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Growing miniature Japanese cherry bonsai. Secrets of successfully growing sakura in the middle zone How many weeks do sakura grow YouTube

Sakura is the common name for certain types of cherry trees. Their harvest is meager, but during flowering the plants amaze with their beauty. A guest from Japan can be grown from seeds in domestic gardens. A home tree can be the size of an ordinary sakura or be a copy of it several tens of centimeters high. Gardeners share their experiences, photos and video recommendations on how to avoid mistakes and successfully go through the long journey of growing a tree.

Sakura from seeds: preparation for planting

The basis for growing any crop is high-quality seed material. Sakura seeds can be bought in specialized retail outlets. Seed germination is poor - no more than 20%. On this score, gardeners advise:

Sakura seeds

The process of planting a tree requires the following actions:

  1. Perform stratification. For seeds, you should imitate natural winter weather. To do this, put them in a bag of wet sand and place them in the warmest compartment of the refrigerator. At a temperature of +4...+5 °C the material should be stored for at least 2-3 months.
  2. A couple of days before planting, soak the seeds for a day in lukewarm water.
  3. To help seedlings break through the seed coat, scratch or pierce the outer layer mechanically.

Sakura seeds are planted in calcined or otherwise disinfected coarse sand. This substrate is most suitable for germinating seeds and, in addition, will protect the crop from diseases. An alternative to sand is moss or vermiculite. Use a wide and shallow container as a pot. Be sure to have drainage holes.

How to plant and pick sakura at home

Proper planting is half the success of future sakura growing:

  • treat the seeds with a fungicide;
  • moisten the substrate;
  • deepen the seeds half a centimeter into the grooves made (there should be at least 3 cm between them);
  • cover the planting with a thin layer of fine-grained sand;
  • cover the pot with film or glass;
  • leave at a temperature of +5…10 °C.

Seedlings should appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Until this point, care consists of keeping the top layer of soil moist, providing plenty of light, and gradually raising the temperature to room temperature. When shoots appear, plant them in separate pots. The distance between seeded seedlings should not be more than 10 cm if you move them to a new common container.

Sakura blossom

Picking is an important condition for the normal development of sakura. Repeated transplants help strengthen the root system. Sakura seedlings are left untouched only in the cold season. They are placed in a cool, shaded room until spring. The key point in picking grown seedlings is the selection of new pots. The gardener has two options:

  • leave the crop to grow in a cramped container and form a bonsai version of the tree;
  • move it to deeper and wider pots and prepare the tree for the garden.

Features of tree care

Sakura varieties have many differences in cultivation techniques. To grow bonsai sakura, the roots are shortened every season, and horizontal cuts are made on the bark, right on the trunk. For garden tree these methods are irrelevant - you form a seedling in a room and then transplant it into open ground.

The rules for caring for a specific variety differ. common feature- trees are capricious and require daily attention. The tree needs soil enriched with humus, potassium, and nitrogen. During the season, sakura is watered with half a glass per day, in winter - less often. It is important for the plant good lighting and lack of drafts.

Sakura bonsai

The secret of the beauty of sakura is not only in large and abundant flowers, but also in the aristocratically built crown. It can be formed starting from 2-3 years of age of the plant. In the natural and miniature versions, the branches are arranged according to the same pattern. The crown may imply a straight trunk, a bend in the spirit of centuries-old Japanese cherry blossoms or widely spread branches.

Advice. To create a wide crown, prune the main shoot when you think it is tall enough. You can also trim the side shoots to correct their direction.

How to prune bonsai sakura correctly

To grow miniature crops, experts use various tricks and techniques. The goal is to make even a young tree look like a hundred-year-old tree. For this:

  1. Expose some of the roots by removing a small layer at the base of the trunk. It should be thick. To do this, regularly remove all vertically growing shoots.
  2. The barrel should not be too long. Cut off part of the root at its base. When replanting, deepen the cutting area into the ground. Over time, new roots will grow on it. Then the tree can be picked again, removing the old rhizome.
  3. The heaviest branch of the tree will be the bottom one. Which shoot to leave for its formation - decide based on the compositional idea.
  4. For a broom-shaped crown, prune vertically growing branches as much as possible. For vertical - on the contrary, protect vertical branches. In this case, only horizontal ones are cut.

The bonsai tree needs all these manipulations constantly. Otherwise it will lose its shape. The gardener's goal is to maximize the decorative effect of sakura. If you adhere to cultivation technology, provide the plant with a little care and attention every day, then the Japanese guest will delight you with lush, large and bright color every spring.

Growing bonsai: video

Sakura is the common name for certain types of cherry trees. Their harvest is meager, but during flowering the plants amaze with their beauty. A guest from Japan can be grown from seeds in domestic gardens. A home tree can be the size of an ordinary sakura or be a copy of it several tens of centimeters high. Gardeners share their experiences, photos and video recommendations on how to avoid mistakes and successfully go through the long journey of growing a tree.

Sakura from seeds: preparation for planting

The basis for growing any crop is high-quality seed material. Sakura seeds can be bought at specialized retail outlets. Seed germination is poor - no more than 20%. On this score, gardeners advise:

  • buy more material;
  • use products from different manufacturers to determine who has better quality.

Sakura seeds

The process of planting a tree requires the following actions:

  1. Perform stratification. For seeds, you should imitate natural winter weather. To do this, put them in a bag of wet sand and place them in the warmest compartment of the refrigerator. At a temperature of +4...+5 °C the material should be stored for at least 2-3 months.
  2. A couple of days before planting, soak the seeds for a day in lukewarm water.
  3. To help seedlings break through the seed coat, scratch or pierce the outer layer mechanically.

Sakura seeds are planted in calcined or otherwise disinfected coarse sand. This substrate is most suitable for germinating seeds and, in addition, will protect the crop from diseases. An alternative to sand is moss or vermiculite. Use a wide and shallow container as a pot. Be sure to have drainage holes.

How to plant and pick sakura at home

Proper planting is half the success of future sakura growing:

  • treat the seeds with a fungicide;
  • moisten the substrate;
  • deepen the seeds half a centimeter into the grooves made (there should be at least 3 cm between them);
  • cover the planting with a thin layer of fine-grained sand;
  • cover the pot with film or glass;
  • leave at a temperature of +5…10 °C.

Seedlings should appear in 1.5-2 weeks. Until this point, care consists of keeping the top layer of soil moist, providing plenty of light, and gradually raising the temperature to room temperature. When shoots appear, plant them in separate pots. The distance between seeded seedlings should not be more than 10 cm if you move them to a new common container.

Sakura blossom

Picking is an important condition for the normal development of sakura. Repeated transplants help strengthen the root system. Sakura seedlings are left untouched only in the cold season. They are placed in a cool, shaded room until spring. The key point in picking grown seedlings is the selection of new pots. The gardener has two options:

  • leave the crop to grow in a cramped container and form a bonsai version of the tree;
  • move it to deeper and wider pots and prepare the tree for the garden.

Features of tree care

Sakura varieties have many differences in cultivation techniques. To grow bonsai sakura, the roots are shortened every season, and horizontal cuts are made on the bark, right on the trunk. For a garden tree, these methods are irrelevant - you form a seedling in a room, and then transplant it into open ground.

The rules for caring for a specific variety differ. A common feature is that trees are capricious and require daily attention. The tree needs soil enriched with humus, potassium, and nitrogen. During the season, sakura is watered with half a glass per day, in winter - less often. The plant needs good lighting and the absence of drafts.

Sakura bonsai

The secret of the beauty of sakura is not only in large and abundant flowers, but also in the aristocratically built crown. It can be formed starting from 2-3 years of age of the plant. In the natural and miniature versions, the branches are arranged according to the same pattern. The crown can mean a straight trunk, a bend in the spirit of centuries-old Japanese cherry blossoms, or widely spread branches.

Advice. To create a wide crown, prune the main shoot when you think it is tall enough. You can also trim the side shoots to correct their direction.

How to prune bonsai sakura correctly

To grow miniature crops, experts use various tricks and techniques. The goal is to make even a young tree look like a hundred-year-old tree. For this:

  1. Expose some of the roots by removing a small layer at the base of the trunk. It should be thick. To do this, regularly remove all vertically growing shoots.
  2. The barrel should not be too long. Cut off part of the root at its base. When replanting, deepen the cutting area into the ground. Over time, new roots will grow on it. Then the tree can be picked again, removing the old rhizome.
  3. The heaviest branch of the tree will be the bottom one. Which shoot to leave for its formation - decide based on the compositional idea.
  4. For a broom-shaped crown, prune vertically growing branches as much as possible. For vertical - on the contrary, protect vertical branches. In this case, only horizontal ones are cut.

