home · electrical safety · Attached chimney. Chimney for boiler. Make or buy? How to install pipes and assemble a chimney

Attached chimney. Chimney for boiler. Make or buy? How to install pipes and assemble a chimney

Chimney installation for gas boiler is not such a difficult and impossible task for home craftsman. It’s quite possible to do it yourself. The main thing is to carry out all operations without violating generally accepted construction standards and always remember fire safety standards.

Many novice craftsmen are confident that the flue gas exhaust duct is best assembled from brick. We hasten to disappoint them. These days, such chimneys are no longer made for gas units. There are many reasons for this; we will highlight only the main ones. Firstly, modern heating equipment is characterized by increased gas combustion efficiency. In the area where the outlet pipe is connected to the boiler, the flue gases are heated to approximately 100°.

When they rush up the hood, a sharp cooling is observed. As a result, gases are converted into condensate. It immediately settles inside the chimney, clogging it. This leads to a decrease in the functionality of the outlet line. Secondly, the labor costs for laying brick exhaust systems are objectively high. You will spend a lot of time building the chimney. And you get a design that is outdated in all respects.

Laying a brick exhaust system

The indicated disadvantages of brick gas exhaust lines are also inherent in structures made from asbestos-cement and galvanized metal pipes. Theoretically, it is allowed to make chimneys from such products. But their quality will not be at the highest level. If you decide to build a truly functional and efficient chimney with your own hands, experts recommend choosing the following types of exhaust ducts:

  1. Coaxial design. Such structures for gas boilers are characterized by attractive appearance and excellent work potential. Coaxial type hoods are good because condensate collects on their surface (internal) in small volumes. This fact is very important for any heating units. And first of all for the gas boilers that interest us.
  2. Ceramic gas exhaust tract. This structure is perhaps the easiest to build with your own hands. It has such advantages - high level fire safety, ease of installation, affordable cost of all necessary elements and materials. Ceramic structures built by home craftsmen who do not like to throw money away. The costs of constructing such chimneys are always low.
  3. Mains made of stainless steel pipes. These are currently the most popular hoods for private homes where gas boilers are installed. They are highly resistant to the aggressive effects of exhaust combustion products and mechanical loads. Stainless steel products are also very durable. Such chimneys are sandwich systems. They consist of two pipes of different sections. One of tubular products(with a smaller diameter) fits into a larger pipe. The space between them is filled with a heat-resistant layer - basalt wool.

According to the pros, ideal option The exhaust line for the gas boiler is made of stainless steel sandwich construction. However, you can build a chimney from other components. All in your hands.

Chimneys for gas heating units can be mounted outside (attached structure) and inside the house. It is easier to install the first type of chimney yourself. To install it, you need to lead a pipe of a certain cross-section to the street through a hole in the wall of a residential building.

Installation attached chimney for a wall-mounted boiler operating on gas fuel, is done like this:

  1. Cut a hole in the wall surface. Insert a piece of stainless pipe (or a product made of another material) into it to a depth of 5–25 cm.
  2. Assemble the vertical section of the pipeline being mounted using a suitable swivel elbow.
  3. Seal the joints with fire-resistant compound. It is also recommended to further strengthen these areas with clamps equipped with a threaded tie.
  4. Use wall brackets (they are sold in all hardware stores) to secure the pipe every 100–200 cm.
  5. Apply an anti-corrosion coating to the chimney (if we are talking about steel products).

Do-it-yourself installation of the structure is completed by the procedure of insulating it or using any other non-flammable material. Important tip! It is advisable to assemble attached hoods from two-layer pipe products, which are considered to be as safe as possible in operation. In addition, they are easily thermally insulated and guarantee high-quality inflow air flow into the firebox of a gas unit.

Insulation of a gas boiler chimney with mineral wool

Installation of internal chimneys is usually carried out during the construction phase of a residential building.

Such hoods are installed in compliance with (strict) fire safety rules. The slightest mistake can cause the chimney to catch fire during operation. In this case, it is important to very carefully protect areas where elements of the smoke exhaust tract pass through the roof structure and ceilings between floors of the house. An internal chimney can also be installed in a building that is already in use. Algorithm similar works with your own hands is presented below:

  1. Cut holes in the roof and ceiling surface for mounting the hood.
  2. Install special pipes into the “holes” made (they are called through pipes). Outwardly, they look like a cube with special holes made in it. The cross-section of the pipes is selected so that the main pipe fits into them as tightly as possible.
  3. Start assembling the chimney. The operation is performed from the top of the heating boiler - from bottom to top. The structure should be firmly attached to the wall every 200–400 cm using brackets.
  4. In the place where the drainage line is laid through the roof, it is necessary to lay a sheet of metal, and then protect this area with non-combustible thermal insulation. Experts recommend treating the joint with a good heat-resistant sealant to minimize the risk of fire.

