home · On a note · How to properly cut glass with an oil glass cutter. We cut glass at home: with a glass cutter and simple scissors. Types of glass cutters and instructions for working with them

How to properly cut glass with an oil glass cutter. We cut glass at home: with a glass cutter and simple scissors. Types of glass cutters and instructions for working with them

To process such a fragile material as glass, a special cutting tool is required. Of course, glass cutters greatly simplify the cutting process, but you can cope with their work with the help of other improvised objects. If you are faced with the need to cut glass and don’t have a glass cutter at hand, we will tell you what you can use to replace it.

How to cut glass without a glass cutter

Tools for cutting glass were not always as widespread as they are today. In the second half of the last century, people came up with their own ways to conquer this capricious material, without using a glass cutter. In fact, to cut non-tempered glass up to 8 mm thick, you can use many available items, you just need to have a little skill.

It is better to start listing items suitable for working with glass by identifying the types of impact on this material. The main methods include thermal, when glass is heated in a certain place, and physical, when it is cut by brute force. The industry uses a waterjet cutting method, when glass is processed using expensive equipment under strong water pressure.

To cut glass thermal method, a small piece of twine and a flammable liquid like alcohol or acetone are enough; a soldering iron and a burning device can also be used as a cutter. To cut glass by physical force, you can use a file, a pobedit drill, a nail, a thin diamond disk, and even ordinary tailor's scissors. Of course, some of the listed items are difficult to get a good chip, but with the right skill, a quite suitable result can come out. Now, knowing how you can cut glass without a glass cutter, you can move on to the process itself.

How to cut glass without a glass cutter

Before we begin a detailed description of glass cutting techniques, we would like to remind you about safety. Always wear work gloves and safety glasses while working to avoid cuts and small debris getting into your eyes. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure to the glass.

Burning thread

A very common method, mainly used for cutting glass bottles. Straight glass can also be cut using this method, but with minor nuances. All that is required to make an even glass chip is a piece of woolen thread, a flammable liquid (alcohol, kerosene, etc.) and a container with cold water.

We soak the thread in flammable liquid and fix it on the glass along the cutting line. We set it on fire, wait for it to burn completely and immediately place it in cold water or pour it onto the heating site. The main thing is that the glass cools down as quickly as possible and bursts due to temperature changes. A characteristic click will signal the success of the work. If the glass does not crack, you can try repeating the operation.

This method chops bottles fairly smoothly, but does not always work with large sizes glass It is also very fire hazardous and requires a fire extinguisher or a container of water on hand, which is already required.

A very interesting, but rather slow method of thermal cutting of glass. It is more suitable for curly cutting, but it will also make a regular straight line without any problems. For this operation you will need a file and a heating element(soldering iron or burning machine).

Having marked the line of the future cut on the glass, take a file and make a small groove with it from the very edge. Having retreated 1-2 mm from it, we heat the place with a soldering iron until a microcrack forms between it and the mark. Next, we retreat from the crack itself to the same distance and gradually move towards the finish point. This takes a long time to cut glass, but you can get any shape. To speed up the process slightly, the glass can be periodically cooled by applying a damp cloth to it.

Scissors in water

A simple method of directional chipping of glass. Allows you to easily cut out round shapes, but is not suitable for creating straight lines. For such cutting, you will need ordinary scissors and a container of water, which will serve as a kind of lubricant. Maximum thickness glass should not exceed 4 mm.

The cutting process using this technique is extremely simple. We take a piece of glass to be processed, immerse it in water and break off small pieces from the edges with scissors. Water will prevent the glass from cracking, allowing you to make a controlled chip. In this way you can get oval and round shape.

Diamond blade

Not the safest way to cut glass, requiring increased care and mandatory compliance with safety rules. It can easily break glass and throw a fragment in any direction. Otherwise, the method is quite effective and can cope with the task. For cutting, you will need a special tool (grinder, drill or drill) with a diamond disk 0.1 mm thick.

The cutting process itself is quite simple, but it requires some skill and a steady hand to guide the tool clearly along the line. We place the piece of glass to be processed on a flat place, then take a cutter and draw a line on the surface of the glass with a disk. The main thing is not to dive deep, but only lightly touch it so that a small hollow is formed, similar to a wide line from a glass cutter. Next, we simply break the glass in the right place.

To reduce the likelihood of glass chipping and reduce the amount of glass dust while working, you can periodically water the cutting area with water.


Another way to cut glass at home without a glass cutter or expensive power tools. To work, you will need a file and a little experience in handling glass. Please note that the file must have corners, so a round one will not work.

To cut glass, it is enough to make several cuts on its surface with the corner of a file. You need to apply a little more pressure on the file than average so that the force is enough to form a clear groove, similar to the cut of a glass cutter. When the place of the chip is marked, we simply break the glass on the edge of the table or by placing a match under the place of the cut.

This method requires a certain skill, and if you are faced with cutting glass for the first time, we strongly recommend that you practice on small, unnecessary fragments before moving on to the main material.

