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The function of orchid aerial roots is... Aerial roots of orchids: diseases and methods of recovery. Phalaenopsis root system

Root system Phalaenopsis orchids differ from the root systems of most indoor plants. Some of the roots are located above the pot - these are the aerial roots of the orchid, which raise many questions among gardeners.

Facts about orchid aerial roots


Experienced gardeners understand that when choosing an orchid, it is important to pay attention not only to the beauty, color and number of flowers, but also to carefully examine the roots of the plant. They must have a healthy appearance - this applies to both aerial and main roots located inside the pot. Due to the transparent material, the root system of the plant is very clearly visible, so when purchasing it is easy to understand whether the roots are dry or look healthy, and whether there are any signs of rot.

Sometimes inexperienced buyers are intimidated by the abundance aerial roots. This is not a disease, but a variant of the norm, due to the characteristics of the plant. The natural habitat of the beautiful orchid dictates its conditions, because luxurious flowers grow on trees, on rocky cliffs, and in gorges. The aerial root allows the plant to receive all the nutrients necessary for growth and flowering, most which he accepts from environment. Surprisingly, the air also contains moisture that is nutritious for flowers, without which orchids die.

A large or small number of aerial roots is completely unimportant. The main thing is that the root system looks healthy. And precisely according to external signs An experienced florist will always be able to determine what the plant is missing. The root system reacts to the irrigation regime and maintenance conditions with its appearance and condition; you just need to learn to read the signs it gives.

Features of the structure of the root system

The aerial roots are quite thick and have a cylindrical or flat shape. They are covered with a shell whose texture resembles a sponge. Due to such a sponge, the plant is saturated with moisture, which the plant receives from fog or rain. And on sunny and hot days, this shell prevents it from drying out - under it there are vascular-type bundles that act as a kind of water reservoir.

This root covering is called velamen. It has a green tint when wet, and when dry its color is silver-gray. It is easy to determine the stage of growth by color - young roots are distinguished by their bright light green, and the old root system has a faded, muted shade.

Advice! Watch carefully for the appearance of new light green roots. If they are not visible for several months, you need to reconsider the care of the indoor plant and its irrigation schedule.

Common problems

Orchids are delicate, beautiful, but very capricious plants. Caring for them is not easy and often causes a lot of trouble. And if experienced florists are already accustomed to the whims of a tropical beauty, beginners initial stage a lot of questions arise:

  1. Why does the root system rot?
  2. For what reason do the roots dry out?
  3. What to do with aerial roots that grow quite quickly?
  4. Is it possible and necessary to cut off the aerial roots of an orchid?


This is one of the most common problems. She is connected with wrong mode glaze. After all, it is important not only the correct amount of moisture supply, but also the temperature regime in which the “beauty” is contained.

Watering the orchid should alternate with periods of drying the roots. A tropical flower, contrary to popular belief, does not like to be constantly in a humid environment, and in the absence of heat it needs watering even less often than in summer. From time to time the plant needs to be replanted - old soil can retain moisture and at the same time slow down air circulation, which creates excellent conditions for rotting.

What to do when the roots dry out

Often, an orchid's aerial roots dry out - a situation opposite to rotting, also provoked by an incorrect irrigation regime or active fertilization of the beauty. Modern fertilizers have a high concentration of chemicals that can cause burns. Drying is also observed as a result of watering with low-quality, heavy water saturated with salts and heavy metals. Of course, a lack of water during a hot period can easily lead to sad consequences in the form of drying out. This once again confirms that the watering regime should be moderate and thoughtful.

Another problem is the large number of aerial roots.

And novice flower growers are wondering - is it possible to prune them? Yes, you can, but only if they are rotten, dry shoots or a root system with signs of dying.

Use a knife or sharp scissors to remove. The instrument must be pre-disinfected with an alcohol solution to avoid contamination of healthy tissues. It is important to carry out the removal thoroughly, freeing the plant from dead elements. The sections are sprinkled charcoal, you can use activated carbon from a pharmacy, ground into powder.

After carrying out the procedure with aerial roots, the tropical beauty should not be watered for several days, since careless watering can again provoke rotting in healthy areas. Despite the fact that the orchid is considered a fairly tenacious plant, it is very difficult to grow it without a root system. Therefore, it is better not to allow complete removal of cylindrical processes, but to take measures at the first signs of the disease.

