, such a symptom is observed with nitrogen deficiency.
  4. Scab, which is one of the most frequent illnesses plants on home plot, is extremely rarely observed in gooseberries. Despite the fact that the risk of infection is minimal, if dark brown spots characteristic of scab appear on the leaves and fruits, the planting should be treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture (75-100 g per 10 liters of water) or copper sulfate (40 g per 10 liters ).


Competent preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of the appearance and development of gooseberry diseases.

Prevention of infection comes down to a few simple measures:

  1. All affected parts of the plant must be promptly removed and burned outside the site, since the fungus continues to live even in the dead parts of the gooseberry.
  2. Near landing berry bushes It is recommended to plant plants that repel insects and pests that spread diseases. Garlic, onions, dill, marigolds and chrysanthemums have this property.
  3. You should choose the gooseberry variety wisely, since some of them have increased immunity and resistance to a number of diseases.
  4. Treatment should be carried out at least twice per season, regardless of the presence of the disease. For preventive purposes, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. If there is a disease, then you need to purchase strong fungicides with a complex effect, for example, Fitosporin. When choosing a drug, you should carefully read the description and dosage of the drug.
  5. It is important to follow processing rules. The first application of the product should be no later than 14 days after the onset of the disease, and if it rains after using the fungicide, then the treatment of the bush must be repeated after 4-5 hours.
  6. It is necessary to apply all the necessary synthetic fertilizers on time, since the lack of macroelements in the soil (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) directly affects the condition of the gooseberries.
  7. To strengthen the protective forces of the bush and renew the genetic fund of the planting, it is advisable to plant new plants and trim old bushes every 3-4 years.

In order to notice the disease in time and take the necessary measures, it is important to regularly inspect the gooseberry bushes, paying attention not only to top part leaves, but also the lower one. Timely treatment plays an important role, since the use of drugs is much more effective in the early stages of the disease.

Like other fruit and berry crops, gooseberries are susceptible to many dangerous diseases. Treatment of the disease depends on many factors - characteristics of the variety, degree and stage of infection, choice of fungicides for treatment. To get rid of fungal and viral infection of shrubs, you should follow preventive measures, regularly replant the plant and wisely choose a site for planting.

Gooseberries are a berry crop that today grows in almost everyone’s home. personal plot. Like any plant, gooseberries need careful care. It is simple and includes standard activities. But due to violated rules of agricultural technology, symptoms such as white coating on fruits often develop.


In the video there is a white coating on gooseberries:

Over time, the plaque changes color. It turns brown with black speckles. The bush loses its shoots, because they become dry and the fruit falls off. On next year the disease will progress as the spores begin to multiply more intensely. Thus, the plant will die.

How to treat

To be absolutely sure that powdery mildew will not affect gooseberry bushes, you should pay attention to varieties that are resistant to this disease. But when the disease already exists, it is necessary to begin to fight the wintering form of the infection, carry out preventive treatments 3 times per season, and increase the immunity of the crop.

The fight against wintering infection will have to be carried out on a regular basis. All eyelids, shoots and berries affected by powdery mildew should be removed in the fall and burned.

But how to treat Kolobok gooseberries for pests, and how quickly you can achieve positive result, indicated

Also in the fall, it is necessary to carry out preventive pruning of the bushes, remove fallen leaves and weeds. The soil under plantings requires digging and constant loosening. Thanks to such methods, it is possible to slow down the development of the disease.

The video shows measures to combat diseases:


Use chemicals To combat powdery mildew, it is necessary at a time when the buds have not yet bloomed. The first time spraying is performed before flowering using fungicide preparations. The second treatment should be carried out after flowering and the last one should be done 30 days before harvest. Such means should be used

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate

If you use this drug, it is quite possible to defeat the white coating that appears on gooseberries. Wherein copper sulfate most often used as a prophylactic agent.


This drug is chemical, but despite this it is used in great demand among gardeners. The bushes must be processed in 2 stages. The first time the procedure is carried out before flowering begins, and the second time immediately after the bush fades.

