home · Appliances · Beautiful country courtyards. How to improve the territory of a private house with your own hands: principles and basic elements. Cinder blocks: mobile and laconic solutions

Beautiful country courtyards. How to improve the territory of a private house with your own hands: principles and basic elements. Cinder blocks: mobile and laconic solutions

Any owner of a country residence understands that the arrangement of a private territory does not end with the construction and finishing of a residential building. Creating a modern design for the courtyard of a private house is an integral step on the path to decorating and organizing not only a beautiful, but also a functional area.

So that all work on beautification of the local area takes place harmoniously and correctly, and final result could only please its owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very thoughtfully and seriously.

Planning stage

The beautiful courtyard located around the house is the first thing that the gaze of anyone who enters the territory falls on. It is by its arrangement and appearance that the owners themselves, their taste and aesthetic views are assessed.

When starting landscaping work on a site, you should first answer a number of questions, which will determine what the final result will be. Will preference be given to the practical component, or is the goal to create a beautiful image?

Do the families have small children who need a play area, or do the owners prefer noisy gatherings around the fire with barbecue? All these points are important when organizing territorial space.

The design of the yard of a private house will also depend on its size. If the area is large, then you can only limit yourself to your own imagination and money. If there is only a small backyard, then practicality and ergonomics are at the forefront.

Once priorities have been set, a plan should be drawn up that will highlight all the necessary segments, communication systems, lighting and decorative compositions. It is the laying of communications and the arrangement of artificial reservoirs that is the initial stage of landscaping work.

Path organization

Paths running throughout the site are an integral part of the design. Their main task is to safely move around the territory, as well as zoning and decoration.

The raw materials for laying out paths can be various materials: stone flat elements, slabs, brickwork, fine gravel or pebbles. It is advisable to organize low curbs, which will become an additional means of safety.

Passages can have a clear geometry, or they can playfully bend around buildings and plantings. Here the choice depends on taste preferences owners of the site.

Flower beds

Flowerbeds in the courtyard of a private house can create a magical fairy-tale atmosphere. Such plantings will become the main decoration of any land plot.

When designing a flowerbed, one rule should be taken into account: plant varieties are selected so that the flowering period alternates. The result will be bright flower composition, capable of “pleasing the eye” all year round.

Organization of the reservoir

Thinking about how to decorate a yard, many come to the conclusion that building a reservoir is best idea. Water, according to Japanese masters, is a symbol of life and harmony. Indeed, cascading waterfalls and smooth pools with fish look mesmerizing on your garden plot.

To organize your own pond, it is better to use the services professional organizations who will conduct all the necessary studies of the soil composition, lay communications, and build a fountain or cascade in accordance with all the rules.

Territory lighting

Properly organized lighting throughout the entire territory suburban area is a guarantee of safety. First of all, it is necessary to think over the functional component: illumination of the facade of the house, entrance/exit, all walkways, steps and rest areas.

Then you can consider the organization of decorative lighting systems. You can highlight flower beds, sculptures, and ponds. Built into the surface of the earth, they look absolutely fabulous Spotlights, creating the illusion of scattered stars, as in the photo of a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

Rest zone

Organization of a cozy area for relaxation on fresh air with the ability to cook food over a fire is a priority when organizing homestead leisure.

Around the open hearth in the form of a fireplace or stove, a relaxation area is arranged, represented by comfortable garden furniture. Plants are used for decoration.

If the territory allows, then it is advisable to construct a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, under which the furniture of the recreation area will be placed. Such a canopy can protect you from the annoying rays of the sun in summer, and will not let you get wet during rain.


Often, country estates are not equipped with large local area. The space in front of the house is usually occupied by a parking area, and only the back part of the yard is allocated for the arrangement of a recreation area.

To arrange a modern small yard For a private home, it is advisable to construct a deck or platform made of wood on which furniture will be placed.

