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Whey for potatoes. Fermented milk product for the garden. Recipes for whey preparations for roses

To get a rich harvest in the fall, you need to take proper care of your crops in a timely manner. One of the most important factors is high-quality fertilizers. And every summer resident knows that for this it is not necessary to go to specialized stores, because you can create high-quality fertilizer with your own hands, especially since you can use a wide variety of products for this. And among the most healthy products whey is used for plants.

Wonderful amino acid supplement

Whey is actively used in cooking, as a cosmetic and even as a medicine. Sour milk contains big number vitamins, animal protein, sugars and microelements. Thanks to these components included in the composition, it is possible to have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Thus, it promotes the active reproduction of bacteria beneficial to the body.

This same miraculous property allows you to use the acidic liquid as a top dressing. In addition to the fact that it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - essential elements for plant development - part of its “structure” are amino acids, which are primarily received by crops through the root system.

But its main miraculous effect is its detrimental effect on fungal spores - they simply cannot cope with the acidic environment of the product. Sour milk product is especially useful for the prevention of fungal infections such as late blight and powdery mildew.

Two ways of fattening

The presented fermented milk product is especially loved by cucumbers, zucchini, squash and even roses and other flowers. Therefore, fertilizers can also be used in the flower garden. However, tomatoes appreciate it most of all - nothing else transforms them so much.

But in order for plants to get the maximum “positive emotions” from such a “delicacy,” you need to know in what form “the dish can be served.” There are two main methods for adding fermented milk products:

  1. Root method - nutrients are applied directly to the soil;
  2. Foliar method - the solution is applied to the leaves and stems of growing vegetables and fruits.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Both methods have their advantages and limitations for use. So, the concentration of the substance for the root method should be at a lower level so that it does not burn the root system. For spraying, stronger solutions are used, making the effect more effective.

When spraying, it is possible to save fertilizers, since they are not washed out of the soil by water. It is better to alternate both methods with each other. Can be used both in greenhouses and in beds.

We draw up an appointment schedule

In order for fertilizing to have the greatest positive effect on different types plants, you need to take care not only about the correct preparation, but also about the frequency of its use. As mentioned earlier, it is better to alternate foliar and root methods nutrition, however, this must be done wisely:

  1. During the first period of development, it is better to alternate methods of enriching plants.
  2. When tomatoes and other crops are strong enough, you can switch to root feeding only.

In addition, we must remember that the serum must also be applied directly to the soil. certain period. Most gardeners agree that plants need such fertilizing for the first time 10 days after planting. At least two weeks should pass before the second “meal”, and the third time should be fed during the beginning of flowering.

Main course for sprinkling

To prepare a solution for the foliar method of applying fertilizer, you need to take three main components: whey, water and iodine, which will create antimicrobial protection. Method of preparation and use are as follows:

  1. For ten liters of water, one liter of whey is used. You also need to add 10 drops of iodinol to this composition.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and pour into the sprayer.

You can also add laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater, to the composition - this will make the solution stick better to the stems and leaves.

Foliar feeding should begin seven days after planting crops in the beds. Spraying should be repeated every 5-6 days. In case of emergency, the fermented milk product can be replaced with low-fat kefir or even milk. But if possible, do not deviate from the recipe.

Also, based on this product, you can prepare a remedy for the treatment of fungal diseases. To do this, you need to add no more than one spoon of hydrogen peroxide to the same solution. The composition should be treated much less frequently than regular feeding- so as not to burn the leaves.

Food for plant roots

Tomatoes, like no other plant, love to absorb nutrients from the soil. That is why in the second growing season it is recommended to switch completely to the root feeding system. In this case, to prepare the fertilizer you will need a liter of milky liquid, which must be mixed with 9-10 liters of water.

You should carefully monitor the dosage of fertilizing. The thing is that it has a fairly high sour-fatty consistency, which can cause problems acid balance soil and even burn plant roots.

This composition is good for treating crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, roses and even ferns.

Features of feeding in a greenhouse

The greenhouse has its own microclimate. It is very important not to disturb it when adding nutrients. If you overdo it with “fertility vitamins” in the greenhouse atmosphere, due to high temperature, will stand out a large number of acidic compounds that can simply burn crop shoots.

To prevent this, you must:

  1. Moisten the soil if it is dry before applying substances by the root method. In this case, the water temperature is also important - it should be within 20-22 degrees Celsius.
  2. When watering, try to prevent moisture from getting on the stems and leaves of crops - do not allow excess moisture.

Insect repellent

Using the serum, you can prepare a composition to combat the main plant pests - codling moths and leaf rollers. To combat them, you can make a fairly effective trap:

  1. Cut from plastic bottle top half, make holes for the rope harness.
  2. Fill the resulting vessel one third full and hang it on a tree overnight.

In the morning you will see a large number of insects in the container, including our main opponents.

How to make the best organic food for vegetable crops?