The bonsai tree needs all these manipulations constantly. Otherwise it will lose its shape. The gardener's goal is to maximize the decorative effect of sakura. If you adhere to cultivation technology, provide the plant with a little care and attention every day, then the Japanese guest will delight you with lush, large and bright colors every spring.

Growing bonsai: video

Sakura - belongs to the tree-like representatives flora from the Plum family. Japan is considered the true homeland of this tree; it is in this country that mass cherry blossoms are observed in the spring, which attracts tourists so much. The flower of the plant has a variety of color shades, from white to dark pink. It is according to these characteristics that sakura are distributed by type. Homemade Japanese sakura is a separate plant variety that is able to grow and reproduce in our climatic conditions.

Many landscape designers More and more often they began to introduce the planting of this particular plant into their projects, because its beauty will not leave even the most inconspicuous area unnoticed. Every gardener wants to have this extraordinary cherry in his garden or country house. Since it is quite difficult to grow a full-fledged homemade sakura from seeds, most people resort to buying ready-made plants. But it is worth noting that Japanese sakura, grown with one’s own hands from seeds in ordinary home conditions, is not a myth, but a reality. In order to fulfill your fantasies or simply surprise your neighbors with a beautiful tree on your apartment balcony, first of all, you need to know the basic rules for growing sakura directly at home.

Preparing to grow sakura from seeds at home

First of all, it should be noted that the method of growing sakura from mature seeds directly at home has its positive aspects:

  • no need to spend money on buying plant seedlings:
  • Sakura takes root well, as from the very beginning it adapts to certain environmental conditions.

At minimal cost, sakura, like an extraordinary tree, grown at home will become an unrivaled decoration of a living room or loggia. Growing beautiful sakura from seeds at home involves the use of the following varieties: Amanogawa, Shirofugen, Shirotae, Tai Haku.

The most important point in cultivating plants whose origin is foreign is to adhere to all the basic rules for planting and care from leading botanists and breeders. First of all, you need to know how to properly plant Japanese cherry seeds for growing at home.

Preparation of planting material involves the following steps:

  • Before planting, seeds are carefully inspected and only whole, undamaged, healthy seeds are selected;
  • a day before planting, the seeds should be filled with water at room temperature with a small amount of manganese or a certain fungicide.

Important: the so-called process of soaking and disinfection is a very important point, since growing healthy sakura in certain home conditions is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all possible options for infection of a young, unprotected plant by fungi or mold.

The frequency of planting plays a significant role; it is best to plant sakura from seeds in early spring or early autumn. This way the plant will enter the desired vegetation cycle and will grow up healthy and beautiful. To achieve visible results and get a healthy plant, you must adhere to the rules of planting seeds and seedlings.

How to properly plant sakura seeds at home

  • For planting, use seeds collected from the plant after the flowers have dried; the storage time of planting material should not exceed 1 year;
  • it is necessary to plant 2 times more seeds than plants are needed, since there is a certain percentage of seedlings rising;
  • be sure to provide protection from direct sunlight;
  • adhere to the planting interval between seeds: for large seeds it is 5-7 cm, for small ones it is 2-3 cm.

By following the rules and using quality planting material, in just a couple of months you will be able to see young shoots, which will eventually need to be transplanted to a certain place on the site. Sakura, like a wonderful home flower, will feel great on the balcony.

Regardless of the variety and selection, sakura requires planting in a certain soil for normal growth and development of the tree body and further formation of flowers. That is why, when preparing for planting, you need to take into account the fact that the plant is predisposed to coarse-grained sandy soil; this is the kind of soil that should be used.

First of all, you will need to disinfect the soil; this can be done using special preparations or, directly, by roasting in the oven. Thus, they kill all unnecessary bacteria and fungi that can cause harm to both seeds and young plants.

The second very important point is the choice of container for planting. Depending on the desired number of sprouts and taking into account the interval between plantings, you should take a container of appropriate length.

For example: for 6 large seeds you will need a container at least 30 centimeters long.

It should be taken into account that in the early stages of development the root system of sakura is fibrous, the depth of the container should be from 5 to 10 cm.

The container is filled with soil, it is necessary to have a tray and drainage holes at the bottom for air circulation and moisture. You need to put pebbles or small stones at the bottom of the flowerpot.

Planting Japanese cherry from seeds in apartment home conditions involves the use of compact plastic containers, specially designed for growing seedlings. Such containers fit very compactly on a windowsill or on a cabinet.

Planting seeds:

  • sowing of seeds is carried out in soil with a humidity of at least 60%;
  • the bones need to be immersed to a depth of 1-2 centimeters;
  • The top of the container must be covered with polyethylene to maximize moisture retention and create a certain atmosphere;
  • watering should be carried out once every 2-3 days, before climbing, water using the soil method, after - only with a tray;
  • 2 months after climbing, the plant can be transplanted into another container for single growth.

At the age of 6 to 9 months, sakura can be planted in open ground.

Feeding sakura from seeds at home and photos of flowers

It is worth knowing that at the time of germination, young cobs use nutrients from their own cotyledons, so fertilizing during planting is excluded, as this can provoke the development of fungi or oversaturate the soil with organic matter, which will ultimately slow down, rather than enhance, the growth and development of the plant.

Feeding with nutrients is carried out in a tray when the tree has reached a height of at least 5 cm, it is at this time that the root system has formed, is able to function properly, and requires additional nutrients.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that sakura requires constant care when growing at home; this applies, first of all, to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in the period before flowering or on time. There is no need to apply fertilizer before entering dormancy.

The state of true peace corresponds to the seasonality and growing season of the plant, that is, with the onset of autumn and winter, sakura seems to fall asleep in order to renew its strength until next spring.

You can see how homemade sakura is grown on the balcony in the photo:

Sakura bonsai grown from seeds at home

Sakura bonsai, grown from seeds in ordinary home conditions, will ideally fit into the interior of a house or apartment. Bonsai should be grown in wide, shallow containers to prevent the root system from growing. During the growth period, when the plant has reached at least 25-30 centimeters, you can begin to form a crown. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the main podium so that the tree develops a wider crown. Unusual crowns can be made by tying the growing branches with wire to create a specific look.

Important: grow a sakura tree in open ground It is quite difficult to grow from seeds in home garden conditions; it is best to use seedlings for further planting on the site.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in the fall; the age of the seedlings should be at least 6 months, and preferably more. The older the seedling, the more resistant it is to environmental factors. Very young seedlings will have to be wrapped for the winter when frost arrives, so as not to lose the plant.

Planting rules are identical to growing from seeds; any type of soil must be mixed with sand for maximum survival rate of the sprout. Do not forget about fertilizer and watering, and also periodically drain the soil around the tree to improve air exchange in the root system. Proper care of sakura will not require much time, the most important thing is to do everything clearly and according to the rules, and the efforts made will give an unsurpassed result.

After the home sakura surprises you with its first flowers, you can collect seeds and give advice to your friends on how to properly grow Japanese cherries with your own hands.

Check out the homemade sakura in the photo below:

Sakura bonsai can reach large sizes in natural conditions. With proper care, it will fit in a small pot, while remaining an exact copy of a Japanese cherry. Sakura is a recognized symbol East Asia, the flowering of which is accompanied by national holidays. It is possible to grow a reduced reproduction of such a tree at home, but this process is long and painstaking.

Description of the variety

Bonsai Japanese sakura- decorative tree, which easily takes root in the house. It is resistant to increased indoor air pollution, but requires good lighting and daily watering.

Sakura is valued for its unusual flowers; in bonsai they reach 1 cm in diameter. In nature they are bright pink, but you can buy artificially bred varieties with red, green, purple and other colors. Individual flowers are collected in inflorescences.

How to grow a tree from seeds

Growing bonsai sakura from seeds at home is difficult, but possible. You need to prepare for the process in advance and be patient. In terms of formation time, bonsai is not inferior to ordinary trees, and you can get a full-fledged home garden in 10-20 years, provided daily care.

