home · electrical safety · When to cover grapes and roses. How to cover grapes for the winter - the process in detail. Different parts of the bush also have different frost resistance.

When to cover grapes and roses. How to cover grapes for the winter - the process in detail. Different parts of the bush also have different frost resistance.

October has arrived and winter is just around the corner. At such a time, gardeners are concerned with the question of how to prepare plants for winter. You will learn from the article which plants need shelter and which can survive the winter just like that.

Sheltering roses for the winter

IN middle lane Most types of roses should be covered. The exception is park roses. But even uncovered varieties overwinter and bloom better if they are laid down for the winter, because in a particularly frosty winter, even frost-resistant roses freeze to the height of the snow cover.

How to properly cover the queen of the garden for the winter? Roses are covered in autumn not in one day, but in stages - for this you will have to come to the dacha 2-3 times. Pruning and hilling begin in mid-October, after the first frosts - they are not scary for roses, on the contrary, they help to better prepare for winter.

The gardener's task is to ensure that the entire rose bush winters under the snow. Snow protects plants from frost no worse than a fur coat.

It is easier to cover climbing roses for the winter, as their flexible shoots take on any shape. Climbing roses are cut by a third, removed from the support, and placed on a layer of spruce branches. Instead of spruce branches, you can put foam plastic. The shoots are covered with oak leaves on top.

Why oak? Because the leaves of this tree do not rot in winter. This means that the roses will not suffer from mold during wintering and will not begin to grow due to the fact that the rotting leaves will raise the temperature under the shelter.

A heap of oak leaves is fixed in a layer nonwoven fabric. This concludes the preparation of climbing roses for winter.

Semi-climbing roses or scrubs are treated as with raspberry bushes - they are bent and tied together, tied to pegs stuck in the ground, then covered with non-woven material.

It has been noticed that groups of roses covered with one common piece of non-woven material overwinter better.

To prevent the shoots from breaking, they need to be bent in several stages and only on warm days - in such weather the wood is most elastic.

Hilling roses

The most valuable and capricious varieties are not only covered for the winter, but also hilled, that is, the base of the bush is covered with dry garden soil. This helps protect the buds dormant at the base of each shoot from frost. Even if, despite the shelter, the shoots die in winter (this happens in especially cold winters or when snow falls later than the soil freezes), then renewal buds will remain under the layer of soil, and the bush will next year will recover. Planted roses can withstand frosts down to minus 8 even without snow.

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Instead of soil, you cannot use sawdust or peat for hilling - these materials will “pull” moisture onto themselves and the bases of the shoots will swell.

Miniature roses also need to be covered with agrotex, despite the fact that they are already completely covered with snow.

How to cover grapes for the winter

For those who have just planted grapes at their dacha and don’t yet know whether they need to be covered for the winter or “that’ll do,” this reminder will be useful:

  1. The grapes do not need to be covered in climates where the temperature never drops below -16 degrees.
  2. Where the temperature drops below -20, only non-frost-resistant varieties are covered.
  3. In colder climates, any grapes need to be covered.

There are many ways to cover grapes for the winter. Sheltering grapes for the winter depends on the variety and climate. But with any method, the vine has to be removed from the support. At this time, excess shoots are immediately cut off and the plants are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

The vine is laid on the soil and pinned. Poisoned rodent baits are laid out nearby.

In areas with a cold climate (Siberia), it is not enough to lay the vine on the surface of the soil and cover it with spruce branches or leaves - it has to be buried in trenches.

In this case, the vine should not be allowed to come into contact with the ground. Shoots placed in trenches and covered with earth will wither during the long winter and the grape plant will die.

An air-dry method is used to cover the grapes. To do this, the inside of the trench is lined with a film to protect it from dampness, spruce branches are laid on top and only then grapes. The entire structure is covered with lutrasil on top, then the trench is covered with boards or plywood and covered with earth.

It turns out that although the grapevine is underground, it is nowhere in contact with damp soil and is, as it were, in an airy cocoon.

In areas where harsh winters alternate with warm ones, it makes sense to use a special agrotechnical technique- shaping the grape bush in a semi-covering form. That is, the bush should have a non-covering part on a high trunk and a covering, ground part. Then, in any winter, part of the bush will be able to survive until spring.

