home · Networks · Average freelancer earnings. How and how much do freelancers earn? What is freelancing? Working with graphics

Average freelancer earnings. How and how much do freelancers earn? What is freelancing? Working with graphics

Freelancing- this is one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet, in which the contractor fulfills one-time orders from employers (most often webmasters) for an agreed amount of money

In this case, no contracts are concluded, the person works from home, and he himself determines the volume and subject of orders, as well as the terms of cooperation with a specific customer.

Who is a freelancer

Those who engage in freelancing are called freelancers. This term has become quite fashionable in Lately.

Freelancer work is very attractive. Here is just a small list of benefits:

  • Flexible schedule
  • Freedom to choose your job profile (you can do programming, copywriting, design, and translation)
  • The opportunity to earn money in any place where there is a computer with the Internet (and even then the Internet is only needed to submit work)

There are also disadvantages. For example, you will have to look for orders yourself (for example, on Kwork, fl.ru and Work-Zilla) - no one will hand you anything on a silver platter.

A freelancer does not have a regular salary; you won’t be able to sit until the end of the month and get paid, as is sometimes the case with office employees. “What goes around comes around” is an old proverb that describes freelancers very accurately.

Another one not so good nice nuance- low wages for newcomers. Before the income becomes stable and decent, beginning freelancers have to earn authority in the market - improve their skills, “grow” their rating, enrich their portfolio, collect positive reviews customers, etc.

Popular freelance professions

Anyone can become a freelancer - there is work on the Internet for everyone who can do at least something on the Internet. The following professions on the Internet have always been and will be in high demand:

  • programmers
  • website creators and designers
  • SEO optimizers
  • professionals in photo and video processing
  • text specialists: copywriters and translators

Instructions: where to start as a new freelancer

So, you have decided to become a freelancer. This means you need:

1. Internet wallet

Yandex Money and Webmoney are best suited for these purposes. It is to them that the funds earned will go.

2. Stay in touch

The most popular methods of communication are still ICQ and Skype (the second is preferable) - they will be needed for prompt communication with the customer, because in the process of performing work many questions usually arise.

Now about the main thing. How to find a job? Where can a freelancer prove himself and earn income? The easiest and most reliable way to become a performer is on a freelance exchange.

3. Where to look for freelance orders

Freelance Exchange is a specialized place for finding work for a freelancer. Here customers and performers meet face to face. This is a kind of intermediary between those who need a certain kind of services and those who can perform them. There will definitely be a job here that suits your profile. There are many Russian-language exchanges on the Internet that can become a starting point for a novice freelancer. Foreign exchanges belong to a special category. You can earn really good money here, but in order to communicate on these resources, you need to be fluent in the language.

Let's take a quick look at the most popular freelance exchanges.

Exchanges and freelance sites

Partially, freelance exchanges can also be attributed to

Hello! In this article we will talk about freelance exchanges.

Today you will learn:

  1. Freelance exchanges for beginners and experienced;
  2. How much can you earn from them?
  3. How to choose the most suitable sites for making money on the Internet.

Freelancing was created for people who can work without supervision, who have high level self-discipline and self-organization. If you are already a freelancer, or are just planning to join their ranks, this article is for you.

Today we’ll talk about exchanges for remote work and freelancing. We will list the best ones, where work can be found for both beginners and professionals, and only then we will compile the TOP of the most popular exchanges among performers, based on reviews.

More than 100 best freelancing exchanges for beginners

Before we begin the review, let us clarify that if you are a beginner, you can find exchanges where the prices are high; if you are a professional, you can find exchanges where the most expensive orders are placed.

