home · Installation · How to make a water mill. We make a stylish water mill at the dacha with our own hands. Stages of making a water mill

How to make a water mill. We make a stylish water mill at the dacha with our own hands. Stages of making a water mill

Flowing water attracts people and you can watch it endlessly. She calms and inspires. But on hot summer days the water radiates coolness. To get such pleasant feelings, a water mill is built; it is very easy to make it with your own hands. The main thing is to take into account certain recommendations.

What is a water mill?

A long time ago, water mills were used to grind grains and make flour from them. For this, water energy was used. But times have changed, so such a mill is used to decorate a summer cottage. This design adds charm to the area. A water mill is equipped with a wheel that rotates with the flow of water. It is installed on the shore of a reservoir.

What are the capabilities of a water mill?

A summer cottage exists not only to plant a variety of vegetables and fruits on it. It is also used for recreation. For this reason, the owners are trying to decorate the territory to make it as pleasant as possible. A water mill can be used for this. It will decorate the area, and the murmuring water will give peace. Such a mill becomes an excellent addition to the entire territory of the dacha.

But some people use this design not only for decoration, but also to perform certain functions. But for this there must be a natural water flow. Any body of water that is on the site will generate energy that can be used, for example, for lighting.

It is worth understanding that this is not a powerful source. It is not capable of illuminating the entire house. But small lamps will glow with it at night.

What is needed for construction work?

Making a mill does not prohibit your imagination. Therefore they are used different materials. The mill can be made from stone or broken brick. But for such structures you will need to make a foundation. Many people make a wooden mill with a house. The roof is made of straw or reeds. Such a structure will harmoniously fit into the rustic design.

For construction, you can use boxes, boards, tiles that are no longer needed. Worth varnishing wood material so that it lasts for a long time.

The house, which is being built near the mill, has windows and doors. Initially, it is recommended to start constructing the model. To do this, it is worth deciding on the material from which the structure will be constructed. It is also necessary to acquire screws, a hammer, glue and other necessary tools.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The construction of a water mill includes the following steps:

  • Water drop design
  • Construction of a house, after which it should be installed in the right place
  • Starting the wheel

If there is no natural flow of water, it can be created artificially. To do this, you can choose one of the options:

  1. The mill is installed under the gutter. In this case, the wheel will rotate when it rains outside. But you don’t have to wait for suitable weather conditions. To make the wheel rotate, a hose with water is used, which reaches the roof using a pump. As it flows through the pipe, the wheel will rotate. In the future, the water can be directed to the garden.
  2. If the area has some unevenness, then it is worth taking advantage of this. The relief is used to create a falling stream. On a hill, a container is sunk into the ground to be filled with water. A mill is installed near such a container.
  3. If the territory is flat, then you can start creating an alpine slide. This will require soil and cobblestones. A water hose is installed in the middle of such a building, which will create a flow of water.

To build it, you need to acquire a pump that has sufficient power to pump water from the reservoir. For this purpose, the distance from the mill to the water source is also taken into account. When the water difference is created, then you can begin to build the structure itself. The mill has a simple structure. To do this, you need a house where a water pump and a wheel that moves with the help of water are hidden. But many people manage without a house. They are limited to a simple design.

To create a wheel for construction, the following methods are used:

  • For the design, they take an ordinary wheel from an old bicycle
  • Uses a reel that is designed to wind wire
  • The wheel is made of boards that are nailed to each other
  • Apply a piece of pipe

It doesn’t matter what materials were taken to construct the structure, the following rules must be followed:

  • There must be a blade
  • There must be a pipe in the center of the structure to create an axis around which the wheel will rotate
  • A wheel with blades is being built
  • You can attach the parts using any convenient mechanical methods.

Two supports are constructed. The axle must be fastened to them using a movable method. For such manipulation, bearings are used. To decorate the supports, they make a house. To do this, use a variety of materials chosen by the owner. The house can be wooden, brick, etc.

The chute is brought to the top of the wheel. Water will flow through it. If the blades are made of wood, then it is worth covering them with varnish that repels water. If they are made of metal, then it is worth covering them with paint that protects against corrosion. Canals are constructed to allow water to flow to the garden or other location. The site near the mill is being cleared. To do this, plants are planted, tiles are laid, etc.

Features of application

It is worth remembering that the mill should fit harmoniously into the summer cottage. It must match its size. If the area is small, then the mill should not be huge. The house, which is located near this structure, can be used to store a variety of things. You can put toys for children and garden tools here.

Some people design a mill to use a stream of water. By unwinding, the structure allows you to receive energy. Therefore, with the help of a mill you can illuminate the paths in your summer cottage. But the most important purpose of the structure is to decorate the area. You can also use it to water the garden, which is very convenient for those people who grow a variety of crops in their garden beds.

