home · Tool · What is needed for orchids to bloom constantly? How to make an orchid bloom - practical advice from experienced gardeners. Proper care of an orchid after flowering

What is needed for orchids to bloom constantly? How to make an orchid bloom - practical advice from experienced gardeners. Proper care of an orchid after flowering

It used to be that you were walking down the street. You look into other people’s windows, to be honest. Only you look not at someone else’s life, but at flowers. It has always been interesting what people grow on their windowsills. Orchids are in fashion these days. You won't see any shades!

It happens that there is none. The tropical beauty does not want to please her owners with her splendor. But if you do it right, it can bloom without interruption for almost 9 months. Then he will rest and boast about his beauty again.

How to make an orchid bloom at home? Yes Easy. It is commonly mistakenly believed that this plant is capricious and requires special care and reverent attitude. So the happy owners dance with a tambourine around it. All you need to do is bring the conditions of detention closer to natural ones. So, let's make the tropics at home!


In nature, the orchid is accustomed to growing in the partial shade of large trees. That is, there is a lot of light, but it does not fall directly on the plant. Therefore, we place the charming woman on the sunniest window, the southern one is ideal. But we make sure to diffuse the light. Cover with paper, a curtain, blinds, or a piece of fabric.

Or we don’t bother with partial shade, but create artificial lighting required power using phytolamps. Regular incandescent lights will not work; they will simply burn the plant.

Don't turn over

Under natural conditions, orchids do not walk. At all. That's why we don't move the pot from place to place. It is advisable not to even rotate it around its axis. This is not a sunflower to follow the sun.

If there is a serious need to move the orchid to another habitat, then be sure to make a mark on the pot before moving it. And in the new place, place it with the same side towards the light as it was before.

Watch your feet

Orchids are sold in transparent pots. Unknowingly, some people transplant it into a light-proof container after purchasing it. You can't do that. The root system of this plant is actively involved in the process of photosynthesis. For example, in nature, the roots are attached to the bark of the tree on which the beauty grows. Only a small part penetrates under the bark. All the others hang outside and are beautifully lit.

This means that at home it is necessary to provide as much light access to the root system as possible.

And further. Carefully inspect the roots periodically. When rotting begins, they change color. You will have to urgently pick out your beauty from the substrate or bark. Then use a sterile knife or blade to cut off the rotting roots, capturing part of the healthy tissue. After the wound, it is necessary to cauterize it with ordinary medical brilliant green. And the substrate will have to be completely replaced with a new one.

Advice. The orchid will grow to the clay walls of the pot. And there is zero food there. It must be glass or plastic. The most the right materials and perfect fit. Better plastic, it is easier to make many side holes in it so that the root system can breathe freely.

Air humidity

We remember from school course geography climate of the tropics. Probably everyone knows that the air humidity there is off the charts. Therefore, we create an artificial microclimate. Place additional containers of water around. Plus, we additionally constantly (up to three times a day) spray the air around. Not the plant itself, but the air! If a few drops fall on the orchid, it’s not a big deal. But try not to let this happen.

Count leaves

Most orchids begin to bloom only when they have developed at least 7 true leaves. This corresponds to an approximate age of 1.5 years. If your beauty threw away the buds earlier, then after flowering she may not have enough strength to recover. Then you will have to treat and protect her for a very long time.

When buying a plant at a flower shop, be sure to count the leaves. If there are less than 5 of them, and flowering is in full swing, then refuse to purchase. This is artificial stimulation for the appearance of buds. Take pity on your nerves. How many of them will remain in a pot with a diseased plant?

Advice. Still, you took the plunge and bought a very tiny one, but with a lush peduncle? Your patience and pity are limitless. Prepare for a long rehabilitation period. For the plant, not for you.

Fertilize correctly

An orchid needs fertilizing to fully set flower buds and bloom for a long time. The most suitable fertilizers for this are those with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. But the increased content of nitrogen and the like minerals severely inhibits flowering. But it helps to grow a lush bush of foliage.

Therefore, we feed the small orchid with nitrogen, and then move on to more suitable feeds. Just without fanaticism! Follow all package instructions carefully. And don't pour fertilizer on the eye. An excess of minerals is just as destructive as their deficiency.

Water correctly

Who's talking about what, and we're talking about the tropics again. How does it happen in natural conditions? The long rainy season gives way to a slightly dry period. So we do the same.

First, we water the orchid for a long time, abundantly and to the fullest extent, and then sharply reduce the watering. The plant understands that it is time to release a peduncle. After all, pollinating insects do not fly in rainy weather. Therefore, only after the abundant supply of moisture has ceased can flowers be expected.

