home · Measurements · Major renovation. List of works for major repairs of apartment and multi-storey buildings: what types are included in the list of mandatory ones for buildings and structures Who carries out the major repairs

Major renovation. List of works for major repairs of apartment and multi-storey buildings: what types are included in the list of mandatory ones for buildings and structures Who carries out the major repairs

Information about what is included in major renovation apartment building, will be useful to all residents. Let's look at the basic rules that apply in 2019.

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An acute question that has been facing government agencies and management companies, as well as apartment owners for many years, is how to ensure the maintenance of housing and carry out major repairs.

Citizens have a large financial burden for the maintenance of property that is common to the building, and the housing stock is significantly worn out.

Key Aspects

Therefore, it is important to consider the concept of “overhaul” and determine the main nuances that are associated with it.


The concept of overhaul is discussed in. This means carrying out work in which:

  • change building structures and their components;
  • change or restore engineering technical communications;
  • restore or replace parts of load-bearing building structures.

Eliminate any malfunction of the worn-out part of the common property. It is replaced with a better one or restored.

If technical capabilities are available, the building will be modernized, taking into account modern requirements, and improving the comfort of living.

For what purpose is it carried out?

Repair can be:

Major repairs can be planned and unplanned (emergency), carried out to restore damage caused to the building structure of the facility during an emergency.

Legal grounds

It is worth following the norms of such documents:

  1. – this (contains a list of work that must be performed), etc.
  2. , according to which major repairs must be carried out by the owner of the premises.
  3. GK - for example, .

What is included in the concept of major renovation of an apartment building?

The question is often asked about what exactly is considered a major overhaul. Therefore, we present the following information.

What does the law say?

The law also differentiates the obligations for carrying out major repairs of an apartment building between the owners and regional authorities.

Territorial authorities perform an organizing and controlling function, and the owners must raise funds that will be used to pay for the work.

When the law came into force, each subject of the Russian Federation had to prepare regulatory documents that would consider the issue of carrying out major repairs.


  • established a list of work that must be completed without fail, as well as a deadline;
  • identified regional operators;
  • They adopted documents that set out the procedure for carrying out the work, the amount of the contribution, and appointed a structure that will control the process.

List of included works

If there are savings, it is possible to perform a large list of works involving installation and repair and restoration process.

Let's list what is included in the overhaul of the facade of an apartment building They restore the plaster of the facade, seal panel joints, insulate structures, replace windows and balconies, repair balconies and loggias with glazing, install canopies over the top floor loggia, arrange the entrance to the entrance, paint the facade, install flag holders, street signs
We will also find out what is included in the overhaul of the roof of an apartment building They repair and replace individual roof elements, carry out fire-prevention treatment of wood, restore temperature conditions and humidity in the attic, change the roofing element and external drainage
From the engineering system side Repair and change the heating system, water, gas and other systems, ventilation, sewer system, install meters, change elevators, garbage chutes. It is expected to repair video surveillance, subscriber device, communication line, low-current device
In places common use They restore lighting fixtures, seal communication joints with the foundation, eliminate flooding, arrange an entrance to the basement, and equip a concierge room
When landscaping the area Adhere to documents that have been approved by the architectural planning department of the districts

They also restore and improve entrance platforms and door fillings.

They change and repair lighting in the entrance, change doors, strengthen, replace stair steps, entrance areas are being repaired.

Regional authorities can expand the list:

  • wall insulation;
  • arrangement of a roof that will be ventilated, installation of an exit to the roof;
  • equipping the house with a common house meter or other device that increases energy efficiency.

In subjects, this list may also be supplemented with the following items:

  1. Inspect the house and make an estimate for repairs.
  2. Conduct architectural and technical supervision of the work.
  3. Conduct technical inventory and certification, etc.

Who pays

The legislation establishes an obligation for apartment owners to finance major repairs of common home property.

For this purpose, citizens pay monthly contributions that will be accumulated in a special capital repair fund, which is formed by:

  • or on MKD bank accounts;
  • or funds are accumulated in collective accounts that are managed by regional operators who organize repairs according to an established program.

Each subject of the Russian Federation decides exactly how much to pay. The amount is set in rubles. The tariff is multiplied by the total area of ​​the premises owned by the citizen.

The amount of the contribution varies taking into account:

  • to which municipality the object belongs - the house is located in Moscow or another region;
  • MKD type;
  • number of floors of the house;
  • service life of the house;
  • prices and scope of work;
  • period of use of the common brownie.

If it is planned to carry out work that is not specified in the housing code, then they are paid for with funds that exceed the portion of the contribution for major repairs.

