home · Other · Tire snail. Tire crafts: Golden Snail. Garden flowerpot from an old wheel

Tire snail. Tire crafts: Golden Snail. Garden flowerpot from an old wheel

Hosts summer cottages They always want their child to look beautiful and well-groomed. To do this, they not only master the basics of farming and agronomy, but also often become interested in arranging garden landscape so that the land not only bears fruit, but also pleases the eyes of vacationers. Within the culture landscape design The fashion for garden sculptures has come to us. In Europe, these were traditionally figurines of gnomes, who were considered miscreants and spirits of the garden. In our country, the habit of furnishing the garden with sculptures has acquired its own characteristics - on the plots of our compatriots, gnomes are a rarity. But they are fully inhabited by other inhabitants, made from scrap materials: plastic bottles, old dishes and even

Automobile rubber has generally proven to be a universal material for garden sculptures in Russian. a snail from a tire or a sun from a car stingray - the list goes on and on. The main thing in this case is to use old, worn-out tires so that the tread pattern does not make the sculpture too rough. How to make a snail from a tire, for example?

The rubber from which these automotive products are made can be cut well with a very sharp knife. If possible, it is better to use it to cut it. Also, in order to make a snail from a tire, you need to stock up on screws, a screwdriver, a couple of metal rods, gasoline and It is better to choose tires without a cord for crafts - metal mesh inside the rubber, since the process of cutting them can be very labor-intensive, it will require many replaceable blades for a jigsaw, and it is generally impossible to do this with a knife.

Begin. And the first thing to do is cut the tire so that you get one continuous strip of rubber. It needs to be cleaned of dust and carefully trimmed on both sides. Now our “do-it-yourself tire snail” should get a head. To do this, cut out horns from one of the edges of the strip. After this, the entire workpiece should be degreased with gasoline and painted. It is better to do this directly on the workpiece, and not on the finished craft. So we draw a muzzle under the horns, set the main color of the snail and decorate the future curls of the shell with a pattern.

The next thing the tire snail will acquire is a shell house. On the side opposite to the head, we begin to twist the rubber into a spiral, but not all the way - we will leave a piece under the neck. You need to fix the sink with short screws. Now our tire snail should raise its head proudly - after all, it is almost ready. To hold the snail's head up, you need to insert metal rods into the neck. You can replace them with thick wire, but a more rigid structure will be more durable.

Well, the new garden sculpture is ready, all that remains is to find it a worthy place to live. A tire snail will look good on a pebble in the middle alpine slide, or coquettishly peeking out from under the leaves in the vineyard - her traditional habitat.

It's always nice to make something beautiful and useful out of a junk item. A clear example of such creativity is beautiful flower beds from tires. They are not difficult to build, but their benefits are enormous. But the imagination of dacha masters is not limited to this. From old wheels, which often just lie on the road and pollute environment, they make street furniture, sculptures for the garden, and even build small children's towns.

Such a simple and unsightly material at first glance, like old car tires, in fact, seems to be specially created so that every summer resident can feel like a real artist and decorate his plot with real designer flower beds and original author’s sculptures. Without exaggeration, you can cut anything out of tires. Such crafts are on par with those made from plastic bottles all year round will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the dacha, and most importantly, will not require special financial investments.

It’s also nice that the benefit of the idea of ​​​​making crafts with your own hands from tires is double: on the one hand, we recycle a wheel that polluted the environment, and on the other, we get an original one. garden decoration or a flower bed.

Crafts made from used rubber tires amaze with their variety and the richness of the imagination of their authors. Here are the most common ones:

On the picture - flower beds from tires

A small flower bed. The easiest way to make flower beds from tires is to leave the tire as is, just decorate it brightly and fill it with soil. Nothing complicated. Even a weak woman or child can cope with this, and such a flower garden will look wonderful.

This photo shows cups made from old wheels.

Flower beds made from old tires in the form of various objects. Make them more difficult. The tire is cut into two unequal parts and the larger one is turned inside out. It is worth noting that the edges of tires can be made various shapes, it's all just a matter of imagination and sleight of hand. Using this technique, flower beds are made in the form of a mug, flower, or vase. A huge rubber cup made from tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen thus build an entire tea set on their site.