Now you know that even with the help of improvised means you can create an effective means of helping garden and cultivated plants. Follow the rules for its use and get a rich harvest in the fall.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • What kind of fertilizers do gardeners not use to obtain the treasured harvest? Whey is no exception. This is a secondary product that contains a large amount of useful organic substances and microelements that plants need for full development in the garden. In addition, whey, as a fertilizer, contains vitamins and salts, the presence of which affects the fruiting of the garden plant.

    Use of whey

    This product has an acidic environment. This helps eliminate harmful microbes that provoke the appearance of diseases. Whey as a fertilizer can be applied to the soil or sprayed on the leaves.

    The main thing is to adhere to the proportions and dosages so as not to harm the grown plant.

    This product cannot be used as a top dressing. pure form. First, before adding it to the ground, it is usually diluted in water, maintaining a proportion of 1 to 10. If you intend to spray, then the concentration needs to be increased, the proportion is 1 to 3. Very often, yeast or is added to the product.

    Advantages and benefits of whey

    For plants in the garden, whey has an extremely positive effect due to its rich composition of useful microelements and substances.

    1. The soil in the garden is saturated with vitamins and minerals, which improve the development of the plant and its fruiting.
    2. The acidic environment that the solutions have eliminates microbes and possible sources of disease, protecting plants from death. The most dangerous enemies garden plants are late blight and powdery mildew. Just treat the plants with the prepared solution and the problem will disappear before our eyes.
    3. To achieve significant yields of most vegetable crops in the garden, you need to treat them with a solution of iodine, whey and water.
    4. Experienced gardeners add whey to their compost to speed up the ripening process.
    5. Quite often, whey becomes a bait for pests. Therefore, to eliminate them you need to pour a little product into the container. small size. Thus, this will allow us to collect all the insects in one place, after which we can destroy them. As a rule, such actions should be carried out at night.

    Whey fertilizer is often used by gardeners to grow cultivated plants. Fertilizing is not only a source useful substances, but also protection from pests and diseases.

    Making your own whey

    Often, solutions are used to spray plants in the garden. They can be made at home with your own hands.

    Remember! Adding this product to the ground in its pure form will cause harm, not benefit.

    To prepare a solution for spraying the plant, we need whey. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. To prepare it at home you need to do the following:

    1. Place the milk in a warm place. If possible, add a small amount of any fermented milk product to it. This will speed up the process.
    2. As soon as the milk turns sour, you need to pour it into a saucepan and heat it thoroughly, without bringing it to a boil.
    3. We are waiting for the liquid to begin to separate. Using gauze, collect the resulting curd, and pour the remaining liquid into a separate container for further preparation of the solution.

    From 1 liter of milk you can get 600 ml of liquid.

    As we said earlier, the concentration and proportion will directly depend on the purpose of the fertilizer.

    1. The proportion for root feeding is 1 to 10.
    2. For spraying leaves - 1 to 3.

    To get rid of pests you need to add 10 drops of iodine to 10 liters of the prepared solution.

    To improve the fruiting of crops grown in the garden, breeders have developed the following feeding scheme. To do this, we will need a large container with a volume of about 200 liters in which we will place the following components:

    • curdled milk or whey product - 1 liter;
    • ordinary soil from the garden - 1 shovel;
    • wood ash- 1 shovel;
    • sand - 1 shovel;
    • humus or compost - 1 bucket;
    • organic animal fertilizer - half a bucket;
    • a fermented mixture obtained from 3 liters of warm water, a piece of yeast and 100 grams of sugar. This mixture must first be infused for 3 days.

    After adding all the components, you need to mix everything thoroughly and fill it with regular water to the very edges. This composition needs to be kept for a week. The finished mixture is applied to the soil, having previously diluted it by half with water.

    So we learned about the benefits and harms of whey as a fertilizer in the garden. By following all the instructions and advice from experienced gardeners, you can not only feed the plants you grow and improve their fruiting, but also protect them from pests and diseases.

    Whey is a by-product of milk processing and contains many beneficial substances that are in an easy to digest form. The benefits of whey are also due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria that can slow down the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

    The use of whey as a fertilizer in the garden improves the condition of plants, saturates them with essential microelements, and allows you to obtain more high yield quality fruits. In addition, fermented milk product helps in the fight against fungal diseases.

    Whey is applied by root and foliar methods.

    To carry out root feeding, diluted 1 part of whey is mixed with 10 parts of water. The resulting solution is watered over the root area within a radius of about 50 cm, then watered abundantly. It must be borne in mind that whey contains lactic acid, and therefore can increase the acidity of the soil.

    To carry out foliar feeding, plant leaves are generously sprayed with a 10% serum solution. Plant growers do not recommend using a sprayer for this, as small particles of cottage cheese can clog the spray bottle. For a better effect, you can add a little shampoo or grated laundry soap to the solution. Spraying should not be carried out when strong wind, precipitation, strong solar radiation.

    Using plant serum you can prepare natural complex fertilizer, containing all the substances necessary for the plant.

