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Entomological examination. Epidemiological survey Who can conduct an entomological survey

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation
Russian Federation


Entomological methods research
soils of populated areas
for availability preimaginal stages
synanthropic flies



Moscow 2010

2. Recommended for approval by the Commission on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards under the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare (protocol dated December 3, 2009 No. 3).

3. Approved by the Head Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko July 9, 2010

4. Entered into force from the moment of approval.

5. From the moment of introduction of these guidelines, paragraphs 1 - 4, 6, paragraph 2 of Appendix 6 of MU No. 28-6/3 of the Ministry of Health of the USSR “Methodological guidelines for the control of flies”, approved on January 27, 1984, are considered invalid. M., 1985.


Entomological research methods
soils of populated areas
for the presence of preimaginal stages of synanthropic flies


The development of the embryo in the egg, depending on the temperature of the substrate, occurs within 8 - 25 hours. After hatching from the eggs, the larvae quickly penetrate into the thickness of the substrate and concentrate in the areas most favorable for them. As the larvae develop, they grow and molt 3 times. At a substrate temperature of 30 - 40 °C, the development of larvae ends within 4 - 5 days, at 20 - 25 °C - 7 - 9 days, at 16 - 18 °C - 12 - 18 days. Before pupation, the larva stops feeding and crawls into cool and dry layers of the substrate or loose soil surrounding the waste at a distance of up to 2 m. If the area on which the waste bins (waste) are located is paved or tightly compacted, then the larvae can crawl at a distance of 3 - 5 m or more and burrow into loose soil to a depth of 10 - 20 cm. About 20% of the larvae migrate into the soil surrounding the cold substrate, into the soil around high-temperature waste (manure) and from liquid waste - more than 95% of the larvae. Most often, pupae are found in soil at a temperature of 18 - 25 ° C and a humidity of 20 - 40%. The development of housefly pupae at a substrate temperature of 20 - 25 °C lasts 8 - 9 days, at 16 - 18 °C - 13-19 days, blowflies at a substrate temperature of 20 - 25 °C - 7 - 8 days. At favorable conditions temperature and humidity of the substrate, the development of pupae can end within 3 - 4 days. On average, the total duration of development of all preimaginal stages (from egg to adult), depending on temperature, substrate humidity and type of flies, is 10 - 13 days at 30 °C, and more than 30 days at 16 - 18 °C.

Rice. 1. Stages of housefly development Musca domestica. 1 - eggs; 2 - larva
3rd age; 3 - pupa; 4 - newborn fly; 5 - adult fly (male);
6 - frontal bladder; 7 - unexpanded wings; 8 and 9 - oral
hooks and anterior spiracles of the larva; 10 - posterior spiracles

Inside the pupa, the process of transformation (metamorphosis) of the larva into an winged fly occurs. The exit of newborn flies through the soil layer depends on the density of the soil: up to 90% of flies pass through dry sand, and no more than 10% of flies pass through wet sand (10% humidity). Newborn flies overcome a layer of dry sand up to 150 cm thick. garden soil more difficult for flies to pass through than sand. A layer of soil of 30 cm is overcome by 80% of newborn flies, a layer of soil of 50 cm is overcome by only a few. Compacting the soil can reduce the number of flies that hatch. The emerging flies are capable of flight within 1 - 1.5 hours; their body coverings dry out and their wings spread. They either remain near waste accumulations or fly away to feeding areas and can travel distances of up to 10 km or more. The lifespan of flies in summer is 1 - 1.5 months. During this period, female flies can lay eggs 6 or more times.

In temperate climates, synanthropic species of flies overwinter in the adult stage in cool rooms, falling into rigor mortis. They become active again when the air temperature rises to 6 - 10 °C. The bulk of the fly population overwinters in the pupal stage. Larvae of the 3rd instar overwinter in rotted layers of waste, manure, soil near accumulations of waste, often at a depth of 25 - 50 cm. Flies emerge from overwintered pupae in March-May, during the period when the average daily temperature of the soil (waste) is 7 - 10 days rises to 11 - 14 °C. IN southern regions The breeding of flies in warm years is also possible in winter.

III. Research methods and sampling

3.1. The survey program is determined by the goals and objectives of the study, taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the area.

3.2. First of all, the territories of medical and preventive, educational, children's institutions, food enterprises, residential complexes, recreation areas, irrigation and sewage disposal fields are inspected. Sanitary and entomological surveys must accompany sanitary surveys of populated areas, carried out as part of routine sanitary supervision, and are mandatory during control at waste neutralization and disposal sites. Sampling locations are marked on a schematic map reflecting the structure of the location of objects in the area. In a city, you can limit yourself to a list of addresses of objects.

