home · Other · What does the toilet look like? Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. The famous Sochi toilet

What does the toilet look like? Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. The famous Sochi toilet

An establishment is judged by its toilets, and a country is judged by its cemeteries - there is an old saying that proves that order in important places of the country speaks of order in the state as a whole. Today we invite you to see what kind of toilets people use all over the world - from residents of African countries to residents of civilized countries, which have every opportunity to create normal living conditions.

Mozambique. Azucenna. 14 years old, 8th grade student, loves to play football. Lives with his mother and grandmother, sister and two cousins. Grandma works as a salesperson in a beer store, which is how she supports the whole family. Azucenna has to use a toilet that can accommodate another 30 people and is shared by neighbors' family members. “When it rains, the toilet turns into a disaster site - there is a real flood,” the girl says. “And it always smells very bad here.”

Brazil. Lorena is 16 years old. “We recently moved to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, and there was no toilet yet, but I built one myself. I also want to build a normal shower or bathroom that my mother and I can use.”

USA. Maria lives in New York. Writer. “When living with two neighbors, it is very important to plan your time correctly and get to the toilet on time in order to wash and shower. For a long time I lived in Beijing where I had to use a public toilet, so the current toilet is very clean and convenient for me. In Beijing, I had to wear a coat to go to the toilet because it’s quite cold there in winter, so I value the current toilet and my neighbors very highly.”

Belgium. Rosalie is 9 years old and a schoolgirl. “My school has separate toilets for boys and girls, and we have toilets on each floor of the school. My cool room located on the 3rd floor. In total, there are 22 toilets in our school, and they are designed for 230 students and 20 adults, which are teachers. We have the opportunity to go to the toilet when we need it.”

Japan. Eiko is 61 years old and lives in Japan. “The supermarket we are in now is located close to my house. I come here very often because I come for shopping. I don’t hesitate to go into this toilet, because it is very clean, there is always soap and toilet paper, and they good quality. Here I feel a sense of calm, and here I can spend at least a few hours a day. This toilet has charging outlets mobile phone, foot massager, TV. It’s very pleasant to visit such a toilet.”

Ethiopia. Meseret works as a restaurant manager in Addis Ababa. A woman lives in small house with two children, sisters and mother. The Meseret family has a long walk to the nearest toilet, so their private bathroom is located outside the door, on the street.

South Africa. The Nombini family consists of 12 people, all of whom use buckets and pots. But Nombini previously lived in another area where everyone went into the bushes, which created an unbearable smell and unsanitary living conditions.

Kenya. Younis is the founder of the Kasarani School in Naivasha. “I work at school, and before all the students, and there are 250 of them, went to public toilet, which was used by residents of nearby areas. The unsanitary conditions there were complete. Later, the children began to practice open defecation right on the school premises, after which my husband and I decided to build toilets, otherwise we would face disaster. Now the students of our school go to normal toilets, and we are calm about the children and their health.”

Zambia. Syubzen, 46 years old. Founder of a school for children with disabilities. “I have had polio since I was two years old, and going to the toilet is a real challenge for me. But I am proud to teach disabled children and adapt them to life. Using toilets is a real problem for us, but it gets worse during the rainy season when we have to crawl on our hands to reach the toilet.”

Romania. Gita is 48 years old and lives in Buzescu. Geeta is proud to be the owner of the largest and most comfortable bathroom in the village. Bathroom area 20 square meters. Buzescu is home to gypsies, so size and polish matter here. But it is worth saying that not all residents of the village are wealthy tap water and sewerage, so the luxury of having such a bathroom is not available to everyone.

Madagascar. Vanessa is 17 years old and lives in Antananarivo. “At home I have a shower and a toilet, but I am especially worried about the lack of a toilet at school. It's hard during critical days when I can't even change the pad and have to wait until I get home. I am constantly afraid that the gasket will leak. There is no place at school to wash and clean up.”

Haiti. Martin, 27 years old. “I don’t have a closed toilet. All I have is a hole in the ground. It's very dangerous and nasty here. I only use this toilet at night, and during the day I go to the toilet, which is a 15-minute walk from here.”

