home · Appliances · What is the best way to cover up acne? How to seal a hole in a wall: instructions for restoring the surface, necessary material How to cover up walls

What is the best way to cover up acne? How to seal a hole in a wall: instructions for restoring the surface, necessary material How to cover up walls

Over time, the operation of the stove leads to the formation of cracks. The reason for the appearance of cracks is uneven heating of the stove masonry and the evaporation of excess moisture on its surface.

Cracks in the stove's masonry cause difficulties in its operation and danger for its users. Most often, cracks in the stove form at the seams between in separate parts stove masonry, which is made of refractory bricks. (read and watch here)

When cracks form on the surface of the stove, it is necessary to answer the question of how to cover the stove and how and with what to cover the seams in the stove, in places where cracks have formed on its surface. There is no doubt that the material with which the stove must be coated must be fireproof, easy to apply to the surface of the stove and have good adhesion to the edges of cracks.

Materials for caulking the stove

Cover the stove with clay

So, how to cover the stove with clay. The simplest and most proven material used for filling cracks and crevices on a stove is traditional clay, with which a classic solution for filling cracks in a stove is prepared. This solution consists of a mixture of clay and river sand in a 1:1 ratio. This solution is thoroughly mixed to avoid lumps. Moreover, it is recommended to pass this solution through a metal sieve with large cells.

To check the strength of the resulting solution, you should make a ball out of it and throw it on the floor. If cracks form, a little more clay must be added to the solution.

When covering a stove, the question inevitably arises: how to properly cover a stove with clay.

To do this, it is recommended to run next condition: To avoid the formation of cracks on the stove during its operation, it is recommended to wrap the stove lining with gauze soaked in a liquid clay solution and allow it to dry. After which you can begin plastering the stove with the prepared clay solution. As practice shows, this, in most cases, is enough to prevent the formation of cracks on the surface of the stove when using it.

In order to cover the stove with clay you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • container for preparing the solution;
  • a ladle for applying the solution to the surface of the furnace;
  • rubbing to level the solution;
  • Master OK.

To seal cracks and crevices in the furnace, non-traditional solutions are also used, consisting of the following components:

  • clay;
  • sifted river sand;
  • horse manure or chaff (seeds from sifting grain).
  • The resulting solution must be covered with oilcloth and left overnight., after which you need to mix it again. Before using this solution, the surface of the oven must be moistened with water, and it should be laid in two layers, allowing the first layer to dry before laying the next one.
  • After coating the oven is completed, let it dry., for at least two weeks, and after that, you can start plastering it with a solution of river sand and starch. After the stove has completely dried (approximately within a month), you can apply lime whitewash with color additives to the stove at your discretion.

In addition to adding chaff to the mixture for coating the stove, you can also add horse manure. In this case, the undigested residue of the herb serves to reinforce and strengthen the material and to seal cracks in the oven. Note that horse manure should contain excess grass and be dry.

Mixture-solution for sealing the stove

Despite their cheapness and availability, it is clay-based mixtures that are most often used in the construction of furnaces and their repairs, since when they dry, they will retain plasticity, such as is determined by the composition of the prepared solution. Other materials used to bind the filler, such as cement or lime, are more susceptible to cracking when they dry, especially on a surface that is subject to sudden and large temperature changes, such as on the surface of a furnace. The oven is very ancient invention man, which has passed the long test of time, and, precisely for this reason, such common materials as clay and sand are used in the construction of furnaces and their repair. You can get more information about the composition of the solution for the oven.

Some stove makers add table salt to the solution, which serves to strengthen the solution and improve its thermal conductivity characteristics. The proportions of salt are individual, but, as a rule, do not exceed one glass for the entire amount of solution.

The clay for preparing the solution must be clean, reddish in color with minimal sand impurities. Tested clay can be stored for future use before it is needed to repair the stove. Moreover, the already prepared and unused solution also does not need to be thrown away. It is well preserved and may still be useful for use. In addition, this solution can be used to seal cracks in the chimney from the stove, which will guarantee its long service life.