3.3. Entomological assessment the sanitary condition of the soil of a populated area is carried out through systematic examination and sampling of waste accumulations and the soil around them. IN middle lane In Russia, inspection of potential fly breeding sites should be carried out once every 10-15 days, starting from the second decade of May to the third ten-day period of September, when the outside air temperature consistently exceeds 8-10 °C. In the southern regions, surveys of fly breeding sites are carried out regularly, starting from the third ten days of April to the first - second ten days of October (depending on the weather conditions of the year).

3.4. Sampling is carried out selectively, 3 to 5 samples per area of ​​100 m2, at least 10 samples in total over the area of ​​the planned construction (mass of the combined sample is 1 kg). Soil samples are taken with a shovel (spatula) from an area of ​​20x20 cm to a depth of 10 cm directly at the waste collection sites themselves and at a distance of up to 1 - 1.5 m around the perimeter. In early spring and late autumn, samples should be taken at a depth of at least 20 cm to detect overwintering fly pupae.

3.5. The number of larvae and pupae should also be counted in waste piles (compost), from where the larvae migrate into the soil. At 5 - 6 points along the perimeter of the object they are thrown upper layer waste (manure, soil) and visually determine the presence of fly larvae and pupae. The most accurate method is to take samples into a cuvette and count larvae (pupae) on average per 1 cuvette (20×15 cm), or per 1 half-liter jar. Since larvae (pupae) are unevenly distributed in the substrate (soil), samples taken from 5 - 6 points in one object represent the average number of preimaginal stages of flies colonizing the substrate. You can count the larvae per 1 kg of taken substrate. It is necessary to use a single sampling method in all examined objects, counting larvae and pupae.

3.6. The substrate with the larvae (pupae) in it is placed in vessels (plastic glasses, jars), covered with calico napkins and secured with rubber bands. Samples are labeled and recorded in a sampling log. The samples are transferred to the laboratory and left until the flies hatch. Subsequently, the species composition of hatched flies is determined. This data is necessary to characterize the sanitary and entomological state of the soil (waste) in different areas and objects of the settlement. When taking samples, it is necessary to record the temperature of those layers of waste from which samples are taken and the temperature of the outside air.

3.7. Twice during the fly season, a mass survey of potential fly breeding sites is carried out. For these purposes, the number of objects examined is increased by 3-5 times, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the degree of contamination of the soil of various objects by fly larvae (pupae) and to assess the sanitary and entomological condition of the entire settlement and its individual sections (neighborhoods).

IV. Assessment of sanitary and entomological indicators of soil in populated areas

4.1. The number of larvae and pupae in the sample is visually recorded using the following scale:

larvae and pupae are absent

single (up to 10 copies in a sample)

meet in dozens

found in hundreds

When taking into account the population of the soil, using weight indicators, calculate per 1 kg of substrate:

These indicators are evaluation criterion sanitary and entomological condition of soil (waste) in a populated area (facilities).

4.2. Based on all samples taken in one object, the average number (abundance) of larvae and separately pupae per sample in the object is calculated. When determining the general sanitary and entomological condition of a settlement (neighborhood), an occurrence criterion is established, i.e. percentage of places (plots, yards, objects, etc.) in the soil of which fly larvae and/or pupae were found.

4.3. The results of the examination are recorded in a special journal, which indicates the date of the examination, the characteristics of the object in which the examination was carried out, the place where the sample was taken (garbage bin, compost, landfill, etc.), type of substrate, air (substrate) temperature, number of larvae and pupae in the sample. When flies hatch in the laboratory - their species composition (app.).

4.4. The obtained materials are summarized, analyzed and a retrospective forecast of the entomological situation regarding synanthropic flies in the populated area is compiled. These materials are the basis for planning sanitary and extermination measures.

V. Precautions

5.1. Workers counting the number of pre-imaginal stages of flies and taking substrate samples must be provided with special clothing: a robe or overalls, a headscarf (cap), rubber gloves. To protect the respiratory system, use gauze bandages or respirators.

5.2. Staff must be provided with detergents and towels.

5.3. During the inspection of fly breeding sites, it is not allowed to smoke, drink, or eat.

5.4. After the examination, the protective clothing is removed and ventilated. Wash when soiled in a soap-soda solution. After the examination, the face and hands are thoroughly washed with soap. Cuvettes, tweezers and other equipment, gloves are thoroughly washed after work. hot water with soap (soda).

