home · Installation · Decorating a New Year's candle on Lake Baikal. DIY New Year's candle: master class, photo. Ways to decorate a candle for various holidays

Decorating a New Year's candle on Lake Baikal. DIY New Year's candle: master class, photo. Ways to decorate a candle for various holidays

In this article we want to tell you how to create candles with your own hands. Such candles will make your design unique, and they are also perfect as a gift.

Did you know that people started using candles back in the 3rd millennium BC? True, at that time only wealthy citizens could afford them. Nowadays, candles are used mainly as cozy decorative items. Let's see how you can make such a miracle yourself.

DIY candles for beginners: master class

For these candles, which are easy to make and can decorate any decor, you will need the following:

  • Actually, ourselves candles- some

IMPORTANT: It is quite possible to purchase the most ordinary candles in the hardware department of the store. They, however, have a grayish tint due to the fact that they are not cleansed. However, this drawback can be easily corrected if you plan to paint.

  • Capacity- a small saucepan. It is advisable to attach a clothespin to the edge. Paraffin, which is melted, is quite hot, so some kind of handle is simply necessary
  • Mold - in our case we need 2 forms of different sizes
  • Wick
  • Plasticine
  • Grater
  • Oil
  • Acrylic contours
  • Crayons– you need wax ones

IMPORTANT: Oil-based crayons will not be able to dissolve in wax - they should not be used unambiguously.

Let's start making:

To begin with, all available cut the candles into small pieces. Remove the wick from them.

Process the crayons with a grater. It is best to rub each color separately.

It's time to put Heat paraffin in a water bath. And while this is happening, it should prepare the form- Lubricate it with oil.

And then the paraffin melted! Now you can enter it add crushed chalk.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to stir the dye thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

Now paraffin is poured into a large mold. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away - the smaller one will fall into the larger form later. Consequently, the filler level will rise - this must be taken into account.

Lubricate outside small mold- after that it can be immerse in a large one. It is recommended to place plasticine inside.

IMPORTANT: Try to stick to the “golden mean”. With a tiny amount of plasticine, the mold will not sink, and with too much, it will sink to the bottom.

After a few hours you can get the frozen cast. And get started right away wick placement. The hole can be made with something thin like a toothpick or brush.

Thread the wick. The bottom of the candle should be disguised using a hot spoon.

The other end of the wick is fixed on a toothpick. The toothpick, in turn, is placed across the candle and secured with plasticine.

The second end of the candle wick is attached to a toothpick

Similar to the scheme with green paraffin, melt and yellow. Pour it into the recess of the future candle. Cut the wick so that approximately 1 cm remains on the candle.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to add paraffin into the recess near the wick.

After everything hardens, it will remain decorate a candle. And this is where the acrylic outline comes in handy.

How to make and decorate wax candles with your own hands?

To make beautiful wax candle in the shape of a rose you will need:

  • Actually, myself wax
  • Stationery knife or at least his blade
  • Burner
  • Wick
  • Mirror or glass small size

IMPORTANT: However, if workplace smooth, then glass is not necessary.

First of all, melt the wax. And this is where the burner comes in handy.

Wax the spot is cut with a knife.

Now the wax separates from the surface. One part of it is put aside for a while.

For one of the pieces the wick is applied. It should be as if wrap in wax.

IMPORTANT: Try to perform this procedure quickly, otherwise the wax will harden.

In a similar way create other petals as well. Don't forget that their edges should be bent to maximize the identity of the real flower.

How to make and decorate paraffin candles with your own hands?

Will please you in winter time of the year paraffin ice candle. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, ice and fire can be combined, and will be needed for this:

Household paraffin candles- 4 things.

IMPORTANT: Paraffin must be of high quality. Otherwise, the candle will begin to smoke, crackle, emit an unpleasant odor, and burn unevenly.

  • Wax colored crayons
  • Ice cubes
  • Two bowls or pans. Please note that their diameter must be different. In addition, utensils typically used for cooking are not suitable.
  • Skewer or a small wooden stick
  • Concerning molds, then you can even use a plastic cup in this case
  • Terry towel
  • Something comfortable potholder and oilcloth

Before starting work it is worth cover the work surface with oilcloth. Then take candle And call it is the size of a mold.

But besides this candle there are others - you need them cut into small pieces, having previously taken out the wick.

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat. It's time small saucepan - pieces of paraffin will go in there, and all this is put to a water bath.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to note that paraffin is highly flammable. Therefore, do not heat it over an open fire or in a microwave oven. Don’t be distracted from the process, but keep it on hand just in case baking soda- This is what you need to put out burning paraffin.

Finely with a knife crumble the crayon. The principle is simple: the more shavings, the more saturated the color of the candle.

Pieces of chalk are poured into a small saucepan. Don't forget to stir.

It's time ice– remove it from the freezer, place it on a towel, cover with another part of the towel and grind. The size of the ice floes should correspond to how you want the openwork to look - thin openwork patterns require small pieces of ice.

Fill the mold with ice. Wherein a piece of candle should be placed in the middle with wick, cut off at the very beginning of work.