Chemical topaz

The peculiarity of this drug is that it is sold in ampoules. To prepare the working solution, you need to take 10 liters of water and send the contents of the ampoule there. Stir thoroughly and use as directed. Even after rain, the protection created by the drug is not washed off and performs its functions perfectly. It will also be useful to learn about what results can be achieved.

Bordeaux liquid

This liquid should be used to treat bushes immediately after they appear. white plaque. The product can be used at any time. The main thing is that the treatment is carried out in a timely manner so that the harvest can be saved.

Bordeaux liquid

To prepare a working solution, you should take 300 g of copper sulfate and the same amount of lime. These components must be placed in different containers and filled with 2-3 liters of hot water. The container can be anything: wooden, enamel, glass, but not aluminum. Now take 5 liters cold water and add to the solution with copper sulfate. After thorough stirring, you can combine it with a filtered lime-based composition. Here's how to care for gooseberries in the spring, and what products should be used.

Home methods

If the gooseberry bushes are not too affected by white bloom, then you can try using folk remedies to save them.

Home remedies are effective only in the initial stages of a fungal disease. In addition, the infusion should be processed several times, and if it rains, immediately after it, spray the bush again.

Ash solution

You can get good results using an ash solution. To obtain it, you need to take 1 kg of raw material and add 10 liters of water. Leave the solution for 7 days, and shake well before use. It is worth spraying 4 times with an interval of 2 days. But how to fertilize with wood ash, and how effective this product is, is indicated


To obtain a solution you need to take 1 part mullein and 3 parts water. Infuse the composition in warm water for about 3 days. Filter the finished broth and process it.


This is the first aid in the fight against powdery mildew. To obtain a working composition, you need to take 50 g of laundry soap, grind it on a grater, then add 40 g of soda and 10 liters of water. Spray the bushes before and after flowering.

Gooseberries are one of the most common plants in our region, producing a rich harvest of delicious fruits filled with vitamins and saturated acids. But, like any other plant, it is often damaged various diseases, including very dangerous ones, such as powdery mildew. Today we will talk about the most effective measures to combat the unpleasant white coating on gooseberries and when to spray it.

Powdery mildew: general information, main symptoms

Powdery mildew is extremely dangerous for gooseberries fungal disease, the causative agent of which is several types of fungus. The danger of this disease is that the damaged plant not only loses its decorative look, but also becomes practically incapacitated: parts of the plant affected by the disease turn black and die, and the inflorescences do not form ovaries. The disease has a negative effect even on those plants that were only slightly affected by it: shoots and buds will become less resistant to cold, which will lead to their complete freezing with the onset of winter.

Most often, the disease manifests itself in early summer, when spores emerge from the fungus. The rapid development of this disease is facilitated to a large extent by hot weather with a lack of precipitation and the presence of sharp temperature fluctuations. Powdery mildew spores are spread by wind or water splashes when watering gooseberries and even when a diseased plant comes into contact with a healthy one.

Powdery mildew on gooseberries

You can recognize powdery mildew by the following signs:

  1. A white, loose coating appears on the leaves, shoots and even fruits of gooseberries, which looks like a layer of flour. Over time, it turns into a yellowish-brown film, which dries and becomes a crusty, dense formation. It is worth noting that the disease appears extremely rarely on gooseberry leaves (this picture is more often observed on currant bushes).
  2. The fruits of the plant begin to change their shape, gradually decrease in size, stop developing and eventually simply dry out.
  3. Gooseberry shoots begin to bend, their ends darken and gradually die, and the leaves curl and dry out.

Advice. Powdery mildew develops on gooseberries at an incredible speed, so it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to destroy it when the first symptoms appear, otherwise it can destroy not only the affected plant, but also spread to nearby ones.

Methods to combat the disease

When symptoms of the disease appear, the first step is to destroy the parts of the gooseberry affected by the disease, and only then begin to treat the plant with chemicals or natural solutions (at your discretion). Below are some of the most effective methods fight the disease.

