home · Other · How to make furniture for a doll from matchsticks. Master class “Furniture for dolls” (from matchboxes). Doll furniture made from matchboxes

How to make furniture for a doll from matchsticks. Master class “Furniture for dolls” (from matchboxes). Doll furniture made from matchboxes

Matchboxes are an excellent means of creating original crafts. For example, girls can make miniature furniture for their dolls. This will also require paints, brushes, glue, and paper. From matchboxes you can make different models of tables and chairs, cabinets, chests of drawers, cabinets. Everything depends only on the imagination of the craftswoman.

You can find it on the Internet various schemes pieces of furniture for dolls.

The idea of ​​​​creating a suitcase for a Barbie doll looks original. It turns out very interesting, and in just 10 minutes. For such a toy you will also need some colored paper.

An equally attractive idea is a miniature camera. To create it, you first need to paint one box in dark color. When it dries, glue a white circle approximately in the center, acting as a lens. Closer to the corner you need to stick a rectangle representing the viewfinder. All that remains is to provide the toy camera with a ribbon strap.

You can even build a huge house out of matchboxes and paper. In this case, quite a lot of materials will be required.

A hut made from boxes turns out to be very cute and beautiful.

The boxes can also be used to make original souvenirs for children aged 3-5 years. By involving children in such handicrafts, you can achieve several things at the same time - make beautiful craft, do an interesting activity with your child and try to instill in him a love of work, as well as give him some knowledge and skills.

Children can make a similar product on their own. To do this, you need to take a matchbox, ice cream sticks, and markers and pencils.

Matchboxes are great for making toys. Vehicle- cars, trains, planes, ships. Schemes for their creation can also be found on the Internet. In addition, they were often published in Soviet magazines. If there are some in the bins, why not use them?

Also, matchboxes are a wonderful material for making various boxes, cases and the like. You can always come up with something new and original and start working. Boxes in the form of organizers with many compartments for small items are simply wonderful.

Gifting or making your daughter a home for her dolls is just the beginning. Next, this house will have to be furnished. This is a bunch of toy furniture, equipment, and accessories. This article will tell you how to make furniture for dolls with your own hands.

How to decide on sizes

The dolls, their houses and furnishings are smaller copies of us and our homes. And the most reliable way to make doll furniture with your own hands and not make a mistake is to measure real objects, reduce them several times, and then work with the obtained values.

Furniture for dolls - copies of our furniture

How much to reduce the actual dimensions depends on how small or large the doll is, because they range from 7 cm to 60 cm or even higher. Accordingly, they need furniture different sizes. To determine the number by which the actual dimensions should be divided, divide the average human height in centimeters (170 cm) by the height of the doll. Let's get some number. This is how you will need to divide the dimensions of real furniture.

For example, the height of the doll is 15 cm. We calculate: 170 cm / 15 cm = 11.3. It is by this number that we divide all the parameters of “human” furniture. It is also worth saying that 14-15 cm is the most popular size among the doll population. Because most of finished furniture made in a ratio of 1:12. We can also use the existing dimensions, at least so that we can navigate the scale of the required parts and the amount of materials.

So, the most common doll sizes are:

  • male doll 150 mm;
  • female doll - 140 mm;
  • child doll - 75-100 mm;
  • toy baby - 65-75 mm.

If you need furniture for dolls of similar sizes, its parameters will be as follows:

If the toys you have are slightly larger/smaller, you don’t have to adjust the sizes. If the difference is large, you will have to increase or decrease (or you can calculate it yourself).

Doll furniture made from matchboxes

The easiest way to make furniture for dolls with your own hands is from ordinary matchboxes. They are glued together using PVA glue, creating certain structures, then covered with paper or fabric, self-adhesive film, etc. Can be used as legs wood beads, handles for drawers should be made from small buttons on legs or from long beads.

You can make chairs, a table, a chest of drawers, a bed, and a bedside table from matchboxes. Another thing is that the furniture is made for very small dolls, no more than 10 cm high. Although, you can use large quantity boxes, gluing them into blocks, and from these blocks create furniture for dolls about 15 cm high. This is also an option, but working with other materials is not much more difficult, and they are more flexible and allow you to create products of more elegant shapes.

This may be your first experience in making doll furniture. Later you can take on something more serious.