So, a water mill is an excellent addition to your summer cottage. With its help you can transform the territory, decorate your dacha, and create a pleasant atmosphere for relaxation. It is not necessary to pay builders for the construction of such a structure. You can do it yourself.

The invention of the water mill had great importance for the history and development of technology. The first such structures were used for water transfer in ancient Rome; later they began to be used to produce flour and for other industrial purposes.

History of invention

The water wheel was invented by people back in ancient times, thanks to which man received a reliable and simple engine, the use of which expanded every year. Back in the first century BC, the Roman scientist Vitruvius described such a design in his treatise “10 Books on Architecture”. Its action was based on the rotation of the wheel due to the influence of the flow of water on its blades. And the first practical application This discovery became the possibility of grinding grains.

The history of mills dates back to the first millstones that ancient people used to produce flour. Such devices were initially hand-held, then they began to be used physical strength slaves or animals who turned the flour wheel.

The history of the water mill began with the use of a wheel design, driven by the force of a river flow, to carry out the process of grinding grain into flour, and the basis for this was the creation of the first engine. The ancient machines evolved from irrigation devices called chadufons, which were used to raise water from a river to irrigate land and fields. Such devices consisted of several scoops mounted on a rim: when rotated, they immersed themselves in water, scooped it up, and after lifting it up, tipped it into a gutter.

The structure of ancient mills

Over time, people began to build water mills and use the power of water to produce flour. Moreover, in flat areas with low river flow speeds, dams were built to increase pressure, thereby ensuring an increase in water level. To transmit movement to the mill device, geared motors were invented, which were made from two wheels with rims touching.

Using a wheel system various diameters, whose axes of rotation were parallel, ancient inventors were able to transfer and transform movement, which could be directed to benefit people. Moreover, the larger wheel must make fewer revolutions by as many times as its diameter exceeds the second, small one. The first wheel gear systems began to be used 2 thousand years ago. Since then, inventors and mechanics have been able to come up with many options for gears that use not only 2, but also more wheels.

The device of a water mill of the ancient era, described by Vitruvius, contained 3 main parts:

  1. An engine consisting of a vertical wheel having blades that are rotated by water.
  2. The transmission mechanism is a second vertical gear with teeth (transmission), which rotates a third horizontal one, called a pinion.
  3. consisting of two millstones: the upper one is driven by a gear and mounted on its vertical shaft. The grain to obtain flour was poured into a funnel ladle located above the upper millstone.

Water wheels were installed in several positions in relation to the water flow: bottom wheels - on rivers with high speed currents. The most common were “hanging” structures installed on a free flow, immersed in water with their lower blades. Subsequently, medium-impact and high-impact types of water wheels began to be used.

The maximum possible efficiency (efficiency = 75%) was provided by the operation of overhead or liquid types, which was widely used in the construction of “canoe” floating mills that plied on large rivers: the Dnieper, Kure, etc.

The significance of the discovery of the water mill was that the first ancient mechanism was invented, which could later be used for industrial production what became important stage in the history of technology development.

Medieval hydraulic structures

The first water mills in Europe, according to historical data, appeared during the reign of Charlemagne (340 AD) in Germany and were borrowed from the Romans. At the same time, such mechanisms were built on the rivers of France, where by the end of the 11th century. there were already about 20 thousand mills. At the same time, there were already more than 5.5 thousand of them in England.

In the Middle Ages, water mills were widespread throughout Europe; they were used for processing agricultural products (flour mills, oil mills, fulling mills), for lifting water from mines and in metallurgical production. By the end of the 16th century. there were already 300 thousand of them, and in the 18th century. - 500 thousand. At the same time, their technical improvement and increase in power growth took place (from 600 to 2220 horsepower).

The famous artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, in his notes, also tried to come up with new ways to use the energy and power of water using wheels. He proposed, for example, the design of a vertical saw, which was driven by a stream of water supplied to the wheel, i.e. the process became automated. Leonardo also made drawings of several options for using hydraulic structures: fountains, methods of draining swamps, etc.

A striking example The hydraulic power plant became a water supply mechanism for the installation of fountains and water supply to palaces in Versailles, Trianon and Marly (France), for which a dam was specially built on the river. Seine. From the constructed reservoir, water flowed under pressure onto 14 bottom wheels measuring 12 m. They lifted it using 221 pumps to a height of 162 m to the aqueduct, from which it flowed into palaces and fountains. The daily volume of water supplied was 5 thousand m3.

How does a water mill work?

The design of such a mill remained unchanged for many centuries. The main material for the construction was wood, from which the barn was built, wheels and shafts were made. Metal was used only in some parts: axles, fastening parts, brackets. Occasionally, a barn was built of stone.