If you constantly moisten the roots with a small amount of water and do not take breaks, then you may not expect flowers.

By the way, about the rainy season. Almost all types of orchids have very small seeds. And in nature they are found many kilometers from the mother plant. Would the wind be able to carry them so far in rainy weather?

They say that the appearance of flowers is very well stimulated by spraying warm water directly on the plant itself for two weeks. The water temperature is approximately +35°C. Perhaps the orchid perceives this procedure as the rainy season.

Let's stress

Then give her stressful situation. A short shock will cause the plant to flower. Because the beauty will think about her imminent death and will hurry to leave behind offspring.

Sudden temperature changes. For example, for 12 hours, place the orchid in a room with a temperature 6-8°C lower than usual. Here you don’t have to think about changing the lighting. The cutie got too drunk and needs a shake-up.

This trick can be easily done in spring or autumn by placing it on right time at open window or taking it out onto the balcony. Just make sure there is no draft, tropical women really don’t like that.

It's even easier in winter. Just move the orchid closer to the radiator central heating during the day, and at night, on the contrary, pushing it aside. Just be sure to humidify the air more often. Otherwise, instead of stimulating flowering, you will end up with dried foliage. Or cover the battery with a thick blanket at night. Open during the day.

Stop watering. The principle of water operation is described above.

Refusal of fertilizers. It is quite possible that you simply fed your beauty. Stop feeding her and any fertilizers. Absolutely. After all, you are growing a flower, not fattening a pig.

Change of lighting. Place the orchid in a darker place for a day. Or they simply do not provide additional lighting for one day with auxiliary lamps. Did the method not work? This means we increase the cruel time by a whole month. And nothing terrible will happen to the orchid if it sits in semi-darkness for 30 days. For example, in the bathroom. It's quite dark and very humid there. A good place is in the kitchen under the sink. Just be sure to remove household chemicals from there. We do not kill the orchid, but help it begin to bloom.

Regular nighttime cold spells. This is done at the beginning or end of summer, when it is already hot during the day, and at night the temperature stays at +10-15°C. A week of training in such conditions and the orchid will bloom like a little one!

Trimming. It happens that an orchid produces a peduncle, but there is no trace of the flowers themselves. So we'll cut. We are looking for kidneys. They are very clearly visible on a long peduncle. We count out 3 pieces and boldly strike with a knife or blade. Not with scissors! They will crush the delicate fibers of the plant. With an ordinary knife dipped in antiseptic. After such a haircut, the orchid begins to bloom rapidly and luxuriantly.

Unscrupulous sellers intensively treat orchids with all kinds of growth stimulants. Moreover, in doses that can make even an elephant bloom. You can also try some chemical remedy. Only in adequate dosages. But it is advisable to use these measures only when you have already tried all possible methods and are desperate to see your pet bloom.

Let's rest

You cannot force an orchid to bloom immediately after the end of the previous flowering. At this time, a period of rest begins, about 4 months long. During this period, new leaves and roots grow, the plant gains strength and power. Wait a little and don’t forget to take care of your pet. She needs your attention, rare abundant watering and feeding. And yet, often it is the period of rest that is best time for rearranging and replanting plants. While it is half asleep, it will not experience severe discomfort after your manipulations. Take advantage of this convenient moment.

How to make an orchid bloom at home? Yes you! Nobody even thought of forcing it. This is too thankless a task. Just to spur it on a little, stimulate it or help it bloom - that’s our task. By following all the recommendations, this task is quite feasible without much effort and economic costs.

Video: how to get an orchid to bloom

Orchids are very light-loving plants, and main reason The reason why they refuse to bloom is a lack of light.

  • If the flower constantly experiences a lack of sunlight, then flowering may not occur for years. The leaves will only develop. For example, the Cymbidium orchid blooms only in very bright light, since in nature these plants grow in the open sun. For this variety, when grown indoors, it is very important to provide long daylight hours and bright lighting. But the plant will grow very well with dark green foliage in the absence of lighting.
  • Also, a flower may not bloom for a long time if the soil is too moist. Excess water causes the orchid to stop flowering. It is especially important to observe watering regimes when the plant is forming flower buds. If the orchid is constantly flooded abundantly, then the buds, contrary to expectations, will simply dry out and the flower stalks will become dry. During flowering, orchids do not need much water at all.

  • The orchid definitely needs a period of rest. To do this in winter, you should lower the temperature in the room and greatly reduce watering. In order for the plant to produce new flower stalks, it needs a long rest. There are, however, also varieties of orchids that need to lower the air temperature only at night. During the dormant period, orchids are not fertilized, otherwise they will not bloom at all.