Furniture for a dollhouse made of cardboard

You can try your hand at making furniture for dolls using cardboard. The material is inexpensive, accessible, you can try and make mistakes, redo it. Cardboard is usually joined using PVA glue; you can use a glue gun or any universal glue that can glue cardboard, fabric, or wood. By simply making furniture for dolls with your own hands from cardboard, you will also use these materials. If we talk about convenience, then a glue gun is preferable - it glues quickly, it’s convenient to work, and the connection is reliable.

To make furniture for dolls, you can use regular packaging cardboard. It is cheap, but the furniture it makes is very delicate. It is unlikely that it will be enough for a child for a long time. But, as a “first experience”, this a good option. Cardboard products for scrapbooking are more reliable. It is more dense, homogeneous, has different thickness(from 2 mm and more), can be with a textured surface, embossed plain patterns, a pattern on one or both sides. The disadvantage of such cardboard is that you have to buy it, and some types of such cardboard are not very cheap.

Cardboard bed for a doll

This cardboard doll bed is designed for big doll- up to 50 cm in height. If necessary, all specified dimensions can be reduced.

This option can be done in literally 10-20 minutes. There is no need for glue or other fixatives. The parts are held in place by grooves cut into the cardboard. The width of the groove is equal to the thickness of the cardboard, the length of the slots and the dimensions of the workpieces are indicated in the diagram.

Green and yellow dots indicate compatible cuts. They are inserted one into the other, where the assembly ends. If you like this model, it can also be made from plywood.

Schemes for making cardboard doll furniture

Basically, furniture for dolls made of cardboard is glued. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make something delicate or very complex from this material, but making simple models won't take much time. Having a diagram with dimensions, you can even do without explanations. Everything is clear.

Such models can be made “by eye”. Without the “upholstery” they look unsightly, but after that they look quite decent. A bedside table with doors and an open shelf - same design, different design

Furniture patterns for dolls can be used not only for making from cardboard. They can be transferred to plywood and cut out using a jigsaw.

Wardrobe for dolls made from scrap materials

The toy cabinet can be made of plywood, painted or covered with wrapping paper or self-adhesive film. There probably won’t be any questions here - everything is clear, and if you have questions, you can see their solution in the “natural” closet. But you can make it from absolutely inexpensive materials. The good thing about making do-it-yourself furniture for dolls is that its cost is very low.

From a cardboard box

The main task is to find a box of thick cardboard suitable size. Moreover, it will be easier to work if it is packaging - with folded edges. This folding part is a ready-made door. All that remains is to finish it - hang a mirror, attach a handle, etc.

One of the options for homemade furniture for dolls is a wardrobe

What do you need for work?

For work you will need good tape, it is better - on a paper basis, since it is then easier to glue the finishing to it. If you have a glue gun or a construction stapler (a large stationery one will do) with staples, that’s also good. If you will use other materials in addition to cardboard and paper, it is better to find a universal glue that glues paper, cardboard, fabric, and plastic. You will also need scissors, a stationery knife, and a ruler.

If the box you find is too large, you can make it smaller by cutting off the excess. To ensure that the folds are even, take a ruler. We apply it to the place of the future fold, we pass along the ruler several times with a blunt hard object (the stem of a spoon or fork). After this, the cardboard will be easy to bend.

Filling for a toy cabinet

We cut out shelves from scraps or another box. They should be slightly - 5-8 mm - longer and wider than the internal space of the cabinet. We bend the excess so that sides are formed on all sides. Folds form in the corners; carefully cut them off. We bend one of the parts 180° and glue it to the shelf itself. This side of the shelf will “look into the world.” We bend the other three parts at an angle of 90°, coat them with glue and glue the shelves into the cabinet. The photo on the right shows how the shelves are glued. But so that the gluing points are not conspicuous, it is better to turn the sides down.

Making furniture for dolls with your own hands is no less fun than playing with it later.

In addition to shelves, you can also make a crossbar for hangers. It can be made from bamboo skewers, for example, you can try using a juice straw, wire, etc. Hangers can also be twisted from colored wire or cut from juice bags, plastic bottles, etc.

Finishing is a creative process

Next comes the finishing touches. You can paint the cardboard with watercolor or acrylic (preferably) paints, glue it with wrapping paper, fabric, felt. Can be imitated mirror surface- cover with foil (food foil, for example). If you want to make a “plastic” surface, look for water bottles of the desired color, cut off the neck and bottom, and use the “body” as a finishing material.

