home · Appliances · Cast iron automatic boilers. Pros and cons of long-burning cast iron boilers. Disadvantages of cast iron boilers

Cast iron automatic boilers. Pros and cons of long-burning cast iron boilers. Disadvantages of cast iron boilers

Traditional heating of houses with wood is not so popular these days. With the advent of electricity and gas, solid fuels gradually gave way to them, but not everywhere. Not yet carried out in all villages gas pipe, and the quality of supply electric current leaves much to be desired. Moreover, they appeared on the market modern designs for heating, which work great on different types solid fuel.

Features of the units

Manufacturers of cast iron solid fuel boilers are trying to offer consumers models with different price components.

To make the right choice, you need to know the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of using such equipment.


To the advantages solid fuel boiler can be attributed:

  • cheap fuel;
  • the use of alloy cast iron in the design, which has high strength and resistance to corrosion;
  • a heat exchanger that reduces the likelihood of condensation forming on the internal walls of the fuel combustion chamber;
  • long-term maintenance-free operation, guaranteed for at least 10 years;
  • complete autonomy, independent of other types of energy carriers (electric current in the first place);
  • powder coating of paint, which provides a presentable appearance device during long-term operation.


Solid fuel cast iron boilers also have disadvantages:

  • low efficiency – up to 70%;
  • difficulty in controlling ongoing thermal processes, hence the minimal automation of the unit;
  • inconvenient to maintain - you have to periodically add fuel and clean the ash pan;
  • high sensitivity of the boiler to temperature changes;
  • heavy equipment weight.


All solid fuel boilers are divided into two categories: conventional and pyrolysis or long-burning.

The operating principle of conventional heaters is based on burning fuel in a firebox. The generated heat warms the heating system coolant. Carbon monoxide and part of the thermal energy is removed through the chimney to the outside. The second type of equipment should be discussed in more detail.

Pyrolysis units

How do they differ from the conventional design of a solid fuel boiler? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what the pyrolysis process itself is. This is an unusual combustion of solid fuel, which occurs with minimal participation of oxygen. In this case, a sufficient amount of heat is released plus pyrolysis gas, as one of the combustion products of the same firewood, coal, sawdust, and so on.

The operating principle of such devices is that the gas released during fuel combustion is used as additional view fuel. Therefore, in the design of pyrolysis-type heating units, two combustion chambers are installed: in the first, fuel is burned, in the second, pyrolysis gas.

What is the principle of long burning based on? The thing is that fuel combustion occurs with a minimum supply fresh air(oxygen). Therefore, it is difficult to call the process itself combustion. Firewood, pellets and sawdust slowly smolder inside the first firebox, releasing heat and gas. The latter under the influence of high temperature (by physical laws) independently moves to the second chamber, where it burns, releasing a large number of thermal energy.

Depending on the design of the boiler, the fuel can burn inside it from eight hours to two days. That is, there is no need for frequent periodic filling and cleaning of the ash pan, which means that the constant presence of a person is reduced to a minimum.

Device Features

Conventional cast iron solid fuel heating boilers and long-burning units emit a large amount of heat. Hence some requirements for their installation and maintenance.


The chimney is of great importance in their composition. The high temperature of the exhaust carbon monoxide is a guarantee that condensation will begin to form on the inner walls of the pipe. This is what leads to corrosion processes and the formation of tar. The latter narrows the cross-section of the chimney, which means it negatively affects draft.

Therefore, experts advise using chimneys made of sandwich structures for solid fuel devices. They are based on stainless steel and insulation. Perfect option– ceramic or glass outlet pipe. True, this pleasure is not cheap.

It is better not to use a brick chimney for solid fuel appliances. The likelihood of condensation forming in it is very high due to heating brickwork through.


And a few more recommendations for safe operation. Installation of a cast iron solid fuel boiler requires pouring a foundation for the device. A steel sheet must be laid on the foundation; its dimensions must be at least 20 cm larger than the area of ​​the unit on each side.

The distance from the fuel storage location to the boiler should be at least half a meter. If solid fuel heating device is installed in a wooden house, then the walls near the installation site must be lined with fire-resistant materials (metal or asbestos sheets, brickwork).

Comparative analysis

Comparing solid fuel heating units (conventional and long-burning) with other boilers is a thankless task. After all, each type and type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Electric boiler

Eg, electric boilers They have neither combustion chambers nor chimneys. This is a heating equipment that does not pollute the atmosphere. But on the other hand, devices of this type work on the most expensive form fuel. And as mentioned above, domestic Electricity of the net cannot provide a constant supply of electricity with the required indicators (especially with regard to voltage) to all suburban villages.

In this regard, accessibility hard species 100% fuel. Moreover, stores began to sell pellets packaged in paper bags of 25-30 kg. By the way, about pellets. The requirements of most consumers to automate fuel loading made it possible to create solid fuel boilers with a hopper and auger. The bunker is filled with wood pellets, and they are fed by a screw into the combustion chamber as needed. The only disadvantage of these models is their energy dependence.

