home · Installation · Which laminate to choose for the kitchen. All about laminate flooring in the kitchen - from selection to installation Waterproof laminate for the kitchen pros and cons

Which laminate to choose for the kitchen. All about laminate flooring in the kitchen - from selection to installation Waterproof laminate for the kitchen pros and cons

When deciding to use laminate flooring in the kitchen and hallway, the question immediately arises of choosing the most durable and durable of the entire extensive range that is offered on modern market building materials.

The kitchen in a residential area is where most household pollution occurs.

Therefore, the fundamental factor when choosing a laminate for the kitchen should be its ability to withstand significant loads over a long period of time.

Helpful information! In order not to make a mistake when choosing a laminate, you need to understand what it is made of and what materials are used in its production.

Laminate structure and components used in the production process

As shown in the photo, laminated panels are boards that have several layers, which, when exposed to high temperatures And high pressure very tightly pressed together.

The basis of the panel is an MDF or chipboard board, the degree of rigidity and strength of which can vary. This indicator is influenced by the amount of wood used in the slab.

The more it is contained, the denser the material and the fewer voids it contains. Accordingly, the moisture resistance of the laminate increases. Followed by decorative layer made of thick paper, providing color to the panel.

  • Topmost layer performs protective function. As a rule, manufacturers use melamine impregnation for this, which is a durable insoluble chemical compound, or other chemical compound that is safe for human or animal health.
  • Bottom layer- strengthening, consisting of thick kraft paper.

When choosing flooring for the kitchen, attention is paid to its strength and impact resistance class, since it is in the kitchen that heavy objects often accidentally fall onto the floor.

Some manufacturers, in order to increase the strength coefficient of the laminate produced, add various substances to the protective layer intended to strengthen the surface.

These substances include finely divided silicon dioxide, finely divided alpha-alumina, and finely divided cellulose fibers.

Manufacturers make decisions on the composition and amount of fillers in the material themselves, and this relates to their know-how.

The variety of colors and textures of the laminate is provided by a pattern on thick paper, which is tightly attached to the base of the slab.

When choosing the texture of laminate flooring for the kitchen, you should be guided by: overall design and designing the kitchen so that it fits harmoniously into the interior.

Helpful information! The main question when choosing laminate flooring for the kitchen is right choice protective coating. Previously, manufacturers offered only moisture-resistant coating options. However, today on the modern building materials market there are samples of laminate with a waterproof coating.

Best used as kitchen flooring laminate will do, resistant to moisture, in other words - waterproof. Despite his more high cost Compared to other samples, the manufacturers guarantee maximum resistance to humidity.

Differences between moisture-resistant and water-resistant laminate

In the kitchen area there is a very high probability of the floor getting wet. For this reason, experts recommend using it for flooring in kitchen areas. moisture resistant laminate, and also laminate is better under the tiles.

The ends of the lamellas of such a laminate are additionally impregnated with a special water-repellent composition. Upper protective layer panels have an additional coating that is resistant to moisture.

Helpful information! In accordance with the instructions for laying moisture-resistant laminate, water-repellent laminate is used for panel joints. adhesive composition. The joints between the panels are the weak point of any laminate, so additional treatment with water-repellent compounds ensures a long service life.

There are many materials posted on the Internet that describe in detail and clearly demonstrate the technology of installing laminate using the interlocking method or laying laminate on a substrate using adhesives.

For kitchen areas, it is recommended to install laminate flooring using the joint-to-joint method without using a locking clutch. This method makes it possible additional processing seams of panels with water-repellent compound or glue.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to replace the panels if they are damaged during operation; the entire floor covering will need to be dismantled.

At self-installation laminate, the joints of the panels should be carefully sealed using a special sealant.

Waterproof laminate

Samples of this laminate are characterized by 100% resistance to exposure high humidity, including water. According to the manufacturers, even if such a laminate is continuously exposed to water for more than a day, it does not lose its technical characteristics.

The question of choosing a laminate for the kitchen between moisture-resistant and water-resistant is very relevant, since their cost differs almost twice.

Helpful information! For kitchen premises, a waterproof laminate option is still more preferable, especially if the owners often have to be away from home for a long time.

