home · Lighting · Do-it-yourself cement sand tile installation. Advantages and disadvantages of cement-sand tiles. Roof installation units made of cement-sand tiles

Do-it-yourself cement sand tile installation. Advantages and disadvantages of cement-sand tiles. Roof installation units made of cement-sand tiles

Deservedly used for roofing. It differs from other roofing materials in its good strength, durability, aesthetics,... However, such tiles have a significant mass.

In this regard, the process of installing it on the roof is approached with special trepidation and caution. How to install correctly cement-sand tiles Let’s try to figure it out now, what is required for this, how much everything will cost.

To cover the roof, in addition to, you will definitely need:

  • snow-retaining materials (prevent sudden snow rolling off the roof);
  • ridge elements (design the ridge);
  • ventilation elements (with their help, air circulation is created);
  • cornice overhangs (available in left and right versions);
  • walk-through tiles (installed only if necessary and if there is a pipe or antenna on the roof);
  • pediment particles.

In addition, you will definitely need:

  • waterproofing film;
  • wooden planks;
  • rafters;
  • edged board;
  • clasps;
  • bars for lathing (size 30x50 mm);
  • fastening materials: nails, self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, washers, staples;
  • insulation.

Installation work cannot be carried out without the following tools:

  • miter saw for cutting tiles;
  • stairs;
  • electric drill for drilling holes.

Since the weight of the tiles is significant, they can only be lifted onto the roof using a vehicle lift.

Material calculation

To determine the number of tiles, the usable area and dimensions of the plates are taken into account.

As an example, consider the following calculation. Let's say tiles measuring 345 x 300 mm were purchased for the roof. It is necessary to cover the roof of the building, which has two slopes. Its total effective area equals 26 m2. Then the calculation will look like this:

  • 0.345*0.3=0.1035 m2 – useful area of ​​the tiles.
  • 26/0.1035=251 pieces – the total number of pieces for the entire roof.

Taking into account the fact that 5% needs to be allocated for trimming and breaking, the final number of tile plates is 263 pieces.

The technology for laying cement-sand tiles is presented below.

About, The video below will tell you how cement tiles are laid:

Installation of cement-sand tiles

After the tiles were purchased from point of sale, it must be stored on outdoors. In this case, the tiles must be protected from moisture. Usually it is covered with a polyethylene film on top.

You need to be especially careful when lifting tiles onto the roof. The material is fragile, so careless movements can lead to cracks. It is best to lift tiles onto the roof in small batches of 6-7 pieces.

Installation of cement-sand tiles requires the following stages of work.

Before laying tiles

  1. Installation of sheathing. For this stage you will need bars of a certain size (5 cm or 3 cm). The sheathing pitch depends on the size of the tiles. Basically, its size ranges from 32 to 39 cm.
  2. Providing ventilation. To do this, a counter-lattice is installed along the rafters.
  3. Laying the waterproofing layer. The insulating film is laid horizontally. In this case, the overlap of adjacent strips on each other is observed. The amount of overlap should be 15-20 cm. The waterproofing film is secured to the roof with umbrella nails, wooden slats(while maintaining a step of 20 cm) or construction staples. The installed film may sag by 2-3 cm. When laying, the distance to the insulation should be maintained. It should not be less than 5 cm.
  4. Bottom Row Alignment. To do this, a plank of such thickness is attached to the lowest sheathing so that this row is in the same plane as the other rows.
  5. Installation additional elements . Such elements include the eaves overhang, structural components of ventilation and drip line. Their installation is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. Ventilation tiles provide air movement in the interior space of the roof. They are installed mainly in front of (behind) the windows to the attic and in front of the chimney. In these places the ventilation fence is always blocked.
  6. Sealing chimney . Processing using special technology. A special tape with reinforced mesh. With its help, the process of sealing elements is carried out.
  7. Installation of the valley assembly. The same stage includes laying the valley tape.

Direct installation

So, laying the tiles.

  • The plates are laid in rows along the slope or along the entire perimeter if the tiles have 4 slopes.
  • The next row begins to be placed staggered in relation to the first.
  • Next, they continue to lay the tiles over the entire surface of the roof using the same method.
  • The lower edge of the tile must be lowered behind the sheathing. This action is necessary to protect the interior of the roof from rain.
  • The tile plates are connected using a lock. No additional fastening is required under normal conditions.
  • In addition, the tiles are fastened with self-tapping screws if installation takes place on a roof with a slope of more than 45º. Also, additional fastening is required in areas where there are strong winds with powerful gusts.
  • The bottom row is always secured with self-tapping screws or galvanized nails. Two nails per tile will be sufficient. In addition to this fastener, anti-wind stamps can be used. They must be installed at junctions with protruding parts, in valleys and at the fronts of the roof.
  • Cement- sand tiles can only be mounted on roofs with a slope angle greater than 30º.

