home · Measurements · How to protect an apartment from thieves - everyday advice. How to protect your country property from intruders. Strengthening the fence, automatic gates

How to protect an apartment from thieves - everyday advice. How to protect your country property from intruders. Strengthening the fence, automatic gates

A dacha, like no other property, is at risk of being robbed; how to protect your dacha from theft is the most simple ways from experienced summer residents.

Strong and reliable locks and similar doors are one of the most inaccessible ways to protect yourself from burglary. However, this method is only good in the fight against not very experienced burglars, but if an experienced thief has his eye on your property, then a lock or armored door is unlikely to stop him. As they say, locks are for honest people, and a thief will deal with a mechanical barrier in a matter of minutes, and in winter, when the issue of protecting the dacha is most pressing, there are no souls around, so pick the lock as much as you want, no one will scare away.

If you are confident in your locks and doors, there is another method of entering the house - windows. Like a door, a window can be opened from the outside or simply broken by one of the windows facing the outside. inner part summer cottage plot. Can be used to protect windows metal gratings or shutters that can be locked from the inside. True, this is only a relatively reliable method of protection, because if you tie one end of the rope to the grille and the other to the towing eye on a more or less powerful car, then a rare grille will withstand such treatment.

They were, so to speak. passive ways to protect a country house.

Active methods of protection are not available to everyone, but only to those owners whose dachas are within the range of security agencies, so if it is possible to conclude an agreement for the protection of the dacha, then be sure to do so, a flashing red light and corresponding inscriptions on the doors will scare away most uninvited guests .

In addition to concluding an agreement with a security agency, you can install cameras around the perimeter that will record everything that happens around the dacha 24 hours a day. Moreover, if you have the Internet, you can transmit the image in real time to the owner of the dacha.

With all the pros and cons, all of the above methods of protecting a dacha have one drawback - high price implementation of protection.

How to protect country cottage area the simplest ways to prevent theft, which would not require large financial investments?

Of course, the main advice is not to store anything valuable at the dacha. At the same time, indicating to the maximum that there is nothing to take from the dacha. In a house where there is no castle or where the castle is purely symbolic, thieves usually do not break into it. Everything valuable can be lowered into the basement, after first turning it off so that it is difficult to find something in the dark.

You can also agree with your neighbors on the regular protection of their homes; perhaps this is one of the most reliable ways, the main thing is to find like-minded people.

What are the ways to protect your summer cottages do you use?

At my dacha, a neighbor who is a car enthusiast installed the simplest car alarm with a powerful siren. One day it went off and screamed until the neighbors in the dacha came running and called the owner. Now you can complicate this system a little by making sure that the alarm sends an SMS about the activation, to mobile phone.

A country house, whatever one may say, is empty more often than we would like. And in the offseason, as a rule, there’s not a lot of buzz around him. Just thieves ideal conditions for work. And then the homeless people, with the arrival of cold weather, will want to make themselves more comfortable for the winter... What to do?

1. Keep your mouth shut and don’t talk too much about your well-being. A chatterbox is a godsend not only for a spy, but also for a thief.

2. The best thing is to insure your home. (This is only 1 - 2% of the cost of the dacha.) It will help against thieves and arson (God forbid, of course). "Grated" people also insure property. These are the same percentages, but you sleep peacefully.

3. Alone in a dacha field is not a warrior. Unite with your neighbors. Chip in on the guard with a Berdanka and dogs. It would also be nice for him to have a mobile phone or a walkie-talkie to communicate with the police. Don't skimp on your safety! Well, if finances allow, then you can contact a professional security agency. Or negotiate security with the police.

4. Enclose the territory of the gardening cooperative with a common fence. And install strong gates that can be locked. And the keys are only for your gardeners and no one else.