Now melted paraffin can be poured into a mold, straight onto the ice.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to use an oven mitt.

Wait for it to cool down colored paraffin. Then remove the impression from the mold. It is recommended to do all this over the sink, as the melted ice will definitely drain off. With a heated knitting needle, taken with a potholder, you can melt the wick, if it is filled with paraffin.

Just in case leave the candle to dry additionally. When using it It’s worth taking a wide candlestick– paraffin may melt.

Beautiful do-it-yourself carved candles: shapes

Carved candles seem incredibly complicated to make, but some of them are simple to make. Prepare:

  • Paraffin
  • Form at your choice. It's better to start with something simple like the outline of an egg. As for the material, due to the ease of removing the impression, it is recommended to choose silicone
  • Wick or weave of cotton threads
  • Capacities, into which colored paraffin will be poured. Cans, saucepans or even tin cans that are unnecessary in everyday life will do.
  • Special dyes or wax crayons
  • Hook and crossbar to him

IMPORTANT: Select the size of the hook taking into account the fact that it should be comfortable for you to hold it in your hands.

  • Bucket with water
  • Paper napkins from the category of those that are soft to the touch

Just like in previous master classes, melt the paraffin in a water bath. Fill it up in the form, while leaving a long - not less than 10 cm.wick.

After the cast is taken out, follows the long wick hang it on a hook.

In a water bath heat the paraffin with the addition of shades.

IMPORTANT: Bringing it to 60-80 degrees will be quite enough. At the same time, you need to stir, because the paraffin settles.

Get started let down hanging on a hook workpiece in a container with the colors you need. Try to do it fast, but at the same time smooth. Allow the paraffin to drain, and then to fix the remaining Place the product in a bucket of water. There can be several dozen layers, because hot paraffin gives a very thin layer.

Now hang the workpiece on the hook - and cut out patterns! To start cut off excess layers of paraffin, which formed smudges. Possible for convenience make a sketch, since there will be no opportunity to make changes.

IMPORTANT: On average, paraffin cools down in 10 minutes, so try to cut out patterns during this time.

Flowers They are formed in a similar way - certain patterns are cut out and folded in the right way. Can decorate a candle, for example, beads. Graceful curls carved candle multi-layer multi-colored candle. The main thing in this matter is to be slow, because each previous layer must dry before the next one is formed.

IMPORTANT: Such a product must cool for at least 5 hours.

The secret is colored flame is burning salts. Moreover composition of salts depends on what shade you want to get:

  • Yellow orange- salt
  • Red– strontium nitrate or sodium chloride
  • Blue - copper chloride
  • Green– barium chloride
  • Violet– potassium chloride

Such candles are good because non-toxic, and if they leak occasionally, then will leave virtually no traces. However they take a long time to flare up.

How to make scented candles with your own hands?

To create a scented candle, use appropriate oil. It's just great if for certain notes of aroma will be selected corresponding shade of wax.

IMPORTANT: You need to add oil to the wax at the stage when it has already melted, but has not yet been poured into the mold.

Please note that:

  • Bergamot combined with lavender will help you relax
  • Lemon and rosemary clear your head of negative thoughts
  • Equal part roses and geraniums, as well as twice their volume lavender will restore calm and help you find balance of spirit after strong experiences.
  • Lemon with cedar will also relieve stress
  • Cloves with orange guaranteed to lift your spirits

Candles enchant, pacify, delight, inspire - how many purposes does this source of lighting have! And, you see, it will be just great if you can regulate all these emotions yourself by making candles with your own hands.

Good afternoon, today we will make original New Year's candlesticks with our own hands. In this article I collected a lot of photos and wrote detailed instructions And step by step mk for each option of a decorative candlestick for the New Year. I divided all the candlestick crafts into groups according to the materials from which they are made. Here you will find master classes for each group.

What do we do…

  • Decorative candlesticks-crafts in the form of angels.
  • New Year's candle holder from roll sleeves from toilet paper.
  • Candlesticks with perforation and thread on paper and cardboard.
  • Lacy candlesticks for the New Year in technology quilling
  • Crochet candlesticks.
  • New Year's candlesticks from a plastic bottle
  • Candlesticks from tall wine glasses and glasses.
  • Jars-candlesticks with decorative painting and applique.
  • Candlesticks with floating New Year's candles.
  • Compositions with candles for the New Year.

As you can see, I decided to tightly pack this article with crafts and candlesticks for every taste - children's and adults. Therefore you can find here craft options for children and ideas for serious adult candle holder gifts for the New Year. Let's start making beautiful New Year's candles with our own hands.

Candlestick made from bushings

from toilet paper.

Here is our first chic New Year's candlestick, made in the shape of a star. It seems like something factory-made, bought in a store. But in fact it is possible do it yourself at home with children. This star candlestick is made from cardboard, rolled into rolls. That is, we need to roll rolls from cardboard (or take ready-made toilet paper rolls). We will need 7 rolls and one round paper(a disposable paper plate will do).

And now I'll tell you HOW to make such a New Year's candlestick YOURSELF.