Pobedit drill

If you know first-hand what glass cutting is, then we suggest considering another way to cut glass without a glass cutter. If you have some experience, one drill with pobeditovy tip. The main thing is that the drill is more or less new, with sharp corners on the head.

The process of cutting glass with a drill is in many ways similar to a conventional roller glass cutter. The differences include more high strength pressure, but otherwise all actions are standard. Place the glass on flat surface, mark the cutting line, apply a bar, and draw a line along it from top to bottom. Before cutting, rotate the tip so that the sharpest angle makes contact with the glass. Having received a clear line, we break the glass along the cutting line.

The method of cutting glass with a Pobedit drill requires skill and practical experience in handling this material. Beginning craftsmen have very little chance of making an accurate cut using this method, but with patience and straight hands, the desired result can be obtained.

How to cut a mirror without a glass cutter

The mirrors around us: in the car, bathroom or women's cosmetic bag, are in their structure ordinary glass with a metal layer applied to the back surface. Cutting glass with a mirror coating is practically no different from regular glass and can be done with a regular glass cutter or using the methods described above. When not at hand special tool, the most effective cutting tool is a file or diamond blade. Let's take a closer look at how to cut a mirror at home without a glass cutter, using improvised means.

The first step is to prepare the surface to be treated: wash, degrease and dry. The mirror must be clean, free of stains and severe divorces. Otherwise, the cut line may be drawn and the chip will be uneven. The working surface where cutting will be done must be flat and not very hard. You can lay a thick cloth or a piece of linoleum on the table.

Having prepared the material and workspace, mark the line of the future cut on the mirror. It is better to draw straight lines using a ruler or staff with a height of at least 5 mm. To prevent the stop from slipping, you can glue a strip of electrical tape to its bottom. Next, take a file, grinder or other tool and make a cut along the marked line. More detailed process various methods cutting, described above.

When the cut is ready, all that remains is to break off the mirror in the right place. To do this, you can place a small object (match, pencil, nail) under the cut line and apply light pressure on both sides. You can chip the glass on the edge of the table or gently tap it from below with a small metal object(drill or spoon). If the glass does not break, you do not need to press very hard. It is better to make the second cut a couple of centimeters from the first.

Bottom line

The above methods have the right to life and give good results when handled skillfully with glass. Perhaps, without experience in glass work, you will not be able to get an even chip the first time. Before you start processing the main material, we recommend that you first get your hands on unnecessary fragments. If you want to get a high-quality cut without much practice, it would be better to purchase a roller or oil glass cutter.

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Glass is very unusual material characterized by beauty and elegance. But processing glass with improvised means is a difficult task. Glass cutters were invented especially for these purposes and are available in various modifications. Today we will talk about the rules for cutting glass with glass cutters, as well as other tools that any home craftsman should have.

Preparatory work - what needs to be done before cutting glass?

To get a quality cut and not spoil it raw material, proper preparation is required. It is much easier to process new glass, since in this case it is only necessary to clean the surface of dirt. A rag won't help here, because... Stains may remain, so it is better to use regular newspaper, which perfectly removes moisture and dirt.

If you have to work with an old used mirror, for example, then the preparation should be more thorough:

  • First of all, we remove dirt using detergents that we usually use to treat apartment windows.
  • Degreasing - thoroughly wipe the surface with a rag soaked in kerosene or a similar composition.
  • Drying - you need to wait some time for the material to dry completely, and it is better to leave the glass indoors to avoid dust.

Cutting glass at home also involves cutting the material after it has been cleaned. In the future there will be quite a lot of waste and scraps, but proper cutting allows you to avoid this by minimizing waste. Accordingly, you can save some money by buying a little less material than originally planned. Experts advise cutting in such a way that the longest side of the workpiece is aligned with the corresponding edge of the mirror. But even with this approach, it will not be possible to completely avoid the appearance of scraps.

Types of glass - key points when processing with hand tools

Correctly cutting glass with special devices is quite simple; you just need to select the glass and the glass cutter that matches it. First of all, you need to find out what types of glass are available this moment exist, because in addition to the most common smooth glass, there are several other categories:

  1. 1. Corrugated glass is a beautiful patterned product that can later be used as decoration for furniture or doors. Processing such material will not take much time, especially if the glass is corrugated on only one side. In this case, the line is cut on smooth surface. The ideal tool in this case is a roller glass cutter.
  2. 2. Tempered glass - cutting anything, especially irregular or round-shaped products, is very, very problematic from such material. It is almost impossible to process tempered glass at home, which is due to the complexity of the operation, as well as high probability loss of basic qualities. So without professional equipment in this case it is unlikely to be possible.
  3. 3. Organic or acrylic glass - as you might guess from the name, this material is made from synthetic plastics. The end result is plastic of varying degrees of transparency. It is very easy to work with; you can even use a regular hacksaw. And plexiglass up to 2 mm thick can be cut even with a stationery knife.