For copywriters

  1. Etxt— The exchange is very powerful. You can work on it both as a performer and as a customer. You can sell articles, or you can buy content for your projects. There is always enough work and even a complete beginner can find an order for himself. Of course, not for a lot of money, but from 7 to 20 rubles per 1000 characters is quite possible. And then with experience you can raise prices. The advantage of working here is this: you gain experience, acquire skills, and experience, as we know, is priceless.
  2. Advego— A major player in the market. Many call this exchange the leader among other exchanges working with copywriters and rewriters. Registration here is simple, there are always a lot of orders, work is in full swing.
  3. Copylancer— This one employs mainly those who create really high-quality content. The rules by which texts are written are strict here, but the price for 1000 characters is appropriate: 80 - 100 rubles. The point is different: this is a store that sells articles, but this does not mean that your articles will be quickly purchased.
  4. Text.ruNot just an exchange, but also a service for checking material for uniqueness. Distinctive feature exchange is that expensive orders for serious professionals are placed here. The price varies from 100 to 200 rubles per thousand characters.
  5. Textbroker— It is a community of professional copywriters. If you grow to this level, you can sell your articles for very decent money. But the texts must be perfect. Working here, you can achieve the highest level.
  6. Turbotext— New resource. Orders have been placed for writing texts for various sites, and you can post your own materials for sale.
  7. Textovik— New resource. There is a store for selling written articles.
  8. Contentmonster— Exchange with wide choice tasks. To get started, you need to pass a test for knowledge of the Russian language.
  9. TextBroker— A popular resource where you can sell your article, and at a relatively high cost.
  10. Miratext— Payment for an article on this exchange reaches 150 rubles/1000 characters. To confirm your qualification level and start working here, you are tested.
  11. Makesale— Positions itself as an exchange whose main specialization is texts. Although there are also orders in other directions. Everything is free for performers; payments are made through a secure transaction system. The exchange is not yet the flagship of the market, but this only simplifies the work for beginners. There are practically no specialists who work for serious money here, especially in the field of working with texts.
  12. My-publication— A resource for professional copywriters. Job vacancies and various projects have been posted.
  13. Krasnoslov.ru— A young project for working with texts. Suitable for beginners.
  14. Ankors— An exchange where you need to compose texts for links. The work is relatively simple, although the exchange assures that this can cost about $100 per month.
  15. QcommentA site where you can make money by writing comments. It’s not particularly suitable for the main income, but as a part-time job it’s quite good. Although, this is only the personal opinion of the author. Some performers say that here you can earn about 300 rubles a day.
  16. Votimenno— An exchange for those who know how to come up with names for companies or memorable slogans.
  17. SnipercontentNew resource. This is not to say that there are a huge number of orders, but you can register for the future.
  18. Smart copywriting— There are vacancies for recruiting assistants, journalists, and proofreaders.
  19. Revolance— This is a free freelance exchange. It is difficult to highlight other advantages, due to the fact that the exchange is not particularly popular. Analyzing user reviews online, you can see that negative ones predominate. Many people talk about large quantities orders from scammers who give a task to work on, and after receiving it, disappear. This exchange does not have a secure transaction system; a direct payment option is used. Users also note that new orders appear very rarely, at best once a week. Perhaps things will gradually change in better side, but today things are like this.

General exchanges - for everyone

  1. Work-zilla— An exchange where you can find tasks that do not require serious time investment, a maximum of an hour and a half. To get started, you need to buy a subscription, which costs about 400 rubles. If this is not done, the contractor will only see orders and will not be able to take them into work. Payment for work and communication with customers occurs through the website. The exchange takes a commission from the performer for withdrawing funds.
  2. Freelance.ru— It is considered one of the major exchanges. Previously it was a forum.
  3. Freelansim.ru— The exchange is advanced, it began its activities as a blog.
  4. Kadrof— Is an exchange for specialists working in different areas. Orders meet different types– from , to writing course work or abstracts. Orders are updated quite frequently. Registration is free; you do not need to buy a paid account to start working. Contact details of customers are publicly available; you can study the details of the project and respond to the customer without even registering.
  5. Kwork— The exchange positions itself as a freelance services store. All services provided by the exchange cost the same. Today the cost is 500 rubles. Customers themselves choose the appropriate quarks for them. On the exchange you can offer your services in a wide range: from writing various articles to professional photo editing. The exchange also has disadvantages: for example, a large commission for the performer, on average 100 rubles. There is no direct transaction without commission; communication with the customer is only possible through the website.
  6. FL— The exchange offers a huge selection of orders. Both review writing and software and application development are required. The site interface is accessible, it’s easy to search for orders based on your profile. All orders are divided into 2 types: those paid through a secure transaction and those with direct payment. To work fully, you need to purchase a Pro account, it costs about 1,200 rubles. Customers leave feedback on the performer’s work, and he increases his rating.
  7. MoguzaInteresting project, a kind of exchange on which microservices are provided. Everything is simple here: after registration, you can add services that the contractor can provide. The prices are also set by the contractor himself. There are 12 thousand performers in the catalog of this exchange. The range of services provided is wide: programmers and artists, those involved in rewriting and writing music offer their services.
  8. Weblancer— A popular project, even among beginners. You can register for free, but to respond to a project, you need to activate tariff plan. Its cost is calculated individually; it will depend on how many specializations the freelancer has chosen for work. You can post your portfolio on the site, and there is also a review and rating system. Disadvantages: the customer can post the project for free, and scammers often take advantage of this. Payment for orders is only direct.
  9. Allfreelsncers— The exchange is not bad, although customers are not very active. Orders appear approximately once every 30 minutes. There is a secure transaction system, as well as orders that are paid directly. The competition here is low, it is quite possible for a beginner to take an order.
  10. Free-lance— An interesting project. You can post advertisements and respond to vacancies without registering. Here they carefully monitor projects and delete messages from scammers.
  11. Best-lance.ru— The exchange is new, but is trying to intensify its development. The customer can receive a bonus for placed orders at his own expense. Agree, the approach to work is unusual. The disadvantages include a decent number of fraudulent advertisements that differ high cost and too simple work.
  12. FreelancehuntGreat design site, more than 100 thousand freelancers. The exchange is young, but aims to develop successfully.
  13. Proffstore— Orders were placed on the exchange for different directions activities. Recently, the resource has focused more on Western countries, so translators can find orders here.
  14. Superjob— To a greater extent, this is a resource for finding work. If you need a stable job, not a part-time job, this site is suitable.
  15. Ayak— Not an exchange in the full sense of the word, but rather a service for remote employees. You need to buy the PRO version to work fully. But before you buy a paid account, you should think carefully, since the site does not work fully, and according to user reviews, it practically does not fulfill its obligations.
  16. Questions— The site is very interesting, it can also be considered a freelance exchange. The job is to answer questions. The customer lays out the task, the performers offer their ideas for its implementation. Author best idea receives payment. Among the minuses, it is worth noting the poor development of the site.

