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Technoplex technical specifications 50 mm. Technoplex insulation: technical characteristics. Technical characteristics of Technoplex

Manufacturing process:

The material is one of the best in the thermal insulation segment used for insulating housing and auxiliary premises. In the manufacturing process of XPS TECHNOPLEX, graphite is used in the form of nano-sized particles. This leads to a decrease in thermal conductivity and an increase in strength. XPS TECHNOPEX, saturated with nanographite, have a light silver tint.

Options for Technoplex slabs:

Model/thickness Slab size
(H*W*D), mm
Slabs in a pack, pcs. Pack weight, kg Area in a pack, m2 Volume per pack, m3 Packs on a pallet, pcs. Pallet size
(L*W*H), cm
Pallet weight, kg
TECHNOPLEX, 20 mm 20*600*1200 20 8,9 14,40 0,2880 12 120*120*248 107
TECHNOPLEX, 30 mm 30*580*1180 13 8,3 8,89 0,2669 12 120*120*242 100
TECHNOPLEX, 40 mm 40*580*1180 10 8,5 6,84 0,2737 12 120*120*248 102
TECHNOPLEX, 50 mm 50*580*1200 6 6,5 4,10 0,2053 16 120*120*248 104
TECHNOPLEX, 100 mm 100*580*1180 4 8,5 2,73 0,2737 12 120*120*248 102

Advantages of XPS TECHNOPLEX material:

  • Cost savings due to greater thermal insulation per square meter relative to other similar materials. This is undoubted advantage when a decision is made to buy a technoplex and use it to insulate an apartment or cottage;
  • Heat retention is 1.5 times more effective compared to foam plastics, and 2 times more effective than stone and glass wool;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • No shrinkage over time;
  • No formaldehyde;
  • It is resistant to rodents;
  • It is convenient and simple, helps to achieve high speed installation;
  • Saves stable characteristics during the entire period of operation;
  • It is easy to transport the packaging.

Technical characteristics of Technoplex slabs:

TECHNOPLEX Test method Meaning
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, kPa GOST 17177 150-250
Thermal conductivity at (25±5)0С, W/(m*K), no more GOST 7076-99 0,032
Thermal conductivity under operating conditions “A and B”, W/(m*K), no more SP 23-101-2004 GOST 7076-99 0,034
Flammability group GOST 30244 G4
Water absorption, no more, % GOST 15588 0,2
Modulus of elasticity, MPa ALLIANCES 17
Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m.h.Pa) GOST 25898-83 0,010
Specific heat capacity, kJ/(kg.оС) SP 23-101-2004 1,45
Bending strength, not less, MPa GOST 17177 0,30
Density, kg/m3 GOST 17177 26-35
Operating temperature, оС -70 - +75

In the face of an abundance of offers of various types of thermal insulation, choose suitable option insulation material is quite difficult. Ravaterm, polyspen, stirex, penofol, penoplex and technoplex are just some of the foam materials used for insulating external and interior spaces. True information about what it is modern insulation based on styrene polymers, there are not so many, so many experts prefer to collect practical reviews on which is better, technoplex or penoplex. This is a complex and time-consuming path, so first it is better to compare the characteristics and draw a conclusion about how penoplex and technoplex differ, and what is the difference between them.

What is foamed polystyrene

Penoplex is produced by the company of the same name using its original technology and is pressure-foamed, extruded polystyrene. Approximately the same data can be found from open sources about Technoplex insulation produced by the TechnoNIKOL company. Details technological process TechnoNIKOL and Penoplex companies are not reporting, but based on fragmentary data the following conclusion can be drawn:

  • Granulated raw materials - highly purified polystyrene - are mixed with a gasifier, heated to a high temperature and pressed through calibrated micro-holes;
  • When passing through a nozzle with several hundred microholes, the main stream of polystyrene is broken into microfilaments, the polymer molecules are stretched, form bonds with each other and are simultaneously strengthened by pressure;
  • At the moment of exiting the dies, polypropylene foams in measured doses and turns into a porous material of millions of tiny frozen bubbles.

The general picture of the production of technoplex and penoplex is the same, but there are slight differences in the composition of the materials and strength characteristics. According to the TechnoNIKOL company, the technoplex includes not a large number of amorphous carbon or graphite, so that the rolling rolls can better form a sheet of the required thickness.

For your information! In the cheapest and simple technologies In production, light freons mixed with carbon dioxide are used as pore-forming gases. Modern methods production involves the use of powder and liquid gas-forming agents.

