home · Tool · Why cherries dry out: improper care, weather, pests and diseases. What to do when cherries dry out? Diseases of indoor plants: why do the tips of leaves dry out? Why do they dry out?

Why cherries dry out: improper care, weather, pests and diseases. What to do when cherries dry out? Diseases of indoor plants: why do the tips of leaves dry out? Why do they dry out?

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in vertical position has its merits and " side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and vectors infectious diseases, dangerous for both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty flowering bush hydrangeas in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it - one of the earliest fragrant berries, which summer generously bestows upon us. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds They have been pickling since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although a very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, it’s surprising excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in middle lane, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, they suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will tell you about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March Sun rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish- chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of my favorites garden crops our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there are little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants There are many beautiful flowering species. They are in the summer when they get the most bright lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

No matter how carefully you care for indoor plants, problems still arise. Very often there is such a seemingly small deviation as the appearance of dry tips of leaves. This little nuisance can cause big trouble.

Drying tips do not always cause the leaf to wilt or fall and only affect 1% of its surface. But it looks very ugly appearance The flower deteriorates quite badly. Let's try to understand why the tips of the leaves of indoor plants dry out and how to deal with this problem?

Causes of drying out

When the tips of leaves of indoor plants begin to dry, the following thought immediately arises: the air in the room is very dry. And in fact, insufficient humiditycommon reason such a phenomenon, but not the only one. The following points lead to drying of the tips of the leaves:

To understand the specific cause of dry leaf tips on indoor plants, you need to take a good look at them. Particular attention is paid to shoots and bottom side leaves to detect the presence of pests.

Be sure to check the container in which the plant is located. It is possible that she became too tight or roots appearing from the drainage hole.

It is necessary to determine the humidity of the substrate and how quickly it dries between procedures. If it is quite difficult to evaluate it “by touch”, you can purchase it at a flower shop special indicators, which will show the degree of drying of the soil.

It is necessary to analyze the fertilizing schedule and compare it with that recommended for a particular plant. For example, the tips of citrus leaves dry out due to iron deficiency.

And if you often feed non-flowering crops, this leads to serious disturbances in their development, which at the initial stage manifest themselves in the form of such a nuisance.

Water quality should be assessed. If running tap water is used for irrigation, this often becomes cause of dry ends, since it contains impurities of chlorine and fluorine, salts and other heavy substances that lead to changes in the characteristics of the soil and change its balance.

They also determine the degree of air humidity, its dryness and comfort for plants that love moisture.

Implementation of hygiene measures

Regardless of why there are problems with dry leaf tips, the first step is to take hygiene measures.

Eliminates the risk of soil contamination and salt deposits. To do this, from the ground surface remove white coating , and its surface layer is replaced with a fresh and clean substrate. Clean the leaves of the flower from dust and moisturize them. Change the air humidity by placing a container of water near the pot.

Such measures are carried out regardless of whether it was possible to determine the specific cause of this problem, since even an increase in humidity allows secure the plant from pest infestation.

How to Fix Dry Flower Tips Problem

If the cause of the problem lies in dry air, this is solved as follows:

  1. Use of sprayers.
  2. Installation of special humidifier devices.
  3. Placing plants in flower displays.
  4. Installation of trays or pallets with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, on which the flower pot is placed so that its bottom does not touch the water.

Water quality

This problem is also a fairly common cause of dry tips in houseplants, so changes should be made to your watering schedule.

It is necessary to check what water is used to moisten the soil. Perhaps it should be acidified or it should be especially soft.

The ends of the leaves may dry out due to excess moisture, which contributes to rotting and disruption of soil breathability. The drain hole and drainage must be checked.

If there are no problems with this, you need to let the substrate dry completely and postpone watering for a while. If it turns out that the drain hole is too small, the plant must be urgently replanted.

The leaves of indoor plants can dry out due to excessive drought. In this case, flowers are needed water more often and abundantly. But the water should not stagnate in the trays.

The next watering is carried out only when upper layer the soil will dry out a few centimeters for moisture-loving plants and the middle layer will partially dry out (for succulents and ordinary crops).

To forever get rid of the hassle associated with selecting the frequency of procedures, you can purchase self-watering pots.

Ends of leaves indoor flowers often dry out due to pest damage. Therefore, the plant should be isolated from other crops as quickly as possible to avoid their spread.