Gas appliances

Compare gas boilers with solid fuels it is possible according to two criteria:

  1. In terms of efficiency, the efficiency of a gas boiler reaches 95%, that of a conventional solid fuel boiler reaches 70%, and that of a long-burning boiler reaches 100%.
  2. Solid fuel units, unlike gas ones, can be installed independently without any permits.

Oil Heaters

Liquid fuel heating boilers are rarely used today in private housing construction. It's all about the difficulty of storing the fuel itself and supplying it to the nozzles of the heating device. Firstly, for this you will have to set up a separate warehouse, which must fully comply with the requirements fire safety.

Secondly, a thermally insulated metal pipeline must be stretched from the warehouse to the boiler room. All this is expensive and difficult.

Autonomy and independence from any external communications is the main advantage of solid fuel cast iron boilers.

Comparison of a cast iron boiler with others

For this type of heating system, steel appliances are often used. Advantages of steel:

  1. High heat dissipation.
  2. Low price.
  3. Fast heating.

But steel can burn out and be exposed to the external environment.

Advantages of cast iron:

  1. High strength.
  2. Durability.
  3. Virtually resistant to corrosion.
  4. Stable in use.
  5. Inert – retains heat for a long time.
  6. Consists of sections that are easy to replace.

Price cast iron units higher, but they are durable.

Cast iron can fail only when sudden temperature changes occur. The main thing is to produce device strapping. This will require specialists.

The disadvantages of such units include their heavy weight. It is not easy to transport and requires a specific place for installation. It is difficult to move it during assembly and installation.

Lower or upper firebox

The design of many of these heating devices includes both an upper and lower firebox. Several levels are possible for long-term combustion of solid fuels. Lower fireboxes are better because:

  1. Convenient to use.
  2. Efficiency, high heat transfer efficiency.

Such heating systems are equipped, which eliminates the need for periodic opening of the blower or pipe manually. You can also purchase automatic system regulation of the heating process. It will help control the temperature and facilitate the operation process itself. Typically, such regulators are connected to the unit itself or its fan.

  1. Cast iron heat exchanger - advantage or disadvantage?
  2. Floor-standing cast iron solid fuel boiler "Lamborghini"
  3. Solid fuel heating boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco
  4. Cast iron solid fuel boiler "Roda" Brenner Classic

The heat exchanger is one of the most important parts of a solid fuel boiler. The functionality and efficiency of the entire device as a whole largely depends on what material it is made of and what properties it has. In this article we will try to figure out why cast iron heat exchangers are preferable, which ones have disadvantages and features. We will also conduct a mini review of solid fuel heating boilers presented on the Russian market, which use cast iron heat exchangers.

When choosing a heating boiler, the main difference between the models that catches your eye is the material from which the heat exchanger is made. Traditionally it is made of either steel or cast iron. There are many legends about the advantages of cast iron products; let’s try to confirm or refute some of them.

One of the biggest advantages of cast iron heat exchangers is their resistance to corrosion. Steel boilers quickly rust and fail, while devices made of cast iron, when correct operation, can last for decades and save you an impressive amount of money on the purchase of a new solid fuel boiler.

Photo 1: Cast iron heat exchanger for a solid fuel heating boiler

Having correctly installed the Beaver wood- and coal-fired household heating boiler, you will not have any problems with it long years which he will serve you faithfully. However, if you make mistakes during transportation, installation or connection, some of its disadvantages may appear.

The first one is fragility. If a solid fuel boiler is delivered or installed carelessly, it can easily crack, thereby wasting the lion's share of the boiler's cost.

The second main problem with cast iron boilers is sensitivity to temperature changes. If there is a large temperature difference between the supply and return lines, the heat exchanger may crack. That is why all owners of cast iron heating boilers constantly monitor the temperature in the return line and do not allow it to fall below a certain level. A common practice to combat this problem is to install a four-way mixing valve that mixes into the return line, hot water from the supply, thereby reducing temperature differences and minimizing risks. Among other things, household cast iron boilers They are quite massive and their price is significantly higher than for steel devices.

Photo 2: Cast iron sections of a solid fuel boiler

Usually heat exchanger cast iron boiler consists of hollow sections. The greater the power of the device, the greater the number of sections included in the design. They are tightly connected to each other, the internal cavity is filled with coolant, and the space inside is used as a firebox. In our reviews, we looked at several similar models, one of which is the Russian cast iron heating boiler KChM 5 with a water circuit.

Cast iron boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. In the case of one circuit, all the heat is used only for heating the premises. IN dual-circuit models There is a built-in hot water supply circuit providing hot water supply.

In addition to those heating devices with cast iron heat exchangers, which we have already reviewed on the website kotlydlyadoma.ru, in this article we will look at several more popular models that you can buy for heating your country house.