You should remember the fragility of the material. Therefore, in order to avoid harm, it is not recommended to hammer nails into the tiles. You just need to pre-drill holes for fastening.

  • When laying the last top row (also for roof ventilation), a gap is left.

Installation of ridge and drainage pipes

The ridge is installed after all the slopes are installed. The element will close all unnecessary cracks and protect the roof from moisture. Thanks to the internal space, the roof will breathe. When laying tile tiles, it is very important to constantly monitor the horizontalness and evenness of the resulting surface.

Installation of tiles does not require compliance with strict requirements. After all, the roof of a house can be different. The roof slope can be at different angles. I consider the most optimal angle to be 22º. It is this slope value that ensures the absence of moisture on the roof of the house. Thanks to the staggered laying order, the roof and tiles become quite durable.

At the last stage, pipes for drainage are installed. Installation of cement-sand tiles has its own price per m2, if, of course, you turn to professionals. We'll talk about this further.

This video will tell you about the arrangement of the roof overhang when installing cement-sand tiles:

Cost of work

The final cost of installing a roof made of cement-sand tiles consists of the following expenses:

  1. Costs for the tiles themselves (delivery must be taken into account);
  2. Expenses for Additional materials(insulation, waterproofing, fastening elements, etc.).
  3. Cost of installation work.

The price for one square meter of tiles starts from 340 rubles and above. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate how much money will be required for tiles (based on the above calculation). Here you must take into account the cost of the remaining elements (groove, walk-through, ridge tiles and other elements). The number of elements depends directly on the roof design.

It is better to entrust the work to professional roofers. The final quality of the roof is the key to the future problem-free life of the residents of the house. It is very important to trust the work to be carried out by craftsmen who have undergone special training in the relevant educational institutions. They have all the necessary documents and certificates in their hands.

Prices for such services good specialists they don't cost much. But large expenses made once will definitely help to avoid further roof repairs and reconstruction.

Price individual species works differ from each other.

  • So, installation of rafters costs about 450 rubles per square,
  • installation of step lathing – 60 rubles,
  • installation roofing— 340 rubles,
  • filing of overhangs 250 and so on.

About some features This video will tell you how to install cement-sand tiles:

The most popular material for roofing is cement tiles. This is primarily due to its affordable cost and good performance characteristics. Let's look at how to install cement tiles below.

Cement sand tiles - characteristics

Included cement tiles There is cement, sand, dyes and various additives. It has certain similarities with tiles made from ceramics, but cement tiles have much more large sphere use.

The appearance of the roof on which cement tiles are installed is attractive and noble. In addition, cement tiles gain additional strength over time when exposed to moisture.

The principle of making concrete or cement tiles is to prepare the required material, its pressing and drying under special conditions. If we compare this tile with ceramic tiles, which are fired, then the first option is more durable.

The procedure for making tiles consists of mixing all the dry ingredients, adding water to them, and forming the tiles in special containers. A long strip is cut into tiles of a certain size. Further concrete surface covered with a primer, and the material can be dried. The procedure for making tiles lasts from eight to twelve hours.

Next, the tiles are painted in the desired color, after which they become smooth and at the same time acquire additional strength characteristics. Painting helps give the tiles a presentable appearance. Outdoors, the tiles should remain for about 30 days. The presence of iron oxide in the coloring pigment helps make cement tiles look like ceramic ones. In addition, mineral-based dyes are used to color it.

Cement tiles consist of ordinary tiles, but also, for arranging the roof you will need materials in the form of:

  • ridge elements;
  • eaves overhangs;
  • pediment particles;
  • ventilation elements;
  • snow retention materials.

Features and design of cement-sand tiles

Among the advantages of cement tiles are:

  • high level fire safety, since the roof finished with this material does not burn;
  • after installation of the tiles, they do not require additional care;
  • in addition, the material is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, temperature changes and other external irritants;
  • the tiles are resistant to frost and do not change color during use;
  • There is no noise on the roof during wind or rain.

Cement tiles photo:

Another important advantage of cement-sand tiles is the duration of their operation. According to some manufacturers, the tiles will last at least a hundred years. In addition, no toxic substances are used to make the material, it is safe and harmless to human health. Exists a large assortment products according to the color preferences of customers.

The affordable cost of the material is explained primarily by the simpler technological process making tiles, compared to ceramics or bitumen coatings. Despite the affordable cost, the material has excellent performance and technical characteristics.