VI. Equipment you need to have to conduct surveys

1. Overalls, gloves, gauze bandages, respirators - according to the number of workers.

2. Enameled (plastic) cuvette - 2.

3. Different tweezers - 3.

4. Air thermometers - 3.

5. Scissors - 2.

6. Sterile and non-sterile cotton wool - 150 g.

7. Sterile and non-sterile bandages - 3.

8. Towels-2.

10. Soda ash - 200 g.

11. Plastic vessels (glasses) - 50 pcs.

12. Notebooks (magazines) - 2.

How to find out if there are ticks on summer cottage? In order to make sure that they are absent, it is necessary to check the area for tick infestation at least twice - before and after. Ticks on the territory of the dacha can be detected by catching ticks with a white flag.

Whether they need to be stained and how effective the treatment was - this test will show.

So, you should go to the site for monitoring no earlier than 3-5 days after treatment. Take care of your own safety first. You should not go into potentially dangerous territory unprepared. Be sure to get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis. Exposed areas of the body are usually sprayed with an aerosol or tick spray to prevent bites. However, it makes sense to apply repellents only to clothing; when treating the body, the effect is not achieved due to the odor of sweat. When going along the survey route, it is better not to use tick repellents at all, as this may interfere with an objective check. When entering a potentially tick-infested area, tightly cover all parts of your body with clothing, leaving your forearms and neck exposed, your hair should be tucked under a hat, and your trouser legs should be tucked into long socks. It is best to dress in white or at least a plain color, so that when inspecting your clothes later it will be easy to spot a tick on it. A white jumpsuit with a hood and rubber boots are quite suitable. An anti-encephalitis suit will also provide excellent protection.

Here's how to collect and count the number of ticks step by step:

The tick attached to the canvas is removed with tweezers (clamp) and placed in a container specially prepared for this purpose. Use a plastic container for biomaterials, which is sold at the pharmacy.

The laboratory will not accept insects or mites in other containers, so use only the recommended one. Once the caught tick is inside, screw the lid tightly. The container should be submitted for laboratory testing to the local Federal Budgetary Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology", be sure to take your passport with you (to conclude an agreement). The service is paid, and its cost depends on the specific region and on what kind of conclusion you request. In order to find out the type of tick, you should order a species determination; to check for infection with viruses, ixodid ticks are tested for infection with Borrelia. In the whole country, the cost of these services ranges from 400-700 rubles per specimen.

Features of collecting and recording the number of ticks. Efficiency calculation

The site must be surveyed in such a way as to cover the entire treated area with the route and cover all potential tick habitats. The survey route must be at least 500 meters. If there are paths on the dacha site, or there is a network of forest paths outside it, it is necessary to check the vegetation along them with special care.

It is more effective to count ticks, as well as treat them, during the hours of their maximum seasonal and daily activity. If the weather is cloudless, then in the period from 10 to 12 hours, as soon as the dew has dried, in the afternoon it is preferable to go around the area from 17 to 20 hours. On a particularly hot day, it is better to start and finish the morning walk around the site earlier, but the evening walk, respectively, later. On a cloudy day, the check can be carried out at any time starting from 11 o'clock. The main rule is to arrive before dark.

The results of the preliminary inspection will indicate whether a full treatment of the area for ticks is worth it or whether it is not necessary. On hot days, one flag walk may not be enough, so it is best to repeat the walk at least once more during the week. Some individuals may rest and hide deep in the litter. In order for the check to be as objective as possible, it should be carried out on the eve of maximum tick activity - late April, early May. Carrying out another test after the treatment allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the first, drawing the appropriate conclusions - whether repeated treatment is necessary or you can do without it. The efficiency of work is usually calculated using the following formula:

Efficiency (%) = 100 - A3 / A0 * 100,

where A3 is the number of caught or attached ticks (larvae or adults) within the area 3 days after treatment; A0 is the same indicator before processing.

The residual number of ticks should not exceed 0.5 specimens per 1 hour (10 acres) of continuous flag counting. According to established standards, the following indicators of the number of ixodid ticks for the same area are applied: very high - over 100 copies, high - 50-100, increased - 10-50, low - 1-10, very low - less than 1 copy. If the number of ticks is more than 3 copies, the treatment is repeated. Treatment is considered effective if 100% of ticks die.

If the efficiency is less than 95%, you should investigate and be sure to re-treat

Epidemiological survey is a method of epidemiology used to study the causes and spread of infectious diseases, identifying the most effective measures to eliminate them.