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Italian household solid fuel boiler Lamborghini WBL bright representative devices with a cast iron sectional heat exchanger. The manufacturer produces low-power models from 12 to 50 kW. In addition to using coal and firewood, it is possible to install a burner to work on diesel fuel.

Photo 3: Cast iron heating boiler with a Lamborghini water circuit

Among the main advantages of the Lamborghini WBL solid fuel boiler are:

  • Stacked sectional heat exchanger made of a special cast iron alloy. Its design is made in such a way as to ensure maximum heat removal and thereby high efficiency.
  • Possibility of installing a special burner to operate on diesel fuel. All necessary equipment for installation is supplied included.
  • The spacious firebox makes it possible to use long logs.
  • The boiler is electrically independent; all settings and power adjustments are performed mechanically using an automatic draft regulator.

Basic specifications:

The low power of the Lamborghini boiler makes it an ideal device for heating small country houses, and the lack of dependence on the electrical network makes it possible to use it even in areas where power lines have not yet reached.

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Let's consider another cast iron solid fuel boiler "Baxi" of the BPI-Eco series. Their main feature is that they are made of highly ductile cast iron, which reduces the likelihood of cracking upon impact and overheating. There are only 5 standard sizes available with power from 25 to 65 kW. Let us note the main advantages of these devices:

Photo 4: Floor-standing solid fuel cast iron boiler “Baxi”
  • The spacious firebox and wide door make it easy to load large portions of fuel into the boiler, thereby increasing its operating time.
  • The supply of primary air is dosed by a special thermostatic valve. Secondary air is supplied through a special hatch on the door of the loading chamber.
  • A special type of non-combustible thermal insulation increases the fire safety and energy efficiency of the boiler.
  • The spacious and easy-to-remove ash tray makes cleaning easy.

Main characteristics of the solid fuel boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco:

It is worth noting that all imported cast iron boilers are structurally and visually similar to each other. For example, in one of our previous reviews, we looked at the Beaver domestic heating boiler for wood and coal, which is exactly like the BPI-Eco model from Baxi.

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German cast iron heating boilers"Roda" Brenner Classic series are designed for heating small areas such as country houses or small private houses. They are made from high-quality cast iron with a long service life. Despite their compact size, solid fuel boilers have a spacious firebox, allowing the use of long firewood for heating.

Photo 5: Cast iron heating boiler using coal and wood “Roda”

Among the main advantages of solid fuel boilers “Roda” we highlight the following:

  • Simplicity of design and unpretentiousness. The device is devoid of complex elements and control systems that are prone to breakdowns and failures.
  • The automatic power control system mechanically regulates the heating output of the boiler over a wide range.
  • A spacious combustion chamber and a convenient hatch for loading fuel.
  • Good thermal insulation increasing the efficiency of the boiler by directing all the heat to the heating system.

Basic technical data:

In addition to the above, watch a short video review of the “Roda” Brenner Classic solid fuel boiler on YouTube:

Return to contents Conclusion

When choosing which boiler to buy, cast iron or steel, you should take into account the nuances of installation and operation of cast iron models, as well as the fact that these devices are more expensive than their steel counterparts. But if you are determined to purchase this finicky heating device, know that when correct installation and in operation it will last much longer than steel, thereby saving you a lot of money and time on replacing the heating boiler.


Wood boilers for heating

Many owners of suburban areas do not have the opportunity to use natural gas, so they have to use wood boilers for the dacha. Such modern devices are characterized by increased operating time and high efficiency. When purchasing wood boilers for heating your home, you should know about the features of their installation. It is best to hire a professional, since without experience in carrying out work you can commit serious mistakes. In some cases, a heating device is purchased for a greenhouse.

Principle of operation

Heating boilers that operate using wood are very different from traditional ones wood stoves. In their structure they resemble a thermal station. But it is worth noting that the basic principle of operation remains unchanged.

The difference from wood stoves is the presence of a water circuit. The described devices allow you to connect a radiator heating system with a chamber in which firewood is burned. They are divided into two types:

  1. Pyrolysis. Their difference lies in the fact that they simultaneously use the heat obtained by burning wood and afterburning the resulting gas. It is worth noting that long-burning boilers are very similar in operating principle to pyrolysis boilers. The described devices differ in that one stack of firewood is enough for long-term operation of the boiler.
  2. Classic boilers. They are devices that work on the same principle as traditional ovens. Such equipment has a low cost, so it is purchased by many owners of private houses.

A solid fuel boiler is a modified wood stove with automation of the combustion process. When purchasing a wood-burning boiler for a garage, you should not choose expensive models that are designed for heating large rooms.