Bangladesh. Rubina, 38 years old. He has lived in the slums of Dhaka for three years. “My husband and I moved here after he got a job here. We used to live in rural areas. We use a public toilet, which is designed for a large number of of people. One day I went to the toilet and they started knocking very hard on the door. I don’t know who it was, but now, after 9 pm, I’m very scared to go to the toilet alone, besides, it’s about 20 meters from the house.”

India. Saritadevi lives in Uttawa village in Uttar Pradesh. The woman complains that she does not have a toilet and has to go to the fields, which greatly affects her self-esteem. Saritadevi complains that men often spy on her, and random passersby can throw stones at her or insult her.

Australia. Rene is an artist. She left the noisy city and retired to a quiet place, an hour's drive from Sydney. Renee's bathroom and toilet are located outside, but this doesn't bother her. The houses here are located very far from each other, so Renee does not worry about privacy even if she has to relieve herself in an open field.

Ghana. Ima, 47 years old. Working in a public toilet in Kumasi, Ghana's second most populous city. Ima lives with her husband and children. Ima doesn’t have her own toilet in her house, so she has two options - plastic bags at night, and the public toilet where she works during the day.

Great Britain. June. “I have a special toilet that converts waste into fertilizer. I used to have to clean cesspool and send it all to rot, and then fertilize the soil. Now, high tech They let me do the gardening and the toilet does its job.”

Thailand. Sinekha, 71. “I like to go to the toilet in the temple. It is very clean here - they clean it constantly. Security is on duty here 24 hours a day, so it’s also safe here.”

Ecuador. Fabiola, 69 years old. “I used to have to share a toilet with people in my condominium, but that was a long time ago. I now have a house with five bathrooms, which I'm very proud of. Contrast with children's and teenage years very strong,” Fabiola laughs.

Airplane toilets are very... important detail comfort, especially on long flights. Let's figure out exactly how they work and how to use them correctly.

Are there toilets on planes?

Of course, even the smallest passenger Airbus has a toilet. This is a necessity for a comfortable flight of passengers to their destination. The restroom is equipped with sewerage and water, which is needed for personal hygiene. The toilet itself is quite small in size. It contains a toilet, sink, waste bin toilet paper and other hygiene products, and some also have boards for changing babies. Special children's mini-tables recline and are fixed if necessary. In some modern types airplanes also have restrooms for the disabled.

How it works?

Many people wonder how the toilet on an airplane works. As a rule, these are dry closets, all waste from which is collected in special tanks. The volume of these tanks can vary - from 115 to 270 liters. In order to bad smell does not spread throughout the cabin, special chemicals are added to this container that disinfect the water and eliminate stench. The waste cargo remains on the aircraft throughout the flight. Some people think that after flushing, all sewage goes to open space, however, this is a misconception. The tank or reservoir, which is gradually filled, is then removed, transported and disposed of.

What problems might arise?

Sometimes airplane toilets break down. The main cause of trouble is the human factor. Someone, unknowingly, on purpose or accidentally, may drop something into the toilet. If this thing turns out to be large, then aircraft technicians have a lot of work. After all, this is not home plumbing that can be quickly dealt with and the issue resolved in a few minutes. This is a serious system, the slightest malfunction of which puts it out of action for a long period of time. Therefore, in the toilets there are signs in large letters stating that you need to be extremely careful, and there is a trash container for used diapers and feminine hygiene products, which you are strongly advised to use.

When the plane arrives at its destination, a car with a large corrugated hose pulls up without slowing down. It is connected to the opening of the tank, in which waste was collected throughout the flight. At this point, an unpleasant problem may also arise. If the connection is incorrect or poor-quality, the hose may break and the entire contents will simply flow onto airport workers. Another problem can arise if something sticks to the walls of the tank or reservoir. In this case, a serious flushing of the entire system will be required. Therefore, before you put anything prohibited in the toilet, remember, on the plane. And think how much trouble and inconvenience this can cause.