5. Make sure the fence in and around your garden plot. Just for fun, try climbing your fence yourself.

6. Locks on the gates and on the house are better not padlocks (because then it is immediately clear whether the owners are there), but mortise ones. It’s even better to put overhead on the doors to the house - so that it’s more difficult to get to their mechanism from the street. And the windows need strong bars.

7. Hide out of sight or take away for the winter all the things that you would be sorry to lose. It would be nice to have a second bottom in your country “box”: an inconspicuous underground floor, a false wall or ceiling, where you can temporarily move your grandmother’s rare samovar, a brand new set of garden tools and everything else.

8. You can also create the effect of abandonment. It’s as if no one has lived in the house for a hundred years, either in winter or in summer, and there is absolutely nothing to catch there. To do this, board up the windows and doors.

9. Or, on the contrary, you can create the effect of the presence of the owners. Don’t be lazy, even in winter, to check out your property and trample the paths. Ask your neighbors to also remember to inspect your home. Find a family that needs housing. Let them live at your dacha, and at the same time protect it. But some gardeners are already so desperate to resist the regular attacks of homeless people that they leave the door unlocked especially for them. food and a note, they say, live, feel at home, but do not forget that you are a guest.

10. By the way, the epistolary genre is generally a glorious means. The picture of a supposedly lived-in house can be supplemented with a tender note: “Dear bros! Make yourself comfortable. We are with a neighbor. We will be there soon. Petya, Vasya and our beloved bull terrier Bobik.” And one family regularly writes the following message on their country door: “No electronics. No food. No booze. Stop breaking doors!”

11. Use technical devices: Simulates a barking dog or human voice, automatically turning on the light when someone approaches.

12. There is a radical remedy - a surprise in one bottle, codenamed “cognac and arsenic”. But we categorically do not recommend it, because it smells strongly of criminality. Besides, would you want to live in a house where a deceased person recently lived? Not many better way conduct current through barbed wire on the fence. It's cruel. If you nevertheless really want to annoy the intruders of your private space, install a deterrent siren. She screams so loudly it doesn't sound like much. And one biology teacher became even more professional: he installed a decommissioned human skeleton from his school office in the hallway. He repelled the hooligan boys one hundred percent.

At all times, the desire of some people to enrich themselves at the expense of others has been and remains driving force criminal world. One of the most common ways to make money is theft. Nowadays, questions about how to protect an apartment from thieves, what measures to take to protect a private home from them, or what means to protect property at the dacha during your absence are more relevant than ever.

In our article we have collected the most common available methods protecting apartments and houses from thieves and robbers. Not only the methods that are used for this purpose will be listed here, but their main advantages and disadvantages will also be noted. The authors of the article hope that the information provided will be not only informative for you, but also as useful as possible, allowing you to maximize the safety of your home from intruders.

Protecting your home and apartment from burglars: which method to choose

The methods of protecting houses and apartments from thieves presented in our review can be formally divided into two groups. The first of them consists of those techniques and means of protecting a home from burglars that do not require outside intervention. Looking ahead, we immediately note that this category has one important drawback. We are talking about a reduced degree of reliability. Even if all these techniques are less expensive, the low level of security relegates them to the background.

As for the second category, it includes methods of protecting apartments from burglars, involving the intervention of professionally trained specialists, including employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (rapid response team). At relatively higher costs (although they are not always so), this option for protecting apartments, private and country houses from thieves, ensures almost one hundred percent security of your movable and immovable property.

So, let's move on directly to the description of the main methods that are practiced in order to secure an apartment or house from thieves. All the pros and cons of each of the listed methods will be noted separately.