Turtle made from old wheels

Flower beds and sculptures in the form of animals and fairy-tale heroes. A funny frog made of tires, a kind gnome, a mysterious unicorn, beautiful swans, a three-headed dragon, a turtle, a luxurious carriage, a huge telephone - it’s easier to list what they don’t do from this available material. The only condition- think through the composition from the very beginning, so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

In the photo - multi-tiered flower beds for flowers or berries

Multi-tiered flower beds made from several tires. The simplest one to make is a three-tier one, but the number of parts can be greater. Several tires of the same or different sizes are placed on top of each other or in a checkerboard pattern. A tire well looks impressive, stylized to look like a real one and equipped with all its inherent attributes: a chain, a shaft with a visor, a bucket. This flower bed can also be used as a vertical bed for growing berries and vegetables.

Tire beds for strawberries

A strawberry bed made from tires will take up minimal space and give a rich harvest. It is also perfect for growing seedlings, herbs, and peppers. From such a flower bed you can make a fence for a raspberry or currant bush, or make several of them and use them to delimit the garden into cultural zones. It is also worth mentioning that a well made from tires is often made not only decorative, but is used to disguise a drainage pit or septic tank.

Experienced craftsmen and craftswomen know many secrets that help them create garden sculptures and flower beds from tires with their own hands. They understand better than anyone how to make unique and inimitable handicrafts from old, useless trash. Here are just a few of these secrets:

  • Imported tires are best suited for the job, as the rubber on them is softer and easy to cut. But in their absence, domestic products will do. In principle, they are quite easy to process and allow you to give crafts from them different shapes.
  • Tires intended for use on winter roads are more pliable, easier to cut and easier to process than those used in summer.
  • The longer the tire has been used and the more it is worn, the thinner, softer it is and the easier it will be to work with: cutting and turning.
  • Before you start creating a craft, the material needs to be prepared: thoroughly cleaned of dirt, and degreased before painting.
  • For cutting car tires use sharp knife, with a thin spine. You can check how well it is sharpened by running the blade along a notebook sheet, holding it suspended. If the knife does not cut or tears the paper, it is not sharp enough.
  • Cutting a car tire for garden crafts It’s more convenient if you periodically lubricate the knife with machine oil. This will make it easier to fit into the rubber. Used oil will also work.
  • When you need to cut out some shaped elements, markings are applied to the tire. It will help you achieve a more accurate and accurate result. It is most convenient to apply it with ordinary white chalk, in as a last resort, marker.
  • The durability of the craft depends on what paint you use to paint the rubber. Suitable for old wheel tires: car paints, as well as any paints for street work.
  • Before painting the tire, it is recommended to prime its surface. A primer with the addition of a small amount of PVA will increase the strength of the coating and reduce paint consumption.
  • Paints in aerosol cans speed up the painting process to 20-30 minutes, and the painted layer itself is made more uniform.
  • Decorative finishing can be made from scrap materials. For example, cover the surface with pebbles, bottle shards, or lay out pictures from colored plastic bottle caps.

It is better to paint a flower bed from a tire not only from the outside, but also from inside. This way they will look more aesthetically pleasing, and the black rubber will not be visible from the inside.

Of course, every master has his own secrets, and it is impossible to list them all. And when you take up this fascinating business - tire sculpture, you will certainly have them too.

Several master classes on making crafts from old tires

As mentioned above, crafts made from tires are varied. Their appearance and purpose are limited only by the imagination of the master. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic models. After reading them, you will learn how to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands and you will be able to create original, unique and useful garden accessories yourself.

A simple flower bed in the shape of a flower

A small flower bed made like a daisy from one tire is the simplest basic model. You can make several such flower beds, arrange them sparingly and decorate the approach to the house. Sometimes they are placed on asphalt or tiled areas.

We will need:

  1. One old tire.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Marker or chalk.

Mark the cut location with a marker. We will cut the tire along them, from thickening to thickening.

Before cutting tires, make sure that they do not have metal cords that could damage the knife. They are usually inserted into truck tires.

We cut the tire along the entire circumference with even zigzag petals of any shape of your choice (triangular, oval, semicircular).

We turn the tire over and work with its reverse side. Moving the knife along the thickening, we cut out a circle from the back of the tire.

Then, along the entire circumference inside the tire, approximately every 20-25 cm, we make transverse cuts from the cut edge to the bend (end of the tread).

After this, the tire needs to be turned out. The flowerbed is ready. All that remains is to paint it, giving it a more attractive look, fill it with soil and plant plants.

For greater clarity, watch the following video:

Garden flowerpot from an old wheel

You can make a beautiful garden vase from an old wheel in a short time.
Such flowerpots look better in pairs in front of the house, on opposite sides of the door or porch. Let's look at a step-by-step master class on how to make them.