Sakura bonsai seeds can be purchased in special stores. It is better to take more seeds, because the percentage of their germination and survival rate is quite low. You need to be prepared for the fact that only 1-2 seeds out of 10 will turn into full-fledged trees. There is a certain algorithm for preparing and planting sakura bonsai at home:

  1. The seeds are scarified (pricked) to speed up the germination process. The day before sowing, they should be placed in water at room temperature.
  2. Next, the seeds are placed in slightly moistened soil, deepening by 0.5 - 1 cm.
  3. To germinate, sakura bonsai seeds must undergo stratification, which will imitate natural winter conditions. The container is covered with film and placed in the refrigerator for 2 months.
  4. After this time, the seeds continue to germinate at room temperature and good light, maintaining constant soil moisture.

When the seeds begin to germinate, they need to be planted - transplanted into new soil. If seedlings are placed in a common container, the distance between them should not exceed 10 cm. It is best to plant the plants in separate bonsai pots - special flat pots.

It is worth consulting with the seller on how to grow sakura bonsai from seeds. Different varieties have their own preferences regarding soil, fertilizing or watering regime. Along with the seeds, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment and learn in advance about the rules for caring for dwarf trees.

Bonsai care rules

Those who have managed to grow a full-fledged bonsai tree at home admit that the plant is very capricious and requires daily care. Special attention allocated to the irrigation regime. In summer, bonsai needs half a glass of water a day, otherwise it can quickly die from drought. IN winter time You can water it less often. Equally important is the lighting in the room. Bonsai pots are located in the brightest areas, protected from drafts.

Bonsai are grown in flat pots with a diameter of up to 20 cm, so that the root system does not have the opportunity to grow. The plant is replanted annually, shortening the roots if necessary. The choice of soil must be taken responsibly - sakura grows well in soils with high content nitrogen, humus and potassium. Organic fertilizers are applied to the ground approximately a month before planting, nitrogen fertilizers are added directly with the seedlings.

When growing sakura bonsai, you can shape the crown at will, using available means. The trunk of a young tree is fixed with wire or tension. When the plant reaches 25-30 cm in height, the main shoot is cut off so that the crown grows in breadth. After flowering, you can trim the side shoots, thus changing the direction of their growth. The rhizome is shortened at each transplant to prevent the tree from growing in height.

Another way to control the growth of the plant is to make horizontal cuts along the bark. They will release sap, which will weaken the bonsai and leave it dwarfed.

There are many varieties of crowns in sakura bonsai. You can leave the main trunk straight, or you can form unusual bends. If you follow the growing technology correctly and devote a small amount of time to the plant every day, it will bloom with decorative flowers every spring.

How to grow bonsai - video

Bonsai is a special art that originated in China more than 2 thousand years ago, later improved in Japan. In translation, bonsai means a miniature tree grown in a flat container at home. Sakura bonsai, the Japanese cherry tree, surprises with its amazing pink blooms.

All about the view

A little history. The art of bonsai has reached perfection in growing miniature indoor plants in exact replicas of large trees growing in nature. According to legend, the Chinese emperor wished to see his empire in miniature - with forests, fields, gardens and trees. His gardeners were able to grow dwarf trees to fulfill the will of the monarch.

After some time, the art of bonsai ended up in Japan, where it received its modern name and development. Various types of small trees look like real ones. Throughout their life, trees gain only 1–2 cm in height. At the same time, they require constant care - they must be trimmed correctly, constantly monitor the shape of the crown, pulling the branches with wire, fertilize and water.

One type of dwarf tree is the cherry bonsai (sakura). The tree has a brown trunk with a dense umbrella-shaped crown. Decorating it in natural environment serve white and pink flowers. They grow quite densely - 2-5 flowers in one inflorescence bunch, their double color covers the entire crown.

Purple, red, blue and other flower colors are artificially bred. The leaves are small, green, and turn red or crimson in autumn. After the flowers, sakura produces black fruits, but birds prefer to feed on the flower buds.

Video “Do-it-yourself bonsai”

In this video, an expert will talk about how to grow bonsai yourself.

Landing rules

Small cherry blossoms complement the decor of any home or office, adding a touch of oriental culture. An ornamental plant is difficult, but still possible to grow at home, starting with planting seeds. At the same time, you will need to stock up on a large supply of patience and hard work, because it will take 10–15 years of careful and regular care to form a miniature home garden.
You should not hope that seeds purchased in flower shops or online are a museum rarity. Bonsai seeds are regular seeds, from which you can grow a copy of a large tree. Consult with specialists what soil and fertilizer you need to choose for this variety, find out about the correct watering regime.

So, you have purchased several seeds and want to grow a sakura bonsai. To do this you will need:

  • disposable container for temporary planting of seeds (glass or bowl);
  • a flat pot (bonsai pot), which before planting must be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1 tsp. peroxide in half a glass of boiled water;
  • soil - sprinkle with cinnamon;
  • seeds - keep in mind that in order to germinate 1-2 sprouts, you will need to plant 8-10 seeds.

Now we will tell you how to properly plant sakura bonsai seeds. This procedure includes several stages of preparing seeds before directly planting them in the soil:

  1. The seed is pierced, which speeds up the germination process. Then leave it in water for 24 hours. Feel free to throw away any seeds that float to the surface after soaking. They are guaranteed not to germinate.
  2. Moisten the soil in a disposable container and deepen the grains into it to a depth of 1 cm.
  3. Seeds need to create maximum conditions close to natural winter period. To do this, cover the container with polyethylene and place it in the refrigerator for 2 months. This is how stratification takes place - imitation of winter conditions.
  4. After this, bonsai sakura seeds continue to germinate at room temperature with good lighting and moisture.
  5. When seedlings appear, the sprouts must be transplanted into a permanent flat pot. It is better that everyone has a separate place. If the bonsai machine allows you to plant several seedlings, keep a distance of 10 cm between them.

Care and cultivation

The plant is very capricious. It is especially important to properly water young shoots. In summer, bonsai requires half a glass of water a day, and this is a mandatory procedure, otherwise the plant is doomed to dry out. In winter, watering is infrequent; just monitor the soil moisture. Others no less important factor is good lighting in the room. The best bright places on the windowsills should belong to sakura. At the same time, do not forget to protect it from drafts.

For cultivation bonsai It’s not for nothing that special bonsai pots are used. In flat, shallow pots, the root system does not grow well. In addition, with mandatory replanting once every 2–3 years, the roots are shortened if necessary. This tactic does not allow the tree to grow in height.

The soil should contain high levels of nitrogen and potassium. Bonsai must be fertilized every month. The trunk is tied with wire, and when a height of 20–30 cm is reached, the main shoot is cut off to complete its upward growth.

The formation of the crown depends on your imagination. To process it and trim the roots, you can use scissors or pruners, but be sure to disinfect the tools by wiping them with an alcohol solution. Pruning should be carried out only during the rest period, i.e. after flowering.

Let's reveal another secret of how to maintain growth: make several horizontal cuts along the trunk. The tree will weaken due to loss of sap, and its development will slow down.

Wintering a tree

There are several rules for wintering sakura:

  • cover the lower branches and hole with mulch and remove from the windowsill away from light. You can keep the tree during this period in a garage or shed - any cold and dark place is suitable. It is important to close off access to light and drafts;
  • In winter, bonsai are watered less frequently as the soil dries out.

Growing Japanese cherry bonsai from seeds is a troublesome process. However, when grown correctly, beautiful Japanese sakura will delight you with its magical flowers.

Sakura, or Japanese cherry, (Prunus serrulata) – ancient symbol Japan and a plant distinguished by its amazing splendor and graceful flowering. In fact, the name "sakura" hides several East Asian tree species, but they all have pink double flowers. Japanese cherry can reach a height of 25 m, the leaves are large, flowering occurs from March to June.

The meaning of cherry blossoms for the Hanami holiday

This day is celebrated in family circle, outdoors or in the park. In Japan, cherry blossoms bloom everywhere - near rivers, in the mountains, in the park. The festival of its flowering is called Hanami, and is a day off for all Japanese.

In the media, before the sakura blooms, it is covered on what day the holiday will fall and from where it will be most convenient to watch it. The process lasts from a couple of hours to several days. Hanami is very popular in the country, and some Japanese travel to cities to catch the cherry blossoms several times.

How is Japanese cherry different from others?

Japanese cherry grows quickly and can reach significant heights. The width of its crown reaches about 10 m. Sakura differs from ordinary cherries in some biological features and growing requirements.

Cultivation requirements and meaning of sakura

Japanese cherry blossoms begin in early spring. The tree cannot bear low temperatures– a temperature below 15 degrees is fatal for sakura. Trees should be planted only on humus soils and in well-lit areas.