Finishing is a creative process, but first, use simpler, softer, thinner materials; they are easier to work with

Handles can be made from wire, beads, or long beads. For toy cabinets bigger size you can find buttons or buttons. We glue all this “beauty” after we have “lined” the cabinet.

Doll wardrobe made from newspapers

You will need old newspapers, PVA glue with a brush, a glue gun, a couple of pieces of wire or thread, wrapping for cabinet finishing or paint.

We roll up tight tubes from newspapers, coat them with PVA around the edges and leave them to dry. Then the tubes can be glued together. For this operation would be better suited glue gun There are two ways: first collect large blocks, then cut them into fragments required length or immediately cut the tubes to the required length and immediately glue the blanks according to size. The second way is more painstaking, but there is less waste.

The finished cabinet walls must be fastened together. To firmly fix an angle of 90°, it is better to use a thin wire. First coat the joints with glue, then use wire to pull the walls together. If the wires are in the way, they can be removed after the glue has dried.

Using the same technology, the bottom, top, and shelves are glued. The doors will need to be made a little differently. To make them open, two strips about 1.5 cm wide are cut out of tape. Tape is glued along the edge of the door so that a little more than half hangs in the air. We glue the door to the wall with this loose tape, but so that there is a gap of 2-3 mm between the wall and the door (it’s just tape there). This will make it possible to close the doors. We fix the glued door on the other side with a second strip of tape.

The second way to secure the doors is with wire. Only this time it should be tough and thick enough. Cut a piece that is 2 cm longer than the height of the cabinet. Immediately make a loop on the wire on one side using 1 cm. We bend the loop at an angle of 90° to the wire. We make holes in the bottom and roof, pass a wire through the bottom, the loop remains at the bottom. We put the door on the wire, using the outer tube instead of hinges. Slightly bending the wire, we thread it through the hole in the cabinet roof, bend the excess, fixing the door. We repeat the same operation with the other door. Please note that you need to attach the door with tape before finishing the cabinet, but you can attach it with wire after.

There are still some little things that need to be said a few words. Cabinet legs and handles can also be made from paper straws. You just need to roll them from the paper you use to decorate the toy. Roll it into a tight roll, glue the edge with glue, then cut it into pieces of the required length and glue it in the right places. Instead of tubes there can be wooden sticks, beads, etc.

Doll bookcase or shelf made of rulers

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from school wooden rulers. They are good because they are already processed and have the same width and thickness. You can find it at an office supply store the right size- larger/smaller, wider/narrower - optional. For example, for making a doll bookcase you need 6 rulers 15 cm long.

You will also need a jigsaw for the job. If you have an electric one, great; if not, a manual one will do, since there’s not too much work. You also need fine-grain sandpaper, glue (PVA or wood glue) and paints (acrylic or gouache).

We cut segments from the rulers: 4 pieces of 6 cm, one - 8 cm. Sand the edges until smooth, and also remove the markings and barcodes. Between the two rulers we place the shelves (which are 6 cm each), on top we leave approximately the same distance - under the lid (a segment of 8 cm). Coat the joints with PVA or wood glue, connect and tighten masking tape, leave for a day. When the glue dries, glue on the very last part - the lid on top. Actually, the shelf itself is ready, all that remains is to paint it.

To obtain an even and bright color, it is better to cover the structure with white, and after drying, paint it with the desired shade. Also, do-it-yourself doll furniture can be decorated in.

Furniture for dolls: photo ideas

You can make furniture for dolls with your own hands from the most unexpected materials. You have already seen how to use newspapers and wooden rulers. But you can make tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas, beds, shelves, cabinets, etc. from ice cream sticks.

Garden bench or sofa - depending on the finish

You probably already understand why this material is good - it has rounded, processed edges, is the same in size and is well processed. If the sticks seem too rough, sand them down smooth using fine-grit sandpaper.

Clothespins make good armchairs and stools. They are disassembled into halves and joined using wood glue. Curly products are obtained in almost a few tens of minutes.

A chair, a table - can also be made from clothespins

Wooden clothespins are almost always used to make doll furniture. But no one forbids taking plastic ones. Working with them is exactly the same, only the difficulty is that wooden ones are easier to modify by changing the thickness, shape, etc. If the product is simple and does not require any modification, you can use plastic ones. They are more varied in shape and size, and are already painted, so there is less fuss with them.