STEP 1 - The point is that each ray of a star is a roll, which at one end flattened TOP-DOWN, and from the other end flattened LEFT TO RIGHT. We fix the flattened area with a stapler or glue. As a result, we get a volumetric ray of the future star. We make 6 such rays. D

STEP 2 – Next, take a circle of paper (or a paper plate), the diameter of the circle should be such that it can accommodate all the rays of the star in a circle. We place them with the flat, flattened side on the edge of the round (plate). Glue all the rays onto the edge of the plate.

STEP 3 - Now let's take it 7th roll of cardboard and it must be glued to the center of the plate. To make it stick, cut the desired end of the roll into short and wide fringe– spread the rays of the fringe of the frame (into a sun spread) - and glue it with this spread to the center of the paper round.

STEP 4 - Further take a can of gold paint(or gold acrylic paint in a jar) and cover the entire surface of the craft with gold. You can buy paint at a car dealership or in the construction department of the market (costs 3-5 dollars). Acrylic gold paint a jar costs 3-4 dollars.

And if you want to get blurs, smudges and frozen drops on the surface of the craft, the same as in the photo - before painting you need to apply it to the craft hot glue from a glue gun and allow him to chaotically cover the surface of the cardboard elements of the candlestick with zigzags and blots. And after hardening, paint it. In the absence of hot glue, you can try regular silicate glue. stationery glue-snot from our Soviet childhood - it is also thick and also hardens in shiny, voluminous droplets (you just have to wait a little longer for drying).

STEP 5 - Next - inside the central roll we stuff the newspaper- so that it is not empty - but do not stuff it to the brim, but leave a recess into which the candle-tablet will become. And then we put a TABLET CANDLE on this compacted newspaper inside the roll.

STEP 6 - And all that remains is decorate the rest of the surface of the round (plate) pine cones, balls, beads, shiny garland and other New Year's tinsel.

As you can see, a simple photograph - if you look at it carefully, it will tell you how to do the same thing with your own hands.

New Year's candlesticks


We make these angels from plain white paper. And then we cover the entire craft with gold spray paint. Spray paint cans are sold at any hardware store or automotive supply store - they are not very expensive (about 3-5 dollars).

You and your children can make this angel craft. From a paper cone. To prevent the craft from catching fire from the candle flame, we will make this lamp without a live fire, and place a regular New Year’s glowing garland inside the cone. This will make a children's gift-candlestick for a grandfather or grandmother - they will be happy to light it in the evenings on New Year's days for many years.

Paper candlesticks WITH SLOTS.

You can make an elegant New Year's candlestick from an ordinary sheet of paper rolled into a tube. The paper won't light up because hot air from the candle it freely extends into the socket of such a paper lampshade-candlestick.

And if you are concerned about fire safety, then you can place a tall glass glass inside such a paper roll and place a candle in it.

By the way, to light a low candle-tablet AT THE BOTTOM OF A TALL glass you can use regular spaghetti pasta. They are long and burn well - we light such a spaghetti torch and calmly lower it to the candle wick at the bottom of the candlestick. Very comfortably.

Here is a master class below, which shows a step-by-step master class on making such candlesticks with slots - just in the New Year theme: with Christmas trees and stars.

First, cut a piece of paper with height to the height of the glass, and with width, sufficient to encircle the circumference of the glass and overlap the edges for gluing.

On a sheet of paper we draw the lines of the boundaries of the axial rod of the drawing. At the same distance from each other.

On both sides of the drawn borders we draw the outlines of Christmas trees and stars.

We make cuts along the drawn Christmas trees, but do not reach the center lines of the borders with scissors.

Paper candlesticks


You can make punctures rather than slits on the same roll of paper. Such perforation can be filled with a regular nail - if you place a sheet of paper on a semi-hard surface (for example, a sheet of foam plastic) and simply drive the nail in with a hammer at the points drawn in advance. This is how a candlestick with a snowflake in the photo below was made with your own hands.

You can wrap the glass so that puncture marks are not visible from the outside. And make sure that the perforation has holes of different sizes. To do this, we take nails of different cross-sectional diameters. With thick nails we will get large holes, with thin nails we will get smaller ones.

The main thing is to think in advance and draw with a pencil our pattern of large and small dots on the future New Year's lamp.

And you don’t have to make just a pattern of snowflakes. You can use the same principle to pin the silhouette of a Christmas tree, deer, snowman, Santa Claus and other New Year's characters.

You can fold a sheet of paper not into a round roll, but into a tetrahedral socket. And decorate each of the four edges with the same white New Year's appliqué.

The back side of each hole must be sealed with tissue paper (translucent tracing paper, or oiled white paper) - that is, the material that will transmit light. Very beautiful and delicate lamps for the New Year.

To prevent such a craft from igniting from a candle flame, the top must be left without a roof. Or, instead of a candle, put an LED Christmas tree garland inside. You will get a beautiful candlestick-gift - both a garland and a lampshade with delicate paper carvings.