Creating ideal conditions for flowering

To stimulate flowering, first of all, the orchid needs to create ideal conditions. It is very important to choose the right place for the pot and provide optimal care.

  1. There should be a lot of light, but the orchid should not be placed in direct sun. On the south side, the windows are shaded with a matte film. This rule must be followed in spring time strictly, since the orchid in the spring begins to adapt after resting to a longer daylight hours. The soft sun in autumn will not harm the flower, and it can even be moved to direct rays. Daylight hours for lush and regular flowering of an orchid should be more than 12 hours.

  2. The place where the pot stands must be permanent. Due to frequent rearrangements, the orchid may stop blooming. Rearranging the pot is severe stress for a flower.
  3. Different varieties of this beautiful plant love different temperatures air. Thus, phalaenopsis prefer temperatures above +25 ºС in summer, and about +15 ºС in winter. It is very important that the daily temperature difference is no more than 5 degrees.
  4. The air humidity in the room should be between 40% and 70%. If the air is excessively dry, the buds will begin to fall off. Too dry air in winter can cause an orchid to fail to bloom for a long time.

Stimulating an orchid with fertilizers

If an orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, it needs to be fed. Fertilizing helps the plant set more buds and bloom longer. In addition, the color of the petals will be more saturated. But it is important to follow the rules for applying fertilizers, otherwise you may not see flowering.

  • It is strictly forbidden to fertilize immediately after transplantation.
  • Fertilize the plant only during the growth period.
  • You cannot fertilize sick specimens, as they may even die.
  • Fertilizers are applied immediately after watering.
  • Fertilize orchids every two weeks.

To stimulate the flowering of an orchid at home, it needs to be fed with compounds containing a lot of potassium and phosphorus.

These elements contribute to the emergence large quantity flowers. It is also desirable that the supplement contains vitamins and amino acids. You can purchase special fertilizer specifically for indoor orchids.

Features of watering

The intensity and frequency of watering also depend on the orchid variety.

  • Phalaenopsis love well-moistened soil, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
  • But dendrobiums need less frequent watering; they are watered only after the soil has dried out.

In any case, water the orchids carefully, trying not to overwater them too much, as excess moisture can cause the roots to rot and the buds to dry out.

Two watering options are allowed: traditionally from above and from below, when the pot is placed in a container of water. When watering from above, simply moisten the soil, and the liquid flowing into the pan is immediately drained. When immersed in water, keep the pot in the container for about 10 minutes so that the moisture saturates the soil.

Water the orchids with well-settled lukewarm water.

Secrets of constant flowering of orchids

If an orchid does not bloom at home, what should you do in this case? Experienced gardeners have their own secrets that will help make the plant bloom more often and longer.

  1. First of all, flowering largely depends on the age of the orchid. Young plants may not produce flower stems for a long time, even if all growing rules are followed.
  2. You cannot move the plant! Orchids are very sensitive to the light source, and in a new place they may simply stop blooming. And vice versa, if you immediately choose a suitable place where the flower will feel good, it will bloom for a long time.
  3. Orchids really don’t like to be disturbed, so these plants need to be grown in transparent pots through which the roots are visible. The root system must be protected from touching.
  4. Orchids do not tolerate overheating, so pots should not be placed in very hot rooms or near heating devices. In spring and summer, flower growers advise taking the pots out into the air, where the orchids will bloom all the time.

You can correct the decline in flowering in winter with the help of additional lighting. Many gardeners illuminate orchids even at night. There are also special phytolamps that do not dry out the air.

Another secret that will make an orchid bloom: as soon as the flower falls off, watering should be stopped for a month. Water only after the soil has dried. This requirement must be met at any time of the year and for an orchid of any age.


The orchid has released a peduncle: what next?

As a rule, from the moment the orchid shoots an arrow, about 2 months should pass until the first flowers open. During this period of time, you must create comfortable conditions so that the buds that have not yet opened bloom.

You should put it near the orchid pot small capacity with water to ensure sufficient air humidification. If the house is very warm, it is advisable to spray the orchid with warm water. Watering the plant in the usual way, as the substrate dries.

In winter, the orchid needs additional lighting

To compensate for the lack of light, use a phytolamp. This lamp does not dry out the air and provides the plant with the necessary amount of bright light. Daylight hours in winter should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like to be frequently moved from place to place and reacts to these movements with slow growth. If you still want to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side facing the light as it was before.

Feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium until the first flower appears. These components have a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of flower buds. When the orchid blooms, there is no need for additional fertilizer.

Proper care for an orchid after flowering

The flowering period lasts from 5 to 12 months. Do not rush to immediately cut off the peduncle after the flowers have dried. First, make sure that the orchid is no longer blooming. Examine the arrow carefully to understand how to proceed further. If the tip of the peduncle is green, then additional buds may appear on it.