First, a meeting is held where a decision is made on where to store funds for major repairs.

If the owners cannot agree on where exactly to store the funds, the decision will be made by the municipal authority.

Although the amount of the contribution is set by the subjects, at the meeting residents can increase this figure if they wish to finance a number of additional works.

Major repairs can be carried out at the initiative of residents. At the meeting, citizens must decide what work is needed.

The final authority will set deadlines for the work and calculate the cost of repairs.

If representatives of the housing inspection do not agree that major repairs are necessary, or agree to limited types of work, there is another way out.

Contact an independent expert who can help justify the overhaul. But such an examination is not free. The owner of the apartment is not the only source of financing for major repairs.

IN regulatory documentation A whole scheme has been laid down, according to which government agencies at various levels also participate in financing. The state can provide support (auxiliary).

Video: contributions for major repairs apartment buildings

If we are talking about an apartment building, some of the apartments in which are not privatized, then the costs will be borne by the authorities of the municipal or state body.

It happens that a major overhaul program was not drawn up, but something happened emergency situation. An accident is considered to be a break in the water supply, sewerage, or heating system pipes.

In this case, repairs should be carried out as soon as possible using funds collected for major repairs.

So, if risers with water are leaking, they are changed immediately, and not imposed a large number of clamps

When do colorectal cancers begin?

Finding out the timing when the approved overhaul program must be completed is not difficult. To do this, you should go to the website www.reformagkh.ru.

Follow this procedure:

  1. Go to the portal.
  2. Enter your address in the “Find your home” line. A reflection of the region, street, and house number is required.
  3. Click "Search".
  4. Follow this link.
  5. A house card will open where you can see the list of works approved by the program.
  6. Select the section with types of work if you are interested in current and planned activities.

Select the “Passport” section if you want to find out general information:

How much money did the owners raise?
what subsidies the state provides;
object area;
number of residents.

Differences from the current one

It is worth knowing the differences between current and major repairs because a number of rights and obligations of the parties depend on this.

The main differences are in the purpose, frequency and scope of repair activities. Called current preventive maintenance, which is systematic.

They are carried out in order to prevent premature wear of the finishing structure and communications.

Measures that are implemented during routine repairs contain Toolkit by content housing stock dated April 2, 2004.

Major repairs differ from current ones in the absence of the possibility of carrying them out so as not to interrupt the building from operation.

List of works related to major repairs industrial buildings and structures is contained in Appendix No. 8 to the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 N 279 “On approval of the Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures.”

The list of works carried out during major repairs of the housing stock is contained in Appendix No. 8 to the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards technical operation housing stock."

List of works related to major repairs of industrial buildings and structures

According to clause 3.11. Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 N 279 “On approval of the Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures”, the overhaul of industrial buildings and structures includes such work during which worn structures and parts of buildings and structures are replaced or them to more durable and economical ones, improving the operational capabilities of the objects being repaired, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of the main structures, the service life of which in buildings and structures is the longest (stone and concrete foundations of buildings and structures, all types of building walls, all types of wall frames, pipes of underground networks, bridge supports, etc.).
For a list of major repair work, see Appendix 8.

Appendix 8




I. Foundations

1. Change wooden chairs or replacing them with stone or concrete pillars.
2. Partial relocation (up to 10%), as well as reinforcement stone foundations and basement walls, not associated with the building’s superstructure or additional loads from newly installed equipment.
3. Restoration of vertical and horizontal insulation of foundations.
4. Restoration of the existing blind area around the building (more than 20% of the total area of ​​the blind area).
5. Repair of existing drains around the building.
6. Replacement of single collapsing stone and concrete pillars.

II. Walls and columns

1. Seal cracks in brick or stone walls with clearing furrows, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
2. Construction and repair of structures that strengthen stone walls.
3. Relaying of dilapidated brick cornices, lintels of pit parapets and protruding parts of walls.
4. Relaying and repair of individual dilapidated sections of stone walls up to 20% of the total volume of masonry, not associated with the superstructure of the building or additional loads from newly installed equipment.
5. Strengthening reinforced concrete and stone columns with clips.
6. Repair and partial replacement (up to 20% of the total volume) of columns, not associated with additional loads from newly installed equipment.
7. Changing fillers in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frame(up to 40%).
8. Replacement of dilapidated crowns of log or cobblestone walls (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
9. Continuous caulking of log or cobblestone walls.
10. Partial replacement of sheathing, backfill and slab heaters frame walls(up to 50% of the total wall area).
11. Replacement or repair of cladding and insulation of wooden plinths.
12. Repair of stone plinths wooden walls with their transfer up to 50% of the total volume.
13. Re-installation and replacement of worn-out clamps of log and cobblestone walls.

