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Modern garden in high-tech style. Difference between "Hello", "Hi" and "Hey" Hi name

The name hi-tech comes from the English phrase “high technology”, or “high technology”. This phrase is called modern direction in design and architecture, characterized by minimalism in detail and the spirit of industrialization. This style is one of the most popular today, and thousands of designers around the world are engaged in the design of objects in it.

Modern style cannot be confused with others. It is distinguished by the presence of straight lines, rough shapes and subdued colors. Chromed metal, cables, various geometric designs, vertical supports for plants - all this creates its own special atmosphere

High-tech garden

The first thing that catches your eye is a large number of free space. There are few colored flower beds, mostly shrubs and low trees. Paths are usually paved with tiles or stones. They're turning sharp corners and form strict geometric shapes.

In addition to paths, other elements of the garden (for example, ponds, platforms, beds) also have predominantly the shape of a triangle, circle, square, spiral and other shapes.


The vegetation is uniform. Here you will not find a variety of varieties and types of plantings. Topiary shrubs, sloping lawns and extensive paved areas predominate.

Together with lawns, to give garden areas geometric shape and uniformity, ground cover plants are used. Thanks to proper seating, smooth surface areas of different colors appear. Options for such plants:

  • pachysandra;
  • cuff;
  • hoof;

Large trees may be present, however their location must be carefully planned. Like everything else, they obey a single plan and cannot be located chaotically.

Some designers create entire walls of low, wave-trimmed walls, and pave the paths between them with tiles. This idea looks fresh and beautiful, however, it delivers extra hassle by trimming.


From color palette most often used are discreet white, gray and green colors, sometimes blue. Black and orange inserts are rarely used to emphasize specific areas.

The buildings are predominantly ivory and café au lait, without being too colorful. As you have already noticed, the variety of shades and bright colors is completely uncharacteristic of the high-tech style.


For plants, galvanized containers are often installed, arranged in a clear sequence. Garden areas can be divided by metal cables and crossbars, on which urban objects such as large fans are placed.

The materials used for the technical garden are modern, some can be expensive, however, they are wear-resistant and will serve long years. There are only 4 main types:

  • stone;
  • glass:
  • valuable wood species;
  • metal.

Often they place metal chairs and tables, or those made of perfectly smooth wood panels. Hidden illumination of wide steps, as well as thick glass lamps dug into the ground, look beautiful.

Zoning is often done by changing the level. For example, “floors” lined with large, even tiles, decorated with shrubs on the sides, and steps leading upward to a higher level, where several trees are located.


Besides modern materials, minimalist design and strictly selected vegetation, accessories play an important role. Since a “high tech” garden implies the use of ultra-modern technologies, maximum attention should be paid to the selection of accessories.

Think in detail Large round lamps made of matte white glass, look very advantageous.

Furniture made of steel is one of the most recognizable features inherent in high-tech style.

The main rule for all accessories is that they should be modern and fashionable. The more gadgets your tech garden contains, the better. For example, the system smart House", or intelligent lighting. Creative gazebos made from valuable species wood, or concrete, pools and fountains - all this will emphasize the uniqueness and status of your site.

If you do not have experience, then to create a technological garden project it is best to turn to a professional. Due to the complexity of the design, the need to think through every detail and monitor the geometry of all forms, it will be difficult for a beginner to take into account all aspects. However, the invested time and money will ultimately allow you to create on your suburban area a real masterpiece engineering and technical thought.

You've probably already heard how many native speakers greet each other by saying " hello", "hi", or simply " hey"All these words mean the same thing - greeting. The main difference between them is the degree of formality, that is, in the rules of application depending on the relationship between the people communicating.

They often add the word " there" (the meaning is the same): “Hi there!”, “Hey there!”, “Hello there!”.


This formal greeting variant and corresponds to Russian " Greetings!", but usually " hello"translated into Russian as" Hello"Also, “hello” is very often used when answering a phone call and much less often to attract attention.

Hello Dmitry! Nice to meet you.
Hello, Dmitriy! Nice to meet you.

Hello! Are listening to me?
Hey! You are listening to me?

Hello? This is Tom.
Hello? This is Tom/Tom is in touch.

Synonyms Hello. The following greeting options can successfully replace hello: greetings, good day/morning/evening/afternoon, nice to meet/see you.

IN business correspondence(via Email as well) saying “hello” is inappropriate. Instead, they say "Dear + the other person's name" - serves as a greeting.


This everyday greeting option, that is, it has neutral shade of politeness. Translated into Russian as " Hello" or " Hello". It is appropriate in many everyday situations and the nature of the relationship between interlocutors. But it is still recommended to greet friends, relatives and well-known people in this way.

Hi,Mom. Just calling to say I love you.
Hello, Mom. Just calling to say I love you.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.
Hello. Sorry I'm late.