Well maintained Russian stove

Maintenance of your stove must be carried out promptly., preventing the formation of large cracks and crumbling of the plaster. Firstly, small cracks are easier to repair, and secondly, this will prevent the formation of other cracks and ensure the safety of your stove.

Of course, repairing a stove and sealing cracks in it is a labor-intensive task, but, in the absence of laziness, the process is accessible to everyone, especially since it does not require special tools and skills, and the experience gained while repairing the stove will give you the opportunity to apply your skills in other work around the house. You will need it when caring for other heat sources in your home that use fire, such as a fireplace. Moreover, they have a stove and a fireplace, they have quite a lot in common. When sealing cracks in a furnace, with special attention it is necessary to treat built-in metal elements- doors, bolts, vents and ovens. The material for working with them remains the same - clay mortar. Additionally, what may be needed is more practice and accuracy when performing such work and, possibly, a larger selection of tools for the job.

To perform the work efficiently, it makes sense for you to familiarize yourself with the basic methods and approaches in the construction of furnaces and the materials used in this case.

The most correct approach to this is practice, when everything is done with your own hands under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Of course, you can use the acquired skills both at home and among your family friends, teaching them such an exciting and useful activity as repairing their own stove. And it would be more correct to see it more than once, but to do it yourself once.

They helped a lot, thank you very much. Congratulations, Irina.

Our house is 119 years old, it looks like the stove is the same age, we converted the stove that was previously heated with wood to a gas stove, and now we are tired of covering up the cracks every time. At the very first heating, cracks appear and plaster leaks, perhaps you will say that it could have been replaced with an AGV or another stove long ago, but I will tell you the superiority of this stove, firstly, it is located in the basement (we have 2- floor, on the second there is an AGV), and when we open the hood on this stove, both floors heat up, moreover, as soon as the stove gets very hot, we completely turn off the heating and heat in the house, even in very coldy, lasts about a day, and this is a good gas saving, especially since we have not used the AGV on the second floor for 2 years now, since the stove runs in the center of our apartment, the heat of the stove is enough for both floors, but the problem is only in appearance , as I said, you’re tired of covering up the cracks, perhaps you can suggest what kind of flammable material can be used to cover it or to block it off somehow so that the heat flows in and the stove looks beautiful.

I add a pack of salt to a bucket of ready-made mixture... sand and clay in equal parts. Dries as strong as cement. And if cracks appear, during the winter, when we heat it, I prepare the same solution in a small plate, but liquid like sour cream... more salt. I pour it into each crack with a spoon (when the stove is hot, of course)

In Rus' there was always a huge stove in the house. How people in ancient times could do such things is amazing). They have been used for centuries, this is the art of masonry. I remember as a child, with my grandmother in a real Russian village, I slept all the time on a huge stove in a quarter of the hut. And I never saw cracks, chips or damage on it, although it served around the clock. The quality is amazing. The recipe for preparing the mixture, which is described in the article, is plausible and realistic, as it contains everything natural ingredients, which exist in nature and are always available.

But 50 kg of chaff for 4 buckets of clay and 1 bucket of water is not a lot?

Many owners of brick buildings face such a problem as cracks in walls. country houses. Of course, such defects need to be eliminated as quickly as possible. Cracks in the walls not only spoil appearance at home, but also provide Negative influence on his performance characteristics. Moreover, such defects in some cases can even lead to the collapse of the building.

Step-by-step instruction

Cracks in brick walls are usually repaired in several stages. To eliminate such a defect, you need:

  • determine the nature of its occurrence;
  • eliminate identified deficiencies in order to prevent crack expansion;
  • carry out a control check;
  • Depending on the width of the crack and its nature, choose a method for eliminating it.

Actually, there are several methods of sealing themselves:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using polyurethane foam;
  • by replacing the damaged section of masonry.