Comparing technoplex and penoplex

In fact, the composition of technoplex and penoplex is much more complex; it includes stabilizers, fire retardants, antioxidants and substances that slow down secondary polymerization. The difference may be in temperature, pressure and the use of gas-forming agent.

What is the difference between foamed polystyrenes?

What is the difference? The powder or liquid gas-forming agent can be better mixed and distributed throughout the volume of polystyrene granules, so such insulation materials have more stable thermal insulation characteristics.

But this is not the only reason why modern production technoplex and penoplex refuse to use freon:

  • In the sealed cells of new, unused material, freon gas remains for some time, which is formally considered safe, but in practice it is better to get rid of it, since it often leads to lung problems, especially in children;
  • Over time, the gas is replaced by air and water vapor. If not the purest raw materials with styrene residues were used for the production of expanded polystyrene, then gradually part of the contents of the technoplex cells will be squeezed out into the environment.

For “technical” grades of EPS, for example, penofol, such processes are not of particular importance. According to the manufacturer, penofol is best used for insulating foundations, plinth parts buildings, for use in the construction of highways, so a mixture of freon and carbon dioxide. The contact compressive strength of penofol is approximately equal to the strength characteristics of technoplex.

The use of the extrusion process makes it possible to obtain a linearly oriented structure and very dense elongated pores. As a result, extruded polystyrene foam resists water and water vapor significantly better, and has higher bending and compressive strength. Therefore, all extruded polymer foams used for insulation - penofol, technoplex, penoplex - have the best strength characteristics, which makes them different from expanded polystyrene, or in other words - polystyrene foam.

Main characteristics of technoplex and penoplex

The most reliable way to determine which insulation is better is to compare their main characteristics. Most important parameter- thermal conductivity, for penoplex the coefficient is 0.029-0.030 W/m∙K, for technoplex - 0.030 W/m∙K. The difference is negligible, so both materials retain heat equally well.

The second characteristic concerns strength. According to reviews, penoplex cuts better and is less deformed during installation. The bending strength of technoplex is almost two times lower than that of penoplex, but its manufacturer initially states that its products are best used for internal thermal insulation, and penoplex better withstands pressure from heaving of the soil and the mass of the concrete foundation.

The third characteristic concerns water absorption. In this part, penoplex resists water better than TechnoNIKOL products, almost twice as much - 0.1% versus 0.2%. But both indicators are significantly better than those of foam plastic - 0.5% and mineral wool - almost 10%. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam practically does not change its characteristics even after thousands of freeze-thaw cycles.

The last factor is the price of insulation; in this case, technoplex looks better, whose cost per square meter is 10-15% lower than its competitor.

Comparison of polystyrene foam with other types of insulation

The main competitors of expanded polystyrene foam are mineral felts and fiber mats. When asked what is better, penoplex or mineral wool, it can be argued that for private one- or two-story buildings it is better to use penoplex as the most effective thermal insulator. For exterior finishing high-rise buildings it is better to use mineral wool, for one reason - absolute fire safety. Expanded polystyrene, even with flame retardant additives, can emit large amounts of toxic gases when heated at high temperatures, so for high-rise buildings it is better to avoid unnecessary risks.

On the other hand, it is better not to use mineral wool for damp basements and semi-basements, since the fiber instantly absorbs water. In addition, in the production of certain grades of mineral or basalt wool phenol-formaldehyde resin is used, which is highly toxic and carcinogenic. In general, it is better not to use such brands for insulating residential premises.

One of the competitors for technoplex is isolon, a material based on foamed and modified polyethylene. Izolon, of all listed materials, is best suited for insulating walls and ceilings inside residential premises. The coefficient of thermal conductivity and water absorption of polyethylene foam of the PPE brand is almost equal to the similar characteristics of technoplex. The PPE layer can withstand prolonged heating up to 80 o C for 24 hours. Izolon PPE has good sound and noise insulation, and the main advantage is that the environmental friendliness and safety of such thermal insulation is better than that of the most expensive brands of EPS.

Polyethylene foam, even with strong heating, does not emit toxic decomposition products. The main disadvantage of the material is its excessive flexibility and softness. Isolon laid on the wall requires additional finishing with rigid boards, for example, plasterboard or MDF. It is impossible to lay a layer of plaster or paste wallpaper on isolon, so it is better to use it in conjunction with external insulation from EPPS.


An attempt to compare the characteristics of which insulation is better, penoplex or technoplex, can only be taken as a preliminary assessment of the materials. Most of foamed polystyrene has very similar characteristics, so in order to get the full picture, you need to take into account feedback on practical use different brands insulation.