How to choose a device

When purchasing a wood-fired boiler, you need to consider several points:

  1. The area that will be heated by the boiler.
  2. Type of heating boiler. As mentioned earlier, there are several types of such devices. Pyrolysis devices are the most economical. But it's worth noting. What do they have more high cost.
  3. Boiler heat exchanger type. They differ in the type of materials used and design features. Products made of steel have a lower cost and are not afraid of mechanical damage. It is also worth noting that they are easy to repair and maintain. When purchasing a cast iron boiler in wooden house, it is important to remember that it can be used for 35 years and is afraid of mechanical damage. It is also worth noting that such devices are heavy.
  4. Camera Features. Many manufacturers produce boilers with the ability to side load firewood. It is also worth paying attention to products with top loading. A similar design is used in gas generator devices. The main advantage is the ability to dry firewood.
  5. Additional functions. Many boilers are distinguished by the presence of automation. Also, some devices have a built-in boiler and the ability remote control. Greenhouse boilers are usually simpler devices.

In addition, you need to decide on the brand of the device you are purchasing. To do this, it is worth learning more about well-known manufacturers similar equipment for the home. Often, land owners purchase wood-burning boilers for saunas.

Cost of wood boilers

The cost of the products described is influenced by several factors. These include:

  1. Heat exchanger type. Cast iron products have a higher cost.
  2. Manufacturer. Some manufacturers' products are more expensive. Often the price reflects the quality of the products.
  3. The principle of operation of boilers. For example, the cost of a wood-burning gas generator device is approximately 35 thousand rubles. Classic heating boilers have a price of about 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Availability of additional equipment.

It is worth noting that if the device is registered with Rostechnadzor, documents for commissioning are not processed. Often the product is purchased for a greenhouse. Such devices are quite easy to install.

Boiler installation

Wood burning boilers are connected to the existing radiator system. During such work, it is necessary to observe building codes and rules. It is also important to follow fire safety regulations.

It is important to properly arrange the storage for firewood so that it can be conveniently taken out when necessary. The device usually burns about 15 cubic meters of wood per season. The boiler is installed in the basement or outdoors.

Where should the device be installed?

The described device can be installed anywhere in the house, but it should be remembered that it must comply with fire safety requirements.

Before installation, you should carefully study the following recommendations:

It is worth remembering that the connection modern boiler Requires an electrical outlet. When using such a device, you should use a voltage stabilizer. Automation is usually connected directly from the switchboard. When installing a chimney, fire safety regulations must be observed.

All heating elements of the described device must be insulated. A spark arrestor must be installed at the pipe head to prevent a fire.

The main requirement when using a boiler is to comply with the basics of fire safety. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the room does not smoke or the coolant boils. Often the device is purchased for installation in a greenhouse or garage.

Heating schemes

There may be several heating schemes for a private house in which a wood-burning heating device is installed. They differ from each other in the following parameters:

Before creating a liquid heating system, it is necessary to carefully develop a diagram, and during operation, comply with building codes. It is worth noting that when installing circulation pumps, it is necessary to connect a voltage stabilizer and a UPS. The described devices are highly efficient and can replace gas equipment.


We deal with long-burning wood-burning boilers for heating a private home

Long-burning wood-burning boilers are in demand among summer residents and owners of cottages intended for year-round use. Before installation, you should understand the features, pros and cons of this type of heating in a private home. Long-term combustion boilers using wood do not require frequent maintenance, and the cost of each 1 kW/h. thermal energy is several times lower than when using liquid fuel or gas units.

A solid fuel wood boiler is well suited for homeowners who have the opportunity to purchase firewood good quality

In general, the operating mechanism is based on long-term smoldering of fuel due to limited air supply - as a result, the filling lasts approximately 80% longer than when operating a solid fuel boiler of the so-called classic type.

Pros and cons of wood-burning boilers for long-burning fuel


  • no need for frequent refueling - depending on the chosen model, you need to add firewood into the combustion chamber from once every 3-4 hours and up to 12 hours;
  • possibility of application various types fuels and their combinations;
  • In most cases, the boiler operates autonomously and does not require connection to other communications;
  • relative cheapness of fuel.

Solid fuel boiler in a private house


  • the cost is higher than classic boilers;
  • due to the low calorific value of firewood, the efficiency is from 70 to 89%;
  • There is no mechanism for regulating the temperature regime.

Another important disadvantage is the inability to operate heating equipment without human intervention

Advice. Wood-burning boilers with combustion chambers are mainly purchased for dachas and private cottages small sizes. Heating efficiency can be increased by increasing the combustion chamber, but at the same time the dimensions of the boiler itself will also increase.

Varieties by mechanism of action

  • Heating unit with an extended firebox The simplest and most common type wood heating. The main difference from standard solid fuel units is their elongated shape with an elongated firebox. Directly into the combustion chamber after ignition, air is supplied in a dosed manner, due to which the operating time on each load of firewood is significantly increased (up to 6–8 hours).