In addition, since there are additional ventilation gaps between the tiles, they provide high-quality ventilation of the under-roof space. This material is not subject to deformation, it is very reliable, since the tiles are connected to each other using a lock.

The tiles are very durable, they can withstand a load of more than 150 kg. This quality helps the material to withstand the roof surface a large number of snow.

Despite this, the tiles on cement based has the following disadvantages:

  • high-quality tiles have a decent price;
  • due to the large weight of cement-sand tiles, the material additionally loads the building, therefore, before laying it, additional strengthening of the load-bearing structures is required;
  • installed on roofs with a slope, since solid roof the tiles will retain snow and moisture;
  • the use of low-quality tiles is fraught with the appearance of pores on its surface in which moisture accumulates;
  • enough high price performing installation work, however, if you perform the process manually, material costs will be significantly reduced.

Please note that installation of cement-sand tiles is possible only if the roof slope is more than thirty degrees. The use of groove and groove tiles is permissible on roofs with a slope angle of 22 degrees.

In addition, modern developments in the industry building materials, imply the use of certain types of tiles, and on steeper and flatter roofs. The main rule of their use is to prevent moisture or wind from entering the under-roof space. Although, depending on the strength and angle of the wind, there is a risk of moisture getting in even on standard types roofs, therefore the use of waterproofing materials during the roofing process is mandatory.

Materials in the form of a waterproofing film are laid directly on the rafters, the material is overlapped by 150-200 mm. The material is fixed using wooden planks. After the waterproofing is laid on the surface, the procedure for installing the sheathing and the finishing material itself follows.

The installation of the sheathing depends directly on the size of the tiles that will be laid on it. To calculate the parameters and size of the sheathing, you should measure the tiles. Based on the tile sample, the amount of materials for the sheathing is calculated.

To determine the size of the roof to be covered with tiles, twelve tiles must be laid horizontally. In the same way, you should lay the tiles in vertical position. Don't forget to maintain clearances.

Once the size of the sheathing has been determined, work on its installation begins. On the bottom row, the interval between the tiles is calculated based on the fact that it should hang slightly from the roof. In order to speed up the work of installing the sheathing, use a cut-out tape. To adjust the straightness of the sheathing, use a cord; with its help, the lattice will be perfectly straight.

Laying cement-sand tiles should begin by fixing the bottom row, gradually moving to the top. Please note that after installing the bottom row, one row of tiles is laid in a vertical direction, and the cord will help regulate the quality and evenness of the installation.

After installing each tile, you should carefully monitor the evenness and horizontality of the coating. To fix the tiles to the surface, nails and clamps are used.

Pay special attention to difficult areas of the roof, such as the ridge area, gable, etc. The laying of the horizontal pediment row is completed by installation special material having a curved end. These works require special care, since the interval between standard and pediment tiles must match.

In order to decorate the ridge area, it is recommended to use special seals made of plastic. With the help of these elements, the waterproofing of the roof in the ridge zone will be improved, in addition, they are able to provide high-quality ventilation of this space. The plastic part is mounted on the ridge, overlapping it and fixed to the tile. To fix the ridge tiles to the timber, it is recommended to use clamps. It is possible to replace plastic parts with tiles that have ventilation holes.

The standard option for installing tiles on the ridge area is based on the installation wooden planks on both sides of the ridge beam, they are covered with special waterproofing, and a small hole remains in the space between them to provide ventilation.

Cement tiles are installed in the same way on sloping areas; Sander. Please note that along the rib part you will need to install a block, the same as on the ridge beam. Use clamps to secure all external coverings.

Among the main types of standard tiles are:

  • gable materials;
  • ridge tiles;
  • tiles with ventilation ducts;
  • tiles with special holes.

Installation technology of cement-sand tiles

After purchasing cement tiles, they should be stored outdoors, but preferably under a shelter. Under no circumstances should moisture accumulate on it. If the tiles are stored outside without a canopy, then they should be covered with polyethylene film.

Please note that extreme care must be taken when lifting tiles to prevent damage or cracks on the surface. It is recommended to transfer the tiles upstairs in stacks of 6-7 pieces.

The recommended roof slope angle for laying tiles is 23-66 degrees. In addition, some tile options are installed in a staggered pattern, thus making the roof more durable.

Before laying cement-sand tiles, it is necessary to install waterproofing in the form of a polyethylene film on the surface of the rafters. To fix this material, use nails or a stapler.