Hi, Anya. I"d like to be your new friend.
Hello, Anya. I wanted to be your new friend.


This informal or a “youth” version of the greeting. Corresponds to Russian " Great" And " Firework"Sometimes they say it if they want to show the joy of a (long-awaited) meeting.

Hey! Where are are you going?
Great! Where are you going?

Hey. I need to speak with you.
Hello. I need to talk to you.

Often " hey" is used to attract attention, to express admiration/surprise and dissatisfaction. In the USA, if a guy wants to flirt with a girl, he will say “hey” in almost 99% of cases.

Hey. I'm here. It's fine.
Hey/Ay. I'm here. I'm fine.

Hey, is this your mother's car?
Wow, is this your mom's car?

Hey! Get off my home!
Hey! (Come on) get out of my house!

Hey is indecent towards strangers and unfamiliar people, and rude towards the older generation.

Synonyms Hey: hiya, what's up, sup.


We can conclude that the main difference between these words is the degree of formality. They can be divided into three levels:

Hello – formal greeting;
Hi – acceptable, everyday greeting;
Hey is an informal greeting.

The classification of inorganic substances and their nomenclature are based on the simplest and most constant characteristic over time - chemical composition , which shows the atoms of the elements that form this substance, in their numerical terms. If a substance consists of atoms of one chemical element, i.e. is the form of existence of this element in free form, then it is called simple substance; if the substance is made up of atoms of two or more elements, then it is called complex substance. All simple substances (except monatomic ones) and all complex substances are usually called chemical compounds , since in them atoms of one or different elements are connected to each other by chemical bonds.

The nomenclature of inorganic substances consists of formulas and names. Chemical formula - depiction of the composition of a substance using symbols of chemical elements, numerical indices and some other signs. Chemical name - image of the composition of a substance using a word or group of words. The construction of chemical formulas and names is determined by the system nomenclature rules.

The symbols and names of chemical elements are given in the Periodic Table of Elements by D.I. Mendeleev. The elements are conventionally divided into metals And nonmetals . Non-metals include all elements of group VIIIA (noble gases) and group VIIA (halogens), elements of group VIA (except polonium), elements nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic (VA group); carbon, silicon (IVA group); boron (IIIA group), as well as hydrogen. The remaining elements are classified as metals.

When compiling the names of substances, Russian names of elements are usually used, for example, dioxygen, xenon difluoride, potassium selenate. Traditionally, for some elements, the roots of their Latin names are introduced into derivative terms:

For example: carbonate, manganate, oxide, sulfide, silicate.

Titles simple substances consist of one word - the name of a chemical element with a numerical prefix, for example:

The following are used numerical prefixes:

An indefinite number is indicated by a numeric prefix n- poly.

For some simple substances they also use special names such as O 3 - ozone, P 4 - white phosphorus.

Chemical formulas complex substances made up of the designation electropositive(conditional and real cations) and electronegative(conditional and real anions) components, for example, CuSO 4 (here Cu 2+ is a real cation, SO 4 2 - is a real anion) and PCl 3 (here P +III is a conditional cation, Cl -I is a conditional anion).

Titles complex substances composed according to chemical formulas from right to left. They are made up of two words - the names of the electronegative components (in nominative case) and electropositive components (in the genitive case), for example:

CuSO 4 - copper(II) sulfate
PCl 3 - phosphorus trichloride
LaCl 3 - lanthanum(III) chloride
CO - carbon monoxide

The number of electropositive and electronegative components in the names is indicated by the numerical prefixes given above ( universal method), or oxidation states (if they can be determined by the formula) using Roman numerals in parentheses (the plus sign is omitted). In some cases, the charge of ions is given (for cations and anions of complex composition), using Arabic numerals with the appropriate sign.

The following special names are used for common multielement cations and anions:

H 2 F + - fluoronium

C 2 2 - - acetylenide

H 3 O + - oxonium

CN - - cyanide

H 3 S + - sulfonium

CNO - - fulminate

NH 4 + - ammonium

HF 2 - - hydrodifluoride

N 2 H 5 + - hydrazinium(1+)

HO 2 - - hydroperoxide

N 2 H 6 + - hydrazinium(2+)

HS - - hydrosulfide

NH 3 OH + - hydroxylamine

N 3 - - azide

NO+ - nitrosyl

NCS - - thiocyanate

NO 2 + - nitroyl

O 2 2 - - peroxide

O 2 + - dioxygenyl

O 2 - - superoxide

PH 4 + - phosphonium

O 3 - - ozonide

VO 2+ - vanadyl

OCN - - cyanate

UO 2+ - uranyl

OH - - hydroxide

For a small number of well-known substances it is also used special titles:

1. Acidic and basic hydroxides. Salts

Hydroxides are a type of complex substances that contain atoms of some element E (except fluorine and oxygen) and hydroxyl groups OH; general formula of hydroxides E(OH) n, Where n= 1÷6. Form of hydroxides E(OH) n called ortho-shape; at n> 2 hydroxide can also be found in meta-form, which includes, in addition to E atoms and OH groups, oxygen atoms O, for example E(OH) 3 and EO(OH), E(OH) 4 and E(OH) 6 and EO 2 (OH) 2.