The choice of product is also of great importance during further processing. So, if you are buying a new blank with the aim of making beautiful patterned products, then the choice should be given to glass with a greenish or blue tint on the ends - this is a sign of a high-quality material that will not cause problems such as breaks or crumbling. Scratched sheets are definitely not worth buying, otherwise defects may appear in the form of stripes that distort the picture.

You should definitely do all work wearing protective gloves and goggles, because fragments can cause enormous damage to human health. The table on which glass work is carried out must be covered with a cloth or newspaper to get rid of all the fragments in the future.

You should also consider the dimensions of the final sheets. It is necessary to cut the glass so that its dimensions are several millimeters smaller than the dimensions of the frame into which it will be inserted. The problem with glazing at home is due to the fact that the frames may have slight distortions, in which case inserting the processed product will be problematic. It is easier to make the workpiece somewhat smaller in size, then there will be no difficulties in the process of inserting it into the frame.

Glass cutting machines are an indispensable assistant for any glassmaker.

The easiest option is to buy a glass cutter. This device is very easy to use, especially since with experience the work will progress even faster. Modern market can offer a huge selection of a wide variety of tools, which differ in their own characteristics in the work.

To avoid problems and make you happy with the final product, you should understand the existing devices:

  • Diamond glass cutter is one of the most popular tools that has been in demand for many years. Quality products can cut glass into approximately 10km of cuts, which no other glass cutter can match. Over time cutting edge it is necessary to sharpen it using a regular beam so that the tool does not lose its former sharpness.
  • Roller glass cutter is another very popular device, which is distinguished by the fact that it is equipped with rollers. The set can include up to 6 rollers made of an alloy of tungsten and cobalt. Thanks to the combination of durable alloy and a large number of rollers, this wheel tool can cut grooved glass without much difficulty.
  • Oil glass cutter - the design is very similar to a roller glass cutter, but in addition there is small capacity With butter. When cutting, the oil is applied directly to the surface of the glass, which ensures maximum efficiency of the cutting edge. With such a tool you can even cut thick glass.

  • If you plan to cut oval or round pieces, then a circular glass cutter is ideal for you. In appearance, it resembles a compass, but this device is attached to the mirror using a special suction cup. Next, you need to set the radius of the future circle on a controlled scale, after which all that remains is to rotate the scale to create the required cut. Similar devices are now being produced, additionally equipped with an oil container.

In addition to the glass cutter itself, we will need some Additional materials, for example, a pattern, which is a specialized ruler.

You should also make sure that the glass cutter is suitable for work, that is, check its sharpness. This is done experimentally - we try to cut a piece of glass using the material used. The movements of the tool should be accompanied by a slight rustle, leaving behind a thin line. If an unpleasant creak occurs when cutting, and the line looks more like a scratch, then you should definitely sharpen the cutting edge.

Operating procedure - how not to spoil the glass surface

To perform a high-quality cut, we need a perfectly flat table surface. We place dry and clean glass on it and mark the cut line with a marker. Next, place a pattern or ruler along the drawn line and begin working directly with the glass cutter. The device itself should be held very tightly so that it moves exclusively along the line. We hold it like a pencil and begin to move along the line, applying a little physical effort.

If you purchased a diamond device, then it must be held at a certain angle, which can only be determined through experimental testing. If you decide to use roller tool, then it is installed at right angles to the glass surface. At the same time, the thumb and middle fingers hold it in this position, and the index finger applies pressure on the instrument. Unlike diamond, here you need to press a little harder to achieve the same effect.

  1. 1. You can only put pressure on the glass cutter, while putting pressure on the glass, especially when moving the tool, is strictly prohibited, otherwise the edges of the cut will be uneven and the cut itself will be too deep.
  2. 2. The incision is made quickly enough, at a speed of at least 20 cm per second. Do not try to make the cut along the line again, as this may cause the glass to break.
  3. 3. To make it easier to break the glass, you can just gently tap on the back of the mirror. After this, it will beautifully break exactly along the cut line.

In any case, experience with such tools is of great importance in this matter. Therefore, be sure to practice on small pieces before this in order to find the ideal angle of inclination of the device (in the case of working with diamond) and the correct pressure on the tool.

How else can you cut glass at home?

In some cases, it is urgent to cut off a piece of glass, but suitable tools not at hand. Fortunately, you can try to perform this procedure without a glass cutter, although this is much more difficult to do. For example, it might be suitable regular soldering iron and a file - last we carefully make the cut line, and the soldering iron should be carefully drawn along the mark. The laws of physics come into force - the product must crack and break along the cut line due to the difference in temperature on opposite sides of the glass.

A grinder equipped with a thin diamond blade can also replace a glass cutter. But everything must be done very carefully and carefully. We follow the marking line with a rotating saw blade, but we need to make sure that the glass does not overheat. The tool itself must be of very high quality, with minimal vibration, otherwise the glass will not withstand the impact of the disk and will shatter into small pieces.