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How to protect an apartment or house from thieves and robbers on your own

Basic ways to protect houses and apartments from thieves on our own can also be divided into two groups, namely the use of special technical means and the manifestation of ingenuity. We list the most common techniques that answer the question of how to secure a house from thieves on your own and relate to both groups:

  • Installation of bars on windows. This method is the most effective for protecting private houses and apartments from robbers. lower floors. However, here it is necessary to take into account that only gratings welded to the pins with a cross-section of rods of at least 12 mm will become truly reliable.
  • Reservation of windows with special shockproof film. This option is quite reliable, but relatively expensive, for protecting apartments and houses from burglars.
  • Internal handles on windows with keys. Such a system significantly complicates the task of robbers, although, as in the previous case, it is not cheap.
  • A video peephole that allows you not only to view the area near the entrance to an apartment or house, from which the device provides protection, but also to make video recordings when a motion sensor is triggered.
  • Dog. This old and proven way to protect your home or apartment from thieves is complemented by the opportunity to make yourself a reliable and devoted friend. An alternative is to use a bell that imitates a dog barking. Although he won’t greet you home from work with his tail wagging, he can to some extent help protect your apartment or house from thieves.
  • Creating a “presence effect” for the hosts. Here you can show your imagination the most in various ways. Lights on, music playing, a mannequin in the light of a flashlight - all these means can help secure your home or apartment. However for professional robbers Most of these methods do not present any obstacle. Moreover, they can reveal the absence of the owners and attract the attention of experienced thieves.

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Professional protection of an apartment or house from thieves and robbers

Repeated cases of robberies and break-ins prove that the most reliable and stable way to protect apartments, private cottages or country houses from thieves is the security services of a private security company. Among them, video surveillance and alarm systems have become the most common. Let us immediately emphasize that we are not talking about independently installed equipment, but about systems specially designed by specialists. At the same time, the most reliable of these means of protecting apartments and houses from thieves are those that transmit a signal to the remote control for the departure of the State Investigation Bureau. Judge for yourself whether the signal received on the mobile phone of an elderly pensioner will have a big effect when a physically prepared, and possibly armed, robber enters his apartment...

If a video surveillance camera, a trip sensor or another type of alarm system used to protect your home or apartment from thieves transmits a danger signal to the central control panel of the private security company, the arrival of armed guards in special uniforms will not only help neutralize the intruders. This will completely discourage them and their “business colleagues” from making repeated attempts to check the protection of your house or apartment. And, although such methods of ensuring the safety of houses and apartments from burglars are more expensive, their effectiveness fully compensates for your expenses!

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Every person wants to live in peace and not be afraid for their safety and the safety of their property. However, many things happen every day burglaries, losses from the actions of thieves often amount to several tens, and sometimes hundreds, thousands of rubles. This issue is especially relevant for residents of large cities, where the crime rate is especially high.

Ken Powers. Lock and Latch. 2008

Statistics of burglaries in Russia

According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, over the past few years there has been a decrease in the number of burglaries in the country. However, according to statistics for the first 10 months current year Every 22nd crime in Russia is burglary. This is more than 90 thousand crimes.

Most burglaries occur in major cities. Thieves choose more often apartment buildings With big amount apartments and entrances. In such houses, as a rule, neighbors rarely know all the residents, especially if these are new areas. The choice of a specific apartment is influenced by many factors. First of all external signs wealth of the apartment owner (air conditioners, expensive double-glazed windows, satellite antenna etc.).

If we consider the main ways thieves enter apartments, then according to statistics, in Moscow 40% of thefts are committed by breaking into, knocking out or drilling out the lock. In second place in popularity is penetration through windows, vents and balconies (18% of thefts). 14% and 13% of all thefts are committed respectively by breaking doors and picking keys.

Popularity rating of techniques used to enter an apartment
40% - breaking and knocking out the lock; 18% - penetration through windows, balconies and vents; 14% - knocking down and breaking the door; 13% - key selection; 10% - free access (guests, friends, etc.); 5% - other

It is also important to remember that the number of burglaries increases during the holidays, vacation season and school holidays. If you want to protect your home from thieves, then you need to take care of its protection in advance.