Websites with tenders and competitions of various types

  1. E-generator— Competitions are held under the terms of which you need to come up with names for companies, various slogans, and so on. Whoever wins gets a reward.
  2. Citycelebrity— Large companies often hold competitions here. A great opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

For those involved in programming

  1. Devhuman— The site is an exchange where different people place their orders. You can post your ideas and select a team of specialists to implement them.
  2. 1clancer— Exchange for programmers working with 1C. About 20 new orders appear every day.
  3. Modber— A project for programmers involved in 1C. Not only are vacancies posted here, but there is also a forum, materials to help newcomers are posted, and so on. Advantages include: user-friendly interface, availability separate block with orders for freelancers. Cons: moderators have little control over the content of projects, so there are a lot of fraudulent ads. When working with the stock exchange, you should proceed with caution.
  4. Workspace— Projects are posted for website developers to support and optimize websites.

For those involved in photography

  1. Shutterstock— Exchange with photographs, which is considered the largest in the world. And this is its most important characteristic.
  2. Laurie— A relatively new photobank that contains this moment more than 17 million images, as well as 200 thousand videos.
  3. PressFoto Bank— A bank with really high-quality images. And, by the way, they are not cheap.
  4. Photo bank fotolia- Contains 76 million photos and images. There are a number of resources that are ready to cooperate with students in this direction and are happy to include them in the ranks of regular authors.
  5. Photovideoapplication.rf— A resource for those who consider photography not only a hobby, but also a job.
  6. Photo store on Etxt— You can sell and buy photographs. The price is regulated by the author.
  7. Fotoimena— Vacancies for video operators and photographers.
  8. Weddywood— Vacancies for wedding specialists, camera operators, photographers.
  9. Wedlife— Catalog for wedding photographers and operators. There is a rating system.

For creative people

  1. Birza-truda— Information about various castings and filming is posted.
  2. Virtuzor— Exchange with vacancies for artists, musicians and others creative people. Projects were placed in the cultural and leisure sphere, in the field of entertainment and art.

For students

  1. Author24— The project is large, it is an exchange on which the customer selects a contractor. To take good orders, you need to earn a rating, without it you won’t be able to work effectively. Registration is free, there is a service that sends notifications of new orders by email.
  2. Student assistance service "Kursar"— The company has been on the market since 2006. He is distinguished by clarity and honesty in fulfilling his obligations to authors. If the work is done with dignity, you will receive your payment on time and in full. Each author is provided with personal account, registration and all services on the site are free for the performer. Everyone can withdraw money possible ways: to cards of Russian banks, Yandex.Money, WebMoney and so on.
  3. Studlance— An exchange for students and those who are ready to fulfill their orders. Operating principle: the more complex the order, the greater the amount of payment for it.
  4. Vsesdal— Assisting students in completing work and assignments.
  5. Reshaem— Ability to solve problems in different disciplines. To get started, just contact the site administration.
  6. Help-s— Job openings for authors of essays, coursework, and so on;
  7. Pomogatel.ru— Tutoring vacancies, you can find employment offers as domestic staff.
  8. Peshkariki.ru— Work for couriers. The resource operates in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

For those involved in design and drawing

  1. Dance— Designed to sell ready-made website designs. If you create templates for different engines, sell them here.
  2. Prohq— There are more than 75 thousand registered users on the exchange, among them web designers, illustrators and just artists.
  3. Illustrators— Projects appear daily, vacancies are mainly for those involved in illustration.
  4. Topcreator— A service for posting portfolios of people involved in various creative endeavors.
  5. RussiancreatorsGood projects for designers, many high budget projects.
  6. Logopod— You can sell logos on the stock exchange.

For lawyers, legal experts, personnel officers

There are several services that allow lawyers, advocates and personnel service employees to earn money remotely.