I place flower beds with perennial plantings, which will not only decorate the territory, but also become a kind of tool for hiding from prying eyes, along the fence.

Furniture equipment

When choosing garden furniture items, you need to focus on the monetary equivalent and personal preferences. Stationary objects are made from stone raw materials or solid wood. It is impossible to remove them, and wooden objects will have to be constantly maintained in proper condition.

The most popular are folding models made of plastic. Such items can be put away when they are not needed, and their care is minimal - just wipe off dust with a damp cloth.

Thanks to the large range of colors and possible design configurations, plastic furniture can be matched to any style of landscape design.

A cheaper analogue of wood furniture are rattan products, which have an expensive, respectable appearance.

You can select numerous figurines and figurines as elements for decorating your garden area, and if you wish and have a lot of free time, you can make decorative elements yourself.

Photo of the courtyards of a private house

If you are the owner of a private house or cottage, then you understand perfectly well that interior design is just the beginning. The fun begins outside the house, in your own yard. This is where landscape designers take over and begin to create real beauty. But why designers? You can plant flowers in the courtyard of a private house in a certain order, properly care for them, water the trees and choose furniture, right?

In this case, the interior and exterior of the house will cost no extra money. financial investments and designer services. We bring to your attention an article on the topic of how to decorate the yard with flowers yourself, and instead of garden beds, make an alpine slide, a fountain, or even a small one with your own hands.

Beauty also needs to be planned!

What does it represent garden yard? This is an area that is adjacent to a private house and becomes the object of attention not only of its owners, but also of neighbors and guests. It's safe to say that yards can tell a lot about their owners.

When the plan is drawn up and the dimensions of the territory are known, the arrangement involves marking out all objects. Do this with maximum accuracy, noting gazebos, ponds, rock gardens that already exist or will only be built. It is very convenient to mark when the territory is divided into squares. At each of them you should choose one decorative element or building. They will be key. This will allow you to evenly distribute the elements, making the decoration of the yard harmonious and balanced.

We almost forgot - be sure to check the condition of the territory before starting construction.

Imagine the situation: you tore up the floor of the yard, were about to lay the foundation, but suddenly found out that The groundwater pass almost to the very surface. Also at this stage, you need to take care of laying the necessary communications, think about how exactly the plants will be watered, and whether fountains and waterfalls will be built.

From paths to flower beds

Beautiful paths in the garden are an integral attribute of any design. Try laying them out with beautiful pebbles - and moving around the area will be much more comfortable. Each path performs a zoning function and is important element decor. Interior the house does not involve the construction of separate paths, but the area outside is a completely different matter.

We all studied geometry at school, but few people thought about where exactly the knowledge gained could be useful. Congratulations - you have just found such a sphere. It's hard to imagine high quality design the yard of a private house with photos and drawings, if you decide to do without knowledge of geometry.

Supporters of smooth lines draw oval flower beds and winding paths on the plan; others prefer squares and rectangles, because they love clarity and rigor in everything. – must be even, each bush is trimmed “to a ruler” in the literal sense of the word. However, only a true home owner knows how calming plants are, how they bring balance to the environment and give a wonderful mood.

Now let's talk about how. Plan your planting so that after some flowers bloom, the buds of others bloom. This way, your floral carpet will always smell like all the colors of the rainbow.

In addition to soil, plants are placed in special garden tubs and pots. Where the terrain of the site is hilly and uneven, tedious leveling of slopes and arrangement of embankments can be replaced by the construction of steps. They are ready to become a real focal point and attract everyone's attention.

Where would we be without cascades and fountains?

For Japanese residents, water is not only a source of life, but also a symbol of harmony with the outside and inner world. Make a large, full-fledged pond on summer cottage It’s not easy, but the result will definitely exceed your expectations. It is possible that you will need to use the help of specialists, carefully study the soil, choose a suitable location, and install communications. Only in this case will you be able to drink coffee in the gazebo under the quiet, measured murmur of water and watch how it flows into the tank.