To install waterproofing, follow these steps:

  • try to fix the film in such a way that there is a slight sagging;
  • it will ensure condensate removal and ventilation of the under-roof space;
  • in addition, the waterproofing sheets are laid with an overlap of 150 mm; when fixing the material with small galvanized nails, it is recommended to fix them on a wooden plank;
  • make sure there is a small gap between the insulation and the waterproofing, thus ensuring ventilation of the under-roof space;
  • in order to construct a sheathing for the installation of cement tiles, it is recommended to use beams, the size of which is about 5x5 cm;
  • the pitch of laying the beams is 320-390 mm.

In addition, the installation of cement tiles must be carried out in compliance with strict rules for the sequential laying of the material. Work starts from the bottom, the bottom horizontal row is laid first. You should move from right to left, from the lower right corner. The next row is vertical, it is also laid from the first tile from the right corner and towards the top to the ridge zone.

Gradually, areas around the perimeter should be covered, moving towards the central part. Please note that holes must first be drilled in each tile; for this purpose, use an electric drill.

Do not use a nail to punch holes as there is a risk of damaging the shingles. Please note that the first row is installed with a slight downward allowance; it will ensure water drainage from the roof, and it will also help improve ventilation in the attic.

Please note that the strength of the entire structure depends on how well the first row of tiles is laid, since it is subject to the heaviest load. You should also pay attention to the ridge area, since improper installation can lead to moisture entering the attic.

The installation of the ridge completes the work, which improves presentation appearance roof and makes it more complete. If there is a need to cut tiles into pieces, then use cutting machine, on which a diamond-coated disk is installed.

Please note that when laying tiles, the load on the roof should be evenly distributed. In order for your tile roof to serve you for as long as possible, you should use the services of specialists who will install the tiles efficiently and quickly. At self-installation tiles, we recommend inviting a person who has done this work before.

Installation of cement-sand tiles video:

It has been a traditional roofing material for thousands of years. However, modern natural ceramic tiles is quite expensive. Therefore, a simpler and cheaper technology for producing tiles by vibropressing was invented cement-sand mixture With polymer additives and dyes. This is how cement-sand tiles were born. Thanks to dyes, cement-sand or cement (as they are called in the West) tiles can be of almost any color. The surface of cement-sand tiles can be smooth or rough. There are cement-sand tiles of standard thickness, and lightweight, thinned cement-sand tiles are available. However, thinner tiles have less strength: they can crack when a person moves across the roof or under load from snow or falling objects (icicles, tree branches). The service life of cement-sand tiles is significantly less than that of natural ceramic tiles. If ceramic tiles can last 100-150 years, then cement-sand tiles last no more than 50 years, and based on Western practical experience of its use, no more than 30-40 years.

Like any tile roof, a roof made of cement-sand tiles, having many gaps, is not protected from wind blowing and snow and precipitation getting under the roof. Therefore, it is important to properly arrange the underlying waterproofing layer. Over time, the tiles fade and if it is necessary to replace the tiles with new ones, such a replacement will be very noticeable. The advantage of cement-sand tiles is their fire safety compared to bitumen roofing materials. Such tiles, when properly secured, withstand hurricane winds quite well (due to their large mass - about 50 kg per square meter). Due to its thickness and mass, tile roofing heats up more slowly in the sun and better protects the house from the summer heat. Also, massive tiles successfully dampen the noise of falling raindrops. High-quality cement-sand tiles do not affect, unlike bitumen roofs on the quality of rainwater that can be collected for household needs. However, on complex-shaped roofs, fallen leaves may accumulate and moss may begin to grow. The porous structure of concrete helps strengthen organic forms on the roof. Roofers who constantly cut cement-sand tiles can potentially develop pulmonary silicosis, so they should wear respiratory protection when handling cement-sand tiles. By the way, regarding the newfangled and absolutely useless activity of throwing snow off the roof in winter: you cannot do this activity on cement-tile roofs - you can damage the tiles. If you want to support migrant workers financially: just give them money, and the snow itself will drain from the roof in the form of water in the spring))). There is no physical meaning in dumping snow: the rafter system must be designed to withstand loads of up to 250 kg per square meter of roofing (for Leningrad region).