The coming cold snap tells all gardening lovers that the time has come when they need to cover for the winter in the fall. IN different regions This time does not come at once, and you need to navigate both by the calendar and by the thermometer readings.

Is it always necessary to cover grapes for the winter?

Everyone knows that there are frost-resistant grape varieties that do not require winter shelter. But it's more likely beautiful name rather than the practical quality of a particular variety. Yes, indeed, there are grapes that can withstand temperatures down to minus 25 °C, but not many people know that we are talking only about a short-term decrease in temperature. And if it lasts for about a week, then all the eyes and buds will freeze without proper shelter.

That is why, if winter temperatures in the region regularly drop below minus 20° C, then shelter, and good shelter, is a must for vineyards.

When should you start covering grapes for the winter?

Young and inexperienced gardeners most likely do not know at what temperature they need to cover grapes for the winter. But this is important, since when it freezes, the vine very quickly loses its flexibility, becoming very fragile and brittle. This is big problem when removing the vine from the support, because it will be difficult to do this without loss.

When October arrives (and in some regions November), it is time to cover the grapes for the winter. Don't wait for frost. Sheltering work should be carried out at air temperatures above 0°C before snow falls, because it must cover the structure in which the grapevine will winter. This natural barrier best protects root system and wood from freezing.

Knowing in what month to start covering grapes for the winter, you can plan in advance to remove them from their supports. If in the area where grapes grow, the snow cover is always established at approximately the same time, and it has a depth of more than 50 cm, then other than digging in the shoots, the vine will not need any more shelter.

How to cover a grapevine in the fall?

In practice, covering grapes turns out to be much simpler than it seems. It is enough to work for several hours (depending on the size of the plantings) and the vine will be securely “packed”. The following sequence of actions will be required:

  1. As mentioned, first you need to carefully remove the vine from the support.
  2. Next, depending on the size of the above-ground part (wood), you should dig covering trenches between the rows (or around). This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system located close to the surface.
  3. Once the trench is ready, you can begin to equip it. You can put a little spruce branches or sawdust on the bottom so that the wood has less contact with the wet soil.
  4. The grapevine is laid on top of the soft bedding. When the plant is small, it can be arranged radially (in a circle), and if the vine is long, then in length. If the plant is bristling, it is better to pin it to the ground with metal staples. You can put it wrapped in lutrasil or spunbond, or without anything - it all depends on the temperature in the area.
  5. The wood is covered with dry soil on top, or humus (rotted manure). It is imperative that they are well covered with earth and tree trunk circles, because roots located close to the surface are damaged by frost no less than aboveground part, and no longer “go away” as happens with shoots in the spring.
  6. After the trench is buried, you can put spruce branches on top or pour a small mound of earth.

These simple actions save grape plantings from winter freezing. And to prevent mice from getting into the warm shelter, even at the stage of planting the vine, poison for rodents is laid out in the groove.

There is an opinion that roses are capricious plants. But this is not true at all. The rose requires care, fertilizing and watering no more often than its other flowerbed brother. It is important to properly cover these flowers for the winter so that the roots and stems are not too hot or cold.

Rose is not as sissy as she seems. After reading about what temperature to cover roses for the winter, many may be surprised. After all, not everyone knows that a bush with mature stems can easily withstand frost down to -8°C. Excessive overheating and humidity during wintering are much more dangerous for plants, because of which they can simply dry out. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly cover roses.

Firstly, you don’t need to be scared if it’s -1... -3° outside and the plants are not covered yet. Let them undergo hardening in this way.

Secondly, in order for the bushes to overwinter well, they are not fed in the fall and watering is stopped.

Thirdly, if prolonged rains are expected in October, then the ground under the bushes should be covered with thick cellophane. Then the plant will not be afraid of excess moisture during wintering.

Light cover for roses

They begin to insulate roses for the winter when the weather has settled at 0... -1°C. This is the recommended temperature experienced flower growers. Usually in the middle zone this corresponds to the beginning of November. But they should be bent to the ground before frost, at +2-+6°C, then the lashes are more pliable.