Do aerial roots need to be removed?

Sometimes an orchid’s aerial roots grow quickly and actively - what to do in this situation? The reason why an orchid has so many new shoots is because increased dryness air. Most likely, the exotic is hot and by growing new roots it is trying to get more moisture from the environment.

To prevent such a process, you need to monitor the conditions of detention, especially in winter period. The problem is usually associated with heating radiators, which dry out the air during the cold season. And since florists’ flowerpots mostly live on window sills, the problem of dry air is very relevant here.

The best solution is to remove the plant from the radiators. There is no need to remove new roots, nor to push them into a pot, which beginners often do. It is not necessary to transplant the young beauty, especially if the last transplant occurred not so long ago. The formation of new roots in phalaenopsis is a natural process. The only thing that is recommended is to cover the new growths with moss to maintain their natural appearance. Humidity.

Household orchids are adapted to mixed soils, so we do not see roots on the surface. But, nevertheless, the appearance of several of them on the surface is a normal phenomenon. The root system provides the key to a healthy and beautiful flower. The roots can be different shades of green. The root system of these plants is very sensitive. If there are any problems with them, it will immediately affect appearance flower. Read in detail about what roots a healthy orchid should have or how to care for a flower at home.

ATTENTION:Roots growing outside are thicker than those in the substrate. They have a cylindrical or flat shape. Because of the velamen, they can be compared to a sponge. Thanks to him, they receive nutrients from the environment and have this color. During periods of drought they are silvery, and after watering they are bright green.

It is important to remember that if the roots in the substrate are healthy, then it does not matter how much is growing outside. This does not cause any harm to the flower. This phenomenon occurs due to:

What can it lead to?

At proper care they are completely harmless, but if you violate the rules of care, this can lead to different problems.


Drying is carried out:

  • insufficient watering– they do not receive as much moisture as the roots in the substrate, which causes them to dry out;
  • injury– during transportation or transfer;
  • burn– from an overdose of fertilizer or poor quality water;
  • dry air– due to hot air they will wrinkle and dry out;
  • fungus– last stage fungal disease, before this, the roots in the hill and the leaves of the plant will die.

To solve the problem, you need to remove the damaged areas and sprinkle with charcoal or activated carbon. If the room is dry, spray and water in time.

Orchid roots become moldy low temperature, excessive watering and lack of light. If the mold has not transferred from the substrate to the roots, then:

If the mold has spread to aerial roots, then:

  1. get the flower out of the ground;
  2. Rinse;
  3. soak for 25 minutes in a fungicide solution;
  4. plant the plant in new soil.

Redness of the tips

This is not a disease or a problem. Redness of the tips is a simple indication of root growth.


Severely coarsened roots are old. This is a natural process. To prevent them from becoming the cause of pathogenic bacteria, trim them gently.

Aerial roots “rust” or turn black

Blackening of aerial roots is a manifestation of salt deposition. This means that the roots inside the pot do not have time to drink water. Low humidity can make things worse. Therefore, you need to act quickly:

  1. Place the plant on a tray of wet drainage or increase the humidity with a humidifier.
  2. Do not place the plant on Sun rays or near batteries.
  3. Water only with soft water.
  4. To prevent the appearance of slugs or snails, transplant the plant into new soil.

Watch a video about the reasons for “rusting” and blackening of orchid roots:

Appearance of pink or red areas

There are two reasons for the appearance:

  1. In the hot season, as a kind of tan.
  2. Consequences of fusarium.

Pink areas on the roots are not a disease and do not need to be treated. Fusarium is a dangerous fungal disease and needs to be treated. Leads to withering of roots, stems and leaves.

Reasons for appearance:

  • watering frequency;
  • damp weather;
  • high humidity.

Stages of treatment:

  1. Remove the plant from others.
  2. Remove contaminated parts.
  3. Disinfect the sections.

What to do if you crawl out of the pot?

A few roots of orchids coming out of the pot are the norm.. And here are them a large number of speaks of improper care and needs to be reconsidered:

  • No need to trim them.
  • Control the amount of light.
  • Adjust watering.
  • If the plant is cramped, replant it.