When the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry out, flowering is over. However, the orchid still continues to feed from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow must be cut after complete drying.

Usually the cut is made, leaving the 3 lower buds; the stump should be at least 2 cm. Sometimes, in the summer, a young shoot appears on a flower branch. With its help, the orchid can be propagated. Leave this shoot on the stem for about 6 months until it grows roots and 2 leaves.

Caring for the plant after flowering is almost no different from other periods. During the dormant period, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. When the substrate dries out quickly after watering, and roots protrude from the holes in the bottom of the pot, it’s time to replant the orchid. The most suitable period for replanting is immediately after flowering.

Before transplanting, the orchid is watered generously and carefully removed from the pot. You can't unravel the roots. Blackened and dried shoots must be removed. The substrate can be pre-heated over a fire to kill pests. For drainage, you need to place a layer of granite crushed stone on the bottom of the pot. The orchid is placed in the new substrate at the same level as before. After replanting, there is no need to water the orchid. You can only spray the plant.

The dormant period lasts about 3 to 6 months, after which new flower stalks will appear and the orchid will bloom again.

Don't be scared! Favorable conditions for orchid flowering, it’s not at all difficult to create. The main thing is to surround the plant with care and love and then you will be able to admire beautiful exotic flowers throughout the year.



In nature, the orchid is accustomed to growing in the partial shade of large trees. That is, there is a lot of light, but it does not fall directly on the plant. Therefore, we place the charming woman on the sunniest window, the southern one is ideal. But we make sure to diffuse the light. Cover with paper, a curtain, blinds, or a piece of fabric.

Or we don’t bother with partial shade, but create artificial lighting of the required power using phytolamps. Regular incandescent lights will not work; they will simply burn the plant.

Don't turn over

Under natural conditions, orchids do not walk. At all. That's why we don't move the pot from place to place. It is advisable not to even rotate it around its axis. This is not a sunflower to follow the sun.

If there is a serious need to move the orchid to another habitat, then be sure to make a mark on the pot before moving it. And in the new place, place it with the same side towards the light as it was before.

Watch your feet

Orchids are sold in transparent pots. Unknowingly, some people transplant it into a light-proof container after purchasing it. You can't do that. The root system of this plant is actively involved in the process of photosynthesis. For example, in nature, the roots are attached to the bark of the tree on which the beauty grows. Only a small part penetrates under the bark. All the others hang outside and are beautifully lit.

This means that at home it is necessary to provide as much light access to the root system as possible.

And further. Carefully inspect the roots periodically. When rotting begins, they change color. You will have to urgently pick out your beauty from the substrate or bark. Then use a sterile knife or blade to cut off the rotting roots, capturing part of the healthy tissue. After the wound, it is necessary to cauterize it with ordinary medical brilliant green. And the substrate will have to be completely replaced with a new one.

Advice. The orchid will grow to the clay walls of the pot. And there is zero food there. It must be glass or plastic. The most correct materials and perfect fit. Plastic is better, it is easier to make many side holes in it so that the root system can breathe freely.

Air humidity

We remember the climate of the tropics from the school geography course. Probably everyone knows that the air humidity there is off the charts. Therefore, we create an artificial microclimate. Place additional containers of water around. Plus, we additionally constantly (up to three times a day) spray the air around. Not the plant itself, but the air! If a few drops fall on the orchid, it’s not a big deal. But try not to let this happen.

Count leaves

Most orchids begin to bloom only when they have developed at least 7 true leaves. This corresponds to an approximate age of 1.5 years. If your beauty threw away the buds earlier, then after flowering she may not have enough strength to recover. Then you will have to treat and protect her for a very long time.

When buying a plant at a flower shop, be sure to count the leaves. If there are less than 5 of them, and flowering is in full swing, then refuse to purchase. This is artificial stimulation for the appearance of buds. Take pity on your nerves. How many of them will remain in a pot with a diseased plant?

Advice. Still, you took the plunge and bought a very tiny one, but with a lush peduncle? Your patience and pity are limitless. Prepare for a long rehabilitation period. For the plant, not for you.

Fertilize correctly

An orchid needs fertilizing to fully set flower buds and bloom for a long time. The most suitable fertilizers for this are those with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. But the increased content of nitrogen and similar minerals severely inhibits flowering. But it helps to grow a lush bush of foliage.

Therefore, we feed the small orchid with nitrogen, and then move on to more suitable feeds. Just without fanaticism! Follow all package instructions carefully. And don't pour fertilizer on the eye. An excess of minerals is just as destructive as their deficiency.