III. Partitions

1. Repair, replacement and replacement of worn partitions with more advanced designs of all types of partitions.
2. When carrying out major repairs of partitions, partial redevelopment is allowed with an increase in the total area of ​​the partitions by no more than 20%.

IV. Roofs and coverings

1. Replacement of dilapidated wooden covering trusses or replacing them with prefabricated reinforced concrete ones.
2. Complete or partial replacement of dilapidated metal and reinforced concrete trusses, as well as replacing metal trusses with prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
3. Strengthening trusses when changing types of covering (replacing wood slabs with prefabricated reinforced concrete, cold coverings with warm ones, etc.), when suspending lifting devices, as well as in case of corrosion of components and other elements of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
4. Partial or complete replacement of rafters, mauerlats and sheathing.
5. Repair load-bearing structures light lanterns.
6. Repair of devices for opening the covers of skylights.
7. Partial or complete replacement of dilapidated coating elements, as well as their replacement with more progressive and durable ones.
8. Partial (over 10% of the total roof area) or complete replacement or replacement of all types of roofing.
9. Reconstruction of roofs due to replacement of roofing material.
10. Partial or complete replacement of wall gutters, slopes and coverings chimneys and other protruding devices above the roof.

V. Interfloor ceilings and floors

1. Repair or replacement of interfloor ceilings.
2. Replacement of individual structures or floors as a whole with more advanced and durable structures.
3. Strengthening all types of interfloor and attic floors.
4. Partial (more than 10% of the total floor area in the building) or complete replacement of all types of floors and their bases.
5. Rearrangement of floors during repairs with replacement with more durable and durable materials. In this case, the type of floors must comply with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for new construction.

VI. Windows, doors and gates

1. Complete replacement of dilapidated window and door units, as well as gates of production buildings.

VII. Stairs and porches

1. Partial or full shift landings, ramps and porches.
2. Change and strengthening of all types of stairs and their individual elements.

VIII. Internal plastering, facing
and painting works

1. Renewal of plastering of all premises and repair of plaster in an amount of more than 10% of the total plastered surface.
2. Change of wall cladding in an amount of more than 10% of the total area of ​​veneered surfaces.
3. Continuous anti-corrosion painting of metal structures.

IX. Facades

1. Repair and renewal of cladding with an area of ​​more than 10% of the cladding surface.
2. Complete or partial (more than 10%) restoration of plaster.
3. Complete restoration of rods, cornices, belts, sandriks, etc.
4. Renewal of molded parts.
5. Continuous painting with stable compounds.
6. Cleaning the facade with sandblasting machines.
7. Change of balcony slabs and fences.
8. Change of coverings of protruding parts of the building.

1. Complete relaying of all types heating stoves, chimneys and their bases.
2. Re-equipment of furnaces to burn coal and gas.
3. Complete refurbishment of kitchen stoves.

XI. Central heating

1. Replacement of individual sections and assemblies of heating boilers, boiler units, or complete replacement of boiler units (if the boiler unit is not an independent inventory item).
2. Repair and replacement of expanders, condensation traps and other network equipment.
3. Repair and re-laying of foundations for boilers.
4. Automation of boiler rooms.
5. Transfer from stove heating to the central one.
6. Changing heating registers.
7. Connecting buildings to heating networks (at a distance from the building to the network of no more than 100 m).

XII. Ventilation

1. Partial or complete replacement of air ducts.
2. Changing fans.
3. Rewinding or changing electric motors.
4. Change of dampers, deflectors, throttle valves, blinds.
5. Partial or complete replacement of ventilation ducts.
6. Change of air heaters.
7. Change of heating units.
8. Changing filters.
9. Change of cyclones.
10. Change of individual chamber designs.

XIII. Water supply and sewerage

1. Partial or complete replacement of the pipeline inside the building, including water supply inlets and sewerage outlets.

XIV. Hot water supply

1. Change of coils and boilers.
2. Change of pipeline, parts and, in general, pumping units, tanks and pipeline insulation.

XV. Electrical lighting and communications

1. Replacement of worn-out sections of the network (more than 10%).
2. Change of safety shields.
3. Repair or restoration of cable channels.
4. When overhauling the network, it is allowed to replace lamps with other types (conventional ones with fluorescent ones).


XVI. Water supply and sewerage facilities

A) Pipelines and network fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the anti-corrosion insulation of the pipeline.
2. Change of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without changing the diameter of the pipes. In this case, replacement is allowed cast iron pipes to steel, ceramic to concrete or reinforced concrete and vice versa, but replacing asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones is not allowed (except in emergency cases).
The length of network sections where continuous pipe replacement is allowed should not exceed 200 m per 1 km of network.
3. Replacement of worn-out fittings, valves, fire hydrants, plungers, valves, standpipes or repair them with replacement of worn parts.
4. Replacement of individual siphon pipes.