The next method is to use thread impregnated with a flammable substance. The thread is laid on the glass surface along the marking line and set on fire. As soon as the flame goes out, the thread must be sharply torn off from the surface, and the site of the future cut must be instantly cooled with chilled water. Again, due to the difference in temperature, we can break the glass without extra effort, just by knocking on the back surface of the product.

It is much easier to cut glass using a glass cutter, especially if this operation takes place at home. Purchasing a tool is not difficult, and working with it is even easier. But even in its absence, you can always find a way out of the situation by using the available means and knowledge of the laws of physics.

When doing home repairs, every apartment owner sooner or later is faced with the need to glaze windows, doors or bookshelves.

Good glazier skills are acquired only through practice, often quite a long time. However, mastering the techniques of this specialty is not so difficult on your own.

Our advice to the home craftsman on preparation and safe methods of cutting glass when renovating an apartment with your own hands is designed to eliminate typical mistakes made by inexperienced beginners, help to understand their main causes, and eliminate them from work.

Read them. By showing basic accuracy and caution, you can learn to work with glass confidently and reliably.

An example to follow

To properly understand the work of professional glaziers, we recommend watching a three-minute video by the owner of Nostromo6300, “Cutting glass.” In it, during this time, two craftsmen will cut 10 different blanks to exact sizes from a sheet of 2.25 x 3.21 meters before your eyes.

Their glass cutter is called a "mop" in blue-collar slang.

Preparatory work

To properly cut glass at home, you need to have the appropriate tools and a place to process it.

Necessary tool

To work, a home craftsman will need a minimum set of:

  • glass cutter, maybe an old-fashioned design or a more modern one with a container for lubricating the roller with kerosene;
  • marker for marking glass blanks;
  • construction square, providing control of right angles;
  • ruler for marking and orienting the cutting line.

At the stage of marking the workpiece for cutting grooves, it is necessary to maintain dimensional accuracy: the width of the working head of the glass cutter should be taken into account. It is 5 mm, and the axis of the cutting roller deviates from its side edge by half this value.

When choosing a ruler, pay attention to its thickness. Thin and pointed side edges are not suitable. The glass cutter head will not move well along them.

When placing the ruler on the glass, from its edge to the axis of the roller, it is necessary to create an indent of 2.5 mm.

For such work, it is convenient to use a piece of laminate or a flat strip. To prevent such a template from slipping off the surface of the glass when cutting, cloth or fabric tape is glued to its bottom side.


Glass does not withstand local lateral loads well. The pressure from the glass cutter is what causes them. Therefore, a home craftsman should work with glass only on a prepared, clean and level surface.

A coating made from a solid sheet of fiberboard and similar materials is well suited. It is perfectly acceptable to cover a regular table with a blanket and cut on it.

A little theory

Glass production is based on melting and subsequent cooling of minerals of various compositions. After graduation technological processes a transparent, relatively strong structure is created. It normally withstands mechanical loads uniformly applied to the entire plane, but does not withstand local impacts well.

Conventional cutting relies on scratching with the hard, sharp edges of a glass cutter roller. They reduce the strength of the surface and at the same time form microcracks, which, under the influence of operational loads, for example, gusts of wind, snow pressure, lead to destruction during operation.

At the factory, when casting, a high-quality glass edge is created without the presence of defects that reduce mechanical characteristics leaf. Let's consider how it is formed with a conventional construction glass cutter or its industrial automatic analogue.

Cutting steps

The work is carried out in two steps:

  1. creating a scratch in the form of a groove on the surface;
  2. breaking into parts by bending force.

Technology for creating a groove using a glass cutter

When cutting, the tool is held with the hand in a vertical position, with the index finger placed on top of it.

The glass cut is made from the far edge to the near one. The speed of movement of the glass cutter should be uniform, the pressure on the glass should be the same. The cut is made only once.

By the quality of the scratch you can immediately judge the correctness of the cutting:

  • a thin, transparent line from the roller indicates the sharpness of its edges and the correct cutting technology;
  • a deep white cut is a sign of improper work by the craftsman or wear of the cutting part.

How to properly scratch

When cutting a groove, loads are created that work to shear the surface layer.

They cause deformations that form microscopic surface, lateral and deep cracks.

The correct cut is ensured only by those microcracks that are directed into the depth of the material - the middle ones. All others are not needed. They must be avoided.

The cutting quality is affected by:

  • cutter sharpening angle;
  • roller diameter;
  • pressure on glass;
  • position of the cutting organ.

How does the roller sharpening angle affect the cut?

As an example, let’s look at the designs of three cutters designed to work on industrial glass cutters of automatic robots.

The direction of the forces pushing the surface layer apart when creating a scratch is always perpendicular to the pressing plane. A sharper roller deflects the acting force more widely from the normal to the surface, creating a smaller area of ​​stress penetration.

To cut thick glass, use a tool with a wider sharpening angle, and for thin materials, use sharp ones.