Water correctly

Who's talking about what, and we're talking about the tropics again. How does it happen in natural conditions? The long rainy season gives way to a slightly dry period. So we do the same.

First, we water the orchid for a long time, abundantly and to the fullest extent, and then sharply reduce the watering. The plant understands that it is time to release a peduncle. After all, pollinating insects do not fly in rainy weather. Therefore, only after the abundant supply of moisture has ceased can flowers be expected.

If you constantly moisten the roots with a small amount of water and do not take breaks, then you may not expect flowers.

By the way, about the rainy season. Almost all types of orchids have very small seeds. And in nature they are found many kilometers from the mother plant. Would the wind be able to carry them so far in rainy weather?

They say that the appearance of flowers is very well stimulated by spraying warm water directly on the plant itself for two weeks. The water temperature is approximately +35°C. Perhaps the orchid perceives this procedure as the rainy season.

Let's stress

Then put her in a stressful situation. A short shock will cause the plant to flower. Because the beauty will think about her imminent death and will hurry to leave behind offspring.

Sudden temperature changes. For example, for 12 hours, place the orchid in a room with a temperature 6-8°C lower than usual. Here you don’t have to think about changing the lighting. The cutie got too drunk and needs a shake-up.

This trick can be easily done in spring or autumn by placing it at the right time near an open window or taking it out onto the balcony. Just make sure there is no draft, tropical women really don’t like that.

It's even easier in winter. Simply move the orchid closer to the central heating radiator during the day, and, on the contrary, move it away at night. Just be sure to humidify the air more often. Otherwise, instead of stimulating flowering, you will end up with dried foliage. Or cover the battery with a thick blanket at night. Open during the day.

Stop watering. The principle of water operation is described above.

Refusal of fertilizers. It is quite possible that you simply fed your beauty. Stop feeding her and any fertilizers. Absolutely. After all, you are growing a flower, not fattening a pig.

Change of lighting. Place the orchid in a darker place for a day. Or they simply do not provide additional lighting for one day with auxiliary lamps. Did the method not work? This means we increase the cruel time by a whole month. And nothing terrible will happen to the orchid if it sits in semi-darkness for 30 days. For example, in the bathroom. It's quite dark and very humid there. A good place is in the kitchen under the sink. Just be sure to remove household chemicals from there. We do not kill the orchid, but help it begin to bloom.

Regular nighttime cold spells. This is done at the beginning or end of summer, when it is already hot during the day, and at night the temperature stays at +10-15°C. A week of training in such conditions and the orchid will bloom like a little one!

Trimming. It happens that an orchid produces a peduncle, but there is no trace of the flowers themselves. So we'll cut. We are looking for kidneys. They are very clearly visible on a long peduncle. We count out 3 pieces and boldly strike with a knife or blade. Not with scissors! They will crush the delicate fibers of the plant. With an ordinary knife dipped in antiseptic. After such a haircut, the orchid begins to bloom rapidly and luxuriantly.

Unscrupulous sellers intensively treat orchids with all kinds of growth stimulants. Moreover, in doses that can make even an elephant bloom. You can also try some chemical remedy. Only in adequate dosages. But it is advisable to use these measures only when you have already tried all possible methods and are desperate to see your pet bloom.

Let's rest

You cannot force an orchid to bloom immediately after the end of the previous flowering. At this time, a period of rest begins, about 4 months long. During this period, new leaves and roots grow, the plant gains strength and power. Wait a little and don’t forget to take care of your pet. She needs your attention, rare abundant watering and feeding. And also, often the dormant period is the best time to rearrange and replant the plant. While it is half asleep, it will not experience severe discomfort after your manipulations. Take advantage of this convenient moment.

How to make an orchid bloom at home? Yes you! Nobody even thought of forcing it. This is too thankless a task. Just to spur it on a little, stimulate it or help it bloom - that’s our task. By following all the recommendations, this task is quite feasible without much effort and economic costs.



Age of onset

When caring for an orchid there are many tricks and subtleties, capable of ensuring the beauty’s flowering for a period of 2 to 6 months or longer. And varieties such as, for example, phalaenopsis, can delight with their flowers all year round.

Often, how long an orchid blooms depends on the age of the plant. Many novice flower growers mistakenly believe that just a young plant blooms vigorously, but this is not at all the case. The flowering period can begin only after 1.5-3 years.

That is, the older the orchid, the greater the chance that lush inflorescences will delight the owner all year round. And the question of how to make it bloom all year round will not even arise.

The necessary conditions

The frequency of orchid flowering depends on a number of factors that must be observed together and in no case separately. Let's consider what is needed for flowering.


Any type of orchid does not tolerate stress, especially when it comes to moving the pot.