To protect your home from thieves, you need to close everything possible ways access to the apartment. Therefore, the main methods of protection are: secure door, high-quality lock, window protection, and alarm installation. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Obviously, to open the door, there are 2 ways:

  • Vandal - when the door is simply knocked down, opened with a screwdriver, crowbar, grinder, etc. Obviously, in this way it is easy to open an ordinary wooden or metal door made of thin steel. Surely, many have seen videos about opening Chinese metal doors with a can opener.
  • Professional - using a variety of master keys, rolls and other types professional tools, which are used by experienced thieves.

To protect against vandalism, it is necessary to install high-quality steel doors, made of thick metal. According to Russian standards (in particular, GOST R 51072-97), there are 4 classes of resistance to burglary of steel doors.

Fernando Botero. The Thief on the Roof. 1980

I class- the door can be opened using physical strength and standard hand tools(crowbar, nail puller, mount, etc.);

II class— the door can only be opened with special electric tools;

III class- the door is impact resistant various instruments, including special electrical power up to 500 W;

IV class— a door capable of resisting small arms fire (armored, bulletproof door).

However, it should be understood that there are no completely unopenable doors. To enter an apartment, you only need a certain amount of time, proper skills and a suitable tool.

A burglar-resistant door is simply a door that can withstand a burglary attempt for a certain period of time.

Despite the fact that doors of this type are several tens of times more reliable than simple metal doors, their protection also has a limit. The burglary resistance class only limits the period during which intruders can enter the apartment. The time for partial and full access to the premises is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Ability of doors to resist burglary

That is, as we see, even 4th class armored doors can be hacked. However, this will take thieves more than two hours, which significantly reduces their chances of remaining undetected.

Also, when choosing doors, you should pay attention to the fact that it is useless to install a door whose degree of protection exceeds the level of protection of the walls. Optimally, the level of protection of the walls should correspond to the level of protection of the door being installed. There are known cases where thieves, using special tools just cut a hole in concrete wall and entered the apartment through it. The most protected are walls in monolithic houses.

Prices for high-quality steel doors start from 22-25 thousand rubles. The price depends on the thickness of the metal used and the finish.

Unfortunately, one burglary-resistant door is not enough to provide protection against thieves. Often the door meets the highest requirements for reliability, and the locks installed, although expensive, are simple for a burglar specialist.

Walter Tandy Murch. Lock. 1948

Therefore, let's figure out what types of door locks exist and which one is more reliable.


It got its name from the word “lever” (an element of a code mechanism that locks the bolt). The reliability of the lock depends on the number of these “levers”; if there are more than 6 of them, then the lock is extremely difficult to open with a master key. A high-quality lever lock has a good level of burglary resistance. The disadvantages of these locks include big sizes both the lock itself and the key. (Price from 1,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles, depending on the design features and the manufacturer).


They got their name due to the cylindrical shape of the code mechanism installed in them. Their advantage is that the cylinder is quite easy to replace, and if the key is lost, you do not have to change the entire lock. The main disadvantage is the need to install additional armor plates that protect the lock from being opened. Otherwise, such a lock is not difficult to open. The simplest cylinder lock costs about 1000 rubles. However, choose better model with 4-5 crossbars, its average price is about 5,000 rubles.


A special type of combination locks, which contains 2 locks in one housing. The monoblock can also be two-system: the code mechanisms of the lower and upper locks in its composition belong to different systems locking (for example, one lever, and the second cylinder).

The advantage of monoblocks is that they are cheaper than two separate locks. Note that when installing a monoblock with a dependent locking system, the degree of burglary resistance of the system also increases. The disadvantage is the small distance between the bolts of the built-in locks, which in turn reduces the degree of security of the door. Therefore, it is recommended to install monoblocks together with a multilateral locking system (“crab”). (The cost also varies depending on the company and design, starting from 2000 rubles).

Crab system

Allows for multi-sided locking of the door, which ensures a high level of burglary resistance of the door to forceful methods of breaking. In this case, the locking sides can be any: top, bottom, sides. This system involves the installation of locks with special rods. Their disadvantage is the increased complexity and cost of the design, and they are also more difficult to operate, since the load on the key when locking increases. Depending on the number of bolts and the manufacturer, such a lock can cost from 2,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles.