Note! External gas exhaust hoods are insulated along the entire length of the pipeline, while internal ones should be thermally insulated exclusively on their upper part. One more small nuance. Internal chimneys are suitable for both floor and . But attached structures are recommended only for wall-mounted units.

If you plan to perform all operations for arranging smoke exhaust structures yourself, remember the following rules:

  1. The chimney is assembled with a minimum length of horizontal sections. It should be predominantly vertical. The presence of horizontal sections with a total length of up to 5 m is allowed. In this case, the use of more than 3 bends for the construction of the highway is strictly prohibited.
  2. Surfaces that are located next to the installed gas exhaust tract must be treated with fire-resistant compounds and heat-resistant materials.
  3. When calculating the cross-sections of holes punched in the roof and interfloor ceilings, consider the thickness of the thermal insulation layer, and not just the cross-section of the pipe product being installed.
  4. Height exhaust pipe varies from 50 to 500 cm. Its specific size depends on how it is located in relation to the ridge of the roof.
  5. The inner surface of the hood must be smooth and characterized by a constant cross-section along the entire length of the line.
  6. All under-roof and inter-floor connections are made completely sealed. It is important to organize joints inside the floors between in separate parts chimney is unacceptable!

Small windows should be installed on the elbows of the exhaust structure and on its horizontal sections, which will allow you to regularly clean the structure. It is also recommended to place a drip tube - a special tank - slightly below the heating boiler pipe. It is necessary to collect condensate.

Installing a drip pipe on a chimney

If there are 2-3 gas units in your house, they can be connected under one exhaust system. But there are two conditions for the implementation of such a scheme:

  1. The cross-sectional area of ​​the outlet main must be equal area the widest pipe (outlet) of gas installations used.
  2. The height distance between the flue gas entry points from different boilers should be 0.75 m.

Install a high-quality chimney with your own hands, following the tips outlined in the article. And then you will not have any problems with the operation of the heating system!

The question is almost Hamletian, but requires detailed consideration. Using the example of practical experience, the article describes the solution to this problem when installing a boiler room in your home. Paradoxical as it may seem, the article can be useful both to those who are planning and can afford to buy a chimney, and to those who plan to make a chimney with their own hands.

For the former, the article will be useful in that the information provided in it will allow you to correctly formulate an order for the manufacture of a chimney, and when installing a chimney, at least make sure that there are no “blunders” on the part of the contractors.

Those who plan to make a chimney with their own hands will find in the article useful information in terms of practical implementation of work.

In order not to waste time on theory, of which there is plenty on the Internet, I will note only the main thing. The influence of the chimney on safety is such that the correctness of its operation will be checked by the Fire Inspection authorities with the issuance of a written certificate, without which you simply will not be connected to the gas networks.

Choosing the design of a chimney in a house

Depending on the installation location of the boiler and the characteristics of the room, there are two possible various options chimney installations: external chimney or internal chimney. The figure below shows a simplified diagram of the attached outdoor modular chimney.

The main structural elements of an external attached modular chimney:

  • Transition (connecting flue) from boiler to chimney (2)
  • Load-bearing wall bracket (3) and revision installed in the lower part of the chimney
  • Sections (segments) of prefabricated modular chimney (4)

When installing a chimney inside a building, additional work will be required related to the need to install a support (foundation) for the chimney, a protective casing for the chimney (usually a shaft lined with bricks), and install grooves when the chimney passes through attic floor and roofing.

A comparative description of the main properties of chimneys is presented in Table No. 1 below:

Conclusion: If possible, preference should be given to installing an external chimney.

Buy a chimney or make a chimney yourself?

If you decide to use an attached external chimney, there are two options: order a factory-made modular chimney and installation in a specialized organization, or make a chimney yourself.

A comparative description of the main properties of chimneys is presented in table No. 2 below:

Note: If the technical possibility exists, and the financial component is not a problem, then the easiest option is to order a chimney and its installation from a specialized organization.

What are the arguments of those who make a chimney with their own hands?

  • Firstly, of course the price. The further you are from megacities, the higher it is.
  • Secondly, the possibilities of using a modular chimney in some cases are very limited, and are impossible without additional work. But more on this later.

If you decide to make an attached chimney yourself, then when considering the design and materials used, you must consider the following.

Selection of basic parameters, constructive solutions and materials for installing an attached chimney.

a) The internal cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney (along its entire length) must not be less than the internal area of ​​the chimney of the boiler itself. That is, the boiler must be available before work begins.
b) The optimal shape of the internal cross-section of the chimney (from the point of view of smoke removal) is a circle. Great importance also has smoothness inner surface chimney.
c) When gas is burned, chemically aggressive components are released as a result of combustion in the form of vapors and condensate. Therefore, the material for use in the chimney must be gas-tight and inert to chemical influences.
d) The temperature of the exhaust gases for boilers is low, at least usually it does not exceed 150 C for Russian boilers (and even less for imported ones). Therefore, the material used for the chimney must stably withstand the temperature with some margin, for example, about 250 - 300 C. This will be quite enough for reliable operation chimney.