On factory models of glass cutters, the sharpening angle is already created to work with standard glasses used for domestic purposes.

How does the roller diameter affect the cut?

Smaller dimensions allow better scratching outer surface blanks. However, glass cutter designs are already factory adjusted to optimal performance, A House master can't change anything here.

The tool is purchased in finished form with standard roller diameters. As they lose their sharpness, which rarely occurs in everyday life, the dull part is simply replaced with a backup one.

How does pressure on the roller affect the cut?

The depth of penetration of a scratch into the glass depends on the applied cutting force. Choosing a sharper cutter for thin material It should be borne in mind that it is dangerous to create a high load on them, because you can simply crush the material.

To facilitate cutting the workpiece when performing similar works always monitor the cleanliness of the glass and treat its surface with special liquids that:

  • lubricate the roller;
  • provide a hydraulic cushion;
  • reduce the effect of the Rebinder effect, reducing the strength of the outer surface;
  • wedge the material.

At home, you can easily get by with kerosene for these purposes. It is convenient to apply it manually with a piece of rag or use a specially designed glass cutter.

How does the roller position affect the cut?

The picture with the sharpening angles of the cutter makes it clear that the roller must be guided strictly perpendicular to the glass surface.

Its deviation from the normal will lead to lateral displacement of the median crack and incorrect chipping.

About the number of cuts

There is a misconception among beginners that one scratch is not enough and that several repetitions must be done. They say they will deepen the crack. So such masters use a glass cutter several times in the same place.

This is a gross mistake: with each movement, repeated deformations of the material and additional cracks are created in all directions. They reduce the overall strength of the workpiece and can lead to improper fracture during bending.

Fracture methods

After a cut with deep cracks is made on the surface, you will need to divide the workpiece along this line. This operation is performed in four ways:

  1. manual bending;
  2. using matches or thin sticks;
  3. on the edge of the table;
  4. by tapping method.

Manual bending of the workpiece

The glass is taken by the edges near the cutting line with your hands, squeezed tightly with your fingers and an opposite bending bending force is created, directed towards outside from the made groove.

This is quite enough to accurately separate the workpiece from the main sheet. This method is used by most glaziers.

Bend on matches

Matches or thin, even wooden sticks are placed in one line on the table. The glass is placed on them with a cut line so that the scratch is located on top.

Place your palms evenly over the surface and break the glass with a sharp downward movement. The magnitude of the force is determined experimentally, starting with small values.

The fracture is smooth and of high quality.

Bend on the edge of the table

Glass with a scratch is placed on the edge of the working surface of the table with the cutting line facing up. Combine it with the edge of the stop.

With the palm of one hand they press the glass surface to the table, and with the other they grab the protruding edge and with a sharp downward movement separate the workpiece.

The method is well suited for beginners.

Tapping method

The glass is placed on the edge of the table, extending the cutting line beyond its limits. Hold the part to be cut with one hand. Using the glass cutter head, precise blows are applied to the place where the middle cracks form. They gradually expand and deepen due to the loads created.

The peculiarity of the method is that the impact should not develop lateral cracks caused by deformation of the glass during cutting. They will create an uneven chip and ruin the workpiece.

During the application of blows, the expansion of the chip is visually observed.

If the break doesn't work out

We must be prepared for such a situation. It can occur due to lack of experience or technology violations.

The damaged part on the protruding side of the unbroken edge can be carefully removed using the slots on the side of the glass cutter or pliers. The edges will be sharp and jagged. They will have to be ground down with an emery stone.

The correct cut on glass is created through skills developed based on an understanding of the design features of glass and the technology of the glass cutter.

Frame installation technology

Before starting installation, it is necessary to prepare a place for attaching the cut workpiece. Its working surfaces must be completely cleaned of old nails, paper clips, and putty. It is important to ensure a uniform plane of glass contact to all edges without distortions.

Any unevenness found is leveled and filled with putty. It is not difficult to buy or make it yourself.

Types of putties

Putty with chalk

  • drying oil - 220 g;
  • ground chalk - 810 g.

Putty with chalk and white

  • drying oil - 180 g;
  • ground chalk - 600 g;
  • dry whitewash - 200 g.

Cooking technology:

  • chalk is poured in a slide;
  • a notch is made on top;
  • pour drying oil and/or white into it;
  • mix the ingredients until it forms a dough.

How to fix glass

At home, two installation methods are used:

It is convenient to hammer in the nails for fastening the glazing bead not with a hammer, but with the side surface of a chisel. The blows are applied by making an oblique cut while sliding along the glass.

Safety regulations

Sharp edges and burrs of glass easily cut through human skin. To protect against accidental injuries, use durable cotton clothing and mittens or gloves. Make sure you have good shoes.

The work of cutting glass requires compliance with all the safety rules that apply.

If trouble does occur, you will have to treat the wounds with first aid from the first aid kit. It should be at hand.

When working with glass, special attention must be paid to eye protection. Clear glasses serve this function well. Unfortunately, many people do not follow these simple rules.

