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Technical means of automation. Systems and means of automation of production. Technical means of automation of food production processes

Technical means of automation

instruments, devices and technical systems s designed to automate production (See Automation of production). T. s. A. provide automatic receipt, transfer, transformation, comparison and use of information in order to control and manage production processes. In the USSR, a systematic approach to the construction and use of T. s. A. (their grouping and unification according to functional, informational, and constructive-technological features) made it possible to unite all T. with. A. within the framework of the State system of industrial devices and means of automation - GSP.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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  • Technical means of automation and control Textbook, Kolosov O., Yesyutkin A., Prokofiev N. (eds.). The textbook to varying degrees (without claiming to cover the "immense") reinforces and supplements the materials presented in accordance with the work programs of the complex of disciplines of the professional cycle ...
  • Technical means of automation. Textbook for academic baccalaureate, Rachkov M.Yu.. The textbook discusses the classification of technical means of automation, methods for selecting technical means by type of production, as well as equipment control systems. Description is given...

The definitions of "automation object" include a variety of technical objects(metallurgical furnaces, transport, various machines and others technical devices), as well as production processes that can be performed by one or a whole complex of technological units, installations or machines in their interaction with the control system. At this stage of human development, automation is actively being introduced into all areas human life, .

Continuous improvement and implementation of automation systems are absolutely interconnected processes. On the one hand, for the modernization of various industries, it is necessary to develop and implement mechanization and automation systems in already operating mechanisms, and on the other hand, when creating absolutely new technology it is necessary to provide ways of its effective automation.

According to their hierarchy, technical means of automation are classified into two classes:

  • Systems of automated (automatic) regulation of ACS and control of ACS;
  • Devices, elements and subsystems of ACS and ACS;

The common functional part of both systems is the object of regulation (control). Control object - controlled part of the system (machine or complex of machines), the established mode of operation of which must be supported by the control part of the system in accordance with the previously selected control task.

The control system (CS) is a dynamic closed complex, which consists of controlled objects and three subsystems: logic-computing, informational and executive. The generalized scheme is shown below:

An information subsystem is a set of technical means for receiving, presenting and transmitting information. To the means whose purpose is to receive and convert primary information about internal and external factors the work of objects under control includes measuring and sensing elements, analyzers, sensors of primary information and other devices. This category also includes means for presenting and transmitting information in a form convenient for the control system - receivers, encoding / decoding devices, transmitters, communication channels, and so on.

Logic computing system - technical means, the task of which is the processing of information.

The main task of information processing tools is to develop solutions necessary to achieve the management objectives formulated in terms of reference in the manufacture of ACS. These solutions are usually implemented in the form of setting or control signals. The technical means of information processing include a variety of analog and digital computing tools, including microcontrollers.

The technical means that are used to generate control signals and directly control the object are called executive subsystem . The technical means of the executive subsystems mainly include electric drives, as well as lighting and temperature controllers, electromagnets hydraulic mechanisms and so on.

Control systems, in the course of which, including the stages of decision-making and development of control actions, there is no participation of the operator (the operator only observes production process) are called systems automatic control ACS .

Control systems in which computers (digital, analog or hybrid) are involved in making decisions by the operator are called automated control systems of automated control systems.

The means of formation and primary processing of information include keyboard devices for applying data to cards, tapes or other information carriers by mechanical (perforation) or magnetic methods; the accumulated information is transferred to subsequent processing or reproduction. From keyboard devices, punching or magnetic blocks and transmitters, local and system production recorders are made up, which form primary information in workshops, warehouses and other places of production.

Sensors (primary transducers) are used to automatically extract information. They are very diverse devices according to the principles of operation, perceiving changes in the controlled parameters of technological processes. Modern measuring technology can directly evaluate more than 300 different physical, chemical and other quantities, but this is to automate a number of new areas human activity is not enough. An economically expedient expansion of the range of sensors in the GSP is achieved by unification of the sensitive elements. Sensitive elements that respond to pressure, force, weight, speed, acceleration, sound, light, thermal and radioactive radiation are used in sensors to control the loading of equipment and its operating modes, the quality of processing, accounting for the release of products, monitoring their movements on conveyors, stocks and consumption of materials, blanks, tools, etc. The output signals of all these sensors are converted into standard electrical or pneumatic signals that are transmitted by other devices.

The structure of information transmission devices includes signal converters into forms of energy convenient for broadcasting, telemechanics equipment for transmitting signals over communication channels over long distances, switches for distributing signals to places for processing or presenting information. These devices connect all peripheral sources of information (keyboards, sensors) with the central part of the control system. Their purpose is effective use communication channels, elimination of signal distortions and the influence of possible interference during transmission over wired and wireless lines.