You can cut paper blanks in the shape of a house. In the same way, use tracing paper or oiled paper to secure the openings of the cut out windows and doors of the houses.

New Year's candlesticks


You can make candlesticks from paper twists made using the quilling technique. Let's look at how to make such a candlestick with your own hands - using the example of a blue New Year's candlestick from the photo below.

STEP 1 - To do this, colored double-sided paper is cut into narrow strips. Each strip is wound around a rod (or toothpick).

Then this twist is removed from the toothpick and placed inside a round stencil-hole on a geometric ruler - and within the boundaries of this stencil the twist is allowed to unwind - to the size of the stencil hole.

STEP 2 - Next, take the twist out of the stencil and glue its tail to the twist barrel. We make a lot of such modules - in two sizes, larger and smaller (that is, we adjust some to fit the small hole of the stencil, and others to fit the large hole of the stencil on a regular geometric ruler).

STEP 4 - And now we make up and glue the candlestick - we take a round candle tablet and glue small round twists onto its side. Next, around this first round dance of round modules we place teardrop-shaped large twists - so that they are light in pairs, forming a heart shape.

You can give this New Year's quilling candlestick a shape with sides. If you place the modules on a small paper plate with raised edges, or a jar lid.

From quilling twist modules you can come up with any designs for New Year's candlesticks. In the form of a snowflake, a New Year's Christmas wreath.

You can also use an ordinary voluminous paper snowflake as a simple candlestick with your own hands. Cut out and place under a tablet candle.

Candlesticks for the New Year,


Here's a way to create a candle holder for those who know how to crochet. To do this, you can take any pattern of a knitted snowflake or a knitted star.

You will find many patterns of knitted snowflakes in my article


from a plastic bottle.

And the most free stuff for a New Year's candlestick this is the usual plastic bottle. We throw them away anyway, so why not turn them into Christmas lights.

Cut off the straight central part from the bottle. Cut pointed petals from one side of the pipe. And bend them to the sides. Paint the lamp a light golden color. Apply star stickers. Spread the edges of the petals with glue and sprinkle with silver sprinkles - you can make it yourself if you finely trim the shiny pile from a fluffy Christmas tree garland, or cut a Christmas tree rain.

You can come up with your own candlesticks from a bottle - any shape and complement them with any decor - borders made of bright ribbon, snowflakes, colored glass stones, etc.

New Year's candlestick

from a glass jar.

The simplest candlestick from a jar is made quickly and easily with your own hands. From masking tape (which we use to cover windows for the winter), cut out a silhouette, such as a star. Stick it on the side of the jar, and paint the rest of the surface of the jar with gouache (white is best). To prevent the gouache from sticking to your hands after drying and staining your clothes, spray the top of the painted jar with hairspray. Next, remove our star sticker from the masking tape and get a finished New Year's candlestick made by yourself.

The silhouette sticker can be anything perfect - a snowman, a penguin, a snowflake, or a deer with branchy antlers.

You can also decorate the border of our design with sprinkles; to do this, apply some edge along the edge of the silhouette and sprinkle shiny sprinkles on top of it (I described what to make it from in the previous candlestick).

You can buy gold-colored acrylic paint at the stationery store and use a thin brush to outline the edge of the silhouette-hole on the candlestick. And even make some kind of festive inscription on the silhouette itself. It turns out to be a bright jar-candle holder - and by the way, you can pour white beans into its bottom and drown the candle in it.

You can implement the principle of a silhouette hole on a candlestick jar not with paint - but with paper. That is, cut out the desired picture on a strip of paper in advance and wrap the candlestick jar with such paper. As in the photo with the New Year's craft below.

You can cover the entire surface of the jar with green pieces of napkin (buy green paper napkins, or green crepe paper) it is thin and fits well the smooth curves of the can.
It’s easy to glue - using PVA glue - and it’s better not to buy a small tube from an office supply store, but to go to a hardware store and immediately buy a half-liter jar of PVA - you’ll succeed 4 times cheaper. I do all my children's crafts with this glue. It lasts a long time and is always fresh, but in jars it constantly dries out.

So... we cover the jar with PVA glue and put chopped pieces of green paper on top of it - due to the fact that the pieces will be layered on top of each other, we will get such a chipped polygonal green pattern. And then, to give all this green chaos a New Year’s recognition, we’ll simply paint here and there (or add red paper) circles of holly berries.

The same red balls of berries will decorate our next New Year's candlestick. Here we cover all the walls of the jar with snow. We make it from ordinary salt or sugar (or finely grated polystyrene foam)

Cover the sides of the jar with glue and roll in white sprinkles on the table. When dried, we decorate with a string under which a green twig (for example, a spruce foot) or a green string of textile ribbon is inserted. And in the middle we attach a bunch of berries. It can be beads strung on wire and painted in red gouache (or nail polish). Can beads mold from plasticine and cover them with nail polish on top for shine and color. Or you can take large foam balls.

If you are good at drawing, you can simply draw a New Year's design on the side of a glass jar and you will get an elegant candlestick. You can not put a candle inside the jar, but put a New Year's LED garland - and then the jar will sparkle with several lights at once.