Solid fuel boiler with extended firebox
  • Top combustion model Unlike standard wood heating boilers, which are ignited from below, in the chambers of top combustion boilers, fuel is burned under the influence of a burner moving from above and slowly descending down.
  • Pyrolysis boiler The gas generator, or pyrolysis unit, has a more complex operating principle and design compared to the two previous models, due to which it can operate continuously for up to 12 hours on each fuel fill. In the combustion chamber, the wood does not burn in it, but smolders very slowly, in turn releasing gas. It is relegated to the compartment lower chamber, where under the forced supply of oxygen it is burned, releasing additional heat.
Top combustion solid fuel boiler

The most popular units for private properties

Different models of wood boilers differ from each other:

  1. dimensions of combustion chambers;
  2. type of construction;
  3. material of manufacture.

The heat exchanger is often made of steel or cast iron. At the same time, cast iron will last longer than steel, it takes a long time to cool down, but can collapse under sudden temperature changes. Steel is heat-resistant, but can be subject to corrosion and will last on average about 10–15 years.

For country heating Most often, simple single-circuit models are installed; for houses with year-round occupancy, it is rational to install a double-circuit boiler. In the latter case, one circuit will provide heating, while the second will provide hot water supply.

Diagram: device of a pyrolysis boiler

Each individual unit has its own special technical characteristics, averaged data:

  • power about 100 kW;
  • coolant temperature at the outlet is 80 degrees, at the return - at least 50 degrees;
  • working pressure on average 1 atm;
  • boiler weight up to 400 kg;
  • Duration of operation on one load of fuel is 10-12 hours.

Attention! When buying a heating boiler that runs on wood, you need to take into account that most units were originally designed to burn brown or hard coal. In their technical passports The power and burning time of one bookmark are indicated based on work on coal. Therefore, it is necessary to separately calculate the power and combustion time of the fuel if the heat generator runs on wood.

How to properly organize heating

In private cottages intended for year-round use, long-burning boilers equipped with heat exchangers are embedded in the heating system. The coolant carries the thermal energy obtained from burning wood to the radiators.

Attention! If in autonomous system used circulation pump, it is necessary to make sure that the boiler heat exchanger can withstand the operating pressure of the entire system.

IN small dachas for 1-2 rooms there is no need for heating system autonomous type, it is more rational to use a convector oven of the “Buleryan” type. For models operating on the convection principle, the walls of the fireboxes consist of open metal tubes that are welded to each other in a vertical position.

House heating system using a solid fuel boiler

During the combustion of wood, heated air rises through the tubes due to the action of convection, and is replaced by cold air.

Fuel selection

You can place a long-burning wood-burning boiler both in the house and in an equipped boiler room or in a small separate extension to a private cottage. In this case, it will be necessary to allocate a separate place for fuel: wood, coal, peat, etc.

The most popular type of fuel is often waste from the wood processing industry. But this type The fuel is low-calorie, so it requires high consumption.

Wood is the most popular type of fuel for a home boiler room

The choice and degree of moisture content of the raw material will directly determine its calorific value. The fuel with the highest productivity is dry firewood, the quality of which should ideally be the same high from purchase to purchase. Maximum length fuel - 40 cm.

Important installation features

The weight of wood-burning boilers reaches several hundred kilograms, so before installation you need to make sure that the floors can withstand the load. For durable floors, a cast iron product is suitable; in other cases, it is worth considering the option of purchasing a boiler made of steel, which will weigh several times less.

At the place where the unit is planned to be installed, a concrete pad is usually installed (its thickness varies from 100 to 150 mm).

For the smooth operation of the boiler, it is very important correct installation

IN non-volatile boilers so-called mechanical thermostats are used. If the model has a fan designed for forced air supply, as well as electronic system regulation, then a power supply will be required.

It is important to take into account that during power outages, operation will be very difficult.


Long burning boilers deserve special attention when choosing heating equipment for private houses and cottages. The most effective are pyrolysis units, which have the highest efficiency of 97% and a long service life without refueling.

Placing a solid fuel boiler

Before purchasing, you should also decide on the material of manufacture, the required volume of the firebox, prepare the boiler room or equip a place for the boiler in the house. Separately, you should take care of choosing high-quality fuel - dry firewood must be prepared in advance, and a separate place is allocated for its storage.

How a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler works: video

Long burning boiler: photo


Heating a private house with a solid fuel boiler, cast iron, combined for a summer residence

Solid fuel boiler

Cottage construction has been developing very rapidly for a long time, because many want to hide from the bustle of the city in villages and towns with clean air. And it very often happens that in such remote areas there is no gas main, and electricity is supplied with problems. In addition, the cost electric heating It may not be affordable for everyone. It is in such cases that home heating is installed with a solid fuel boiler.

Of course, you can install such exotics as usual wood stove antique or fireplace. But at the same time, the heat transfer of these devices will be insufficient; you will have to constantly monitor them.

Heating a house with a solid fuel boiler uses such available materials, such as firewood, coal, peat, pellets. You won’t need to spend a lot of time on heating – just add fuel every few hours.

Solid fuel boilers can be made in the so-called classical variation and in pyrolysis. IN classic models The fuel that burns heats the water, which acts as a heat carrier. The hot water is then distributed through the pipeline, after which it begins to heat the rooms of the house.