All of the above practical advice should help you cut correctly with a glass cutter and install blanks into frames. Watching Andrey Smirnov’s video “Learning to cut glass” will help improve their perception.

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For 2 centuries, glass has been an integral part of any home. This material is used in the production of windows, mirrors, photo frames and many other interior elements. Hard, but at the same time incredibly fragile glass, has certain processing features that are radically different from concrete, plastic or brick. Cutting this material is a very fine and precise process that requires special tools and certain knowledge. In this article we will try to convey in as much detail as possible the essence of the glass cutting process, and also talk about several important nuances that will be useful during the work.

Safety regulations

When starting the procedure for cutting glass, be sure to keep in mind that working with this material requires compliance with safety rules, which are not recommended to be neglected. When untreated, glass has sharp edges that can easily cut the skin and cause infection. To avoid cuts, protect your hands with gloves and wear clothes with sleeves. Since glass tends to crumble into small, sharp fragments, we strongly recommend cutting with glasses.

The glass cutting area must be level and stable. It is strictly not recommended to perform this operation on a knee, a rickety stool, or other questionable surfaces. Compliance of this rule, minimizes the risk of glass falling onto the floor, and also makes work more convenient and improves the quality of the cut.

If you have not previously had experience in handling glass, and do not yet know how to cut with a glass cutter, we do not recommend neglecting the above recommendations. Perhaps some experienced craftsmen can do this work With eyes closed on the knee, but for beginners things usually don’t go so smoothly. Due to inexperience, you can make many mistakes: grab a sharp edge, drop the glass on your foot, or crush the cut site and get a piece of glass in your eye. If you are working with glass for the first time, and have not yet experienced this process, it is best to be fully prepared.

Glass selection

One of the key factors for the success of any job is choice the right material. This belief also applies to glass, which should be selected based on the task at hand. In the following paragraphs, we will give a couple of recommendations on how to determine the quality of glass and choose optimal thickness. If you already have the material, you can go to the next heading or directly to the instructions on how to cut glass with a glass cutter.

Before we begin the description, we clarify that we are talking about ordinary window glass, which are most common in construction markets. The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying glass is its end part. The edge of the canvas should have a bluish-green tint. Low quality glass has greener tones due to the higher iron content. This material is more fragile, but usually costs less.

The choice of glass thickness should be made based on the required dimensions. To make working with the canvas more convenient and to minimize the risk of defects, the ratio of width, height and depth should be optimal. Glass with an area of ​​1 m² and a thickness of only 2 mm is highly likely to crack at the first wrong movement. When using canvases up to 50 cm, a thickness of 2-2.5 mm will be sufficient. From 50 to 100 – 3-4 mm. More impressive sizes should have a thickness of 5-6 mm or more. Take these recommendations into account when choosing glass in a store and save yourself from unnecessary trouble.

Types of glass cutters

The tool plays an important role in any business, having a direct impact on the convenience of the process and the quality of work. Professional devices are more difficult to use, but with proper experience they produce first-class results. Tools aimed at novice craftsmen require virtually no skills, which usually affects the quality. Below, we will analyze each type of glass cutter and tell you which ones are easiest to work with and which ones can get the most smooth cut.

For everyday glass cutting tasks, the most commonly used glass cutters are roller cutters, oil cutters, and diamond cutters. There are also special compass devices designed for cutting round holes. To create a clearer understanding of how to cut glass with a glass cutter, let's look at each tool in more detail.

A roller glass cutter is considered one of the simplest and most cost-effective devices in its industry. It has a simple design consisting of a handle and a metal head with a carbide roller. Sharpening the cutter is enough for 250-300 meters of glass, up to 6 mm thick. Most best option for a small amount of work with no experience.

An oil glass cutter is a more advanced analogue of a roller cutter, with a couple of significant differences. Lever of this instrument, also serves as a reservoir for oil that gets onto the roller during cutting. The tip of an oil glass cutter is a monolithic piece with internal holes for a wick through which liquid is supplied. Thanks to constant lubrication, the roller becomes dull only after several thousand meters of cut glass up to 8 mm thick. Great for both beginners and experts.

A diamond glass cutter costs several times more than previous models and is usually used in professional cutting. Capable of cutting glass up to 20 mm thick. It consists of a handle and a heavy tip with a groove for breaking off glass, a position regulator and a diamond. The cutting diamond can be artificial or real, which will undoubtedly affect the cost of the tool. Durability is enough for several thousand meters of high-quality cuts. Working with this glass cutter requires a certain skill, which makes it not the best option for newbies.

Glass cutter - compass is designed for cutting round glass. A very expensive tool intended for professional use. Consists of a suction cup, a guide ruler and a cutting roller. Some models may be equipped with a lubricant reservoir. A dubious purchase for household use. An analogue of such a device can be assembled with your own hands from a suction cup, a strip and a regular glass cutter.