Features of finishing and texture of the material

There are several ways to finish laminate flooring to create a visual imitation of natural wood:

  • Embossing;
  • Embossing in register;
  • Brushing;

Each finishing option has its own characteristics and installation and operating conditions.


This finishing option involves applying a thicker and denser protective layer to the panel, which is cut along the length of the panel or pressed. As can be seen from the photo, a complete imitation of natural wood is created.

The advantages of this type of finishing are that the coating can be washed much less frequently and dirt is not very noticeable on it. In addition, the laminate has additional strength.

Embossing in register

With this method, the grooves of the protective layer correspond to the pattern of the wood finish. This option looks very stylish and impressive.


This processing option uses a combination of embossing and coloring of the grooves with an additional application of a protective layer, which ensures the strength and high wear resistance of the laminate.

With this design method, a chromium alloy is used to decorate the grooves on the panels, which, in addition to strengthening the laminate, gives it effectiveness and elegance.

Thus, when choosing a laminate for the kitchen, you should be guided by the following characteristics:

  • Solid base (abrasion coefficient must be at least 33). It should be remembered that in Russia there is no laminate with abrasion class 34;
  • High moisture resistance;
  • Antistatic surface treatment;
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for human and animal health;
  • High quality material.

When choosing the texture and color of the laminate, you should be guided by the interior style of the kitchen space and the preferences of the owners.

When thinking about which laminate is best to choose for the kitchen, you need to remember that the flooring in this room must be moisture-resistant and durable.

Kitchen renovation requires careful selection of not only furniture and decor, but also finishing materials. Since the room is specific, with high humidity, temperature changes, inevitable contamination, then the requirements for materials must be special. It is necessary to choose coatings that are resistant to fading in the sun, steam, moisture and dirt, and can be easily washed and cleaned if necessary. This applies not only to the decoration of the walls, but also to the floor. First of all, the flooring material must be strong, durable, environmentally friendly and easy to clean.

Not all materials are suitable for the kitchen. Therefore, before you go to the store and purchase anything, you need to carefully study the characteristics of each flooring and then choose the most suitable one.

Kitchen flooring. Which material to choose?

Among the materials that have similar qualities and are also suitable for the kitchen are tiles and laminate. Wood, despite its presentable and aesthetic appearance, is not suitable for rooms with a high content of moisture, steam, grease stains, etc.

Linoleum is still in demand, but it is significantly inferior in quality to tiles and laminate. In addition, this coating cannot be called durable; it is easily deformed, and dents from furniture and other heavy objects remain on it.

Tiles have a number of advantages, but they also have quite a few disadvantages. For example, if you do not install a “warm floor” system in the kitchen, then walking barefoot on such a surface will be uncomfortable. Smooth samples can be dangerous and are not recommended for use in families with small children. In addition, dropping a pan or other heavy object from a height can cause the tiles to crack or even break. Therefore, all that remains is to choose laminate. IN kitchen area it has undeniable advantages over other coatings. Manufacturers offer various options laminate, differing not only in color and texture, but also in properties.

Pros and cons of laminate flooring in the kitchen

TO positive qualities laminates include:

  • aesthetically attractive appearance,
  • low cost,
  • environmental Safety,
  • resistance to deformation and durability,
  • ease of cleaning,
  • large selection of colors and textures,
  • possibility of installing any “warm floor” design,
  • ease of installation.

Unlike natural wood, laminate is many times cheaper, but it is also safe for health and environment. In addition, it is possible to choose any surface imitation, both wood texture and masonry or tiles. This makes the interior design possibilities endless.

Laminate does not require special care. It does not absorb dirt and is not afraid of temperature changes; its surface is not as cold as that of tiles.

But there are also disadvantages to laminate:

  • Fear of moisture. This applies to non-moisture resistant samples. Nothing bad will happen from wiping the floor, but emergency situation seams and joints can absorb spilled liquid, in which case a complete replacement of the coating cannot be avoided.
  • Poor sound insulation. If you walk on the floor in shoes with heels or hard soles, the sound of footsteps will be heard very clearly and not only by the inhabitants of this apartment, but even by their neighbors. Therefore, here it is better not to use shoes at all or wear slippers.
  • Possible presence of formaldehyde resins. In order not to buy a material that is unsafe for health, it is better to familiarize yourself with its composition in the store. The E-1 icon indicates a minimum amount of resins in the laminate, and, therefore, guarantees its environmental safety.