    1. Baker's yeast is diluted in sweet water and left in a warm place until completely dissolved. Chicken droppings are placed in a 20-30 liter container and ash is added. The resulting mixture is poured with whey and dissolved yeast is added. The mixture must be infused for 1 – 2 weeks. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. The average yield of the solution is about 0.5 liters per plant.
    2. The cut grass is placed in 50 liter barrel, add a bucket of ash, pour in whey. The mixture is left to ferment in a warm place for 2 - 3 weeks. The finished mixture is diluted in equal parts with water. One plant will need 0.5 liters.
    3. To 2 liters of whey add 5 tablespoons of honey, 10 drops of iodine, a glass of ash. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 2 – 3 days. It is most effective to use during flowering using the foliar method and for soaking seeds.

    Yeast contains a complex of B vitamins, magnesium, and active enzymes. They are a natural biostimulant for plants. The use of yeast to feed plants requires the mandatory application of potassium fertilizers, since they significantly reduce the amount of potassium. Wood ash can be such a fertilizer. It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, sulfur and other trace elements, with the exception of nitrogen. To compensate for nitrogen deficiency, chicken manure is used.

    Mown grass contains all the substances necessary for plant life. During fermentation most of amino acids and microelements go into solution, which is subsequently treated with plants.

    Lactic acid, which is found in fermented milk products, effectively resists a number of fungal diseases. These include:

    It is most effective to use fermented milk product for the prevention of diseases. To do this, plants are sprayed with a serum solution. To prepare the solution, 1 liter of whey is mixed with 3 liters of water. Treatment is carried out early in the morning, 2 to 3 times a month.

    The serum helps to successfully fight a number of harmful insects. The product gets rid of aphids, cruciferous flea beetle, onion fly.

    In addition to treating leaves and green branches, insect traps work well. To make a trap small capacity dig into the ground, pour a little serum into the bottom. Insects attracted by the smell fall into the container and cannot get back out. The product is especially effective against slugs and earwigs.

    Not all garden crops respond well to fertilization with a dairy product. The whey is most suitable for tomatoes and cucumbers, significantly increasing the quantity and quality of the fruit. But it is not recommended for peppers and eggplants; using the product may worsen their condition.

    Cucumbers begin to be fertilized 10 days after planting. permanent place. For greater effect, root and foliar feeding alternate at intervals of 1 – 2 weeks.

    To prevent powdery mildew and other fungal diseases, foliar treatment of cucumbers with whey diluted with water is used. For better effect, add a few drops of iodine to the solution.

    How to use cucumber serum

    Tomatoes are very responsive to fertilization with fermented milk product. Root feeding helps increase productivity and promotes healthy plant development. Start feeding a week after planting the seedlings and repeat every week.

    How to treat tomatoes with whey

    Fertilizer application begins with foliar feeding, after the appearance of the fourth true leaf. Feeding is repeated if necessary, focusing on the condition of the plant.

    It is recommended to start fertilizing with serum by spraying the plant on the green leaf. After the seedlings have grown stronger, water once a week with a solution of fermented milk product, adding nitrogen and potassium fertilizers for better results.

    For a better effect in the fight against onion flies, you can add an infusion of tobacco leaves to the solution.

    The product effectively fights scab on apple trees without contaminating with harmful chemicals fruit. Quickly destroys aphids and leaf rollers.

    Treatment begins in April - May, during the flowering of trees, always including the trunk and soil around the tree. Spray twice a month throughout the season.

    Whey is used for most ornamental plants, but roses and peonies are most responsive to the application of serum. Regular spraying will help avoid a number of problems: it will get rid of sucking insects and help replenish the deficiency of necessary substances.

    Despite the fact that whey is a natural product, it should be used with caution by people with allergies to dairy products.

    Careless application to the soil can increase its acidity, acidic soil root system poorly absorb nutrients, plant growth and development slows down.

    Abundant harvest of useful and natural products- the cherished goal of every gardener or gardener. But in order for plants to develop well and bear fruit, fertilizer must be regularly added to the soil, preferably organic. Gardening enthusiasts use a variety of plants to feed their plants. natural remedies: from manure to herbal infusions. No less popular among people is ordinary whey, which remains from sour milk. On its basis, useful and nutritious solutions are prepared that help fight plant diseases and pests.

    Whey is a secondary product obtained during the processing and curdling of milk. Its basis is 93% water, and the remaining part (7%) contains almost half of all dry substances present in the dairy product. Whey liquid does not contain milk proteins and fats, but there are whey proteins in high concentrations, which contain amino acids - organic substances that can replace plants with all the useful microelements obtained from the soil. In addition, the whey product contains many salts and vitamins necessary for the growth and fruiting of garden crops.

    Whey liquid has an acidic environment, due to which it effectively inhibits pathogenic microbes, causing diseases plants. As a fertilizer, it can be applied directly to the soil, or sprayed on the leaves. The main thing is not to exceed the concentration of the solution, and not to add too much of it, since in this case the pH of the soil may significantly decrease, which will not in the best possible way will affect the development of plants.