If circumstances still force you to move the plant to another place, experienced gardeners recommend marking the side of the orchid that was located towards the sun.

This can be done using a mark on the pot and placing the flower towards the sun with exactly the side it was standing on.


On average, an orchid is ready to bloom at the age of 1.5 to 3 years. Everything depends on the conditions in which the flower grows and develops. You can determine age by shoots, A plant suitable for flowering has at least 5 adult shoots.

How younger plant, the more likely it is that early flowering will lead to death, because the flower simply cannot cope with the load.

Root system

It is this part of the plant that actively participates in photosynthesis, therefore Availability natural light strictly required!


Absolutely all varieties of orchids are lovers of sunlight. And the presence of this light is a fundamental factor in the growth of the peduncle. The most difficult time for plants is in winter period when the daylight hours are too short. In such cases You should use regular lamps to make up for the lack of light.

If the growth of the peduncle occurred during the grayest and gloomiest period, then For healthy growth and development, it is recommended to highlight the tip of the peduncle, and not the entire plant. Lack of sufficient lighting leads to inevitable death, especially during the flowering period.

Content temperature

The main secret to successful flowering is lowering the night temperature. The decrease can vary from 4 to 15 degrees.

In summer, for example, an orchid can be taken out into the fresh air, this will provide a natural temperature difference. In autumn and spring, it is recommended to simply ventilate the room, but beware of too low temperatures. A draft is detrimental to orchids.

Top dressing

In order for the orchid to bloom with enviable regularity costs great attention give the right fertilizers.


To provide the orchid with sufficient moisture, experienced flower growers recommend placing a container of water next to the plant. When using this method, you can be sure that the plant will receive as much moisture as required.

Proper watering

You can determine whether a plant needs watering using one simple rule: pay attention to the root shoots; if they are pale, this means that the plant needs moisture.

However, do not forget that excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system and possible death of the plant.

To grow a healthy, beautiful orchid, you must clearly understand all its needs.

What should I do to make the orchid bloom again?

No matter how strange it may sound in relation to an orchid, but, getting used to comfortable conditions, the plant may stop blooming. However, do not panic, there are some tricks that can perfectly stimulate the growth of an orchid. Ways to make it bloom again include:

  • temporary reduction in water dosage;
  • moving the plant to a cool place.

Popular varieties and types of orchids

Phalaenopsis- a popular variety among beginners, precisely because it pleases its lucky owners with year-round flowering. It is not difficult to achieve such a result; you just need to follow the most basic rules.

Cymbidium- a fairly unpretentious variety, on average it blooms from March to September, but with proper care it is possible to ensure year-round flowering.

Oncidium- a favorite of gardeners, since the flowering time can vary from April to August, and, therefore, if you follow the above tips, the flowering period can last a whole year.

Paphiopedilum- is just beginning to gain its popularity among orchid lovers as a constantly blooming plant. Its unpretentiousness and the possibility of flowering all year round attracts sophisticated experts like a magnet. The main flowering period occurs at the beginning of October and lasts until April.

The rest period - myth or reality?

A period of rest is a state during which orchid growth and activity decreases. This helps plants to easily survive winter cold, heat and drought, that is, the most uncomfortable periods.

Orchids have a dormant period determined by weather changes. Typically, after new shoots finish the growth stage, the plant begins a dormant period. At home, during the dormant period, it is recommended to reduce watering, lower the room temperature and be careful with fertilizers.

Nuances and questions from readers

The question often arises: what to do if varieties that bloom all year round need to be replanted?

Experts have highlighted Several basic rules, following which will help to replant an orchid without harming the flowering:

  1. You should start the replanting process with the following procedure: gently knock on the walls of the pot to easily remove the plant along with the substrate;
  2. Next step: separation of the substrate. It is recommended to place the roots of the plant in a container of water room temperature, trim the rotted roots and grease the cut areas with brilliant green;
  3. Prepare a new substrate, then carefully move the plant to new pot and add the remaining substrate to the middle of the pot;
  4. Experienced gardeners use bark or small pieces of brick as drainage. The soil should be loose.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you painlessly transplant an orchid. Neglecting the advice of experts can lead to the death of the plant, so we must not forget that the orchid is a capricious lady that requires attention and care.


When does flowering occur at home?

Different varieties of orchids begin to bloom at different ages. Usually the first buds appear when the flower is 1.5-3 years old. You can find out the age of an orchid by its shoots: if the plant is 2 years old or more, then there should be at least 5-8 of them.

After the orchid has bloomed and its peduncle has dried, you can wait for the next flowering no earlier than in 2-3 months. This fact is due to the fact that healthy plant with proper care, it can generate flower stalks only 2-3 times a year, and the duration of flowering itself is usually about 3 months. However, not all orchids obey general rules, and the reason for this is often the incorrect conditions of their maintenance and the owners’ ignorance of how to act correctly to achieve flowering.