The range of cement-sand tiles includes both the roofing tiles themselves and various shaped products for roofing and providing ventilation of the under-roof space. Here we have Frankfurt or double Italian tiles produced by Braas. This tile model has been produced for over 60 years.
To cut cement-sand tiles, use a miter saw with a power of approximately 2 kW and a diamond blade for dry cutting of heavy concrete with a diameter of 230 mm. The greatest productivity and best accuracy are achieved when cutting tiles on a water-cooled machine. Do not cut shingles directly on the roof, as this is unsafe for the roofer and may damage existing shingles. To avoid condensation in insulation attic floor, the roof slope structure must be ventilated. Modern designs roofs require an additional layer of under-roof waterproofing. Depending on the type of material, the ventilation gap under the roof can be double or single. It is permissible to lay directly on the insulation only multilayer superdiffusion membranes with a vapor permeability of at least 750 - 1000 g/m2 per day.
Under the roof, with the help of sheathing, air ventilated cavities are formed, which are open for air flow at the eaves overhang and for exhaust at the ridge. With this constructive solution moisture that gets under the roof will flow down the film, and condensed moisture will erode air flow, drying the insulation and sheathing. See details. The cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilation gap must be at least 200 cm2/m, and its height must be at least 2 cm. Using a block with a cross-section of 5 x 4 cm or 5 x 5 cm is quite suitable for this condition. The larger the cross-section of the ventilation gap, the better the moisture will be evaporated from the covering space. The minimum permissible cross-section of the beam is 3 x 5 cm. The sheathing pitch is approximately 31-34 cm.
To protect the ventilation gap from the penetration of rodents and birds, a roof aerial element, popularly called “cilia,” is used. To remove moisture from the rafters, in the summer the film is laid with a sag of 2 cm. winter time there is no sagging - the summer expansion of the material will ensure it. When installing an insulated pitched roof, roofing waterproofing sheets are laid with an overlap and can have a special ventilated gasket in the overlaps, which facilitates the escape of steam from the insulation. On the room side, the insulation is carefully insulated with a vapor barrier (better reflective), also with all seams and joints taped.
Cement-sand tiles are laid from bottom to top, from right to left. For convenience, markings of rows of tiles are applied to the sheathing. The first row of shingles is secured with galvanized self-tapping screws 5 x 70 mm and anti-wind clamps. Anti-wind clamp for the first row of cement-sand tiles. On slopes, tiles are attached only with self-tapping screws.

The recommended cross section of the rafters is at least 50x150 mm, the pitch of the rafters is 60-90 cm in
depending on design load and the length of the rafter legs. If the angle of inclination of the roof slope is from 10° to 16°, then under the tiles it is necessary to install a lower roof that guarantees complete protection from water and snow: continuous flooring made of edged or tongue-and-groove boards, OSB, waterproof plywood, and rolled polymer-bitumen or polymer waterproofing .
Marking and laying tiles on hip and
hipped roofs start from the middle of the slopes towards the ridges. First, a vertical row of tiles is laid out in the center triangular slope Thus,
so that the top of the middle wave of the tile is strictly along the line of the center of the slope.
After laying the bottom row of tiles, mark the vertical rows of cement-sand tiles and lay the tiles in rows from bottom to top from the middle of the slope in the direction of the ridges. There is a special wire clamp for fastening cut tiles.
Ventilation tiles are used to improve ventilation of the under-roof space in hard-to-ventilate areas where the ventilation gap is blocked, narrowed or changes direction. An example of installing ventilation tiles “to clear your conscience.” Why? Because ventilated ridges do a good job of ventilating the under-roof space.
Of course, ventilation tiles will not be superfluous in the upper part of a cement-tile roof, but other than this position, ventilation tiles need to be installed: in the valley area, above and below roof windows and chimneys, in the area of ​​direct contact between the roof and the wall. In the case of a structure with a cold attic, the layer of under-roof insulation should be interrupted under the ridge and form a ventilation gap of 5-10 cm. This solution is especially relevant for roofs that are less ventilated compared to gable hip roofs. If the under-roof space is insulated, then a superdiffusion membrane is used and it needs to be placed under the ridge with an overlap and, of course, there is no need to cut through it.
An example of my own mistake with venting a cold attic with a hip roof. Despite the presence of ventilation windows, moisture still accumulates “under the dome” of the hip and condenses on the films and rafters. The result is mold growth, even despite preliminary antiseptic treatment of the rafters. We corrected the mistake: we cut ventilation vents in the under-roof waterproofing under the ridge: air movement was immediately felt. Then we put on a gas mask, a sprayer and Neomid mold repellent and treat the entire roof from the attic side. “What a job,” I’ll tell you! It would have been better to read the literature before installing the roof.
Ventilated skates are installed on beam purlins on steel supports. The ridge beam must have a cross-section of at least 5 x 5 cm and be fixed in holders using galvanized nails 2.5 x 25 mm (4 nails for each fastener). Roofing films are laid on top of the eaves apron or dripline ( cornice strip) with an overlap of at least 10 cm. When filing the eaves overhang, it is necessary to ensure air flow under the waterproofing film.
People often forget about the ventilation of the eaves of the roof. Meanwhile, the ventilation cross-section of the vents should be at least 200 cm 2 per 1 linear meter of cornice. Aero elements are placed under the ventilated ridges to allow air to escape and to protect against the entry of birds and debris.
Waterproofing of pipes on the roof is carried out using Wakaflex material and Waka pressure strips. The junction of the strips to the pipe is sealed with synthetic rubber sealant. Waterproofing film trim from behind -
with a gap of at least 10 cm to overlap the pipe.
Along the slope above the pipe, be sure to follow
film drainage groove.

