home · Tool · Metal circuit. Homemade metal detectors: simple and more complex - for gold, ferrous metal, for construction. What parameters need to be measured

Metal circuit. Homemade metal detectors: simple and more complex - for gold, ferrous metal, for construction. What parameters need to be measured

Not one floor is planned, but two or three, it is imperative to think through the design that will lead to upper tiers. A drawing of a metal staircase, created based on measurements, will help facilitate the work and make the arrangement process accessible.

Schemes and drawings metal stairs

The design of a metal staircase has all the necessary safety and durability parameters. That is why they often rely on this type of product. Metal is practically not susceptible to corrosion, it advantageously emphasizes the style of the room and brings rigor and elegance to the design. Looking at the wide variety of metal stairs on offer, you can understand that even a person who has no experience in such incarnations can make them with his own hands.

Drawing with dimensions of a metal staircase

The most important thing is to choose a design that will be feasible to draw, prepare and install in the space of the room or outside it.



  1. One of the disadvantages is the bulkiness of the gangway and railings. But thanks to the skills of modern developers, you can easily select a circuit that will best match the load for a particular room.
  2. Some curves and decorative elements are difficult to implement without special skills.

Based on the priorities and shortcomings of the material and design as a whole, you can bet in favor or against such a decision.

Metal staircase on stringers

It is much easier to make a drawing of a metal staircase if the structure is equipped with the help of stringers. This is due to the fact that you need to calculate the distance for each step and prepare the material that will subsequently be fixed to the base. Stringers are the base (foundation) in the form of a future staircase.

It can be made from different materials and be secured as required by the premises. Of course, to purchase suitable stringers, measurements are still required.

After all, the design must fit the parameters of the space allocated for the stairs. Staircase by metal stringers will help even inexperienced craftsmen complete the installation task.

The main thing is to correctly mark the place where the gangway will be located. And also have on hand the tools and materials necessary to implement this idea in your own home.


Metal staircase design option

Due to the fact that gangways equipped with stringers have earned their vocation, positive sides such a solution is obvious:

  • This makes the work process easier;
  • Allows you to easily organize the order of actions;
  • Such structures are strong and durable;
  • Thanks to stringers, even an inexperienced specialist or just a home owner will be able to realize his plans and make them a reality;
  • This element allows you to devote more time to details and design experiments that will decorate.

These are not all the positive aspects of staircases on stringers; each owner of a private house finds his own independent advantages.


It is necessary to correctly determine the size of the base for the steps so that the structure fits clearly into the interior. It is not difficult to make such calculations. Simply measure the height, angle and width of the required installation.

How to make a drawing of a metal staircase

Make your own drawing of a metal staircase with my own hands simple enough. To do this, you need to take measurements of the space in which the steps leading to the second floor will be located.

Required materials for measuring

In order to measure space, you should have the following accessories on hand:

  • Tape measure with maximum length;
  • Surface level meter;
  • Chalk or a special felt-tip pen that can be used to make the necessary marks on the wall, floor and ceiling.

This minimum set accessories that will help to carry out the measurement process efficiently and quickly.

Required materials for the drawing

To make the diagram as accurate and correct as possible, you should also prepare a number of stationery items. Namely:

  • A sharpened pencil or black marker with a thin tip;
  • A sheet of paper or whatman paper;
  • Ruler;
  • Compass.

You should draw the diagram carefully and carefully so that during the actual installation process you do not make errors that are difficult to correct.

What parameters need to be measured

In order not to make a mistake and correctly make a drawing with your own hands, you will need to make the following measurements:

After taking measurements, you can transfer the recorded parameters onto a sheet of paper, forming a diagram of future gangways.

What nuances must be taken into account during the process?

When taking measurements, be sure to pay special attention to the following factors:

What types of metal stairs are there?