Courtyard lighting system

High-quality lighting in the yard is necessary for at least two reasons:

  • The time to communicate with friends can be extended even until the morning.
  • It’s much safer to move around in the yard when you can clearly see every bump and every corner.

In the end, you can just wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and enthusiastically watch the lights blink on various decorative items. Decorating a yard in a private house involves functional lighting. First of all, the facade of your house, the entrance to the garage, and the main entrance should be illuminated. According to the designers, lighting fixtures should be placed in such a way that the outline of the yard along the perimeter is clearly visible. Special attention It is recommended to pay attention to steps and garden paths.

Only after the main lighting has been completed can you begin to decorate the decorative lighting of a private house with your own hands. Myriads of lights will look beautiful near both garden sculptures and. And if you supplement trees and shrubs with a special LED strip, “lighting without lanterns” will look no less advantageous.

And here is an interesting life hack from our site. Today you can find lighting fixtures on sale that have built-in batteries. During the day they draw energy from the sun's rays, and in the evening they illuminate your path. Consequently, you will not have to spend precious time, of which there is never a lot, on connecting electricity, and the bills will be paid much less.

What is a holiday without a cozy hearth?

Options for arranging a backyard

Private houses do not always boast a huge territory. A special one will help you find a way out of the situation. By the way, it can be portable - with the onset of cold weather, you can quickly hide it in the attic or bring it into the pantry. Furniture made from rattan looks very respectable.

An invariable attribute of the backyard is the hedge. This could be a flower fence made of weaving plants. It is an excellent fencing of the territory, performing protective and decorative functions.

The backyard area is laid out with slabs and covered with gravel or pebbles. However, remember: when the flooring is loose, from time to time you will need to add material and level it.

We hope that our tips and photo ideas will help you add variety to your landscape design own yard. Create a comfortable, unusual area on your site and get inspired best photos landscape design!

To create a cozy atmosphere in the courtyard of a private house, you need to properly arrange it, thinking through the design, and subsequently this place will become your favorite corner.

First you need to assess the existing territory. For a small area good decision will be the design of the courtyard of a private house with a small fountain or garden, which are currently one of the options modern courtyards, and ideas can be seen in photos on the Internet. If there is a lot in the yard free space, this will allow you to reproduce the original courtyard, which has several divided zones with a center in the form of an artificial pond, gazebo or pool.

To make the yard look more cozy and elegant, you can place decorative statues on its territory; ponds are not large sizes, exotic plants, paths made of colored tiles. Such accessories will bring a more complete look to the yard and can improve the overall atmosphere.

If you want to place a vegetable garden in the yard of a private house, this is not a problem, because modern design will allow you to do this very neatly and interestingly, and you can verify this by looking at the photos provided below.

Before you start repair work in the yard, you should consider some nuances:

  • number of people living in the house;
  • are there children in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

If desired, several zones can be combined into one to save space. To visually divide the territory, install garden sculptures, plantings of greenery (bushes, flowers or Christmas trees), and, if possible, build an artificial pond or small lake.

The area for children's recreation and games should be located in a place that will be visible to adults, so that children can be monitored and supervised.

Private design modern style It’s hard to imagine a yard without paths, because this element is present on the territory of every house, and in the photo you can see how best to design them in the yard. With the help of paths, several problems will be solved at the same time: safety of movement, zoning of space and yard decor.

The material from which the paths will be laid can be very different, at the discretion of the owners, for example, they use large flat stones, ordinary brick, fine gravel, while the path can be fenced with a border or a small decorative fence.

How to arrange plants and flowers correctly?

Flowers choose different varieties so that their flowering replaces each other, thus, from approximately mid-April to October, it will be possible to admire the beauty flowering plants and inhale their aromas. Special flower beds are made for flowers, planted in tubs or pots.

It is very convenient to care for flowers if they are located in flower beds, as there is no need to get dirty in the ground, because there will be lawns, paths or a pebble mound around them.