The main causes of the defect

What and how to repair cracks in houses? The answer to this question depends on many factors. Before you begin to eliminate such a defect, of course, you need to find out why, in fact, it could have appeared. Most often, cracks are a consequence of non-compliance with construction technology. This could be, for example, an incorrectly selected type of foundation or roof design, various types of technology violations when performing masonry, etc. Also, cracks in walls often appear:

  • as a result of improper redistribution of the load on the walls (during the addition of a building or during its redevelopment);
  • due to temperature deformations;
  • when laying utilities under the foundation;
  • during construction ground floor under an already constructed building without strengthening the foundation;
  • as a result of wear and aging of the material.

Sometimes cracks can occur due to declines underneath the building. This often happens, for example, due to the redistribution of groundwater.

According to regulations, repair of cracks in brick walls should be carried out only after the identified cause of their appearance has been eliminated. That is, if necessary, you should first strengthen the foundation, tie the wall using metal locks, and raise it bearing capacity etc. In any case, it is allowed to seal only those cracks that have already stopped expanding.

How to determine the stability of a defect

It is not difficult to find out that a crack has stopped spreading. To do this, you just need to stick several beacon pieces of paper across it. If they don't break in about a couple of weeks, the cracking has stopped. The easiest way to stick the pieces of paper is on PVA. You can also use Moment glue.

How to repair a crack in a brick wall at home: choosing a technique

Once the problem that caused the crack has been resolved, you can begin the actual repair work. In brick walls this procedure is usually performed:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using polyurethane foam.

With use, you can easily remove a blind crack from the wall. usually finished with a fairly thick layer of plaster. This is where such defects most often appear. Cement mortar can also be used to seal through cracks. The use of these materials, however, is allowed only if the size of such a crack does not exceed 10.1 mm. If this indicator is higher, the damaged section of the masonry will have to be dismantled.

with your own hands, if it is not through

Such defects usually occur in the plaster after it has dried due to a violation of the application technology, as well as as a result of aging of the material, etc. In any case, it will not be difficult to fix a blind crack yourself.

The methods and procedure for sealing cracks in brick walls (non-through) depend on what exactly the defect is. Very often, for example, so-called “cobwebs” appear on the plastered surface, that is, a network of small cracks. To get rid of this defect, you must first clean the problem area completely. The easiest way to do this is with a narrow metal spatula. After the collapsed plaster has been removed, you can begin finishing the area with a new layer of gypsum or cement-sand mixture. Before applying it, the brickwork should be cleaned of dust and moistened with water using a broom.

Sometimes individual large cracks appear in the plaster. Such defects usually occur in the area of ​​windows and doors. Most often, their appearance is caused by changes in the house. To eliminate such defects, they must first be expanded. To do this, you can use a chisel or any other tool suitable for such work. Next, the crack should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. The easiest way to do this is with a regular household vacuum cleaner.

After the crack has been cleared, its inner surface should be wetted with water using a spray bottle. Cement mortar for sealing is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. You can also purchase a special dry mixture in the store. The crack should be filled with excess solution. Ultimately, he should close it completely and even protrude a little beyond. A reinforcing mesh tape must be pressed into the still fresh solution (along the entire length of the crack). After a few minutes, you need to apply a little more solution to the wall. Ultimately, the tape should be completely covered with the mixture. After the solution has dried, the repaired area should be treated using a special grater.

Sealing narrow through cracks in brickwork with concrete mixture

The solution in this case should be made on the basis of high grade cement (preferably M400). River sand is usually used as a plasticizer for cracks up to 5 mm wide. Of course, before starting work, it must be sifted. If the width of the crack exceeds 5 mm, a little fine sand should be added to the mixture. quarry sand. In order for such a procedure as sealing cracks in brick walls with your own hands to be successful, before using the concrete mixture, it is advisable to drive metal T-shaped anchors (fixed with dowels) into the cavity.

Also, additional strengthening can be done using a special metal lock (thick plate). The latter is fixed across the crack onto an anchor. The lock is installed as the defect develops. If the crack expands from bottom to top, the plate is applied closer to the ceiling. Sometimes the wall is strengthened using ordinary steel brackets. The latter must be driven into it to at least half the thickness.