The best folk remedies

There are many recipes for “resisting” powdery mildew; we will look at a few of the most effective:

  • To create the solution we will need about 3 kg of wood ash and a bucket of water. The ash is poured very hot water and infuses for 24 hours. After this, the solution must be filtered and the bushes treated with it before flowering begins and after it ends. The procedure is repeated several times until the signs of the disease completely disappear at intervals of a week. Keep in mind that each gooseberry bush will require about 3 liters of solution.
  • Fermented grass. To create it, we need ordinary garden weeds and water. So, the weeds previously pulled out from the garden need to be finely chopped and then poured with hot water. We use approximately 5 kg of weeds (half a bucket), then fill it to the top with water. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to brew for several days. Before processing the plant, the infusion must be filtered through cheesecloth. It is advisable to spray in the evening.

If you don’t want to use chemicals, try folk remedies

  • Mullein can also be an excellent gooseberry treatment. To prepare it you will need fresh mullein and water. Pour the mullein into a bucket (1/3 is enough) and fill it to the top cold water. Let it brew for several days (2-3 days will be enough). Don’t forget to stir the infusion periodically and strain before spraying.
  • Oddly enough, even dairy products can help get rid of powdery mildew. Suitable for these purposes: home or store fermented whey. To prepare the solution you will also need water. Its amount should be 10 times the amount of whey. The composition must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The finished mixture is used to periodically treat the plants until they are completely cured.


Among the diversity chemicals For the treatment of gooseberries from powdery mildew, perhaps the following can be distinguished:

  • Copper sulfate is a magical remedy that helps cope with the spread of the disease. Copper sulfate and water are used to prepare the product. 100 g of vitriol is enough for a bucket of water. Gooseberry processing is carried out in early spring until the buds have blossomed - not only the bush itself should be processed, but also the soil under it with last year's foliage.

Advice. You can try to reduce the amount of vitriol by replacing it with laundry soap. So, instead of 100 g of copper sulfate for a ten-liter bucket, we only need 1/5 of it, to which we add 150 soap. Dissolve the soap, previously thoroughly crushed. Separately, dissolve copper sulfate in warm water, which is then carefully poured into a solution with soap.

  • A drug called Topaz is incredibly popular among experienced gardeners. Spraying with the drug is carried out in two stages: before the beginning of the flowering period and immediately after its completion.
  • A drug called “HOM” is an excellent remedy (a kind of alternative to Bordeaux mixture). 40 g of the drug is enough for a bucket of water. You can prepare a combination preparation with the addition of some pest control agent. Everything is diluted separately in a small amount of water, and then combined and brought to the required volume with water.

Conduct preventive treatment so as not to lose the entire harvest later

Preventive measures

To prevent the possibility of gooseberry disease from powdery mildew, a number of simple preventive measures should be taken:

  • High-quality and timely pruning of bushes in the autumn-spring period. This will allow the formation of a healthy and developed plant, and it is one that can resist various diseases, including powdery mildew.

Advice. When carrying out the pruning procedure, it is important to remove damaged or diseased branches, which are either destroyed or buried in the ground away from the place where the gooseberries grow.

  • In the spring-summer period (that is, during the period active growth plants) you should carefully monitor the appearance of affected branches on the bushes. Their timely removal will increase the chances of preventing the development of the disease. It is believed that the spores of the fungus that causes the disease overwinter on gooseberry shoots and fallen leaves. Therefore, it is also important to remove it in the spring.
  • With the arrival of spring, when there is no more snow and the temperature does not drop below zero, you can give the gooseberries a “shock shower” (the main thing is to do this before the buds swell) using very hot water. You can add a little potassium permanganate or soda (a couple of teaspoons will be enough). Oddly enough, but this procedure is excellent preventive measure against many diseases.
  • To increase gooseberry resistance to powdery mildew, feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, but avoid nitrogen.

As you can see, even though powdery mildew is a serious disease, it is quite possible to fight it, and even without negative consequences for the plant itself. Follow the tips presented in the article, and you will be able to grow healthy gooseberries that will delight you with a rich harvest. Good luck!

Powdery mildew on gooseberries: video

White plaque on gooseberries: photo