Leaves needed wash with soapy water and also increase air humidity. To eliminate pests, it is recommended to use special insecticides. When replanting the plant, the pot must be thoroughly treated and disinfected.

The tips of the leaves can dry out due to improper lighting, temperature, and feeding regime. In this case you should create normal conditions for the growth and development of flowers.

Thus, we found out why the tips of the leaves of indoor plants can dry out. This happens by various reasons. What to do in this case?

Having found out the specific cause of the problem, we begin to eliminate it. Only then will the leaves of the plants be again full of strength and have an attractive appearance.

The question of why cucumber leaves dry out is one that almost every second summer resident often asks himself. The fact is that there can be many reasons for this phenomenon, and it is not always possible to immediately find out why this happens. It is necessary to deal with the problem only after finding out the reasons, then the measures taken will be effective.

As a rule, they do not keep themselves waiting long if the climate changes dramatically. For example, the weather is sunny, dry and hot during the day, and very cold at night. Rains make the situation worse. Especially if the cucumbers are grown in an environmentally polluted area.

Fusarium is one of the most common fungal diseases of cucumbers. Rusty dots begin to appear on the leaves, which gradually increase in size, turning into spots. As a result, the leaves dry out completely and fall off. It should be noted that the lashes become sluggish, but do not react in any way to abundant watering.

Often, along with fungal diseases, cucumbers are affected by pests. Whiteflies and aphids are the most common of these. Summer residents often do not notice them, since these insidious insects settle in lower parts leaves. As a result, the foliage quickly turns yellow, then dries and dies, as pests simply suck all the nutrients from the plant.

Natural causes of drying leaves

This is especially true for large greenhouses and open areas where cucumbers are planted close to each other. This is a completely natural process, so there is no need to worry about it. On the contrary, experts recommend cutting off the lower leaves with pruning shears from time to time so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them. Let it be better more strength will give to the formation of juicy fruits.

In some cases, yellowing of the leaves is due to the natural aging process of the vines. As a rule, the leaves begin to dry out large sizes, which have been growing on the vine for quite some time. They can be located both at the top and at the bottom. The only thing you should be wary of is if the leaves die on very young cucumber vines.

Inappropriate fertilizing and watering

This is quite rare, since most gardeners still prefer to feed the plants abundantly, believing that this will increase the amount of harvest.

If pale veins appear on the leaves with a yellowish tint, this may indicate a lack of iron or manganese in the soil. If the upper leaves, which are still quite young, actively turn yellow, this indicates a lack of copper. But the yellowing of the edges of cucumber leaves along the contour indicates a lack of such nutrients, like magnesium and potassium.

So, if the leaves first turn yellow and then dry out quickly, this indicates insufficient watering. When there is a lack of moisture in the ground, the roots of cucumbers gradually begin to move closer to the surface of the earth. As a result, the entire vine begins to dry out along with the fruits. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and then rot, this already indicates an excess of moisture.

This usually happens if, in hot, dry summers, the intervals between waterings increase, as a result of which the overdried earthen ball can remain in such a solid state for a long time. Or if the plants are watered frequently and abundantly, but the weather outside is not very hot.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow (video)

How to prevent leaves from turning yellow

What to do if the leaves of cucumbers dry out in a greenhouse or in a summer cottage?

It is urgent to take some measures, otherwise the harvest may not be saved at all. But it is best to prevent this process in time, without taking it to extremes. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all preventive measures to ensure that the cucumber leaves do not begin to turn yellow.

It is recommended to water the cucumbers as needed when the earthen ball is completely dry. Fill the soil well so that it is soaked to a sufficient depth. After watering, it is recommended to cover the soil around the cucumbers with dry grass or leaves, which will retain moisture in the soil and provide the roots with additional warmth and an influx of nutrients.

Fertilizers must be alternated, since otherwise an excess of nutrients can lead to rapid development of leaves and absence of ovary. An excellent fertilizer and at the same time a medicine against fungal diseases is wood ash. You just need to sprinkle it on the ground around the plants.

One more good option Prevention of fungal diseases is a solution of soda. It is necessary to dilute approximately 1 tbsp. soda in 10 liters of water and water the beds with this solution. This should only be done at the end of June and July. Alkaline environment will not give any chance for the development of pathogens in the soil.