You can find ideas for New Year's drawings on a jar in my article

You can also simply APPLY a silhouette in a New Year’s theme to the surface of the jar - like a decorative applique decoration. This applique can be easily and quickly made at home - find suitable pictures on the Internet and cut out the desired silhouettes from colored paper.

you also can copy directly from this screen silhouette of a deer. Simply place a sheet of paper on the screen and use a pencil to trace the image that is visible on the sheet. To reduce or enlarge the image on the screen, simply roll the mouse wheel forward or backward, holding the cropCtrl on your keyboard.

Multi-layered applications on a glass candlestick look beautiful.

You can come up with a silhouette applique that will encircle the entire jar along its circumference.

Small details of the applique do not need to be cut out of paper, but can be completed with a black marker. Before pasting with such an applique, the candlestick jar itself can be painted blue (with a foam sponge and blue gouache mixed with white).

Silhouettes can be cut out of white paper. The result is a light and delicate decorative candlestick made from a tall glass.

New Year's candlesticks


Also, excellent candlesticks for the New Year are made from glass glasses with legs.

The glass container itself can be decorated inside with branches of evergreen shrubs (for example fir). Instead of candles, you can put a New Year's garland with LED lanterns inside tall, large glasses-vases and mix the garland with Christmas tree decorations, pine cones, and bugle beads.

Ideal candlesticks for low candles-tablets and thick candles-barrels- these are UPPER GLASSES. The flat base of the leg serves as a convenient stand for stable candles.

Under the dome of an inverted glass place new Year decoration– these could be sprigs of holly, silver cones, paws of pine needles or multi-colored bugle beads.

Small decor at all no need to painstakingly slip it under the glass– just pour glasses into the bowl, cover with cardboard, turn the glass upside down with the bowl and stick the cardboard out from under it.

The stem of the glass, like the metal walls of tablet candles, can be silvered or gilded with sprinkles. It's easy to do at home - apply glue and sprinkle with glitter(if you use PVA glue, it can be easily washed off later hot water). Or use Polish for hair– quickly spray and quickly sprinkle with glitter, sprinkle on top again.

You can buy ready-made glitter for sprinkling on your nails or cut the fringe of a shiny fluffy Christmas tree garland into small pieces yourself.

Side parts of candles you can also decorate like this glitter sprinkles. To do this, pour the sprinkles onto paper. CANDLE SIDEWALLS heat over gas burner and the candle, softened from the heat, is quickly rolled over the glitter filling - the soft sticky wax absorbs the sparkles, and the candle becomes elegant and New Year's.

It is better to match the color of the sparkles for the candle to the color of the decorations under the dome of the glass (as in the photo below).

You can arrange a real piece under the dome of the glass New Year's fairy tale(as in the photo with candlesticks below). It's easy to do it yourself - on round piece of white cardboard(or foam plastic) glued Christmas tree craft(bought or made from paper or plasticine) - place a snowman or figurine of another New Year's character. Pour glue and sprinkle with white salt to imitate snow. Cover this round craft with an inverted glass. It turns out to be a magical New Year's candlestick.

You can paint New Year's glasses-candlesticks in winter shades of paint and decorate them with pine cones and snowflakes (paper or purchased).

To paint a glass at home as evenly as in the photo with candlesticks below, you need to use not a brush, but a foam sponge with small pores (preferably a sponge for applying foundation). With such a sponge you can convey a uniform flow of color from light to dark.
I described a detailed master class of this process when I painted my nails using the same technique in the article "Gradient manicure."

You can paint any New Year's character on the glass with paints - and we will get bright candlesticks in the form of snowmen, or Santa Clauses, or deer.

Or you don’t have to turn the glasses over. And lower tablet candles into them on special brackets.

You can twist such staples yourself at home from flexible copper or aluminum wire. This kind of DIY work is exactly what is shown in the photo below.

You can hang a candle-tablet on brackets inside a very high vessel - and then the bottom of the vessel can become a place for decorative composition(as in the photo of the New Year's candlestick below).

New Year's candlesticks


Also, candles can not be hung inside the container, but lowered into the water. To do this, the shape of the candles should be cone-shaped or rounded at the bottom. This way they will float calmly on the water.

Such floating candles can be found on sale and purchased. Or do it yourself - break the candle, remove the wick thread from it. Place the pieces of wax in a saucepan over low heat (or in a water bath) and melt the wax until liquid state. Place the wick in a mold with a round or cone-shaped bottom - fill the wick with liquid wax - cool until the wax completely hardens in the mold. Remove the candle from the mold, slightly heating the walls of the mold.

Or you don’t have to bother with liquid wax. And immediately cut out a conical bottom from a solid thick candle with an ordinary knife (work as a sculptor).

New Year's compositions with candles.

You can use a wide stand - a dish or a vase - as a candlestick and place several candles on such a candlestick at once, interspersing them with New Year's decorations.

You can pour it into the stand artificial snow or plain white salt, sugar, powder.