Types of laminate for the kitchen

There are increased requirements. After all, it must withstand heavy loads in the form of the constant presence of moisture, temperature changes, and be resistant to deformation and abrasion. In this regard, moisture-resistant or water-resistant laminate is best suited.

  1. Moisture resistant. The ends of such a laminate are additionally coated with water-repellent substances, and the outer layer, thanks to special treatment, is protected from exposure to liquids. For the kitchen, it is better to use lamellas not with a locking clutch, but with the possibility of laying joint to joint. This will allow you to additionally treat the seams with a special water-repellent glue.
  2. Water resistant. This type of coating costs twice as much as the previous one, but its properties are significantly different. For example, manufacturers of waterproof laminate guarantee high durability of the coating, which can remain in water for 24 hours without deforming. This material is ideal for the kitchen, despite its high cost. Can be done wet cleaning daily and not worry about an accidentally knocked over bucket of water or a burst pipe.

How to care for the coating?

The laminated surface practically does not attract dust and dirt, which means that the floor does not need particularly thorough cleaning. To maintain order, you can wipe the laminate flooring daily with a thoroughly wrung out mop.

When renovating the kitchen floor, the question arises of which flooring to choose. Among many materials, laminate is a fairly popular coating with many advantages. But is it possible to install laminate flooring in the kitchen? If you listen to the opinion of experts, you can conclude that laminate flooring is quite suitable for the kitchen. It is important correct selection this material. To understand which laminate to choose for the kitchen, you need to consider its pros, cons, properties and types.

Advantages and disadvantages of kitchen products

Laminate has many advantages that allow it to be used for kitchen floors. Among them are the main advantages:

  • Simple and quick installation;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Ease of care;
  • Resistant to temperature changes and exposure to sunlight;
  • Large selection of colors and designs;
  • Beautiful appearance;

In addition, you can choose a coating that imitates various natural materials- wood, stone. It is very difficult to distinguish it from parquet. And some laminate options can be installed on a heated floor system.

You also need to consider the disadvantages of this material:

  • Some types of laminated panels swell when exposed to water;
  • Laminate without a backing can make a ringing sound when walking and moving objects on the floor;
  • Low-quality types of material can be harmful to health.

Having considered the disadvantages of the coating, we can conclude: in order to avoid the manifestation of the disadvantages of the laminate, it is necessary to select it correctly and pay attention to quality when purchasing.

Difference between moisture-resistant and water-resistant laminate

In the kitchen, the floor can often be exposed to moisture. This can be either spilled liquids or drops from washing dishes. In addition, maintenance and cleaning of the kitchen floor is carried out very often. Therefore, it is best in this case to choose a minimal laminate exposed moisture. This laminated coating comes in two types:

  1. Moisture resistant;
  2. Water resistant.

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How to choose a waterproof laminate for the bathroom - analysis of the coating under a microscope

The first option is treated with protective compounds and has an additional coating. The seams between the panels must be treated when laying waterproof glue. This laminate can easily withstand splashes and short-term interaction with a small amount of water. The downside of the coating is the inability to replace one panel if damaged. In such cases, complete dismantling of the coating is necessary.

Waterproof laminate able to withstand exposure to water for a long time. Modern technology, used to produce the coating, allows you to save everything specifications coating even when it is in water for more than 24 hours, as the manufacturers guarantee. In any case, it is better to avoid prolonged contact with water. The advantage of the coating is that there is no need to process seams. The disadvantage is the loss of water resistance properties when the protective layer is damaged.

Laminate flooring classes suitable for kitchens

Laminate flooring is suitable for installation in the kitchen, according to strength class: 31, 32, 33. Each of them has distinctive characteristics, so you need to choose a coating that best meets the operating requirements.

  • Has a service life of no more than 12 years;
  • Suitable for installation in residential and commercial premises with average traffic.
  • Service life – 12-15 years;
  • Scratch resistant;
  • Can be laid in rooms with above average traffic;
  • It has a higher price than class 31, but it justifies it with its quality.