Hydroxides are divided into two groups with opposite chemical properties: acidic and basic hydroxides.

Acidic hydroxides contain hydrogen atoms, which can be replaced by metal atoms subject to the rule of stoichiometric valence. Most acid hydroxides are found in meta-form, and hydrogen atoms in the formulas of acidic hydroxides are given first place, for example, H 2 SO 4, HNO 3 and H 2 CO 3, and not SO 2 (OH) 2, NO 2 (OH) and CO (OH) 2. The general formula of acid hydroxides is H X EO at, where the electronegative component EO y x - called an acid residue. If not all hydrogen atoms are replaced by a metal, then they remain as part of the acid residue.

The names of common acid hydroxides consist of two words: the proper name with the ending “aya” and the group word “acid”. Here are the formulas and proper names of common acid hydroxides and their acidic residues (a dash means that the hydroxide is not known in free form or in an acidic aqueous solution):

acid hydroxide

acid residue

HAsO 2 - metaarsenic

AsO 2 - - metaarsenite

H 3 AsO 3 - orthoarsenic

AsO 3 3 - - orthoarsenite

H 3 AsO 4 - arsenic

AsO 4 3 - - arsenate

B 4 O 7 2 - - tetraborate

ВiО 3 - - bismuthate

HBrO - bromide

BrO - - hypobromite

HBrO 3 - brominated

BrO 3 - - bromate

H 2 CO 3 - coal

CO 3 2 - - carbonate

HClO - hypochlorous

ClO- - hypochlorite

HClO 2 - chloride

ClO2 - - chlorite

HClO 3 - chloric

ClO3 - - chlorate

HClO 4 - chlorine

ClO4 - - perchlorate

H 2 CrO 4 - chrome

CrO 4 2 - - chromate

НCrO 4 - - hydrochromate

H 2 Cr 2 O 7 - dichromic

Cr 2 O 7 2 - - dichromate

FeO 4 2 - - ferrate

HIO 3 - iodine

IO 3 - - iodate

HIO 4 - metaiodine

IO 4 - - metaperiodate

H 5 IO 6 - orthoiodine

IO 6 5 - - orthoperiodate

HMnO 4 - manganese

MnO4- - permanganate

MnO 4 2 - - manganate

MoO 4 2 - - molybdate

HNO 2 - nitrogenous

NO 2 - - nitrite

HNO 3 - nitrogen

NO 3 - - nitrate

HPO 3 - metaphosphoric

PO 3 - - metaphosphate

H 3 PO 4 - orthophosphoric

PO 4 3 - - orthophosphate

НPO 4 2 - - hydroorthophosphate

H 2 PO 4 - - dihydroothophosphate

H 4 P 2 O 7 - diphosphoric

P 2 O 7 4 - - diphosphate

ReO 4 - - perrhenate

SO 3 2 - - sulfite

HSO 3 - - hydrosulfite

H 2 SO 4 - sulfuric

SO 4 2 - - sulfate

HSO 4 - - hydrogen sulfate

H 2 S 2 O 7 - disulfur

S 2 O 7 2 - - disulfate

H 2 S 2 O 6 (O 2) - peroxodisulfur

S 2 O 6 (O 2) 2 - - peroxodisulfate

H 2 SO 3 S - thiosulfur

SO 3 S 2 - - thiosulfate

H 2 SeO 3 - selenium

SeO 3 2 - - selenite

H 2 SeO 4 - selenium

SeO 4 2 - - selenate

H 2 SiO 3 - metasilicon

SiO 3 2 - - metasilicate

H 4 SiO 4 - orthosilicon

SiO 4 4 - - orthosilicate

H 2 TeO 3 - telluric

TeO 3 2 - - tellurite

H 2 TeO 4 - metatelluric

TeO 4 2 - - metatellurate

H 6 TeO 6 - orthotelluric

TeO 6 6 - - orthotellurate

VO 3 - - metavanadate

VO 4 3 - - orthovanadate

WO 4 3 - - tungstate

Less common acid hydroxides are named according to nomenclature rules for complex compounds, for example:

The names of acid residues are used to construct the names of salts.