    Whey liquid is practically not used in its pure form as a fertilizer for the garden. It should be diluted before adding to the soil. plain water average temperature in a ratio of 1:10. To spray foliage, the concentration of the solution is increased to 1:3. To control pests, other organic and disinfecting components are often added to whey solutions, for example, ash, iodine, yeast.

    Video “Natural serum”

    Video review of homemade tomato fertilizer.

    What are the benefits of serum

    Solutions based on whey liquid have many beneficial properties for plants:

    • saturate the soil with minerals and vitamins, which improves the development of fruitful crops and increases productivity;
    • acidic environment solutions contribute to the suppression of bacterial and fungal microflora - powdery mildew and late blight are the strongest enemies of most vegetable crops, and after treatment with whey solutions, plants become healthy and undamaged;
    • whey, diluted with water and iodine, is used to fertilize and spray vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, cabbage - a series of sprays allows you to achieve higher yields of these crops;
    • many gardeners use a whey product to accelerate the maturation of compost;
    • Harmful insects like to feast on whey liquid - to make a trap, pour a third of the liquid into a small container and leave it on the site overnight; in the morning you can find a full container of various caterpillars, moths and other plant pests.

    Whey fertilizer can also be used to grow some garden plants: ferns, roses. Due to its properties and high concentration of useful substances, gardeners use it not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases of cultivated plants.

    How to cook it yourself

    Whey solutions are used for watering or spraying the foliage of plants, since a pure product when applied to the soil can do more harm than good. Both store-bought and homemade whey are used in the preparation of solutions. It is very easy to prepare it at home. The milk should be placed in a warm place.

    To speed up the process, you can add a little of any fermented milk product to it. Then place the sour milk in a saucepan and heat well, without bringing to a boil. When the liquid separates from the total mass, the cottage cheese must be squeezed out using gauze, and the resulting liquid must be used to prepare a solution. A liter of milk yields approximately 600 ml of liquid.

    The composition and concentration of solutions depends on its purpose. If it is intended to be applied at the root of the plant, then the whey liquid should be diluted with water at the rate of 1:10. To treat leaves, the concentration of the solution can be higher - 1:3. When spraying, it is recommended to add grated laundry soap - it prevents the solution from dripping from the leaves, which increases its effectiveness. Undiluted whey liquid can be sprayed only in case of late blight, or powdery mildew. To get rid of pests, a solution containing iodine is also used. To 10 liters of clean liquid, add 10 drops of pharmaceutical iodine, mix thoroughly, and spray the plants both during diseases and for their prevention.

    There are also more complex recipes containing a whey product, developed by breeders to increase soil fertility. To prepare the product, you will need a large barrel of approximately 200 liters, into which you need to place the following components.

    Cucumbers are usually summer cottages grow well. In the summer we collect them in buckets. We enjoy preparing salads and storing them in jars for the winter. Despite this, in unfavorable weather conditions (namely, wet, cold weather) cucumbers can easily become infected with anthracnose, peronosporosis, and powdery mildew. Against these diseases experienced summer residents recommend using simple folk remedy: aqueous solution of serum with iodine. One of the videos on YouTube talks in great detail about spraying cucumbers with iodine serum. Take note

    To prepare the solution you will need:

    • 9 liters of water,
    • 1 liter of whey,
    • 40 drops of iodine (another source says 20 drops).

    The whey must be fresh, not boiled. Many summer residents use sour milk or kefir instead of whey.

    1 liter of whey is poured into a bucket with 9 liters of water, 40 drops of iodine are added. All components are mixed well. The prepared solution is poured into a spray bottle or garden sprayer.


    It is better to collect grown cucumbers before processing. You need to spray so that the solution gets on the leaves on both sides and on the stems. You can also water the cucumbers at the root with the prepared solution. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening.

    After treatment with this solution, the fruits can be eaten the next day.

    It is effective to carry out such spraying every 10 days. In this case, disease outbreaks can be prevented altogether.

    Whey + iodine = healthy cucumbers

    What determines the effect of serum with iodine for spraying cucumbers?

    Acid whey creates an acidic environment, and fungal spores spread more slowly in it. Iodine, in turn, plays a disinfecting role. The leaves are covered with a kind of protective film, and the fungus does not grow on them.

    Recipe No. 2

    Take 2 cups of whey per 1 liter of water and spray the cucumber leaves with the resulting solution. Treatment can be carried out on young plants to prevent diseases.

    Spraying of cucumbers with iodine serum is carried out so that the ovaries do not turn yellow and the leaves do not get sick, regularly once every 7 days.

    Recipe No. 3. Spraying with milk

    The first spraying for the purpose of prevention can be started when 5-6 true leaves appear on the plants and repeated every 10 days.

    To prepare the solution:

    • In a 10-liter bucket of water, dilute 1 liter of milk, 30 drops of regular iodine and 20 g of laundry soap, previously grated.
    • All components are mixed well and sprayed on cucumber bushes.
    • The laundry soap used in this recipe ensures that the solution sticks to the leaves.

    In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes are treated with solutions containing whey against late blight.

    Have you already tried spraying cucumbers with a solution containing whey? Did you like the effect? Share your feedback in the comments This is important for all of us

    Why do you need to water cucumbers with whey and how to do it?