The convenience and success of the work largely depend on the place where the glass will be located during cutting. Inappropriate working surface can lead to uneven chips, cracks, scratches and even injuries on the glass. There are several simple rules, which will help you save the material and get a decent result.

The most important thing is that the working surface is level. There should be no bulges or indentations on the table, floor, or other area where you will be cutting glass. If there is a void between the material and the surface, then under the pressure of the glass cutter, the fragile glass may simply crack.

A table, workbench, stool and any other structure must be stable so that when drawing a line, the glass cutter does not jump off the mark. For greater adhesion to the surface and to avoid cuts on the glass, it is better to lay a piece of fabric between it and the working area. Place a sheet, blanket or any other soft cloth on the table, slightly larger than the glass being processed.

Cutting glass with a glass cutter

At its core, the process of cutting glass is quite unusual, but at the same time it may seem difficult only at the first attempts. If you produce necessary actions V in the right order, as well as cutting with a certain speed and force, everything will definitely work out. The guide below tells you step by step how to cut correctly with a glass cutter, but despite the completeness of the theory, we recommend that beginners first practice on less valuable pieces. It is better to start working on the main material, at least after a couple of successful cuts.

The first step is to prepare the glass for work. To do this, its surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt. The cut line on clean glass will be more uniform, which will increase the chances of an even chip. The washed surface should be wiped with newspaper and degreased with alcohol or kerosene. After all procedures, leave the glass for 10 minutes to evaporate the remaining moisture.

It is better to apply markings on the glass with a felt-tip pen or steklograf. To do this, we simply measure the dimensions we need from both edges, apply a ruler to the indicated points and mark the line for the future cut.

The most important step of the entire process is running the glass cutter along the glass. We take a roller or oil glass cutter (diamond glass is described in the video below) and carry out short line, up to 5 mm from the top edge. Next, we move the cutting roller from it to the end of our mark. We move the glass cutter along the glass with a precise, confident movement with a pressure force slightly above average. If the cutter is sharp and the applied force is optimal, you will hear a slight crackling sound. The resulting line should be uniform and translucent. Periodic expansion or line breakage can occur due to a dull cutter or too much pressure. It is not recommended to do it twice in the same place. It is better to retreat 5-10 mm from the original mark and make a new cut.

The culmination of glass cutting is its separation. There are several sure-fire methods for controlled chipping. It is always better to start reading with the most delicate influence, and if there is no result, increase the load (within reason).

Place the glass on a table or other more or less flat surface, so that the cutting line is parallel to the edge and extends a couple of centimeters beyond it. Next, take a glass cutter and lightly tap it with an iron tip at one of the edges of the cutting line on the back of the glass. When a small crack forms, simply break off the hanging piece light glass movement of the hand.

If a crack has not formed after a couple of dozen blows, we move on to plan B. Place a match, nail or toothpick under the edge of the glass, along the cutting line, and lightly press on the canvas from the sides. If after moderate pressure the glass remains intact, you can resort to the crudest method. Align the cutting line with the edge of the table or other surface and press on the part to be broken off with your hand. This should be done with gloves and safety glasses. There is no point in overexerting yourself. If the glass does not break, it means the cut line is not deep enough and it is better to try to make a new one and pay attention to the sharpening of the cutting roller of your tool.

After successfully chipping the glass, all that remains is to secure it by sanding the edges with fine-grained sandpaper or a block. We hope that the above guide will help you make precise glass cuts. For greater clarity, we recommend watching a video on how to use a glass cutter with a wheel and a diamond.

Shaped glass cutting

Our needs are not always limited to straight edges. Some projects may require a round or wavy glass shape. The process of shaped cutting may be a little more complicated than straight cutting, but it does not require enormous experience. There are some things to consider before cutting glass along a wavy line with a glass cutter.

To do figure cutting more accurate and convenient, it is recommended to prepare a template of the required form in advance. It is better to cut the pattern from a piece of chipboard, at least 5 mm thick. When marking the future template, keep in mind that the glass cutter roller will not fit tightly to its walls, but with an indentation of 2-3 mm. To prevent the cut guide from moving along the glass during cutting, several strips of electrical tape can be glued to its lower part.

When the pattern is ready, apply it to the cut canvas and draw a line with a glass cutter. Then carefully tap along the line from the bottom side. If you are cutting out a shape inside a glass sheet, then for easier removal, you can draw lines from the shape to the edges of the sheet so that you can carefully chip away from the edges.

Cutting glass is not always successful the first time. This almost jewelry process requires a certain skill. Practice, and soon you will do this work easily and efficiently.

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Glass cutting can be classified as jewelry craftsmanship. After all, real specialists can make from a piece of this material a real masterpiece. However, this will require enough a large number of experience. At the same time, many people cannot simply cut glass in half because they do not know the very basics of glass cutting.

We are not saying that we will make you a sculptor with a glass cutter instead of a chisel. However, you will learn how to make a glass tabletop and other similar things.