Basic hydroxides contain hydroxide ions, which can be replaced by acidic residues subject to the rule of stoichiometric valency. All basic hydroxides are found in ortho-shape; their general formula is M(OH) n, Where n= 1.2 (less often 3.4) and M n+ is a metal cation. Examples of formulas and names of basic hydroxides:

The most important chemical property of basic and acidic hydroxides is their interaction with each other to form salts ( salt formation reaction), For example:

Ca(OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O

Ca(OH) 2 + 2H 2 SO 4 = Ca(HSO 4) 2 + 2H 2 O

2Ca(OH)2 + H2SO4 = Ca2SO4(OH)2 + 2H2O

Salts are a type of complex substances that contain M cations n+ and acidic residues*.

Salts with general formula M X(EO at)n called average salts, and salts with unsubstituted hydrogen atoms - sour salts. Sometimes salts also contain hydroxide and/or oxide ions; such salts are called main salts. Here are examples and names of salts:

Calcium orthophosphate

Calcium dihydrogen orthophosphate

Calcium hydrogen phosphate

Copper(II) carbonate

Cu 2 CO 3 (OH) 2

Dicopper dihydroxide carbonate

Lanthanum(III) nitrate

Titanium oxide dinitrate

Acid and basic salts can be converted to middle salts by reaction with the appropriate basic and acidic hydroxide, for example:

Ca(HSO 4) 2 + Ca(OH) = CaSO 4 + 2H 2 O

Ca 2 SO 4 (OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 = Ca 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O

There are also salts containing two different cations: they are often called double salts, For example:

2. Acidic and basic oxides

Oxides E X ABOUT at- products of complete dehydration of hydroxides:

Acid hydroxides (H 2 SO 4, H 2 CO 3) acid oxides answer(SO 3, CO 2), and basic hydroxides (NaOH, Ca(OH) 2) - basicoxides(Na 2 O, CaO), and the oxidation state of element E does not change when moving from hydroxide to oxide. Example of formulas and names of oxides:

Acidic and basic oxides retain the salt-forming properties of the corresponding hydroxides when interacting with hydroxides of opposite properties or with each other:

N 2 O 5 + 2NaOH = 2NaNO 3 + H 2 O

3CaO + 2H 3 PO 4 = Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 + 3H 2 O

La 2 O 3 + 3SO 3 = La 2 (SO 4) 3

3. Amphoteric oxides and hydroxides

Amphotericity hydroxides and oxides - a chemical property consisting in the formation of two rows of salts by them, for example, for aluminum hydroxide and aluminum oxide:

(a) 2Al(OH) 3 + 3SO 3 = Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3H 2 O

Al 2 O 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = Al 2 (SO 4) 3 + 3H 2 O

(b) 2Al(OH) 3 + Na 2 O = 2NaAlO 2 + 3H 2 O

Al 2 O 3 + 2NaOH = 2NaAlO 2 + H 2 O

Thus, aluminum hydroxide and oxide in reactions (a) exhibit the properties main hydroxides and oxides, i.e. react with acidic hydroxides and oxide, forming the corresponding salt - aluminum sulfate Al 2 (SO 4) 3, while in reactions (b) they also exhibit the properties acidic hydroxides and oxides, i.e. react with basic hydroxide and oxide, forming a salt - sodium dioxoaluminate (III) NaAlO 2. In the first case, the element aluminum exhibits the property of a metal and is part of the electropositive component (Al 3+), in the second - the property of a non-metal and is part of the electronegative component of the salt formula (AlO 2 -).

If these reactions occur in an aqueous solution, then the composition of the resulting salts changes, but the presence of aluminum in the cation and anion remains:

2Al(OH) 3 + 3H 2 SO 4 = 2 (SO 4) 3

Al(OH) 3 + NaOH = Na

Here, complex ions 3+ - hexaaqualuminium(III) cation, - - tetrahydroxoaluminate(III) ion are highlighted in square brackets.

Elements that exhibit metallic and non-metallic properties in compounds are called amphoteric, these include elements of A-groups Periodic table- Be, Al, Ga, Ge, Sn, Pb, Sb, Bi, Po, etc., as well as most B-group elements - Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cd, Au, etc. Amphoteric oxides are also called as well as the main ones, for example:

Amphoteric hydroxides (if the oxidation state of the element exceeds + II) can be found in ortho- or (and) meta- form. Here are examples of amphoteric hydroxides:

Amphoteric oxides do not always correspond to amphoteric hydroxides, since when trying to obtain the latter, hydrated oxides are formed, for example:

If an amphoteric element in a compound has several oxidation states, then the amphotericity of the corresponding oxides and hydroxides (and, consequently, the amphotericity of the element itself) will be expressed differently. For low oxidation states, hydroxides and oxides exhibit a predominance of basic properties, and the element itself has metallic properties, so it is almost always included in the cations. For high oxidation states, on the contrary, hydroxides and oxides have a predominance of acidic properties, and the element itself has non-metallic properties, so it is almost always included in the composition of anions. Thus, manganese(II) oxide and hydroxide have dominant basic properties, and manganese itself is part of cations of the 2+ type, while manganese(VII) oxide and hydroxide have dominant acidic properties, and manganese itself is part of the MnO 4 - type anion. . Amphoteric hydroxides with a great predominance of acidic properties, formulas and names are attributed to the model of acidic hydroxides, for example HMn VII O 4 - manganese acid.