Solid fuel heating boilers for dachas of the pyrolysis type, which are also called gas generators, operate on the principle of dry distillation of fuel.

If the temperature is high - 200-800 degrees and there is not enough oxygen, the wood will decompose and release pyrolysis gas. When this gas comes in contact with oxygen, it starts to burn, thus releasing a lot of heat. Thus, it can be noted that a gas generator boiler increases the period of fuel loading; if we compare it with the classical variation, it doubles. The efficiency is 90%. Also, home heating fuel burns more completely.

Pyrolysis boiler

In addition to the above classification, solid fuel boilers can be energy-dependent or independent. Heating a private house with a solid fuel boiler will be dependent on electricity in the case when the boiler uses electrical panel controls, as well as a blower fan. This improves the air circulation system.

On the heating equipment market you can find many models of solid fuel boilers - steel and cast iron heating boilers, single- and double-circuit, volatile and non-volatile. Let's take a look at the popular models that are most in demand.

Common models of solid fuel boilers

Currently, a popular model is Viadrus, produced in the Czech Republic. This is a cast iron boiler that has an acceptable cost and at the same time - high quality. Due to the fact that such solid fuel boilers for water heating have a cast iron heat exchanger, they have a fairly long durability. It is possible to connect a mechanical draft regulator and a forced-air burner to the boiler.

Boiler Viadrus

Among other things, a circulation pump with an operating temperature of more than 80 degrees can be included in the system. This boiler is easy to maintain and install, and it can also use almost all types of fuel for heating boilers.

If a gas pipeline is planned to be installed in your area, then you can give your preference to models such as solid fuel combi boilers heating.

Such boilers have the ability to connect gas burner. An example is the Don boiler. This Russian production, the device itself operates on coal or peat. The device belongs to steel boilers, so it is resistant to changes in temperature conditions.

Solid fuel boiler Don

Separately, it is worth noting such solid fuel boilers for home heating as KChM. Today such boilers are popular. It is worth noting that any fuel can be used here - not only different types solid, but also gas, diesel fuel, oil waste. Undoubtedly, such “omnivorousness” of the boiler is a very convenient property, especially in those areas that are remote from the city. The boiler itself is made of cast iron, it is durable and reliable, power is 16-90 kW.

It is also worth noting the popular Prometheus model from Sibenergotherm in Novosibirsk. Such single- and double-circuit solid fuel heating boilers have a power of 10-45 kW and are made of steel, which undergoes special treatment against corrosion. For work, fuel such as firewood, coal, pellets is used. The boiler produces high heat output, and to prevent overheating there is a function for dumping fuel into the ash compartment.

Cauldron Prometheus

As for pyrolysis boilers, we note the Kharkov model. Such boilers have high efficiency, and all types of solid fuel can be used as fuel. In this case, air acts as a coolant, so heat loss can be reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages of solid fuel boilers

Among the advantages we note:

  • Heating wooden house Many people can afford a solid fuel boiler, since the cost of the boiler is low, and installation does not require special skills.
  • Fuel for heating boilers is also inexpensive, since it can be found in almost any area.
  • A corollary to the previous point is that the costs of the entire heating process are not that high.
  • Solid fuel boilers do not harm the environment.
  • Solid fuel boilers can be used where there is no gas and poor electricity.

We also highlight several disadvantages:

  • Factory-made and home-made solid fuel heating boilers require constant attention: they will constantly have to be loaded with fuel, and manually. But this disadvantage is compensated for in boilers with auto-loading, but they are more expensive.
  • Both steel and cast iron solid fuel heating boilers require regular cleaning, otherwise they may simply stop working.
  • Operation of the boiler at full capacity will not begin immediately, and starting it, if there has been a long downtime, will become quite difficult.
  • Calculation of expansion tank for heating

Modern, efficient and affordable heating units are in demand heating equipment. Heating boilers operating on solid fuel fully provide heat not only to private households, but also to technical premises.

Characteristics of solid fuel devices

Steel and cast iron solid fuel boilers differ in that:

  • easy to install, you can install them yourself, since this usually does not require the use of welding equipment and complex pipe connections;
  • have a long service life - a well-made unit can last at least ten years without breakdowns;
  • for installation of solid fuel boilers with cast iron heat exchanger
    no permits required, the only condition– good chimney design;
  • they have a long burning period, although not all devices have this characteristic, but many manufacturers strive for this;
  • have economical fuel consumption - this quality is the main reason why solid fuel cast iron heating boilers have gained wide popularity;
  • effectively distribute heat - it does not go into the chimney, but enters the room through special valves;
  • quickly heat rooms, especially for heat generators;
  • in long-burning units, the duration of work on one stack of firewood reaches 10 – 12 hours;
  • they have autonomous operation, since the devices, as a rule, are non-volatile.

For cast iron solid fuel heating boilers to function long time, when purchasing them, you need to pay attention to the terms of service that the manufacturing company offers, what guarantees it provides for its products.