Devices for logical and mathematical processing of information include functional converters that change the nature, form or combination of information signals, as well as devices for processing information according to specified algorithms (including computers) in order to implement laws and control (regulation) modes.

Computers for communication with other parts of the control system are equipped with information input and output devices, as well as storage devices for temporary storage of initial data, intermediate and end results calculations, etc. (see Data input. Data output, Memory device).

Devices for presenting information show the human operator the state of production processes and record it the most important parameters. Such devices are signal boards, mnemonic diagrams with visual symbols on boards or control panels, secondary pointer and digital indicating and recording devices, cathode ray tubes, alphabetic and digital typewriters.

Devices for generating control actions convert weak information signals into more powerful energy pulses of the required shape, necessary to actuate protection, regulation or control actuators.

Security High Quality products is associated with automation of control at all main stages of production. Subjective assessments on the part of a person are replaced by objective indicators of automatic measuring posts associated with central points where the source of marriage is determined and from where commands are sent to prevent deviations beyond tolerances. Of particular importance is automatic control using computers in the production of radio engineering and radio electronic products due to their mass character and a significant number of controlled parameters. No less important are the final tests of finished products for reliability (see Reliability technical devices). Automated benches for functional, strength, climatic, energy and specialized tests allow you to quickly and identically check technical and economic characteristics products (products).

Actuators consist of starting equipment, executive hydraulic, pneumatic or electric mechanisms (servomotors) and regulatory bodies that act directly on the automated process. It is important that their work does not cause unnecessary energy losses and reduce the efficiency of the process. So, for example, throttling, which is usually used to control the flow of steam and liquids, based on an increase in hydraulic resistance in pipelines, is replaced by the impact on flow-forming machines or other, more advanced methods of changing the flow rate without pressure loss. Great importance has an economical and reliable control of the electric drive alternating current, the use of gearless electric actuators, non-contact ballasts for controlling electric motors.

The idea of ​​constructing devices for control, regulation and control in the form of units consisting of independent blocks that perform certain functions, implemented in the GSP, made it possible, by various combinations of these blocks to obtain a wide range of devices for solving diverse problems with the same means. Unification of input and output signals provides a combination of blocks with various functions and their interchangeability.

The composition of the GSP includes pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical devices and devices. The greatest versatility is electrical devices designed to receive, transmit and reproduce information.

The use of the universal system of elements of industrial pneumatic automation (USEPPA) made it possible to reduce the development of pneumatic devices mainly to assembling them from standard components and parts with a small number of connections. Pneumatic devices are widely used for control and regulation in many fire and explosion hazardous industries.

GSP hydraulic devices are also completed from blocks. Hydraulic devices and devices control equipment that requires high speeds for rearrangement of regulatory bodies with significant efforts and high accuracy, which is especially important in machine tools and automatic lines.

In order to most rationally systematize the GSP tools and to increase the efficiency of their production, as well as to simplify the design and configuration of the automated control system, the GSP devices during development are combined into aggregate complexes. Aggregate complexes, thanks to the standardization of input-output parameters and the block design of devices, most conveniently, reliably and economically combine various technical means in automated control systems and allow you to assemble a variety of specialized installations from multi-purpose automation blocks.

Targeted aggregation of analytical equipment, testing machines, mass-dosing mechanisms with unified devices for measuring, computer technology and office equipment facilitates and accelerates the creation of basic structures of this equipment and the specialization of factories for their manufacture.

Management, consulting and entrepreneurship

Lecture 2 General information O technical means automation. Need for study general issues concerning the technical means of automation and the state system of industrial devices and means of automation of the GSP is dictated by the fact that the technical means

Lecture 2

General information about the technical means of automation.

The need to study general issues related to technical means of automation and the state system of industrial devices and means of automation (GSP) is dictated by the fact that technical means of automation are an integral part of the GSP. Technical means of automation are the basis for the implementation of information and control systems in industrial and non-industrial areas of production. The principles of GSP organization largely determine the content of the stage of designing the technical support of automated process control systems (APCS). In turn, the GSP is based on problem-oriented aggregate complexes of technical means.

Typical automation tools can be technical, hardware, software and hardware and system-wide.

TO technical means of automation(TSA) include:

  • sensors;
  • executive mechanisms;
  • regulatory authorities (RO);
  • communication lines;
  • secondary devices (indicating and registering);
  • analogue and digital regulation devices;
  • programming blocks;
  • logic-command control devices;
  • modules for collecting and primary data processing and monitoring the state of the technological control object (TOU);
  • modules for galvanic isolation and signal normalization;
  • signal converters from one form to another;
  • modules for data presentation, indication, registration and generation of control signals;
  • buffer storage devices;
  • programmable timers;
  • specialized computing devices, pre-processor preparation devices.