    There are quite a lot of preparations for feeding and treating cultivated plants on the shelves of specialized stores for gardeners and gardeners. But trying to avoid chemical fertilizers, summer residents are increasingly turning to home remedies. Whey is one of the available products that is used in the garden. Knowing how and when to water cucumbers with it, you can not only get excellent harvest strong, clean fruits, but also to save plants from diseases.

    The value of whey

    The resulting liquid from milk fermentation is whey. Consisting of 95% water, this residual product contains a significant amount of microelements that plants need during the growing season. Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen, amino acids, vitamins in combination with lactic acid bacteria can work wonders on cucumber bed at correct use.

    The microflora of the liquid also plays a significant role: lactic acid bacteria accelerate the process of decomposition of organic matter into simple components that plants easily and quickly absorb. Moreover, they suppress the vital activity of harmful microflora - pathogens of fungal diseases, especially powdery mildew.

    It is not recommended to use whey in its pure form for feeding and processing cucumbers: the acidic environment will change the pH of the soil not in better side, which will negatively affect the development of culture. In addition, when undiluted, it can cause chemical burns to tender leaves.

    How to prepare the solution?

    To obtain a nutrient solution, use a product purchased in a store or obtained at home by fermenting milk. A basic solution for watering at the root is prepared from 1 liter of whey and 10 liters of water heated to 23-25°C. For foliar treatment, dilute with water 1:3.

    To enhance the effect of whey feeding, a small amount of iodine or wood ash is often added to the base solution.

    Domestic breeders have developed special solution, which helps quickly saturate the soil with useful substances and improve its structure. For a 200-liter barrel you will need:

    • fermented sugar and yeast - 3 l (prepared from 100 g of sugar and a small piece of live yeast for 3 days);
    • bird droppings - 1/2 bucket;
    • compost - 1 bucket;
    • sand – 2.5-3 kg;
    • ash – 1-1.5 kg;
    • turf soil – 3-4 kg;
    • whey – 1 l.

    The components are placed in a barrel, mixed, water is added, preferably rain or lake water, to the brim and kept in the shade for a week. Apply it to the soil, after diluting it with an equal amount of water.

    • yeast bread crumb – 400-500 g;
    • jam (any kind, candied or fermented) – 3 l;
    • cow or horse manure, or bird droppings - half a bucket;
    • garden soil - half a bucket;
    • chopped grass, straw or leaves - 1 bucket;
    • whey – 1 l.

    The mixture is placed in a barrel, water is added, mixed, and left for one and a half weeks to ferment under a canopy. The solution is used for root and foliar feeding, having previously diluted it with water in a ratio of 1:4.

    Recipe for stimulating a second wave of flowering and setting of cucumbers (per 10-liter bucket):

    How to feed correctly?

    The first watering of cucumbers with whey is practiced from seedling age - at the stage of 2 or 3 true leaves. Thanks to this, the seedlings do not stretch, and their susceptibility to diseases that strike after planting in the ground at the flowering stage is strengthened.

    In open or protected ground, cucumbers begin to be fed 10 days after planting the seedlings in the beds. For each bush there is 1 liter of nutrient solution, which is poured at a distance from the base of the stem - about 50 cm. Fertilizing is applied before watering, choosing the evening hours. Add, being careful not to get the solution on the leaves and stems to avoid chemical burns.

    Fertilizing in the soil is alternated with foliar feeding. The composition is pre-filtered to remove particles of cottage cheese and other components (when using complex compositions), then the lower parts of the cucumber leaves are sprayed using a fine spray.

    It is useful to carry out foliar feeding of cucumbers on a cool, cloudy day, when the root system works sluggishly due to the low temperature. First, damaged, dried, yellowed leaves and shoots are removed from the plants, and sufficiently grown cucumbers are collected.

    During flowering and fruit set, a composition of the following components is used for feeding:

    • serum base solution – 2 l;
    • ash – 1 tbsp.;
    • honey – 5 tbsp. l.;
    • iodine – 10 drops.

    The mixture is infused for 2-3 days, after which it is applied to the root.

    Spraying cucumbers is undesirable during the flowering period: the liquid forms a thin film on the surface of the plant, which deforms the flowers and makes pollination difficult.

    Serum against fungal diseases

    If the summer was rainy, with frequent temperature changes, or the watering schedule for cucumbers was disrupted, a gray-white coating appears on the leaves - powdery mildew. The serum perfectly helps to cope with the disease without the use of toxic chemicals.

    To treat cucumbers from powdery mildew, prepare a solution:

    • whey – 2 l;
    • fermented herbs – 2 l;
    • EM-preparation (“Baikal-1”, “Shine”) – 30 ml;
    • sugar syrup (can be made from jam) – 50 ml;
    • liquid soap – 30 ml (can be replaced with urea – 15 ml);
    • water – 6 l.

    The ingredients are mixed, allowed to sit for half an hour, then the affected plants are sprayed with the composition.