As a New Year's candle stand, you can use ordinary low wooden box for seedlings. And decorate it with natural materials (moss, cones, spruce paws).

The body of the candlestick can become an ordinary wooden log. We drill large holes in it, where we insert tablet candles (or sections of thick candles).

You can also bake a candlestick from edible gingerbread honey dough. That is, bake a round gingerbread with holes for tablet candles. And to go with it, bake smaller gingerbread cookies with the shape of houses, Christmas trees, and trees. We decorate the gingerbread houses with a pattern of sugar icing and dry them. We also pour the large gingerbread candlestick with sweet sugar icing and place the gingerbread Christmas tree houses on the sticky icing.

Gingerbread dough is distinguished by the fact that it does not go stale for a long time, and such a sweet gift-candlestick can be devoured by the whole family after death. New Year's holidays.

You can find the correct recipe for gingerbread dough in the article about gingerbread houses.

These are the ideas from New Year's candlesticks you can now do it yourself. It's nice when you can create a piece of the New Year's holiday around yourself.

Connect the kids- they will be very pleased to help you with this serious matter like New Year. Children should create crafts with their own hands - this is a prerequisite for the development of a personality confident in their strengths and abilities. Children must have an EVIDENCE BASE of their omnipotence and success. Let the children see in practice that they CAN make such beautiful and complex crafts THEMSELVES. Let them grow up realizing themselves as CREATORS of this world. And then one day you will be able to be proud of their ADULT achievements.

Happy New Year to you. Let happiness enter your family. The magic of happiness made with your own hands. And let the light of the candles transmit its radiance to your eyes.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

New Year is a favorite holiday of many adults and children. This is a time of miracles and surprises, so I want to fill everything around with a fairytale mood, including my home. To decorate your home for the holiday, you can buy accessories in the store, or you can make decorations yourself. Candles are one of the popular New Year's attributes, and we will learn how to make them yourself from the article.

History of appearance

The custom of lighting candles during the evening feast on New Year's holidays dates back to the times when electricity had not yet been invented. Despite the modern abundance of electric and LED devices, candles are often found on festive table. Often a composition of four candles is used as a central decoration. This custom was adopted from Catholics, who, during the fast before Christmas, light one candle a week for a month. As a result, by the time the Catholic holiday is celebrated, a monument of four candles is formed on the table, which marks the end of abstinence.

Besides decoration own home, you can use handmade crafts as a present. Gift candles made with your own hands will bring much more pleasure to your family and friends.

Features of decorating tall candles

Among the colorful New Year's decorations are long thin candles white will become a harmonious addition and add mystery to the festive atmosphere. Moreover, these attributes are quite economical.

The New Year's decor of such candles can be varied. Using these accessories you can decorate a table or fireplace. Get simple and at the same time original decoration you can by placing candles at the base Christmas decorations. Balloons matched to match, silver and golden specimens with different diameters will look stylish. Green tinsel can imitate a Christmas tree in a craft.

Well-burning accessories match with a variety of glass candle holders. As a container, you can use jars or glasses of any size and shape, which are decorated both from the outside and from the outside. inside. Stickers, beads, rhinestones, designs with special paint, ribbons and lace can be used as decoration. If you have imagination, you can create a very original item in a single copy.

Wine glasses can be used as candlesticks in different variations. For the first method, the part with the wick should be installed inside the glass, placing various decorative elements around it - beads, cones, pebbles. The second method involves placing a candle on an inverted glass at its base. Another glass object in which you can place a tall candle is a bottle. Luminous elements installed in bottles will create a cozy atmosphere and proper lighting at eye level.

The snowy effect on a decor item will remind you of the weather outside the window. To achieve this, you should spread it generously on in the right places glue the candle, then roll it in coarse salt. Instead of salt, you can use glitter, sand different colors or semolina.

The composition, made by hand using natural materials. Branches can serve as details coniferous trees, rowan berries, cones, dried fruit slices. In addition to the aesthetic pleasure of the presence of such items on the festive table, guests will be able to feel the light, pleasant aroma of the ingredients. For real Christmas mood will create candles in candlesticks decorated with cinnamon sticks. You can attach them with glue or put a rubber band on the container and insert sticks one by one under it, covering the rubber band with a beautiful ribbon.

Another good option that does not require any additions is shaped candles. Images of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, symbol of the year Chinese calendar, Christmas trees and pine cones are very popular attributes of home feasts, especially if children are present at the celebration. The choice of colored candles requires you to combine them according to color scheme with other decorative items of festive decoration. Glowing colored attributes collected in a composition can either become the main central decoration of the table or be placed as islands throughout the space.

Do it yourself

Long candles You can buy it in a store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you should purchase a special mold for making candles, and a simple attribute in the form of a cone can be made without it. To do this, you need to take the stubs of used candles, or carefully break a whole one into pieces, while carefully removing the wick. Then you should prepare a water bath from a large saucepan and a smaller container and melt the paraffin pieces there. To make colored attributes, add wax crayons of the desired color, crushed using a grater, to the container.

