home · electrical safety · Effective Kemir fertilizer for all types of plants. Instructions for using Fertik fertilizer Mineral fertilizer Kemira potato application

Effective Kemir fertilizer for all types of plants. Instructions for using Fertik fertilizer Mineral fertilizer Kemira potato application

To obtain good harvest For potatoes, farmers use various fertilizers for the soil, which saturate it with the missing components. Fertika (formerly Kemira) is a new generation mineral fertilizer that does not contain chlorine, which is the most the best way affects the growth and development of potatoes.

Kemira - 5 for potatoes: instructions, composition, properties

According to the instructions, this fertilizer can be applied to the soil during preparation, planting and during the growing season of plant growth.

Before, the soil on the site should be dug up properly and fertilized with the main dose of Kemira mineral fertilizer, which is 60-80 g per 1 sq. m. m.

During planting, potato tubers are planted at a distance of 35-40 cm, row spacing is 60-80 cm. The fertilizer rate per plant is 15-20 g, applied lightly under the tuber, while the soil is slightly mixed.

During the growing season, plants loosen the soil. The feeding rate during this period is 30-40 g per 1 sq.m. soil.

Potatoes should be fertilized evenly, carefully distributing the mineral components over the area. It is considered the most rational to apply fertilizers to the soil before or during planting, thus establishing the required ratio of nutrients.

By introducing into the soil what is necessary for potatoes nutrients increases the process of tuberization, increases the starchiness of potatoes, and increases stability during long-term storage.

Feeding plants is a labor-intensive process. It is not easy to understand the modern variety of fertilizers. However, there are time-tested tools that have earned popularity among experienced gardeners and gardeners. One of these drugs is the Kemira fertilizer, which has several variations for targeted effects on a specific crop. This article will discuss the agricultural product “Kemira Potato”.

Finnish Kemira fertilizers appeared in Russia in 1995. These fertilizers differed favorably in composition and versatility, earning recognition from Russian consumers. Since 2011, the company’s assets were transferred to a Norwegian concern, and since then the products have been released under the name “Fertika”.

The developers have created several types of feeding:

  1. Universal.
  2. Luxury
  3. Combi.
  4. Agro Fertika.
  5. Floral.
  6. Autumn.
  7. Potato 5.

Potato fertilizer “Fertika NPK” is produced in the form of granules, packaged in bags with a capacity of 2.5 to 40 kg.

The drug contains three main elements in the following percentage ratio:

  • nitrogen – 10.7;
  • phosphorus – 8.7;
  • potassium – 16.

The ratio of components is selected in such a way as to increase crop yield from 30 to 50%, improve taste qualities and increase starch content.

In addition to plant nutrition necessary substances The product stimulates the growth and formation of tubers.

Benefits of fertilizer

Fertika plant nutrition products are modern, high-quality preparations developed taking into account the properties of the soil and environmental needs. The advantages of the product are:

  1. significantly increases crop yields;
  2. reduces the content of nitrates and other undesirable components;
  3. does not contain chlorine, therefore non-toxic to people and plants;
  4. products can be used as root and foliar feeding and combine with watering;
  5. allows you to simultaneously introduce many useful elements;
  6. ensures safety and convenience during application.

How to use Kemira fertilizer for potatoes

The fertika (kemira) complex is applied when preparing the soil, when planting potatoes and throughout the growing season.

Application rates

The loading dose of the drug is administered during digging and is 50-70 g per 1 m2. When planting potatoes, add 15-20 g of fertilizer to each hole, mixing it with the soil so that the tubers do not come into contact with the granules.

Treatment planting material solution in preparation for planting allows you to reduce the time from the beginning of the growing season to the emergence of seedlings and the beginning of flowering.

Hilling of potatoes is carried out for the first time when the sprouts reach a height of 10-15 cm, and again when the rows are closed. Kemira (Fertika) is applied during these periods at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 m2. The granules are scattered around the bushes and then embedded in the soil. After the planting procedure, the future potatoes should be watered.

You can apply the drug in the form of a solution at a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter of water by foliar method, spraying the composition over the seedlings.

Deadlines for depositing

The first application of the drug is made in early spring: As soon as the soil dries and stops sticking to the shovel. The granules are evenly scattered over the surface and dug up.

The timing of the second and subsequent feedings depends on climatic conditions specific region. In the south, planting takes place in April, and in middle lane at the latitude of Moscow - in May, application during hilling - in June and July, respectively.

Precautions when working with fertilizer

Fertika preparations are relatively safe to use, but standard safety rules must be followed:

  • strictly follow the recommendations on the packaging, do not violate the proportions;
  • prepare the solution in plastic dishes, use it immediately after preparation;
  • Apply fertilizers in dry form only to wet soil;
  • do not use the products more often than once every 10 days;
  • spray the drug in a respirator, use protective gloves and goggles;
  • Upon completion of work, wash your hands and face with soap, and also wash the dishes with detergent.

If you follow these simple rules, the result will definitely be positive.