  1. 9111 — A service where you can work as a lawyer remotely. In addition, here you can get free consultation specialist
  2. Legal— This is a resource for lawyers and lawyers. Users ask their questions, the specialist receives money for the answer. You can start working by going through the registration procedure.
  3. HRspace— Service for recruiters. Recruitment requests are published here. If you fill this vacancy, you will receive payment.
  4. HRtime— Exchange for personnel officers, recruitment specialists.
  5. JungleJobs— Thanks to this service, recruiters can earn money remotely by recruiting personnel. If a suitable candidate is found, you will receive a reward.

There are also services for builders and people involved in architecture.

For builders, architectural specialists

  1. Repairman ru— Orders relating to construction and repairs have been placed on the exchange.
  2. Projectants.ru— Tender exchange for engineers.
  3. ApartmentKrasivo.ru— An exchange for those directly involved in construction. You can find orders for renovation and decoration of apartments and office premises. The exchange charges a commission for services.
  4. City of masters— A kind of forum where they are looking for construction crews and craftsmen working privately.
  5. Profi— The resource brings together more than 200 thousand specialists, as well as about 500 types of construction and repair services. Customers and freelancers can register absolutely free.
  6. MyHome— There are vacancies for specialists in architecture, repair and finishing work.
  7. Devil-master— Work for specialists with technical education
  8. Forumhouse— Construction projects both small and large.
  9. Houzz— Work for specialists in design, architecture and landscaping.
  10. We're home— Work for those involved in architecture, construction, and engineering systems.

It is worth paying special attention to foreign exchanges, clear advantage which means higher pay compared to domestic ones. Here you can find really high-paying projects. Let's look at some of the most popular resources.


  1. Upwork— It is one of the largest foreign exchanges. At first it was American, then customers from a number of other countries began to appear here. Orders vary widely, from cheap to expensive. Disadvantages: you need to know English. Although this is not a disadvantage, but rather a necessity if you want to work here. After all, there are translation apps.
  2. Freelancer— The largest resource in the field of freelancing. It has more users than people in some countries, and there are customers from the CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan). In terms of payment level it surpasses domestic exchanges, and by a lot. But communication is provided for English language. Work is paid through foreign payment systems, so you need to register with them.
  3. Guru— A site on which 2 million customers and performers are registered. There is work here even for the rarest professions. The order base is replenished frequently, but competition between performers is high. In addition, to get started, you definitely need a portfolio. It’s better if you know some foreign language, and not necessarily English; the customer can be from anywhere in the world.
  4. Freelancewritinggigs— Specialization: copyright. Everything is free for performers; in order to post a project, the customer buys a subscription for one month. Orders are placed from different countries. There is one thing: in several countries there have been trials accusing this exchange of fraudulent activities. But performers from the CIS countries most often show the necessary caution when working, so whether it is worth registering here is a personal matter for everyone.
  5. Freelance-info- French Exchange. It is free for both the freelancer and the employer. There is no English version of the site. It turns out that you need to know French for normal and full-time work.
  6. Proz— The exchange is mainly for those who own several foreign languages. Specializes in translations. New orders appear every 15 - 20 minutes.

There are also exchanges for freelancers in the CIS countries. Let's look at them in more detail.

Exchanges of the CIS countries

  1. Freelance.ua— Characterized by a variety of job categories and low competition. Initially developed for Ukrainian freelancers. Even a beginner without experience can start earning money here. The higher your qualifications in any field, the more you will earn.
  2. Proffstore— Ukrainian resource, started operating recently. Directories of freelancers are available, and a feed of offers is generated.
  3. ITFreelance— A Belarusian resource for remote work, and a very convenient one at that. After registration, you can use the service both as a freelancer and as an employer.
  4. Kabanchik (Throw the hog)— A very popular Ukrainian exchange. There are vacancies for builders, for those who work repair work, small household services.

Recently launched projects

  1. Freelancerbay— The exchange is promising; performers have the opportunity to set up an account and portfolio. The price for a paid account is not gigantic. Many orders for translations, design, website development.
  2. Golance— Exchange for teamwork.
  3. wowworks— Orders are placed for couriers and small household services.
  4. Vakvak— Job openings for those involved in translations. There is a free version and a paid option.
  5. 5bucks— Exchange for the provision of microservices, the cost of which is fixed.
  6. Webpersonal— An exchange for a wide range of specialists. The service is free, registration and any services of the service are available to any user.

As can be seen from our review, there are a huge number of exchanges for freelancers, both for narrow specialists and a wide range of remote workers.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that this work cannot be called simple: on each exchange there are experienced performers who have many reviews and high ratings. You need to try to stand out against their background and at the same time not run into scammers who trade in large numbers on the exchanges.

Any exchange has its own characteristics, we will look at a few.