AS Krov company provides a full range of services for installing roofs made of cement-sand tiles, including:

  • We develop standard and individual projects– for simple and complex roof shapes. We provide consultations on various tile models. Together with the customer, we select the optimal one for his home based on aesthetic characteristics and operational parameters material.
  • We calculate the design. We determine the amount of materials. We draw up a work plan in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and taking into account individual characteristics object.
  • We deliver materials from the manufacturer’s warehouse or a specially equipped storage warehouse, where they are received directly from the plant and then stored at a given temperature and humidity conditions.
  • We install the roof in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and the work plan, which is pre-agreed with the customer. We take into account the subtleties of laying cement-sand tiles associated with climatic conditions, design and location of the house. This approach allows you to increase the service life of the roof to 100 years or more (for example tiles Braas) while maintaining a neat configuration - the roof does not deform or creep. The coating looks presentable throughout the entire service life of the material.

Cost of installation of cement-sand tiles

The final value consists of the price of the material and the cost of work.

The AS Krov company receives materials directly from manufacturers, this minimizes trade margins and guarantees the authenticity of the products.

The cost of our work is formed only from the actual volume of work.

Type of service

A comment

Unit price, rub.
Installation of cement-sand tiles Laying tiles
Installation of the rafter system Installation of Mauerlat, installation of rafters
Installation of vapor barrier Installation of vapor barrier is carried out with gluing of seams and places adjacent to the walls.
Installation of rough filing Edged board 25mm or OSB sheets
Installation of insulation
Installation of hydro-wind protection Laying diffusion membrane with taped seams
Installation of counter-lattice Lathing to provide ventilation gap
Installation of step lathing Laying insulation with a thickness of 200-250mm
Installation of components Installation of additional elements (ridges, valleys, etc.)

Additional services

Type of service

A comment



Snow retention installation Snow retention grates, tubular snow guards
Installation of roof windows
Installation of pass-through elements Ventilation, antenna, cable outlets
Installation roof ladder
Installation of transition bridges
Installation drainage system
Installation of eaves overhangs Tree
Installation of eaves overhangs
Plastic, Metal
Consumables (waterproofing, lumber, roofing materials, fasteners, etc.) are not included in the installation cost and must be purchased separately.

Features of installing a roof made of cement-sand tiles

Roofing made of cement-sand tiles is optimally installed on slopes with a slope of 30 to 60 degrees, groove-and-groove types of roofing from 22 degrees.

When choosing a tile model, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Flat roofs (slope less than 16 degrees) are mounted on continuous sheathing(Plywood, OSB or board) with full waterproofing from bitumen-polymer materials. Steep slopes (slope of 60 degrees and above) require the use of special roofing systems.

Material calculation

During design, the approximate indicator is specified by a coefficient that depends on the tile model and roof configuration. To make it convenient for you to make your own calculations, the description of each item in the tile catalog shows the actual material consumption per 1 m2. To obtain the total number of elements, multiply the actual consumption value by the roof area. The final value is slightly higher than the approximate value (tile trimming, technological reserve, complexity of the roof)

Preparatory work

After installation truss structure and devices roofing pie, it is necessary to provide a ventilation gap to ensure high-quality ventilation under-roof space.

The parameters of step lathing are determined individually depending on the configuration of the roof and covering. The sheathing is calculated after choosing the tile model and installed immediately before its installation.

If there is a valley, it is necessary to equip a valley unit: install a valley groove.

Installation of tiles

Cement-sand tiles are laid in rows from bottom to top, starting from the right edge (on hip roofs from the middle of the cornice). After securing the first line, install it along the cord next row. At this stage, it is especially important to lay it perfectly evenly. The first two rows of tiles set the tone for the lines of the entire roof, so even the slightest error should be excluded.

To design skates and other complex surfaces, original components are used (initial spine tiles, ridge tiles, side tiles, etc.), they provide a good level of protection against moisture and a harmonious appearance.