As your skill increases, you can move on to more complex materials - plywood or wood. The difficulty is that turning and cutting out miniature parts requires filigree precision, perseverance and takes a lot of time. But you can do whatever you want.

Angular desk for a doll... everything is like the real thing

Wardrobe for dolls made of plywood - very high reproduction accuracy

Topic: “Getting to know waste material. Furniture made from matchboxes"

Target: Involve children in creating volumetric figures(furniture) from matchboxes.


a) familiarize students with waste material

b) development of aesthetic perception and fine motor skills.

c) education of hard work, feelings of pride, love, respect for family members.

Location: Municipal educational institution Timsherskaya secondary school

Lesson duration: 2 academic hours with a 10 minute break

Logistics of the lesson: Computer. Projector. Samples of finished products. Subject pictures (house, kitchen, bedroom, corridor, sofa, closet, table, chair), matchboxes, colored paper, glue, scissors, oilcloth.

Methodological and didactic support for the lesson:

Presentation “My Home”

Methods and forms of training: explanatory-illustrative, practical; frontal, group, individual.

Principles: visibility, literature, practical orientation, focus on final result.

Type of lesson: combined lesson.

Health-preserving technologies: physical education minute

Progress of the lesson:

Activities of a teacher

Student activities


1. Organizing time

Hello guys. I'm very glad to see you.Let's go to our clearing. Now let's hold handsand let's recite the poem:

Here we are, you and me.

We are a family!

Smile at the one on the left.

Smile at the one on the right.

We are a family!

Students say hello

2. Updating knowledge

Have a seat guys. Tell me who is this poem about? (About family). How do you understand what the word “family” means? (This is the most precious thing a person has, this is a place where peace, love, friendship, caring for each other reigns. This is mom, dad, brother, sister and me.) Well done, guys. Now think and tell me, where does the family live? (In the house.)

You know, guys, today the postman brought a letter to our school. Let's see what's in it. (The teacher reads the letter) - “Hello guys, my name is Bunny-Know-It-All, I really like to ask riddles and that’s why I prepared them for you, if you solve them, a surprise awaits you.” Well, guys, let’s try? (The teacher asks riddles)

Here is a huge noisy world,

It has four hundred apartments,

Five entrances, intercoms,

Glazed balconies.


There's a shrill whistle here

Kettle early in the morning.

The refrigerator is here

Sink with tap.


There is a sofa in this room

Soft like a dandelion.

Dreams fly here at night

In the yellow rays of the moon.


There are no windows in it, only doors

In the kitchen, bedroom, toilet.

Animals love to run around here -

The dog Barbos and the cat Roulette.


It's good when it's there

You can lie down and sit on it.

It was given to us for rest,

Soft plush.


He stands in the corner against the wall.

Oh, he looks huge

But he is not punished at all.

Mom keeps things in it.


He has four legs

Looks a little like a horse

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And wonderful food

On his back wide

We settled in without difficulty.


On four I'm standing on my feet,

I can't walk at all:

When you get tired of walking,

You can sit down and relax.


Answer questions, solve riddles

Showing a letter from the Know-It-All Bunny

3. Repetition of covered material

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles! (The Know-It-All Bunny appears)

And here I am, the Know-It-All Bunny, come to play with you. Shall we “build a house”?

It's a hot time at a construction site

The signal has already struck

Today is a mason in the morning

Started work

Growing floor by floor

And every hour every day

Higher, higher new house!

Guys, before we get to work, we need to remember safety precautions.

They tell TB

4. Learning new material

We already have a house (“we built it” in the previous lesson), let’s start furnishing it with furniture. We have magic boxes. Let's sit down at the tables and think about what we can make from them? (bed, chair, table, wardrobe, chest of drawers). Well done guys, look, this is exactly what you were talking about. (The teacher shows furniture made from matchboxes: table, chair, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed, sofa). Now we will make furniture from matchboxes. Before we get started, let's prepare our fingers.