The main purpose of Japanese cherry is to decorate the site.

Differences between sakura and ordinary cherries

The main difference between sakura and ordinary cherries is that Japanese cherries do not bear fruit. Sakura is an ornamental plant, cherry is a fruit plant. Japanese cherries also have fruits, but they are sour, small and not as tasty. The berries of ordinary cherries are tasty and are actively used for food.

Eating sakura fruits

Despite the peculiar taste of sakura fruits, they are used as food by the inhabitants of Japan. The fruit of the Japanese cherry is called sakumbo, and its color can be pink or red. Different plant varieties have fruits that differ in taste.

Sakura leaves are also used as food. They are pickled or salted like tomatoes. Sweets are wrapped in Japanese cherry leaves. The taste of the leaves is sour, spicy or salty-sweet. Another way to use them is as an addition to rice. Sakura fruits can be used to make jam and wine.

Main varieties of sakura

Modern varieties of sakura are created by crossing it with cherries (Cerasus yedoensis), (C. Lannesiana) and (C. Incisa). The most famous varieties:

  • "Shirotae". The tree reaches a height of 4.5 m, the flowers are white, non-double. The variety is actively used in England and Japan. The homeland of cherries is England.
  • "Hally Tolivett." Frost-resistant variety with a ball-shaped crown. The flowers are 4 cm, pink in color, the diameter of the inflorescences is 8 cm. The tree is propagated by green cuttings.
  • "Kwanzan". One of the most famous varieties. The flower contains 30 petals, the color is purple. The downside is that the tree does not have longevity.
  • "Kikushidare-zakura." The tree reaches a height of 5 m. The flowers are double, pink, and reach 6 cm in diameter. Of the minuses, cherries are not able to withstand severe frosts.
  • "Amonogawa" The height of the tree reaches 8 m, the width is only 1.25 m. The flowers are numerous, pink, fragrant.

Sakura: care (video)

How to plant sakura in the country

Which must be carefully prepared - dried and washed. Planting is carried out in the summer, but can also be done in spring or autumn. If you decide to purchase a seedling, you should choose healthy planting material. Its planting occurs in April. The best scheme arrangement of seedlings - 2x3 or 3x3 meters.

It is recommended to plant sakura on a slope. It is important that the place is lit, but the lighting is moderate so that the tree does not get sunburn. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, best option– loamy soil.

How to care for a tree

With proper care, sakura takes root well in Russia. Moreover, its flowering occurs in April-May. Only those tree varieties that grow on the northern island of Japan can be planted in Russia.

Features of watering

Sakura requires not only watering, but also periodic spraying of the leaves. Particular attention should be paid to watering in hot summers. During the first three years after planting, while the root system is not yet fully strengthened, watering is carried out once a week. If it rains, there is no need to add moisture.


Japanese cherry trees will not bear fruit if they do not have enough nutrients. The tree requires the addition of organic matter, nitrogen and potassium. The following amount of minerals is added per m2 of soil:

  • medium in terms of the presence of soil nutrients - minerals 8 g, organic matter - 5 kg;
  • poor soils – minerals – 16 g, organic matter – 9 kg.

Shaping and trimming

Sakura is pruned to prevent thickening. It is produced in the spring, before the juice begins to flow. Dry and excess branches are removed, and after the work is completed, the cut areas are treated with garden varnish.

Pruning work must be carried out carefully so that gum does not begin to stand out. To prevent the appearance of a sticky substance, the plant needs good drainage and proper watering.

Protecting the tree from pest diseases

If you do not protect the cherry from pests, the flowers will be damaged and the plant itself will develop slowly. In some cases, sakura branches begin to split. To prevent this, growths on the branches should be removed, and the cut areas should be treated with healing preparations.

Sometimes cherry trees suffer from drying leaves. This is a fungus that a mixture of sulfur and coal can help get rid of. A pest, for example, the ringed silkworm (Malacosoma neustria), can also provoke the appearance of fungus. The pest must be controlled by removing the branches on which it laid eggs. It will be necessary to collect caterpillars, as well as use insecticides.

Sakura in the country: planting (video)

Sakura is one of the most beautifully flowering trees on the planet. To grow an elegant plant you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it. Nowadays, everyone has the opportunity to admire cherry blossoms on their property, and not just residents of the Land of the Rising Sun.

When we mention the phrase “Japanese cherry”, a bright picture with sakura trees buried in lush pink blossoms immediately emerges from the depths of our memory.

In Japan, sakura is traditionally considered a symbol of female beauty and youth; many beliefs and legends are associated with it. The flowering period of this plant is celebrated by the Japanese as a universal family celebration. Decorative cherry trees were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century by Professor Krasnov and planted in the Batumi Botanical Garden, and later in the Sukhumi Arboretum.

Description of the tree

Japanese cherry blossoms

In fact, sakura is a generalized name for several forms of East Asian species of finely serrated cherry that have double flowers. Belongs to the Pink family. In their natural environment in their homeland, Japan, these trees can reach a height of 20 meters.

The crown is round, spreading. The bark of the tree is red to brown, with small cracks. Large oval leaves, jagged at the edges, green in color, in autumn they turn from dark purple to brown tones.

The flowers are painted in colors from bright pink to white and are collected in brushes of 7–9 pieces. There are cherry blossoms with red, yellow and crimson flowers.

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Cherries may have them.

ABOUT unusual variety cherry felt read here.

We also bring to your attention an article about the Miracle cherry variety.

The flowering of one tree lasts no more than a week, but since there are many types of sakura and they bloom at different times, this beautiful spectacle can be enjoyed for about two months.

Modern garden varieties Sakura are created by crossing sharp-serrated wild cherries with cultivated relatives, as well as through grafting. Now there are about 400 varieties of this elegant plant. It is quite understandable that many gardeners want to have such a beauty on their plot.

Sakura fruits and their uses

Sakura fruits

Sakura, as an ornamental plant, does not produce valuable fruits, which is why it differs from ordinary cherries, which are a fruit tree.

Of course, fruits exist and are called sakura-no-mi in Japanese. They are so small, hard and sour in taste that the Japanese use them only in pickled form and for making wine and jam.

The size of the berries is about 8 mm, the skin is smooth, from pinkish to dark red in color.

Good to know: The leaves of the tree are also suitable for food - after pickling or salting, they become sweet-salty, sour or spicy in taste and, together with the fruits, they are added as a seasoning to rice.

Planting in a garden plot

Blooming sakura tree

Considering the homeland of its growth, sakura is very thermophilic and can die at outside temperatures below -15C. For cultivation in Russia, the best varieties are those grown on the northern islands of Japan, where the climate is at least somewhat similar to ours.

The place for this tree is chosen to be quiet, protected from drafts, and with a high degree of illumination. The area must be well drained to avoid stagnation of water, or a mound of soil must be prepared on which the seedling is planted.

Sakura loves light loamy soil of neutral or weak acidity, containing a lot of humus. In heavy soils, it is necessary to add some kind of loosening agent, for example, sand, compost, vermiculite.

As when purchasing any planting material, it is necessary to carefully examine the root system so that it has a sufficiently branched shape for better survival in a new location. You cannot cut the roots, you can only carefully straighten them with your hands.

Annual trees no more than 1 meter high with mature wood (reddish bark color) are best suited.

Gardening advice: for getting abundant flowering plant a couple more cherries of a different variety nearby.

Tree care

Sakura is more demanding to care for than cherry. It needs not only regular watering, but also spraying of the foliage, especially in hot summer weather. However, it also does not like excess moisture in the soil - the root system may die.

In the spring, before the buds open, it is necessary to carefully thin out the tree crown, removing dry, excess branches. Since sakura does not tolerate the cutting procedure very well, the cut areas must be treated with garden varnish or other antiseptic.

Sakura requires regular spraying with fungicides to prevent fungal infections and damage from pests (such as aphids): first spray before bud break, then a month after the berries set.

You might be interested in an article about how

graft cherry

Read about the Shokoladnitsa cherry variety here.

Application of organic and complex mineral fertilizers has a beneficial effect on the overall development of the plant and its productivity; cherry is especially responsive to potassium and phosphorus. Application rates depend on soil fertility. From autumn fertilizing nitrogen fertilizers are excluded. For the winter, it is better to wrap young trees with some material to prevent it from freezing and also protect it from rodents.