Objectives of the epidemiological survey: identifying the source(s) of infection and probable ways of its spread, determining the state of collective immunity, assessing the sanitary condition of an apartment, house, settlement, identifying social, natural and household factors that contributed to the emergence and spread of diseases, choosing the most effective measures to elimination of emerging diseases in a given specific situation, as well as to prevent the spread of diseases from a given epidemic focus (see Epidemic focus).

An epidemiological examination is usually carried out by an epidemiologist or a paramedic. In some cases, hygienists (evaluation of water, food products), zoologists and entomologists (in the presence of natural focal diseases) may also be involved in an epidemiological survey.

Laboratory studies during epidemiological examinations make it possible to identify bacteria carriers, contamination of water, household items and kitchen utensils, and in case of zoonotic infections - contamination of animals. Entomological studies make it possible to establish the types and prevalence of living vectors of infection (insects and ticks). Finally, an epizootological survey makes it possible to identify among animals (wild and domestic).

When conducting an epidemiological survey, an epidemiological survey card is filled out; the form of such cards is approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The epidemiological survey card must contain a passport part, where, in particular, the nature of the work should be noted if the disease can be linked to production. The epidemiological history (where and under what circumstances the infection could have occurred) is of great importance in the chart. Further, the map reflects the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

A correctly and thoughtfully conducted epidemiological survey allows not only to establish the sources and routes of spread of infection in each specific case, but also to draw up a reasonable plan of measures to eliminate diseases, to prevent their further spread and to prevent recurrence of diseases.

Epidemiological survey is the most important part scientific method epidemiology; is used when studying the focus of an infectious disease in order to determine the source of infections, factors of transmission of infectious origins in specific conditions, as well as the possibility of the emergence of new diseases.

An epidemiological examination of an infectious disease outbreak includes: interviewing the patient and all persons who can provide epidemiologically valuable information regarding the outbreak; laboratory examination of the patient, surrounding persons and objects environment; sanitary inspection of the outbreak; where necessary, determining the presence and number of vectors; for zoonoses clarification species composition and the number of rodents; long-term observation of the outbreak.

When interviewing the patient and those around him, they ask next questions: whether the patient’s relatives, workmates, or those living in the same apartment or house had the same or similar diseases; did the patient have to travel anywhere before becoming ill; if the patient is a visitor, then where and when he arrived; his profession and other activities; whether he participated in the slaughter of livestock, caring for animals, washing other people’s clothes, etc.; did not visit patients in the hospital or at home; where and how he ate; whether he was injured, bitten by animals, etc. It is very important to find out during the interview the day the disease began. When conducting a survey, knowledge of the epidemic situation in the area, as well as awareness of infectious diseases in neighboring areas and regions, helps.

Following the survey, depending on the nature of the disease, it is possible and advisable to conduct laboratory research. Material for microbiological (or virological) studies can be taken from the patient, from those around him healthy people(and sometimes animals) from environmental objects.

A mandatory microbiological examination of the patient is carried out in cases where the diagnosis is established solely on the basis of clinical data, in cases of a presumptive diagnosis (a disease suspected of being infectious), or in cases where there is doubt about the accuracy of the established diagnosis.

Persons who interacted with the patient are subjected to bacteriological examination to identify those infected by the patient or carriers of the infection.

The objects of laboratory examination most often are feces, urine, sputum, pus, blood, mucus from the throat, vomit, discharge from ulcerated surfaces of the skin or mucous membranes, etc. Sometimes material taken from a corpse can be examined (excision of a section of intestine with its contents, blood from the heart, pieces of the liver and spleen, lymph nodes, etc.).

The variety of objects of research requires knowledge of the technique of taking material, the procedure for storing it and sending it. All this is described in special manuals on laboratory techniques.

Laboratory research of objects external environment carried out to identify factors for the spread of infection.

Thus, in cases where a water outbreak is suspected, the water from the corresponding water source is examined. In case of food poisoning, food remains must be examined. It is often necessary to examine raw materials of animal origin (skin, wool) if diseases have arisen in the relevant industries.

Sometimes it is necessary to examine certain groups of the population or animals for contamination (tuberculin test, mallein test) or for susceptibility (Schick skin test, Dick skin test, Burnet reaction, tularin skin test, etc.).