In order to stop the process of yellowing and drying of leaves on cucumber vines, it is recommended to spray them very weak solution potassium permanganate or kefir. 2 liters of kefir are diluted in 10 liters of warm water. The resulting composition is sprayed onto the leaves, fruits and stems of cucumbers. Such spraying can also be carried out for preventive purposes, since they do not cause any harm to plants or people.

So, why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse and in an open area is now clear. In any case, all dried leaves should not be spared and should be torn off. After all, if the cause lies in a fungal infection, it can easily spread to other shoots and plants.

Diseases of cucumbers and their control (video)

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Unfortunately, seeing a drying apple tree in your garden is not that uncommon. This can happen at any time climatic zone, on any soil, and even when the gardener seems to be caring for the garden according to all the rules. You can understand exactly why the apple tree began to dry out by looking at certain signs: a change in the color of the leaves, the appearance of spots on the bark, etc. If you find out the cause of this phenomenon, you can not only save the tree, but also prevent similar cases in the future.

Deviations in the development of a tree, its growth and vital activity are influenced by several factors, which can also be of a combined nature. With a certain degree of convention, they can be divided into several groups:

  • atmospheric and climatic conditions;
  • soil features;
  • improper planting and care;
  • diseases;
  • pests

The convention of separation means that often these prerequisites for the drying of the apple tree are combined with each other, or one entails the other. For example, diseases can be caused by pests or unfavorable environmental conditions and are simply external manifestations of the original cause. Therefore, in any case, you need to carefully study all the reasons in order to completely eliminate the unfavorable factors.

And excessive heat, and very cold climate may have a negative impact on fruit tree. Therefore, purchase seedlings only of zoned varieties. Breeders develop such varieties taking into account what climate zone most favorable for the growth and development of this apple tree. In very cold climates, there is a high probability that the tree at some stage of development will begin to dry out after frostbite, if at all.

For long periods severe frosts the tree may suffer, so-called frost marks, or frost cracks, may appear on it. They occur when moisture in the wood freezes and breaks the fibers. If the cracks that form do not heal, fungus can get in and destroy the wood. Mulching, wrapping the trunk, throwing snow at the trunk (it needs to be lightly trampled) saves you from frost.

Soil features

The apple tree will dry out if it is planted in soil with a high content of:

  • sand;
  • heavy clay;
  • crushed stones and gravel.

A high aquifer also has a detrimental effect on a tree: soil saturated with moisture does not allow the roots to breathe, as water displaces air and the roots begin to rot. Alternatively, you can make drainage in the soil, but this is troublesome and time-consuming, so it is better not to plant apple trees in such places.

An apple tree can also dry out due to the fact that there are not enough nutrients and minerals in the soil. This is especially pronounced during potassium starvation: the leaves begin to dry out. With magnesium and nitrogen starvation, as well as with chlorosis, the leaves turn yellow. When these signs appear, you need to add appropriate fertilizers and fertilizing to the soil.

When planting seedlings, you need to remember that the root system of an apple tree is twice as wide as its crown, and the root system goes into the ground to a depth of 60 cm or more. Therefore, you need to take into account the height at which the water stands in the ground.

The tree may dry out due to “root competition” if the seedling is planted too close to other trees. It is also undesirable to sow some herbal crops under the apple tree, which can poison the apple tree with their metabolic products (for example, wheatgrass and timothy).

The time of planting is also important - spring and autumn. Apple trees planted in summer more often suffer from drying of leaves and branches. If the seedling is planted in the spring, it takes root much better. Trees planted in autumn are more resistant to both weather conditions and various diseases.

Such mistakes as improper grafting or pruning of branches, or excessive use can also lead to drying out of the apple tree. chemical substances(fertilizers, pesticides, etc.). Incorrectly treated cut areas can be affected by diseases and cause drying out of overlying branches and foliage.

Most often, the apple tree is affected by black cancer. This fungal disease, which affects the tree completely. In addition, drying out is caused by:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew.

In the last two cases, treatment helps special drugs and destruction of the affected parts of the tree. In case of cancer, only radical removal of the affected parts helps, and it is necessary to prune the diseased branch with a margin, since the causative agent of the disease can spread throughout the tree. Visible stains and rot on the trunk must be cut out and scraped out to healthy wood, then treated and covered with any suitable means- from special artificial compounds to simple garden varnish or even clay.