Thus, the division of elements into metals and non-metals is conditional; Between the elements (Na, K, Ca, Ba, etc.) with purely metallic properties and the elements (F, O, N, Cl, S, C, etc.) with purely non-metallic properties, there is a large group of elements with amphoteric properties.

4. Binary compounds

A broad type of inorganic complex substances are binary compounds. These include, first of all, all two-element compounds (except for basic, acidic and amphoteric oxides), for example H 2 O, KBr, H 2 S, Cs 2 (S 2), N 2 O, NH 3, HN 3, CaC 2 , SiH 4 . The electropositive and electronegative components of the formulas of these compounds include individual atoms or bonded groups of atoms of the same element.

Multielement substances, in the formulas of which one of the components contains unrelated atoms of several elements, as well as single-element or multi-element groups of atoms (except hydroxides and salts), are considered as binary compounds, for example CSO, IO 2 F 3, SBrO 2 F, CrO (O 2) 2, PSI 3, (CaTi)O 3, (FeCu)S 2, Hg(CN) 2, (PF 3) 2 O, VCl 2 (NH 2). Thus, CSO can be represented as a CS 2 compound in which one sulfur atom is replaced by an oxygen atom.

The names of binary compounds are constructed according to the usual nomenclature rules, for example:

OF 2 - oxygen difluoride

K 2 O 2 - potassium peroxide

HgCl 2 - mercury(II) chloride

Na 2 S - sodium sulfide

Hg 2 Cl 2 - dimercury dichloride

Mg 3 N 2 - magnesium nitride

SBr 2 O - sulfur oxide-dibromide

NH 4 Br - ammonium bromide

N 2 O - dinitrogen oxide

Pb(N 3) 2 - lead(II) azide

NO 2 - nitrogen dioxide

CaC 2 - calcium acetylenide

For some binary compounds, special names are used, a list of which was given earlier.

The chemical properties of binary compounds are quite diverse, so they are often divided into groups by the name of anions, i.e. halides, chalcogenides, nitrides, carbides, hydrides, etc. are considered separately. Among the binary compounds there are also those that have some characteristics of other types of inorganic substances. Thus, the compounds CO, NO, NO 2, and (Fe II Fe 2 III) O 4, the names of which are constructed using the word oxide, cannot be classified as oxides (acidic, basic, amphoteric). Carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen monoxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO 2 do not have corresponding acid hydroxides (although these oxides are formed by non-metals C and N), nor do they form salts whose anions would include atoms C II, N II and N IV. Double oxide (Fe II Fe 2 III) O 4 - diiron(III)-iron(II) oxide, although it contains atoms of the amphoteric element - iron in the electropositive component, but in two different oxidation states, as a result of which, when interacting with acid hydroxides, it forms not one, but two different salts.

Binary compounds such as AgF, KBr, Na 2 S, Ba(HS) 2, NaCN, NH 4 Cl, and Pb(N 3) 2 are built, like salts, from real cations and anions, which is why they are called salt-like binary compounds (or simply salts). They can be considered as products of the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the compounds HF, HCl, HBr, H 2 S, HCN and HN 3. The latter in an aqueous solution have an acidic function, and therefore their solutions are called acids, for example HF (aqua) - hydrofluoric acid, H 2 S (aqua) - hydrosulfide acid. However, they do not belong to the type of acid hydroxides, and their derivatives do not belong to the salts within the classification of inorganic substances.

Well-known companies quite often have unusual names. At the same time, the founders motivate the word, which is incomprehensible to the average person, for various reasons: they liked the sound, it resembles the name of a pet, the usual domain is already taken or is expensive.


So, working title of the famous social network Twitter had Status, but the founders weren't happy with it. “We wanted the name to sound like a bell that helps you find a friend wherever they are,” said founder Jack Dorsey. “We came up with a list of words and eventually settled on twitch because it sounds like a phone call.” "However, twitch does not have good associations. After a lot of searching in dictionaries, we finally chose the word twitter (twitter), and it was exactly what we needed."

Famous online game developer Zynga was named after company founder Mark Pincus's bulldog.. But due to the fact that Zinga.com was already taken, I had to stop at Zynga.com.

As for Google, then originally Sergey Brin and Larry Page called their search engine Back Rub(back friction). However, it was later renamed Google. This word comes from the mathematical term googol (the number 10 to the power of 100). According to the founders, this name very well expresses the essence of the search engine, which helps to find a huge amount of information.