It can be different, but each of them is worthy and we often choose. The designs of metal stairs are:

Screw Such gangways will help maintain maximum usable space in room. The steps will favorably emphasize the sophistication of the design and add a spark to the overall picture of the interior space. The only thing that can stop you is the difficulty of implementing the drawing yourself.
Without special skills, a person cannot cope with the measurements required for such a complex structure. And also the direct process of installing stair structures requires some skill and skill.
Knowing all the features spiral staircase, a person will be able to implement the idea of ​​​​installing such a structure in a gangway. After the implementation of the plan, the interior will immediately sparkle with new colors.
Marching This option is most often used to implement the idea of ​​​​installing staircase structures. For such an array it is easy to draw a diagram even for those who have never encountered such a task before.
Marching stairs can be straight, leading to the second floor or with turns (this helps to save space). Measuring the parameters required for drawing any of these types of gangways is very simple. Enough to have on hand necessary tools and devices.
Direct installation of the structure is also elementary. You just have to stick to it step-by-step actions, which can be read about in any thematic literature.
Mounted There are structures leading to the second floor that are supported on the wall. No supports are installed under such structures. The main load-bearing and load-bearing structure is the wall.
Therefore, before proceeding, you should make sure that the walls are strong and ready to withstand such a high load. If yes, then you can safely equip a hanging metal staircase.
Such a staircase will help save space and make the style of the room elegant.

Absolutely any owner of a cottage or country house is faced with the need to arrange a canopy for his iron friend. This circumstance is due primarily to the versatility of the design, since it can be used not only for a car, but also for storing garden supplies and small items. technical devices. In addition to this, this building becomes of great relevance when it is necessary to park vehicle for a small amount of time. In this article we will tell you how to do it metal canopy do it yourself for the car, we will provide step by step instructions, photos and video materials.

Before execution construction work it is necessary to determine the future location of the canopy, its style, and decide on the purpose and type of structure to be erected. In addition, it is worth making a choice between a stationary and mobile type.

The advantages of a stationary building are practicality and durability, and a movable one is mobility. However, a movable canopy requires the manufacture of a strong frame, so it is built in rare cases when it is necessary to temporarily protect the car from precipitation, direct sun rays and dust.

According to the type of placement, canopies can be free-standing or built as an extension. Attached structures form a single structure with a nearby building and are often united by a common roof.

The roof of a free-standing canopy can be domed, arched, arched, pitched or gable.

Ordinary metal or profile pipes, brick and wood can be used as support pillars. At the same time roofing materials also abound in variety: corrugated sheets, natural tiles, polycarbonate, metal tiles, etc.

The type of canopy and material determine the complexity and duration of installation of the structure. As a rule, for simpler and more economical assembly, metal profiles and corrugated sheets are used. The thickness of the pillars and ceilings is selected depending on the size of the structure and the expected load.

To successfully complete the task, it is necessary to draw up a rough sketch of the future canopy, prepare tools, purchase Consumables and accessories. Required tools:

  • building level and tape measure;
  • grinder or saw for cutting metal;
  • drill with a hammer drill and a set of drills and bits;
  • riveter;
  • metal screws or rivets.

A complete and objective assessment of the amount of consumables, as well as the required volume of fastening devices, depends on a clear drawing up of the drawing, so the preparation of this document should be approached with caution special attention. In addition, do not forget about safety precautions when working with metal products.

When starting work, it is worth preparing the site for the structure. To do this, according to the drawn up sketch, we level and compact the earth at the site of the proposed construction. Then we dig holes around the perimeter for support pillars with a depth of 50 to 100 cm. The recesses are equipped in such a way that a rectangle is obtained, usually in two rows of 2-3 holes.

The metal profile should be cut according to the number of support posts; their length should be 3 m. Depending on the type of structure you choose, the method of attaching the posts is determined. When constructing a stationary canopy, the supports are leveled and concreted, but when constructing a mobile analogue, additional cutting is required metal pipes with a diameter slightly larger than that of the support pipe and a length equal to the depth of the foundation. Prepared metal sections are mounted in pits and poured cement mortar. Then a profile is inserted into each of the pipe scraps. Holes are drilled in the pipe and profile and the entire support is bolted together.

To add rigidity and prevent premature destruction, you can use the described protective “casings” when arranging stationary structure. The only difference from mobile awnings will be that the profile must be welded to a metal pipe.

Roofs are either solid or collapsible. Their main difference lies in the method of fastening the elements to each other: in the first case, the components are welded, and in the second, they are bolted together. In addition, structures are single-pitch and double-pitch.

Using the example of a non-separable gable roof Let's look at the technology of its installation. Pieces will need to be welded to the support posts metal profile, so that a regular rectangular frame is obtained. Then, we proceed to welding the rafters. On the ground, we weld pieces of a metal profile to the beam on one side and the other in increments of 1 m at an angle of no more than 30º. It is important to consider that the resulting structure should protrude somewhat beyond the welded upper frame. Next, we place the welded elements on the support rectangle and weld them at the joints.