    Sometimes a different composition is used:

    • whey – 3 l;
    • sugar dissolved in hot water(200 g/1 tbsp.);
    • fermented herbs – 2 l;
    • EM preparation – 30 ml;
    • “Ecoberin” – 20 tablets;
    • “Healthy Garden” – 20 tablets;
    • liquid soap – 40 ml (or urea – 1 tbsp.);
    • water – 10 l.

    Cucumber lashes are sprayed with the solution, preferably early in the morning, before the dew has dried.

    To prevent and treat powdery mildew, use a basic solution for foliar feeding, to which 8-10 drops of regular pharmaceutical iodine are added. Treatment against fungal diseases begins in July.

    Downy mildew is dealt with using a composition of three components:

    • whey – 3 l;
    • water – 7 l;
    • copper sulfate – 10 g.

    The composition also helps with other diseases, such as fusarium, viral mosaic, white and gray rot, black leg, anthracosis, late blight, scab, etc. Copper sulfate can be replaced with iodine or brilliant green. The product is applied both on the leaves and at the root, while simultaneously feeding the plants.

    It is advisable to use any solution for watering or spraying cucumbers prepared with whey immediately.

    Use of whey in greenhouses

    In the confined space of protected beds, the product is used for the same purposes as in open ground. The following recommendations are taken into account.

    • The concentration of the solution should be 40-50% weaker than for open ground.
    • Root feeding is carried out immediately after watering, using watering cans with long narrow spouts so that splashes of serum do not get on the vines.
    • After treating cucumbers with whey solutions, the greenhouses must be ventilated.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    The main advantage of whey is its harmlessness. For watering and treating cucumbers, solutions based on it are also used during the fruiting period without fear of harming one’s own health. The very next day after spraying, you can pick cucumbers for the table.

    When working with residual milk product there is no need to use individual means protection, solutions are prepared quickly, no special containers are required.

    Whey, rich in vitamins and microelements that are completely suitable for the growth and development of cucumbers, is completely self-sufficient: adding other substances is possible, but not necessary. The presence of acids in its composition creates conditions unfavorable for the development of pathogenic flora.

    Treating cucumber vines with serum repels a significant number of insect pests, primarily aphids.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    1. the thin film that forms on the vines after processing does not last long, so watering and spraying the cucumbers is carried out frequently;
    2. The whey acidifies the soil, so additional deoxidizers are required. Adding ash reduces the acidity of the solution.

    A simple and relatively cheap residual milk product (some farms sell whey for a nominal price), when used correctly, gives an excellent effect - a good harvest of tasty cucumbers taken from healthy vines. The technique is especially appreciated by supporters of organic farming, since the use of whey for watering and spraying does not require the introduction of other chemical fertilizers.

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    Whey for plants: how to use, protect and feed tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants with whey

    Many people know about the benefits of whey. It contains not only many useful substances, but also lactic acid bacteria that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic flora. That is why this by-product of milk processing is widely used for feeding, as well as protecting plants from diseases and pests. You can learn how to use plant serum correctly to get a good harvest from our article.

    How to make whey

    By saturating tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and plants with the microelements that make up the fermented milk product using whey, you can get a good harvest of high-quality fruits. You can buy whey in the store or make it yourself using milk.

    Whey recipe:

    • add a little of any fermented milk product to the milk and leave to sour in a warm place;
    • Place the sour milk in a saucepan over low heat and heat so that it does not boil;
    • after some time, the sour milk will separate into curd mass and liquid;
    • Remove the pan from the heat and strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

    Approximately 600 ml of whey will be obtained from 1 liter of milk.

    Application of serum for plants

    Whey is not used in its pure form. Solutions are prepared from it, the concentration of which depends on whether they will be used for watering or spraying plants:

    • water the plants with a solution prepared from fermented milk product and water (1:10);
    • To spray the leaves, a more concentrated whey solution is prepared (1 liter of product is diluted in 3 liters of water).

    How to treat tomatoes with whey

    Tomatoes need not only feeding, but also protection from various diseases. Most often, the crop is affected by late blight, from which whey will help protect. After spraying the bushes with a solution, a film forms on the leaves, which will prevent fungi from developing and penetrating into the plant itself.

    The first foliar treatment of tomatoes can be carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings. Since the serum film will not last long on the foliage, spraying is repeated every 10 days. It is also recommended to process tomatoes in open ground after rains.

    To treat tomatoes with whey on the leaves, use a solution of a liter of water and a liter of fermented milk product.

    Horse feeding with tomato whey solution is carried out according to the following schedule:

    1. The first time you can apply fertilizer to the soil 12-14 days after planting the seedlings.
    2. The second feeding is carried out two weeks after the first.
    3. The tomatoes are watered the third time during flowering.

    This root feeding will help tomatoes develop well and increase yield.

    Cucumbers – feeding with whey

    To increase immunity and get a good harvest of cucumbers, they begin to be fed with a whey solution 10 days after planting in the ground. Fertilizing is carried out once every 7-14 days, alternating watering the soil with spraying the leaves.