IMPORTANT: If a flower is cramped, then it is easy to understand: it has withered and pale leaves, stopped growing. It's time to replant!

Replant an orchid in early spring or after flowering. If the tips of the roots turn bright green, this means they have begun to grow. Wait until they grow a little. When replanting, be very careful - the roots are very fragile.

  1. Before removing the plant from the pot, dip it in water so that the substrate becomes soft and the flower can be easily removed.
  2. When you remove it from the pot, wash the roots of the old soil.
  3. Inspect the roots for rot and dry areas. If there are any, cut and process the sections.
  4. Plant in new soil.

It seemed very difficult or even impossible. Today orchids different types can be found in any flower shop; they decorate many homes. As it turned out, orchids are not so capricious and feel good in our apartments. Caring for these plants is not difficult, but it has some features, the observance of which is guaranteed to bring success, and the orchids will delight you for a long time. lush flowering. It is especially important in care, which differs from watering most indoor plants.

Methods of watering orchids

Excess moisture for orchids is even more dangerous than its lack. To provide the roots with air flow, orchids are planted in a special loose substrate, consisting mainly of tree bark. When watering, water easily penetrates through pieces of bark, but if you water excessively, the liquid accumulates in a flowerpot or other container, which can cause rotting of the roots. That's why the usual way, which is suitable for indoor plants, is unacceptable for orchids. They need to be watered with a thin stream of water along the edge of the flowerpot, trying not to get into the center of the plant, where the growth point is located. After this, you need to drain all the water that has collected in the pan. If water gets on the growing point, it must be carefully removed with a napkin.

It is better to do it by immersion. This method is especially good for orchids growing in baskets or flower pots. The basket with the plant is immersed in water for a couple of minutes, and then the water is allowed to drain and returned to its place.

Orchids can be bathed two or three times a month, which has a very good effect on their general condition and stimulates growth. You can bathe plants under a warm shower. To be tough tap water does not get on the roots, the pot can be placed in plastic bag. After taking a shower, the plants are left in the bathroom for a while so that the water drains and the leaves dry. Such bathing replaces watering orchids and cleanses the plant well from the accumulation of dust, microorganisms and pests.

Water required for irrigation

Watering orchids should be done in the first half of the day. To do this, use well-settled water. room temperature. These plants cannot tolerate hard water, as in nature they use soft rainwater. Reducing hardness is achieved by boiling water and then settling. Some use distilled water, but it does not contain any salts and watering orchids with this water can only be done after adding some regular tap water or adding special fertilizers.

For orchids, it is very important that watering is regular, without long dry periods. Of course, plants can withstand not being watered for several days, but this will inevitably affect plant growth.

It is worth mentioning the intensity of irrigation in different phases plant growth. Throughout the entire period, watering should be approximately the same intensity, with a frequency of once every two to three days. Watering orchids is slightly increased during flowering, since the plant requires a large amount nutrients. Transplanting orchids during flowering is undesirable and can only be done for some urgent reasons. During the plant's dormant period, watering is reduced to once a week.

Fans of exotic flowers have the greatest number of questions related to the root system, which has its own significant nuances and structural features. Therefore, knowledge of the basic rules of care and all the secrets hidden in the roots of the plant guarantees your pet long life and abundant flowering.

  • 1 How to properly care for the root system
  • 2 Legends and myths about aerial roots
  • 3 Most common problems
    • 3.1 Why do orchid roots rot?
    • 3.2 Dried roots - how to solve the problem
    • 3.3 Reanimation of orchid roots (video)
    • 3.4 Learning to distinguish between dead and living roots
    • 3.5 Orchid without roots - what to do?

How to properly care for the root system

To understand that everything is fine with your green friend, often pay attention to its root system, because it is the main indicator that the plant has enough all the necessary nutrients.

The main condition that will provide the exotic with full life activity is proper watering. In no case should you over-water the roots of orchids; watering should be judiciously alternated with the drying stage. The thing is that the root system of the flower is in constant process photosynthesis, so it is most often sold in plastic pots. The transparent surface helps determine whether watering is necessary. If the orchid roots feel the need for additional moisture, they acquire a rich, light grey colour. This shade is given to them by velamen - dead, porous cells that make up the top layer.