The fact is that on the heating unit market you can buy a fake - a device made in a homemade way. Often such steel and cast iron solid fuel boilers are of good quality, but they lack maintenance and warranty obligations. Buyers of such units cannot make claims against anyone in the event of a breakdown.

Variety of boiler types

In special heating equipment shopping centers, in addition to steel and cast iron solid fuel boilers, they sell units that operate on waste oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc. A wide variety of these products allows you to choose exactly the device that can ensure comfortable living in your home.

Among solid fuel boilers there are:

  • products operating on coal;
  • devices for which pellets are used;
  • long-burning furnaces;
  • heat generators.

Coal fired boilers

The peculiarity of the production of these devices is that for their manufacture they use heavy-duty metal, for welding the elements of which they use special technology. This design allows fuel to be burned in the combustion chamber without violating its tightness.

Boilers of this type can operate not only on coal; they can also use pellets, sawdust, etc. Their disadvantage is that a solid fuel cast iron boiler of this model is expensive.

Pellet boilers

They have interesting design solution and are able to heat rooms efficiently. The design of such a unit is simple: a special funnel for fuel pellets is attached to its frame. At a certain time, small quantities of pellets are fed into the combustion chamber.

When purchasing such equipment, you should take into account the degree of its energy dependence. When it is connected with the operation of the funnel, that is, with the supply of pellets, then this is acceptable, since when the power supply is turned off, the fuel can be filled in manually. But if the operation of the boiler requires electronic automation, then you need to think about the feasibility of purchasing it.

Long burning stoves

Basically, such devices are standard autonomous steel or cast iron heating boilers using solid fuel. They are able to work using various wood materials(firewood, sawdust, brushwood), as well as fruit seeds etc.

As a rule, they do not operate on coal or pellets due to the fact that the technology of the combustion chamber does not allow burning this type of fuel. Experts recommend that before purchasing a long-burning cast iron solid fuel boiler, carefully study the features of the selected model.

Typically, such units are purchased for the following purposes:

If you need to heat large buildings with several rooms, then it is better to purchase a modified version of a long-burning unit, namely a heat generator. Of course, it costs much more, but this price is completely justified.

Heat generators

These are convection type ovens to which is connected electric fan, called "snail". On a surface of this equipment There are special holes for connecting flexible pipes.

Heat generators operate in a certain way: fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber, ignited, and then a fan is turned on, which pumps air into it. Thanks to this, the firewood burns better, and the heated air, moving along the hoses, reaches its target faster. Flexible pipes come in different lengths, and their ends can be routed between rooms.

Advantages of heat generators:

  • The duration of continuous combustion on one refill is about 8 hours;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • the devices can be used to heat any premises;
  • the units are capable of heating very large areas;
  • It is possible, if necessary, to increase power, for which a section is added to the boiler design.

The disadvantages of heat generators are the following:

  • the need to install flexible pipes to move warm air;
  • In the absence of electricity, the fan or air blower cannot operate, which affects the distribution of heated air over individual “sleeves”.

Features of cast iron boilers

It should be noted that almost every cast iron solid fuel boiler can operate on wood and coke. It costs more than a steel product, but its characteristics justify such a price. The fact is that their production requires much more time than assembling a steel device.

A cast iron solid fuel boiler is more durable than a steel one and can withstand higher temperatures. Cast iron cools much more slowly, which saves fuel.

In addition, cast iron appliances:

  • there is a significant advantage - durability, since their service life reaches 25 years;
  • they occupy less space compared to steel units;
  • Cast iron is more resistant to corrosion than steel.

This heating equipment has disadvantages:

  1. A solid fuel boiler with a cast iron heat exchanger is sensitive to mechanical stress in the form of shocks. The cast iron body may crack under certain loads. For this reason, it should be handled with care.
  2. When sharp drop temperatures, cast iron can crack, so experts do not recommend cooling such boilers using cold water or load cold fuel into a heated combustion chamber.
  3. It takes a long time for a case made of this material to heat up.

To understand even better what the difference is between a cast iron heating boiler and a steel one, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the properties of solid fuel units made of steel:

  • the impact resistance of devices is especially important during transportation; even if they fall or overturn, then with a 99% probability it can be said that the body will remain intact and the tightness of the combustion chamber will not be affected;
  • even large temperature changes are not dangerous for steel boilers;
  • the products are relatively light in weight;
  • If one of the elements in the heating equipment breaks off, it can be welded without problems.

Among the negative aspects, it should be noted susceptibility to corrosive processes, as well as the inability to increase power.

Double-circuit cast iron boilers

Sectional devices are divided into single- and double-circuit. The first of them work only for heat supply. Heating equipment such as a solid fuel double-circuit cast iron boiler can provide both home heating and hot water supply. The long-burning double-circuit solid fuel boiler has a built-in broiler, which can be located under the outer casing.