To increase the security of the apartment, experts recommend installing 2 locks, different types, for example, one is level, and the second is cylinder with a replaceable core. You should not neglect special armored linings; they increase the level of burglary resistance, making it more difficult for criminals to work. A lock with an armor plate is much more difficult to knock out, saw out or drill out.

Window protection

For residents of the first and last floors, in addition to installing a good door with a reliable lock, window protection is also very important. After all, it’s quite easy to get into such apartments through a window. Especially if the owner leaves the window open or balcony door. But even a double-glazed window does not save you from thieves; modern craftsmen have long learned to open them. So how can you protect your windows? There are not many options, but 3 can be distinguished:

  • Window reservation.
  • Special protective fittings.

The first option is the most common. Experts say that the most reliable are stationary grilles made of rod 12-15 mm thick. It is almost impossible to cut such a lattice with a hacksaw. However, gratings also have disadvantages. For example, if a fire occurs, it will be impossible to get out of such an apartment through the window. And, if the path to the door is cut off, this could even lead to the death of the owners. This is why you should consider other window protection options.

Fernando Botero. A Thief. 1994

Reservation of windows is most often carried out by covering the glass from the inside with a special film, which increases its strength. Such glass is very difficult to break even with a hammer or brick. The cost of this procedure is not cheap. On average in Moscow, covering a window with such a film will cost from 650 to 2000 rubles/sq.m. m. depending on the stability class.

According to the current standards in Russia, burglary-resistant windows, depending on the number of impacts withstand, are divided into 3 protection classes: B1, B2 and B3.

The first class can withstand up to 50 blows of a hammer or ax, the second - up to 70, and the third class can withstand more than 70 blows.

In addition to armored glass, you can also install an armored frame made of steel or aluminum. The strength of such a frame is given by additional steel armored plates. This overlay is designed to protect the junction of the frame and the glass - the most vulnerable point of the window. Sometimes they make one piece metallic profile without pads, but such frames are more expensive and heavier than modifications with pads. However, the degree of protection of such windows is greater. The cost of installing such a frame is from 15,000 rubles.

In addition, you can install special anti-burglary fittings on the windows, special locking elements that provide protection against burglary. The fittings are also divided into 3 classes:

  • WK1 - guarantees protection against the use of physical force without special tools.
  • WK2 - provides protection against attempts to break in with a screwdriver, pliers, etc.
  • WK3 - provides protection against burglary with a pry bar or crowbar.

In addition to everything listed, the owners country houses We can recommend installing roller shutters. They have a high level of protection against burglary from the outside. That is why they are often used to protect offices and shops.

Alarm installation

Of course, one of the most reliable ways to protect against thieves is to install a security alarm.

Let's look at what types of alarms exist:

Sound alarm. This system is characterized by the fact that when criminals attempt to break into an apartment, a loud signal sounds. sound signal. (Cost $50 - $100)

Alarm with automatic dialing. There is a completely different system here: if there is an attempt to break in, the alarm will let the owners know by calling or sending an SMS message to their mobile phone. (Cost $200 - $300).

Remote alarm system. The most reliable, since after the alarm is triggered, a team of public or private employees will arrive at the apartment within a couple of minutes security service. This kind of alarm system is the most expensive, its installation will cost from $1000. In addition, you will have to regularly pay for the services of security guards. This is at least another 1000 rudders per month.

Despite its price, this alarm system provides a high level of protection. Thus, according to the Department of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, according to the results of the first 9 months of 2011, not a single theft was committed from the apartments they guard.

Remember, you should choose the type of alarm depending on the goals you are pursuing. In some cases it will be sufficient sound alarm, and for some it is more reliable to install remote security.