During a sanitary inspection of the outbreak, first of all, attention is paid to the nature of the dwellings (individual or communal apartment, dormitory, etc.), population density, number of children, and their age. Evaluate sanitary condition housing, the maintenance and nature of latrines, the sanitary skills of residents. The nature of the drinking water supply is determined, the sanitary condition of water supply sources, nutritional conditions, etc. are assessed. For intestinal infections, the presence of flies, their numbers, breeding sites, etc. are determined; in case of malaria, mosquito breeding sites, as well as their wintering and day-time sites. For other vector-borne diseases, the species composition of vectors (insects and ticks), their numbers, and habitats are determined.

In case of zoonotic infectious diseases, an epizootological examination is also carried out. In this case, information about diseases among animals can most often be obtained from the veterinary service. In some cases, epidemiologists have to conduct laboratory examinations of animals themselves. In case of plague, tularemia, zoonotic encephalitis, hemorrhagic fevers, etc., the sanitary-epidemiological service studies the species composition of rodents, their numbers and the presence of epizootics.

For chronic infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases, epidemiological examination takes the form of medical examination.

The ultimate task of an epidemiological survey is to synthesize the information obtained and develop measures aimed at eliminating the outbreak.

In case of epidemic outbreaks of infectious diseases and the emergence of an epidemic, with the help of an epidemiological survey, their causes are established and the most appropriate system of anti-epidemic measures is developed. During an epidemiological survey, they are usually guided by a map of the epidemiological survey of the outbreak (forms No. 171, 171a, 1716, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 16/VII 1954).

Currently, the term “epidemiological survey” is also applied to some non-infectious widespread diseases (tumors, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). At the same time, the task of an epidemiological survey is to study the nature of the spread of these diseases in different countries peace among different peoples. Much attention focuses on the spread of tumors (see Tumors, epidemiology).


MUK 4.2.1479-03 Entomological methods for collecting and identifying insects and mites - pests of food supplies and non-food raw materials

1.1. These Guidelines establish the basic methods for entomological research of food raw materials, food products, as well as products made from animal skins and bird feathers to identify harmful arthropods (insects and mites) found in them.

1.2. The guidelines contain methods for detecting, collecting and identifying insects and mites, brief characteristics main representatives, information on their economic and medical significance, identification tables, drawings, basic requirements for carrying out preventive and protective measures.

1.3. The guidelines are intended for entomological specialists from bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating in in the prescribed manner on entomological research.

Ticks and insects are pests of food supplies; they not only cause economic damage, but also have significant medical significance, which persists even after extermination measures and the death of pests.

Infestation of food raw materials and food products by arthropod pests is one of the indicators of sanitary and epidemiological problems. Determination of pest infestation must be carried out during mandatory certification of grain, legume seeds, sunflower, soybeans, cotton, corn, flax, mustard, rapeseed, peanuts and grain processing products (flour, cereals, flakes, by-products of the flour-grinding industry), as well as when certification of bakery and pasta products.

The enormous economic importance of arthropods - pests of stocks - is determined by a complex of reasons. Firstly, this is the wealth of species, many of which have a wide, even worldwide distribution, associated with their transfer by humans over long distances along with food and various loads. Secondly, the ability to colonize a wide variety of substrates, especially food products- grain, flour, cereals, dried fruits, onions, vegetables, wines, animal products (dried and dried fish, seafood, raw smoked sausages, cheeses), feed, hay, accumulations of various plant residues, medicinal raw materials, as well as storage areas, vehicles, etc. Thirdly, the ability, especially characteristic of ticks, to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions and produce outbreaks of mass reproduction of the “population explosion” type, reaching short time huge numbers.

The most favorable for stock pests are products in which, as a result of improper storage, rotting processes begin, leading to an increase in temperature, humidity and the development of mold. Getting into grain, products of its processing and other suitable substrates, arthropod pests not only feed on them, but contaminate them with molt skins, bodies of dead individuals, cobwebs and excrement, especially during mass reproduction. At the same time, the humidity and temperature of the substrate increase even more, and the conditions for the development of microflora and the existence of arthropods improve. Insects and mites themselves serve as mechanical carriers of various molds and bacteria. The development of mold promotes the proliferation of arthropods that feed on the reserves and the microflora developing on them, which further contaminates the products. The waste products of some groups of pests contribute to the colonization of stocks by other pests. Thus, it has been experimentally proven that wet excrement of moth and moth caterpillars attracts barn mites.

In addition to losses associated directly with spoilage of products, mass reproduction of insects can cause failure of various components production equipment. For example, caterpillars of the genus Ephestia, multiplying in huge numbers in production premises with high temperatures, chew through sieves and clog the pipes through which products flow with their web nests, causing the need to suspend production to replace sieves and carry out work to clean production lines.