B) Wells

1. Repair of well cages.
2. Change of hatches.
3. Refilling trays to replace destroyed ones.
4. Replacement of wooden wells that have become unusable.
5. Renewal of plaster.

B) Water intakes and hydraulic structures

1. Dams, dikes, spillways, canals

1. Change or replacement of fastenings of banks or slopes in the amount of up to 50%.
2. Refilling of swollen slopes of earthen structures.
3. Change of robes.
4. Renewal of the protective layer in the underwater parts of reinforced concrete structures.
5. Changing gratings and meshes.
6. Repair and replacement of panel shutters.

2. Water wells

1. Construction and dismantling of a drilling rig or installation and dismantling of an inventory drilling rig.
2. Cleaning the well from collapses and siltation.
3. Removing and installing a new filter.
4. Fastening the well with a new column of casing pipes.
5. Replacement of water-lifting and air pipes.
6. Restoring the well's flow rate by torpedoing or flushing with hydrochloric acid.
7. Cementation of the annulus and drilling of cement.

D) Treatment facilities

1. Repair and replacement of complete waterproofing.
2. Repair and renewal of plaster and ironwork.
3. Relaying brick walls and partitions up to 20% of the total volume of masonry in the structure.
4. Sealing leaks in reinforced concrete, concrete and stone walls and bottoms of structures with dismantling the concrete in certain places and re-concreting.
5. Continuous gunite coating of building walls.
6. Repair of drainage around structures.
7. Replacement of tank hatches.
8. Replacing grilles.
9. Replacement of loading filters, biofilters, aerofilters.
10. Changing filter plates.
11. Replacement of pipelines and fittings.
12. Translation drainage system silt sites.

XVII. District heating

A) Channels and cameras

1. Partial or complete change of coatings of channels and chambers.
2. Partial or complete replacement of waterproofing of channels and chambers.
3. Partial re-lining of walls brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
4. Partial relocation of drainage systems.
5. Repair of channel and chamber bottoms.
6. Renewal of the protective layer in reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.
7. Changing hatches.

B) Pipelines and fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.
2. Renewal of pipeline waterproofing.
3. Replacement of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without increasing the diameter of the pipes.
4. Change of fittings, valves, compensators or repair them with replacement of worn parts.
5. Replacement of movable and fixed supports.

XVIII. Access and in-plant railway tracks

A) Subgrade

1. Widening roadbed in places of insufficient width to normal sizes.
2. Treatment of the subgrade in areas of landslides, erosion, landslides, and abysses.
3. Restoration of all drainage and drainage devices.
4. Restoration of all protective and fortifying structures of the roadbed (turf, paving, retaining walls).
5. Restoration of regulatory structures.
6. Correction, filling of bridge cones.
7. Change of individual designs artificial structures or replacing them with other structures, as well as complete replacement of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the roadbed).

B) Track superstructure

1. Cleaning the ballast layer or updating the ballast with finishing ballast prism up to the dimensions established by the standards for this type of track.
2. Change of unusable sleepers.
3. Replacement of worn rails.
4. Change of unusable fasteners.
5. Straightening curves.
6. Repair of turnouts with replacement of individual elements and transfer bars.
7. Change of turnouts.
8. Repair of the bridge deck.
9. Changing the crossing flooring or replacing wooden with reinforced concrete.

C) Artificial structures (bridges, tunnels, pipes)

1. Partial replacement of elements or complete replacement of worn-out spans.
2. Partial relaying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total volume).
3. Repair concrete supports(up to 15% of the total volume).
4. Shotcrete or cementation of the surface of the supports.
5. Installation of reinforcing reinforced concrete shells (jackets) on supports.
6. Repair or complete replacement of insulation.
7. Change of bridge beams.
8. Change of anti-theft bars.
9. Change of wooden flooring.
10. Replacement of reinforced concrete slab flooring.
11. Changing counter rails.
12. Replacement of damaged elements wooden bridges, with the exception of piles.
13. Replacement of wooden packages with reinforced concrete spans.
14. Partial re-laying of stone and brickwork vaults and tunnel walls.
15. Pumping cement mortar for lining the tunnel.
16. Repair and replacement of tunnel drainage devices.
17. Relaying the pipe head.
18. Changing elements wooden pipes(up to 50% of wood volume).
19. Change of elements of reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

XIX. Car roads

A) Subgrade

1. Treatment of the subgrade in areas of landslides, landslides, washouts and abysses.
2. Restoration of all drainage and drainage systems.
3. Restoration of all protective and fortification structures of the roadbed.
4. Replacement of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as complete replacement of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the roadbed or road as a single inventory object).