Thus, the general solutions for installing a homemade chimney in a house are as follows:

From the point of view of the stated requirements, it was decided to use an asbestos-cement pipe as a chimney.

Note The boiler passport specifies the possibility of using an ASB pipe with a diameter of 150 mm as a chimney. According to calculations, the internal cross-sectional area of ​​such a pipe is slightly smaller than that of the boiler, but a slight deviation in the cross-sectional size, within (± 5)%, can be compensated by increasing (decreasing) the total height of the pipe.

For the connecting flue between the boiler and the chimney, I decided to use a homemade design.

I decided to install the pipe and insulate the chimney by analogy with a modular chimney, i.e., perform an easier installation.

Transition device for the chimney.

The main difficulty in self-production The attached chimney is a transition device (connecting flue) from the boiler to the chimney itself. This is due to the need to perform welding and turning work. Therefore, we will consider this issue in more detail. There are certain requirements for the transition device between the boiler and the chimney; I will note the main ones.

The length of the horizontal section should not exceed 2 m (for a chimney with natural draft).

On the horizontal section it is necessary to provide a device for it.

The presence of a horizontal section must be compensated by increasing the total height of the chimney compared to the calculated or recommended one.

Connections between the boiler, passage and chimney must be sealed and gas-tight.

A steel sheet 3 mm thick was used to make the chimney. When choosing a material, proceed from the fact that saving on the thickness of the material is not rational, since the transition structure in the wall opening will be quite difficult to replace or repair. Since the boiler chimney outlet has rectangular shape size 202x96 mm, and the chimney itself is round, it was necessary to think about the transition.

The photo below shows the main stages of work.

Cutting blanks.

The design of a homemade transition is shown in the photo below.

The rectangular horizontal section of the channel (1) is intended for direct connection of the boiler to the structure. It is important to note the following here.

The transition should fit fairly freely onto the boiler chimney, with a gap around the perimeter of (5-10) mm and a depth of at least (4-5) cm. This is necessary so that when installing the boiler there is room for maneuver (unfold, move a little etc.). The gap between the walls can subsequently be easily eliminated using twisted asbestos cord (to obtain the required thickness) and a special oven sealant.

Rectangular inclined channel (2) of the transition, designed for passage in the wall. The length of the channel depends on the thickness load-bearing wall, plus an overlap. It is important to note the following here.

  • When inflating, you need to take into account the amount of reserve for finishing works and the necessary margin (distance from the wall) for insulating the chimney itself. In my case, with a load-bearing wall thickness of 55 cm, the length of the inclined channel was about 90 cm.
  • The rectangular channel is made at an angle, for better outlet smoke into the chimney. The bottom line is that if possible, it is better to exclude horizontal straight sections in the chimney.

Cleaning the transition is easily done from the boiler side through the screw (upper) door.

Supporting element for installing a chimney pipe (3).

Made from scraps metal pipe with a diameter of 219 mm, plugs are welded at both ends of the pipe, in which holes are machined to the size of a pipe with a diameter of 159 mm.

The upper glass (3) is made of a pipe with a diameter of 159 mm.

Designed for direct installation of the base of the ASB pipe; a groove is machined inside the pipe for this purpose, according to the dimensions of the ASB pipe.

The lower glass is also made from pipe 159, but of greater height (4)

Designed for inspection device. The photo below shows arrows. A flange is attached to the bottom of the glass with two bolts through a gasket, which ensures the tightness of the chimney in the operating position and the possibility of cleaning (draining condensate) when servicing the chimney.

What you need to consider when performing construction work.

The photo below shows the main points of the stages of construction work. The photo on the left shows that when laying the foundation for the boiler room, a platform was provided for the future chimney, taking into account the planned installation location of the boiler in the boiler room.

The photo on the right shows that when laying the walls, an opening was left in the wall for installing a transition in the wall structure. The photo on the right shows a “try-on” installation of the chimney when laying a wall.

It should be noted: if the wall is made of non-flammable material, as in the photo, then there will be no problems during installation. If the wall material is flammable, it is necessary to provide for cutting of non-combustible material in the wall, otherwise firefighters will not allow the chimney to be used. Despite the stated characteristics of modular chimneys, when laying them through building construction, cutting from non-flammable materials is also mandatory for them.

As noted earlier, the transition was installed in the wall opening during construction work. The space in the wall opening between the transition and the brickwork can be sealed with expanded clay concrete screed. As the walls are laid, it is necessary to lay in brick wall metal fittings for subsequent fastening of the pipe with clamps to the wall.

The height of the chimney must be at least 5 meters. This parameter depends on many factors: the location of the pipe in relation to the ridge of the roof of the house, structural features, and the presence of other obstacles. For convenience, the figure below shows the main dimensions and ratios that must be maintained when installing a chimney in your home.