Rating of the safest areas of Moscow based on the results of 2011

When buying an apartment, Muscovites often take into account the degree of danger of the area in which the apartment is located. After all, the peace of mind of the residents depends on how safe the area is. Many people are interested in the opportunity to walk freely in the park near their house, leave their car in the parking lot in the yard, etc. Typically, more expensive areas place more emphasis on home and yard security, which helps reduce overall crime and theft rates in the area. Sometimes even a simple sign saying “the house is under guard” cools the ardor of potential criminals.

If we consider the capital’s administrative districts, then, according to data from the Caesar Satellite Group company for 9 months of the current year, according to absolute indicators The number of thieves breaking into apartments in the district was distributed as follows:

Rating of Moscow administrative districts by the number of thefts for the first 9 months of 2011

As you can see, the most burglaries were noted in the East (1024 penetrations) and South-East (933) administrative districts Moscow. The least number is in the North-East (510), North-West (399) and Central (362).

As for individual areas, recently the Gulf Stream company security systems" and the Miel-Brokerage agency published a rating of metropolitan areas in terms of comfort of living in terms of safety based on the results of 10 months of 2011.

The 20 safest neighborhoods, from most dangerous to safest, are as follows:

  1. Timiryazevsky (SAO)
  2. Krylatskoe (JSC)
  3. Ryazansky (South Eastern Administrative District)
  4. Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo (SZAO)
  5. Filevsky Park (JSC)
  6. Levoberezhny (SAO)
  7. Savelovsky (SAO)
  8. Gagarinsky (South-Western Administrative District)
  9. Cheryomushki (South-Western Administrative District)
  10. Khamovniki (TsAO)
  11. Troparevo-Nikulino (JSC)
  12. Ostankino (NEAD)
  13. Sokol (SAO)
  14. Kurkino (SZAO)
  15. Obruchevsky (South-Western Administrative District)
  16. Khoroshevsky (SZAO)
  17. Kosino-Ukhtomsky (South Eastern Administrative District)
  18. Lomonosovsky (South-Western Administrative District)
  19. Rostokino (NEAD)
  20. Ramenki (JSC)

As you can see, the most dangerous areas are those where there are many former and existing industrial zones, as well as large commercial and commercial facilities.

Let's take a closer look at the top five safest areas.

It is closed by the Khoroshevsky district. Despite a large number of industrial zones, and there are 3 of them, according to the study, only about 0.14% of all attempts to break into and enter apartments were recorded here. It should be noted that Khoroshevsky district is quite large in area, but very small in terms of the amount of housing stock. There are both economy class apartments and more expensive business class offers. The price mainly depends on the distance from industrial zones.

Next comes the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. About 0.10% of all attempts to commit theft are noted here. This area is remote from the center and located outside the Moscow Ring Road. Is different high level ecology and diversity of the proposed housing stock.

The safest areas are Lomonosovsky, Rostokino and Ramenki. Here, respectively, 0.089%, 0.086% and 0.083% of theft attempts were recorded according to Gulfstream Security Systems.

The western and southwestern regions are traditionally distinguished by their respectability and good reputation. It should be noted that the Rostokino district, despite the presence of 18 industrial enterprises, takes a very high 2nd place in the safety rating.

It is these three areas that are recognized by the Gulfstream Security Systems company as the quietest and safest for living in terms of the number of recorded attempts to commit burglaries.


It is important to take into account all the weakest points in the apartment and, first of all, increase their resistance to break-ins. For example, you live on the first or last floor, then be sure to take care of reliable protection windows If you store large sums of money or other valuables at home, it would be a good idea to install a good alarm system and enter into an agreement with a security company.

Protection must be comprehensive: it is not enough to provide good door, but with a bad lock; cover the glass with a special film, but leave a simple frame that can be easily opened with a screwdriver. Remember this, and then you can be sure that no thieves are afraid of you!