It has been proven that widespread grain pests, barn weevils and flour beetles, as well as products contaminated by them, are sources of allergens and often cause diseases such as atopic bronchial asthma and allergic rhino-conjunctivitis. It is known that the excrement of all insects is poisonous due to the uric acid salts that impregnate them and cause gastrointestinal disorders. Toxic substances contained in the body of some beetles and caterpillars, when in contact with the skin, cause various dermatitis, and on the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Granary and rice weevils contain cantharidin, a tetrahydrofuran derivative that causes skin and mucous membrane irritation, vomiting, headache and seizures. The most severe poisoning occurs in children. Products contaminated with grains or black mealworms, which have a pungent odor, even after removing these insects, cause acute gastrointestinal disorders. Cheese fly larvae pose a danger to human health when they enter the intestines along with products contaminated by them, where the larvae for a long time remain viable and cause the formation of ulcers of the intestinal wall. The symptoms resemble typhus. The cause of allergic and other diseases can be not only the arthropods themselves - pests of stocks, but also a variety of microorganisms that live in their body and on the integument. It has been proven that when grain and flour are infected by insects, favorable conditions are created for the development of Bacillus mesentericus, which causes the so-called “stretchiness of bread.” Eating such bread can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

When conducting surveys and drawing up reports, it is necessary to take into account the results given in previous reports. In this case, you should pay attention not only to living pests, but also to the so-called “trash impurity”, consisting of the products of their vital activity, dead arthropods, as well as to species of arthropods that are not pests inhabiting the reserves. Not only the supplies themselves are subject to inspection, but also their storage places, vehicles, and equipment, since they can serve as sources of contamination of food products by pests.

The survey usually begins with the premises where products are stored (warehouses, storage facilities, etc.). First of all, you should pay attention to possible hiding places for insects and ticks: places that are poorly accessible or generally inaccessible for cleaning, in which food supplies (raw materials) are stored and noted high humidity(cracks and crevices in the floor, walls, partitions, floor under stairs, shelving, etc.). In all inspected places, samples of dust, spilled seeds and other products, plant residues, and various debris must be collected. Similarly, inspection of containers, equipment, warehouse equipment, agricultural machinery, Vehicle. The inspection of products begins with inspection of the surface of the bags, places of contact with adjacent bags, folds and seams (outside and inside), racks and pallets, then samples of the products are taken.

The volume (weight) of samples should be large enough, although this varies depending on the product and the size of the batch being tested. Thus, for grains, legume seeds and their processed products, the weight of the average sample is determined to be 2 kg. The size of samples of dust, debris and other substrates from storage areas, as well as a number of products, is not regulated. However, it should be remembered that in too small a sample (even of an infected substrate) pests, especially insects, may not be detected.

The collected samples are placed in separate polyethylene (or calico) bags, spot samples of one batch of product taken from different places, unite. Sample bags are tightly closed and labeled. The label must indicate the locality, place of storage of the product (address), type of product, manufacturer, time and place of manufacture, batch number, time of receipt at the warehouse, place in the room from which the sample was taken, reason for the examination (according to plan, due to with suspicion possible infection product, certification, according to epidemiological indications, etc.), number of the inspection report, date, name of the collector (examiner).

When carrying out entomological control of products made from down and feathers (pillows, jackets, etc.), from animal wool or products with wool filling (blankets, mattresses), several pieces are selected from a batch of goods for research at the rate of 5 products out of 100. The product is ripped out at the seam 10 - 20 cm and 5 - 10 samples (about 0.3 g each) are taken from different points (from the edges, from the center). The samples are combined, mixed well, and an average sample of 0.1 - 0.3 g is selected for research. For products made from animal skins, the same sample is used - 5 products out of 100.

When examining samples in the laboratory, the data is transferred to special magazine, which then indicates the weight (volume) of the sample, the method of sampling arthropods, and the results of their determination (Appendix 1). Labels and copies of inspection reports are stored as an appendix to the journal.

3.2.1. Samples are examined no later than 2 days after collection. Research methods various types food depend on the product and the nature of the damage. Thus, some pests eat grain only from the outside, while others live and feed inside the grain. Some insects grind holes inside products such as crackers, biscuits, cereal concentrates, etc. These pests can be detected by the nature of the damage, excrement and when grinding the product under study. A distinction is made between obvious and hidden contamination.