Such a structural device for a heating solid fuel cast iron boiler involves installing a pump to ensure water circulation. Double-circuit devices differ from other models in their larger sizes.

  1. Cast iron heat exchanger - advantage or disadvantage?
  2. Floor-standing cast iron solid fuel boiler "Lamborghini"
  3. Solid fuel heating boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco
  4. Cast iron solid fuel boiler "Roda" Brenner Classic

The heat exchanger is one of the most important parts of a solid fuel boiler. The functionality and efficiency of the entire device as a whole largely depends on what material it is made of and what properties it has. In this article we will try to figure out why cast iron heat exchangers are preferable, which ones have disadvantages and features. We will also conduct a mini review of solid fuel heating boilers presented on the Russian market, which use cast iron heat exchangers.

When choosing a heating boiler, the main difference between the models that catches your eye is the material from which the heat exchanger is made. Traditionally it is made of either steel or cast iron. There are many legends about the advantages of cast iron products; let’s try to confirm or refute some of them.

Cast iron heat exchanger - advantage or disadvantage?

One of the biggest advantages of cast iron heat exchangers is their resistance to corrosion. Steel boilers quickly rust and fail, while cast iron devices, if properly operated, can last for decades and save you a significant amount of money on the purchase of a new solid fuel boiler.

Photo 1: Cast iron heat exchanger for a solid fuel heating boiler

Having completed the installation correctly, you will not have any problems with it for many years, during which time it will serve you faithfully. However, if you make mistakes during transportation, installation or connection, some of its disadvantages may appear.

The first one is fragility. If a solid fuel boiler is delivered or installed carelessly, it can easily crack, thereby wasting the lion's share of the boiler's cost.

The second main problem with cast iron boilers is sensitivity to temperature changes. If there is a large temperature difference between the supply and return lines, the heat exchanger may crack. That is why all owners of cast iron heating boilers constantly monitor the temperature in the return line and do not allow it to fall below a certain level. A common practice to combat this drawback is to install a four-way mixing valve, which mixes hot water from the supply into the return line, thereby reducing the temperature difference and minimizing risks. Among other things, household cast iron boilers are quite massive and their price is significantly higher than for steel devices.

Photo 2: Cast iron sections of a solid fuel boiler

Typically, the heat exchanger of a cast iron boiler consists of hollow sections. The greater the power of the device, the greater the number of sections included in the design. They are tightly connected to each other, the internal cavity is filled with coolant, and the space inside is used as a firebox. In our reviews, we looked at several similar models, one of which.

Cast iron boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. In the case of one circuit, all the heat is used only for heating the premises. Double-circuit models have a built-in hot water supply circuit that provides hot water supply.

In addition to those heating devices with cast iron heat exchangers, which we have already reviewed on the website, in this article we will look at several more popular models that you can buy to heat your country house.

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Floor-standing cast iron solid fuel boiler "Lamborghini"

The Italian household solid fuel boiler Lamborghini WBL is a prominent representative of devices with a cast iron sectional heat exchanger. The manufacturer produces low-power models from 12 to 50 kW. In addition to using coal and firewood, it is possible to install a burner to run on diesel fuel.

Photo 3: Cast iron heating boiler with a Lamborghini water circuit

Among the main advantages of the Lamborghini WBL solid fuel boiler are:

  • Stacked sectional heat exchanger made of a special cast iron alloy. Its design is made in such a way as to ensure maximum heat removal and thereby high efficiency.
  • Possibility of installing a special burner to operate on diesel fuel. All necessary equipment for installation is supplied included.
  • The spacious firebox makes it possible to use long logs.
  • The boiler is electrically independent; all settings and power adjustments are performed mechanically using an automatic draft regulator.

Main technical characteristics:

The low power of the Lamborghini boiler makes it an ideal device for heating small country houses, and the lack of dependence on the electrical network makes it possible to use it even in areas where power lines have not yet reached.

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Solid fuel heating boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco

Let's consider another cast iron solid fuel boiler "Baxi" of the BPI-Eco series. Their main feature is that they are made of highly ductile cast iron, which reduces the likelihood of cracking upon impact and overheating. There are only 5 standard sizes available with power from 25 to 65 kW. Let us note the main advantages of these devices:

Photo 4: Floor-standing solid fuel cast iron boiler “Baxi”
  • The spacious firebox and wide door make it easy to load large portions of fuel into the boiler, thereby increasing its operating time.
  • The supply of primary air is dosed by a special thermostatic valve. Secondary air is supplied through a special hatch on the door of the loading chamber.
  • A special type of non-combustible thermal insulation increases the fire safety and energy efficiency of the boiler.
  • The spacious and easy-to-remove ash tray makes cleaning easy.

Main characteristics of the solid fuel boiler "Baxi" BPI-Eco:

It is worth noting that all imported cast iron boilers are structurally and visually similar to each other. For example, in one of our previous reviews, we looked at one, which is very similar to the BPI-Eco model from Baxi.