After theoretical knowledge about the temperature at which roses are covered has been obtained, they should be prepared for winter. First, all unripe shoots are cut out. Low varieties of plants (floribunda, hybrid tea, ground cover) can be pruned so that the stems rise 10-15 cm from the ground. Climbing roses are bent to the ground using arches, large hooks, and pins. It is better to lay the branches on spruce branches. To prevent diseases, the lashes are sprayed with a solution copper sulfate in a ratio with water of 1:20. Now you can add 5-7 cm of high-moor peat under the trunk and around it. Cover the plants with cellophane on top. They will remain in this form until mid-to-late November.

It is important to know at what temperature to cover roses for the winter if their seedlings are brought from warmer regions. For example, standard plants cover a little earlier, without waiting for serious frosts to set in. Around the end of October, when the night temperature reaches +1... -1°C, insulation begins. A special cover made of spunbond or lutrasil is placed on top of the plant. high density. The cape should be well secured so that it is not blown away by the wind and the plant is warm. In order to survive the winter better, they should be very carefully bent to the ground and also secured with arches and pins.

Major shelter for roses

After frost has set in (around the end of November), a layer of spruce branches is placed on top of the plant, and then covered with roofing felt or roofing felt. This will help the roses to winter well and not be affected by rains and thaws, which can lead to their damping off.

Speaking about what temperature to cover roses for the winter, it should be summarized that the first light insulation of plants is carried out at 0... -2°C, and they are wrapped in a more global way when the temperature exceeds -5°C.

Preparing roses for winter

The method is traditional and original

One of key points in the shelter of roses - the right time. Cover it too early and they will freeze; if you cover it too late, they will freeze. In our climate, it is impossible to name a specific date for shelter. Focus on the thermometer readings. When temperatures are below zero both day and night, it’s time to cover. But now, when it is still relatively warm outside, we must prepare the roses for the covering procedure. Our consultant Alla Nemchenkova demonstrates her method. It has been tested by florists over dozens of winters, and after each winter the roses wake up without problems and feel great. Therefore, Alla Gennadievna is not going to give up her method, but, on the contrary, recommends it to all beginning gardeners.

Near the base of the root collar, for good ventilation of the bush, it is now necessary to remove leaves, especially those that are spotted. Before the shelter itself you need to even climbing roses remove all leaves from shoots against fungal diseases and mold. While the weather is warm, there is no need to prune roses. But as soon as the minus sets in, prune the rose bushes. Cut out all the shoots directed towards the inside of the bush, all weak and thin ones; on the remaining shoots, do fairly short pruning - 4 buds. This is enough to form a lush rose bush next year.

At the next stage, it is necessary to treat pathogens with any fungicide. For example, inkstone, at a concentration of 300 g per 10 liters of water. You can use a brush to apply the solution to each shoot. If there are a lot of roses, use a sprayer. Be sure to remove weeds throughout the rose garden and collect fallen leaves. Pests love to hibernate in it. Treat not only the plants themselves with fungicide, but also the soil underneath them. The first stage of preparing roses for wintering has been completed. Now we are waiting for sub-zero temperatures to set in. But you need to protect the roses from the autumn rains; build a temporary canopy over them from polyethylene film, For example. When the weather is suitable for the shelter itself, add half a bucket (and sometimes a bucket) of dry peat, soil or sawdust to the base of each bush; by the way, our heroine uses them. It is advisable to prepare such a substrate in advance, of course.

Well, immediately after that, start covering. Our consultant's rose garden is large; it is impossible to cover every bush. That’s why Alla Gennadievna covers roses like this: first she lays old covering material on each bush in several layers; it can be thin, it doesn’t matter. And then the entire rose garden is covered with a very dense white covering material. It is desirable that it be new. The covering must be folded in two or three layers, the edges should be covered with something heavy, over time the covering will be covered with snow, and the roses will overwinter without problems. Proven method.

Our other consultant, florist and rose collector Lyudmila Voropaeva, has been using modern Construction Materials. She “found” this material completely by accident. After the renovation, many pieces of insulating building lining remained in the house. On the one hand she has thin layer foam insulating material, and on the other - a mirror coating. Lyudmila Alexandrovna decided to try covering her roses with huts made of this material. Both the roses and their owner loved this shelter. Roses - because it’s warm and comfortable underneath. For a florist - because making such shelters is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to roll a square piece of material into a cone, secure the edges with a stapler or tape, and leave a small hole at the top so that the roses can breathe. In essence, the shelter is ready. Place one of these huts on a rose bush, sprinkle the edges with dry soil so that the wind does not tear it down. That's all. Convenient and practical. And you can use this “glitter,” as Lyudmila Voropaeva calls it, for more than one year.