TO software and hardware means of automation include:

  • analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters;
  • control means;
  • blocks of multiloop analog and analog-to-digital regulation;
  • multi-connected software logic control devices;
  • programmable microcontrollers;
  • local computer networks.

TO system-wide automation tools include:

  • interface devices and communication adapters;
  • shared memory blocks;
  • highways (tires);
  • device-wide diagnostics;
  • direct access processors for information accumulation;
  • operator consoles.

Technical means of automation in control systems

Any system management must perform the following features :

  • collection of information about current state technological control object (TOU);
  • determination of criteria for the quality of work of TOU;
  • finding optimal mode functioning of the TOU and optimal control actions that provide the extremum of the quality criteria;
  • implementation of the found optimal mode at TOU.

These functions can be performed service personnel or TSA. There are fourtype of control systems(SU):

1) information;

2) automatic control;

3) centralized control and regulation;

4) automated process control systems.

Informational ( non-automated) control systems(Fig. 1.1) are rarely used, only for reliably functioning, simple technological objects of TOU control.

Rice. 1.1. Structure of the information management system:

D - sensor (primary measuring transducer);

VP - secondary indicating device;

OPU - operator control point (shields, consoles, mnemonic diagrams, signaling devices);

Remote control remote control devices (buttons, keys, bypass control panels, etc.);

IM executive mechanism;

RO - regulatory body;

C - signaling devices;

MS mnemonics.

In some cases, the information CS includes regulators direct action and embedded in technological equipment regulators.

In automatic control systems(Fig. 1.2) all functions are performed automatically using appropriate technical means.

Operator features include:

  • technical diagnostics of the ACS state and restoration of failed elements of the system;
  • correction of laws of regulation;
  • task change;
  • transition to manual control;
  • Maintenance equipment.

Rice. 1.2. The structure of the automatic control system (ACS):

KP - coding converter;

LS - communication lines (wires, impulse tubes);

VU - computing devices

Centralized control and regulation systems(SCKR) (Fig. 1.3). ACS are used for simple TOU, the modes of operation of which are characterized by a small number of coordinates, and the quality of work is one easily calculated criterion. A special case of ACS is automatic system regulation (ACP).

The control system that automatically maintains the extreme value of TOU belongs to the class of extreme control systems.

Rice. 1.3. The structure of the centralized control and regulation system:

OPU - operator control point;

D - sensor;

NP normalizing transducer;

KP - encoding and decoding converters;

CR - central regulators;

MP multi-channel registration tool (printing);

C - pre-emergency signaling device;

MPP - multi-channel indicating devices (displays);

MS - mnemonic;

IM - executive mechanism;

RO - regulatory body;

K controller

ASR supporting the set value of the output controlled coordinate TOU are divided into:

  • stabilizing;
  • software;
  • tracking;
  • adaptive.

Extreme controls are rarely used.

The technical structures of the SCKR can be of two types:

1) with individual TCA;

2) with collective TSA.

In the first type of system, each channel is constructed from TCA individual use. These include sensors, normalizing converters, regulators, secondary devices, actuators, regulators.

The failure of one control channel does not lead to the shutdown of the technological object.

This construction increases the cost of the system, but increases its reliability.

The system of the second type consists of TSA for individual and collective use. TCAs for collective use include: switch, KP (encoding and decoding converters), CR (central regulators), MR (multi-channel recording tool (printing)), MPP (multi-channel indicating devices (displays)).

The cost of the collective system is somewhat lower, but the reliability is highly dependent on the reliability of the collective TCA.

With a significant length of the communication line, individual encoding and decoding converters are used, located near the sensors and actuators. This increases the cost of the system, but improves the noise immunity of the communication line.

Automated systems process control(APCS) (Fig. 1.4) is a machine system in which TSA obtain information about the state of objects, calculate quality criteria, and find optimal control settings. The functions of the operator are reduced to the analysis of the received information and implementation with the help of local ACPs or remote control of the RO.