Actually, the very answer to the question of how to repair a crack in brick wall at home, in fact, is given above. This procedure is performed using approximately the same technology as when adjusting plaster. That is, first the crack is widened and cleaned. Then its cavity is moistened with water from a spray bottle. Next, the crack is filled with cement mortar.

Using polyurethane foam

This material will also help answer the question of how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. However, polyurethane foam must be used carefully. When using it, you should always keep in mind that, as it expands, it can enlarge the crack. Therefore, foam should be applied in small quantities. Subsequently in in the right places it can be simply added.

After the foam has completely dried, cleaning should be done. First, the excess material protruding outward is simply cut off sharp knife. Then the foam is cleaned along the crack to a depth of several millimeters. This is necessary so that applied on top plaster layer lay down as firmly as possible and subsequently did not crumble. To further strengthen the finish in this case, it is also advisable to use mesh tape.

How to repair a wide crack

So, let's find out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house, if it is not too big. Defects wider than 10.1 mm, as already mentioned, can only be eliminated by dismantling the masonry. This procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. Begin dismantling the masonry exclusively from the top row. You cannot knock bricks out of the wall.

Replacement with new brickwork is carried out according to the “lock” principle with bandaging of the seams. In this case, reinforcing materials are used metal plates. The latter should cover the gap completely. Instead of plates, you can use regular thick reinforcement.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we have figured out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. The methods described in the article are suitable for both residential buildings and commercial or industrial buildings. The main thing when eliminating such defects is to strictly adhere to the established technology. In this case, the crack will never appear again, and the wall itself will perform its functions as efficiently as possible.

If you contact a professional finisher, he will probably tell you how to repair a hole in the wall. But if there is no one to ask, then you will have to act on your own. Once you move into an apartment, you will spend a lot of effort organizing the space. Shelves and cabinets, household items, etc. will need to be fixed to the walls. If you have a plasma, you can secure it using a reliable bracket. Each fastener will require a hole to be drilled, which may later become a hole that requires repair.

Preparation of tools and materials

How to repair a hole in the wall - this question is one of the most common when repairing. The holes usually remain after current repairs. If you plan to move the lamp to another place, you will need to remove the bracket on the wall. Such a defect can be covered with putty and the area can be leveled. As soon as the composition hardens, the stain is cleaned with sandpaper and covered with wallpaper. Some people paint over the surface.

If a fragment of concrete has come loose at the junction of the walls, then it will not be possible to eliminate the hole using the method described above. It will be necessary to use other materials and techniques. To work you should prepare:

  • putty knife;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • tassels;
  • sandpaper;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • a piece of foam rubber.


This list is supplemented by putty and finishing materials. If we are talking about through hole or if there is a large volume, then you can use a solution. In order to make the work easier and speed up the process, you need to purchase a ready-made solution, which is sold in dry or liquid form, because it will be convenient to work with.

Working with a concrete wall

If you are wondering how to fix a hole in concrete wall, then first you must estimate the amount of work. If the defect is small, then it can be eliminated without preparation. But if the hole is large area, then you will have to act differently. Don't rush to do the work a quick fix, because your efforts may be in vain - a piece of plaster will move away from the surface after a while.

To patch a large hole, you will need to ensure a strong bond between the mortar and the wall. The hole is cleared of dust settled inside. A vacuum cleaner will help with this. Afterwards, the surface is moistened to ensure reliable adhesion to the liquid solution. If this recommendation is neglected, the wall will draw moisture from the mixture, as a result of which it will not be possible to form a monolithic joint.

If the hole is larger than 5 cm in diameter, it should be filled with a piece of brick or concrete. The remaining space is covered with solution. As soon as it hardens, the surface must be covered with putty. After each operation, you must wait time for the solution to set well. At the final stage, it is necessary to clean the repaired area with sandpaper. Next, you can start gluing wallpaper or painting the wall.

If you are still wondering how to fix a hole in a concrete wall, then you should think about what material to use. If repairs are being carried out in an old house where it is crumbling old plaster, and pours out of the corners finishing solution, then you can use polyurethane foam to seal the hole. The volume formed in the corner between the walls is filled 3/4 with foam.