In our case, taking into account that the internal cross-section of the ASB pipe is smaller than the cross-section of the boiler chimney, the presence of an inclined section of the chimney, as well as relative position pipes and the ridge of the house, the height of the chimney was 7 meters. That is, it was necessary to buy two ASB pipes with DN = 150 mm and a length of 4 m. In addition, to securely fix the pipe in the upper part of the building, it was necessary to make an additional brick structure.

The general view of the chimney is shown in the photo below.

The photo on the right shows Bottom part chimney structure, which protects the thermal insulation of a homemade chimney transition. The design ensures unhindered inspection of the chimney due to the fact that flat slate It is fastened with only one M10 bolt in the upper part, in the lower part it is simply inserted into the corner embedded in the structure during laying.

Chimney insulation.

The next important point that you need to pay attention to is the insulation of the chimney structure. This must be done without fail, otherwise the draft will deteriorate due to the rapid cooling of the exhaust smoke. The service life of the chimney is also reduced due to the formation of condensation and its effect on the chimney structure. In addition, more frequent chimney maintenance is required (draining the same condensate), etc.

It is necessary to insulate the chimney as carefully as building structures. Taking into account the peculiarities of condensation formation, insulation of the chimney must be done to a height of at least 6 m (building height). The photo below shows the main stages of chimney insulation. Thermal insulation must be protected from external adverse influences.

An important practical criterion for the quality of chimney insulation is the absence of condensation during operation.

Some findings and conclusions

About the difficult choice of chimney pipe.

There is information circulating on the Internet about the unsuitability of ASB pipes for chimney installations and the impeccable quality of modern modular chimneys (made of stainless steel, glass, ceramics, etc.). Therefore, I would like to draw the readers’ attention to the following. In terms of its parameters, taking into account all the factors when using it as a chimney for boilers running on gas, the ASB pipe is no worse, and in some respects it even surpasses modern analogues.

It is really dangerous to use an ASB pipe if the boiler runs on solid fuel (coal, wood).

The temperature of the exhaust smoke can reach 250-400 degrees, and if the soot that is formed when burning solid fuel ignites, the ASB pipe will fail. But since the temperature during soot combustion reaches more than 1000 C, most modular chimneys will also become unusable.

The main advantage of modular chimneys is manufacturability, dimensional accuracy in their manufacture and the ability to manufacture various complex parts of transitions, tees, bends, a certain versatility, etc., which is convenient primarily for suppliers and installation organizations.

She allows in short time(a day or two) with the help of a small team (3-4 people) of average qualification, without using expensive equipment, install a chimney on site and earn very good money as a result. This is the main advantage of modular chimneys.

"Horror stories" about condensation.

This is another reason why modular chimneys are better.

  • Yes, if we are talking about installing a chimney for a boiler room with a capacity of approximately 100-150 kilowatts or more.
  • Indeed, such a problem is possible there. But if we take into account that in most private buildings the power of heating boilers does not exceed (30-50) kW, and sometimes even less, and the chimney insulation is done efficiently, then problems with condensation practically do not arise at all.
  • An important point from the point of view of condensate formation is the operating mode of the boiler. Imported boilers (as opposed to Russian-made boilers) usually use a “start-stop” operating mode (economical mode in terms of gas consumption). Therefore, when the boiler is turned off, the cooling of the chimney of a modular chimney made, for example, from stainless steel will occur more intensively than, for example, from an ASB pipe. It is logical to assume that the probability of condensation formation for a modular chimney is even higher than when using an insulated ASB pipe (taking into account its properties and parameters). Example from personal experience: Russian-made boiler, most time (50-60 percent) it works on an ignition wick (wick power is about 2.5 kW). This is enough to maintain the temperature in the house (except severe frosts), and maintaining a constant temperature in the chimney. There was never any condensation. Total consumption gas, taking into account the boiler (16 kW), gas water heater (19 kW) and gas 4-burner stove is about 2100 cubic meters. m for seven months of the heating period (from October 1 to May 1). The area of ​​the residential building is about 100 m2 (8.5×12.5) m. Region of residence - middle lane Russia.

Which is better?


During construction brick chimney for a gas boiler, keep in mind that such a design can only be a protective casing for a chimney pipe made of either heat-resistant steel or heat-resistant ceramics. Since brick chimneys, due to the technical characteristics of the manufacturing material, take a long time to heat up, and the temperature of combustion products when operating gas boilers is not as high as when operating solid fuel equipment. As a result, on the inner surface of the chimney a a large number of condensate, which, upon contact with combustion products, forms aggressive acid-containing substances that have a destructive effect on brickwork.

The idea of ​​installing a chimney made of aerated concrete has the right to exist if all measures are taken to protect aerated concrete blocks from exposure environment(waterproofing and thermal insulation), as well as install a sealed steel or ceramic chimney pipe inside the chimney.

For wall-mounted gas boilers the most the best option There will be a coaxial chimney system installed. Coaxial chimneys are good because, simultaneously with the process of discharging combustion products to the street, the coaxial chimney system, due to its design features, ensures intake and delivery to the gas boiler fresh air from the street.