Terms of use

If you are flying for the first time and do not yet know how the toilet on the plane works, do not hesitate to ask the flight attendants about it. They will tell you how to properly use a toilet at height:

  • The door opens by pressing the handle located directly below the Lavatory sign.
  • If the toilet is already occupied by someone, the sign is highlighted in red. If free and available - green.
  • How does the toilet work on an airplane? A little different from what we are used to. Therefore, you can visit it only during the flight after gaining altitude. It is strictly prohibited to use it during takeoff and landing. Also, if you are advised to take your seats, for example in case of turbulence, you should leave the toilet immediately.
  • It is recommended to visit restrooms on airplanes 10 minutes before eating and drinking or 15 minutes after eating.
  • It is forbidden to throw paper, pads and other hygiene products into the toilet itself. For this purpose, special bins are installed in each toilet.
  • Some toilets are equipped with a special folding board for changing small children. Which airplane toilets have it, check with the flight attendant, especially if you are traveling with a small child.
  • Since waste is flushed using a directed powerful jet of air, before this procedure it is necessary to check whether the toilet lid is lowered.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the toilet, as there is a special fire alarm, which triggers even at the slightest smoke.

Where does the noise come from when draining?

Some passengers may feel that when the water in the airplane toilet is flushed, a characteristic noise is heard, similar to a short-term depressurization in the cabin. However, this is only an illusion, since the waste is not thrown out into the air at all, but is sent to a special sealed tank. In addition, drainage with water is not performed due to the fact that it is extremely uneconomical. Therefore, waste products are removed by a powerful directed air flow, which is why a sound similar to depressurization occurs.

Where are the toilets located on different brands of planes?

In various Airbuses, the restrooms are located in different places. Their quantity also differs:

  1. The popular Boeing 737, as well as the TU-154 and A-320, have a total of three toilets. One of them is located at the entrance to the plane, the other two are at the tail.
  2. The huge Boeing 767 has as many as five toilets. Two of them are in economy class. There is one at the beginning of the business zone. Two more are in the passage between them.
  3. Toilets on Boeing 747 type aircraft are located two at the end and at the beginning of the Airbus. Four are in the middle and three more on the second deck. There are eleven of them in total.

A little history

In various countries, when designing toilets on military aircraft, sewerage and water supply systems were invented. Moreover, in most of these aircraft There are no restrooms in the USSR and the Russian Federation. For small needs, each crew member has a special urinal that is hermetically sealed. At the same time, there is “largely” nowhere to go. Some military transport aircraft still use regular buckets and plastic bottles. Now you know almost everything about how the toilet on an airplane works and what the rules are for using it. Fly with pleasure!

“To some extent, the cleanliness and comfort of toilet stalls is a reflection of the level of civilization of any country (Najib Tun Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia)”

Perhaps the oldest toilet (its age is 4.5 thousand years) was discovered on the territory of the Mohenjo-Daro fortress (modern Pakistan). It is a brick structure with a seat connected to an underground sewer system. There were also similar premises in China, Egypt and Ancient Rome.

According to one version, the first flush toilet appeared on the island of Crete long before the beginning of our era. It looked like a stone toilet seat, to which, using complex system pipes supplied water.

Let's see what toilets look like in different parts of the world.

1. This is a regular school in Belgium. Everything is civilized here: for 230 students and 20 teachers there are 22 toilets. (Photo by Tim Dirven):

2. Haiti. "I don't have closed toilet. My toilet is a hole in the ground next to my house.” (Photo by Shiho Fukada):

3. Bangladesh. (Photo by GMB Akash):

4. India, Uttar Pradesh. Here many people do not have a toilet in their home and go to an open field. (Photo by Atul Loke):

5. And this is civilized Australia. But local artists have their own quirks. For example, the toilet and bath are not in the house, but outside it. Although there are no special problems - the house is surrounded by wild bushes and trees. (Photo by Warren Clarke):

6. Ghana. This madam lives in a rented room with her husband and four children. There is no toilet at home, you have to go to a public one. (Photo by Nyani Quarmyne):