    Processing of onions and root vegetables

    A solution of whey with an infusion of tobacco leaves will protect onions from onion flies if the treatment is carried out on a green leaf. When the bulbs grow, water the soil around them with a whey solution once a week.

    Radishes, turnips, beets and carrots are fertilized and protected from diseases and pests, for which, after the appearance of the fourth leaf, foliar feeding is used. The frequency of spraying depends on the condition of the plants.

    Serum for flowers

    Roses and peonies are very responsive to fertilizing with fermented milk products. However, you can even feed homemade flowers with it. It is best to alternate horse and foliar feeding, since spraying the leaves will protect the plants from pests.

    Processing of fruit trees

    The serum will help protect shrubs and trees from many pests and scabs. In this case, you will not need to use chemicals. Spraying should begin when the bushes are flowering, that is, in April or May. Treatments are carried out until autumn twice a month. You should spray not only the leaves, but also the branches and trunks.

    Serum with iodine against late blight and powdery mildew

    Iodine not only helps fight diseases, but also promotes fruit ripening. That's why experienced gardeners To protect tomatoes and potatoes from late blight, and cucumbers from powdery mildew, it is recommended to use the following recipe:

    • add 1 liter of whey to 9 liters of settled warm water;
    • add 20 drops of iodine to the resulting mixture;
    • mix everything well and strain.

    This solution will protect plants from diseases, help them better adapt to temperature changes and increase immunity.

    Prevention and treatment of powdery mildew

    Roses and cucumbers are often affected by powdery mildew, which an infusion of whey and ash can help get rid of. It is effective only for prevention and at the initial stage of the disease.

    1. Pour a glass of ash into a saucepan with three liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and put in a dark place.
    2. After 7 days, strain the infusion and add 3 liters of whey and water.

    The finished ash-whey infusion is used for spraying the above-ground parts of plants.

    Using whey in a greenhouse

    Because in the greenhouse high humidity and air temperature, this should be taken into account and the whey solution should be used carefully for processing tomatoes and cucumbers:

    • for watering, use only a warm solution within +20 degrees;
    • Before using the serum, the soil must be watered, since fertilizing on dry soil can burn the roots;
    • Feeding should be done early in the morning or in the evening;
    • The greenhouse should be ventilated regularly.

    Rules for watering cucumbers with whey

    Today, there are quite a large number of special substances that are used to process vegetables. Most of them are sold in specialty stores and require purchase. The other part must be prepared at home. Watering cucumbers with whey is the best thing used to fertilize cucumbers and other vegetables.

    Rules for watering cucumbers with whey

    Correct processing

    The thing is that whey contains a large number of bacteria, which, together with a certain alkaline level of the plant, form unique protective properties.


    It is also possible to treat agricultural crops for the purpose of prevention, because we all know that it is better to prevent diseases than to treat them. This fact applies quite well to garden crops.

    Many gardeners note the fact that preventive measures have a much better effect on the plant than the treatment process itself.

    Cucumbers need to be processed immediately after flowering begins. It is best to use a specialized sprayer for these purposes.

    1. It is best to spray crops at the moment when the active process of foliage formation begins.
    2. It is important to be careful during flowering, because protective film may slightly complicate the process of flower formation and their further development. That is why experts recommend fertilizing or treating crops after flowering has formed.
    3. All events are held in daytime days, a few days before watering. This is done to prevent water from washing away all the nutrients from the surface.

    Serum watering

    Whey is a substance that is obtained during the souring of dairy products. After people have prepared cottage cheese or yogurt, they get whey. It is best to use dairy substances that are obtained during the preparation of cottage cheese. They contain more nutrients than the 2nd option for obtaining them.

    1. This milk product has a pretty good effect on the development of cucumber or other vegetables.
    2. It contains many vitamins, minerals and proteins.
    3. For the vegetable category it has healing properties, because it contains amino acids, which it saturates garden crops with.
    4. It also ideally feeds the soil and eliminates the presence of fungal diseases.

    Spraying rules

    Prepare the mixture for processing

    1. To do this you will need 5 liters of warm water, preferably at room temperature.
    2. 0.5 liters of fresh whey is poured into it and 5-6 drops of iodine are added.
    3. Before spraying, it is recommended to remove all damaged areas of the plant, and only after that can you use the serum to spray cucumbers.

    A repeat course is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

    Serum with iodine


    Milk substances can not only be used to water areas where a particular disease has formed. Such solutions are often used to fertilize the soil and speed up the process of fruit ripening. Due to the fact that whey with iodine has a high concentration of amino acids, they have a positive effect on the development and growth of the crop. To prepare the solution, carry out the following steps:

    • take 1 liter of curdled milk;
    • add 9 liters to it clean water room temperature;
    • You should also add 5-6 drops of iodine.

    This feeding of cucumbers with whey is carried out several times a month. In just a few weeks you will notice that the feeding has begun to bear fruit. The plant will begin to develop faster, the germination process will accelerate and the ripening process will occur much faster.