When installing floor-standing gas boilers, the installation of the chimney can be either external, through the wall of the house, or internal, through the attic and roofing.

A ceramic chimney is ideal for a gas boiler, as it has increased stability to the effects of aggressive acid-containing substances formed when condensate comes into contact with combustion products.

An attached chimney for a gas boiler, from a fire safety point of view, is most preferable when installing a gas boiler. But when installing an attached chimney, it is necessary to install an additional thermal insulation layer. Read the instructions on how to repair a brick chimney.

A flexible chimney for a gas boiler is mounted using a corrugated steel pipe.

Steel chimneys for gas boilers, as a rule, are a set of sandwich pipes mounted using various connecting elements(tees, bends, etc.). Sandwich pipes are structurally two pipes of different diameters, with a pipe of a smaller diameter placed in a pipe of a larger diameter, and a thermal insulation material is used as an intermediate layer, for example, basalt wool.

The chimney for the Elsotherm gas boiler is used when installing wall-mounted gas boilers with closed camera combustion from the same manufacturer. The components of Elsotherm chimneys are made of technical aluminum, coated with heat-resistant white enamel on top. Read about what a coaxial chimney is.

Modern technologies allow the installation of gas boilers without installing a traditional chimney system. And to remove flue gases, a smoke exhaust system made of PVC is used, which can have any number of turns.


Steel chimneys are widely used when installing gas boilers. Inner layer double-circuit chimneys made of special acid-resistant steel, and the outer layer is made of stainless galvanized steel, characterized by increased anti-corrosion characteristics.

Especially for heating equipment, operating on gas, a coaxial chimney system was developed. A coaxial chimney is a closed air exchange system, the operation of which in no way affects the internal microclimate of the house.

When installing gas boilers, ceramic chimney systems are widely used. A ceramic chimney is a pipe made of heat-resistant ceramic, wrapped in heat-insulating material and enclosed in a stone shell and expanded clay concrete.

Cost of chimneys for gas boilers

A standard steel chimney will cost from 30,000 rubles. up to 35,000 rub.


The range of gas boilers presented on the heating equipment market is striking in its variety of models, differing in their technical characteristics. Read. And when choosing a chimney for a gas boiler, it is recommended to focus primarily on specifications and the attached operating instructions for boiler equipment, as well as select a chimney and a gas boiler from the same manufacturer.

A well-thought-out design of a chimney for a gas boiler and its proper installation are an important component efficient heating in a private house. Mistakes are unacceptable here, otherwise there will be insufficient draft, costs will increase, and the removal of combustion products to the outside will be incomplete. Remodeling a chimney is difficult and expensive, so it is important to take into account all the advice of experts in order to minimize costs and increase the efficiency of the boiler.

What is important to know about building a chimney to a boiler?

All types of heating systems in the private sector are based on combustion various types fuel when consuming a certain amount of oxygen and removing harmful combustion products outside. Main heating means:

  • fireplace;
  • bake;
  • boiler.

They all have something in common - a chimney for the disposal of combustion products that should not enter the living space. Correct installation of a chimney on a gas boiler guarantees:

  • high high productivity of the boiler or furnace (efficiency level);
  • efficiency of the heating system;
  • the safety of everyone living in the house;
  • comfortable heating of the home;
  • operation of the boiler without problems.

Main types of chimneys

The type of chimney largely depends on the time and place of installation of the heating system. If a gas boiler is installed in an old house, then you have to find an option with the least destruction of the walls and their reconstruction. However, here you cannot do without perforating the wall to bring out the external chimney. In new houses, the heating system is planned during general design, so the boiler room and internal chimney are usually already planned. For example, the photo shows how to make a chimney for a gas boiler, taking into account the design.

There are 2 options for installing a chimney for a gas boiler:

  • external (remote, attached);
  • internal (built-in).

If it is built inside the house, then you cannot do without a foundation or foundation for the future chimney and a protective shaft made of brickwork. It involves separating floors between floors, attic and roof. A self-supporting system for removing combustion products is more expedient and reliable, it is not afraid of external influences. Insulation with this type of chimney is minimal, and efficiency is greatest. Sometimes it makes sense to attach them to the side of the wall near which the boiler should be located inside the house.

An external or external chimney requires proper fastening and additional insulation, and more condensate forms in it, so it is also important to take care of this container. Structural elements of an external modular chimney:

  • segments (parts or sections);
  • connecting flue (adapter or pipe);
  • brackets for wall mounting;
  • inspection hatch in the lower section of the chimney.

Arguments in favor of the fact that it is better to make a chimney yourself

The installation of a chimney for a gas boiler can be entrusted to specialists, but some are ready to do everything themselves, especially if they have a tool, and the owner has golden hands.

The simplest option is to use a ready-made external chimney, that is, a factory-made modular design and then properly insulate it. Sometimes it makes sense to make all the parts yourself, especially when you have everything necessary materials and tools for cutting metal. Then making a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house yourself will cost much less.