To simplify the procedure for constructing a roof frame, the metal rectangular base located on supports should be strengthened, cross beams in the center of each side. Then we weld 20–30 cm sections of profile pipe to the central safety beam, which will act as a support for the future skate. Next, we use pipes from the profile to fasten the extended sections to each other and to the rectangular base.

Having finished installing the frame, we proceed to covering it with corrugated sheeting. The sheets are fastened directly to the prepared frame on the rafters, overlapping each other using rivets, self-tapping screws or bolts.

At self-production carport, it is important to follow the instructions and observe the dimensions of the component elements reflected in the prepared drawings based on accurate calculations. All these conditions, combined with the right approach and due diligence, will allow you to build a quality metal shed.


This video explains in more detail the intricacies of making a metal canopy:


You can see in the photographs various options arrangement of a metal canopy:


If you decide to make a metal canopy, then the provided diagram can help you in making a structure suitable for you:

Blueprints metal structures combined into a set of drawings of the KM brand - metal structures. The drawings of this brand include:

General data – title page;

Drawings of views, plans, sections;

Layout diagrams of structural elements;

Drawings of nodes.

General data on metal structures includes various statements and specifications necessary for completing documents and products, as well as installation of metal structures.

Layout diagrams of structural elements are made on a scale of 1:100, 1:200, 1:400. The diagrams show the location of individual structural elements and indicate their brands. If the dimensions of the longitudinal structural elements significantly exceed the dimensions of the transverse elements, then the latter are drawn on a larger scale.

Working drawings of the KM brand must contain complete data for the development of KMD detail drawings, drawing up estimates and ordering metal.

KMD drawings are developed, as a rule, in the design departments of metal structures factories and contain all the necessary data for the manufacture and installation of structures.

Drawings of metal structures are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.410-68 ESKD standards " General rules execution of drawings", as well as State standard RB “Metal structures. Rules for the execution of drawings of the KM brand." And GOST 21.101-93 “Basic requirements for working drawings.”

One of the features of making metal drawings construction products(structural elements) is a system of arrangement of types:

top view in projection connection above the main view;

bottom view - under the main view;

right view – to the right of the main view;

left view – to the left of the main view.

In this case, each view (except the main one) must be marked on the drawing capital letter. The direction of view is indicated by an arrow marked with the corresponding letter (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Location of views construction drawings

Drawings of metal structures, views and sections show all visible parts of structures and their connections located on the face closest in the direction of view. Of the invisible parts, only those that are located close to the visible ones are shown (Fig. 5.1).

If necessary, on the drawing of the metal structure, its geometric diagram is drawn with solid main lines (Fig. 5.2).

Rice. 5.2. Geometric diagram of a truss

For symmetrical structures, draw a diagram of half of the structure. The dimensions of the distances between the intersection points of the axial lines of the rods are plotted above the diagram lines without extension and dimension lines (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Geometric diagram of half of the structure

In addition to the dimensions, if necessary, the calculated forces with the corresponding signs are applied to the geometric diagram.

If the simultaneous application of dimensions and forces in diagrams of symmetrical structures makes it difficult to read the diagram, then it is drawn out completely, with the dimensions applied on one half of the diagram and the forces on the other (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. Geometric design diagram

Choosing the outline of the trusses is the first stage of their design. The outline of the trusses depends on the purpose of the arms, the type of roof, the type of connection of the trusses with the columns (hinged or rigid) and other features of the design situation.

The outlines of some types of trusses are shown in Fig. 5.5.

Rice. 5.5. The outlines of the trusses: a) trapezoidal;

b) polygonal; c) triangular; d) with parallel belts

Individual elements metal structures are connected to each other by welding, rivets or bolts.

Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints are performed in accordance with GOST 2.312-72. ESKD. This GOST is used when making mechanical engineering drawings, drawings of the KZh brand.

In drawings of building metal structures, conventional images of seams of welded joints are used in accordance with GOST 21.504-2005 “System project documentation for construction. Metal structures. Rules for the execution of drawings of the KM brand", which was introduced in connection with the abolition of SN 460-74 on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (Table 5.1). In accordance with this GOST, seam designations are placed directly above or below the image of the corresponding weld, regardless of whether the seam is visible or invisible (Fig. 5.6).