How to grow sakura at home, watch the following video:

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It is not for nothing that the Japanese cherry tree is known to many for its sophisticated beauty in spring, curved branches and wide crowns. In the Land of the Rising Sun, celebrations and cultural festivals are dedicated to the flowering of this tree, loved by residents not only throughout the country, but also by many connoisseurs around the world. Those who do not want to stay away from beauty should inquire about information about planting and the necessary care of sakura. Outside of Asia, this plant will look unusual, and in cold regions it will bring a sunny aura to everyday life.

Before deciding whether it is worth purchasing such a tree for yourself, and whether maintaining it in a healthy state will result in great difficulties, it is useful to inquire about how to properly care for sakura.

When actively growing, this tree prefers abundant watering, so in the absence of natural precipitation, you will have to take care of this issue yourself. Moreover, if the soil is poor in nutrients, such a plant will need significant feeding in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is quite natural that not everyone will be ready for this. But for those who do not have the opportunity to grow this tree in their own garden, experts have prepared an alternative option.

How to plant sakura bonsai seeds at home

It would be interesting to find out how you can plant sakura bonsai in own home. Such knowledge will be extremely useful, as it will allow you to start a unique plant that will bloom even in a city apartment. For these purposes, you will need to purchase a suitable relatively flat-shaped pot, up to 20 cm in diameter. The choice of soil will also need to be approached responsibly: as already mentioned, for proper germination you will need soil rich in minerals. Organic fertilizers will need to be applied manually.

To figure out how to properly plant a classic cherry bonsai, certain aspects should be taken into account. Such a plant will require careful care, a sufficient amount of sunlight and fresh air. It is also important to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature conducive to active growth. Some experts advise purchasing an already sprouted tree, planted in advance, and continuing to monitor it at home. This simplified option is suitable for those who would prefer to avoid the inconvenience of planting and growing seeds themselves, but are still interested in answering the question of how to plant Japanese sakura correctly.

However, for those who wish to tackle the planting process themselves, it is recommended to find out how you can plant purchased cherry bonsai seeds yourself. It would be useful to consult with a salesperson in a specialized store about choosing a seed variety. He will help with advice in choosing a plant and detailed guidance on its further maintenance. These trees are quite finicky, so it is best to listen to the instructions down to the details.

For example, see how to properly plant sakura from purchased seeds according to the points below:

  • prepare the seeds a day before immersion in the ground, placing them in water at room temperature;
  • transfer from water to pre-moistened soil, 2 cm deep;
  • carry out the preparatory process by covering the pot with film and leaving it in the refrigerator for up to 2 months;
  • care for the plant already in normal conditions, watering steadily, monitoring temperature and light.

Thus, planting the seeds of purchased sakura may look rather unusual, but such steps are necessary so that the seeds of this miniature tree can form into a full-fledged plant. Further monitoring of the sprouts involves constant monitoring and regular watering, and such a painstaking process will take up to several years.

In addition, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to stock up on as many seeds as your budget allows, since few of them will actually sprout. But also in further care You cannot deviate from the established ritual: watering, fertilizing and other procedures are vital for a new pet. Thus, having been puzzled by the problem of how to properly plant real sakura from seeds, you will also need to take into account that the worries will not end with just one planting.

Finding out how to plant seeds homemade sakura bonsai, and having successfully grown them, the happy owner of the new seedlings will need to plant them in separate pots so that they do not interfere with each other and have sufficient space for further formation. Transplantation must be carried out annually, moving to new land rich in nitrogen and potassium. Organic fertilizers are applied about a month in advance, and the roots, if necessary, are shortened before placing them back into the container.

Propagation of sakura tree by cuttings

Reproduction of sakura trees is possible thanks to in various ways: for example, wild trees are propagated by seeds, while varietal subspecies are propagated by cuttings. In the case of the latter, there are also several options, the simplest of which is to purchase ready-made seedlings in a specialized store, which risks costing the buyer quite a bit.

However, a more natural way of propagating sakura is by self-grown cuttings, which are prepared in mid-summer, in July, when shoots about 10 cm long are cut from the tree and placed in a mixture of peat and sand. The main thing is to maintain the required temperature, which is approximately 18 degrees, and after root sprouts begin to appear on the cuttings, transplant each of them into a separate glass. Experts advise leaving them to winter at 5 degrees Celsius, replanting them in a larger container in the spring, and after a couple of years they are allowed to plant the sprouts in open ground.

Planting sakura in spring and autumn, care and cultivation in the Moscow region and Siberia

Residents of cold habitats want to please the eye with bright colors no less, and perhaps even more, than the settlers of the southern lands. Planting the whimsical sakura in Siberia, as well as caring for it, is not the easiest task, but with the right approach it is completely solvable. Since today there is a wide variety of varieties of this tree, you can always choose something for everyone who is not indifferent to such unusual and partly recognizable beauty. It is possible to plant bright sakura in frosty Siberia if you choose the right variety of this plant, which will be resistant to frost and will not require additional shelter. And the Siberian flower, by the way, can last up to several weeks, blooming in the usual spring, in the last month of the warm season - May.

There will also be useful recommendations and tips on care that will be of interest to those who want to plant sakura in the Moscow region. Flowering in this area begins in April and continues into May, depending on weather conditions and the purchased variety. It will probably take a lot of time to find sprouts, since they are not sold in all stores in the region. Having resolved this problem, it is imperative to consult about the conditions for their germination, since some varieties prefer wetter places, while others prefer drier ones. In general, a sunny area is selected, not planted with larger trees, whose crowns can block the sun. It is strongly recommended to remember that sakura needs careful cultivation and care, and this is the main component of success in this difficult but exciting business.

Families of these crops are most suitable for planting in the spring, which is often the most favorable season; however, it is also possible to plant sakura in the cool autumn. What is really important with any option is to monitor the winter, not allow the tree to freeze, and fulfill the additional conditions described above so that the plant can delight the owner with luxurious flowers of a sophisticated, delicate shade.

Sakura, or Japanese cherry, (Prunus serrulata) is an ancient symbol of Japan and a plant characterized by amazing splendor and graceful flowering. In fact, the name "sakura" hides several East Asian tree species, but they all have pink double flowers. Japanese cherry can reach a height of 25 m, the leaves are large, flowering occurs from March to June.

The meaning of cherry blossoms for the Hanami holiday

At the end of March - beginning of April every year, the Japanese celebrate the cherry blossoms. This day is celebrated with family, outdoors or in the park. In Japan, cherry blossoms bloom everywhere - near rivers, in the mountains, in the park. The festival of its flowering is called Hanami, and is a day off for all Japanese.

In the media, before the sakura blooms, it is covered on what day the holiday will fall and from where it will be most convenient to watch it. The process lasts from a couple of hours to several days. Hanami is very popular in the country, and some Japanese travel to cities to catch the cherry blossoms several times.

How is Japanese cherry different from others?

Japanese cherry trees grow quickly and can reach considerable heights. The width of its crown reaches about 10 m. Sakura differs from ordinary cherries in some biological features and requirements for cultivation.

Also read: How to treat trees in the country

Cultivation requirements and meaning of sakura

Japanese cherry blossoms begin in early spring. The tree is not able to withstand low temperatures - temperatures below 15 degrees are fatal for sakura. Trees should be planted only on humus soils and in well-lit areas.

The main purpose of Japanese cherry is to decorate the site.

Differences between sakura and ordinary cherries

The main difference between sakura and ordinary cherries is that Japanese cherries do not bear fruit. Sakura is an ornamental plant, cherry is a fruit plant. Japanese cherries also have fruits, but they are sour, small and not as tasty. The berries of ordinary cherries are tasty and are actively used for food.

Eating sakura fruits

Despite the peculiar taste of sakura fruits, they are used as food by the inhabitants of Japan. The fruit of the Japanese cherry is called sakumbo, and its color can be pink or red. Different plant varieties have fruits that differ in taste.

Sakura leaves are also used as food. They are pickled or salted like tomatoes. Sweets are wrapped in Japanese cherry leaves. The taste of the leaves is sour, spicy or salty-sweet. Another way to use them is as an addition to rice. Sakura fruits can be used to make jam and wine.