However, even if you want to connect an external chimney yourself, it is important to consider several factors:

  • the ratio of the diameter of the chimney to the cross-section of the gas boiler pipe, which is checked when purchasing a boiler and chimney;
  • the height of the chimney must be greater than the top point of the roof - to ensure draft in any wind direction;
  • the external (external) chimney must be insulated from the outside;
  • the chimney pipe along its entire length must be smooth and round;
  • the internal surface must be protected from condensation and caustic substances inside, that is, inert to smoke chemicals;
  • the material of the internal surface of the chimney must be heat-resistant, that is, withstand within 150 - 250 ° C.

Project, diagrams and drawings

A competent house design includes a project that takes into account the heating system and the type of chimney - internal or external. Before installation gas equipment A chimney calculation for a gas boiler must be made:

  • height;
  • width;
  • design features.

Initially, it is worth looking at samples and diagrams of finished projects, but ultimately you need to make your own drawing, which indicates the exact dimensions, taking into account the design features of the house. See examples of chimneys for gas boilers, photos:

Each heating system is designed for the design power of the boiler and the type of fuel. The boiler is combined or gas - it is important to decide on this in advance, since there is a difference in temperature. It is equally important to consider compliance with fire safety measures.

The chimney parameters for a gas boiler are usually indicated in the instructions from the equipment manufacturer. But you cannot ignore building codes so that the construction of a chimney does not cause damage to the structure. If a heating system with a gas boiler is installed after the construction of a private house is completed, then most often it is necessary to create an external chimney.

The chimney structure for a gas boiler is designed based on current standards and parameters of heating equipment. It is advisable that the gas boiler be installed in a separate boiler room with ventilation, on the ground floor, to ensure the removal of carbon monoxide. The entire heating system must be reliable and sealed.

Basic requirements for the chimney:

  • the inner surface is made of metal, protected from condensation and caustic substances, and from other fire-resistant materials;
  • complete tightness along the entire length;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • provides sufficient draft to prevent combustion products from entering the structure;
  • The main part is installed vertically, and the rotating and tilting parts occupy a small part.
  • the diameter of the exhaust pipe must coincide with the cross-section of the boiler chimney;
  • should rise above the top point of the roof to provide traction in any weather and prevent air leaks during crosswinds.

The diameter of the chimney for a gas boiler must be sufficient to ensure guaranteed draft, as well as repair and maintenance, if necessary. Do not forget about condensate, which does not evaporate, but accumulates, and must be removed. All these parameters are difficult for a beginner in the construction business, so at the design stage it is advisable to turn to specialists.

Design features of different types of chimneys

The durability of the entire heating system, as well as its efficiency and reliability in operation, depend on the material from which the chimney for a gas boiler is made. More recently, all chimneys were made of refractory bricks or ordinary pipes were inserted there. This did not protect it from the formation of condensation and soot deposits. With the advent of heating equipment combined type and new materials began to be used in household gas boilers.

One of the materials in demand for a chimney remains a stainless steel pipe with molybdenum. It is considered one of the most effective for protection against condensation, oxides and acrid smoke. They are released in finished form, that is, an optimal cylindrical shape. This promotes good draft and rapid passage of smoke and other gaseous substances with minimal deposition of solid sediment and condensate.

Attention: When installing the chimney, make sure that there are as few defects, scratches and catches on the bends as possible - this is where most soot and deposits settle, which are difficult to remove, but this interferes with the operation of the gas boiler and reduces its efficiency.

When choosing blanks for a chimney pipe, the ratio of the cross-section (pipe width) and its height (internal length of the pipe) is important. All these parameters are usually indicated in the instructions for heating equipment, and the effectiveness of the entire heating system in the house depends on compliance with the recommendations. Optimal height chimney - about 5 m, but this figure varies depending on the number of floors and design features of the house.

Although stainless steel with molybdenum is considered the most suitable material for chimneys, today the sandwich system is gaining popularity. This is a double pipe, and the layer between them is insulating basalt wool. This is suitable for a remote chimney that does not need to be insulated from the outside.

There should be a minimum number of chimney turns (elbows) in the system design, and each one is supposed to have a special inspection hatch - this is necessary for cleaning the channel of the smoke exhaust system.

Attention: It is important to provide a container for condensate, which is mounted below the pipe directly next to the gas boiler. And remember that every fireplace, stove or boiler had to be equipped with an autonomous chimney. Common chimney in adjoining rooms promotes reverse draft, that is, it will draw smoke and carbon monoxide into the living space.

Until recently, not only brickwork and steel pipes, but also galvanized and asbestos pipes. But they are more suitable for fireplaces in country houses and small houses. They are inferior in many respects modern equipment made of stainless steel with molybdenum coating.

The polymer material FuranFlex, from which liners for chimneys and the installation of smoke exhaust systems are made, meets all technical requirements. It resembles fire-resistant plastic with reinforcement, which is not destroyed by acidic fumes from smoke and condensation.