For example, the inscription 6-80 above the image means: the seam has a length of 80 mm with a leg of 6 mm.

Metal structures are used in all types of buildings and engineering structures.

Rice. 5.6. Designation and placement

weld sizes

Necessary material of all designs are: rolled steel (angular, I-beam, channel), sheet steel, steel pipes. In Fig. Figure 5.7 shows the most common rolled steel profiles.

Table 5.1.

Rice. 5.7. Rolled steel profiles: a) equal-flange angle;

b) unequal corner; c) T-profile; d) I-beam;

d) channel; e) zeta profile

Elements defined by quantities b And h , are called the flange and wall of the profile, respectively. In Fig. 5.8 gives the names of the corner profile elements, Z 0 - the distance from the butt to the center of gravity of the corner.

Rice. 5.8 Angle profile elements

A self-made metal door allows you to save a lot of money. Making a door is not so difficult for those who know how and love to do everything with their own hands. In order to begin work on the manufacture of the structure, it is necessary to complete a drawing metal door. It is necessary for accurate compliance technological process manufacturing of the product, namely dimensional characteristics and location of rotary and locking devices. Metal doors are designed not only to protect against the entry of those who like to profit from other people's property, but also guarantee a peaceful sleep and relaxation in the apartment.

A reliable door insulates the room well from noise, keeps it warm and cozy. Those who really care about their family and home should choose an iron door. For example, wooden doors They do not have the same burglary protection system as metal ones. In addition, wood has the property of deforming under the influence of humidity. Also, do not forget about the aesthetic appearance. The door leaf is the beginning of the interior of any room.

Iron door drawing

The first, the most important stage is to make a sketch of the product according to which the drawing will be made. In order for the drawing to be correct, it is necessary to take measurements, taking into account an additional distance of 2 cm from the wall to future door. This distance is necessary so that the canvas closes and opens without additional effort. Let the cracks form better - they can be easily eliminated with polyurethane foam.

Drawing iron door includes a canvas diagram. This door element consists of metal frame with stiffeners, door locks, trim in the form metal sheets, internal thermal insulation materials and loops. The frame drawing contains a diagram of the steel frame and the procedure for attaching the door leaf to the frame.

There are some features of the assembly drawing of a metal door: it is necessary to determine the direction of the stiffeners in the structure. They can be horizontal, vertical, or even intersecting (like a grid). The drawing determines the number of steel sheets in the door structure. The diagram should also include the number of loops and their location. Most often, two loops are installed.

You can also do sliding doors with your own hands. When making a drawing for sliding metal structures, it should be taken into account that such doors do not have hinges, since the panels move along guides. It is also possible to use several canvases in the design.

Making a door with your own hands

Anyone can make an iron door with their own hands. Of course, its manufacture is a very labor-intensive process, but if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, you can make a structure good quality in a short period of time. There are both simple and more complex designs. The lineup metal entrance doors were replenished with sliding doors. This is a real revolution, since previously sliding entrance doors simply did not exist.

This design is the first metal entrance door that slides along the opening and has the same specifications the same as traditional entrance doors, but also has a beautiful appearance. But since such entrance structures are rarely found in construction, you can leave the topic of how to make sliding doors with your own hands and dwell on traditional version according to the opening method. These are swing iron doors.

Structural diagram of a metal door

Before you start making a metal door, you need to prepare the doorway, dismantle the old door structure, and thoroughly clean the walls. Next, you need to take measurements and make a drawing of the future iron system. It is necessary to prepare the materials and tools that will be needed during work. Required tools:

  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • measuring tool;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • table or trestles for assembling the door structure;
  • clamps;
  • building level.

Necessary materials:

  • door hinges;
  • anchor bolts;
  • profile pipe 5x2.5 cm, 9 running meters (6 l.m. per door frame and 3 p.m. on the stiffeners);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • metal paint;
  • door fittings (locks, handles, etc.);
  • steel sheet 1.5-2 cm thick (2x1 m);
  • metal corner 3.2x3.2 m (6 lm for the door frame).

Diagram of a metal door

Do-it-yourself metal doors, work order.