  • Recommended for use in high traffic areas;
  • Service life is about 20 years;
  • cracks and does not split during use;
  • With prolonged contact with water, it does not lose its properties and does not swell.

To summarize, we can say that laminate flooring for the kitchen must meet the following characteristics:

  1. Be moisture resistant;
  2. Comply with a high strength class;
  3. Have a backing so as not to make unpleasant sounds.

Read also:

How to lay laminate flooring yourself

In addition, it must be taken into account that the coating must be good quality. This will extend its service life and ensure that all its characteristics are preserved. It is best to purchase coating marked E-1. This means that during production technologies were used to reduce the amount of formaldehyde in the laminate, which means that the coating is safer for humans.

The type of connection plays an important role when choosing. The best option there will be a laminate with a dense lock connection. Since heavy and breakable objects may fall onto the floor in the kitchen, the likelihood of damage to the panels is very high. Castle type connection will allow you to easily replace the panel with a new one, and not completely dismantle the covering.

If we consider the appearance of laminate, then for the kitchen best choice there will be a coating that imitates tiles. This option is most often treated with antistatic agents and does not attract dust. Larger size tiles provides least amount seams and is more cost effective. Moreover, laying such a covering is easier and faster.

When choosing, you should take into account that the coating should not be slippery, but also not have a textured structure, since it is quite difficult to wash.

Laying laminate

When laying laminate flooring, it is necessary to take into account some features and recommendations of specialists. For example:

  1. You need to buy panels with a margin of about 10%. This is necessary to avoid material shortages due to fitting. Especially if the room has a complex configuration;
  2. Carefully read the instructions supplied with the coating. Manufacturers always indicate the installation features of this type of laminate;
  3. It is best to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen in the direction of the light falling from the window. This will allow you to mask the joints between the panels as much as possible;
  4. Laying the flooring diagonally across the room is the most difficult, so more simple option it will be laid along the window opening or across the room;
  5. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base of the floor, namely, make it as level as possible and supplement it with high-quality waterproofing;
  6. In a small kitchen, it is best to lay panels of the same color. Laminate combination different colors visually reduces the area of ​​the room.

Many owners, when planning a renovation, decide for themselves whether laminate flooring is suitable for the kitchen and hallway. In these rooms flooring there is a special burden. Therefore, it is important that the floors are strong and durable.

What makes laminated coatings stand out from their analogues?

In order to decide whether laminate is suitable as a covering for the kitchen and hallway, you should find out what it is. Laminated coating consists of several layers: the main one, which plays the role of load-bearing, decorative, protective, and lower reinforcing. The basis of the coating is chipboard or MDF. They can have different strength and rigidity, which affects the class of the future product. The amount of wood in the material determines the presence of voids and, accordingly, the density. The denser the material, the fewer voids it contains and the lower its ability to accumulate moisture.

The decorative layer is thick paper, which determines the color, texture and pattern of the material. The top layer is protective - it is impregnated with an insoluble chemical that increases strength. For a kitchen, it is important that the floor is not only durable, but also shock-resistant, since heavy objects may fall. To increase strength, manufacturers add fillers to the protective layer, which increase the strength characteristics. If you don’t know how to choose laminate flooring for the kitchen and hallway, pay special attention to the following factors:

  1. 1. Wear resistance class;
  2. 2. Color and pattern;
  3. 3. Moisture resistant.

We will talk about each of these factors that influence the choice of covering for the kitchen and hallway below.

Selecting a coating based on wear resistance class

Laminate coatings are divided into 6 resistance classes and are marked with two numbers. The first means for which rooms the coating is intended, and the second means the degree of load: the higher the number, the greater the load the laminate can withstand. The following classes are intended for residential premises:

  • 21 – for the bedroom and office;
  • 22 – for the nursery and living room;
  • 23 – for the kitchen, corridor, hallway.

The higher the class, the greater cross-country ability it is designed for. For commercial premises, classes starting with 3 are intended:

  • 31 – conference room, small office;
  • 32 – office, boutique;
  • 33 – gym, warehouse, restaurant.

For the kitchen and hallway you can choose class 23 or 31. These coatings are designed for heavy loads, are abrasion resistant, mechanical damage, withstand impacts.

Moisture resistance – which will be better for the kitchen?