After this, a special mixture is diluted to seal deep chips in concrete walls. The remaining volume is filled with this mixture in several approaches, and then left until it hardens. The final finishing must be done using putty. At this stage you will be able to achieve a smooth surface.

Small hole in concrete wall

If you want to know what you can use to repair a hole in the wall, you need to estimate the amount of work. When the hole is small, it is sealed with foam. If we are talking about a defect with dimensions smaller matchbox, then you can use putty. Before starting manipulations, the surface is cleaned of dust and moistened with water.

At the next stage, the putty must be applied in several stages. If the hole has a small area but is deep enough, it should also be cleaned and the inner walls should be wetted. Next, start rubbing the putty in and smoothing it out on top. Once the mixture has hardened, the areas can be sanded down. At this stage, the process can be considered complete. Wallpaper is pasted or paint is applied to the repaired area.

What to do with cracks in a concrete wall

If you are also among those who are interested in how to repair a hole in a concrete wall, then you can use the same concrete mortar, which is excellent for sealing cracks. Before starting work, it is important to check that these cracks are not expanding. This can be done using paper beacons.

Before starting, the surface of the crack is cleaned and lubricated with PVA glue. At the next stage, it is necessary to apply a cement-sand mortar inside. You can also use a ready-made mixture.

Working with a dowel hole: preparing tools and materials

To work on eliminating the hole from under the dowel, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • cement mortar sand based;
  • putty or alabaster;
  • small spatula.

First, you must take a dowel with a diameter equal to the size of the hole.

Work algorithm

In order for the putty or solution used to penetrate better inside, the hole must first be widened. This can be done with the same dowel, moving it back and forth. Next, it is recommended to remove dust from the inside. You should not blow it out, as contaminants may get into your eyes. It is best to use a vacuum cleaner.

If you are wondering how to repair a hole in the wall caused by a dowel, you should follow the instructions. According to it, at the next stage the expansion is moistened with water using a brush. This must be done especially when you plan to use plaster or putty. If you neglect this stage, the composition may peel off after drying.

Now you can cover the hole with mortar. It is most convenient to use a spatula. The composition is well compacted inside, and the surface should not have protrusions. After complete drying, the repaired area is cleaned by grinding. In the end, all that remains is to paint this place or stick wallpaper there.

Eliminating space between bathtub and wall

Even if there is a small gap between the wall and the bathtub, it can cause major problems. For example, water that gets there can leak to neighbors. Such consequences can be avoided even at the repair stage. Cement mortar, which is a universal remedy, is excellent for these purposes. But this solution cannot be called the most aesthetic. After completing all the work, you will have to give the sealed gap an aesthetic appearance.

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the space from mucus and dirt, and, if necessary, remove old finishing. Only then can you start preparing the solution. It is important to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream. Before you seal the hole between the bathtub and the wall, you should estimate the size of the gap. If it is wide enough, the solution will spill onto the floor. In this case, saturate an old rag with the mixture and fill the gap with it. When the rags have dried a little, moisten the gap and start pouring the solution there.

The outer part of the seam should be as narrow as possible. Considering what material is the basis for finishing the bathroom, you can choose a method for masking the seam. If the walls are tiled, then along the side you can lay a border from its remains. If you used plastic panels, then they are laid over the seam. You can also use a plastic border. But when the walls are painted, the seam is covered with the same paint, but the surface must first be puttied.

Seal a hole in the wallpaper

If a hole has formed in the old wallpaper, but you do not plan to do any repairs yet, you can start filling the hole using some interesting ideas. For example, to plain wallpaper metal ones are very suitable mirror panels. They look quite attractive, and they also make you happy in the morning. sunny bunnies.

If you still can’t decide how to fix a hole in the wallpaper on the wall, you can use a flexible chalkboard. However, it is only suitable for families with children. To decorate the wall and seal the resulting hole, you can also use vinyl stickers in the form of pictures. They not only do not damage the coating, but also do not leave glue on it.