B) Road clothing

1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
2. Laying a leveling layer of asphalt concrete on the cement-concrete surface.
3. Device asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.
4. Change cement-concrete pavement for something new.
5. Strengthening the asphalt concrete pavement.
6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.
7. Re-paving.
8. Profiling of dirt roads.

B) Bridges, pipes

1. Partial relaying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total volume).
2. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total volume).
3. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, with the exception of piles.
4. Replacement of wooden or reinforced concrete flooring, as well as replacement of wooden flooring with reinforced concrete.
5. Complete change or replacement of spans.
6. Relaying of pipe heads.
7. Change of elements of wooden, reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

D) Sites for cars, road construction
and other machines, storage areas, as well as areas
grain collection points

1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (troughs, ditches, etc.).
2. Re-paving of cobblestone areas.
3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.
4. Repair of concrete platforms with laying a leveling layer of concrete.
5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
6. Covering with asphalt concrete the areas listed in paragraphs 2 - 5.

XX. Electricity of the net and communication

1. Change or replace unusable fittings.
2. Replacing hooks with traverses.
3. Change of wires.
4. Repair and replacement of end and connecting cable sleeves.
5. Repair or replacement of grounding devices.
6. Change of supports (up to 30% per 1 km).
7. Installation of cable wells.

XXI. Other buildings

1. Repair, replacement or replacement with other supports of overpasses for aerial laying of pipelines.
2. Repair or replacement of platforms, stairs and overpass fences for aerial pipeline installation.
3. Repair or replacement of individual columns (up to 20%) of crane racks.
4. Repair or replacement of crane beams of crane trestles.
5. Repair of galleries and fuel supply racks of boiler houses and gas generator substations with replacement (up to 20%) of structures without changing foundations.
6. Change or complete replacement wooden poles fencing (fences).
7. Repair or replacement of individual concrete and reinforced concrete pillars (up to 20%) and fences (fences).
8. Repair of individual sections of filling between fence posts (up to 40%).
9. Repair of individual sections of solid stone fences (up to 20%).
10. Repair of individual sections of solid adobe fences (up to 40%).
11. Repair of chimneys with replacement or replacement of lining, installation of hoops, restoration of the protective layer of reinforced concrete pipes.
12. Repair and replacement of individual sections of metal chimneys.
13. Repair of ash and slag disposal systems with complete replacement of individual pipeline sections (without increasing the diameter).
14. Repair of loading platforms with a complete change of wooden flooring, blind area or asphalt. Replacement of individual supports or sections of retaining walls (up to 20%). In the event that the unloading area is part of a warehouse facility (ramp), a complete change or replacement of all structures is allowed.

List of works related to major repairs of housing stock

Appendix No. 8 to the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock”


1. Inspection of residential buildings (including a complete inspection of the housing stock) and preparation of design estimates (regardless of the period of repair work).

2. Repair and construction work to replace, restore or replace elements of residential buildings (except for the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, load-bearing walls and frames).

3. Modernization of residential buildings during their major repairs (redevelopment taking into account the disaggregation of multi-room apartments; devices additional kitchens and sanitary facilities, expanding living space due to auxiliary premises, improving insolation of residential premises, eliminating dark kitchens and entrances to apartments through kitchens with, if necessary, built-in or attached premises for stairwells, sanitary facilities or kitchens); replacement of stove heating with central heating with the installation of boiler rooms, heat pipelines and heating points; rooftop and other autonomous heat supply sources; refurbishment of furnaces to burn gas or coal; equipment with cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, gas supply with connection to existing main networks at a distance from the input to the connection point to the main lines up to 150 m, installation of gas ducts, water pumps, boiler rooms; complete replacement of existing systems central heating, hot and cold water supply (including with the mandatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on installation steel pipes); installation of household electric stoves instead gas stoves or kitchen hearths; installation of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic garbage removal systems in houses with the upper floor landing level of 15 m and above; transfer of the existing power supply network to higher voltage; repair television antennas shared use, connection to telephone and radio broadcasting networks; installation of intercoms, electric locks, installation of automatic fire protection and smoke removal systems; automation and dispatching of elevators, heating boiler houses, heating networks, engineering equipment; improvement of courtyard areas (paving, asphalting, landscaping, installation of fences, wood sheds, equipment of children's and utility areas). Repair of roofs, facades, joints of prefabricated buildings up to 50%.