Based on exposure to moisture, laminate is divided into moisture-resistant and water-resistant. Both types are covered with special chemicals, which do not allow moisture to pass through and do not allow the material to swell. There are some differences between the coatings that you need to know when choosing laminate flooring for your kitchen or hallway. The surface and ends of the moisture-resistant laminate panels are treated with special compounds. The coating is easy to care for. It can be washed using household products for washing. But it is necessary to ensure that they do not remain on the floor. for a long time puddles.

Water penetrates between the panels; over time, they gain moisture and swell, which leads to deformation of the top layer. The coating loses its attractive appearance. To improve the hermetic properties, we recommend treating the joints of moisture-resistant laminate with special wax-based water-repellent compounds. It is the places where the panels connect that are most vulnerable. These compounds can mask scratches and remove stains, giving the coating an attractive appearance. If you constantly treat the seams with mastics, then the moisture-resistant laminate can be used for the hallway and kitchen.

The waterproof coating option is not afraid of puddles, even if neighbors flood or a pipe bursts, the floor will not be damaged after that. In its manufacture it is used latest developments. It was possible to create a laminate that is 100% impervious to moisture. For its basis it is not used wood material, but a plastic plate. A panel made of this material does not absorb moisture, so it does not swell and does not lose its beautiful appearance, even if it is placed in water for a day. Therefore, floors made from such panels can be used in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Waterproof glue is applied to the surface of the plastic plate, on top of which a decorative layer is glued. A high-strength water-repellent polymer is applied on top. Thus, a coating is obtained that is not afraid of water and resistant to mechanical damage. The cost of waterproof laminate is twice as high as moisture-resistant laminate, but in the event of a flood you will not have to replace the flooring.

How to decide on a pattern and color?

If the question arises, what color laminate to choose for the kitchen and which one for the hallway, then the variety of types of coating gives room for imagination. Exists a large number of options that imitate natural materials: a natural stone(granite, marble), wood (oak, alder, wenge). An option is also possible ceramic tiles.

Choosing a laminate that imitates natural wood, you can play with the texture of the material.

There are several types of texture:

  • with simple embossing;
  • with embossing in register;
  • brushing;
  • with Chrome Zone effect.

With simple embossing on top layer grooves are pressed that imitate various types of wood. Contamination is not so noticeable on such a coating, so it does not require frequent washing. The grooves on the embossed register match the pattern of the wood carved into the surface of the panel. This coating has stylish look. When brushing, embossing is combined with painting, after which a second protective layer is applied. This technology increases the abrasion resistance of the coating.

Chrome zone is a method in which the grooves are decorated with a chromium alloy. The panels acquire a matte-glossy surface and additional strength. This laminate floor looks very impressive.

Pros and cons of lamella flooring

To choose the right laminated flooring for the kitchen and hallway, you need to know its pros and cons. The advantages of laminate include the following:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • wide selection of colors and patterns;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • strength;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • hygiene;
  • ease of care;
  • affordable price;
  • Possibility of use as a floor covering when installing a “warm floor”;
  • simplicity and ease of installation.

Despite a number of advantages, laminate has disadvantages that, if desired, can be made less noticeable:

  • sensitivity to moisture;
  • poor sound insulation;
  • formaldehyde resins in the composition.

Waterproof laminate does not require additional protection from moisture. The weak point of its other types is the joints, because prolonged exposure to moisture may cause the material to swell. If you properly care for the coating and apply protective compounds, it will last a long time. If a laminate floor becomes very wet, it cannot be restored. In this case, it will have to be changed completely. Laminate flooring has low sound insulation, which manifests itself in too loud steps. To slightly reduce audibility, you should use soft slippers.

Laminate, in addition to being waterproof, like many Decoration Materials, may contain formaldehyde resins, which are hazardous to human health. Buying a cover Special attention pay attention to labeling . The minimum content of formaldehyde resins is indicated by the E-1 icon. If it is present, then you can safely purchase the material, since in this case nothing threatens your health.

Which lamellas to choose and how to lay them?

To the question whether it is possible to lay laminate flooring in the kitchen, the answer will be positive if you take into account the characteristics inherent in the laminate and select a coating that should be:

waterproof, with a high strength class, environmentally friendly, easy to install and maintain, with an antistatic coating.