Scheme of work:

  1. Publication of the project by the customer;
  2. Studying the task by freelancers and submitting applications for completion;
  3. Client's choice of performer;
  4. The contractor does the work, the client pays for it.

Freelancers directory.

Available almost everywhere. It is formed according to the rating of performers. On the first pages are those who are the lucky winners of the highest ratings. The customer often chooses the contractor from here and offers him the job directly.

To get into such catalogs you need to earn a high rating.

Safe transaction.

A service through which transactions between the customer and the contractor take place. Freelancers with experience work only this way. This is a kind of guarantee, protection against fraudulent activities.

Paid accounts.

Usually present at large venues. Used by freelancers to attract the attention of serious customers.

In this case, we have characterized the features inherent in most exchanges. Each site has its own nuances, but you can become familiar with them by registering on the resource you like. In the meantime, let's discuss how to choose it.

How to choose an exchange

  1. First, consider the list of exchanges;
  2. Follow the links and form your opinion and first impression based on the following criteria: is the site convenient to use, do you like the design, pay attention to whether the service is a secure transaction;
  3. Read reviews from other freelancers, especially those related to scams;
  4. Find out whether there is a commission, whether you need to pay for accounts, how funds are withdrawn.

For example: can be selected by simple principle the largest exchange in Runet. But you won't be able to start working until you buy a Pro account. Such nuances need to be clarified in advance.

How much can you earn

The most common question. Your income level is directly dependent on the volume of tasks you complete. That is, the principle applies: the more you work, the more you earn.

But it is worth considering that at the beginning it will be difficult to get high-paying tasks. First of all, make a name for yourself, gain experience. Only then will it be possible to take on truly high-paying projects.

Taking these points into account, on average a freelancer, working 7-8 hours a day with coffee breaks, can earn about $600. At the current exchange rate it's quite good.

Freelancers who have extensive work experience and an impeccable reputation earn several thousand dollars a month. But to achieve this, you need to go all the way from beginner to pro.

How to withdraw money

The main problem for a freelancer is often the withdrawal of earned funds from the exchange. We list the main methods below.

Yandex money.

To use the wallet, you only need to register in the system. It is simple and does not cause any difficulties. On some exchanges, money for withdrawal must be ordered in advance, and the withdrawal itself is carried out once a week on a specific day.

When the money is credited to the electronic wallet, it will be possible to withdraw it to bank card. Minimum amount for withdrawal – 500 rubles + system commission.


In order to register, you will need a passport, phone number and address Email. Registration is free. In order to withdraw funds from your wallet, you need to send a scan of your passport to the security service.

Also a common option for withdrawing funds from the exchange. Registration is fast and free.

Bank cards.

Many exchanges have this method of withdrawing funds. Typically this should be a card from any Russian bank, Visa or Mastercard.

If the exchange is Ukrainian, withdrawal to hryvnia cards is possible.

How to avoid scammers

Cheating on the Internet is widespread – this is already an axiom. But most often, beginners fall for scammers, although professionals also encounter scammers in their work. We will discuss further how to reduce this risk.

Signs characterizing fraud:

  • Negotiations are conducted in an inappropriate style. The customer addresses you on a first-name basis, speaks in the tone of an old friend, or, conversely, is too impudent. It often happens that the scammer is too kind and expresses admiration for your work;
  • The customer limits the methods of communication. For example, it leaves only an email address for communication, and it was created a few days ago;
  • The customer suppresses any talk about prepayment. In this case, they will refuse to cooperate with you, even if you are already a professional.

The most common schemes for deceiving freelancers.

Most often, novice freelancers and others are deceived using the so-called “test task.” The scheme is simple: the performer is offered a task to complete - write an article. He is immediately told that there will be no payment for the test task.

It is clear that as soon as a person sends ready material, all contact with him is stopped. This type of deception has simply reached global proportions online. There are even companies that fill their websites with content this way.

Similar manipulations are done with designers, translators and programmers. No one is insured.

The second level in popularity is occupied by gross fraud. Those. Initially, the freelancer is told that he will receive, for example, 1000 rubles for his work. As soon as the work is completed, the contractor is faced with the fact that there will be no payment, the order was poorly completed.

It is very difficult to prove such actions, since most often there are no written agreements between the customer and the contractor. In this case, electronic correspondence is also not evidence.

To avoid such situations and protect yourself from the actions of scammers, experienced freelancers recommend:

  • Find out as much information as possible about the potential employer, ask for his phone numbers and address;
  • Try to find reviews about him on the Internet, he’s probably already collaborated with someone;
  • Look for information on freelance forums, ask colleagues.


So, let's summarize. There are many benefits to working remotely. You can choose your own schedule and the type of activity you want to do. But all the advantages that freelancing provides must be used wisely.

Such a large level of freedom does not benefit everyone. You need strict self-discipline and responsibility. As for the exchanges, it’s real on them, the main thing is to have patience and not be lazy.