Estimated prices for fertilizer Kemira (Fertik)

You can order the product “Kemira” in Moscow with delivery, the cost of 5 kg in this case will be approximately 400 rubles.

Instead of the “Potato Fertika” variety, you can use the “Universal” product, which is also suitable for the tuber in question. Buy this product in Moscow you can get 400 rubles. / 5 kg.

Kemira (Fertik) preparations are one of the best modern fertilizers. They are made according to European standards and meet all the requirements of the modern market.

Many farmers and gardeners spend mineral supplements crops, fruit and berry trees, shrubs and flowers. Due to this, the harvest becomes better and more abundant. There are different variations of such fertilizers on sale. AND place of honor Kemira ranks among them. The article will tell you what Kemira fertilizer is and how to use it.

Most gardeners are familiar with Kemir mineral fertilizers. This product is on Russian market appeared in the 90s. The range is quite wide and includes both universal and targeted mixtures.

There are the following varieties:

The composition of Kemira fertilizer is absolutely harmless. Contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements, without which it is impossible to achieve full growth of flora representatives. There are no harmful components, no
For example, heavy metals, chlorine. The granules do not form dust and do not cake. It is allowed to feed shrubs with this preparation vegetable crops, fruit trees, flowers, ornamental plants. The product has a positive effect on growth, flowering and development.

The use of Kemira fertilizer gives the following effect:

  1. Increased yield.
  2. Improving product quality.
  3. Increases the shelf life of collected fruits and berries.
  4. Does not cause nitrate deposits in plants.

Where to buy Kemira universal fertilizer?

Kemira universal fertilizer is sold in any garden stores and supermarkets. The packaging design is bright and evokes positive emotions, attracting the buyer’s eye. This brand produced by Finnish manufacturers. In Russia, this product is manufactured under license. However, if you wish, it is possible to purchase Finnish products in online stores.

The product is packaged thoughtfully, which allows it to be used sparingly. For example, Kemira Lux mineral fertilizer is available in bags of 20 and 100 grams. And potato granules are offered in bags from 2.5 to 40 kilograms. Thus, you can buy a product for testing to treat one hundred square meters or an entire plantation.

How to use Kemira?

Each type of Kemira mixture has its own application characteristics. Most often, summer residents choose the Luxury category. Therefore, we will consider the use of Kemira Lux fertilizer in more detail.

The product is usually granular. But there is also a liquid form. The validity period is quite long. Ideal for fruit, perennial and bulbous crops. The effectiveness of use is higher than after treatment with other mineral agrochemicals.

When to fertilize?

Fertilizer is used in the initial stage of plant development.

Lux is often used to improve seed germination. For example, if you water petunia seeds planted in the ground with such a solution and then maintain the humidity at optimal level, seedlings will appear much faster. The plant will be strong and will actively grow green mass.

In what quantity?

The application rate of Kemira Lux for cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers is 1-1.5 kg/m3. House flowers, except succulents, are treated at the rate of 0.5-1 kg per cubic meter. For seedlings, the norm is 0.7-1.7 kg/m3, and for greens and lettuce 0.7-0.9 kg/m3.

Reviews about Kemira are mostly positive. Many years of practice show that the product is highly effective. However, to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to apply fertilizer correctly.

  • Work only with protective gloves and a respirator. Chemical agent cannot be completely safe, so precautions are essential.
  • Use the solution immediately after preparation. IN finished form The mixture must not be stored. Many fertilizers are used once a week. It is required to strictly adhere to the dosage specified by the manufacturer.
  • During preparation, you should adhere to the following proportion: for 20 grams of powder you need 20 liters of water. Exceeding the specified concentration is fraught. When carrying out foliar feeding, it will be enough to dissolve 10 grams of dry matter in 10 liters of liquid.
  • Prepare a solution in a plastic container.

What are the advantages of Kemira?

All complex fertilizers Kemira are characterized by a balanced composition.

Finnish enterprises use a formula in production that allows them to guarantee the successful growth of crops. It also helps improve the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Complex mineral fertilizers Kemira Universal, Lux, Plus and other varieties have the following advantages:

The process of potato tuberization is accompanied by intensive absorption of nutrients from the soil by the seedlings. But even black soil is not able to fully provide a culture with everything it needs for active development. chemical elements. To achieve high yield of your own acres, you should not only cultivate the plots correctly, but also actively use fertilizers for potatoes when planting them.

What kind of “feeding” is best suited for potatoes, the specifics of using its various types will become the subject of conversation.

  • Try the fertilizers listed below. If the cultivated area is large, then it is advisable to divide it into parts and use one for each segment. Based on the results of the first couple of years, it will be possible to come to the conclusion what exactly is the most effective feeding in local conditions.
  • Ask experienced gardeners in their region, how they solve the problem of potato fertilization.
  • According to the general opinion of those who independently grew this crop, The best decision– complex fertilization technique. This means that it is necessary to use both organic and mineral compounds for feeding.