Main varieties of sakura

Modern varieties of sakura are created by crossing it with cherries (Cerasus yedoensis), (C. Lannesiana) and (C. Incisa). The most famous varieties:

  • "Shirotae". The tree reaches a height of 4.5 m, the flowers are white, non-double. The variety is actively used in England and Japan. The homeland of cherries is England.
  • "Hally Tolivett." Frost-resistant variety with a ball-shaped crown. The flowers are 4 cm, pink in color, the diameter of the inflorescences is 8 cm. The tree is propagated by green cuttings.
  • "Kwanzan". One of the most famous varieties. The flower contains 30 petals, the color is purple. The downside is that the tree does not have longevity.
  • "Kikushidare-zakura." The tree reaches a height of 5 m. The flowers are double, pink, and reach 6 cm in diameter. Of the minuses, cherries are not able to withstand severe frosts.
  • "Amonogawa" The height of the tree reaches 8 m, the width is only 1.25 m. The flowers are numerous, pink, fragrant.

Sakura: care (video)

How to plant sakura in the country

Sakura is often planted with seeds, which must be carefully prepared - dried and washed. Planting is carried out in the summer, but can also be done in spring or autumn. If you decide to purchase a seedling, you should choose healthy planting material. Its planting occurs in April. The best arrangement of seedlings is 2x3 or 3x3 meters.

It is recommended to plant sakura on a slope. It is important that the place is lit, but the lighting is moderate so that the tree does not get sunburn. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, the best option is loamy soil.

How to care for a tree

With proper care, sakura takes root well in Russia. Moreover, its flowering occurs in April-May. Only those tree varieties that grow on the northern island of Japan can be planted in Russia.

Features of watering

Sakura requires not only watering, but also periodic spraying of the leaves. Particular attention should be paid to watering in hot summers. During the first three years after planting, while the root system is not yet fully strengthened, watering is carried out once a week. If it rains, there is no need to add moisture.


Japanese cherry trees will not bear fruit if they do not have enough nutrients. The tree requires the addition of organic matter, nitrogen and potassium. The following amount of minerals is added per m2 of soil:

  • medium in terms of the presence of soil nutrients - minerals 8 g, organic matter - 5 kg;
  • poor soils – minerals – 16 g, organic matter – 9 kg.

Shaping and trimming

Sakura is pruned to prevent thickening. It is produced in the spring, before the juice begins to flow. Dry and excess branches are removed, and after the work is completed, the cut areas are treated with garden varnish.

Pruning work must be carried out carefully so that gum does not begin to stand out. To prevent the appearance of a sticky substance, the plant needs good drainage and proper watering.

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about how to grow decorative almonds on your plot.

Protecting the tree from pest diseases

If you do not protect the cherry from pests, the flowers will be damaged and the plant itself will develop slowly. In some cases, sakura branches begin to split. To prevent this, growths on the branches should be removed, and the cut areas should be treated with healing preparations.

Sometimes cherry trees suffer from drying leaves. This is a fungus that a mixture of sulfur and coal can help get rid of. A pest, for example, the ringed silkworm (Malacosoma neustria), can also provoke the appearance of fungus. The pest must be controlled by removing the branches on which it laid eggs. It will be necessary to collect caterpillars, as well as use insecticides.

Sakura in the country: planting (video)

Sakura is one of the most beautifully flowering trees on the planet. To grow an elegant plant you will have to work hard, but the result is worth it. Nowadays, everyone has the opportunity to admire cherry blossoms on their property, and not just residents of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Attention, TODAY only!

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The double-flowered forms of East Asian species of small-serrate cherry are known under the general name "sakura" or Japanese cherry. Japan is considered the distribution area and homeland of exotic plants.

The difference between Japanese cherries and other varieties

The trees belong to the rose family, are fast-growing and reach a height of 20 meters in their natural environment. Modern selection includes about 400 varietal options.

The breeding of garden varieties is based on grafting and crossing cultivated species with sharp-serrated wild cherries.

Characteristic of sakura spreading round crown. Its bark is brownish-red in color and covered with a network of small cracks.

Cherry-sakura refers to ornamental plants, its fruits are not suitable for eating

Oval leaf blades with jagged edges change color in the fall, ranging from dark purple to brown. The fruits are not suitable for eating Therefore, sakura cherries are classified as ornamental plants.

East Asian cherries have gained worldwide fame for their colorful blooms. The petals of the plant have shades of white and pink. There are species with yellow, red and crimson tassels.

During the period of their blossoming in Japan, working days are canceled and the national holiday Hanami is declared.

The meaning of the plant for the Hanami holiday

According to one version, the sakura petals were stained reddish with the blood of family members of one of the village elders.

After he showed the ruler the scars on the backs of his children due to the cruel treatment of the princely servants, the latter flogged them to death on the top of the mountain where the cherry trees grew.

The fallen petals turned pink with bloody stains. Now they symbolize the fragility of children's destinies in the modern world.

Hanami celebrations are symbolically carried out in a family atmosphere. The duration of the process depends on the flowering period of the legendary cherry.

When cherry blossoms bloom, workdays are canceled in Japan and Hanami is declared a national holiday.

Each tree blooms for several days: earlier or later - depending on the type. As a result, a chain is formed - the fading plants pass the baton to the blossoming ones.

Japanese media notify residents in advance about the expected time of cherry blossoms and its duration: many prefer to travel around the country in order to catch the grandiose spectacle more than once.

Traditionally Hanami falls at the end of March or beginning of April.

Main varieties

Kiku Shidare

The most suitable variety of garden finely serrated cherries for steppe and forest-steppe zones with temperate continental climatic conditions. Healthy trees grow to a height of 4 m, with an annual growth of about 30 cm.

The crown of Kiku Shidare plants is spreading and prone to thickening. The leaf blades have an elliptical shape with small frequent notches along the cut and a relatively large size (7-9 cm).

The decorative feature of the kiku shidare is in the early extended flowering period (end of March – first ten days of April). Clusters of large-diameter (5-7 cm) densely double pink flowers are numerous and abundantly cover the branches.

Self-fertile variety. With qualified care, a single planted tree blooms and bears fruit intensively.

For growth, it prefers sunny areas on sandy-clayey, alkaline or neutral soils. The abundance of flowering depends on the regularity and timeliness of fertilizing with superphosphates.

Sakura kiku shidare is most suitable for steppe and forest-steppe zones with temperate continental climatic conditions


This finely serrated tree-like variety of garden sakura is lower than its decorative counterparts (up to 10 m in height for an adult tree). The crown shape is obverse conical. Because of this, Kanzan is considered exotic and creative decoration suburban areas.

The growth rate of trees of this variety is average. The foliage of the elongated oval shape becomes fiery yellow with the arrival of autumn.

Sakura Kanzan blossoms with massive fragrant pink flowers , which are grouped into hanging elongated inflorescences of 3-6 pieces. Flowering time is average.

The plant loves light and gives priority to neutral or highly alkaline soils.

Sakura Kanzan is light-loving, blooms with massive fragrant pink flowers

Planting and growing

To plant decorative sakura you need choose a lighted and ventilated area without stagnant moisture during periods of floods and rains. Optimal choice hillocks and elevations will serve.

When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to strike a balance between light transmission (sakura does not like shadows) and the absence of strong winds. A wall-mounted option may be ideal.

It is recommended to opt for grafted seedlings, which are traditionally purchased in the fall and aged until the spring thaw in humidified spaces at room temperature. Before planting, the plants must have a height of about 1.5 meters, a mature trunk and a formed root network.

It is preferable to plant in late autumn or early spring., before the swelling of the buds, at a stable warm temperature. Simultaneous planting of several seedlings ensures a greater degree of abundance of flowering and fruit formation in the future.

Plants should be planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other and a row spacing of 2.5-3 m.

To plant decorative sakura, you need to select a lighted and ventilated area without stagnant moisture.

Holes for planting must be prepared in advance. It is advisable to place in them a mixture of the upper fertile layers of soil and humus.

Immediately before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with 15-18 liters of potassium sulfate solution with the addition of superphosphates. The root collar cannot be covered with soil..

At the end of planting, the tree trunk area is watered and carefully mulched with humus or a thin peat layer of 4-5 cm.

At the initial stage of tree growth, caring for the tree trunk should be careful and thorough. Do not allow damage to the root system and quickly remove weeds. In this case, the sakura will strengthen faster and survive the winter without damage.

Features of care

Successful growth of sakura is possible with proper care and creation optimal conditions development. Systematic drainage and regular fertilizing promote the growth of a healthy tree.

The condition of cherries is largely influenced by the nitrogen and potassium content in the soil. Their deficiency is fraught with manifestations of acute reactions of sakura: poor flowering and premature shedding of foliage.

Soil depletion is eliminated by adding humus and compost (6-8 kg) under each root. Chemical feeding is carried out with a solution of the necessary elements at the rate of 15-18 g for one square meter trunk zone.