It is best to water your tropical guest by immersing the pot in a large container of water, which should be at room temperature and not too hard. Water procedures are also recommended before the fertilization process. Purified, warm water can effectively protect the orchid’s root system from possible chemical burns.

If the roots of the exotic plant have a rich, emerald color, there is no need to rush with watering. Bright green color indicates that the plant still contains moisture necessary for life, and its excess can lead to rotting and death of the plant.

Do not try to transplant the flower into a pot made of ceramics. This material has a detrimental effect on the roots of the orchid, promotes their hypothermia and significantly slows down the process of photosynthesis. If you care about the aesthetic side of the issue, purchase a voluminous ceramic pot and place it in it. plastic container with a green friend.

Legends and myths about aerial roots

Novice florists who purchase an elegant representative of distant countries to decorate their home are very wary of the appearance of the so-called aerial roots of an orchid. Many begin to think that the plant is sick, they try to return the escaped roots back to the pot or even cut them off. All these actions are completely wrong, because aerial roots for an orchid are just as natural as those found inside the pot.

If you look at it, then, in fact, the entire root system of this plant can be conditionally called aerial. The only difference is in the thickness of the top layer of velamen; for “air” travelers it is much denser and sometimes reaches 15 - 20 layers. However, we should not forget that the aerial root system of orchids may indicate excessive oversaturation with moisture. The presence of one or several roots emerging from the pot is quite normal. But if more and more root shoots begin to escape into the air, be sure to reconsider the frequency of watering. Most likely, the orchid receives too much moisture, and an excess of liquid can lead to the roots gradually rotting and the exotic plant dying.

Most common problems

Why do orchid roots rot?

Unfortunately, rotting of the root system for a tropical guest is a fairly common phenomenon. The cause of this trouble is most often improper watering. The main misconception of inexperienced florists is the opinion that an exotic flower from distant countries must necessarily require an excessive amount of moisture and must be kept in conditions of constant humidity.

IN natural environment The orchid prefers arid areas much more than an excess of water. This is especially true for the cold season, when most plants of this species experience a period of so-called dormancy.

During the period of slow photosynthesis, the need for nutrients and water in exotic plants is significantly reduced, so an excess of moisture can lead to rotting of the root system. A similar problem can arise if the flower is not replanted for a long time. Old soil slows down normal air circulation and retains too much moisture, thereby creating an excellent environment for rotting. Therefore, by establishing proper watering of the plant, you can be guaranteed to avoid such troubles as rotten roots.

There is a very clear answer to the question of what to do if the orchid’s root system has rotted. It is necessary to cut off all damaged roots. Be sure to cut when it is alive, otherwise the rotting will be transferred to healthy areas. Be patient, because, despite the fact that this flower has a high degree of survivability; the recovery process can take several months.

Dried roots - how to solve the problem

However, it turns out that improper care and failure to comply with the watering regime can lead not only to rotting, but also to drying out of the root system. In some cases, the problem may arise due to a severe burn. When fertilizing your pet with useful substances, the main thing is not to overdo it, because a high concentration of chemical reagents, as well as untreated water filled with heavy metals and salts, can lead to the fact that the roots of exotic plants begin to dry out and die.

Another significant reason is the lack of moisture during a particularly hot period. After all, a lack of water, as well as its excess, can lead to dire consequences. If, after all, trouble does occur, lovers of graceful exotic guests begin to be tormented by the main question - is it possible to trim the root system of orchids? The answer is quite simple. Yes, you can. First of all, dried roots must be washed with soft water at room temperature. Provide regular watering for the plant and achieve a rich green color of the root system. Carefully review the exotic roots. Those that have completely dried must be carefully cut off and the cut areas treated weak solution brilliant green.

Resuscitation of orchid roots (video)

This video will tell you in detail how to save an orchid with blackening roots.

Learning to distinguish between dead and living roots

Even a fairly experienced florist with considerable experience cannot always at first glance distinguish a living root system of an orchid from one that is no longer valuable and has outlived its useful life.

First of all, water will help you understand the roots of an exotic pet. Immerse the plant in water for a long time and carefully observe the changes that occur in the root system. Those roots that over time have again acquired a rich green color, become elastic and dense, are definitely alive and functioning quite normally. If, even under the influence of water, the root shoots continue to retain an unnatural pale gray or dark Brown color and do not change their external structure in any way - in front of you is a dead element that you need to get rid of as soon as possible.