Why does it take so long for it to start?

There may be several reasons why an orchid is in no hurry to please its owner with flowers for more than a year, or even two.

Is it necessary to artificially stimulate the plant?

In order for a recently transplanted orchid to produce large and bright flowers, care should be taken to artificially stimulate its flowering. It is important to make sure that the plant is completely healthy, has strong roots and powerful and fleshy leaves.

  1. Most often, an orchid's flowering is stimulated by placing it in a stressful situation. If the plant has begun to become “lazy” and has not put out a flower stalk for a long time, you can try to push it to flower by watering. To do this, immerse the pot in water heated to 40-45°C and leave it there for 30 minutes.
  2. A hot shower is also a useful stimulator for orchid flowering. Place the plant in the bath and pour a very warm stream of water over its leaves and roots (the temperature should be tolerable for your hands, otherwise you can burn the roots and leaves!).
  3. If the orchid has never bloomed yet, despite the appropriate age, as well as the number and quality of shoots, you can try sending it to a cool balcony for a week or two (the room temperature should not fall below 0°C). This procedure will simulate the wintering of the plant under natural conditions, thereby bringing its flowering period closer. After you bring the flower back into the house, a peduncle will soon appear on it.

9 important rules for flowering

Why doesn’t it produce buds and grow leaves?

Most often, a stop in development and growth is associated with a lack of fertilizers. To stimulate active vegetation, you should treat the leaves of the plant with a special fertilizer for phalaenopsis. After the vegetative function is completely restored, the plant will increase the necessary green mass and, subject to proper maintenance, will delight the owner with a young peduncle.

If it produces only roots and leaves

If the orchid does not bloom but produces leaves, it may be in a dormant period. As a rule, the resting time of orchid plants lasts from 1.5 to 3 months, during which the plant should be provided with cooler temperatures. temperature regime.

If there is no flowering for more than three months, it is necessary to understand the watering regime, as well as the humidity and temperature in the room where the orchid is kept. It is necessary to adjust the housing conditions and create stressful conditions for the plant to successfully force the peduncle.

How to make it produce buds by changing watering?

The watering regime is especially important for the successful flowering of an orchid.. How to speed up flowering by changing watering? The plant should be watered by total immersion pot into water. In order for the dry substrate to be sufficiently saturated with moisture, it is necessary to remove the flowerpot from the decorative flowerpot and lower it into water for 3-5 minutes. After watering, the plant should be pulled out and given excess water drain from the pot and put it back in its original place.

Such manipulations should be performed once every two weeks in winter and once every 10 days in summer. More frequent bathing can lead to rotting of the root system and disease, and sometimes even complete death of the plant.

Orchids gravitate to the humid climate of the subtropics, so it is important to maintain high humidity in room where they are grown. The plant should be sprayed daily using well-settled warm and soft water.

How to stimulate by adjusting the length of daylight hours?

Despite the light-loving nature of orchids, they should not be placed on south-facing windows in the summer.: There they can get sun and temperature burns. In addition, any plant needs a night rest phase for the photosynthesis process to properly occur, so do not forget the plant under the included phytolamp at night.


How to help an orchid bloom more often?

Everyone knows that orchids are very demanding to care for. Those amateur flower growers who take care of this flower sooner or later encounter certain problems. The most common of them is the lack of re-blooming. To do this you need to follow our instructions. Then it will be possible to achieve longer flowering up to six months.

So, 9 secrets of excellent orchid flowering:

The flowering of an orchid directly depends on the age of the plant. Young specimens may not produce flower shoots for a long time. Some species bloom only at the age of 1.5 years, others wait up to 3 years and only after that produce the first flowers. You can determine the age of an orchid right in the store upon purchase. You just need to count the number of shoots and shoots located per plant - there should be about 6-7 of them. And very young orchids simply will not be able to recover after flowering - they do not have enough energy for this. That's why they are in no hurry to do it.

Do not move the orchid to a new place, especially during flowering. This plant is very sensitive to changes associated with the direction of light. And if there is still a need to move the flower, it is better to turn it the same way to avoid stress.

Plant roots require special attention, and should be addressed in advance. Simply because the orchid, according to the previous point, does not like to be disturbed unnecessarily. Use translucent plastic pots with drainage holes for planting - this will help you take timely measures and keep the roots in proper form. It is also worth giving up ceramic pots, since orchids tend to grow roots to such surfaces. Should be protected root system from contact with sharp edges and objects that can cause harm.