Types of mills that used water energy:

  1. Whorled - built on mountain rivers with fast currents. In design, they are similar to modern turbines: blades were made on a vertical wheel at an angle to the base, and when the water flow fell, rotation occurred, which caused the movement of the millstone.
  2. Wheeled ones, in which the “water” wheel itself rotated. They were built in two types - with a lower and an upper battle.

Water came to the mill with an upper battle from a dam, then along a chute it was directed to a wheel with ditches, which rotated under its weight. When using a lower fight, a design with blades is used, which are driven when immersed in a water stream. To increase the efficiency of work, a dam was often used that blocked only part of the river, called a groyne.

The figure below shows the structure of a typical wooden water mill: the rotational movement comes from the bottom drive (wheel), at the top there is a bucket (hopper) for grain and chutes that feed it to the millstones. The resulting flour fell into a tray and then poured into a chest or bag.

The grain supply was adjusted by a dispenser, a special box with a hole, which influenced the coarseness of the flour grinding. After receiving it, it was necessary to sift through a special sieve installed above the chest, which oscillated using a small mechanism.

Some water mills were used not only for grinding grain, but also for peeling millet, buckwheat or oats, from which cereals were made. Such machines were called kruporushki. Enterprising owners used mill structures for pounding tow, for felting homespun cloth, for carding wool, etc.

Construction of mills in Rus'

In ancient Russian chronicles, mention of water wheels and mills dates back to the 9th century. At first they were used exclusively for grinding grain, for which they were nicknamed “flour” and “bread”. In 1375, Prince Podolsky Korpatovich granted the Dominican monastery with a charter the right to build a grain mill. And in 1389, such a building was given to the wife of Prince Dmitry Donskoy according to his will.

In Veliky Novgorod, a mention in a birch bark document about the construction of a mill is dated to the 14th century. Pskov Chronicles of the 16th century. they talk about the construction of such a structure on the Volkhov River, to which the entire local population was involved. A dam was built to block part of the river, but it collapsed due to heavy flooding.

On flat terrain, water mills in Russia were built with a top-flowing wheel. In the 14th-15th centuries. Whorl-shaped devices began to appear, in which the wheel was located horizontally on a vertical shaft.

Such structures were built by self-taught craftsmen without any drawings or diagrams. Moreover, they not only copied already erected structures, but each time added their own innovations to their design. Even during the time of Peter the Great, masters from European countries began to come to Russia, showing their skills and knowledge in this field.

One of Peter’s associates, the famous engineer William Genin, who built 12 large factories in the Urals, was able to ensure their operation from hydraulic power plants. Subsequently, water energy was widely used by specialists in the construction of mining and metalworking enterprises throughout Russia.

At the beginning of the 18th century, about 3 thousand manufactories operated throughout the territory, which used hydraulic installations to operate production. These were metallurgical, sawmills, paper, weaving and other enterprises.

The most famous and unique complex for providing energy to a mining and metallurgical plant was built in 1787 by engineer K. D. Frolov at the Zmeinogorsk mine, which had no analogues in the world. It included a dam, from which water passed through underground adits into an open channel (535 m long) to the mill, where the sawmill wheel rotated. Then the water flowed through the next underground channel to the hydraulic wheel of the machine for lifting ore from the mine, then to the third and fourth. At the end, it flowed through an adit more than 1 km long back into the river below the dam, its total path was more than 2 km, the diameter of the largest wheel was 17 m. All structures were built from local materials: clay, wood, stone and iron. The complex operated successfully for more than 100 years, but only the dam of the Zmeinogorsk mine has survived to this day.

Research in the field of hydraulics was also carried out by the famous scientist M.V. Lomonosov, who put his scientific thoughts into practice by participating in the creation of a colored glass enterprise based on the operation of a hydraulic installation with three wheels. The works of two more Russian academicians - D. Bernoulli and L. Euler - were acquired global significance in the use of the laws of hydrodynamics and hydraulic engineering and laid down theoretical basis these sciences.

Use of water energy in the East

The use of water wheels in China was first described in detail in a book by Sun Yingsin in 1637. It details their use for metallurgical production. Chinese designs were usually horizontal, but they were powerful enough to produce flour and metal.

The use of water energy was first started back in the 30s. n. e., after the invention of a reciprocating mechanism based on water wheels by a Chinese official.

IN Ancient China Several hundred mills were built along the rivers, but in the 10th century. the government began to ban them because they interfered with river navigation. The construction of mills gradually expanded in neighboring countries: Japan and India, and Tibet.

Wheels for water supply in Islamic countries

The countries of the East, where people profess the Islamic religion, are mostly areas with a very hot climate. Since ancient times, regular water supply has been very important. Aqueducts were built to supply water to cities, and to raise it from the river, mills were built, which were called “norii”.