Selecting a glass cutter

Any training begins with an introductory part. There are no exceptions in our business. Before getting down to business, you need to familiarize yourself with many equally important aspects. One of them is the choice of glass cutter. There are 3 main types of these tools:

  1. Glass cutter with cutting tool made of natural diamond. This tool is the most popular. It has a tip that can cut glass up to 10mm thick. At the same time, the cuts always turn out perfectly smooth and without various defects, of course, if you use it correctly.
  2. Roller cutting tool. His working tool is made in the form of a roller. Unlike the first option, here instead of diamond a special alloy of hard metals, which are often tungsten and cobalt.
  3. Oil glass cutters are not much different from their roller counterparts. To be more precise, there is only one difference. It consists in the fact that during cutting, to cutting tool a special oil lubricant is supplied. It will not speed up the cutting process, however, this is not the advantage of the tool. A constant supply of oil will extend the life of the roller mechanism.

Returning to the first type, it is worth noting that the tool is not cheap. However, there are analogues that cost less. The difference is that instead of a real diamond, its artificial counterpart is used. It is worth noting that in terms of cutting quality it is not much inferior to the original, but it is effective when cutting glass up to 5 mm thick.

Preparation of glass and workplace

Before cutting, glass must be prepared. If used new material, just wiping with a dry cloth is enough. But glass that has already been used in everyday life should be treated with special detergents, and then degrease with kerosene. Finally, you need to dry it thoroughly.

As for the workplace, there are few requirements for its preparation, or rather, none at all. It is enough just to have a flat, free table and a container for waste glass.

A diamond glass cutter is not only reliable, but also convenient. The principle of operation is quite simple. The tool is grasped by the handle like a pencil. Next, an incision is made along the glass. To avoid messing up, it is recommended to use a ruler or a pre-cut template.

You can also use another trick when marking. It is suitable if you need to make a straight cut. So, the point is this. A straight line is marked on the table with a marker. The glass should also be marked. But there is no point in drawing a thick line. It is enough to make marks on the edges of the material, between which the cut will be made. After this, the marks should be installed so that a line on the table connects them.

Let's get back to the cutting process. The idea is clear, but there are some nuances that should be taken into account.

  1. The diamond glass cutter should be held at an angle. At the beginning of the section it was said that it looked like a pencil. So you need to “draw” just like with a pencil.
  2. Do not press too hard on the tool, otherwise the cut line will be uneven and full of chips.
  3. Repeated cutting along a line already drawn by a glass cutter is taboo. Don't ask unnecessary questions, just try to do it right the first time. If the break has already failed, you should move a little and repeat the procedure.
  4. You need to make the cut quickly. A meter segment should take approximately 2-3 seconds.

What to do after the cut line has been drawn? You should move the glass to the edge of the table so that the unnecessary part of it is exposed. Next, one simple procedure should be carried out along the entire incision line. From below, with the back side of the cut, you need to lightly tap on the glass. If everything is done correctly, the unnecessary part will easily fall away. The main thing is to remember to place a container under it or hold it with your hand.

Before figuring out how to cut glass with a roller cutter, it is worth remembering that it is not as durable as a diamond glass cutter. The roller cuts the first 300 meters properly. After this, the working part should be replaced.

Now we can get down to business. The first step is to apply markings. This can be done in the same way as the first method, so there is no point in describing these methods again. The operating principle as a whole is also no different. However, there are still some differences in the subtleties of the process.

  1. Unlike a diamond glass cutter, which must be held at an angle, in this case the tool must be positioned perpendicular to the plane of the glass.
  2. The roller glass cutter should be pressed harder, otherwise the glass will not cut through.

Cutting with an oil glass cutter

There was no need to create a separate section in the article for this cutting method. After all, the method is no different from the above, only the roller is lubricated with oil, thanks to which the cutting process is facilitated and the service life of the working part is increased.

How to cut a circle

We have already figured out how to cut glass in half. But it is also worth paying attention to one important issue. Namely: how to cut a circle out of glass? In this case, you can use two options:

  • Place a round hard template on the glass;
  • Use a special compass.

The second option is more reliable and simpler. Therefore, it is recommended to use round templates only if it is not possible to get a compass.

Let's figure out what such a compass is. Actually it's quite simple design, which consists of the following components:

  • Sucker;
  • Glass cutter;
  • Tripod.

How to use a compass is intuitive. The suction cup is attached to the glass, and the glass cutter is placed on a tripod with the required measurements. After this, a cut is made quickly but smoothly on the glass. Then lightly beat along the contour with a hammer. Ready.

  1. Working with cutting glass is quite dangerous. Therefore, you should stock up on gloves and special glasses.
  2. Glass cutters are more functional than they might seem. Almost every model has a notch that allows you to break off small pieces of glass.

Worth repeating. The tips and recommendations outlined will not make you a pro at cutting glass. However, by following them, you will immediately understand the basics of this business and will be able to cut out simple shapes.

Video: how to cut glass at home