3.2.2. Obvious contamination is determined by sifting through a set of sieves with holes from 2.5 to 0.5 mm in diameter. The substrate that has passed through all the sieves and the residues on the sieves are examined using a 10x magnifying glass or an MBS stereoscopic binocular microscope. If the temperature of the samples under study was below 15 - 18 ° C, then before determining contamination they are heated at 25 - 30 ° C for 10 - 20 minutes until the arthropods begin to move. The substrate must first be viewed against a light background to detect adult insects and some types of mites, and then against a dark background, because colorless and whitish barn mites, insect larvae and pupae are difficult to see against a light background. Special attention You should pay attention to lumps and conglomerates held together by cobwebs: there may be insects inside them. If there are no adult insects, larvae, or their remains (fragments of elytra, limbs, heads, shed larval skins, etc.), it is necessary to check the presence of their excrement. Mites are usually found in the screenings of a fine sieve with holes less than 1 mm.

3.2.3. To detect hidden contamination of products such as grain, peas, beans, nuts, etc., additional research methods are required. Direct inspection can often indicate pest infestation in the product. Suspicious grains (different in color, with whitish grains, duller or with specks) are split along the groove with a razor or scalpel, and the opened grains are examined under a binocular microscope. If external inspection does not yield results, the grains can be separated by specific gravity using flotation. To do this, the sample is placed in a saturated solution of table salt (with a volume ratio of substrate and solution of 1:20), mixed vigorously and allowed to stand for 10 - 15 minutes. At the same time, grains containing adult insects, pupae and large larvae of pests float to the surface. Grains with eggs laid on them or grains containing small larvae of the first instars remain at the bottom along with intact seeds. The floating grains are washed with distilled water, opened and examined using a magnifying glass or an MBS microscope. To detect the site of oviposition and the introduction of pest larvae into grain, special staining with potassium permanganate, iodine solution or potassium iodide is used in accordance with GOST standards.

3.2.4. To identify live mites in a finely dispersed substrate (flour, dust), a small portion of it is placed on paper or in a Petri dish and leveled, pressing it on top with another piece of paper. After some time on flat surface Distinct paths appear - traces of the movement of ticks. In small samples, live, motile mites can be detected by viewing samples in Petri dishes or enamel cuvettes. If ticks are inactive, their selection is significantly faster and simplified due to the activation of ticks by exposure to bright light and elevated temperatures, because moving ticks are easier to notice and collect. The sample is viewed under bright light from a table lamp, spread out thin layer in a ditch. Within 1 - 3 minutes, mites appear on the surface of the sample and along the edges of the cuvette. Selected samples are viewed using a magnifying glass or an MBS microscope.

3.2.5. The most effective method for identifying live mites and small insects in various substrates, even inside seeds, and with minimal labor costs, is the use of a photothermoelector (Fig. 1 - here and further the figures are not shown). The latter is a cone-shaped cardboard or metal funnel (of different sizes), in the upper third equipped with a liner made of metal mesh with cells no more than 1 mm. The eclector is installed in vertical position, attached above it electric lamp 25 - 40 W. They put it under the funnel small capacity(wide bottle, Koch dish or Petri dish), half filled with water (if the inhabitants of the substrate are needed alive) or 70 - 75% alcohol with glycerin (see below). It is convenient to use a penicillin vial, which is attached to the lower, narrow end of the funnel using a rubber nipple, and the diameter of the narrow end of the funnel should be slightly smaller than the opening of the vial or match. The test sample (with a volume of no more than 50 - 70 cubic cm) is placed on the grid. Under the influence of light, as well as as the sample heats up and dries, the arthropods move into deeper layers, while the individuals that were in the grains leave them. Descending lower and lower, they fall through the mesh into a penicillin vial. Sometimes it takes up to 1 - 2 days before the sample dries completely. For parsing large quantity material, a whole battery of eclectors is used, connected together by two slats. IN field conditions with enough high temperature air, you can use camping thermal ejectors, the funnel of which can be easily made from smooth cardboard or whatman paper. Such eclectors are installed (or hung) outdoors during the day in a place protected from wind and sun. A selection of ticks and other arthropods trapped in a penicillin vial is carried out in Petri dishes under a binocular microscope.

3.2.7. The incubation method is used to detect eggs if contamination is suspected. To do this, the test sample is placed in a glass vessel, drawn in with dense mill gas from above and kept in a thermostat at a temperature of 25 ° C and 80% relative humidity for 1 - 2 weeks (for ticks) or at 27 - 32 ° C and the same humidity for at least 1.5 months (for insects). These periods are sufficient to ensure that the sample is contaminated with eggs. Under favorable thermostat conditions, larvae emerge from them, which can be easily detected using a binocular microscope.