Additional Required Items

  • Snow retention: to prevent avalanche-like snow from the roof
  • Ventilation elements: for ventilation of the house, kitchen, bathrooms
  • Feed-through elements: for the output of antennas and various cables
  • Roof ladders and walkways
  • Lightning protection

Our advantages - why choose AS Krov

  • Qualified and experienced specialists. All our engineers have a specialized higher education. We have been installing roofs for more than 10 years (cement-sand tiles, bitumen shingles, metal tiles, seam roofs, reed roofs, natural shingles, green roofs). We can organize a visit to completed projects.
  • Customer focus. We try to take into account all the wishes of the customer, as far as physically possible. We don't try to limit our clients standard projects and are always ready to find a new solution that is interesting for you.
  • Reasonable deadlines. Good roof It’s impossible to do quickly, so we don’t rush, but we work at a pace. We won’t do it the fastest, but we will do it on time and with high quality.
  • Honest prices. With us you save twice: when purchasing materials (from us low prices thanks to direct deliveries) and when ordering installation. We have no hidden costs or services you don't need. The final cost estimate is final and there are no unexpected additional charges. (Full specification including scaffolding, fasteners, Consumables). Changes in price occur only when the dimensions, geometry of the roof and additional work not included in the estimate.

We work in Moscow, the Moscow region (work is possible in all regions of the Russian Federation: we worked in Kazan, Sochi, St. Petersburg). To order roofing installation or get a free consultation, call us or request a call back. We are always happy to have direct communication in our office.

P.s.: Disappointment from low quality lasts much longer than short-term joy from a low price. The price is forgotten, the quality remains!

Our company has been installing tiled roofs for over 15 years. During this time, we have acquired knowledge and vast practical experience. Installation of cement-sand tiles is carried out according to the instructions developed by us under the supervision of our own Technical Supervision service.

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  1. Impeccable quality

    Most of our roofers have more than 10 years of experience, many of them have been working in the company since the first project!

  2. Honest price

    Only changes that the customer makes during the course of work can be paid additionally. For example, it was decided to install windows or install insulation. In this case the cost changes. But we compensate for our mistakes ourselves!

  3. Specific deadlines

    The average productivity of our craftsmen is 9 m2/day for a complex of turnkey works. When installing cement-sand tiles on finished rafter system the period is halved.

  4. Solid guarantees

    We provide a guarantee for the entire roof, so we take a responsible approach to the selection of components, monitor compliance with technology and use modern tools.

Our works

The legislators in the field of technology for working with tiles are German specialists. The level of their work was taken as the standard in our company. In 2008, we invited members of the German roofers' association to one of our sites to understand what aspects of our work still require improvement.

Our craftsmen showed a level that was in no way inferior to the requirements of the invited specialists. This gave us a new impetus for development. We not only continue to develop our own competencies, we teach the installation of cement-sand tiles to everyone who wants to master this technology.

We have over 1000 roofs behind us different shapes and experience working with different tile profiles. Red Roofs customers are located in different regions Russia - from the Black Sea coast to the Leningrad region. Our masters hone their skills not only in Russia, they adopt the experience of European and even Japanese colleagues!

Examples of our projects

    Roof design

    Roof design


    Installation cost square meter cement-sand tiles depend on the profile, shape of the roof, the number of complex units, valleys and abutments.

    What is included in the price: installation of cement-sand tiles; performing the necessary components on a pre-prepared rafter system; laying waterproofing; installation of gutter hooks; installation of counterbar; installation of snow retention and safety systems.

    The price does not include: installation of a drainage system; laying insulation; installation of anti-sediment caps for furnace and plumbing outlets; installation of attic glazing.

    Development complexity

    Work performed Simple roof Medium roof (Or custom profile on a simple roof) Complex roof(Or non-standard profile on the middle roof)
    Installation of waterproofing
    Installation of counter-lattice and sheathing
    Roof covering, including snow retention from 1400 ₽/m 2 from 1600 ₽/m2 from 1800 ₽/m2
    Gutter systems, gutters, funnels, corners. (Not including pipes and hemming (Due to the fact that the installation takes place after the completion of the facade work)

    The cost of work does not include: visiting for measurements, delivery of material, installation of scaffolding, lifting material onto the roof, overhead costs, arrangement of a utility camp.

    How long does it take to install ceramic tiles?

    At the time of signing the contract, we draw up a “Work Schedule”, which specifies the period, taking into account weekends and technological breaks. There may be deviations in the schedule due to unfavorable weather, but this factor cannot be calculated in advance.

    The company's own statistics show that turnkey work (without insulation) on a roof of 300 m2 is completed within 30-40 days, including delays due to bad weather. If other work is being carried out at the site in parallel (for example, facade cladding), then the schedule can be adjusted depending on them.