According to historians, the first such structures were erected 5 thousand years ago in Syria and other countries. On the Orontes River, one of the deepest in the country, the construction of norias was widespread in the form of huge wheels of water mills, which scooped water with numerous blades and supplied it to the aqueduct.

A striking example of such a structure is the norias of the city of Hama, which have survived to this day, the construction of which dates back to the 13th century. They continue to work to this day, being both a decoration and a landmark of the city.

Use of hydropower in various industries

In addition to flour production, the scope of application of water mills extended to the following types of production:

  • for reclamation and provision of water to crops in the fields;
  • a sawmill that used water power to process wood;
  • metallurgy and metal processing;
  • in mining for or other rocks;
  • in weaving and woolen manufactories;
  • for lifting water from a mine, etc.

One of the most ancient examples of the use of water power is the sawmill in Hierapolis (Turkey), its mechanisms were discovered during excavations and dated back to the 6th century. n. e.

In some European countries, archaeologists have discovered the remains of old mills from the era Ancient Rome, which were used to crush quartz containing gold mined in mines.

The largest complex using the power of water was built, according to historical data, in the 1st century. in the south of France called Barbegal, which had 16 water wheels that powered 16 flour mills, thus providing grain for the nearby town of Alert. 4.5 tons of flour were produced here every day.

A similar mill complex on the Janiculum hill supplied supplies in the 3rd century. the city of Rome, which was appreciated by Emperor Aurelian.

Creating a water structure with your own hands

Such architectural element, like a water wheel, has gained popularity along with swimming pools, cascades or fountains. Of course, such structures perform a decorative rather than a practical function. Any owner who has the skills to work with wooden parts can build a water mill with his own hands.

It is recommended to choose a wheel size of at least 1.5 m, but not more than 10 m, which depends on the area of ​​the site. The mill house is also selected according to its future purpose: a building for storing equipment, game Zone for children, territory decoration.

Manufacturing of parts:

  • as a basis for a water wheel, you can take a bicycle wheel or one made of wood, to which the blades are attached; in its center there should be a pipe around which rotation occurs;
  • the finished product is mounted on bearings on 2 supports, which are made from oak beams, metal corners, bricks;
  • a gutter should approach the top of the wheel, through which water flows onto the blades; it is supplied either from a hose with a pump, or it comes in after rain;
  • To increase service life, it is recommended to treat all parts: wooden parts - varnish, metal parts - anti-corrosion paint;
  • To drain water, channels are laid in the direction of the beds or to another container;
  • At the final stage, the structure is decorated with decorative elements.

Installing a decorative water mill on a country plot will be a wonderful aesthetic addition to the landscape.

Famous historical mills

The largest working water mill, Lady Isabella, is located near the village of Lexey on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. This structure was erected in 1854 by self-taught engineer Robert Casement in honor of the wife of the local governor general, and the purpose of its construction was to pump out groundwater from a local mine for the extraction of natural resources (zinc, lead, etc.).

Channels were specially laid, through which water from mountain rivers passed through the bridge and was supplied to rotate a wheel with a diameter of 22 m, which is still considered the largest in the world, thanks to which it has been popular with tourists for many years.

One of the original attractions of France is an old water mill located near the city of Vernon (France). Its uniqueness is that it rests on 2 pillars of an ancient stone bridge that once connected the banks of the Seine. Exact date its construction is unknown, however, according to some sources, it was erected during the period of confrontation with Richard Lion Heart and was of strategic importance. In 1883, it was immortalized by the famous artist Claude Monet on one of his canvases.

The creation of the water mill is an important stage in the history of technological development, because it is considered the first design that could be used for various purposes for processing agricultural and other products, which was the first step towards machine production in the world.

After purchasing a summer cottage, the owner wants to landscape it as beautifully as possible. For this he does flower beds, installs figurines and lamps. If you got a plot on which there is a small stream or river, then you are very lucky. After all, you have one of the main conditions for building a water mill. The quiet murmur of flowing water will help create a cozy and calming atmosphere. But before you can enjoy all the advantages of such a building, you will have to work hard.

Types of buildings

A similar structure was very common many centuries ago. Depending on the type of wheel orientation, water mills can be divided into two main types:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

In mills of the first type, the main working element is a water wheel, which is located in a vertical plane and is driven by a mechanism gear transmission. In buildings with horizontal orientation, a similar principle is not provided.

Depending on their purpose, mills are usually divided into flour mills, sawmills, used for paper production and the needs of the glass industry. But since we are talking about landscaping a summer cottage, the mill being constructed will be considered exclusively as decorative element.

The mill device includes the following main elements:

  • wheel with blades;
  • groove, axle and hinges;
  • wheel frame;
  • frame.