Grape pruning

Grapes in the Southern Urals are already a familiar crop. But this does not mean that it is possible to grow grapes in our climate without any care. Before winter, the vines will need pruning and shelter, otherwise you won’t find your grapes in good health in the spring.

Our consultant, a winegrower with extensive experience, Nadezhda Ulyanova, explains how to carry out pruning according to all the rules. It is necessary to start pruning when all the leaves on the grapes have flown off, and the temperature outside is below zero, but not too much. low temperatures. Beginner winegrowers need to start pruning only after understanding the difference between a vine and a sleeve. A sleeve (also called a shoulder) is a perennial shoot that extends from the head of the bush. Sleeves can be identified by external signs. These are dark-colored stems with peeling bark. Annual vines are young shoots on which clusters of berries will form next year. They look different - thinner, lighter and smoother branches from the sleeve. In the summer these shoots were green, but in the fall they should all darken and become woody. For normal fruiting, like all other crops, grapes must be formed correctly and not be left to chance. If the bush is grown without any shaping, then over time it thickens, as a result of which both the quantity and quality of the harvest decreases. Autumn pruning of grapes is a procedure that is not recommended to be neglected. The gardener’s task is to leave a normal load on the plant, which will lead to a full harvest next year.

Nadezhda Filippovna warns that young grapes are a procedure autumn pruning does not concern him, he simply, without any “haircut”, covers himself for the winter. But mature, fruit-bearing grapes definitely need to be pruned before winter. First we need to disassemble the grape bush into separate branches. You need to go from the head of the bush. Sleeves can be short or long. When grapes are planted densely, usually in small gardens, it makes sense to grow grapes on short sleeves. Following from the head of the bush, find, approximately at a height of half a meter, the first good quality annual shoots. The sleeve will be cut slightly above these increments. But first, let’s check how well the vines have ripened. To do this, let's bend them slightly. We heard a crash - great. This means that the vine has matured well and should survive the winter without problems. We cut the inner shoot shorter, for example, by 5 eyes (buds), and the outer shoot can be cut longer - for example, by 7 eyes. As a result, it is necessary to leave two fruiting vines on each sleeve. Trimming on long sleeves is done using the same principle. By the way, you need to trim the grapes so that a stump about 0.5 centimeters long remains. When pruning, do not leave thin vines or those with poorly formed eyes on the grapes, they will only take away nutrition from the bush, good harvest such escapes will not work.

Moon's advice

This is not the easiest period for farmers - supporters Lunar calendar. The moon provides us with very few opportunities for sowing and planting. First of all, this is due to the inappropriate phase of the Moon and the not-so-fortunate signs it will be in over the coming days. Let's say that from October 14 to 16 the waning Moon is in Cancer. The sign is quite fruitful, and towards the end of the Moon’s presence in it, some crops can be planted before winter. But it’s better to take care of other chores on the site. Dig up and store tubers, bulbs and rhizomes that do not overwinter in open ground, treat the garden from pests and diseases, begin preparing plants for wintering.

From 16 to 19 October waning moon in Leo. Any sowing and planting is not recommended; there is a high probability of plant damage. Take care of household chores, treat the garden from pests and diseases.

From 19 to 21 October- waning Moon in Virgo. During this period, you can plant onions or garlic before winter, and sow perennials. Harvest for long-term storage, canning, drying berries and herbs. On the site, you can dig up or loosen the soil, treat the garden from pests and diseases, and prepare the plants for wintering.

In order to grow grapes for a long time and constantly receive high yields planting material, it must be covered for the winter. Grapes are a southern crop, so severe frosts difficult to bear.

Sheltering a grape bush for the winter

Caring for grapes: shelter

Sudden changes in temperature climatic regions can deprive you of your grape harvest for many years. To avoid such situations, grapes are covered for the winter, especially for young and immature seedlings. It is not enough to simply cover the grapes; this process has its own characteristics.