Galvanized pipes are less durable than those with a special coating, but can be successfully used for up to 5 years. By then it will be possible to find a worthy and better replacement for them.

Asbestos-cement pipes were also widely used in the construction of chimneys. They are still in demand for bathhouses or Russian stoves. These pipes absorb condensate, but they are not tightly sealed at the joints, and when overheated, they split with an effect similar to an explosion.

The main disadvantage of a brick chimney remains the gradual destruction from condensation. IN modern systems heating they are used as shafts for metal chimneys. The stainless steel pipes inside the brick flue are sealed and resistant to high temperatures, even when the boiler is operating at full power.

Do-it-yourself chimney for a gas boiler: installation

If heating equipment has been purchased, a place for the boiler has been prepared, there is a project or diagram, instructions on how to properly make a chimney for a gas boiler are in the documentation for the boiler. But it is important to do everything step by step:

1. Assemble the chimney parts to ensure that the pipe is complete.

2. Connect the chimney to the gas boiler.

3. Fix the design details.

4. Check all connections for leaks and complete by insulating the joints.

If you need to install an external (external) chimney for a gas boiler, then it is vented through the wall; sometimes a ready-made ventilation hole and window are used. In a blank wall you will need to make a hole of the required diameter, where the pipe plus insulating material can freely exit.

Tip: Do not rush to make a hole until you are sure that the calculations are accurate and that the markings correspond to the drawings. The hole in the wall should be neat and respectful of the overall structure of the wall.

One section of the chimney pipe is brought into the finished hole, immediately secured and insulated. From the street side, the links are successively increased and verified with a plumb line. Next, the pipe is attached to the wall with brackets. When a sufficient height is reached, a tip valve is attached to the top, protecting the gas duct from deposits.

It is advisable to treat a double pipe with a layer of a composition that protects against corrosion. A single pipe (without mineral wool between the layers of the chimney) must be additionally insulated. The final stage is connecting the pipe to the gas boiler pipe and completely sealing it.

Attention: Installing a gas boiler chimney through the ceiling and roof is considered more labor-intensive - you have to make several holes strictly above each other so that the pipe stands vertically. Therefore, those who do not have construction skills are not recommended to do such installation themselves. Make holes like this better for specialists, and only after completing the rough work can you begin assembling the chimney.

The chimney should rise above the roof ridge by at least 25-30 cm. It is important to properly insulate all places where the pipe passes through the roof, in accordance with the roofing material. Usually used mineral wool and roofing linings for the chimney.

The remote chimney is also insulated with basalt wool so that the pipe warms up faster, for full draft, and condensation is formed as little as possible.

September 23, 2014 Alexei

Any building, be it a wooden house or a brick cottage, needs a heating system. In the past, rooms were heated by stoves that burned coal or wood.

Today, homeowners often prefer gas boilers or furnaces running on fuel oil or diesel fuel. Each heating system, regardless of type, is equipped with a chimney.

In traditional Russian wooden huts the stove was usually located in the center of the building, and the smoke exhaust channels were made of bricks or stone. They were coated with clay on the outside. Today, as in past times, the chimney device still remains relevant. This is explained by the fact that all currently known heating sources, excluding electric ones, require effective removal of gases and smoke generated by burning fuel.

Correct arrangement of chimneys and differences in types

Proper arrangement of the heating system also involves the precise installation of pipes that serve to remove combustion products to the outside. The chimney in a residential private house must be installed in accordance with the developed design documentation.

According to all construction rules in wooden house there should be three chimneys. According to equipment standards heating systems In addition to the chimney, it is necessary to provide ventilation pipe and gas outlet.

Watch the video, types of chimney systems:

The ventilation channel is very important for organizing the removal of polluted air from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. The products of fuel combustion in fireplaces or stoves escape through a chimney installed in a wooden house. A gas outlet is necessary when the building has a gas boiler.

Installation in a wooden house

His correct installation is based on what heating device will be used in the house. To remove smoke from a conventional stove or fireplace in which burning solid fuel, the installation of a brick chimney will be quite sufficient. It may look like a traditional mine. Moreover, if smoke channel turned out to be spacious, then in this case you can also install an iron pipe inside it.

To remove combustion products produced during the operation of a gas boiler, the installation of a chimney in a wooden house is carried out according to a different scheme. This also applies to equipment using diesel fuel. The point is that the gases escaping into the atmosphere are conditioned on the inner walls of the pipe. The resulting moisture comes into contact with the smoke escaping through the channel and turns into aggressive nitric acid, which gradually violates the integrity of the walls, which will ultimately lead to the chimney in a wooden house being completely or partially destroyed.

Of course, when organizing the removal of gases from heating devices operating on solid fuel, this problem is not so relevant. For other equipment, for example, liquid fuel and gas furnaces, this point is very important, since the gases released during their operation have a lower temperature.