4. Insulation of residential buildings (work to improve the heat-insulating properties of enclosing structures, installation window fillings with triple glazing, installation of external vestibules).

5. Replacement of intra-block utility networks.

6. Installation of meters for metering thermal energy consumption for heating and hot water supply, cold and hot water on the building, as well as installation of apartment hot and cold water(when replacing networks).

7. Reconstruction of unventilated combined roofs.

8. Design supervision of design organizations for major repairs of residential buildings with full or partial replacement of floors and redevelopment.

9. Technical supervision in cases where the authorities local government, organizations have created units for technical supervision of major repairs of housing stock.

10. Repair of built-in premises in buildings.




In accordance with Article 167 Housing Code of the Russian Federation and part 2 of Article 7 of the Moscow City Law of January 27, 2010 No. 2 “Fundamentals of the housing policy of the city of Moscow” The Moscow Government decides:

  1. Establish that minimum size contribution for major repairs common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the minimum contribution for capital repairs) is calculated in rubles per square meter total area of ​​premises in an apartment building based on an assessment of the need for funds to finance services and (or) work on major repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, included in the list of services and (or) work on major repairs of common property in an apartment building on the territory of the city of Moscow.
  2. Set the minimum contribution for major repairs from July 1, 2017 at 17 rubles per square meter of total area of ​​residential (non-residential) premises in an apartment building per month. The minimum contribution for capital repairs is subject to annual adjustment taking into account changes in the consumer price index.
  1. Approve a list of works and (or) services for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, the provision and (or) implementation of which is financed from capital repair funds, formed on the basis of the minimum contribution for major repairs (Appendix).
  2. Establish that:

4.1. The decision to determine the method of forming a capital repair fund must be made and implemented by the owners of premises in an apartment building within 5 months after the official publication of the regional program for capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings in Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the regional program), in which the apartment building is included , in relation to which the issue of choosing a method for forming its capital repair fund is being decided.

4.1(1). The obligation to pay contributions for major repairs for owners of premises in an apartment building put into operation after the approval of the regional program and included in the regional program when it is updated arises after 8 calendar months, starting from the first day of the month following the month of official publication legal act The Moscow government, which included such an apartment building in the regional program.

4.2. Social support measures for certain categories of citizens to pay for housing apply to the payment of contributions for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings.

4.2(1). A discount of 50 percent on the payment of a contribution for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings based on the occupied total area of ​​​​residential premises owned by citizens, within the social norm for the area of ​​​​residential premises, is carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and is provided:

– disabled people and families with disabled children;

– persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”;

– persons living in Moscow and continuously working at enterprises, organizations and institutions of Moscow, undergoing military service in the city from July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942;

– citizens awarded the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” or “Honorary Donor of the USSR”;

– citizens awarded the “Honorary Donor of Moscow” badge;

large families, in which three or more children were born and (or) raised (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years, and those studying in educational organizations that implement basic educational programs primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education - until the age of 18;

– families with 10 or more children under the age of 16, as well as over 16 years old if they are students educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, and secondary general education.

4.2(2). Social support measures for certain categories of citizens for paying contributions for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings are provided to citizens for no more than one apartment (residential premises) based on the minimum amount of contributions for major repairs established by this resolution.

4.2(3). If the owner of a residential premises has the right to social support measures for paying a contribution for major repairs of common property in an apartment building on two or more grounds, these social support measures are provided to him on one of the grounds at the choice of the citizen.

  1. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Housing, Communal Services and Landscaping, P.P. Biryukov.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin

Appendix to the resolution of the Moscow Government



  1. Repair of in-house engineering power supply systems.
  2. Repair of in-house engineering heat supply systems.
  3. Repair of in-house gas supply systems.
  4. Repair of in-house engineering water supply systems (hot and cold water supply).
  5. Repair of in-house engineering drainage (sewage) systems.
  6. Repair or replacement of elevator equipment deemed unsuitable for operation, repair of elevator shafts.
  7. Roof repair.
  8. Repair basements related to common property in an apartment building.
  9. Facade repair.

9(1). Replacement of window units located in common areas in an apartment building.

  1. Foundation repair.
  2. Repair of in-house smoke removal system and fire automatics, repair of fire water supply system.
  3. Repair or replacement of a garbage chute located in common areas in an apartment building.
  1. Repair or replacement internal drain.
  2. Development and conduct of examination project documentation, including supervision of the work to preserve cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites, scientific supervision of the said work in the case of major repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow that are cultural heritage sites, identified cultural sites heritage, implementation construction control, assessing the compliance of elevators with requirements technical regulations Customs Union“Safety of Elevators” (TR CU 011/2011), approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission dated October 18, 2011 N 824 “On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “Safety of Elevators”.