3.2.8. The maceration method is convenient for detecting mites in bird feather products. Feather sample or scraping of fine feathers and down from inside tissue (0.3 - 0.5 g) is placed in a test tube or penicillin vial and 3 - 5 ml of 10% caustic alkali is poured (the alkali should completely wet the pen). Take the open vessel with large tweezers and, pointing the neck away from you, hold it, shaking, over the burner flame, gradually bringing the solution to a boil, and boil for no more than 1 - 2 minutes. With such short-term heating, the mite cuticle, egg shells, and excrement balls are not destroyed, but the feather is macerated. The resulting yellow-brown homogeneous liquid is poured into a small Petri dish (if there is too little liquid, it can be diluted with water) and examined under a binocular microscope. Ticks are selected and washed by placing them in a Petri dish or watch glass with water.

3.2.9. When working with all the above methods, mites, insect larvae and pupae are selected using thin eye tweezers, a dissecting needle or brush dipped in water or alcohol. If possible, ticks are placed in preparations directly from the test substrate (see below) to avoid losses of small individuals. If this is not possible, the ticks are placed in a penicillin or other tightly closed small glass vial with a 70 - 75% solution ethyl alcohol. If long-term storage of alcohol preparations is necessary, it is advisable to add a small amount of glycerin (about 5%). Adult insects are stored as is customary in entomological collections. You can keep ticks alive for a short time in a test tube with damp filter paper. In all cases collected material must be provided with a label (location and collection number, substrate, date).

The Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" carried out activities for an entomological survey of the territory of the republic and phenological observation of water bodies.

This year, the average seasonal larval density of malaria mosquitoes in control water bodies was 5 specimens. per 1m2; The average seasonal indicator of the number of adults is 3 specimens per 1 hour of recording. The average seasonal larval density of mosquitoes in control reservoirs was 28 specimens per 1 m2; the number of adults is 19.5 specimens per 1 hour of recording.

The beginning of the effective infectivity season for endophilic mosquitoes in 2014 was May 18; in 2013, it was May 13. During 2014, the entomologist made 8 visits to the water bodies of the republic. 43 reservoirs of the Yashaltinsky, Gorodovikovsky, Iki-Burulsky, Priyutnensky, Tselinny, Lagansky, Oktyabrsky, Malo-Derbetovsky, Ketchenerovsky districts and the city of Elista were covered with their subsequent certification. In total, there are 58 reservoirs registered in the republic with a total physical area of ​​10,290.05 hectares.

In order to identify the species composition of mosquitoes, entomological surveys were carried out using the following methods: catching with a net, exhauster, collecting flying insects with a device and attracting them to light at night. 2 anophelogenic reservoirs with a total area of ​​2 hectares were identified, which is 0.02% of the total area (the Saigachonok pond, Priyutnensky district, and the Chogray reservoir, Iki-Burulsky district).

During current year in the basements of residential buildings in the city of Elista, mosquitoes were collected using an apparatus for sucking flying insects and an exhauster, 36 were examined basements. The number of winged mosquitoes was calculated based on the number of individuals per 1 sq.m. Average density the number was 3.7 copies. per 1 sq.m., maximum value 19 copies. per 1 sq.m.

1288 specimens were collected during field trips and surveys. mosquitoes, of which 1022 rub. Culex, 242 rub. Aedes, 24 rub. Anopheles/

On the basis of the laboratory of especially dangerous viral infections The Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" determined the species composition and further pooled material for testing for the presence of WNV antigen.

780 specimens of ticks were delivered to the laboratory of especially dangerous viral infections of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" for testing for CCHF virus antigen. 96 pools were formed for testing for CCHF antigen. Branches of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kazakhstan” delivered 891 copies. ticks. The effectiveness of disinfestation measures was also assessed.

During the period from March to June 2014. 24 weekly trips were made to a stationary point to collect and monitor the tick abundance index. The entomologist delivered 524 specimens. ticks. The count was carried out based on the number of individuals per 30 heads of cattle and 30 heads of small cattle. The average seasonal abundance indicator for cattle was 0.8, for small cattle - 0.4.

The number of ticks when collected using the “drag” method and on the “flag” was 3.6 individuals/km. route, the distance traveled along the routes was 58 km.

The rodents were combed for the presence of fleas and ticks, followed by testing for tularemia. Fleas of the following species were found on house mice: Ceratophyllus mokrzeckyi - 27 specimens, Leptopsylliasegnis - 35 specimens, as well as ixodid ticks Rh. Sanguineus - 44 specimens, H.Marginatum - 19 specimens, gamasid mites - 43 specimens,