    The procedure for providing services at the Red Roofs company

    First of all, the roof design is analyzed; if there is no design, then it must be completed. Based on these data, a preliminary estimate is calculated. After this, the construction site is assessed by our specialist. It establishes whether the finished foundation is suitable for installation for the implementation of the project, and determines other features of the construction site. The final estimate is calculated based on the design data and site inspection. After its approval, a contract is concluded with the client, to which a work schedule is attached.

    From the moment the contract is concluded to the start of installation, an average of 2 weeks pass, during which materials are purchased and related issues regarding site preparation are resolved. After installation is completed, the customer checks the quality of the work. For these purposes, you can use the services of an independent specialist. Only after complete acceptance are the certificates of completed work signed.

    The Red Roofs company provides a comprehensive guarantee for a period of 2 years for work performed

    The Red Roofs company has a strong position in the market of natural roofing coverings and has been successfully operating for more than 15 years. We always fulfill our obligations to customers;

    We want the quality of the roof to be satisfactory during operation, so we recommend only the best proven solutions and ensure that our teams strictly adhere to the technology; We conclude an honest, transparent contract with the client, written in accessible language.

    Our managers will be able to more accurately calculate the cost of work for your roof based on the drawings of the facade on four sides and the roof plan. The final calculation is made after our specialist visits the construction site.

    For some objects, increasing coefficients apply: the height of the building is more than three floors; curved roof shapes; cramped conditions, which often happens during reconstruction, when it is necessary to preserve the facade and surrounding landscape of the building.

    Products used


    • As roofing material his country house my wife and I chose cement-sand tiles from Zabudov (similar to Braas, but more High Quality), produced in Belarus. We searched for a long time and chose a supplier in Moscow and settled on the Red Roofs company. We have never regretted our choice! I really liked the company. Our supervising manager was, and still is, Zhanna Lomakina, ...

      Good afternoon I will share my experience of cooperation with the Red Roofs company. I studied the offers on the market for quite a long time and carefully before making a choice. The manager of the Red Roofs company, Svetlana Kolodina, provided competent advice and guidance in the assortment. As a result, I chose the Red Roofs company because, in addition to the professionalism of the manager, I received the most favorable...

      Summer 2016 My family and I decided to build a house from laminated veneer lumber. We saw many villages and living houses. We settled on a tiled roof and initially designed the roof of the house for tiles. We wanted BRAAS Taunus cement-sand high-wave tiles. We chose who to buy from full set roofing materials (tiles, insulation, membranes, skylights, snow retention grates, drainage system) ...

      In “Red Roofs” we placed orders for two objects. First ordered natural tiles for your house 440 m2, garage, bathhouse, I really liked everything, the manager Olga Dolgovskaya is just smart, she works at “A+”. As a result, we ordered tiles for the second house and finally placed orders for paving stones for both properties. We were very pleased with the work with the Red Roofs company, many thanks to Olga Dolgovskaya.

      Sincerely, Vladimir.

      Good afternoon I would like to express my gratitude to Olga Dolgovskaya, manager of the Red Roofs company! Thank you for your help in selecting materials for the roof of the house, prompt delivery and conducting the necessary consultations.

      Sincerely, Dmitryuk Vyacheslav Gerasimov.

      I express my gratitude to the Red Roofs company for the work performed - reconstruction of the roof (roof area is 592.30 sq. m.) at the address: Tver region, Terekhovo village. I would especially like to note the professionalism, high qualifications, as well as clear and constructive work the entire team, from management to workers at the construction site, which made it possible to reduce...

      MK Agran LLC expresses deep gratitude and sincere gratitude to the Red Roofs Company for 2 years of fruitful cooperation.

      During collaboration many orders were placed, stable shipments allowed us to carry out our activities uninterruptedly. We are very pleased with the discounts that your company provides to us as a construction company and a regular customer.

      We started cooperation with your company only this year. You acted as a supplier of tile roofing for three of our facilities. Work on two roof installation sites has already been fully completed. Work on the third site is still to come. But now we are confident that we will complete them with high quality and on time, based on the experience of our cooperation. The team of your company are professionals. ...

      We express our gratitude to the Red Roofs company for the high-quality fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the implementation complex works for roof installation at the address: Leningradsky Prospekt, building 48/2, building 1.

      During our cooperation, the Red Roofs company has established itself as a conscientious and reliable partner, fully realizing the needs and wishes of our organization...

      The company "Red Roofs" performed roofing works in 2005 installation work during the construction of the Arkhangelsky cottage village in the Moscow region, Gorki village - 6.

      During the work, the Red Roofs company has established itself as a conscientious and reliable partner, meeting the wishes of the Customer. The roofing installation work was carried out efficiently,...