It is necessary to understand that only over time, on personal experience you can be sure what should be used and what has no practical benefit. Even if the tubers are large, it is not a fact that the potatoes were a success. Wateriness, taste - all this requires its own evaluation.

Types of fertilizers for potatoes


It is believed that the application of such fertilizers allows the plots to be watered less frequently. If they are far outside the city, and even in the wasteland, then the problem of water delivery is quite acute. Many gardeners do not do this at all, relying entirely on natural irrigation - rain.


You should start with him. And not only for the reason that many gardeners practice adding such organic matter to the soil. The question of the appropriateness of using manure causes a lot of controversy. This technology has both obvious adherents and irreconcilable opponents. Let's sum up all the opinions.


  • Availability.
  • This fertilizer will be free; owners of livestock in the private sector will also be grateful for help in disposal.
  • The application of manure almost doubles the yield. It helps retain moisture in the soil, makes it soft, and enriches it with oxygen.


  • The probability of introducing cockchafer larvae into the soil along with manure.
  • The risk of potato cancer and scab appearing on tubers.


This representative of the group of organic fertilizers has no opponents. The only thing that requires clarification is that not just any ash is used, but wood ash. Its additional attractiveness is that, in addition to the function of replenishing nutrients, it provides reliable protection tubers from various biological pests.

Green manure

This is the name of some representatives of the flora - peas, sweet clover, lupine and the like. The plant mass is simply plowed into the ground or with a tractor.

Application of organics

It is applied to the soil in the fall, before preparing the site for winter. Organic fertilizers are scattered over the top, approximately in the amount of a bucket per hundred square meters. Additionally, when planting potatoes, pour a little more of the selected product into the holes, and add a small layer of soil on top. In principle, the technology is simple and understandable.

In addition to manure, effective organic fertilizers are bird droppings, humus, peat. The method of application to the soil is identical.

Feature of organics

She is somewhat “inert”. It means that nutrients It takes some time for them to be converted into a form suitable for potatoes. Therefore, emphasis is placed on its primary (autumn) application.

Mineral fertilizers

The given dosage is approximate - in kg/area.

  • Potassium sulfate – 2.
  • Superphosphate – 1.

These fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall.

  • Nitroammophoska – 3.
  • Ammonium nitrate – 1.
  • Urea – 1.
  • Nitrophoska – 5.

Application - spring fertilizer soil.

Complex formulations

In specialized retail outlets will offer different kinds fertilizers, including for potatoes. It is pointless to go through the entire assortment without knowing all the features of the climate and a specific area. But we should dwell on the most interesting compositions from the point of view of increasing productivity.


According to most gardeners, this is one of the most the best fertilizers for potatoes.


  • If the product is in dry form, then during planting on the hole (under the tuber) - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • The solution is prepared at the rate of 50 g/10 l. They water the already dug hole.

Price – 58 rubles per 2 liter package.

"Kemira" (potato)

Several types of formulations are sold under this brand. Fertilizer for potatoes is different high efficiency, but is quite expensive. Apply three times.

  • In autumn – 75 g/m².
  • Before planting - about 20 g per hole.
  • During the potato growing season – 35 (±5) g.

Price – from 365 rubles per 5 kg package.

  • If you are growing potatoes seriously, and not at random, as most gardeners do, then you should take some land from the plot and do a laboratory chemical/analysis of it (the cost of this service is low). It will immediately become clear what substances the soil is poor in. It is the fertilizers of this group that should be chosen first.
  • When applying fertilizers, it is necessary to observe the measure. Their excess can have the opposite effect - reduce potato yields.
  • This does not relate directly to the topic of fertilizers, but it does help increase productivity. Before planting potatoes (which not everyone knows about, and those in the know often ignore), they are treated with prepared (or purchased) solutions. They must contain elements such as copper, manganese, boric acid. This stimulates the production of vitamin C in the tubers.

The solution is prepared from substances taken in a proportion of 0.5 g/1 l. Tubers for planting are kept in it for about 2.5 - 3 hours.

And finally - for a novice gardener when choosing suitable fertilizer for potatoes you should stop at wood ash. As you gain experience, you can practice adding more complex compositions to the soil.

In early spring, fertilizer is evenly scattered in a dose of 60-80 g per square meter on an area intended for growing potatoes. m and dig up the soil to the depth of a bayonet shovel, carefully removing weed rhizomes. When applying complex granular fertilizer, a reserve of all necessary nutrients is created in the soil, which is smoothly used by plants during the growing season to create a harvest.

Upon landing

Fertilizer for potatoes can be applied in another way - into the holes when planting tubers. In this case, the application rate is 15-20 g per plant. The soil is mixed with fertilizer to prevent direct contact of tubers and granules. This method of application significantly improves the nutrition of potatoes both at the initial and subsequent stages of growth.

During the growing season

During the growing season, hilling is carried out twice - at a seedling height of 10 cm and before closing the rows. At the same time, the plants are fed. Application rate – 30-40 g per square meter. m of soil. Fertilizing is carried out with dry fertilizer in moist soil. Fertilizer is distributed around the bush and carefully incorporated into the soil.