Another sign of death is frequent ruptures of the upper layer of velamen, through which the orchid root directly appears.

Orchid without roots - what to do?

It is quite difficult to save an orchid left without roots, but it is possible. In order to help your green pet, carefully examine the damaged root system and carefully remove all dead shoots. Cut off all rot without exception, otherwise this unpleasant process will spread to healthy areas. Treat the cut areas with brilliant green or a diluted solution. activated carbon. This way, you will disinfect the wounds and prevent the orchid from becoming infected with harmful microbes.

Next, place the flower in a ceramic or glass container. The water should be warm enough and filtered. Change it daily and dry the plant regularly. Reanimation of an orchid without roots must occur under certain conditions temperature regime and lighting. The room in which the exotic is located must be heated to 25 - 27 degrees, and the location of the tropical guest must be well lit.

published on chemicalvet.ru according to the materials my-orchids.ru

The drying process means loss of stiffness, elasticity of leaves or flowers.

At the same time, the dried part of the plant turns yellow and loses its life-giving moisture. Also in the damaged area photosynthesis stops, there are no vital processes, we can say that dying off occurs.

We talked about the reasons why phalaenopsis leaves turn yellow and what to do in this situation.

It is believed that the plant begins to dry out due to lack of moisture. The statement is partly true, but there are also a number of factors influencing the condition of the plant. We will talk about them in detail below. As for watering phalaenopsis, of course, this is really important.

Why do different parts of the plant dry out?

The beautiful phalaenopsis loses its attractive appearance - a sad picture is created. Of course, dryness is directly related to disruption of biochemical processes, but it is worth understanding the factors, because knowing exactly why leaves, buds and roots, including aerial ones, dry out will help determine how to act to revive the orchid.

Causes of drying out Plant parts
underground roots leaves buds peduncle aerial roots
Soil waterlogging + + + + +
Misuse fertilizers + + + + +
Damage to the root system + + + + +
Low Humidity air + + +
Overheating of roots + + + +
Sunburn + + +
Insect damage + + + + +
Natural aging process + + + + +
Hypothermia + + + + +
Lack of lighting + + + +
Watering with hard water high content salts + + + + +
The flower is infected with an infection + + + + +
Stress + + +
Lack of fluid + + + + +

The appearance of dried parts of phalaenopsis indicates various types of ailments or natural processes.

The main danger is to react to the first symptoms in time. It is important to provide timely assistance to a sick phalaenopsis, because the consequences are fraught:

  • complete drying of the roots;
  • deterioration general condition against the background of infectious diseases;
  • developmental disorder;
  • cessation of flowering.

Help algorithm depending on the cause

Foliage, flowers, roots dry out and fall off. Any gardener can face a similar problem.

Of course, everything is clear with natural processes. As a result of aging, parts of the plant periodically dry out and fall off. But young leaves, buds, healthy roots dry out, there is something wrong with this. Having understood the reasons for this phenomenon, it is worth looking for ways out of a difficult situation.

Overheating of roots

Orchids come from the tropics, so it’s not surprising that they love warmth. However, everything is good in moderation. Do not leave the plant in direct sunlight, near the heating radiator in winter time, or under a stream of hot air from an air conditioner.

Measures taken:

  1. Remove the orchid from a warm place.
  2. Let cool for 2-3 hours.
  3. Afterwards, water a little and spray the leaves.
  4. The plant can restore water balance up to 5 days.

Too wet content

Excessive moisture – serious problem for plants. Phalaenopsis damaged by rot begins to lose foliage. The leaves become soft and dry out.

Measures taken:

  1. Remove the flower from the pot.
  2. Leave to dry overnight.
  3. Replant the orchid in new soil with a good drainage layer.
  4. Water only after the soil has dried.

You will learn how to save phalaenopsis from rot and what to do if the roots disappear.


A sudden change of residence for orchids is a bit of a shock. After all, at the same time, lighting, temperature, and air humidity change.

Plants immediately respond to such changes. At first, the flower may stop blooming and shed its buds, but then everything will get better. It takes time to adapt.

Measures taken against stress: optimize comfortable parameters for keeping phalaenopsis at home.