Several abundant waterings of sakura are acceptable during the active growth stage. The rest of the time it is enough to maintain the natural balance of soil moisture. Excessive hydration leads to low bud formation, poor flowering and shredding of petals.

Young sakura needs feeding, infrequent watering, pruning and shelter for the winter.

Before the start of sap flow in early spring dry and damaged branches are cut out and the crown is thinned.

Mature plants are frost-resistant, and young trees successfully winter in a covered form. Before the start of the cold season, scion sites, trunks and the bases of large branches are wrapped in agrofibre or improvised materials that do not create a greenhouse effect.

During the growing season cherry blossoms are sprayed with chemicals: primary - before the start of flowering, secondary - after a month after the berries set.


Removing affected and dried branches, sprouts that interfere with comfortable light absorption and sufficient air exchange, is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow.

Fragments with traces of the activity of harmful organisms must be cut out and burned.

The cut areas should be treated with garden varnish.. It is important to ensure that gum does not form at the cut site. The appearance of sticky growths is excluded in case of proper drainage and watering.

Diseases and pests

If sakura is exposed to harmful organisms, the intensity of flowering decreases, the petals wrinkle, and the tree develops behind the norm. Evidence of delamination of the bark and the formation of growths may be observed.

A common disease of sakura, like other cherry trees, is infection by a fungus that leads to drying of the foliage, blackening and mummification of the berries.

Spraying sulfur-coal powder can help the plant in this unpleasant situation. It should cover the affected segments and prevent further spread of fungal aggression.

A common ailment of sakura is a fungus, which leads to drying of the foliage, blackening and mummification of the berries.

Foliage that falls from unhealthy cherry blossoms, should not be left under a tree for the winter. Healthy and infected leaves and branches must be taken outside the site and burned.

This precaution helps prevent the spread of fungal diseases to neighboring crops.

The effect of combating pathogenic organic matter is enhanced by the use of insecticides. Restrictions on the use of chemicals are imposed for the period of flowering and fruit set. In case of urgent need, this rule can be ignored.

Growing one of the most spectacularly flowering plants on the planet on a personal plot is a feasible task and does not require excessive physical, material and emotional expenses.

The reward for your labors is the contemplation of the unsurpassed aesthetic impact of a natural miracle. Worth a try: The gurus of cherry blossoms, the Japanese, consider a person soulless if he is deaf to the manifestations of the surrounding beauties.

You always look fascinated at photographs of the Japanese cherry tree - sakura, which blooms in the spring. When you talk about Japan, just a few words immediately come to mind: the land of the rising sun, Tokyo, geishas, ​​samurai and, of course, sakura.

How to grow sakura in the country

It would be nice to be in Japan at this time, when the festival of admiring the blossoms of this beautiful tree takes place. It feels like a white and pink wave of flowers with a delicate aroma envelops you. Perhaps you would like to plant such beauty in your garden? Let's try.

The main problem in our mid-latitudes is winter frosts, of whom Sakura is very afraid. That is why you can graft a sprig of sakura onto our winter-hardy cherry tree.

Budding (grafting) is carried out in mid-May, when the threat has passed spring frosts, but the summer heat has not yet set in. With a sharp knife, make a small transverse cut on the bark of the rootstock, and then a slightly longer one longitudinally. Bend back the bark. Cut the peephole and part of the bark from the sakura cuttings. Carefully insert the eye into the cut of the rootstock, and wrap everything tightly with a strip of plastic tape. 2 weeks after vaccination, loosen the garter.

If only the wonderful cherry blossoms would always be fragrant among the outstretched mountains, Day after day, Such Great love, We probably wouldn’t know such melancholy! Yamabe no Akahito

If the sakura eye on the cherry tree takes root well and grows, then in the third year the pink beauty will bloom. If you live in southern regions our country, it is not necessary to vaccinate sakura. You can simply plant a cutting and cover it for the winter, like the rest of the trees in the garden.

For sakura seedlings, choose a winter-hardy variety, for example, “Sakhalin Cherry” or a finely serrated annual 70 cm long with a well-developed root system. They buy planting material in the fall, after the leaves have fallen, and plant it in the spring, in April. Before planting, store the seedling in an inclined trench.

Place and soil

Sakura loves well-drained soil, light loam, with a neutral pH reaction. A good soil mixture for planting sakura will consist of equal parts of humus, compost, meadow and field soil. It is better to plant on a southwest slope. On the south side, the tree will suffer from lack of moisture, and in winter from temperature changes and possible sunburn. Sakura will not develop in the lowlands.

Dig a planting hole 45 cm wide, 35 cm deep according to a 3x3 m pattern. Sift the earth and mix it with soil mixture, fill the hole 2/3 full, install the seedling and fill it with soil around the post, forming a hill 15 cm high. Water it, cover it again with soil, a little tamp down so that the roots touch the soil well. Dig a stake and tie the seedling so that it does not loosen in the wind. Make a groove 10-15 cm deep around the planting and fill it with water.

How enviable is their fate! To the north of the bustling world, cherries bloomed in the mountains. Basho

Do not allow the soil to dry out during the period of bud formation and ovary formation, and also provide additional watering in particularly hot weather.

Feed the soil with potassium and nitrogen. Add humus (10 kg per 1 sq.m.) and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (17-18 g per 1 sq.m.) to poor soil. In soils of average nutrition, the volume of fertilizers is reduced by half. It is good to combine fertilizing with watering.

Trim the sakura carefully, before the sap begins to flow, carry out only sanitary pruning, removing dry branches that thicken the crown, avoiding gum formation (formation of a sticky substance in places where branches are damaged). Treat the cut areas with garden varnish. Treat frostbites.

In early spring or 14-20 days after flowering, spray with nitrophen (200 g of the drug per bucket of water), which prevents the appearance of fungal disease coccomycosis. And also to protect the sakura from ants, the trunk is coated with Vaseline so that insects cannot move on the tree.

For the winter, the sakura is covered: a trunk is tied, and the grafting sites are covered with agrofibre.

Bonsai is becoming one of the most popular types of indoor plants, so many gardeners strive to master the art of growing them. There are several ways to do this. We will talk about one of them in this article.

Growing Bonsai from Seeds

For this purpose, you can use the same planting material as for conventional breeding. It is recommended to create bonsai from maple or pine seeds, but you can also take juniper, birch, apple and others. The main selection condition is compatibility with the local climate. Ficus, wisteria, and albizia are most often used for indoor bonsai.

But in addition to choosing the right plant, it is very important to know how to germinate the seeds and how to plant them so that they become a bonsai.

How to grow bonsai from seeds?

Stage 1 – Preparation

It consists of selecting a container, disinfecting the soil mixture and stratifying the seeds. It is best to take a clay pot, shallow but wide, always with drainage holes. We make the soil from two parts humus and one part sand. It must be disinfected by holding it over steam for several minutes. After this, dry and sift.

Fresh seeds should be taken for planting. To speed up their germination, you can pierce or cut the upper peel, and placing them in warm water for 24 hours is also suitable.

Stage 2 – Landing

The most favorable periods The best time to plant is spring and late summer. We do this:

After 2 years, the tree can begin to be pruned to shape its shape. As a result, in 4-5 years you will have a wonderful bonsai.

How to grow sakura at home from seeds?

The most famous plant Asia is, of course, sakura. There are many rituals, traditions and customs associated with it that are still observed today. A blooming sakura garden is a completely extraordinary phenomenon that is worth seeing for any connoisseur of beauty.

Hanami Festival

Sakura throughout the world always personifies the Land of the Rising Sun. It was there that a real cult of this plant was created; the holiday of the onset of spring is celebrated annually, when sakura blooms in China. This holiday is called Hanami, after the old custom when everyone gathered to admire the flowers, and was reintroduced in 1992. The central object of the celebration is the decorative small-serrate cherry, which does not bear fruit, but is very decorative during flowering. Celebrations are always planned around the timing of its flowering. The Cherry Blossom Festival is a national holiday in Japan.

The essence of Hanami is that people come to parks and squares where sakura grows, sit on the grass, observe the beauty of nature, have fun, and have picnics. You can often see large, friendly companies. The flowering of this tree does not last long - only a few days, so everyone tries to see this miracle. Management at work often accommodates this by arranging days off for their employees, since flowering occurs quickly and occurs only once a year.