Major renovations have always been the subject of controversy and questions. Therefore, we decided to talk a little this topic.

About major repairs

The overhaul itself represents complex work on significant changes in the design of the facility. This is a rather complex and costly event, which is carried out exclusively qualified specialists, since the work performed during a major overhaul ideally ensures not only aesthetics, but also the safe operation of the building.

What is included in a major overhaul? It could be completely various works, the composition and order of which is determined after analyzing the technical report on the state of engineering systems and building structures, design and estimate documentation and the wishes of the owners.

One of the main areas of major renovation is the repair of walls and facades, which includes the following types works:

· insulation of socles, facades;

· replacement of balcony and window fillings with PVC windows;

· glazing of loggias and balconies;

· repair of socles, facades;

· repair of loggias and balconies with subsequent restoration tile covering, waterproofing, repair of screens, fences;

· repair of fire escapes;

· installation of canopies over loggias, balconies of upper floors, entrances to entrances and basements;

· repair of blind area;

· repair of external walls of elevator shafts;

· repair and replacement of external drainage.

Another area is the repair of basements and house foundations, which includes:

· repair of foundations;

· repair of basement entrances;

· antiseptic treatment of structural elements of the building;

· sealing the intersections of engineering systems with foundations.

In addition, attic and roof repairs can be carried out:

· replacement, repair, fire treatment, antiseptic treatment wooden structures;

· repair or replacement of pallets;

· restoration of temperature and humidity conditions;

· replacement and repair of pallets;

· sealing, repair of air ducts, flues and other similar systems;

· repair, replacement of parapet gratings;

· repair and replacement of internal drainage elements, etc.

During a major overhaul, staircases can also be repaired with the replacement of steps, landing railings, etc. In addition, a significant part of the work in the field of major repairs is devoted to entrance platforms and door fillings. This category includes the following activities:

· replacement and repair of lighting;

repair, replacement entrance doors entrances;

· repair, replacement of doors to garbage chambers;

· repair, strengthening, partial replacement of staircase steps, entrance platform, etc.

In-house engineering systems apartment building

Central heating repair:

· replacement and repair of risers, pipelines, connections to heating systems;

· installation of heating devices with attached and built-in automatic thermostats;

· replacement or repair of thermal curtains;

· reconstruction of the panel control system;

· adjustment of the heating system;

installation of automatic balancing valves on branches, risers, rings heating systems etc.

Ventilation installation (replacing grilles, cleaning the ventilation system)

Organization of hot and cold water supply:

· replacement and repair of pipelines and heated towel rails, if they belong to common house systems;

· installation of shut-off valves;

· replacement of pipe distribution;

· installation of meters, etc.

Of course, the work in the field of major repairs does not end there, and it is very important to understand that to carry them out, only professionals should be involved in the work.

Carrying out major repairs is an issue that concerns every management company and any of the residents. In this article we will look at how general principles organization of major repairs, as well as certain non-obvious subtleties that will help the management company build the process more efficiently and at lower costs.

How major repairs are organized and carried out

Structural elements, engineering systems and equipment of apartment buildings gradually wear out, and therefore require periodic intervention to restore normal condition. These procedures make up the overhaul that is planned in each apartment building. The procedure for carrying it out is latest changes Let's look at it in this article.

General principles of MKD overhaul

Apartment buildings are presented with a list of sanitary and technical requirements. If Maintenance does not allow the building to be brought into compliance with regulatory documents, then major repairs are carried out. During it, the main elements and structures of the MKD are restored or replaced.

The procedure for carrying out major repairs requires mandatory coordination of activities at a general house meeting. Until recently, residents approved everything related to:

  • list of work performed;
  • cost estimates;
  • deadlines;
  • sources of financing;
  • persons accepting work from apartment owners.

In the fall of 2017, the rules for carrying out major repairs were significantly revised. In accordance with them, for example, the OSS is no longer involved in approving capital repair estimates. This applies even to those cases when the capital repair fund is formed in a special account.

The need for major repairs of residential properties is regulated by law. It must be carried out for buildings with the following wear and tear:

  • wooden - from 65 percent;
  • stone - from 30 to 70 percent.

How is a major overhaul carried out?

It must be remembered that in the concept of major repairs there is a distinction between its complete and selective implementation. It is selectively carried out only for part of the MKD elements that need urgent updating. Complete overhauls, according to regulatory documents, must be carried out 30 years after the house began to be used, selective repairs - after 20 years. For structural elements of buildings, the specific service life is determined by the material of manufacture. For example, foundations, walls and ceilings can last from 30 to 80 years, and interior decoration– from 3 to 30 years.