We will need:

  1. Tire with disk.
  2. Sharp knife.
  3. Chalk or marker.

Using chalk or a marker, mark a zigzag line along the entire frontal circumference of the tire, along which we will begin cutting. Thanks to her, the flowerpot will look like large flower with many petals.

Cut the tire along the marked line with a sharp knife. To facilitate the process, the knife is periodically dipped in machine oil (used oil will also work).

After the wheel is cut, we check whether there are any uncut sections left and proceed to turning it out. It is better to do this together with an assistant, slowly, in parts.

After we managed to turn out the tire for the future flower bed, it turned out that there was a tube in the wheel. It needs to be cut out and thrown away.

The flowerpot is ready. Its bowl was made from the main part of the wheel. There is no need to remove the disk from the tire. It serves as a raised platform and stand for the vase, and the remains of the tire at its base provide additional support.

All we have to do is clean, degrease and decide how to beautifully paint our new garden vase. When you pour the earth into the bowl, do not forget to put a gasket on its bottom so that the earth does not spill out and make several holes in it to drain the water.

Video instructions for making a flowerpot:

Swan from an old tire

The most popular garden sculptures made from tires are swans. They are usually placed near an artificial pond, which gives the area a stunning look. You can plant grass in the bird itself, then it will seem that it is peeking out from behind the vegetation. Detailed information will help you make it step-by-step instruction with photo.

We will need:

  1. Sharp knife.
  2. An electric drill for making holes for a knife to fit into the rubber.
  3. Sander or file.
  4. Jigsaw.
  5. Chalk or marker (preferably a marker).
  6. Wire 5-6 mm in diameter (rigid, to give the shape of a “swan” neck).
  7. Plastic clamps (to shape the head).
  8. Roulette.
  9. Gloves.

According to the diagram, we mark the contours of the future swan on the surface of the tire using the following video, in which the author uses dimensions in inches, calling them inch in the international measurement system. Inch (1 inch) = 2.54 cm.

How beautiful and neat our sculpture will turn out depends on the accuracy of the markings.

Let's start cutting. At the initial section, we drill 3-4 holes at a distance of 3-5 cm with a drill and cut the tire between them with a knife. We insert a jigsaw into the resulting cut and begin to cut out the swan.

After all the contours are cut out, turn the tire inside out. We try to do this carefully, since careless movements in the thinnest places can tear it.

To make the bird’s figure look more neat, we smooth all the cuts along the contour with a sander.

To shape the swan's neck, we insert a wire into it. To do this, drill holes in the center of the neck and to the end of the body every 20 cm. We apply the wire and secure it in the holes with soft staples.

Forming the head. We make longitudinal cuts and holes, as shown in the photo, and using the same wire or plastic clamps we give the swan’s head the shape.

Our tire swan is ready. All that remains is to paint it and make a stand.

The swan can be painted in White color or not paint at all, leaving it black. We make the beak red. Swans look very beautiful in a pair: black and white.

Without a stand, soft rubber swans will not stand. You can simply take any tire and paint it, for example, blue. Thus, it will symbolize the pond. Or you can take the time to make it curly.

We make the figured stand in the same way. We mark the outline on the tire along which we will cut, cut the tire along it, turn it inside out and paint it.

Using a similar technique, you can make any shapes from tires: animals, birds, fairy-tale creatures.

But, if you don’t want to bother with complex markings and cutting, you can do it simpler. For example, assemble a cute frog from whole tires.

In the photo there is a flowerbed in the shape of a frog

Making a frog from tires is very simple. The body and head are assembled from one or several larger tires, eyes are assembled from small wheels, for example from a baby stroller, and paws are assembled from rubber scraps.

Flowerbed chamomile

It’s hard to come up with a decoration that’s easier to make than this flowerbed. Despite the fact that it requires several car tires, it can be assembled in literally 15-20 minutes, it looks nice, neat and will never be out of place.

We will need:

  1. Three old tires of the same size.
  2. A sharp knife or grinder.

We cut all the tires in half, having previously marked the cut locations. Before cutting, find out if there are metal cords in the rubber. A knife won’t take them, so use a grinder.

To give the future flower bed an aesthetic appearance, you can paint the tires. It is better to do this in advance, immediately after cutting.

From 5 halves we form a fence in the shape of a flower and cover it with earth.