  1. Door frame assembly. By taken sizes cut profile pipe, taking into account the gaps between the profile and the wall, approximately 1.5-2 cm. Cut the ends of the profile pipe at an angle of 45°. Place the cut material on workplace. Having leveled it with a level, lay it out in the form of a box, then secure it with clamps. Start welding from diagonal cuts, while constantly monitoring the correct geometry of the entire structure. The seams should be sanded after welding. Weld steel strips to the box, with their help the box is attached to doorway. Drill holes in them.
  2. Manufacturing of door panels. Take measurements along the inner walls of the completed box, subtract the gap of approximately 7-10 cm on each side and get the actual dimensions of the canvas frame. Using a grinder, prepare the material for the frame in the same way. Saw off the load-bearing corners to the specified size and place them in the internal cavity of the future door leaf. After correct placement Level the elements and weld the frame. You should now have a frame for the door leaf. Next, fix the steel sheet to the profile structure. It should extend beyond the frame by approximately 10 mm on each side. It is not worth making a continuous seam, as this can lead to deformation of the sheet. After the steel sheet and door frame are fixed and welded, place the stiffening ribs inside, weld with a grip after 5-7 cm. Determine and mark the locations for the peephole, lock, handle and hinges, then drill and clean.
  3. Installation of hinges. This is important and therefore sufficient complex process. Canopies must be positioned strictly along one axis. The lower elements of the hinges (with balls) are welded to the box, and the upper ones to the casing.
  4. Grinding of all welding spots, priming and painting of the product. Install the peephole and lock into the prepared cutouts. If necessary, trim door leaf selected materials.

The metal structure is ready. It is not so easy to make such a product. It takes a little persistence and skill, and the result will surpass all expectations.

They are used virtually everywhere. They are installed not only in apartments multi-storey buildings, but also in private households, bathhouses, various outbuildings. In addition to purchased ready-made options, some people prefer to create a homemade design, for which a drawing of a metal door will be a good help.

Purchase a steel door leaf and door block Proper quality is not always obtained. The first problem is the pricing policy of modern construction market. The second problem is that sometimes the doorway is very specific and doors for it are made only on an individual order.

There is a simple way out of this situation. If there are practically no suitable products on sale, you can always make them yourself. The metal door has a simple design, which is quite possible to make with your own hands. There are various drawings and much more for this. Homemade design will have the required level of quality, and the amount spent on materials will not be very high. All work on the manufacture of entrance doors is divided into several simple stages.

Necessary materials, tools

The most expensive thing you will need is metal. All other components and materials will not be too expensive, of course, excluding decorative finishes. If you roughly estimate the amount for all expenses, then you will need no more than 100-150 dollars. At this price it is impossible to purchase even dubious Chinese products.

As for the materials needed for work, there are few of them. You need to purchase a profile pipe - suitable with a cross section of 20x40 mm. The pipe should be purchased in quantities of 20 linear meters - this volume is quite enough to produce a block standard sizes(it's about 1m wide and 2m long). It is not difficult to calculate the amount of material for other dimensions. In case of any incomprehensible situations, it is worth looking at the sketch - today you can find a lot of drawings of metal doors and use them for assembly.

Sheet metal is also required. Its thickness must be at least 2.5 mm. dimensions- to the size of the future door, or rather the opening.

You should also prepare the hinges; you should choose models that are equipped with a bearing. These components are purchased in quantities of three. The canvas will be quite heavy, so three loops are the most reliable option.

In addition, additional fittings, thermal insulation, and materials for decorative finishing are required. Don’t forget about consumables – these are circles for power tools, welding electrodes, drills, consumables for jigsaws.

The tools you should prepare include a welding machine, a welding table, an angle grinder, electric drill, jigsaw.

Preparation and measurements

So, in most apartments it is 2000x800 or 2000x900 mm. If the existing opening is smaller or larger, then the canvas can be made to a special size. When taking measurements, you should make sure that it is the wall that is being measured, and not concrete or plaster.

If the height of the box is slightly more than 2000 mm, then it is necessary to provide an additional frame on top, or in the side of the opening if its width is more than 900 mm. In addition, you should remember about a gap of several tens of millimeters on each side of the box. This gap is necessary for blowing in seams.

If the opening width is more than 1500 mm, then experts recommend making a collapsible box rather than a solid one. In cottages, in addition to the door leaf, two or more modules with glass are installed in wide openings, which make the structure more reliable and durable and perform a decorative function.

Click to open in full size.

During the preparation process, it is also worth starting to develop a drawing of a metal door. If the door leaf is unique and exclusive, then the drawing is made with your own hands. If the opening is standard, but door design will represent standard solution, then you can use standard drawings.