This is precisely the device that the mills had, which are mentioned in ancient books and other sources. This technology was used for centuries and allowed for the creation of time-tested structures for processing grain into flour. Initially, the product rose to the top, was sent through a chute to the millstones, and the finished raw materials were collected in bags.

Even the presence of such a productive structure as a water mill did not greatly simplify the task, so at that time the process of grinding grains was still a difficult task. In improved designs, natural water from a reservoir was supplied to the wheel, and the force of the falling liquid caused the wheel blades to rotate, driving the mill's axle.

Today, any summer resident can build with his own hands smaller version of the mill. This perfect solution to decorate the dacha area, because to make such a building you can use any available materials- stone, wood, broken brick. Some gardeners approach the process so thoroughly that they create very realistic mills, including not only a wheel, but also a house with a roof made of straw or reeds. This composition perfectly ennobles a summer cottage.

The housing located next to the structure can be used as storage for gardening tools. Thanks to the water flow, the summer resident has a free source of energy, which can be used to illuminate the path or water the garden plantings. If desired, the building can be given even more beautiful view, decorating it with conifers and shrubs. This will allow the suburban area to look more mysterious and turn it into a full-fledged recreation area.

Principle of operation

Before moving on to the process of constructing such a structure, you should learn how a water mill works. To operate it, they usually use water supplied from a reservoir - a river, pond or reservoir through a pipe through which it is directed to the wheel. At the moment of the collapse of a powerful stream of water, the wheel blades begin to rotate, causing, in turn, the movement of the mill axis.

The design feature of the full-size mill is that it is equipped with sluice gates that control the passage of liquid and prevent flooding. The same principle can be used as the basis for the work of a decorative building. Water from a country pond pours onto the wheel from above, and under the force of the falling liquid the blades begin to rotate.

Water is usually supplied using a hose: for this, one end is placed in a pond, and the other is attached to the roof of the mill. The pump will be able to maintain the circulation of the liquid, causing it to flow in a circle and driving the wheel.

Ways to create water flow

There are several solutions to ensure a continuous supply of water to the mill wheel:

  • drain;
  • unevenness of the site;
  • pump installation.

The first option involves location of the drain directly under the gutter. But such a mill can only work when it rains outside. Trying to solve the problem of creating a falling flow of water, some summer residents use the unevenness of the site. For example, natural resources can be adapted for these purposes. alpine slide.

Near the mill, it is necessary to organize a collection point for liquid, which will be directed to the wheel through a special chute. In the absence of natural irregularities, it can be created with your own hands, using any of the available materials, for example, brick, stone or compacted earth.

A hose is attached directly to the structure itself, through which water will be supplied. To operate this design, a pump is required that will provide a constant supply of pressurized water to the wheel, maintaining constant movement of the mill. The source of water can be a shallow pond, well or tank.

DIY water mill

Initially, you need to create a difference in water levels at the site chosen for construction. After this, you can proceed directly to the process of constructing the main structure. The mill has a fairly simple structure. In its design, it represents a small house where it is necessary to install a water pump and a wheel that will rotate under the influence of water supplied from the upper reservoir to the lower one. But you can use another version of the mill as a basis: you can abandon the house, limiting yourself to one or several wheels.

There are several ways to create a wheel for a mill with your own hands:

  • An ordinary bicycle wheel can be used as a mill flywheel.
  • Make it from a cable spool.
  • Make it from boards pre-knocked together, giving the structure the shape of a circle.
  • You can use a piece of pipe with blades attached to it.

If this is your first time making a wooden wheel with your own hands, you will need drawings in any case. We don’t recommend starting without them, otherwise you will make a lot of mistakes and just waste your time and materials.

Although in principle the choice can be made on any option. The main thing is that two mandatory conditions are met:

  • the structure must have blades;
  • in the center of the wheel there should be a pipe on which the axle will be installed to ensure rotation.

Manufacturing stages

Despite the fact that this is just a decorative element, when constructing this building you still need to adhere to a certain algorithm, which includes a number of stages:

Use Cases

A water mill works on a fairly simple and well-known principle: water is supplied to the wheel blades, causing them to rotate, and they, in turn, set the building’s axle in motion. But since decorative mills are mainly built on a summer cottage, its design does not provide for further transmission of torque to the actuator.

The owner of a summer cottage can use the powerful water flow created to his advantage. For example, the axis of water wheels can cause the rotor of an electric generator to rotate. Thus, the mill can become a source of additional electricity, which can be used to illuminate paths.

Although most often such a mill is built at the dacha exclusively as a decorative element. It allows you to redirect water flows in the right direction, for example, to irrigate beds.