Video about the process of creating a daisy flower bed:

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You can decorate your summer cottage or just a courtyard near your house with ordinary old wheels, and many craftsmen make real masterpieces with their own hands! Indeed, in our country the recycling of used tires is not highest level, and we can see a lot of tires thrown right onto the street. But you can combine business with pleasure and create crafts - decorations for your summer cottage, garden, or vegetable garden with your own hands. Let's look at a selection of photos of crafts made from tires:

We use tires in the garden

With the help of paint and imagination, you can create your own real work of art. There can be a lot of options for making flower girls; we will look at the master classes themselves in the following articles, but now let's look at the southern exotic - the palm tree:

DIY tire tree tree

Crafts on the theme of southern holidays are very popular with us; we have already published an article that described its production in detail. Except exotic plants You can also create African predators:

Tire crocodiles

Decorate your garden with tire crocodiles

Such animals can not only inspire admiration, but also scare away unwanted guests... They are really made very beautifully and believably.

Elephant made from an old tire and inner tube in the garden

A colorful blue elephant, all from the same southern African countries, will look very good on the playground. Here are a couple more examples of these wonderful inhabitants of Africa:

By painting a tire correctly, you can create your own zoo from a wide variety of animals from all over the world. And all you need is desire, a few tires and a little imagination. Here at someone’s house a tire was turned into snails and a black and white zebra:

Snails and Zebra: crafts from tires for the garden

You can come up with fancy birds to decorate your garden; for example, a parrot can be a good home for flowers:

Parrot and swans: homemade products from an old tire

For bird lovers, you can make these fun crafts:

Birds - crafts made from tires for the country garden

The pet birds turned out very wonderful, they don’t even look so impressive!

Turtles from a tire

“Auto” turtle from a used car tire

Car tire turtles

How about a cup good tea?? You can also make a “tea set” to decorate a flower garden; such a cup will be difficult to pick up, but it looks great!

Tire crafts for the patio

For a complete tea set, these cups need a good garden furniture, here are just suitable samples from a tire:

Old tire as furniture

The furniture turned out to be truly original, although it cannot support the weight of a person on its own, so the frame must be made of a metal structure.

Playground decorations using a tire

Fairy-tale animals can decorate both your playground and the area near your home. Few people will be able to pass them without smiling, and children will be most interested in such figures.

Funny horses

Horses made from car tires

These garden helpers will help you transport something, or simply transport a tire or flower garden with your carts.

Garden Crafts

basket - flower garden for the garden

Well, at the end of our photo selection, let’s watch a video in which I also use tires for needlework and which will be a good addition:

DIY tire crafts

That's all, we hope you liked the photo selection of crafts made from tires and tires with your own hands, see you on our pages!

It is difficult to imagine a person who has not seen crafts made from car tires. Agree, many of them are made with talent and leave no one indifferent. Why not try to create something with your own hands from old tires? High-quality work will find a place in the summer cottage, in the garden, in the yard.

From snails on the ground to birds in the sky can be made from tires

Old tires are worthless, but they can be made into quite large, colorful and useful crafts who are not afraid of bad weather. You can make flower beds from car tires, country furniture, toys for the playground, funny figures animals and birds, useful household items and even a children's car.

Simple crafts require little time and a minimum of tools. Here is a list of what is enough for most ideas.

In addition to the above, worn tires are used for the construction of foundations and houses. Fences are built from them. We follow the content.

The most important: crafts from tires for the playground

For an old wheel, both sand and water are familiar environments

Have no doubt: everything that is done for children is the most important! In the simplest version, you need to pour sand inside a large wheel - and you get a sandbox. A painted wheel, and even with a pattern, will decorate the site. We install an umbrella in the sand and get an option for little VIPs. For them, we put insulation on the inner rim of the tire for water pipes so as not to get scratched.

Small tires will also work. They can be fastened together with self-tapping screws. The protruding part of the screw must be screwed into a piece of wood so that no one gets hurt.

A mini pool made from a large wheel is a well-known thing. A small master class on making a swimming pool:

  1. The bead on one side of the tire is cut off. It is better to do the work with a jigsaw.
  2. They dig a pit with a depth of 20 cm and an area slightly larger than the outer dimensions of the wheel.
  3. Sand and crushed stone with a total thickness of at least 10 cm are placed in the pit.
  4. Poured cement mortar in a ratio of 1:3.
  5. The tire is placed on the thick solution and further filled with the solution so as to cover the inner rim of the wheel. A layer of mortar with a total thickness of 20 cm will not crack.
  6. After the solution hardens, the internal and external surfaces are painted. Blue paint is suitable the best way. It is better to prime the pre-painted surface.
  7. After the paint has dried, the pool can be filled with water.