If you are deciding how to fix a hole in the wall, you can use quite interesting solution- photos. They can be strengthened to small cork panels, which are easily pierced with pins. Empty wall with a hole in the wallpaper can also be decorated with a rather functional object - a shelf. In the end you can hang beautiful picture in the place where an unsightly hole appeared in the wallpaper. Or a watch.

Seal a hole in a plasterboard wall

There are many methods for carrying out this work. You can choose the one you like the most. For example, a treated hole can be patched by placing it on plaster. From above, all this is fixed with adhesive tape.

The base is covered with putty and painted to match the color of the wall. If the hole is large enough, then the salary can be fixed with a screw, then plaster and putty are applied again. The final stage will become coloring.

When home craftsmen are wondering about something on a wall, they quite often use a piece of the same material that is pushed inside. You can also use plywood, which is attached to the outside with screws. This piece will prevent the patch from falling inside and will act as an additional means of fixation.

The first thing that the new owner of the living space will have to do in terms of repairs is to remove the old decorative and finishing materials. wall coverings. After this procedure is completed, an unsightly sight will be revealed to the eye - numerous holes in the wall left from the previous owners.

Concrete walls are stronger than brickwork or wooden partitions, but in order to hang a picture, shelf or mount a TV, you need holes made by drilling with a hammer drill or simply a hole in the wall. The arrangement of furniture and household items is individual for each person and, as a result, each resident decides that the existing mounting points are not enough and another hole in the wall is needed. So, as a result of drilling and for natural reasons, holes are formed various diameters and depths that require an individual answer to the question: “How to repair holes in a concrete wall yourself?”

How to seal small holes?

In order to seal holes from drilling, you need to remove the dowels, for this you need:

  • screw in the self-tapping screw 10-15 mm so that it is fixed, but does not spread the dowel;
  • Grab the head of the fastener with pliers, swing the plastic or wooden chop from side to side, and pull it out of the wall.

In order to seal the holes after removing the dowels, you need to perform the following algorithm:

1. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove concrete debris in the form of dust and crumbs.

2. Moisten the internal cavity generously with water using a brush, foam swab or spray.

3. Cover the hole in the wall with a spatula, for which putty or repair mixture.

4. The putty is carried out sequentially in several layers with intermediate surface treatment with sandpaper to obtain a flat plane without a depression.

5. If a repair mixture is used to repair defects, the surface must be covered with a layer of putty to level it.

Using the above method, you can fix with your own hands any hole in the wall of small diameter (up to 50 mm) and the same depth, formed during drilling. If the depth of the hole in a concrete wall exceeds 50 mm, it must first be sealed with polyurethane foam, after which the technology described above is applied.

Wide range of possibilities polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam can be used to repair a hole in a wall of any diameter and depth, the following instructions must be followed:

1. Before sealing a hole in concrete, it is necessary to remove inner surface using a vacuum cleaner or brush, remove concrete debris (dust, crumbs).

2. The thickness of the polyurethane foam layer should not exceed half the depth of the cavity being repaired; it will swell when it dries.

4. After swelling and drying, excess polyurethane foam is removed with a knife, making a slight indentation from the edges to the center.

5. In order for the wall to acquire a flat plane, it is necessary to cover it repair mortar, on top of which putty is applied.

6. After the finishing layer has dried, you need to remove any unevenness with sandpaper.

Holes in the wall on the balcony can be sealed using frost-resistant foam, and an external supporting surface must be provided, because trimming the outside of the balcony after the filler has dried will be problematic.

  • prepare a piece of foam plastic with a thickness less than the thickness of the wall, 5-10 mm;
  • adjust the transverse size of the insert, which should be slightly smaller than the hole in the wall (the gap on the side is about 10 mm);
  • insert polystyrene foam, filling the main space, and foam the gaps.

So that the wall has flat surface, you should cover the foam insert, for which:

  • secure an alkali-resistant polymer mesh with a cell size of 10-15 mm on the plane of the foam plastic using metallized tape;
  • cover up the difference in height by successively applying a layer of a mixture of cement and sand, and then putty;
  • After drying, sand the surface with sandpaper.