To ensure the color is distributed evenly, you need to mix the contents. While the paraffin is melting, you need to take a thick piece of paper, such as a sheet from a magazine, and build a cone out of it. Pass the wick through it and secure it in the sharp base of the cone at a distance of at least a centimeter from the beginning of the rope; on the other hand, fix the wick with a match or toothpick in the middle of the hole.

To prevent the cone from unfolding, it must be secured with tape. It is also worth securing it so that it does not tip over during pouring and hardening. Melted paraffin is poured into the workpiece in portions, slightly cooling the previous layer. The future candle is left in this position until it hardens completely. The finished craft may have some unevenness that can be easily removed with a hairdryer.

Festive table decoration

New Year's decor made from tablet candles on the festive table looks magical and at the same time compact. A little imagination - and original design candles are ready. The best option would be candlesticks with slots in the form of holiday pictures. You can make a candle stand yourself by making holes in tin can. This attribute with the effect of a starry sky will decorate any celebration.

A sparkling table decoration will be a composition of several tablets on a tray or flat dish., decorated with beads and rhinestones, Christmas balls and decorative stones. It is better to select the range for such a composition within the limits of festive colors - metallic shades, red and green tones. The use of natural materials in the spirit of the New Year holidays is suitable not only for tall specimens, but also for tea candles. Only in the case of small in size Additional candlesticks should be used to ensure fire safety.

Interesting elements are obtained from ordinary glass jars. Inside you can put both natural items: cones, berries, leaves, branches, and New Year's decorations. To truly surprise your loved ones gathered at the holiday table, you can make hanging structures for candles. Hanging above the table and in the corners of the room, they will add solemnity to the room.

We use decoupage

One of the popular and original techniques for decorating not only candles, but also other items is decoupage. This term refers to a method of decorating various interior items by attaching a pattern, ornament or motif to it and further securing it. Decoupage is suitable even for beginners if you carefully study the algorithm of actions.

To make a candle using this technique, you should prepare the necessary materials. The main thing is to choose a candle made according to modern technology, which when burning does not form smudges on the sides. You should also choose a three-layer napkin with a New Year's pattern in accordance with the size of the candle, scissors and tracing paper, a terry cloth, contours for drawing, a pencil without corners and a regular hairdryer.

A real atmosphere of magic, home comfort and an enchanting fairy tale for the New Year cannot be created without candles. This small decorative element remains a permanent attribute of any festive interior. You can make it more original and attractive by using your design skills and making candles with your own hands.

You can use homemade candles as a separate decoration for furniture or windows, as an element (for example, in a bouquet of pine needles and flowers), or as a decoration for them. place of honor on the New Year's table, pleasantly surprising guests with an original and exquisite table setting.

We present to your attention useful master classes and tips for making and decorating candles with your own hands.

Master class 1. Quick and easy

In order to make classic version homemade candles, you will need the following:

  • Molds. They must be made of a material that does not absorb wax/paraffin. Rubber, metal, plastic or glass containers are ideal for this. You can use iron boxes (such as tin candy boxes) or thick plastic cups. Also keep in mind that if you still can’t get the candle out of the mold, you will have to break it or cut it.
  • Material. Candles can be made from paraffin, wax or stearin.
  • Wick. It can be obtained from melted steam bath factory candles or weave yourself from any cotton threads.
  • Small metal container. This will be needed to melt the wax.
  • Tools. You will need pliers (or something similar to them in order to reach the hot container), tweezers and a thin wooden stick.
  • Foil. We will cover the table with it to protect it from fire or grease stains appearing on the surface.
  • Wooden stick. With its help we will mix the wax.
  • Pigments. They can be very different: wax-based crayons, leftover colored candles, decorative cosmetics, acrylic or gouache paints. You can buy colored pigments in specialized stores.
  • Baking soda. It is usually used to extinguish paraffin if it catches fire. So, we hope you won’t need it, but you still need to have it just in case.
  • Pot.

Have you collected everything you need? Then let's get started.

You can see a similar method in the video of making a multilayer candle with vertical colored layers.

In this case, a cardboard form is used. The good thing about this method is that it’s for candles. different sizes It's easy to find suitable milk or juice boxes.

If you made a single-color candle, then you can choose a different decor option. You can apply a layer of uncolored wax to the candle and attach glitter, beads, grains and other decorative elements to it.

More details about decor ideas are written at the end of this material.

Master class 2. Scented soy candles.

Soy candles are considered the most environmentally friendly, and they burn much longer than usual. They cost a lot and are considered an expensive pleasure, but making them yourself will cost you several times less.

For this we need:

  • Soy wax flakes (about 60 g per candle).
  • Wicks.
  • Dyes (optional).
  • Aromatic oil.
  • Glass containers for candles (you can clean old ones with hot water), cups or small pots.

After you have completed all the preparatory steps, you can safely start making candles:

You can make a classic, single-color version of the candle and decorate it as desired (more on that a little later).

Now see how you can cast colored, very beautiful soy candles from colored soy wax. The photographs clearly show the whole process.