In this situation, a smoke exhaust device for boiler equipment in a house made of timber or wood is made in the form of an ordinary shaft with a ceramic or stainless steel pipe located inside it, as well as a durable polymer. A popular solution to this problem was the installation of a smoke exhaust duct with bright name"sandwich". Let's try to briefly consider what it is and how it differs from ordinary pipes.

Sandwich chimney device

For a wooden building, this system is an ideal option. Such a chimney consists of two pipes of different diameters located one inside the other. A heat insulator is placed between their walls. Such a chimney installed in a wooden house differs from a traditional brick one in a lot of advantages.

Watch the video about the sandwich pipe:

Roof structure made of wooden materials, even with good drying, over time it seems to play a little. Displacements invisible to the eye and seemingly insignificant can lead to the destruction of a brick chimney, even the hardest one. But thanks to the sandwich design features, these threats are not scary.

And it is not surprising that the chimney in a wooden private house is increasingly being made in exactly this way. All its many advantages include the excellent fire safety of the pipe compared to a brick pipe.

Coaxial chimney in a country house

For operation gas appliances For heating, ordinary chimneys are suitable. In these cases, architects propose using a coaxial system for removing combustion products in wooden houses. It allows, simultaneously with the removal of gases, the intake of fresh air, which is used to support the combustion effect. This system is used in boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

Characteristic is that the device coaxial chimney possible both vertically and horizontally through the wall. If there is a need to install just such a smoke exhaust duct, then it must be laid along the shortcut from the boiler to the roof or wall.

To prevent debris from getting into the pipe, which can lead to problems with the gas outlet, you should provide reliable protection its outer part. All structural elements must be firmly connected to each other, and the joints must be carefully taped to prevent gas leakage.

The design of this type of chimney involves fixing the pipe with a fastening perforated metal tape. To ensure that condensate does not accumulate on the walls and can drain from the pipe, it is installed with a slight slope.

Aspects of Proper Installation

For normal operation of heating equipment, it is necessary not only to remove fuel combustion products from it, but also to provide the draft necessary for combustion. To do this, a reaction must be observed in the chimney caused by the temperature difference between the exhaust gas and the outside air.

We watch the video, the rules for arranging a brick chimney:

In this regard, installing a chimney in a private wooden house requires compliance with certain rules and knowledge of small but important nuances. That is why, in past times and today, those stove makers who know how to properly install a chimney are respected. They protected their achievements and nuances in their work from strangers and did not dedicate them to them. Nowadays, information on how to properly install a chimney in a wooden or brick house are no longer a secret and are available to any interested person. Therefore, creating an effectively working smoke exhaust structure is now within the power of many, but it is still better to entrust it to specialists.

The main condition that must be adhered to when installing a chimney is the correct placement exactly vertically. The maximum permissible deviation is one meter from vertical axis, which passes through the firebox and roof of the house. The use of a pipe less than 5 meters in height is strictly prohibited.

The construction of a proper chimney must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to a certain height of the pipe protruding above the roof of the building. For example, if a modern wooden house has a flat roof, it should rise above the ceiling by more than half a meter. If the building structure has a ridge, then the chimney installed in a private house should also be 50 centimeters above its level and located at some distance from this building element.

How to pass wooden floors

The installation of a chimney in a wooden house requires compliance with all fire safety rules. They are given Special attention when passing through wooden floors. Such places must be protected with sheet steel and thermal insulation.

Currently, it is possible to install a ceiling passage unit in such cases. Made in the form of a sleeve or box, it is mounted to perform certain tasks.

The main ones:

In places where the polyurethane foam comes into contact with the ceiling, non-flammable thermal insulation materials. The installation of a chimney with a passage unit is carried out while maintaining a certain gap between it and the pipe.

We watch the video review and make a passage through the wooden floors:

IN wooden floor a hole is made the right size, in which the PPU is installed. A chimney pipe is pulled through it. At the final stage, the edges of the edges of the box are tightly closed with a plate of fire-resistant material.

How to equip the system

Installation of pipes in a wooden building is carried out taking into account fire safety standards. To prevent a possible fire, the construction and installation of a chimney made of any material, but most often stainless steel, in the wall requires reinforced insulation.

  1. Non-flammability
  2. Increased strength during operation
  3. Use as a coating for all types of finishing materials

All this ensures the popularity of foam concrete construction work when a chimney is installed in a wooden private house. In such buildings it is necessary to install separate systems for each firebox separately.

Chimney maintenance

In order for a chimney installed in a wooden house to work properly and efficiently, it must be regularly inspected to check the tightness of the structure at the joints. At least once every six months, soot must be removed from the inner walls of the pipe. A chimney in a private house will perform its functions well if the state of its draft is constantly monitored.

All this work should definitely be carried out in the case when chimney for a long time was not used for its intended purpose.

If a leak is detected, this deficiency must be corrected immediately. If a chimney located in a wooden house is partially destroyed, a mandatory overhaul should be carried out.