Through holes

Holes in the wall after replacing pipes can be removed with your own hands in the following ways:

1. Scheme with polyurethane foam: fill the cavity, after drying, trim, cover the difference in height by mixing cement and sand, plaster the surface, and after drying, eliminate unevenness.

2. Scheme filled with concrete:

  • to fill a hole in the wall, you should select a cotton rag, which, when crumpled, almost completely fills the section;
  • prepare concrete solution;
  • thoroughly moisten a rag in the mixture, push it into the void, compacting it so that there are no protruding parts;
  • After drying, the hole will be almost completely filled, all that remains is to cover the difference in height with liquid concrete and carry out the final finishing.

The latest scheme allows you to seal a through hole not only in horizontal wall, but also in the slab interfloor covering, as well as holes in the bathroom, using, if necessary, a waterproofing mixture to soak the rag.

By replacing the concrete solution with liquid glass, which should be used for impregnation, you can eliminate mice holes in a similar way.

In order to remove holes from rats, which have sharper teeth and stronger stomachs, as a filler, along with a rag soaked in liquid glass, you need to use crushed glass, on top of which the external finishing is done.

How to seal large cavities?

If the cross-section is large, you can fill the resulting hole with small pieces of concrete or brick and sand-cement mortar, for this you need:

  • Remove concrete debris in the form of dust and small stones from the cavity.
  • Wet the surface generously with a brush, foam rubber or spray.
  • Lubricate pieces of concrete or brick with mortar and place them in the cavity so that there are no protruding parts.
  • After drying, fill the holes with cement and wait until dry.
  • Putty the cement patch.
  • After drying, remove roughness using sandpaper.

The considered method allows not only to seal a hole in concrete formed after drilling and chipping of concrete, but also to repair holes after foam if such filling did not justify itself.

Crack repair

Initially, you need to cut the crack using a spatula or chisel, after which, depending on the width and depth, it is recommended to use:

  • if the depth and width are large, it is necessary to foam the section, followed by finishing with repair mortar and putty;
  • For a narrow crack, it is permissible to use several layers of putty to smooth out the unevenness.

large and small diameter. How to fill a hole in the wall- this is a question that the owner of the house must decide. When choosing a material to close a small hole or recess, you must take into account the size of the hole. It can be a regular slot or a through hole, so great importance when choosing a material has a type of unwanted damage. When starting to repair a hole in the wall, it is important to take into account where the damaged surface is located.

How to fill a small hole with putty

Putty is universal material, allowing not only to level different surfaces, but also to eliminate small holes in concrete walls. You can fill holes with putty on walls made of different materials. The nature of the damaged surface does not play a special role in this case, since a wide range of putty is available on the market. Each type has its own characteristics and characteristics.

Small diameter holes usually appear on walls after removing unnecessary dowels or screws. To eliminate this defect, you should use:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • small spatula;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • putty.

Before sealing a small hole in the wall, you should not only prepare all the tools and materials, but also clean the hole. First you need to take a screwdriver and expand it, making circular movements. This will allow the mixture to fill the hole space. the best way. Then the hole must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and treated with a primer. As a result, the putty mixture will adhere to the concrete in the best possible way.

If small holes have formed in the wall, then to eliminate them you must perform the following operations:

  1. Enlarge the diameter of the hole with a knife or nail so that the putty cannot fall off after drying.
  2. Remove worn putty and dust with a dry cloth, vacuum cleaner or brush.
  3. Wipe the treated area with a wet sponge or damp foam.
  4. Fill the hole with putty after the wall surface has dried from moisture.
  5. Wait until the composition dries completely and rub the wall with sandpaper.
  6. Apply finishing material for the final covering of the wall.

The stage of work, which is associated with sealing the prepared hole with putty, involves the implementation of leveling and pressing movements.

How to fill large holes in concrete walls

If a deep hole of large diameter appears in the wall, then it is better not to use putty. The hole may remain if the pipes were replaced or the socket was dismantled. To seal the hole you may need the following types materials:

  • cement mortar;
  • mixture of building plaster;
  • repair mixture for concrete;
  • finishing plaster.