One, two, three, four, (claps hands)

Who lives in my apartment? (shrug)

One, two, three, four, five, (claps hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (bend one finger on both hands for each word)

My puppy-Friend and I, (“I” point at ourselves with both palms)

That's my whole family. (clench and unclench fists)

Well, now let’s sit down and get to work. We choose a piece of furniture, for example, an armchair. Take a matchbox and colored stripe paper, then apply glue to the colored strip and cover the matchbox with colored paper. One part of the chair is already ready. Guys, look carefully at the chair, how many matchboxes do you need? (4). That's right, 4. We do the same with the next three boxes. Now guys we need to glue them together. Carefully apply glue to the side of the box and glue another box to it. Now our chair needs armrests, carefully apply glue to the side parts of our workpiece and glue the 2 remaining boxes to it. Now our chair is ready.

Practical activities children

5. Consolidation of the studied material

Guys, if you wish, you can make one more piece of furniture.

Independent work

Children look at how other furniture is made. If necessary, contact the teacher

6. Final. Reflection.

Know-It-All Bunny (soft toy). And here’s another surprise for you from me (takes out a large carrot with a small toy Bear inside). Well, the guys have all made the furniture, then I ask you to come up and furnish the house with your furniture. How neatly the work was done. What colorful furniture we got.

I liked the lesson... (Children evaluate themselves.)

How beautiful it turned out, look how cozy it became in the house with your furniture. For your work and efforts, I leave Mishutka to live in your house. It's winter outside, he needs to spend the winter somewhere, but you have this warm house. Do you mind? (Bunny leaves Bear on the sofa, then says goodbye). Goodbye!

Children evaluate themselves.

Students say goodbye.


Parents who have already been able to make a dollhouse on their own or bought it in a store, spending a significant amount, are thinking about how to make furniture for dolls with their own hands. Toy furniture It’s not cheap, so why not save your family budget. You can easily make it with your own hands from available materials.

Types of materials often used

For arrangement dollhouse For your daughter, you may need these materials that we most often throw away:

  • cuttings of plywood sheets;
  • matchboxes:
  • plastic jars and boxes for cosmetics;
  • shoe boxes;
  • colored dish sponges;
  • viscose napkins;
  • plastic bottles;
  • egg tablets;
  • textile;
  • foil
  • wire and many more various little things, the place of which we often determine in the trash can.

When choosing materials, everything will depend only on your imagination.


Plywood and wood are the most popular and durable materials for making doll furniture. However, the process of creating interior items from them is labor-intensive; skills in working with them will be required. But if you still make such furniture, it will serve the dolls for a very long time and will delight your daughter for just as long.

In order to make miniature plywood furniture you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • small nails or screws;
  • glue;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • attributes that you will use to decorate each type of furniture: fabric, beads, pieces of leather, and much more...

Common stages of work for all types of furniture:

  1. Think through or find printable furniture design diagrams on the Internet.
  2. Draw on cardboard or use ready-made prints of furniture parts and cut them out.
  3. Attach the resulting templates to sheets of plywood and trace.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut out parts from plywood.
  5. Sand all parts with sandpaper until the surfaces become smooth.
  6. We assemble the structure. We glue the parts or fasten them with self-tapping screws.
  7. We coat the finished item with paint or varnish and let it dry.
  8. If necessary, we cover it with textile elements and decorate it.

So one piece of doll furniture has been made.


Cardboard furniture It's very easy to make for a dollhouse. You can also involve a child in the manufacturing process. Cardboard is the most available material for work. You can use either sheets of cardboard or take small cardboard boxes as a base.


  • cardboard or carton boxes;
  • white sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue (if necessary);
  • details for decorations.

Stages of work:

  1. We think through the details of the future piece of furniture and make templates on paper.
  2. Transfer the templates to cardboard.
  3. Cut out the details.
  4. We make the necessary cuts at the joints of the parts.
  5. Assembling a piece of furniture. Glue where necessary.
  6. We give a finished look by decorating the structure.

You can decorate the dollhouse with a new piece of furniture.


You can construct almost any interior item from matchboxes. The advantage of such furniture will be drawers. It is enough to show your imagination and think through in detail the image of future furniture.

We will need:

  • matchboxes, the quantity depends on what piece of furniture you will make;
  • glue;
  • decorations for future furniture.

Stages of work:

  1. Let's prepare required amount matchboxes.
  2. We glue them together in the sequence required for the interior detail.
  3. We decorate the resulting piece of furniture. Acrylic paint and varnish are suitable for painting.