It is believed that freelancing does not bring a lot of money, but only gives freedom of movement and a flexible work schedule. But is it?

Maria Lobanova, PR manager of the RuBrain.com service, decided to briefly become Yuri Dudem and ask several freelancers about their earnings.

Alexander Zhulin, graphic designer: “I almost never look for projects myself, but I earn about 200,000 rubles a month.”

I take orders in the field of design, engineering and interfaces. Worked with both startups and large companies (Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Sberbank).

Regarding the maximum amount for a project, this is a difficult question, because if everything is transferred to months, then the rating is not obvious. But if you calculate the monthly profit for the time you work on just one project, then it’s a little more than 200,000.

I almost never look for projects; instead, I actively develop networking. Therefore, it is difficult for me to say for sure which order search channels are better and which are worse.

The same thing about money - you can agree on good conditions both in startups and in large companies. Large ones perhaps have more bureaucracy, approvals and reporting, but in financially everything depends on you.

Work consistently, quickly and develop networking.

Anatoly Semenov, IT developer: “Once my friend earned 2.5 million rubles on a freelance project.”

Freelance developers earn the most in Russia. The most popular areas: back-end, mobile development, front-end, web design, testing.

The highest paying freelance project I know of was landed by a friend of mine. He earned 2.5 million rubles. That's how much money he was paid to develop the system. electronic document management for an investment company.

Where should you look for such cool orders? Of course, first of all on foreign platforms or in those companies that work with foreign clients.

In addition, word of mouth works well - if the customer liked the performance, you can ask him to recommend you as a freelancer to partners and friends.

Natalia Novikova, product marketer, IT developer: “My friends and I earned millions of rubles on freelance projects.”

In my opinion, the highest-margin freelancers are designers. But I’m not talking about garbage: landing pages, store sites for small businesses, any services for small businesses - they don’t have money.

Regarding my large earnings from one freelance project. My developer friends and I implemented platforms for a large Russian bank and a Canadian marketplace. We received very substantial sums in millions of rubles.

Such orders, of course, come through connections and recommendations, you just won’t find them on a freelance platform.

You need to go to specialized conferences, communicate with the right people, for example, with those who are responsible for IT in large companies. Although personally, I prefer to work with startups - there are fewer hemorrhoids with them (read: approvals).

If you take small projects and find them on freelance exchanges, then whatever one may say, you won’t earn more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Alexander Nikolaev, blockchain developer, CEO of the startup Forseti: “The biggest freelance earnings are in development and consulting.”

Daria Suvorova, journalist, copywriter: “Copywriting is a part-time job, you won’t earn much”

If I usually take on freelance projects, it’s in the field of copywriting. I had experience working with the Sleepy Gnome company. The fee was calculated according to the standard number of characters. I think it was 200 rubles per 1000 characters (among stock market copywriters this is considered a lot, usually the rate is 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters).

Tasks - filling the site, designing product cards, selling texts, turnkey texts. For me it was a part-time job, it cost 2000-3000 rubles a month. Yes, we worked very slowly, but this pace suited everyone.

My opinion: in most cases, successful and well-paid options are found through friends. It happens that you are lucky with “Vacancies for good people" or Head Hunter, but this is rare.

Kirill Bragin, head of the Internet technology agency GoodSellUs: “You can earn up to $10,000 by programming for banks.”

Before opening my agency, I did freelance web development for about 7 years. In my practice, I managed to earn the most money not on projects with large budgets and deadlines, but on the flow of many small orders.

One of the most large orders I received it in 2013. It was necessary to write an ERP system to manage a small American company providing repair services household appliances. In total, three months were allotted for the work and a budget of $3,000 was allocated. It seems like a large amount, but it’s already three months of work! And if you count it in terms of working hours, then it’s generally a trifle.

As a result, it turned out to be much more profitable to sell your services on small projects. I almost always found orders thanks to word of mouth, that is, the projects themselves found me.

Since there were always more orders than I could fulfill, all 7 years of freelancing were my main job, with which I provided for my family.

The most profitable thing in web development was to work with startups who understood exactly what they needed and understood the cost of the work, but with ordinary companies there were periodically unpleasant situations when they decided to change the developer because what I do was expensive. Typically, six months later, such a client would return with a project that was in chaos.

Web development is not the most profitable way of freelancing and is often nerve-wracking. In terms of income and nerves, it is much more pleasant to work with application programming for banks and large projects - monthly fees can easily reach $10,000 or more.

The definition of “freelance” (from the English freelance) is translated into Russian as “non-contract work”, “outside work”, “remote work”, “telework”, “remote work”. All these expressions are true and mean, in principle, the same thing. The essence of the work is that the employee is not present in the office and does not appear in staffing table company and accounting documents.