    Iodine serum for cucumbers has a fairly large amount positive qualities. But you should be careful with these substances. The thing is that dairy products have a fairly large concentration of bacteria. Therefore, its abundant use as a top dressing can disrupt the acid balance of the soil and vegetables will stop producing crops altogether.

    Treatment of the disease

    If you need to get rid of a disease such as powdery mildew, then you should prepare the following solution. Spraying cucumbers with serum or iodine is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special knowledge in the field. Agriculture. But the preparation process is very important, because the quality of the final product depends on it. To treat crops, it is better to use special diluted versions of the substance. They should be diluted with warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20-25°C. The dilution ratio is 1:1.

    Watering with iodine is quite simple in principle. You only need 10 ml of iodine, to which a small amount of a substance such as Fitosporin is added. Feeding cucumbers with whey has a positive effect on the growing season of the crop and significantly increases its fertility.

    How and why to water cucumbers and tomatoes with whey

    Today, various compounds are used to process tomatoes and cucumbers. Some of them need to be bought in specialized stores, while others can be prepared at home. If we focus on a product such as whey, then we can say that this is one of the most the best means to combat fungal diseases and saturate plants with useful components.


    Whey is a product obtained by souring milk. Whey remains after preparing cottage cheese or as a result of straining yogurt. If the first option is chosen, the product will contain many vitamins, since it is susceptible to high temperatures.

    To process cucumbers and tomatoes, you can use whey obtained at home, as well as a drink sold in the store.

    This dairy product is incredibly beneficial for garden plants. It contains many useful components, including vitamins, minerals, valuable proteins and lactose. For cucumbers and tomatoes, the product is useful because it saturates them with amino acids. They are very beneficial for plants, just like phosphorus and potassium. The serum perfectly fertilizes the soil and is also capable of combating fungal diseases.

    You may also be interested in information about how vertical gartering of cucumbers occurs in open ground.

    How is the processing carried out?

    There are several options for processing cucumbers and tomatoes, each of which has its own effect on the plant.

    Whey and iodine for cucumbers

    To protect plants from pests and stimulate their growth, it is necessary to monitor the seedlings from the very first day. By adding iodine to whey, it is possible to increase metabolic processes in plants, enhance the process of nitrogen exchange and stimulate growth.

    If used in combination with serum, you can create reliable protection from fungal pathologies.

    It may also be useful for you to learn about how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse without chemicals.

    So, cucumbers are very often affected by powdery mildew. This disease is characterized by a yellow coating. The affected leaves must be urgently removed and the plant treated with a solution made from 10 liters of water, 1 liter of serum and 13 drops of iodine. Spray the plant. Do this in the evening when there is no wind outside. Carry out the procedure again after 2 weeks.

    Video shows how to pour whey over cucumbers:

    Even when powdery mildew A powdery coating forms on the leaves. You can cope with it if you add 20 g of previously crushed laundry soap to the solution. This solution is not only an excellent therapy, but also prevents the development of fungal diseases. To combat problems you should use good feeding, for example, you can use yeast feeding of cucumbers.

    For tomatoes

    The serum can be used to combat late blight. As you know, this disease is very dangerous for tomatoes. If you don't fight it, you can lose your harvest. The treatment should be carried out in July. It is at this time that the risk of developing fungal pathologies occurs. It will also be useful to find out whether it is possible to plant cucumbers after tomatoes.

    In the video - a product for tomatoes:

    It is iodine and whey that are effective means to combat late blight. It is iodine that is famous for its antimicrobial effect. To prepare the solution, you need to take 40 g of ash, 10 drops of iodine and 10 liters of whey. Dissolve these components in 10 liters of water. Treatment must be carried out every 7-10 days. The solution is suitable for spraying plants that grow in open ground or in a greenhouse. Here's how to achieve it good harvest tomatoes, you can find out here.

    Feeding cucumbers

    The serum can be used not only to control pests, but also to feed cucumbers. It contains components such as potassium, phosphorus, and amino acids. It is due to them that it happens active growth culture and fruiting. For watering, you can use the following solution: 1 liter of whey, 10 liters of water and 10 drops of iodine. Such feeding should be carried out 2-3 times a month. It will also be useful to learn more about what fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings.

    When preparing the solution, make sure that the concentration of the product is not exceeded. Since it belongs to fermented milk products, its active use can disrupt acid-base balance. And here's how to feed cucumbers on the windowsill folk remedies, and which means are the best are indicated here.

    To water one cucumber bush, you need to use 1 liter of solution. After feeding, be sure to water the cucumbers clean water. This will remove the solution, which could cause a burn to develop on the plant leaves.

    Feeding tomatoes

    To saturate tomatoes with useful components, you can use whey. To prepare the solution, take 1 liter of fermented milk product, 20 drops of iodine, 10 liters of water.

    After stirring the components, you can water the tomatoes that are grown in open ground or in a greenhouse. Due to this fertilizing, plant growth improves and its productivity increases. For 1 bush, 1 liter of composition will be enough. It will also be useful to learn about what remedies for diseases of tomatoes and cucumbers exist and which is the best.