What role does lighting play in the courtyard of a private house?

An illuminated yard means, first of all, the safety of movement around the territory at night. In addition, this will allow you to enjoy the surrounding nature in the evenings and long-term communication with guests in the fresh air from early spring to late autumn.

Lanterns should be positioned so that the facade of the house and other existing buildings, as well as the main entrance, the space near the garage or parking lot are well lit.

Typically, lighting fixtures are located along the paths, and are done so that the entire perimeter of the territory can be viewed without problems.

Having decided on the main lighting, you can consider the layout of the lighting in decorative purposes. Lanterns will look very impressive next to a flower bed, pond or lake. Trees and large shrubs are illuminated with LED strips.

In specialized stores there is a large number of lighting devices powered by solar energy. This will save you a lot of money cash on paying for electricity, and soft, dim lighting will be enough for safe movement in the dark.

Landscaping a small backyard space

In most private houses located within the city, the yard area is small, so in order to create a cozy corner for children or tea drinking and pleasant time in the fresh air, it is better to implement the intended design modern courtyard in the area adjacent to the back of the house.

There are many on the Internet different ideas and photos that will help in transforming the required space.

For a small backyard area excellent option will be the construction of a base from a wooden platform or deck. Along the fence you can plant tall bushes or plants that will climb along the fence; this will help make a small courtyard cozy and hide everything that happens in it from prying eyes.

The cheapest and most often preferred furniture for patios in a private home is made of plastic or artificial rattan. But they also make pieces of furniture for outdoor use from wood, forged metal and stone.

Furniture made of plastic is very convenient; it can simply be washed with water, and rattan products should not be overly moistened. Wooden furniture must be periodically varnished or protective equipment. Wrought iron chairs and tables should be painted once every few years.

It should also be noted that wooden floors can become great solution to continue the porch of a private house, this will be good design for modern yards, and for an example you can pay attention to the photo.

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If you are the owner country cottage or a private house located within the city, you understand perfectly well that the matter does not end with arranging your home. A lot of time, effort and money goes into effective and beautiful design the area adjacent to the house. Nowadays, landscape design has been heard of even in the most remote villages. But not all of our compatriots will agree that the time for beds laid out throughout the entire plot of land has passed, giving way to alpine slides, fountains and artificial ponds in the oriental style.

Most owners of private houses (both within the city and beyond) choose the option of decorating the area adjacent to their home, but with a functional background. In order for your work to be translated into a harmonious, beautiful and practical landscape design that will delight you and your family all year round, you need to approach planning with the utmost seriousness. Fortunately, there is now more than enough information on this topic. Equip private territory It is possible with a minimum of financial costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To maintain the beauty of your site, you will need to find opportunities and pay attention to plants, buildings, ponds and even garden furniture.

Planning the beauty of the yard

The yard around a city private house or country cottage is an adjacent area that welcomes not only the owners after a hard day (or week, in the case of country estates), but also their guests. We can safely say that the impression of homeowners begins to form at the first glance at the design personal plot or yard.

Before you start planning your landscape design, decide what “ beautiful yard"? How would you like to see it? Is it important for you to amaze your neighbors and guests with the splendor of your yard design, or do you put practicality and convenience at the forefront? What is your lifestyle, do you have children and pets, do guests often gather for barbecues and barbecues, do you have evening gatherings in the fresh air? The set of “scenery” for your private yard largely depends on the answers to these questions. Considering on initial stage planning many nuances of the further operation of your site, you will save not only money, but also time for subsequent alterations, reconstruction and corrections.

Of course, the landscape design of your yard will largely depend on its size. If the territory is large, then the flight of your imagination will be limited only by financial capabilities and features of the territory’s landscape, soil type and location in relation to the cardinal directions. But if we are talking about a small backyard of a city private house, then in this case it is necessary to set clear priorities. On several square meters it will be difficult to place a playground, a place for barbecue, a patio for relaxation, and large flower bed with flowers.