Making a classic metal door

Classic steel doors- this is a structure made of canvas, boxes, door hinges, as well as mounting plates.

Door frame assembly

So, the first thing you need to do is assemble the box or block. To do this, a prepared profile pipe is cut according to the parameters obtained during measurements. The cutting is done at an angle of 45 degrees. The cutting accuracy can be checked by connecting two pieces, and then checking the resulting structure with a corner.

There is another way to produce a box. In this version, the frame is assembled from a metal profile by welding. The result should be a rectangular structure. During the assembly process, it is very important to control the accuracy of the angles, as well as measure the diagonals - this is done to eliminate the risk of block distortions.

Assembling the door frame

At this step, blanks for the future frame are made. A metal corner is suitable for these purposes. It is necessary to maintain a gap between the door frame and the frame on the lock side - it is approximately 5 mm. On other sides it will be enough if the gap is 3 mm. These are not exact numbers - in various drawings For metal doors, this size may be slightly different. To make it more clear, strips of metal of the required thickness are used to measure and control these gaps.

Next, the profile is marked and cut. It is placed inside the resulting box. Then they check geometric characteristics diagonal designs. If everything is correct, then a groove or slot is made on one side of the profile for mounting the lock. After this, the corners of the frame can be tacked by welding; the frames around the perimeter are also tacked at several points.

At this step, you can already weld strips of metal to the door frame, which will serve as fasteners for finishing materials.

Manufacturing of door leaf

Creating a canvas should begin with markings. It is worth considering tolerances and allowances sheet metal 10-15 cm per door frame. The overlap from the hinges is also taken into account. In various drawings of metal doors it is 5 mm.

The steel sheet according to the drawings and dimensions is cut using a grinder and welded to the finished frame. Stiffening ribs are welded inside the canvas. They must be installed horizontally. If the level of rigidity is insufficient, then their number can be increased.

Lock installation

The door is almost finished. To install the lock, make markings directly on the canvas. You can mark the holes for the holes with a regular marker. Then a hole is drilled along the marked marks, which then needs to be processed with a file. Next, holes are made for the fastening elements of the future lock. The holes are threaded, then the locking device is fixed with bolts. At the end, install a handle.

This is a standard instruction that is suitable for most locks, but lock designs may vary, and the installation itself depends on the product.


Before welding these elements to the resulting structure - doors and block, it is necessary to lubricate them. Using a grinder, we cut the places where the frame and the door block are connected - these are the points that were previously grabbed welding machine. The hinges are fixed from the inside.


To fasten the resulting structure into the opening, strips of metal are used. You need from 6 to 10 pieces. They are simply welded to the box. Then you will need to drill holes in them for the anchor bolts.

Insulation and finishing

The door is almost ready. Now all that remains is to insulate it. The thermal insulation option you choose is cut and placed inside the canvas. The insulation is placed between the stiffening ribs.

After this you can start practicing decorative finishing the inside of the door. Plywood, laminated panels, and any other material are suitable for these purposes.

Metal door with glazing and decorative elements

Often, such door models are installed in private homes or cottages. The window performs several functions - through it you can see who has arrived. Also, thanks to the glass, the hallway will be much brighter. Decorative elements decorate the canvas and give it an exclusive appearance.

The window in the door must be made while the sheet steel is being cut. When making it, you can use the drawing of a metal door located at the beginning of our article. It is necessary to weld reinforcement along the perimeter of a rectangular or any other shaped hole in a steel sheet. The sizes should be determined in advance. All other stages of work are similar to the manufacturing technology classic door.

After the structure is painted, a double-glazed window is installed in the place intended for the window. In order for the glass to be as reliable as possible, with outside a forged decorative grille is often welded.

You can also equip the door block with various additional accessories. These can be closers, seals, eyes and much more. The main rule is that the fittings must be of high quality. Only then will it last for a long period of time.

Homemade door compared to a factory one

The first disadvantage is rationality this decision. The cost of materials and fittings is a considerable amount, although the simplest factory door will cost 30% more, but you will save a lot of time and effort. Also, your welding skills are important. If you are not sufficiently qualified, there is a risk of marriage. In any case, factory welding will be much better.

But generally speaking, homemade door made of metal - this is not a utopia, but the most real reality for those who have welding skills and experience working with power tools.