Your version of the swing may be different

The swing is a sacred thing. No one will become Gagarin, but all family members will enjoy the swing. At the hardware store you will need to purchase a chain, hooks for hanging, carabiners for connecting the chain, screws, washers and nuts M6, M8 for forming the seat.

Screws must be of the optimal length, with a semi-countersunk head or a hemispherical head. It is better to use decorative cap nuts. Screws that are too long must be cut off.

If the above conditions are met, the product will be as safe as possible. In the photo below there are options in which only rope was required.

Personal swings, as well as for two or more children

It's even easier to make a rocking chair on the ground. It is better not to cut the tire in half, but to leave protrusions for attaching to the board with self-tapping screws. Keep in mind that a soft wheel will sag, so the stiffness of the tire will limit the weight of those who can use the swing.

A board treated with sandpaper will protect your children’s sensitive areas from splinters. The painted product will impress the neighbors. It is better to place the handles across the board. They must have big sizes so that the child's hand does not get stuck under the handle when falling. If you don’t walk around the dacha at night, you can attach decorative eyes to the swing.

A rocking chair for one child can have a base of simpler shapes. Not everyone has an old bicycle handlebar and can be replaced with a shovel handle.

A car, a tractor and a tank are all made from old wheels

The number of places and the limits of imagination are unlimited

I think that one of these cars will be able to distract your child from the TV. For a car, in addition to worn wheels, you will need a steering wheel. Unneeded wheels, hubcaps and headlights are present in almost any garage and will be happily used for useful purposes.

In the simplest version, a regular board laid on a tire is suitable as a seat. Broken plastic chair will allow you to create a Schumacher car. The most important thing is not to skimp on paint and imagination when working with the model.

There is no arguing about tastes when it comes to the future tractor driver and general

Nothing prevents you from building both a tractor and a tank from tires. Discuss the design idea with your child and include him in the creation process.

Furniture for adults and children at their summer cottage

“Indestructible” furniture for the garden

Such furniture can definitely be left in the garden. Rain won't ruin it; it's easier for attackers to do their part than to carry heavy loads. If you drill holes and thread a weather-resistant cord through them, the result will be original and reliable. Several round pieces of wood can be cut from thick branches. Then they should be cleared of bark, the ends should be sanded and varnished. We twist everything with self-tapping screws and get a chair and a table.

The simplest thing is to lay the tires on top of each other and cover them with sheets of moisture-resistant material, such as OSB. Surfaces coated with moisture-resistant glossy varnish will be protected from moisture, will not get dirty, and can be easily wiped clean from dust. To prevent the tires from moving, they can be fastened with self-tapping screws.

Another step towards perfection - soft seats and backrests. It is convenient to cut the bases of such parts from plywood. Foam rubber 2-5cm thick is placed on them and covered furniture fabric. The fabric is wrapped and stapled to the plywood using a staple gun.

Comfortable armrests are made from motorcycle tires. In this case, the armrests and backrest are fastened with screws, washers and nuts M6, M8. As already mentioned, screws should be used of the optimal length, with a semi-countersunk head or with a hemispherical head. It is better to use decorative cap nuts. Screws that are too long must be cut off.

The bases and backs of the seats, as you can see in the photo, can be made from tread strips. The strips are intertwined and attached to the inside of the tire rim. In this case, you can do without screws if you screw self-tapping screws of the optimal length into the tire so that they do not protrude.

You can’t forbid living beautifully: the simple and the complex are side by side

Useful on the farm

This homemade product won my heart so much that I did not regret five minutes of working with a jigsaw for it. The photo shows the technical process and the result.

A convenient hose container can be made in five minutes

It is difficult to remain indifferent when the possibility of using worn tires on the farm is obvious. Judge for yourself:

  1. If you insert a plastic basin of suitable diameter into car tire, this will make a wonderful sink for your summer house.
  2. Several tires stacked on top of each other in a hole will serve as a long-lasting toilet container. It is recommended to first pour sand and crushed stone into the bottom of the hole.
  3. Tire treads will perfectly cope with the role of paths in the garden. Tread strips cut from old tire, are fastened together using a board and self-tapping screws.

Wheels no longer run, now they walk on them

Funny, cheerful figures for everyone

Tire figures impress with their colorfulness, originality, and size. We have already told you how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles. You can also make a palm tree from old tires. You can place a giraffe next to a palm tree in the garden.