Style solutions

A decorative water mill will be a wonderful addition to any modern garden. If desired, you can do it central element dacha area. And different design options can help achieve this goal. Make this design attractive appearance not difficult. Much depends on the imagination of the summer resident and his attitude to the process of landscaping the territory.

For example, this building can be designed in rustic style , the principle of which is the use of wooden parts. In the area adjacent to the mill you can install a small bench or gazebo. A miniature cart with flowers or animal figurines made of wood would also be an excellent decoration. The mill will look more expressive if you plant daisies, cereals or sunflowers around its perimeter. This will help make the composition more colorful and charming.

An unusual solution for modern dacha there may be a mill design in . Its essence is that the frame of the building is visible from the outside. Any summer resident can cope with this task, because any available materials are suitable for this design option. The roof must be made of thin slats, covered with tiles and painted with white or brown paint.

The main house is decorated in White color, then decorative strips are glued on, resulting in the surface being broken into small squares and triangles. This solution allows the facade to look very unusual. As a final element of the composition, you can install a brown bench or plant white flowers near the building.

There are many fans among summer residents Japanese style, which can also be used to decorate the mill. Its main characteristics are its consistent design and the use of stones, water and plants as decoration. It is recommended to paint the structure itself dark color.

As part of landscaping the adjacent area, a bench or a stone tower can be installed next to the building, but they can also be replaced with vegetation - for example, dwarf trees . It is recommended to design the mill wheel natural materials- pieces of shells, pebbles or sand.

To dacha area conducive to comfortable rest, it must be designed in a special way. A rather unusual decorative element can be a water mill, which any site owner can make with their own hands. After all, it will not be an exact copy of an ancient structure, but decorative option, which includes the main elements that will create the desired effect.

When constructing a building, deviations from accepted principles are allowed, because the design of a summer cottage is creative process where use unusual solutions welcome. Not only adults, but also any child will be happy to see the beautifully and unusually designed mill.

For those who don’t have the slightest idea how to build a mill with a water wheel with their own hands, it wouldn’t hurt to first choose a suitable construction drawing for yourself. It can be taken as a basis and certain changes can be made during the work process if the owner himself wants it.

According to the famous saying, you can watch flowing water endlessly. This sight is calming, inspiring and, finally, it is simply beautiful. On a hot summer day, the water gives coolness, and its murmur brings sweet dreams. It is precisely these pleasant sensations that a water mill will provide, which, knowing the principle of its operation, is easy to do yourself. The main thing is that there is a body of water on the site. Mills have long been associated with many beliefs, and the miller himself was considered a sorcerer, attributing to him magical power over water. Modern technologies allow us to make our dreams come true without resorting to magic.

Watermills and windmills were once used to grind grains into flour. The operating principle for both types of mills is the same, only in windmills wind energy is used, and water energy is used.

The grains were raised upward, from where they flowed through chutes into the millstones. Running water turning the mill wheel set the millstones in motion. The grains were ground, and the finished flour was poured down a chute, where it was collected in bags.

It looks something like this general scheme operation of the mill wheel: it rotates under the pressure of running water entering through the chute

The mill we want to build does not have the task of grinding grains into flour. We reserve for it a purely decorative function: the presence of a wheel rotating under the influence of water will give the site a unique charm.

A decorative water mill built with your own hands is based on a wheel installed on the bank of a stream or other source of running water.

This mill performs a purely decorative function and a pump pumps water onto its wheel: here is a diagram of how the device works

The mill wheel is equipped with blades located at equal distances from each other. Water flows to the wheel blades through a chute located in the upper part of the structure. Its flow sets the wheel in motion.

The hinged axis allows it to rotate freely. But running water is a rarity for a garden plot. If there is at least a pond, it will come to the rescue submersible pump. Water will also flow to the mill wheel, and it will spin merrily, delighting the audience.

Selecting a style match

As a decorative element, a water mill can decorate a garden in any style. Once upon a time, this building became part of not only European culture, but also Russian culture. It is associated with the aroma of freshly baked bread, home comfort and a fairy tale, so it is an excellent find for those looking for a colorful landscape design detail.

The mill is a symbol of comfort and prosperity: where it is, there can be no troubles or surprises, it always smells fresh bread and fresh milk

Depending on the decisions we make in the process of constructing a water mill, it can look fabulous in the Russian spirit, have a medieval Gothic look, or acquire futuristic features.

This feature of the structure must be taken into account and thought in advance about how to make a water mill so that it meets the general idea of ​​landscape design.

The water mill must fit harmoniously into general style plot and fully comply with its landscape design

A massive wooden mill will be in dissonance with elegant fountains and openwork bridges in the style of classicism. And a fairy-tale gazebo in the Russian style will simply visually crush a neat Japanese mill. Let's think about how we can use this structure for different style solutions.