One of the most famous and widespread insulation materials is Technoplex, a product of the Technonikol company, which is known for the production of building and thermal insulation materials. These insulating boards are moisture resistant and are not afraid of mechanical stress and loads. They can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

High-quality technoplex insulation and its advantages

What is Technoplex? This is extruded polystyrene foam, which is used for insulation of balconies, loggias, interior walls, facades of private houses, and can also be used to install heated floors.

This extrusion insulation made from special graphite nanoparticles, which are “responsible” for thermal conductivity and strength. The color scheme of this material is a usual dark gray shade.

Advantages of technoplex:

  • Moisture resistance;
  • Ease of use;
  • Resistance to rodents and insects;
  • Long service life;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness - the material does not contain toxic substances;
  • Minimal risk of shrinkage, deformation and rotting.

The high level of strength of the insulation allows it to be used even where heavy loads are expected. True, fairly low vapor permeability requires high-quality ventilation in the room.

Also, when working with technoplex, it is worth considering that it is quite flammable and susceptible to gasoline, organic solvents and bitumen glue.

Extruded polystyrene foam and technoplex: application features

High-quality thermal insulation is necessary for any living space. Therefore, during the construction or renovation of a house, it is advisable to use durable, well-proven insulation materials.

Technoplex is warm material, which can be used at all stages of housing construction, be it facades or internal partitions, heated floors, balconies or garages.

Peculiarities external use technoplex:

  • On the outside, slabs of material 100 mm thick are used;
  • Before installing them, the surface is leveled and primed;
  • Technoplex is fixed using a certain adhesive composition;
  • The slabs are laid starting from the bottom, tightly touching each other;
  • Each row should shift by half a sheet compared to the previous one;
  • After the glue has dried, the material must be secured with plastic dowels, and the outside must be reinforced with fiberglass mesh and the surface must be plastered.

Concerning interior decoration, then for such purposes sheets of material up to 40 mm thick are used. The insulation itself is glued, leaving a small space between the insulation and the finish for ventilation.

During installation of heated floors, Technoplex is laid directly on the screed and covered with polyethylene. A backing with foil is placed on top, and then the cable mats are fixed. After this, everything is filled with concrete.

When insulating the floor along the joists, polystyrene foam is placed on the waterproofing located between the bars. And all the connecting points are foamed.

Due to the fact that Technoplex does not change its characteristics even in difficult conditions, it is sometimes used for thermal insulation of underground areas of blind areas and foundations of houses.

Technoplex insulation: material characteristics

By appearance technoplex looks like a smooth slab, slightly reminiscent of foam plastic. And if you cut the material, you can see that its composition and basis are a large number of small pores and particles.

By the way, the strength of technoplex depends on its thickness, but freezing and subsequent thawing do not cause any change in properties.

Working with technoplex is quite simple: this material “yields” to an ordinary construction knife. True, the insulation can only be attached with special glue.

The dimensions of such plates are as follows:

  • Length can be 1180 or 1200 mm;
  • Width – 580 or 600 mm;
  • Thickness varies from 20 to 100 mm.

The technical characteristics of the material are as follows:

  • Thermal conductivity – up to 0.031 W/m*K;
  • Vapor permeability – 0.011;
  • Sheet density – up to 35 kg/m3;
  • Low moisture absorption – 0.2%;
  • Flammability class G4.

The insulation can be used at temperatures from -70 to +75 degrees.

What can replace technoplex: photos of the material and its analogues

Despite all its advantages, Technoplex is not the only insulation on domestic market. Thanks to the wide range of products, you can find something to replace it with if you compare it with other materials.

Most companies on the market offer thermal insulation materials, similar in their properties to the slabs produced by the factories of Penoplex St. Petersburg LLC.

The most popular analogues of technoplex are:

  • Ursa– a group of insulation materials made of fiberglass;
  • Styrex– high-quality insulating material, similar in characteristics to technoplex:
  • Polyspen– is not afraid of fire and contains additives that help to extinguish the flame;
  • PrimaplexHigh Quality popular blue insulator;
  • Penoplex– the main competitor of the technoplex, which often replaces it;
  • Termite– a heat insulator that is not afraid of burning, since Thermit has the most high flammability class G1;
  • Carbon is another TechnoNIKOL product that is actively used in industrial and private construction;
  • Epps- a fairly common heat insulator with quality characteristics, painted in different colors: orange, blue, yellow, white and gray;
  • Bateplex– a high-quality, high-performance analogue of the technoplex.