The name Yandex comes from several words, Vesti.Ru reports. The word was coined by Ilya Segalovich, the current director of technology at Yandex, and the company’s general director, Arkady Volozh. Ilya wrote down various derivatives of words describing the essence of technology. As a result, the yandex option appeared. To add flavor and national character, it was decided to replace the first letter with the Russian “Ya”.

One Kings Lane is a well-known website for selling home goods. The company's name is a mailing address "that combines the old and the new world."

Jerry Yang and David Filo renamed their company Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web in 1994 to Yahoo!. The name has literary roots. Yahoos were the name of wild animals in Jonathan Swift's book Gulliver's Travels. Thus, Yahoo! means "rough, simple and uncouth."

Initially the project that later became Skype was called Sky peer-to-peer (“Across the sky with each other”). English expression was shortened to Skyper, but the r was later cut off.

According to Apple co-founder Steve Woznick, the idea to name the company came to Steve Jobs while he was driving from Palo Alto to Los Altos. "Perhaps he was picking apples on the farm. I didn't ask him about it. Perhaps this idea came about in connection with the old record company Apple Records. Steve really loved music," Woznik said.

The famous music company Pandora is named after the Greek goddess who had a magical box with all the troubles and hopes.

8.1. What is chemical nomenclature

Chemical nomenclature developed gradually over several centuries. As chemical knowledge accumulated, it changed several times. It is being refined and developed even now, which is connected not only with the imperfection of some nomenclature rules, but also with the fact that scientists are constantly discovering new and new compounds, which can be named (and sometimes even made formulas) using existing rules sometimes it turns out to be impossible. The nomenclature rules currently accepted by the scientific community around the world are contained in a multi-volume publication: “IUPAC Nomenclature Rules for Chemistry”, the number of volumes in which is continuously increasing.
You are already familiar with the types of chemical formulas, as well as some of the rules for their composition. What are the names of chemical substances?
Using nomenclature rules, you can create systematic Name substances.

For many substances, in addition to systematic ones, traditional, so-called trivial titles. When they appeared, these names reflected certain properties of substances, methods of preparation, or contained the name of what the substance was isolated from. Compare the systematic and trivial names of the substances given in Table 25.

All names of minerals (natural substances that make up rocks) are also trivial, for example: quartz (SiO 2); rock salt, or halite (NaCl); zinc blende, or sphalerite (ZnS); magnetic iron ore, or magnetite (Fe 3 O 4); pyrolusite (MnO 2); fluorspar, or fluorite (CaF 2) and many others.

Table 25. Systematic and trivial names of some substances

Systematic name

Trivial name

NaCl Sodium chloride Salt
Na 2 CO 3 Sodium carbonate Soda, soda ash
NaHCO3 Sodium bicarbonate Baking soda
CaO Calcium oxide Quicklime
Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide Slaked lime
NaOH Sodium hydroxide Caustic soda, caustic soda, caustic
KOH Potassium hydroxide Caustic potassium
K2CO3 Potassium carbonate Potash
CO2 Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide
CO Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide
NH4NO3 Ammonium nitrate Ammonium nitrate
KNO 3 Potassium nitrate Potassium nitrate
KClO3 Potassium chlorate Bertholet's salt
MgO Magnesium oxide Magnesia

For some of the most well-known or widespread substances, only trivial names are used, for example: water, ammonia, methane, diamond, graphite and others. In this case, such trivial names are sometimes called special.
You will learn how the names of substances belonging to different classes are composed in the following paragraphs.

Sodium carbonate Na 2 CO 3 . The technical (trivial) name is soda ash (that is, calcined) or simply “soda.” The white substance, thermally very stable (melts without decomposition), dissolves well in water, partially reacting with it, and an alkaline environment is created in the solution. Sodium carbonate - ionic compound with a complex anion whose atoms are interconnected covalent bonds. Soda was previously widely used in everyday life for washing clothes, but has now been completely replaced by modern washing powders. Sodium carbonate is obtained at quite complex technology from sodium chloride, and is used mainly in the production of glass. Potassium carbonate K 2 CO 3. The technical (trivial) name is potash. In structure, properties and use, potassium carbonate is very similar to sodium carbonate. Previously, it was obtained from plant ash, and the ash itself was used in washing. Now most of Potassium carbonate is produced as a by-product in the production of alumina (Al 2 O 3), used to produce aluminum.

Due to its hygroscopicity, potash is used as a drying agent. It is also used in the production of glass, pigments, and liquid soap. In addition, potassium carbonate is a convenient reagent for obtaining other potassium compounds.

1. Write down ten trivial names of any compounds (not in the table) from the previous chapters of the textbook, write down the formulas of these substances and give their systematic names.
2.What do the trivial names “table salt”, “soda ash”, “ carbon monoxide", "burnt magnesia"?