Sakura is a symbol of spring

The main object of admiration is the finely serrated cherry. But besides it, cultures related to it are no less popular. These include:

  • finely serrated plum, which is also very decorative;
  • Cherry plum;
  • Apricot;
  • Almond;
  • Peach,
  • Ordinary fruit cherry.

All these plants are covered in spring with many flowers, which from a distance look like a light cloud. There are both fruit varieties of these crops and purely decorative ones, but both of them are very impressive in appearance during the bud opening period.

Sakura itself also has several varieties - there are varieties Somei Yoshino Sakura, Yamazakura, Yaezakura, Yoshino, which differ in the place of growth and the shape of the flowers, time and degree of popularity. The ordinary cherry, which is a fruit-bearing relative of sakura, also receives some of the honor in the general admiration of the flower extravaganza.

The Chinese sakura tree has mostly pink flowers, although there are also white flowers. Therefore, the pink shade symbolizes renewal, a new beginning, spring. There is even such a thing as the color of sakura - an unusual soft pink shade. Like many other phenomena and objects, the sakura flower has symbolic meaning. It means feminine beauty, blossoming. Another version of sakura - plum, due to its five-petaled shape, means the most important good wishes. These include success, health, prosperity, peace, joy. In addition to the Land of the Rising Sun, sakura is also popular in Korea and China.

Sakura is no less popular in China than in Japan. This is due to the extraordinary beauty of a flowering tree, the fragility and ephemerality of flowering. Watching a tree covered beautiful flowers is a means of calm and relaxation for many people; it evokes a festive, spring mood.

The popularity of this culture is very high; sakura is elevated to the rank of national wealth in Japan and is protected. In addition to simply admiring its flowering, local residents were able to find it and practical use. So, not only sakura fruits are used for food, but even leaves with inflorescences in salted form.

Sakura: features of cultivation in Ukraine

In addition, this symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun could be seen as an insignia on the uniforms of military personnel and students during the reign of the reformer Emperor Meiji. This tradition, somewhat modified, has survived to this day. Now sakura appears on the insignia of police and military officials.

The Hanami holiday dates back centuries.

The holiday of admiring sakura flowers, despite the fact that it was introduced only in 1992, has very ancient roots. The origins of the tradition go back to ancient times, when the country was ruled by the imperial Tang dynasty, around the 8th century AD. e. The holiday acquired particular significance when Emperor Saga, known for his extraordinary artistic abilities, was on the throne. It was thanks to him that admiring flowering trees became firmly established in national traditions.

In those feudal times, ordinary people were not allowed to admire the cherry blossoms; it was only the privilege of the nobility, who loved to relax in the blooming gardens, to the accompaniment of musical instruments. It was then that poetic masterpieces were created, glorifying sakura and its short-lived blossoming. Entire analogies were drawn with human life with the metaphorical nature characteristic of this people. The richest works of art dedicated to sakura flowers owe their appearance to those times.

China values ​​cherry blossoms very much. Later, this tradition became in demand not only among the highest nobility, but also among the samurai class. Even later, it became possible for ordinary people to observe sakura flowers. They timed the flowering of this crop to coincide with the beginning of field work, which was very important for farmers, and as a result new customs were added. For example, they brought gifts and alcohol to sakura, and drank it themselves.

The cherry blossom garden became very popular during the Tokugawa era. Vast areas throughout the country were planted with it in order to introduce as many people as possible to this holiday. large quantity people. In addition, sakura symbolized the code of Bushido and the samurai who revered it, so it was at the peak of demand.

Later, when the reformer Meiji came to power, he decided to get rid of the remnants of the past by destroying the sakura groves. But then the centuries-old tradition returned, as it was in great demand by all segments of the population.

Currently, the Hanami holiday has been revived in accordance with the customs of the ancestors and at the same time changed under the influence of modern trends. Nowadays it is a fun holiday where you can meet friends and admire nature.

Video: Cherry blossoms

Bonsai sakura

People's hobbies sometimes take bizarre forms. Bonsai is extremely popular today. This is the name of the ancient Japanese art of growing trees in miniature. Sakura, a Japanese cherry tree that has stunning blooms, is particularly striking in its beauty. So, we will talk about how to grow sakura bonsai from seeds.

Japanese sakura bonsai – seed preparation

Purchased seeds must be stratified, that is, placed for several months in a place (for example, a refrigerator) where the temperature is kept within +4+5 degrees. Before planting, the planting material must be immersed in warm water (up to 35 degrees) for a day.

How to plant sakura bonsai?

Before planting sakura seeds, you need to achieve their germination by placing them in moist vermiculite or sphagnum moss. For planting, do not use a deep container, but a bowl up to 10 cm high.


You can plant several seedlings in one bowl at a distance of at least 10 cm. Suitable soil is a mixture of sand, peat and humus garden soil. If the seedling has long roots, they can be carefully trimmed with garden shears. After planting, the seedling is watered.

Sakura bonsai - cultivation

The main difficulties in growing this cute tree are restraining growth and giving a characteristic shape to the branches and trunk. This can be achieved if, for example, you prune roots or shoots, use poor soil, and fertilize with a minimum concentration of necessary substances.

Another way to form a sakura bonsai is to make horizontal cuts along the trunk. sharp knife. The secreted sap will significantly weaken the tree and prevent it from reaching the top. You can also use wire constriction of the barrel. When the tree reaches a height of 25-30 cm, we recommend removing the top so that growth moves into the side branches.

Caring for bonsai sakura also involves the formation of the crown. If you want the branches to accept a certain form or bend, you need to use wire. With its help, the branches are wrapped and bent, giving the direction of growth. It is important to unwind the wire from time to time so that it does not completely grow into the branch. In addition, shoots and branches are pinched from time to time for density. By the way, pruning is carried out before sap flow begins.

Please note that Sakura loves bright lighting, so in the cold season it needs additional lighting. She also responds well to feeding. Ammonium nitrate is used in the spring, potassium sulfide and superphosphate are used in the fall.

In Japan, cherry blossoms are called sakura, which roughly translates to "Japanese cherry blossoms." The flowers are called cherry blossoms. There is a common misconception that these trees grow cherries, but in fact they are completely different types tree. This name comes from the soft and delicate pink blooms.

Sakura is known for the fact that it blooms for only a short time, after which it inevitably falls to the ground. For the Japanese it symbolizes the path human life: growth, flowering and fall that is a natural part of our destiny.

If you would like to plant and grow one of the flowering trees, then review the following steps.


  1. grow sakura 1 Find a place. If the planting location is your yard, then make sure there is plenty of sunshine and good drainage.
  2. grow sakura 2 Buy a seedling or young cherry tree from a local nursery. If you are purchasing from a local nursery, check to see if the cherry trees can bloom in your area as they grow well in areas 5 to 8. If these seedlings came from another area, then make them more suitable for replanting in your area. But this does not mean that others cherry blossoms, will not take root in your region.

    Japanese cherry sakura: cultivation and care

    You can find nurseries in other areas where cherry blossoms are the best resources. Also do your research when purchasing in your area or online.

  3. grow sakura 3 If you bought a sakura seedling instead of seeds, then use a shovel to dig a hole almost 2 times the size of the base of the plant. Before placing the seedling in the hole, gently loosen the roots. There is no need to dig a hole that is too deep. Leave approximately 7.5 centimeters from the base of the soil to raise the seedling above the soil.
  4. grow sakura 4 Add potting mix. Sakura can tolerate different pH ranges. Find the best pH range that suits the plant you choose.
  5. grow sakura 5 Water, but let it sit well before adding water.
  6. grow sakura 6 Apply mineral fertilizers only once a year. Nutrients are slowly absorbed by the root system only when the plants are actively growing in warm weather. Mix nitrogen, phosphate and potassium (15-9-12).
  7. grow sakura 7 Enjoy your wonderful and beautiful sakura!
  • When flowering is over, kill the vegetation or remove old leaves from the tree to allow new leaves to grow.
  • Trim branches at least once a year.
  • Planting it in a wet area with other vegetation around will help keep the soil moist.
  • If you plant cherry blossoms next to a path, faded spring flowers will fall to the surface and create a confetti of exquisite petals.


  • Do not saturate the sakura with water too much.
  • Pay attention to the moss. Use a garden hose or your hands to remove moss from branches, as it can inhibit growth.
  • Avoid cutting branches close to the tree trunk as the branches may not regrow.

What you will need

  • Sakura seedlings or young plants from the nursery
  • Pot or area for planting
  • The soil
  • Soil mixture
  • Fertilizer
  • Basic gardening tools (shovels, pruners)