The substrate needs to be changed regularly, and the plant needs to be replanted every 2-3 years. During this time, the soil is depleted and its structure changes. Natural components begin to decompose, salts accumulate, and drainage holes become clogged.

The root system begins to hurt and dry out, as a symptom - dry leaves, buds, aerial roots, peduncles.

Measures taken to change the substrate:

  1. Remove the flower from the pot.
  2. Rinse the roots under running water.
  3. Remove damaged areas and treat sections with an antiseptic.
  4. Leave to dry overnight.
  5. Transplant the orchid into new soil enriched with minerals and a good drainage layer.

Replanting and replacing the substrate in an orchid.


Quite often it occurs as a result of cold air entering the leaves. For example, when transporting a plant from a store to home, when the foliage comes into contact with glass, when it is -16ºC outside the window.

Hypothermia also provokes the release of buds. But do not despair, this phenomenon is short-lived.

Measures taken in case of hypothermia:

  1. Dried leaves and flower stalks cannot be treated. They definitely need to be eliminated.
  2. The plant does not need replanting. Just move it to a warmer place and don’t forget about regular moisturizing.

Phalaeonopsis – shade-tolerant plant, but this does not mean that it absolutely does not need sunlight. As a result of lack of lighting, leaves, aerial roots, and completely unformed buds dry out. In the absence of light, the process of photosynthesis slows down.

Measures taken:

  1. Move to a more illuminated place.
  2. If necessary, equip additional lighting.

Thermal burns

Sunlight should be in moderation. Phalaenopsis does not tolerate intense lighting.

Direct rays of the sun upon direct contact cause burns on the leaves. Not chosen correctly artificial lighting, less than 20 cm distance between the lamp and the flower provokes thermal burns.

Measures taken:

  1. Remove the damaged sheet.
  2. We transfer the plant to more comfortable place accommodation.

Thermal burns on an orchid.

Over- or under-nutrition

Fairly frequent use mineral fertilizers does more harm than good. This process is reflected in this way: the leaves, peduncle, roots dry, and the buds fall off during the flowering period. Lack of nutrients negatively affects the development of the plant.

Measures taken:

  1. We take the plant out of the pot.
  2. Soak the roots in warm, clean water.
  3. We replant it in new soil and place it in a well-lit place.
  4. You can fertilize after 2 weeks with weakly concentrated preparations.

Bacterial damage

Dangerous causes of damage to phalaenopsis are bacterial infections. The disease occurs in some parts of the plant, while not affecting others. As a result, the disease is quite difficult to recognize.

Measures taken:

  1. Creating optimally comfortable conditions for phalaenopsis.
  2. Move the diseased plant away from healthy flowers.
  3. Remove damaged areas of the plant.
  4. Spray the orchid with an aqueous solution of fungicide.

Leaves, roots dry, flowers fall off - as a result of infection of an indoor orchid. In particular: aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, mites, scale insects. Insects are located on the reverse side of the leaf and feed on the sap of the plant.

If pests are detected, you should:

  1. Move the infected plant to another room.
  2. Remove insects with a cotton swab.
  3. If necessary, prune affected areas.
  4. Wash the leaves with warm soapy water.
  5. In case of severe damage, treat the plant with an intoxicant solution.

Moisture deficiency

A lack of fluid can occur in the complete absence of watering.

The plant vitally needs a minimum volume of water, which dissolves minerals, located in the soil, and nourishes the root system.

Measures taken:

  1. We remove the orchid from the flowerpot.
  2. Immerse in a basin of water until the earthen lump becomes limp.
  3. Please note that water should not get on the leaves.
  4. If necessary, place in a new pot.

What to do for prevention?

For full development, beautiful bloom and prevention from, the orchid needs competent care.

  • Maintenance comfortable temperature in summer: +22-25ºС, in winter +16-18ºС.
  • Lighting is required diffused, with a daylight duration of 14 hours.
  • Humidity within 50-60%. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room.
  • Orchids need to be fertilized 2 times a month, especially during the flowering period.
  • It is better to spray phalaenopsis up to 5 times a day.

Houseplants, like people, need love, care, and attention. For this attitude, orchids will reward you with lush, bright, excellent flowering. AND long years will the best decoration your house.

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