8.2. Names and formulas of simple substances

The names of most simple substances coincide with the names of the corresponding elements. Only all allotropic modifications of carbon have their own special names: diamond, graphite, carbyne and others. In addition, one of the allotropic modifications of oxygen has its own special name - ozone.
The simplest formula of a simple non-molecular substance consists only of the symbol of the corresponding element, for example: Na - sodium, Fe - iron, Si - silicon.
Allotropic modifications are designated using alphabetic indices or letters of the Greek alphabet:

C (a) – diamond; - Sn – gray tin;
C (gr) – graphite; - Sn – white tin.

IN molecular formulas molecular simple substances index, as you know, shows the number of atoms in a molecule of a substance:
H 2 – hydrogen; O 2 – oxygen; Cl 2 – chlorine; O 3 – ozone.

In accordance with nomenclature rules, the systematic name of such a substance must contain a prefix indicating the number of atoms in the molecule:
H 2 – dihydrogen;
O 3 – trioxygen;
P 4 – tetraphosphorus;
S 8 - octasulfur, etc., but at present this rule has not yet become generally accepted.

Table 26.Numeric prefixes

Factor Console Factor Console Factor Console
mono penta nona
di hexa soundboard
three hepta Undeka
tetra Octa dodeca
Ozone O3– light blue gas with a characteristic odor, liquid state– dark blue, in solid – dark purple. This is the second allotropic modification of oxygen. Ozone is much more soluble in water than oxygen. O 3 is unstable and even at room temperature slowly turns into oxygen. Very reactive, destructive organic matter, reacts with many metals, including gold and platinum. You can smell ozone in thunderstorm time, since in nature ozone is formed as a result of the impact of lightning and ultraviolet radiation on atmospheric oxygen. Above the Earth there is an ozone layer located at an altitude of about 40 km, which retains the main part of what is harmful to all living things ultraviolet radiation Sun. Ozone has bleaching and disinfecting properties. In some countries it is used to disinfect water. IN medical institutions For disinfection of premises, ozone obtained in special devices– ozonizers.

8.3. Formulas and names of binary substances

In accordance with general rule in the formula of a binary substance, the symbol of an element with a lower electronegativity of atoms is placed in first place, and in second place - with a higher one, for example: NaF, BaCl 2, CO 2, OF 2 (and not FNa, Cl 2 Ba, O 2 C or F 2 O !).
Since electronegativity values ​​for atoms of different elements are constantly being refined, two rules of thumb are usually used:
1. If a binary compound is a compound of a metal-forming element with element forming a non-metal, then the symbol of the element forming the metal is always placed in first place (on the left).
2. If both elements included in the compound are elements that form non-metals, then their symbols are arranged in the following sequence:

B, Si, C, Sb, As, P, N, H, Te, Se, S, At, I, Br, Cl, O, F.

Note: It should be remembered that nitrogen's place in this practical series does not correspond to its electronegativity; as a general rule it should be placed between chlorine and oxygen.

Examples: Al 2 O 3, FeO, Na 3 P, PbCl 2, Cr 2 S 3, UO 2 (according to the first rule);
BF 3, CCl 4, As 2 S 3, NH 3, SO 3, I 2 O 5, OF 2 (according to the second rule).
The systematic name of a binary compound can be given in two ways. For example, CO 2 can be called carbon dioxide - you already know this name - and carbon monoxide (IV). In the second name, the Stock number (oxidation state) of carbon is indicated in parentheses. This is done in order to distinguish this compound from CO - carbon monoxide (II).
You can use either type of name, depending on which one is more convenient in this case.

Examples (more convenient names are highlighted):

MnO manganese monoxide manganese(II) oxide
Mn2O3 dimanganese trioxide manganese oxide(III)
MnO2 manganese dioxide manganese(IV) oxide
Mn2O7 dimanganese heptoxide manganese oxide(VII)

Other examples:

If the atoms of the element that comes first in the formula of a substance exhibit only one positive oxidation state, then neither numerical prefixes nor the designation of this oxidation state in the name of the substance are usually used, for example:
Na 2 O – sodium oxide; KCl – potassium chloride;
Cs 2 S – cesium sulfide; BaCl 2 – barium chloride;
BCl 3 – boron chloride; HCl – hydrogen chloride (hydrogen chloride);
Al 2 O 3 – aluminum oxide; H 2 S – hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulfide).