Freelancer earnings

A specialist who makes a living on the Internet never knows where, on what content and at what time he will make a profit. Since a freelancer is a free person, he does not work under a contract, and factors such as the cost of future orders, the number of completed works and the client’s generosity index are obviously unknown to him. Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance what kind of income a freelancer “awaits” online today or tomorrow... Unless he himself wants to talk about it in detail on the pages of his personal blog.

Components of success

A beginning freelancer, having barely registered on one of the earning sites, is unlikely to immediately earn an amount that can be called a decent income. For successful promotion, a beginner needs:

1) acquire skills that allow him to be called a specialist in the provision of one or more services;

2) regularly replenish your portfolio, improve and gain new experience;

3) learn to meet the requirements of most customers;

4) do not get hung up on one task, try to take on several orders at once and learn to combine them, switching from one project to another;

5) be constantly in touch with the employer;

6) show diplomacy towards customers;

7) do not forget that the completion date of work is no less important than its quality;

8) learn to separate difficult work into several stages and perform first the simplest, and then the most complex sections of the work.

Newcomers who cannot cope with complex orders often begin to develop complexes, agreeing to work for the minimum wage. In fact, there is nothing terrible in such tactics if “included” with small fees is experience and, importantly, although slowly, the rating on the site that the freelancer has chosen as a platform for earning money increases.

About income - more details

Experts who set out to determine the income level of citizens belonging to different social strata found that the earnings of Russian freelancers are equal to approximately two salaries of employees whose jobs are tied to offices. According to research results, the average monthly salary of a freelancer is about 40 thousand rubles. The richest freelancers are programmers and web designers.

After the results of research on the topic: “Freelancer's earnings” were published, the feedback that was received indicated the incompetence of the researchers. According to the freelancers themselves, most of them, contrary to expert estimates, earn much less than the specified amount (40,000) and their average earnings are formed mainly from several small projects, the cost of each of which ranges from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

If you really want...

The most prosperous, according to experts, are IT specialists. Most employers disagree with this. The fact is that not every employer agrees to hire freelancers. These freedom-loving seekers of making money online, according to some employers, have a habit of refusing tasks that are difficult for them to cope with. But the remaining 30% of employers note that by inviting remote employees, they save on taxes, wages and rent.

Meanwhile, the majority of people who are satisfied with remote work and freelance earnings (55%), demonstrating high labor productivity, have higher education and upscale vocational training. According to statistics, only 26% of full-time employees have higher education. An interesting fact: the most diligent and educated freelancers turned out to be housewives raising children.

Writing texts

Composing unique texts, or copywriting, as well as modifying ready-made texts, or rewriting, are one of the most common types of earning money on-line. All a copywriter needs is to correctly express his thoughts, have Personal Computer and Internet access. In addition, this type of income has two significant advantages:

  • earning money on the Internet as a freelance copywriter or rewriter does not require any investment;
  • Not a single customer has ever thought to find out the level of education of a copywriter whose texts meet the requirements.

What don't newbies know?

Many potential copywriters are interested in one question: “What problems will a beginner who has just registered on a freelancing exchange face?” Decent earnings on the Internet as a freelancer depend on experience, time devoted to mastering the necessary skills and perseverance in achieving your goal. Even a person who writes first-class texts once had to search for customers for the first time.

When searching (rewriters) they either rush to specialized exchanges or advertise on sites where potential performers and employers gather. The latter, as a rule, have a lot of “incredibly profitable” offers that promise incredibly high profits with a small load. In fact, it often happens that, working without raising his head, a copywriter is left without money: when the moment of reckoning comes, the “employer” either disappears or informs the performer that there will be no payment, since his text is illiterate and uninteresting.

There are so many scammers in freelancing that some “young” online workers, having encountered several scammers, give up further attempts to find work on the Internet. A freelancer’s earnings become “another scam” for them.

However, there are quite a lot of companies on the Global Network that actually pay employees for their work, without pestering them with promises and talk about dizzying and easy money.

Earning money as a freelancer primarily depends on how much time a person is willing to devote to work (no one will just give you money). Needless to say, freelancers who work and get paid have a completely different view of this method of making a profit?

Interaction between the client and the contractor

The freelancer-employer relationship is one of the most important components of remote work. The adequacy of the client is indicated by factors such as work style, complexity of the tasks, willingness to pay for someone else’s work, fair assessment of the amount of work, and so on. When collaborating with “abnormal” clients, freelancers spend more time and receive much less income.

During the first interaction with a client, a freelancer needs to not only make a good impression on the new employer, but also decide for himself whether he will cooperate with this person in the future.

So how much do copywriters earn?

According to the results research activities of specialists involved in collecting information on-line, approximately a fifth of remote workers earn 40-60 thousand rubles, and only 2% of on-line employees managed to overcome the 150 thousand mark. Network employees who are engaged in copywriting, but have not yet mastered this profession perfectly, earn from 25 to 40 thousand rubles per month.