In stable conditions, the vineyard can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to sixteen degrees below zero. If grape varieties are not cold-resistant, then a further decrease in temperatures can provoke the death of the eyes. When the temperature drops to minus twenty, all the vineyard eyes on a bush of any age category die.

The vineyard root is a less resistant part of the plant, because it is sensitive even to a decrease to minus six degrees; at this temperature, a certain part of the root dies. Violation of the integrity of a grape bush is a failure in the nutrition of the entire plant. If the above-ground portion of the plant is subject to regeneration, then the root freezes/dies completely and irrevocably.

There are two types of grape bush:

  • covering;
  • uncovered.

Covering grapes with soil for the winter

Depending on its hardiness, it is covered or not, but too severe frosts or climate instability requires sheltering of resistant grape varieties.

For growing regions where temperature regime maintained within minus sixteen, cultivation without shelter is permissible, for frost-resistant varieties It is acceptable to grow without shelter even within minus twenty degrees.


Having determined climatic features, which are typical for winter in your area, you are prepared for the shelter correctly, and protected from unnecessary and unnecessary work.

Growing grapes is made easier by the fact that they are grown in a region where the climate is stable and temperature changes are known. To prevent unpleasant incidents, you should cover the grapes in advance, anticipating possible temperature fluctuations.

Before covering, they prepare the vineyards to wait out the cold weather. To prepare, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the bush from the support.
  2. Remove all unnecessary areas of the grapes by pruning.
  3. Treat the plant with preventative agents.
  4. Pour in plenty of water.
  5. Place rodent repellents near the planting material as needed.

Cover the vineyards if they are still young or unstable. Grape hybrids are very susceptible to frost. You can cover the vineyard in three ways: hilling the planting material, covering it half or completely.

Shelter diagram grapevine fully. a – earth; b – organic layer

Covering methods

One-year-old seedlings are being planted. If climatic conditions growing regions are gentle, then any grapes can be hilled. The lower part of the plant is covered with a layer of earth, which perfectly protects the plant from frost. The height of insulation should reach twenty-five centimeters, and not lower than ten. This technique protects the root, but does not prevent the plant's ground layer from freezing.

Half-covering is a method that involves covering part of a plant. located in close proximity to the ground: head, sleeves and beginning of shoots. Other parts of the plant are covered with various insulating materials. Dry grass, cloth or film is used for cover.. The thickness of the insulation material should approach four centimeters. Both types of grapes are covered in this way.

Before insulating the grapes, they are removed from the support and cleaned of shoots, excess green cover and all foliage. The plant is folded conveniently and adjacent to the ground. All possible rags are used for insulation. They cover the planting and wrap it with film on top. After wrapping it in film, make sure that it does not come into contact with the plant and there is no greenhouse effect.

Before sheltering for the winter, the grapes are removed from the support and cleaned of shoots, excess green cover and all foliage.

Fix the insulating material together with the plant to the ground and sprinkle it with earth, a layer of about thirty centimeters. More likely to prevent death planting material, providing him with complete shelter for the winter. Other methods do not provide one hundred percent protection for the plant.

If, despite all the precautions, it was not possible to cover the plant and protect it from the cold, you need to provide first aid to the grapes. Press the plant down and cover it with soil. To protect the plant during harsh winters, fires are sometimes lit nearby.

Proper preparation for cold weather allows you to keep the plant healthy without loss. Young seedlings have the highest susceptibility to cold. It must be covered regardless of its natural stability. Anything can be used for insulation materials.

Pine needles are often used to insulate the root system. It is scattered around the root area at a distance of up to half a meter from the cut grapes, and a film is laid on top of the needles. The sides of the film are sprinkled with earth. Most importantly, prune the plant before covering it. Depending on the chosen insulation material, treat the plant with vitriol.

To keep the plants healthy and maintain consistently high yields of the material, you need to insulate it for the winter, regardless of the grapes’ resistance to cold. Insulation material you can choose depending on your personal preferences; in order not to risk planting, it is better to cover the grapes completely: the root system and the plant itself.

Caring for grapes includes many nuances, but if you comply with all the requirements and are methodical, it will not be difficult or difficult for you. Cover the grapes regardless of their frost tolerance qualities.