Country or rustic style

Typical elements of the country style include wooden benches and gazebos, wickerwork, bridges made of logs and houses for children, also made of wood. A mill in the same spirit, equipped with a wooden wheel, can perfectly maintain stylistic unity.

A country-style windmill harmonizes perfectly with its specially aged wheel with other design details: for example, a fence or a bench

Color old manor in the Russian style, wooden sculptures, a flowerbed cart and log house well. Plants “in keeping with the theme” will complement the picture, so take care of reeds and sunflowers and daisies. The artificially aged wheel of the structure will complement the picture of patriarchal village life.

Noble Japanese style

main idea Japanese design– there should be nothing superfluous in the field of view. Only stones, water and plants, which are so pleasant to admire. A mill wheel can be an addition to a stone castle with loopholes and towers. Stone benches will give you the opportunity to relax while looking at the water and the measured rotation of the wheel.

The Japanese mill harmonizes perfectly with the given style, in which the eye should not cling to unnecessary unnecessary details

The general atmosphere of peace will fully comply with the canons of Japanese philosophy, in which the melody of a stream is considered more beautiful than the sounds of musical instruments. Arizema, dwarf Japanese maple, low-growing sakura and wonderful Japanese quince can successfully complement the overall feeling.

Symbolism of the Dutch garden

If in other cases a water mill serves as a unique highlight, then when creating a garden in the Dutch style it can become the main element of landscape design, around which compositions from garden roses, daffodils and tulips.

The Dutch-style mill is colorful and laconic at the same time: daffodils, tulips and roses will wonderfully complement the overall picture

If the decorative structure is a miniature, a kind of model of a working water mill, it can be made in the form of a half-timbered house, typical of Holland and Germany. Garden gnomes, water gnomes or an elegant weather vane are an excellent addition that emphasizes the style of the building.

Making a water mill yourself

Water mill mounted on garden plot must match its size. Agree that on the traditional six hundred square meters, an epic structure made of logs will look funny. But a working miniature will come in handy. A medium-sized mill house can be used to store equipment or children's toys.

Just like the real thing, only small

To begin with, you can build a model of a mill. For this you will need:

  • paving slabs size 75x50 cm;
  • paving stones, which look like cubes in the picture;
  • wooden slats;
  • bitumen shingles;
  • plywood;
  • threaded brass rod;
  • bushings;
  • screws and dowels;
  • glue for woodworking;
  • protective impregnation.

All dimensions of the structure are shown in the figure below.

All dimensions of this model are given in centimeters; by carefully examining the diagram and reading the instructions for creating the model, you will not be mistaken when performing the work

On the edge paving slabs We attach cube stones in the shape of the number “9”. We cover them on top with a solution, which we level with a damp sponge. Use a jigsaw to cut the slats to size. From these we assemble the frame of the structure. To make this connection, we glue the racks together, and secure the corner parts with a “half-wood” notch.

In order for the result of the work to cause satisfaction, it is necessary to complete it without haste and consistently, moving from one stage to another.

We attach the resulting frame to the base through the struts with dowels and screws. We fill the frame with tiles. To do this, we cut it to size with a circular saw and glue it with silicone. We apply the image of the wheel rims to a sheet of plywood, and then carefully cut out the parts with a jigsaw.

All wooden parts of the structure should be thoroughly impregnated with an antiseptic solution: the structure will be located outdoors in snow and rain

An overview of means to protect wood from moisture, fire, insects and rot will also be useful:

We glue pieces of aluminum corner to one half of the wheel at distances that correspond to the intervals between the spokes. The corners imitate wheel blades. We make a support for the wheel, gluing it and connecting it with screws to be sure. A glued piece of aluminum pipe will strengthen the hole for the axle.

The wheel is the working part of the mill, the quality of which should be given Special attention, because the total lifespan of the structure depends on its service life

A brass rod is used as an axis. A spacer sleeve and an aluminum tube are placed on it as reinforcement for the wall. Another spacer is needed to provide clearance between the support and the wheel. A nut is screwed onto the thread of the brass rod.

The finished mill looks great and is pleasing to the eye; check again how securely all its elements are fastened, and you can start testing on the water

The upper part of the structure frame is sheathed with slats. Wooden corners, which are glued to the corners of the bottom, allow for correct alignment individual elements designs. The tiles are cut with a wallpaper knife and glued with bitumen glue. The structure is ready.

Full Size Water Mill

Even a full-size structure, placed in the right place, will decorate the site and make it even more comfortable. See for yourself.

A decorative windmill or watermill will help make your garden more attractive. To create it yourself, you need a drawing and simple tools. Master class on making this decor with my own hands is in the article.