Being a freelance copywriter depends, first of all, on the effort put in. People who take their work seriously (draw up a personal work schedule and correctly calculate work time), earn about $300 a month. In this profession, money comes with experience. An experienced copywriter can earn $500. e.

Can a person who has no skills make money online?

Here are some easy ways to make money:

  • Collection of information from thematic sites. The essence of the work is as follows: a specific query is entered into the Google search bar, after which contact information is collected from all sites that appear in the search results. Having saved the received information in a text file, the freelancer exchanges the obtained information for money. A freelancer’s earnings in this case depend on his scrupulousness.
  • Checking sites for cross-browser compatibility. The freelancer finds out what the site looks like when opened in different browsers and, after taking screenshots, sends them to the customer, after which he receives payment.
  • Collecting information from the pages of online stores. The contractor collects information about certain products and sends it to the customer. In some cases, clients ask the performer to rewrite the obtained information in his own words, and then the freelancer’s earnings increase.

Popular types of earning money online also include:

  • accounting services;
  • website promotion;
  • medical, legal and other consultations;
  • writing comments or evaluating the work of the site;
  • writing responses and comments on “questionnaire” websites;
  • recommendations regarding the modernization of websites and online stores.

If you're self-motivated, enjoy working in your own environment, and prefer to set your own hours, freelancing may be the perfect option for you.

Freelancer - most often means online work (working on the Internet), who offers his services or seeks orders using special exchanges, newspaper advertisements or personal connections (word of mouth).

Here are some tips on how to prepare to work as a freelancer.

1. Learn your marketable skills. Whether you are a writer, photographer, mathematician, web designer, marketing guru, illustrator, scientist or scuba diver, you may need freelance work. What do you like to do? What are yours strengths? Make a list different types activities that can be monetized. Don't write off your skills or even your hobbies. List everything you think you're good at, whether you've ever heard of freelancers or not! Don't limit yourself before starting in this area.

2. Study the market. Although most of your skills can make you money, you probably want to know who needs them and what the demand for these specialists is in a particular niche before starting your work. If you want to make freelancing your full-time job, you can choose a skill that you think is useful in great demand from customers. Therefore, you will need to put in some effort to master the necessary skills and gain additional knowledge in this field. And studying and analyzing the market will just help you identify the most popular and paid areas for work.

For example, talented writers can find work more easily than an expert on 15th-century German shoes. The difference is in demand. Consider how many people will need what you sell and decide if you can expand your reach.

3. Prepare everything you need for work. If you are going to write articles for websites, make sure you have a reliable computer and Internet connection. If you are a photographer, make sure you have a camera. If you want to become a freelance marketing and sales professional, make sure you have what it takes software, used in this area. Don't expect the client to entrust you with a project unless you are ready to start work immediately. You must also be willing to invest in your business. Don't forget the words: "You have to spend money to make money."

4. Make a plan. Find out a reasonable hourly rate in your niche. What are your competitors like? Remember, as you gain more experience, you can increase your hourly pay. Determine how many hours you want (or need) to work. Of course, once you start freelancing, you'll get a better idea of ​​how fast you work, how many hours certain projects will require, and how many projects you can do in parallel. However, when you have a plan, it will be easier for you to start working without overexerting yourself and without losing your nerves due to missed deadlines or insufficient knowledge in one area or another.

5. Find a mentor. The best way to learn about a new industry is to talk to someone who has already worked in it. You can find a mentor different ways: ask family, friends, teachers, colleagues, etc. You can also look for vacancies on the Internet and contact a specialist who is already involved in the field of activity in which you want to work as a freelancer.

A mentor can help you chart your course of development, give you some advice and, ideally, even recommend clients for you to gain experience and your first money.

You must show your mentor that you have a passion for the job. Make sure you do your research and collect everything necessary materials before contacting someone. Remember that the mentor is doing you a favor by helping you. Express your gratitude and show them respect. Work efficiently, and then after a while you will do what you love and gain financial independence.

First steps in finding freelance work

Before you “gather” personal contacts and start working on recommendations, you can try to find your first orders on the Internet, on special exchanges, which the site has repeatedly written about. All exchanges have been tested by many specialists, operate and bring good earnings. Links lead to descriptions of services.

1. . An online exchange where foreign customers are concentrated. If you dreamed of working with the British or Americans, then this exchange is great way. It has the highest earnings among exchanges. The disadvantages include: there is high competition on the exchange, so you need to work hard and efficiently, meeting the strict requirements of the customer.

2. . Popular text exchange. If you want to earn money, but don’t know how to do much, try this exchange. Many simple orders, for example, like social network. However, this does not prevent you from earning up to 1000 USD. per month. The main thing is to know how. This is what we wrote about in the description.