1. Make up systematic names of substances (for binary substances - in two ways):
a) O 2, FeBr 2, BF 3, CuO, HI;
b) N 2, FeCl 2, Al 2 S 3, CuI, H 2 Te;
c) I 2, PCl 5, MnBr 2, BeH 2, Cu 2 O.
2.Name each of the nitrogen oxides in two ways: N 2 O, NO, N 2 O 3, NO 2, N 2 O 4, N 2 O 5. Emphasize more user-friendly names.
3. Write down the formulas of the following substances:
a) sodium fluoride, barium sulfide, strontium hydride, lithium oxide;
b) carbon(IV) fluoride, copper(II) sulfide, phosphorus(III) oxide, phosphorus(V) oxide;
c) silicon dioxide, diiodine pentoxide, diphosphorus trioxide, carbon disulfide;
d) hydrogen selenide, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen iodide, hydrogen telluride;
e) methane, silane, ammonia, phosphine.
4. Formulate the rules for compiling formulas for binary substances according to the position of the elements that make up this substance in the system of elements.

8.4. Formulas and names of more complex substances

As you have already noticed, in the formula of a binary compound, the first place is the symbol of a cation or atom with a partial positive charge, and the second is the symbol of an anion or an atom with a partial negative charge. Formulas for more complex substances are compiled in the same way, but the places of atoms or simple ions in them are taken by groups of atoms or complex ions.
As an example, consider the compound (NH 4) 2 CO 3. In it, the formula of a complex cation (NH 4) is in first place, and the formula of a complex anion (CO 3 2) is in second place.
In the formula of the most complex ion, the symbol of the central atom, that is, the atom to which the remaining atoms (or groups of atoms) of this ion are associated, is placed first, and the oxidation state of the central atom is indicated in the name.

Examples of systematic names:
Na 2 SO 4 sodium tetraoxosulfate(VI),
K 2 SO 3 potassium(II) trioxosulfate(IV),
CaCO 3 calcium(II) trioxocarbonate(IV),
(NH 4) 3 PO 4 ammonium tetraoxophosphate(V),
PH 4 Cl phosphonium chloride,
Mg(OH) 2 magnesium(II) hydroxide.

Such names accurately reflect the composition of the compound, but are very cumbersome. Therefore, abbreviated ones ( semi-systematic) names of these compounds:
Na 2 SO 4 sodium sulfate,
K 2 SO 3 potassium sulfite,
CaCO 3 calcium carbonate,
(NH 4) 3 PO 4 ammonium phosphate,
Mg(OH) 2 magnesium hydroxide.

The systematic names of acids are composed as if the acid is a hydrogen salt:
H 2 SO 4 hydrogen tetraoxosulfate(VI),
H 2 CO 3 hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV),
H 2 hydrogen hexafluorosilicate (IV). (You will learn about the reasons for using square brackets in the formula of this compound later)
But for the most well-known acids, nomenclature rules allow the use of their trivial names, which, together with the names of the corresponding anions, are given in Table 27.

Table 27.Names of some acids and their anions



Aluminum chloride AlCl 3. In the solid state, a non-molecular substance with simplest formula AlCl 3, and in liquid and gaseous - the molecular substance Al 2 Cl 6. The bonds in anhydrous aluminum chloride are covalent, and in solid form it has a framework structure. It is a white, fusible, highly volatile compound. Aluminum chloride is highly soluble in water and “smoke” in humid air. Anhydrous AlCl 3 cannot be isolated from aqueous solutions. Aluminum chloride is used as a catalyst in the synthesis of organic substances.

Nitric acid HNO 3 Pure anhydrous nitric acid is a colorless liquid; in light it decomposes to form brown nitrogen dioxide, which colors the acid yellowish, the intensity of which depends on the concentration of the dioxide. If acid is handled carelessly and gets on the skin, a burn will form, which also has a characteristic yellow. Nitric acid mixes with water in any ratio. It is customary to distinguish between concentrated, dilute and very dilute acids. A mixture of nitrogen and hydrochloric acid called "regia vodka" - this mixture is so active that it can react with gold. And nitric acid itself is one of the most destructive reagents. Due to its high activity, nitric acid does not occur in nature in a free state, although small amounts are formed in the atmosphere. Prepare nitric acid from large quantities from ammonia using a rather complex technology, but are spent on production mineral fertilizers. in addition, this substance is used in almost all branches of the chemical industry.

Name the following substances:
a) Fe(NO 3) 3, H 2 SeO 4, Cr(OH) 3, (NH 4) 3 PO 4;
b) Cr 2 (SO 4) 3, CrSO 4, CrCl 3, CrO 3, Cr 2 S 3;
c) Na 2 SO 4, Na 2 SO 3, Na 2 S;
d) KNO 3, KNO 2, K 3 N;
e) HBr, H 3 BO 3, (H 3 O) 2 SO 4, (H 3 O) 3 PO 4;
e) KMnO 4, K 2 S 2 O 7, K 3, K 3.
2. Make up formulas for the following substances:
a) magnesium carbonate, lead(II) nitrate, lithium nitrite;
b) chromium(III) hydroxide, aluminum bromide, iron(II) sulfide;
c) silver nitrate, phosphorus bromide (V), calcium phosphate.