7. England also has its quirks. Here, for example, is a composting toilet. (Photo by Steve Forrest):

8. Public toilet in Thailand. (Photo by Patrick Brown):

9. Mozambique. A public toilet where 30 people from different families go. (Photo by James Oatway):

10. Favelas (slums) in Brazil. The water is turned on here on Thursdays and Sundays, get out as you wish. (Photo by Eduardo Martino):

11. Public toilet in a department store in Japan. Here you can charge your phone, watch TV, and even have a foot massage. (Photo by Noriko Hayashi):

12. In contrast: a public toilet in Ethiopia. (Photo by Petterik Wiggers):

13. South Africa. Bad, but yours. (Photo by Eric Miller):

14. Zambia. (Photo by James Oatway):

15. Big house gypsies from Romania. The bathroom is as much as 20 meters away. (Photo by Petrut Calinescu):

16. Madagascar. (Photo by Frederic Courbet):

17. Kenya. (Photo by Frederic Courbet).

For anyone who is concerned about the upcoming renovation or reconstruction of the toilet room, we offer a selection of 60 interesting design projects that we have collected for homeowners with different taste and stylistic preferences, in a wide range color solutions and for different levels of financial budget.

When starting to plan a toilet renovation, it is important to remember that in addition to aesthetic appeal, all materials used to decorate the room must be resistant to moisture, easy and quick to clean, and withstand exposure to chemicals for the cleaning.

Currently the market finishing materials for bathrooms offers wide choose all kinds of goods that meet all the requirements for presence in a small but important functional segment of the home. Beginning with ceramic tiles and ending moisture-resistant wallpaper, laminated panels, glass and plastic - everything works to create a unique, practical and rational design utilitarian premises.

Let's take a closer look at design projects toilet rooms With various types finishing, color range and stylistic directions.

Snow-white finish - cleanliness and freshness for small rooms

The toilet is a room that, like no other utilitarian space in a house or apartment, needs to create a fresh, almost sterile atmosphere. Of course, a light color palette in the decoration of the toilet room will lead to a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Considering small sizes premises, White color in design will also help in visually expanding the space.

In order not to make the toilet environment look like a sterile operating room, add a couple of accents in other shades to the snow-white interior, not necessarily very bright or contrasting, just enough small area walls finished with a material different from the main one.

An alternative to a snow-white shade can be colors from the pastel group; light and delicate shades will look advantageous together with white sanitary ware and the warm color of decorative elements.

Combining white ceramic tiles and light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern can become excellent option for decorating a small space.

While creating modern interior toilet room, many designers try to hide as many communications and engineering systems behind false panels or use built-in plumbing options. But some professionals, who are drawn to the retro style, prefer to deliberately display all communication systems, presenting them as part of the decor, and not just a functional segment.

Using marble tiles light shades brings a touch of luxury to the interior. The use of an artificial analogue will be no less in a successful way finishing in terms of appearance, modern technologies allow you to achieve absolute identity. The differences remain only in such material properties as strength, wear resistance and manufacturability.

When decorating a toilet room, you can completely dispense with the use of stone or ceramic tiles, and this is a little oriental design an example of this. The contrasting combination of dark wood and snow-white walls and ceilings created a room filled with light, cleanliness and spaciousness, which only a utilitarian room is capable of.

Dark color palette for an original toilet design

Against the background of a dark finish, snow-white plumbing looks even cleaner and sparkling. For those homeowners whose toilet size allows the use dark colors for surface decoration, we offer several unusual options interior of a room with a toilet.

The contrast that can be achieved by integrating snow-white plumbing fixtures into the framework of a dark room truly creates interesting design.

Dark, deep shades in wall decoration go well with light flooring. For visual expansion spaces you can use mirror, glass and glossy surfaces.

The dark gray walls of the bathroom became a contrasting addition to the snow-white floor and ceiling; original decorative items and lighting complemented the minimalist atmosphere.

The almost black finish of the room became the background for the toilet unusual shape and a beautiful piece of decor, which is the focal point of this small but interesting, from a design point of view, room.