Having worked optimal plan creating landscape design - go to the area and mark the exact location of all objects (gazebos, flower beds, rock gardens, ponds and patios). For simplicity, experts recommend dividing the entire area into squares. Each such segment will have a key figure - a building or a decorative element. This way it’s easier to evenly distribute all planned landscape design items and create a balanced appearance plot.

Before the beginning construction work(if any are planned) it is necessary to check the condition of the territory. If segments of water accumulation are found, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating artificial reservoirs, fountains and waterfalls are laid.

Paths, steps and flower beds

Garden paths are an integral part of any landscape design. In addition to its main goal - organizing safe travel Along the site, paths perform the functions of zoning and decorating the territory.

Garden paths can be laid out from large, but flat stones, concrete slabs, clinker or ordinary bricks, cobblestones, cover with fine gravel or pebbles, fencing with special low borders. By combining track materials, you can get not only the necessary functionality, but also decorative decoration garden or yard.

Landscape design and geometry are inextricably linked. For some, harmony and balance in environment seen in smooth lines, rounded shapes, winding paths and oval flower beds. Some people need rigor and clarity - direct garden paths, as companions from point A to point B, strict forms of bushes, trimmed with what is called a “ruler” and absolutely smooth lawn. Only the owners know what plants and tree shapes will be able to caress their eyes and bring calm and balance to their mood.

It is better to plan the planting of flowers in flower beds or garden tubs in such a way that the flowering of some is replaced by the flowering of other varieties. In this case, your yard will be able to delight you and your family with bright colors throughout the warm season (in most regions of our country - this is approximately from mid-April to early October).

If the landscape of your site involves some hilliness, then instead of fighting nature, creating artificial embankments and leveling slopes, you can succumb to the natural arrangement of hills and lowlands and build beautiful steps that can act as a focal point, attracting everyone's attention.

Artificial ponds on the site, fountains and cascades

It’s rare that an oriental landscape design is complete without a small artificial pond or a small source of water. And as we know, all European and American landscape designers, and our compatriots as well, draw inspiration from the founders of the art of bringing beauty and harmony into the territory surrounding the house - the eastern peoples.

Japanese masters consider water not only the source of life, but also, together with the earth, a symbol of harmony and balance of all living things. Organizing an artificial reservoir on a site is not easy; you will need to contact specialists, study the features of the soil and landscape in order to choose the right place, conduct communications and subsequently tirelessly take care of the proper functioning of the fountain or cascade. But all the effort, work and money spent will pay off when you can watch the fish in your artificial pond or watch the water flow into a small tank.

Efficient lighting system for a private yard

Lighting the territory of a private yard is not only a matter of extending the time of communication with the surrounding nature, but also a priority of safety. A well-thought-out and harmonious lighting system will allow you to calmly move around the site in the dark, be on the patio and enjoy the illumination of decorative items in your yard landscape design that are especially significant to you.

First of all, think about functional lighting - illumination of the facade of the house and additional buildings, the entrance to the garage or parking lot, the main entrance. Experts recommend placing lighting fixtures in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of your yard are visible and illuminated possible ways moving around the site - garden paths, steps.

Next, you can begin to develop a decorative lighting plan. You can create lighting near the flower bed, garden sculpture, rock garden or pond. By using LED strips Trees and shrubs are illuminated using the so-called “illumination without lanterns.”

Lamps can be built into the spaces between the degrees, but this point must be considered at the initial stage of designing the location of landscape design objects. Currently there are many lighting fixtures, which operate from miniature storage batteries that draw energy from sunlight. You won't have to spend money on electricity bills, dim lights energy saving lamps will be sufficient for safe movement along the paths of the site.

Even in a small area you can find a corner for organizing a relaxation area with the possibility of cooking over an open fire. Agree, it is unfair to deny yourself the opportunity to invite friends for a barbecue while living in a private house with a yard, even if it is located in the city center.