When choosing a pattern, consider the size of the room. You should not choose a large picture for small kitchen or hallway, since the depth of the pattern will be lost. Also for indoors small sizes unsuitable dark colors, as they will visually make the kitchen smaller. Nuances of laying panels:

  1. 1. Most economical option– lay panels along the longest wall. In this case, the consumption is less and installation is faster.
  2. 2. B narrow room It is better to lay it perpendicular to a long wall, this will visually expand the room.
  3. 3. The most effective and beautiful styling is diagonal. In this case, the size of the covering does not matter, since it will look harmonious on the floor of any area. The disadvantage of this method is the high consumption of material.

Two types of fastening are possible: locking and adhesive. The advantage of the lock is the ease of installation and the possibility of dismantling. The covering laid using the interlocking method can be disassembled and installed in another room. The adhesive version is more airtight. Laminate flooring in the kitchen can be laid on any flat surface, including linoleum, wood flooring, low-pile carpeting.

The laminated coating is antistatic, so it does not attract dust. To maintain daily cleanliness, it is enough to wipe the floor with a well-wrung out cloth. Heavy stains can be washed using a large amount of water, after which the floor should be wiped dry. To increase the moisture resistance of a laminated floor, the joints should be regularly treated with special waterproof compounds. Special mastics can mask scratches and renew the appearance of the floor. If you don’t skimp and buy a waterproof laminate with a high strength class, install it correctly and use it carefully, it will last for many years.

Or you can opt for a coating that imitates a wooden board. But traditionally it is more often used for corridors and rooms, forgetting that it will perfectly fulfill its tasks in the kitchen. This coating will help add a new texture to the kitchen interior. It is practical and easy to care for. Let's consider how to choose laminate for the kitchen, why it is better to choose vinyl (PVC) laminate. what characteristics should you pay attention to, what advantages and disadvantages does such a coating have?

What coating is suitable for the kitchen?

If you cover the floor with laminate to match the tiles in the kitchen, you can ensure that the coating will be in harmony with the overall interior. The floor will not be as cold as a tile floor. In order for the coating to adhere well and serve for a long time, it is important to properly prepare the base. Since there is high humidity in the kitchen, joints should be protected from it. For the same reason, it is better to take vinyl (PVC) laminate. Choose class 33 waterproof laminate. Its thickness is 8-12 mm. It has a slightly textured matte surface with a protective layer. Thanks to it, the coating is protected from moisture and slipping. When the installation is completed, the joints of the panels must be treated with a water-repellent agent.

How to choose

When purchasing laminate flooring for the kitchen, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Wear resistance. The higher the coating class, the greater the load it can be subjected to. It is better to choose class 32-33. It is capable of serving up to 15 years. You can also buy class 34, but it costs more.
  2. Moisture resistance. It is important to buy a laminate that is moisture resistant. Such coatings have markings (faucet, drop of water, phrases waterproof, water resistance, etc.).
  3. Connection type. There are two connection options for floor coverings that are connected without the use of glue: Click (collapsible), Lock (lock that snaps into place). Click is more reliable. This type of flooring is easier to install and lasts longer. Lock is not like that reliable system, but products with it are cheaper. This type of flooring is more difficult to install. You will need a perfectly level base.
  4. Thickness. Thicker laminate has high strength. It is durable, strong, but more expensive. For suitable for kitchens coating of at least 9 mm.
  5. Guarantees. Manufacturer. Give preference to products famous manufacturer. Even the cheapness of such products does not justify such a choice. It is better to look for an inexpensive coating from a well-known manufacturer. Large stores regularly hold promotions and sell goods at a discount.
  6. Chamfer. In the kitchen it is better to install laminate flooring without a chamfer. Some manufacturers use an optical bevel that creates a contour on each board.
  7. Formaldehyde emission. Choose markings E0, E1. This is a safe coating.
  8. Surface. For the kitchen you need to choose an anti-slip surface. The surface of this laminate is rough. You should not take a smooth laminate. It's easy to slip and even get injured in the kitchen. This is especially dangerous for children.
  9. Noise absorption. Some coatings have a layer to absorb sound. Its thickness is 1-2 mm. If it is not there, you need to buy a special substrate.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • This coating is warm. You can even walk on it with bare feet. Selected options suitable for creating warm floors.
  • He is not afraid of damage or temperature changes. It washes well and is resistant to stains and abrasion.
  • This coating looks like wood. You can choose the design. Laminate is relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
  • There are no traces left on the laminate from the legs of furniture or refrigerator.