Your daughter's dolls will be happy with the new thing.

You can make a rack for dolls from matchboxes yourself by watching the following video.

Plastic jars

Plastic jars can perfectly serve as furniture in your dollhouse. Sometimes you don’t even need to do anything with them. IN finished form they can be used, for example, as a bath. The child will be able to truly bathe his dolls; water will not spill out of them anywhere. You can construct more complex interior items from plastic jars, caps from toothpaste tubes, and other small items. They can simply be glued together in the required sequence.

For a master class on making a toilet for dolls from a shampoo container, watch the following video.


Using wire that bends easily, you can decorate your interior in Provence style. Beds whose frame will resemble a forged product will look very elegant. You can complement it with a forged candlestick, an unusual forged chandelier. Almost any interior detail can be made using a wire frame. Your imagination will tell you the right direction.

Egg tablets

Using egg tablets you can perfectly decorate the rooms of a dollhouse. Both plastic and cardboard tablets are useful in your work. All that will be necessary is to carefully think through the composition and cut out the necessary parts of the tablets.

The work may require:

  • egg tablets;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • gel pen refills

and much more. Everything will depend on how your imagination plays out.

Master classes

This section offers you some ideas for creating furniture for dolls with your own hands.

Bed with drawers for matchbox dolls

We will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • sheets of white paper;
  • paints;
  • beads;
  • thin wire;
  • decorative elements to suit your taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doll for which the bed is intended. The number of matchboxes that will be required depends on this.
  2. Glue the required number of boxes with the side walls facing each other. This will be the base of our bed.
  3. If you want to make the bed higher, you can glue peculiar legs in the form of additional boxes to the outer boxes at the bottom.
  4. We cover the base of the bed with white paper so that the pull-out elements remain open.
  5. Draw the desired shape of the headboards on cardboard and cut them out.
  6. Glue the backs to the sides of the base.
  7. Paint the bed in the desired color.
  8. We attach beads to the sliding elements of the boxes at the base using wire. These are the arms of our bed.
  9. We decorate, cover bedding and you can put the doll to sleep.

In the next video you will see a master class on making a bed for a doll from cardboard.

You can decorate your bedside table in the same style.

We will need:

  • 2-3 matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • White list;
  • the same paint and decorative elements that decorated the bed;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We glue the boxes together, placing them on top of each other with their bases.
  2. We cover it with white paper, leaving the retractable elements open.
  3. We paint in the style of the already made bed.
  4. We attach the beads to the boxes.
  5. We decorate.

Watch the following video for a master class on making a bedside table from matchboxes.

Sofa for dolls made of plywood

We will need:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue or small nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • cotton wool

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We decide on the design and dimensions of the future sofa. We make drawings for the back, seat, side backs on cardboard. We take into account that with the help of the back and side backs the sofa will gain stability.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. We apply the resulting templates to a sheet of plywood and trace them.
  4. Using a jigsaw, we cut out the parts of the sofa.
  5. If you want to do upholstered furniture, then at this stage we wrap every detail of the sofa thin layer cotton wool and covered with fabric. If the sofa is not covered, it is necessary to sand the parts.
  6. We attach the sofa parts to each other using glue. If you have soft sofa, then you need to fasten it with small nails.
  7. We cover the parts not covered with fabric with varnish or paint.
  8. We sew small pillows for the sofa.
  9. We decorate it to your liking and give it to the doll for use.

Chairs can be made in the same way.

You can see how to make a sofa for a doll with your own hands in the following video - master class.

Floor lamp

To make it you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • strips of lace;
  • empty rod from gel pen;
  • thin wire;
  • a small diameter cap (lids from jars of medicine or ketchup are suitable)

Draw a cone blank on cardboard. Cut it out and glue it together. Cut off the top of the cone. The result is the base of a floor lamp lampshade. We cover it with lace. We bend the wire in half and pass it through the rod. We attach the lampshade to the wire from above, and to the lid from below to give stability to the floor lamp. The lid can be decorated with a lace skirt. Instead of a rod, you can use beads as a stand by passing wire through them. In this case, we also decorate the lampshade with beads.

Watch the master class on making a floor lamp in the following video.


To make a chandelier we need small capacity. You can use medicine measuring cups, disposable plastic shot glasses, or the simplest candles in a metal case.