This toilet room is an example of how you can successfully combine dark shades with a natural warm palette as part of the design of all surfaces of the room. The interior, with a slightly Asian twist, gives the impression of luxury and wealth.

Despite use, quite dark color palette to decorate the room, it does not look gloomy. Combination various materials and their colors made it possible to create an interesting design, filled with chic and brilliance. Not the least role in the creation interesting interior played decorative items and unusual design large chandeliers.

Bright interior of the toilet room - finishing features

For everyone who is not ready to put up with the snow-white surfaces of sterile bathrooms and prefers to refrain from using dark colors in the interior of any rooms - our next block of toilet design projects.

Why not use bright, rich colors of tiles or wallpaper to decorate bathroom surfaces? If the size of the room allows, and your taste preferences are inclined towards the spectrum of bright colors - you need to act based on own preferences, without looking back at trends and modern trends in the field of interior design.

By combining white ceramic metro tiles and wallpaper with a bright active print, it is possible to create a festive, but at the same time practical finishing walls White and black flooring and a similar edge design option facing tiles became a harmonious completion of the toilet image.

Another example of using the combinatorics of white and colored surfaces in the toilet room. Thanks to the unusual decorative elements, managed to create a truly non-trivial design of the room.

By using mosaic tiles, which is produced in small glued blocks for ease of cladding, you can create interesting inserts and panels against the background of the light finish of the toilet walls. Mosaic tiles are also convenient because they allow you to tile uneven surfaces, roundings and arched niches, protrusions.

Thanks to the abundance of mirror surfaces, the lighting system and unusual decorative elements, it was possible to create a truly interesting interior design for the toilet room.

Combining wallpaper with a variegated pattern and mosaic tiles in wall decoration allows you to create an interesting and non-trivial background for plumbing fixtures in white tones.

Bright, accent wall The scarlet color became the center of focus, because quite large decorative items were placed against its background. The slightly decadent atmosphere was complemented by a mirror in a carved frame.

With finishing wood panels and paintings on glass partition, managed to present an interesting, unusual design of the toilet room.

The interior of this toilet room cannot be called bright; rather, it is sparkling and brilliant. Corrugated mirror surface became a way to present an accent wall.

An alternative to lining toilet walls using ceramic or stone tiles can be pasted with textile wallpaper, which tolerates moisture well and is easy to care for. In addition, the surfaces exposed to the greatest amount of water – above the sink – are lined natural stone. A bright piece of art became a successful chord in completing the extraordinary design of the bathroom.

Just three neutral shades used to decorate the toilet made it possible to create an interesting design for a small room.

Unusually shaped toilets as a way to diversify bathroom design

We bring to your attention several images of toilet rooms, in which the center of attention was not the decoration of the room, but the main piece of plumbing for any toilet - the toilet. Square or rectangular, oval and egg-shaped, built-in and hanging, miniature or, on the contrary, large-scale models of plumbing fixtures have become highlights when creating interiors for home utilitarian premises.

Minimalism as an option for arranging a small room

No other interior style is as suitable for modest-sized rooms as minimalism. Modesty and austerity of the decor is preferable for small enclosed spaces, and in city apartments, toilets are just such small rooms. In addition, monitoring the cleanliness of a room in which there is no unnecessary decor, and from all the furnishings there are only plumbing fixtures, is much simpler and more effective.

Wood and stone always go well together in the decoration of rooms, even utilitarian ones. Natural materials with the opposite - cool and warm energy, they bring a peaceful atmosphere to any interior.

Only the variety in the decoration of the room and the contrasting shades attract our attention in this toilet room. No unnecessary decorative items or plumbing accessories, flowers or shelves. Only a combination of smooth snow-white surfaces with wooden slatted wall finishing techniques.

And finally, two images of toilet rooms, created specifically for book lovers, for whom the toilet is like an office. For some homeowners, the closet is the only place where walls or shelves can be used to display collectibles or souvenirs brought from various travels.

100 BIG ideas for a SMALL toilet