For insect pests, trees need to be treated with pesticides or other means in the spring, before flowering begins. If cobwebs, caterpillars, etc. are detected. you need to remove them from the apple tree along with the affected leaves. There are also rodent pests, both underground and aboveground. The underground ones (for example, moles) are removed using chemicals and traps, while the aboveground ones (hares, etc.) do not touch the trunks whitened with lime.

Why apple trees dry out Black cancer of the apple tree: video

If young apple trees begin to dry out, the reason may be:

  • disease;
  • frostbite;
  • malnutrition;
  • damage to the root system.

After identifying the disease, the tree needs to be treated. If the problem is in the roots, check the level groundwater, make drainage, apply fertilizer.

Old apple trees can dry out both from diseases and simply from old age. Do not forget that an old tree is generally more susceptible to diseases. Such an apple tree needs to be carefully looked after, dried branches must be trimmed, the trunk and crown must be treated in a timely manner, and this will prolong its life and save it from disease.

If the apple tree begins to dry out immediately after flowering– the root system is damaged, and the tree only has enough strength to bloom. When, following the color, the leaves begin to dry out and fall off, this means that the roots begin to die.

After winter, the apple tree dries out when it has suffered from frost. There is no need to rush to cut dry branches; let the tree stand for a while - perhaps the apple tree will “thaw”. You can water it with warm water with dissolved fertilizer. But if leaves have not appeared on the branches and the branches themselves are dry, they need to be pruned with a large margin.

The dried top of an apple tree is a sign high lying groundwater. It is necessary to arrange drainage, otherwise the roots, reaching the aquifer, will inevitably rot. Also, drying of the top may indicate a lack of potassium in the soil. This top needs to be carefully cut low, without leaving a stump, and the cut area must be treated.

If the buds on an apple tree have dried up, you need to make sure that they have dried up and not “frozen”. Sometimes abundant watering with fertilizing helps, but only if the kidneys are not damaged by any pest.

Preventive measures against drying out are first and foremost proper care and compliance with “sanitary measures”:

  • All cut and fallen branches and leaves cannot be buried in the ground or processed into mulch. In this way, infection and pests persist and multiply. The affected parts only need to be burned, and the ash should be fertilized with the soil.
  • When pruning and other types of damage to the integrity of the bark and wood, treatment is required to prevent subsequent infection of the apple tree.
  • Before wintering, trees need to be protected with mulching, and after snow falls, they should be covered with mulch. It is not harmful to do this even when the winter is relatively mild.
  • Birds are a great help in the fight against insect pests. The garden should have birdhouses and feeders for the winter. This will deter birds and save apple trees from destruction.
  • Periodically you need to feed the apple tree so that it receives adequate nutrition from the soil. Loosening the top layer of soil around the tree is also helpful.

Compliance with all these measures will significantly reduce the risk of the apple tree drying out.

From time to time, an ailment such as drying out of the tips of the leaf blade occurs. This can happen for various reasons due to proper cultivation or is this the initial stage of withering. Let's look at why the leaves of indoor plants dry out.

The tips of the leaf mass are most often dry out in winter period when the growing conditions in the apartment change. You should pay attention to this so as not to miss a big problem.

IN winter time there is a temperature difference in the house and drying out of the air

Here are reasons to pay attention to:

  1. Watering with cold, hard water is unacceptable.
  2. Unregulated watering: either too dry or too much water.
  3. The appearance of harmful insects.
  4. Lack of microelements or overfeeding with fertilizers of various types.
  5. Sunburn.
  6. Conditions are too hot.
  7. A small container where a flower is planted, the roots have filled the entire soil, and the pot needs to be enlarged.

It is necessary to eliminate the above reasons and the tips of the leaves of houseplants will stop drying.

How to eliminate the problem of dryness - general measures

What to do if the leaves of your houseplants dry out

First of all, you need to install the reason why the tips of leaf plates dry out into the room. First of all, this usually manifests itself with infrequent watering, which is not the only reason why foliage dries out.

It is important to correctly diagnose the cause of dry ends.

Tap water must be allowed to settle before watering. warm time flowers require less watering each year

If the gardener is sure that his watering is correct and systematic, then he needs to take a magnifying glass and examine the plant itself, maybe it has pests that need to be gotten rid of urgently.

Also, if the plant was constantly flooded with water, he will need completely different help. After all, if you further increase the humidity of the earthen clod, you can be sure that it will become infected with root rot.