You can probably find matchboxes in every home. But few people know that they are an excellent material for creativity, and without any problems you can easily make furniture from matchboxes with your own hands. Such creativity will be especially interesting for a child, because every child loves to play with dolls, and they also need furnishings. Like real ones, only in miniature. In this article we will tell you how to easily and simply make original pieces of furniture from such an affordable and cheap material.

Making a bed

If the baby has a little baby, then he needs to be put to bed somewhere. And any mother needs to know how to make a bed from matchboxes. To make it you will need to acquire:

  • Two matchboxes;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Paint;
  • Wire;
  • Two beads.
  1. Glue two match packets together. They will serve as the base of the bed.
  2. We apply the base to a sheet of paper and trace it with a pencil on all sides. In this case, you should leave space for the ends and finish the backs.
  3. We cut out paper templates in duplicate and glue them to the base.
  4. Paint it in the required color.
  5. We string the beads on a wire and attach them to the drawers.

Important! For decoration, you can use a mattress, a blanket and a small pillow.

Making a chest of drawers

When making doll furniture from matchboxes with your own hands, you can’t do without a chest of drawers. Moreover, it is suitable not only for games - it can be used to store hairpins and jewelry.

Preparation required:

  • Matchboxes (3 pcs.);
  • Glue;
  • Toothpick;
  • Wires;
  • Cardboard;
  • Beads.
  1. We glue the frame for the chest of drawers from cardboard. You will need to make side walls, a bottom, a tabletop, and a partition between the drawers.
  2. We insert the boxes into the frame.
  3. Glue toothpicks to the front of the “boxes” and cut off the excess.
  4. We attach the beads to the boxes using wire.

Making a chair

How to make furniture for dolls from matchboxes? We've already looked at the bed and chest of drawers, and now we'll learn how to make a beautiful chair.

To do this you will need to prepare:

  • Colored decorative paper;
  • Colored double-sided paper;
  • Four empty match boxes;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Stationery glue;
  • Rulers;
  • Scissors;
  • A simple pencil.

We follow the instructions:

  1. On a colored double-sided sheet we measure four rectangles, the dimensions of which are 11 by 8 cm.
  2. Cut out rectangles.
  3. We cover each package with paper.
  4. Glue the pieces together using glue or double sided tape. One of them is laid horizontally, the second – vertically.
  5. To decorate the seat we use decorative sheets.
  6. To decorate the other two boxes, we also cut out the decor. The dimensions of the rectangles are 4 by 3 cm.
  7. We glue the sheets in the middle of the boxes.
  8. We glue the remaining packages vertically to the previously glued base.

The chair is ready! To complete the set, it remains to make a few more of the same.

Making a passenger car

In order to captivate a child, it is not enough to know how to make furniture from matchboxes. For example, not all boys will be interested in this process. With this material you can make many different things. useful little things. Let's look at how to make a car that your child will enjoy playing with.

Preparation required:

  • Six matchboxes;
  • Four bottle caps;
  • Two Chupa Chups candy sticks;
  • A block of plasticine;
  • A simple pencil;
  • Rulers;
  • Colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue brushes;
  • Sheela;
  • Scissors.

We follow the instructions:

  1. Using paper, we glue together two drawers lengthwise (along the long side).
  2. We are preparing a second similar template.
  3. Glue the pieces together. They should be located on top of each other.
  4. On colored sheets we outline the resulting structure.
  5. The base is covered with sheets of the desired color on all sides.
  6. We glue two boxes one above the other.
  7. We cover them on all sides with colored paper.
  8. From colored sheets (white, yellow or blue) we cut out a rectangle measuring 1.5 by 12 cm.
  9. Fold the paper in four.
  10. On the upper side of the base we round the corners, cut the workpiece along the folds.
  11. Cut out headlights from paper.
  12. Place plasticine inside bottle caps.
  13. Glue a small blank onto the long base in the middle.
  14. “Windows” made of colored paper are glued to the cabin. We glue one at a time on the front and back, cut the remaining two pieces of paper in half and glue them on the side with the rounded side down.
  15. Glue the headlights.
  16. Using an awl, we make holes for the wheels.
  17. Insert candy sticks into the resulting holes.
  18. We put plugs with plasticine on the sticks.

The gaming machine is ready!