Anna Belova, rmnt. RU

How to turn Vacation home, into an impregnable fortress? There is an answer to this question. This article describes three classic, but very effective ways secure your beloved home, as well as several cheap, but very cunning methods of protection.

As usually happens, a person comes to his dacha, and the rooms are in disarray, the window is broken, the lock on the door is broken, his favorite electric stove, TV, dishes, tools and garden tools. In some cases, they even cut and pull out the wires. Country thieves They don’t disdain anything, which is a shame!

Remember! As a rule, they climb into places where it is easy to climb, and quietly and unnoticed, otherwise the risk of being caught greatly increases. Therefore, determine what the weakest points in the house are, as a rule, these are windows and doors. So they need to be strengthened so as not to leave a single chance for the thief!

Method No. 1 Strengthen a wooden front door

If your door is wooden, it can be strengthened using fairly simple methods.
Cover it with steel sheet or tin, protect the lock by installing a steel plate. You can strengthen the box with iron corners.

If you want to give the box extra strength, drill a hole in the end and hammer in 10mm metal pins. After such changes, a thief will no longer be able to snatch your box with a crowbar.

“But it should be taken into account that due to the increasing weight of the door, the hinges may sag, which will lead to sagging and problems with opening and closing. If the loops are weak, then change them to more powerful ones.”

Method No. 2 Steel doors

It is not necessary to install a very expensive door to your dacha external finishing. The main thing is not appearance, A protective functions. Take a look at the economy steel door models; they are usually often used in dachas.

When choosing a door, remember that:

The steel sheet of the door should be no thinner than 2mm, otherwise it can be opened with a kitchen knife.

Install a door that opens only outward. So that it cannot be knocked inside.

You need to install two complex locks, with different mechanisms.

A professional burglar understands well how difficult it is to open such metal doors with modern mortise locks.

To hack iron door using a force method, which is correctly installed, it is necessary to cut it out with an autogenous gun, and this requires time, equipment, and besides, there will be so many sparks and noise that the entire dacha village will wake up. It is unlikely that an attacker will take such a risk.

Method No. 3 Install bars or shutters on the windows.

For a summer resident, the most pleasant quality of the grilles is that in the summer you can sleep with open window and don’t think that someone is sneaking into your room.

Today, many options do not limit our choice. They can be made in any style and fit harmoniously into the architecture of any home.
But don't forget the rules fire safety! You need to make at least one grille that can be opened.
The cheapest ways:

Using LEDs instead of alarms.

Hanging a sign with the inscription “the house is guarded by private security”, at first glance, is a simple, but very practical method, since no one will be able to check such information and will not take risks.

One of the latest inventions, traps with marking paint. Objects are used that the thief will definitely covet, and as soon as he picks them up, the object explodes in a cloud of paint. It has a very strong psychological effect; realizing that he has remained marked, the attacker immediately disappears.

Dummy video camera. Equipping with a video surveillance system is, of course, a very reliable method of protection, but also very expensive. It’s easier to hang up signs with the inscription and picture “Attention! Video surveillance is underway” and install two or three dummies of video cameras. A special impression can be achieved if the camera dummies are disguised, but in such a way that the attacker will definitely notice that they were trying to hide them.

Other methods:

Services of a security organization, an effective but expensive method.

Insurance of cottages and country property is one of the most common types of insurance. You should always take this issue very seriously and carefully study the insurance company and insurance conditions.

In order not to overpay premiums, insure only those valuables that could potentially be stolen. Draw up a separate insurance contract not only for the building but also for the property (lawn mower, heater...) and indicate the prices of each unit.

Install a loud alarm. Who would climb into a house that makes noise throughout the entire neighborhood? As a rule, this has a very strong psychological impact and the attacker will immediately disappear. Installing a branded alarm system is not cheap, but for your dacha you can easily make it yourself.

The main thing is not to use illegal security methods and not cause harm to offenders. It’s better to leave a bowl of water over the door frame, and the thief will appreciate your joke with humor.