Windmill in the garden: beautiful and functional

A personal plot has long ceased to be just a place for growing vegetables and fruits. This is a cozy corner for family gatherings and noisy parties, an area for relaxation and entertainment in the fresh air. In an effort to make the dacha beautiful, well-groomed and original, the owners arrange luxurious flower beds on the territory, plant rare and exotic plants, they make a mini-fountain, a well or an artificial pond with fish and lilies, and sometimes they install a decorative mill. Of course, it does not fulfill its original function - to turn grain into flour - but, nevertheless, it successfully serves other purposes.

Decorative metal mill

By using decorative mill Maybe:

  • hide communications, hatches, valves located on the site;
  • arrange a flower garden, providing small boxes on the sides of the structure;
  • create interesting element children's playground;
  • equip a shed or latrine;
  • do original gazebo or summer kitchen.

Of course, the last two options require large area, significant investment and assistance from relatives or friends during construction. If you don’t need such a scale, stop at a mini-mill. It will certainly decorate your garden, and made from the heart, and even by the hands of the owner himself, it will become the main attraction of your site.

How to make your own garden mill. Step-by-step instructions

Usually this decorative decoration made of wood, so this installation algorithm is designed specifically for this material. First of all, start drawing. It will help not only to imagine what it will look like finished model, but will also coordinate you in the right direction during the work process. Mark on paper what you have already done and what stage you are moving to.

  • for marking - tape measure, ruler or square;
  • for grinding - sandpaper and a special machine;
  • for cutting wood - a saw or jigsaw;
  • for fastening - nails, screws, self-tapping screws;
  • for assembly - a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Mandatory – hammer, drill, level, and pencils/markers.

Materials you will need:

  • plywood or chipboard sheets;
  • a wide board for the base, about 2 cm thick;
  • wooden slats;
  • bars;
  • corners;
  • lining for propeller blades and hull casing (can be replaced with slats).

Exact amount necessary materials depends on the size of the future mill. You can calculate them by already having a ready-made drawing in hand.

Advice. When choosing wood, choose pine. It is soft, easy to process and for a long time retains a pleasant aroma of pine needles. Before proceeding with installation of the structure, lubricate all wooden elements a special composition that will extend the life of the mill and protect against moisture and insects.

One of the options for making a decorative mill

Assembling the base. Bottom part The product can imitate a log house with 4 or 5 walls, or can be made in the form of a stool. For this:

  • prepare a frame in the shape of a square;
  • cut 4 legs from the bars. They can be protected from moisture by inserting each into a piece plastic pipe and secured with self-tapping screws;
  • attach the legs to the inside of the frame, check the height with a level;
  • cover the frame with boards, carefully adjusting them to each other;
  • make several holes in the surface of the resulting “stool”. They are necessary for ventilation and removal of water after rain.

Mill made of wood

Frame installation. For it, take 4 identical bars and nail them to the base in such a way as to end up with a truncated pyramid. Cover the outside of the structure with clapboard.

Attention! The overall appearance of the finished mill depends on how carefully and correctly assembled the frame is. Don't be lazy to take measurements.

Making a roof:

  • prepare 2 identical triangles from plywood or chipboard;
  • connect them at the top and sides;
  • attach to the base.

Creating a Pinwheel:

  • take 2 identical boards;
  • in the center of each of them, make grooves in such a way that when the boards are placed on top of each other in the form of a cross, these grooves are connected;
  • secure the joint with bolts;
  • cut out the wings of the mill - they can have the shape of a triangle or trapezoid;
  • nail the wings to the blades;
  • Attach the pinwheel to the horizontal axis.

Advice. If you are going to create a structure that rotates, screw a vertical rod to the middle of the roof base and the center of the frame using nuts and bolts. Above its middle, place a horizontal axis, which will be located parallel to the roof slope through boards with bearings. It is more difficult to assemble such a structure, but it also looks much more impressive.

Mill decoration. How to fit it into landscape design

Ideas for finishing the finished structure:

  1. Treat the structure with stain. Coat the top with varnish. This way you will not only protect the mill from the influence of the weather, but also give it the most natural look.
  2. Paint the finished product with bright colors to create the impression of a toy.
  3. Make windows and doors, decorating them, for example, with beautiful openwork trim.
  4. Place garden lanterns inside, placing them near the windows to admire the mill even in the dark.
  5. Decorate the roof and walls decorative butterflies, insects.

The mill itself is, of course, good, but the background you choose for it is no less important. It should be a clean, spacious place. Ground cover plants will fit harmoniously into her company. The mill is successfully combined with any body of water on the site.

Advice. Since the mill is a traditional element Dutch style, then bulbous plants, and primarily tulips, look more than appropriate in her environment.

DIY decorative mill: video

Mill for the garden: photo