Distinguish the following types APCS:

  • centralized automated process control system (all information processing and control functions are performed by one control computer of the UVM) (Fig. 1.4);

Rice. 1.4. The structure of the centralized APCS:

USO - communication device with the object;

DU - remote control;

SOI - a means of displaying information

  • supervisory automated control system (has a number of local automated control systems built on the basis of TSA for individual use and a central computer (CUVM) that has an information communication line with local systems) (Fig. 1.5);

Rice. 1.5. The structure of the supervisory process control system: LR - local regulators

  • distributed process control system - is characterized by the division of information processing control and management functions between several geographically distributed objects and computers (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. Hierarchical structure of technical means of GPS

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Automation tools are technical tools designed to assist government officials in solving information and settlement problems. The use of automation tools increases the efficiency of management, reduces the labor costs of officials of management bodies, and increases the validity of decisions made. Automation tools include the following groups of tools (Fig. 3.4):

electronic computers (computers);

interfacing and exchange devices (USO);

devices for collecting and inputting information;

information display devices;

devices for documenting and recording information;

automated workstations;

software tools;

facilities software;

means of information support;

means of linguistic support.

Electronic computers are classified:

a) on purposegeneral purpose(universal), problem-oriented, specialized;

b) in size and functionality - supercomputers, large computers, small computers, microcomputers.

Supercomputers provide solutions to complex military-technical problems and

tasks for processing large amounts of data in real time.

Large and small computers provide control of complex objects and systems. Microcomputers are focused on solving information and settlement problems in the interests of specific officials. At present, the microcomputer class, which is based on personal computers (PC), has been widely developed.

In turn, personal computers are divided into stationary and portable. Stationary PCs include: desktop, portable, notepads, pocket. All components of desktop PCs are made in the form of separate blocks. Portable PCs of the ″Lop Top″ type are made in the form of small suitcases weighing 5–10 kilograms. A PC-notebook of the type ″Note book″ or ″Sub Note book″ has the size of a small book and according to the characteristics corresponds to a desktop PC. Pocket personal computers like ″Palm Top″ have the size of a notebook and allow you to record and edit small amounts of information. Portable computers include electronic

secretaries and electronic notebooks.

Pairing and exchange devices designed to match the parameters of the signals of the internal interface of the computer with the parameters of the signals transmitted via communication channels. At the same time, these devices perform both physical matching (shape, amplitude, signal duration) and code matching. Interfacing and exchange devices include: adapters (network adapters), modems, multiplexers. Adapters and modems ensure the coordination of computers with communication channels, and multiplexers provide coordination and switching of one computer and several communication channels.

Data collection and input devices. The collection of information for the purpose of its subsequent processing on a computer is carried out by officials of the control bodies and special information sensors in weapon control systems. The following devices are used to enter information into a computer: keyboard, manipulators, scanners, graphic tablets, speech input tools.

The keyboard is a matrix of keys combined into a single whole, and the electronic unit to convert the keystroke to binary code.

Manipulators (pointing devices, cursor control devices) together with the keyboard increase the convenience of the user. Improving the convenience of work is associated primarily with the ability to quickly move the cursor around the display screen. At present, the following types of manipulators are used in PCs: a joystick (a lever mounted on the case), a light pen (used to form images on the screen), a mouse type manipulator, a scanner - for entering images into a PC, graphics tablets - for forming and input into the PC images, means of speech input.

Information display devices display information without its long-term fixation. These include: displays, graphic displays, video monitors. Displays and video monitors are used to display information entered from the keyboard or other input devices, as well as to issue messages to the user and the results of program execution. Graphic displays carry out a visual output of textual information in the form of a running line.

Devices for documenting and recording information designed to display information on paper or other media in order to ensure long-term storage. The class of these devices includes: printing devices, external storage devices (VZU).

Printing devices or printers are designed to output alphanumeric (text) and graphic information on paper or similar media. The most widely used dot matrix, inkjet and laser printers.

A modern PC contains at least two storage devices: a floppy disk drive (FMD) and a hard disk drive (HDD). However, in cases of processing large amounts of information, the above drives cannot ensure their recording and storage. To record and store large amounts of information, additional storage devices are used: magnetic disk and tape drives, optical disk drives (NOD), DVD drives. Accumulators of the GCD type provide high density records, increased reliability and durability of information storage.

Workplaces(AWP) - these are the workplaces of officials of governing bodies, equipped with communication and automation facilities. The main means of automation in the composition of the workstation is a PC.

Software tools is a set of methods, models and algorithms necessary for solving information and computational problems.

Software tools is a collection of programs, data and policy documents necessary to ensure the functioning of the computer itself and the solution of information and calculation problems.

Information support means - this is a set of information necessary for solving information and calculation problems. The structure of information support includes the actual arrays of information, the system of classification and coding of information, the system of unification of documents.

Means of linguistic support - a set of means and methods of presenting information that allow its processing on a computer. The basis of linguistic support is programming languages.