The tools you will need to use are wide spatula. Before how to fix a hole in the wall, you should prepare a hole that needs to be cleared of debris, moistened and treated with a primer. After this, the void is filled with small pieces of stone or brick, which must be mixed with cement mortar before use. This will significantly save on putty and strengthen the restored section of the concrete wall.

The type of material used to seal a hole in a concrete wall is determined by the size of the defect. To process a hole 50 mm deep, it must be filled with plaster or another type of mixture. The treated area must be completely dry, after which the area must be puttied, carefully filling all voids and cracks. If cracks appear on the surface after the mixture has dried, gypsum is used to seal them. A stone or piece of brick of suitable size is placed in a hole more than 50 mm deep.

If the area has dried well for 12 hours or more, you can begin leveling the wall with fine-grained sandpaper. The treated area should not stand out on the surface, so you will need to carefully level it with a wide spatula. Next you should move on to painting the wall or wallpapering it.

Fixing a through hole in a concrete wall

If, due to the shrinkage of the new building, deep cracks begin to form due to discrepancies interpanel seams, then rack your brains about how to repair holes in a concrete wall, not worth it. Professionals recommend using polyurethane foam, which is sold in aerosol cans. You can buy it by visiting any hardware store. This material is ideal for filling voids as it is able to penetrate into any hard-to-reach areas. Polyurethane foam is not only capable of adhering to surfaces made of various materials, but also quickly harden in the open air.

Before starting work, you will need to prepare the damaged area by freeing it from dirt, clearing it of debris and vacuuming it. Then the entire surface of the wall should be moistened. The container must be shaken before use, as its contents must turn into a homogeneous composition. While working, the cylinder should be held upside down. The gas it contains will displace the foam because it is lighter than it. The vertical cracks are filled with foam from the bottom up.

If there is a hole in the wall that is too deep, the contents of the cylinder must be applied in layers, each of which is applied after the previous one has dried. After filling the hole, do not touch the treated area with your hand if the foam is still damp. As a result, the structure of the material may change, and the hardening process will be suspended. When the foam has already dried, all excess is removed with a knife, and the surface is puttied. For further leveling, the area covered with foam can be treated with putty. Once dry, use fine-grit sandpaper.

How to restore a plasterboard wall

If holes appear in the gypsum board wall small sizes, then they will need to be sealed in the same way as a brick base. If the drywall has been subjected to strong mechanical stress, the hole may appear through. This situation requires replacing part of the surface. Basic tools and materials that should be prepared before starting work:

  1. Putty knife.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Putty.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Board.
  6. Drywall.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. Hacksaw.
  9. Fiberglass tape.
  10. Ruler and pencil.

To fill a hole in a plasterboard wall the following actions must be taken:

  • circle the damaged area with a pencil, keeping the border with perfectly smooth edges;
  • use a hacksaw to cut and remove the damaged area;
  • take a board with a width no more than the size of the existing hole, and a length slightly exceeding the size of the opening;
  • attach the board to inside walls made of gypsum plasterboard, having previously screwed a self-tapping screw into its center for convenient holding of the material;
  • secure the board with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, making 4 holes in it;
  • completely “drown” 4 self-tapping screws into the gypsum board, and remove the previously screwed-in fasteners;
  • cut out a plate from the plasterboard that matches the hole in the wall;
  • install a piece of plate, securing it diagonally;
  • prepare a piece of fiberglass tape, fitting it to the size of the hole;
  • glue the tape with glue, completely covering the damaged area;
  • Proceed to puttying the surface after the glue has completely dried.

The putty should be applied in 2 layers:

  1. Starting.
  2. Finishing.

The first one fills every flaw on the surface of the wall, and the second one secures the result. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous layer has completely dried and been sanded with sandpaper.

To eliminate deep chips that cannot be plastered because they are too deep, and also cannot be foamed, you should use the Kreps repair compound. Specifications this material makes it possible to produce quick repair walls with your own hands. After its completion, you can proceed to painting the surface of concrete or gypsum board.