A round hearth serves as an excellent focal point around which garden furniture (chairs or small sofas), paths are formed and plants are planted. Beam system layout in this case will be most advantageous.

An outdoor fireplace or large stove made of stone will not only be a functional embodiment of cooking various dishes over an open fire, but will also form a relaxing place where you can simply relax, watching the flames in the hearth.

Outdoor or covered dining area

For installation lunch group Very little space is needed. You just need to purchase a table and chairs (or mini-chairs) to be able to dine outdoors.

But if you have the opportunity to organize a covered shed for dining area on the site, then in this case your plans will not be affected by bad weather conditions. In hot weather, you and your family or guests will be protected from the sun; in rainy weather, you can safely continue lunch or dinner.

How to Design a Small Backyard

Very often, urban private houses cannot boast of having a large surrounding area. Usually in front of the house there is a place to park a car or arrange a garage, and all areas for recreation, games and cooking in the fresh air have to be moved to the backyard, the size of which is very limited.

In this case, it will be effective to place a wooden platform or deck as the basis for arranging a patio or outdoor dining area. Perennials in bulk flower beds along the perimeter of the territory or near the fence will not only decorate your backyard, but will also hide your area from prying eyes.

Next, all you have to do is choose garden furniture that will serve as a place to relax or eat outdoors. Outdoor furniture can be portable or stationary. Usually, solid stone or wooden furniture is used as stationary furniture, but for small courtyards without awnings this option is not the best option. It is better to give preference to folding furniture that you can hide in the pantry or attic when cold weather sets in.

Currently, there are many options for garden furniture to suit every taste and wallet size. The most popular among our compatriots is outdoor furniture made of plastic ( affordable price and ease of transportation) and artificial rattan (looks respectable and expensive). But there are many models made of wood, forged metal, stone and even bamboo. The choice of furniture for a private patio will depend on your financial capabilities, frequency of use and ability to care for the furniture. For example, plastic furniture can be washed with a hose, but rattan products are very dependent on moisture. Forged chairs and tables need to be tinted every 2-3 years, and wooden furniture needs to be impregnated with oil and coated with varnish or protective antiseptics.

A hedge can be a decoration for your backyard. In addition to the main purpose - fencing the territory and protecting against the entry of strangers, the fence can also serve a decorative function. Its frame can serve as a basis for the arrangement of weaving plants, forming a combined hedge, or the design of the fence itself can stand out against the general background of the landscape design.

Unusual fence design or bright color will bring a positive mood not only to the recreation area, but also to the entire backyard. Furniture or soft fillings matched to the color of the fence will create a harmonious patio with an attractive appearance.

The backyard area, in addition to the option with a wooden platform, can be laid out with concrete or stone slabs, covered with fine gravel or decorative pebbles, delineating the boundaries with low borders or metal (polycarbonate) boundaries. But in the case of loose flooring, you must be prepared to constantly add material and level it over the area.

Organizing a dining area on a wooden platform is one of the most common options for using a small backyard area. What could be better than a meal with family or friends and family in the fresh air? In such an environment, the appetite is better and the food tastes better.

For an outdoor dining area, it is better to use light but stable furniture that you can bring under a canopy or even indoors and store in winter period time. But in addition to the design and material of garden furniture, the design of the products, their color and texture also matters. If the entire composition of the dining area is designed in similar colors, the place for eating will delight and soothe, creating a peaceful atmosphere. If you decide to use bright, accent pieces of furniture or decor, then the decor of the dining area will become tonic, charging with optimism and good mood. It all depends on the temperament of the homeowners and the result they want to get from their stay in the backyard.

In addition to organizing a seating area or dining area, backyard You can place a segment for cooking kebabs and barbecues. Whether it will be a stationary fireplace, a portable grill, a real Russian oven or just a large grill - it all depends on your preferences and the size of the yard. But in any case, you will need to take care of seating near the fire and a table that will serve many functions.