  • Moisture may cause it to swell and swell. It is especially dangerous to fill the coating hot water. After such emergencies, sometimes it is necessary to change the floor. To reduce the effect of moisture on the coating, the joints are covered with sealant. By the way, laminate can be waterproof or moisture resistant. It's not the same thing. For their production it is used different material. A protective layer is applied to the moisture-resistant coating. Water will not penetrate through it. The locks are treated with a water-repellent compound. If there is a lot of water, it will still leak out. Because of this, the coating is deformed and the seams swell. However, it will not be possible to fix the floor. It will need to be redone. The liquid must be wiped off as quickly as possible. Waterproof laminate is protected from this. Its base is made of plastic. It costs more and has design limitations. If you need a moisture-resistant durable floor, it is better to take vinyl (PVC) laminate.
  • Makes a ringing sound, “clicking”. The sound of walking on laminate flooring is very loud. This happens when there is no substrate. The sound intensifies, like a drum. If the floor is uneven, a squeak may also appear. To fix the problem, you need to use a substrate to absorb sound. Such a seal will help absorb clatter, smooth out unevenness, and immediately reduce the sound by half.
  • Chips, scratches. Laminate is more durable than parquet or solid wood, but damage can also occur on it. A wax pencil will help solve the problem. It needs to be matched to the shade of the floor. You can buy a pencil at a hardware store.

Warm floor

There are types under which you can install a floor heating system. In this case, certain conditions must be observed:

  1. The temperature needs to be raised slowly, not immediately. Do not heat above 28 degrees. You will need temperature sensors and a rheostat to regulate the temperature smoothly.
  2. We cannot cover the system with electrically heated. It heats unevenly, causing the planks to become deformed and cracks to form. It is better to use infrared or water heated floors.
  3. You will need a humidifier. It is needed to protect the laminate from drying out. Humidity needs to be no less than 50%.

Design solution

It is better to choose a rectangular board (length 1200-1380mm, width 190-200mm).

A chamfer is a beveled edge. For the kitchen it is better not to take a board with a chamfer. Moisture and dirt will accumulate in it. It is better to take a board with a virtual (drawn) chamfer.

It is better to take a board with stripes. They bring her closer appearance To wooden board. For single-strip boards, the pattern is located across the entire width of the boards. For two-lane ones, the stripes divide the die in half. There are also multi-band options.

  • Tree. There are imitations of almost any breed. It is better to choose a calm color that will not be too noticeable. Otherwise, the entire emphasis in the interior will shift to the floor. Inexpensive products are covered with the same type of pattern. It is better to choose a slightly more expensive coating. It looks more natural. Laminate flooring with calm colors is chosen for kitchens in a modern or classic style.
  • Stone, tile or concrete. Laminate flooring under tiles in the kitchen will look organic and impressive. The main thing is to choose a color that will harmonize with the furniture and will not attract undue attention. For a high-tech, minimalist interior, a concrete-look board is suitable.

Don't skimp on quantity. It is necessary to provide a reserve of at least 5% of the total kitchen area. It will come in handy if you need to replace a damaged section of the floor.

If the installation will be done diagonally or you will do it yourself, the margin should be increased to 15%. If the kitchen has a complex shape or has many corners, you should also take it with a margin of 15%.

  • Before installation, carefully read the instructions and follow the advice exactly. Each manufacturer gives recommendations.
  • You can lay laminate on a wooden floor, screed, linoleum, ceramic tiles. It is important that the base is dry and smooth.
  • To ensure that the joints are invisible, the planks must be laid in the direction in which the light comes from the window.
  • You can combine tiles in the wet area of ​​the kitchen with laminate in the dry area. For kitchen with large area It's perfect. A wooden floor will go well with patchwork tiles.

So, we told you how to choose laminate flooring for the kitchen, how to lay it correctly, and what you should pay special attention to.