During the construction process, each house has technical certificate, which displays, among other things, the state of its elements. The need for major repairs of apartment buildings is determined, among other things, based on information from this document. Whether the house needs to be repaired is decided by a special commission consisting of specialists from different departments. They preliminarily inspect the buildings and make a decision on the need for certain events.

Residents can also influence whether major repairs need to be carried out in an apartment building. Owners have the right to refuse certain work if they consider that the house can do without it. However, with regard to elevators, critical communications and important elements work will have to be carried out on the building without the consent of the apartment owners.

Raising funds to finance major repairs

Major repairs of multi-apartment residential buildings are carried out using funds collected from residents in the form of mandatory monthly contributions. Apartment owners choose one of the options for forming a capital repair fund:

  • at regional operator(in a common boiler);
  • on a special account relating only to a specific house.

The main advantage of using a special account is the freedom to dispose of the funds collected on it. In this case, the residents themselves determine when major repairs will be carried out in the apartment building. They do not depend on decisions regarding the order of work taken at the regional level. The disadvantage of your own account is the need to spend time and effort on opening and maintaining it. Working with a special account is described in detail in an expert article in our magazine.

If apartment owners do not choose independent method collection of funds for major repairs, then the funds regularly paid by them are sent to the regional operator by default. RO accumulates funds and is responsible for major repairs of common property in the apartment building, but is not involved in carrying out the work itself. The re-operator attracts the necessary contractors and ensures that they comply with deadlines and quality requirements.

Many believe that the funds sent by RO are lost to the management company and the HOA. However, in reality this is not the case. Management organizations themselves may well become contractors, that is, those who carry out major repairs. In this case, they can earn money by performing work, even if the funds for it are collected in the account of the regional operator. How exactly to do this is described in the article by the chief editor of the Management magazine apartment building" From the material you will learn:

  • what needs to be done to participate in the pre-selection;
  • how electronic auctions are conducted;
  • What criteria are used to select the winner?

If funds are collected in a special account for a particular house, then its owner is considered to be the management organization, HOA or cooperative. In this case, the Criminal Code is more free to dispose own funds, since the issues of their allocation to renovation work The residents themselves decide at the OSS. However, this does not mean that the management company always has enough money for everything.

It often happens that the State Housing Inspectorate issues an order regarding the need for repairs, for example, of a roof, and the accumulated Money not enough for this. Naturally, the inspectors are not concerned with questions about how the management company will finance the repair work. The result that is important to the State Housing Inspectorate is the fulfilled order. In its absence, the responsible organization will face fines and other sanctions.

If there is not enough money, you can borrow it. This issue is addressed in which the following points are discussed:

  • What are the general rules for financing capital repairs?
  • how is financing carried out if work is carried out ahead of schedule;
  • how to obtain a bank loan for major repairs;
  • how loans are issued to owners.

The issue of lending for major repairs is arising more and more often, because not only regulatory authorities, but also the residents themselves often want to see results immediately. Some management companies and homeowners associations are switching to the practice of using exclusively borrowed money. They first carry out the necessary repair work, and only then begin to collect funds for them. How exactly to organize this process, in which regular contributions from residents will be used to repay the loan for repairs already made, is described in the case of the HOA “Kalininets” from the Rostov region.

Many believe that collecting funds for major repairs from residents and accumulating them in the account is an endless process, carried out from the commissioning of apartment buildings (adjusted for new buildings) to the demolition of the building. It actually works a little differently. In some cases, the collection of money may even be suspended, but this is only true for houses in which funds are accumulated in a special account.

For special accounts regional authorities determine the minimum size of the Kyrgyz Republic fund, and when it is reached, the collection can be temporarily suspended. The opinion of the owners, who have the right to increase the amount of contributions in order to carry out some kind of work in the house, is also important here. additional work. The topic of stopping fees for major repairs is discussed in more detail in a special article. Among other things, you can find answers to the following questions:

  • 5 cases when funds are not collected;
  • how much you need to accumulate to suspend the collection of contributions;
  • for how long the collection of contributions is suspended;
  • Is it possible to stop collecting funds?

As an exception, mention should be made of houses to which the state is obliged to provide financial assistance in carrying out major repairs. Since the end of 2017, a special procedure has been provided for apartment buildings that needed major repairs even before the first apartment was privatized. There are few such houses in the country, but they exist, and their owners can count on government assistance. How exactly this process is organized, and what amount of assistance can be received, is described in an article in the magazine “MKD Management” for August 2018.