Similar characteristics of insulation from different companies are explained by the use of the same material - extruded polystyrene foam. Therefore, by choosing products from any of the above companies, you can be sure that the thermal insulation will not let you down.

Which is better, technoplex or penoplex: comparison of insulation materials

The most popular and widely used polystyrene foam insulation materials are considered to be two competitors - technoplex and penoplex. At the same time, many are interested in this: what is the difference between them, and which material is better? Let's try to understand these subtleties and compare these heat insulators.

So, how are they similar:

  • Good thermal insulation properties at a high level;
  • Internal structure with a porous structure;
  • Approximately the same size plates;
  • Technical indicators - polystyrene foam insulation is not afraid of water, does not rot or deform;
  • Environmental safety;
  • Long service life;
  • Ease of installation and work with the material;
  • Good sound insulation.

As for the application, both penoplex and technoplex can be used in almost all construction fields, which makes them interchangeable.

What is the difference between these materials:

  • The water absorption of Penoplex (0.1%) is slightly less than that of its competitor (0.2%), and Penoplex Comfort can generally be safely used in baths, saunas and swimming pools;
  • Technoplex does not contain freon mixtures, but it does contain graphite particles that increase the strength of the insulation;
  • The price of thermal insulators does not differ much and usually depends on the specific region - but, as a rule, penoplex is cheaper.

In general, both of these companies produce decent, high-quality products and, despite some differences, can easily be used for thermal insulation in industrial or private construction.

However, reviews and expert opinions suggest that penoplex is more suitable for exterior work, thermal insulation of roofs and road construction, while technoplex is simply ideal for interior decoration

Technoplex insulation technical characteristics (video)

The importance of thermal insulation is difficult to underestimate, so for its implementation you should choose only the highest quality products. For example, Technoplex insulation materials, whose high performance allowed this material to gain great popularity.

Preface. Among companies and private developers, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is considered the most effective material for thermal insulation various designs. Manufacturers produce extrusion in slabs different thicknesses. Technoplex and Penoplex are considered among the most common brands of EPPS in Russia. Let's look at it in the article specifications Technoplex insulation and its scope.

Technoplex slabs 20-50 mm do not shrink and have a high chemical resistance. EPS is resistant to moisture, not subject to rotting and decomposition, however, extrusion is resistant to solvents and gasoline. Technoplex insulation compared to other materials has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient combined with good sound insulation, while EPS boards have a long service life, are resistant to loads and mechanical damage.

Production of insulation boards Technoplex

XPS boards under the TECHNOPLEX brand have been produced by TechnoNIKOL in Russia since 2006. The Technonikol company has developed its own method for producing extrusion material with a uniform cellular structure. This thermal insulation is used for protection against cold outbuildings, private houses, insulation of balconies, and also as a substrate for an insulated blind area.

Technoplex insulation boards have improved thermal conductivity characteristics compared to other materials. This is achieved through the production of EPS, in which the foaming composition is mixed with polystyrene granules at high blood pressure. The advantages of Technoplex thermal insulation are resistance to moisture and lack of shrinkage during operation, unlike P-75 mineral wool or glass wool.

Technoplex: properties, scope

Thanks to durability XPS TechnoNIKOL to moisture and mechanical damage, it is used when pouring and insulating strip foundations. The slabs have an L-edge, which reduces the risk of cold bridges. The material does not lose the characteristics declared by the manufacturer even at 100% humidity, and the absence of formaldehyde in the insulation composition guarantees environmental safety for humans.

Installation of Technoplex slabs is carried out using polystyrene foam glue with additional fastening with wide-headed dowels. Technoplex is warmer compared to brick, 50 mm extruded polystyrene foam replaces a 600 mm foam block wall. If we compare Technoplex with polystyrene foam, then, despite more high cost, the material has a wider range of applications compared to expanded polystyrene.

Technoplex technical characteristics

thermal conductivity 0.032 W/m*K;
water absorption no more than 0.2%;
vapor permeability 0.01 mg/m h Pa;
density 26-35 kg/m3;
compressive strength from 150 to 250 kPa;
bending strength of less than 0.3 MPa;
operating temperature from -75 to +75C.

Technoplex. Characteristics in relation to other materials

Technoplex thermal protection characteristics. Many parameters depend on the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. The thermal insulation calculator on our website will help you compare the properties of extrusion in relation to other materials. Technoplex has best performance thermal protection in comparison with brick or foam plastic, but is inferior in strength to penoplex, therefore it is more suitable for interior work in residential premises.