Master class 3. Fashionable version of a candle decorated with decoupage

Decoupage on candles looks 100% advantageous! This is incredible beautiful decoration which gives them a luxurious and sophisticated appearance. In addition, there can be a million design options, which makes each such product unique in its own way.

The technology of applying decoupage has a special specificity, and therefore it needs to be given special attention, introducing you closer to this popular art today.

When starting to create such an exclusive candle, you need to prepare the following:

  • Dried flowers (herbs) at your discretion.
  • Candle (you can make it yourself, based on the tips from the first and second master classes).
  • Spoon, tweezers and scissors
  • An ordinary candle (you will need it to heat the spoon).
  • Paraffin.
  • Empty tin can.

Feel like a jeweler. Why? Yes, because you will have to work with dried flowers very carefully and painstakingly. However, this task is not difficult, but interesting and requires perseverance.

All is ready? Then we begin our creative process:

If you have smoothed the dried flowers tightly, it will be enough to dip the candle in paraffin once. If not, then we do it again. After the coating has hardened, you can enjoy the fruits of your jewelry labors by placing it on the festive table, home furniture or decorating the fireplace with it.

The theme will be complemented by a video of candle decoupage using napkins. And flowers are also present in the master class.

Master class 4: DIY gel candles

Such candles are considered super popular today, and therefore it is simply impossible to ignore them. So, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Gel wax (can be purchased in candle making kits).
  • Wick.
  • Aroma oils and dye (optional).
  • Insert (also at your discretion). This can be any non-flammable decorative material: pearls, shells, pebbles, dry fruits, coffee beans, etc.

And of course, you will need to choose a container for the candle. The most suitable option is a glass cup, jar or glass.

The procedure for making such a candle is almost identical to those described above (see master class 1 and 2). However, it is necessary to take into account its specifics.

For example, the temperature when heating the gel should be about 93° C and no more, since overheated gel wax loses its transparency and elasticity. And one more thing: before placing the inserts in a container for the finished candle, they must first be dipped in the gel, and only then placed in the prepared container.

One of the options for making a gel candle is presented in the following video. It shows how to work with the gel by heating it in a regular oven, placing pieces of gel filler and liners in a glass dish at the same time.

New Year's creativity: how can you decorate a finished candle?

Nothing emphasizes the coziness of a home like candles, especially if you made them yourself. Such products - unique in their kind - will become an exclusive “highlight” of the New Year’s decoration.

You can decorate ready-made homemade candles in different ways. It all depends on the flight of fancy of the master. We offer you several bright ideas that will certainly inspire you to achieve a design feat, and your candles will become a charming attribute of the festive interior.

So, you can decorate the finished candle using the following materials:

  • Coffee beans. As you can see in the picture, coffee beans are added to the paraffin itself. This is a very successful option for decorating a homemade candle for several reasons: firstly, it looks really attractive, secondly, the grains will be securely fixed with paraffin (or wax) and will not fall off, and thirdly, they will emit a pleasant aroma during the burning process candles. Coffee beans can also be applied to the surface of the finished candle by dipping it in paraffin.
  • Ice pieces. Fire and ice are a strange and contradictory combination. However, if you want to give the candle an unusual look, use ice. It will need to be crushed and added to the heated paraffin during the candle making process. When it melts and the candle hardens, its surface will resemble snow or porous ice.
  • Original containers. For candles, you can choose not only classic glass cups, but also more original containers: a tea cup on a saucer, hollow wooden stumps, interestingly shaped wine glasses, shells, jars, eggshells, orange (lemon) zest, tree bark, etc.

  • Inserts for gel candles. Gel wax is very comfortable material for candles, because it makes the product completely transparent. You can place a wide variety of decorative figures in it. Candles stylized with a marine theme are very popular today (and you can pour the gel into a real aquarium, putting shells, algae, toy fish, etc. in it). Gel candles can also be decorated with pebbles, dry fruits, flowers, pine needles, tiny cones, figurines fairy tale characters(for example, Santa Claus).
  • Glass pebbles. Adding colored aquarium stones to paraffin or wax is just a great idea! True, they must be proportionate to your product so that the whole composition looks harmonious.
  • Shells. They can also be added to paraffin during the melting process, or placed at the bottom of the container, and only then poured. By the way, you can decorate the candle container itself with shells.
  • Decoupage. The principle of its application was described in master class No. 3 (we will only add that you can also use special napkins for decoupage). Therefore, to inspire you to create such masterpieces, we will share with you several photo ideas for such decor.
  • Dry fruits and cinnamon. They will give your candles a New Year's atmosphere and originality. There can be several options for decorating using these materials: they are either added to the wax itself, or they are attached to the surface of the candle (container). Cinnamon sticks are usually simply tied to a candle, and there are many options for decorating such candles.

  • Sequins. Well, where would we be without them? Especially if you are making New Year's candles! Such a decorative twist will make them festive and bright.

As you can see, there are a huge variety of options for decorating candles. Or maybe you will be able to create your own, inimitable and unique type of design? Or will you like a combination of several decorative elements?

Try, dare and experiment! On the eve of the New Year, you simply must try something new and original!