Therefore, we examine and draw conclusions:

  1. If the plant was watered rarely and with unsettled tap water, we correct our mistake - water it once twice a week (depending on weather conditions) with warm, settled water.
  2. It must be remembered that at an air temperature of +35 flowers fall into stagnation and watering is reduced.

Correct implementation of hygiene measures

Here are the hygiene measures that can help:

First of all, let's examine root system flower. We carefully remove it from the container where it is planted and inspect the root system. If we see that there is practically no land, then it is worth increasing the volume of the pot. We completely replace the soil with a new one;

It is worth removing dust and dirt from the sheet plates.

Small-leaved species It’s easier to take a bath in a nice warm shower, covering the root system with a plastic bag.

  • If the air in the room is too dry, it is worth increasing it by spraying the leaf mass of the flower. You can also pour expanded clay into a tray, pour water and place the container with the flower;

When implementing all these measures, it is worth remembering that all flowers are different and require a different approach:

  • Cacti cannot be flooded or bathed;
  • Uzumbara violets also cannot be washed, since they have a velvety leaf mass.

How to correct mistakes in care

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for a certain type of flower and create it the necessary conditions for growth.

An air humidifier will help correct the microclimate. Jars of water - a homemade humidifier. A tray filled with expanded clay - direct help to the flower.

If the air in the apartment is quite dry, you can correct it in various ways:

  • Buy an air humidifier;
  • Place jars filled with water around the flowers and add water to them as it evaporates;
  • Will help expanded clay poured into a tray with water and a pot placed on it;

You can purchase a cat tray with a mesh. Water is poured into the pan, a net is installed, and flowers are placed on it. Thus, one tray can accommodate 4 small containers which require good humidity.

Try to achieve the required air humidity, which is recommended for a particular plant.

If the water in the tap leaves much to be desired, full of chlorine and very hard, then the following measures will help:

  • Pour water into a bucket and let it sit for 24 hours;
  • You can soften the water by adding a couple of drops lemon juice Boil one liter of water or part of the water, cool and add it to a bucket where it has already stood for a day;
  • Fine rainwater is suitable, if the florist does not live in the center of a metropolis, where rain washes away all the smog from the air.

In the center of megacities, rainwater cannot be used.

Rainwater good if not collected in the city - there are more impurities in sediments here

The tips of the leaf blades may dry out from overwatering. The following measures will help:

  • Replace old land on new soil and reduce the amount and frequency of watering;
  • If during a transplant rotting of the root system was discovered it is necessary to treat with fungicides;
  • If the soil where the flower grows is constantly dry and it is not a cactus, then you need to increase watering, the plant simply does not have enough nutrition.

The leaves also dry out due to the appearance of pests on them - you need to find them and destroy them before they multiply.

Try to observe the flowers and they will tell you what is wrong with them.


Why can the leaves of Geranium and Spathiphyllum dry out?

Let's look at why The tips of the leaf blades may dry out on two plants:

  1. Geranium.
  2. Spathiphyllum.


The tips of geraniums may dry out for the following reasons:

  • First of all, the lack of winter rest;
  • Unregulated watering;
  • Poor lighting in winter;
  • Small capacity for the root system.
  • High humidity.


In Spathiphyllum, the tips of the leaf mass dry out for the following reasons:

  • Unregulated watering;
  • Standing a flower in a draft;
  • Reduced air humidity;
  • Oversupply sunny Sveta.

What to do to help plants with dryness

Help for Geranium

Knowing that Geranium is a resident of the African coast, you can be sure that the sun cannot damage the flower. Therefore, in winter it is kept at a temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius and in good lighting.

At the same time, fertilizers are introduced for flowering plants and dilute them strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package.

When overfed, the pet stops blooming and sheds yellowed leaves.

We must remember that with frequent flooding, Geranium will also begin to shed its leaves, as its root system begins to rot.

You need to know what the plant needs at the moment of growth and rest and follow these rules. General rules we described care in the article.

Help for Spathiphyllum

This plant requires timely watering with soft water and high humidity room air. This can be achieved only by placing the flower on a tray with water and expanded clay, or using a litter box that will increase the humidity and the roots of the flower will not touch the water.

They will help Also spraying with soft water. Remember that overwatering the plant can cause rotting of the root system.

We provided the rules for caring for a flower in the section.

If you find dry ends on your favorite plant, you should not panic, you need to think about what is missing or what is in excess and solve this problem.