This palm tree and giraffe are not afraid of frost

By burying an old wheel partially in the ground, you can make almost any animal. Adding various attributes to decorate your craft is welcome. The most important thing is not to limit your imagination in using paints.

A wheel buried in the ground easily turns into any animal

Combining several tires different sizes By cutting and bending the material in all directions, using bold colors, you can create many crafts from old tires, making you smile. You just have to take it and try it, fortunately raw material You can spoil it as much as you like. It is convenient to apply the cutting pattern to the rubber with chalk or a marker.

All tire crafts are equal - flamingos, snails and elephants

Figures the size of a man can be easily made from worn wheels. They are good in the yard, behind the fence, and on the playground. To mount the wheels on top of each other, it is convenient to use a piece of reinforcement or metal pipe, driven into the ground. It is important that the rod passes through both tires to the entire height of the craft. It is convenient to cut flat circles from plywood, OSB, plastic and even linoleum. Any material can be fastened with self-tapping screws.

Such human-sized figures can be seen a mile away.

Wide scope for imagination from old wheels: from fish to minions

Rubber swans and dragons do not shy away from each other

We wish you creative success in creating a new craft from old tires with your own hands! Let the video help you.

People who have dachas or personal plots, always want their property to look well-groomed, beautiful and unusual. For these purposes, they not only begin to master the rules of farming and agronomy, but also study the principles of landscape design. The fashion for sculptures for the garden came to us from Europe.

Abroad, figures of gnomes, which according to popular belief are considered the spirits of the garden, were traditionally used as such sculptures. In Russian summer cottages have their own inhabitants, which were often made independently from improvised materials, for example - plastic bottles, old unnecessary dishes and even car tires!

As it turns out, car rubber is a universal material for garden sculptures. Swans are made from tires, suns are made from stingrays, and snails are made from tires. The main thing is to use old and worn tires so that the tread mark does not become future figure rough looking.

How to make a snail from a tire?

The rubber from which car tires are made lends itself well to cutting with a well-sharpened knife. If possible, it is best to use an electric jigsaw for these purposes. Also, in order to make a garden snail from a tire, you will need screws, a screwdriver, a couple of metal rods, gasoline and water-based paint. By the way, it is better to take tires without a cord, that is, without a metal mesh inside the rubber itself, since cutting them is a difficult and painstaking task.

First of all, you should cut the tire so that it turns into 1 continuous strip of rubber. It will need to be cleaned of dirt and dust and trimmed on both sides. Now the snail sculpture needs to be made like this important element like a head. To do this, you need to cut horns from one of the edges of the rubber strip. Then the entire resulting workpiece must be degreased with gasoline and painted. It is best to perform these manipulations with a workpiece rather than on a finished sculpture.

Now it’s time to paint the snail: under the horns you should draw a muzzle, then paint the body in the main shade, and future curls of the shell can be decorated beautiful patterns or ornament. Now, in fact, the turn has come to make the shell itself for the snail, i.e., its house. On the side opposite the head, you need to start twisting the rubber into a spiral, but not all the way - you need to leave a piece in stock that will be its neck.

You can fix the rubber in this position using short screws. In order for the snail to be able to hold its head in the future, metal rods should be inserted into the neck. If such rods are not at hand, then stiff wire will do.

Decorating a garden plot: master class

Automobile tires are excellent material for making crafts and figures for the garden. In addition, this material is not afraid of rain, wind and scorching sun.

It is best to take an old, so-called “bald” tire, which is not equipped with metal cords. It's not difficult to cut. In addition, the appearance of the figure will look more complete. To make it, first of all you will need a large and well-sharpened knife, or even better, a jigsaw. A grinder wouldn't hurt either. For fastening you will need short screws, and for the strength of the future sculpture - a couple of curved metal rods. So, after all the materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to the process of making a snail from a tire:

  1. The tire must be cut so that one continuous whole strip is obtained, i.e. the side parts will need to be cut off;
  2. Now, using chalk on the workpiece, you should outline a diagram according to which the details of the figure will subsequently be cut out - the head, horns and others;
  3. The rubber should be washed and degreased;
  4. The resulting rubber band should be rolled up to form a shell. After this, you need to fasten it with screws;
  5. In order for the snail to raise its neck, you need to insert a strip or rods on the back side;
  6. Now you can start getting creative. The snail needs to be colored and its face drawn;
  7. Afterwards, the snail can be placed in a previously prepared place in the garden.

Photo review of various options