One more important factor successful development plants is sunlight, or rather its quantity. If the length of daylight decreases, the orchid may stop blooming altogether. This is why there is a decline in flowering in winter and autumn. This can be corrected using a fluorescent lamp, installing it next to the flower. Additional lighting should be used in the evening and at night. There are also special phytolamps that provide sufficient light. At the same time, they do not dry out the air, which also has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the flower. For flower stalks released in the cold season, sufficient care must be provided, otherwise the flower will die. IN as a last resort, if it is not possible to fully provide the plant daylight, it is enough to illuminate only the tip of the peduncle, preventing the orchid from overheating.

So that the orchid can bloom continuously, provide it with optimal temperature conditions both day and night, with a difference of 4-6 degrees. It is difficult to maintain a suitable climate only in the cold season, that is, in autumn and winter. In spring and summer, the orchid is perfectly kept on outdoors. When plants are forced to stay indoors, it must be ventilated. True, there is a special condition here too - do not forget that orchids are afraid of drafts.

Proper watering will help keep the flower in excellent shape, allowing it to produce flower stalks all year round. You must try not to flood the plant with water, otherwise the roots may rot, which leads to death. Water only when the soil in the pot is dry. These requirements are relevant for both warm and cold seasons, and they apply to plants of any age. There is one more recommendation that will extend the flowering period. Immediately after the flower falls off, watering should be interrupted for a month. This is not an easy whim, it’s all about the nature of the flower itself. When a wild orchid flowers, its seeds are dispersed over long distances, and this only happens during periods of drought. This trick will help keep the flower healthy, as close to nature as possible.
Air humidification is also an important condition excellent flowering. If there is not enough moisture around, the plant may slow down its growth or even stop developing altogether. Spraying will help maintain a comfortable climate.

The next recommendation we will give you is to use correct feeding. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are ideal, as they allow new buds to appear. In addition, they provide the plant with enough energy and the necessary nutrients allowing to produce healthy flowers. And here nitrogen fertilizers It is better not to use so as not to inhibit the growth and development of the orchid.

A little stress artificially caused by the owner of the orchid can cause the flower to shoot. Sometimes, when a plant is feeling too good, it may be in no hurry to bloom. It simply directs all its energy to the growth of vegetation - stems and leaves, because it understands that reproduction can be delayed. That is why, as a stimulation, you can stop watering or move it to a new place, turn the other side towards the sun or place it in a cooler place.

It also happens that ideal conditions are created for an orchid - even watering, enough sunlight, protection from drafts, but they are still in no hurry to bloom. Even the fact that the plant’s conditions remain unchanged for a long period of time does not guarantee the appearance of flowers. This behavior may be associated with the death of the roots, which occurs after 2-3 years of being kept in the same container. In this case, new flower stalks will not appear until enough roots have grown.

What to do when the plant fades?

Dropping its last petal, the orchid goes to rest. At this time, she begins to prepare for a new flowering and accumulates strength for this. Meanwhile, care during this period is practically no different - you need to water abundantly, provide high air humidity, sufficient lighting and promptly destroy pests. But feeding needs to be reduced.

Now is the time to move the orchid to another container. Transplantation is done when roots begin to emerge from the container or the soil is in an overdried state or dries out quickly. Typically, the transplantation procedure is done when the plant is approaching or exceeds 2-3 years of age.

Is it possible to cut orchid flowers?

Orchid bouquets are very attractive, which is why they attract millions of women. And, naturally, every owner of a houseplant is interested in whether this flower is suitable for cutting? It is worth noting that fresh bouquets do not last long, and not everyone the view is suitable for this. Only some species can stand in a vase for several weeks without losing their attractive appearance. When purchasing orchids for cutting, you should immediately pay attention to the petals and sepals. Shine and hardness - main feature the fact that the flowers will last a long time and will delight you with their freshness.

Is it possible to preserve an orchid bouquet longer?

If you bought flowers in a store and did not cut them from house plant, they need processing. Immediately upon returning home, you need to update the sections. Trim the stems at an angle, and it is best to do this under a tap. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week. You should also monitor the condition and quality of the water that fills the vase; use only filtered liquid. The water should be renewed every few days. Avoid sudden temperature changes and freezing of the bouquet. Protect it from direct contact sun rays, as well as drafts and a sharp drop in temperature.

Grow orchids on your windowsills to the envy of all your friends and neighbors, because now you know the secrets that will help you decorate your home with the incredibly beautiful flowers of this plant. Follow our recommendations, and the result will not be long in coming.


general information

Phalaenopsis usually blooms between 1.5 and 3 years of age.

It happens that flowering appears ahead of schedule. This is not always good, because a flower that is too young and still weak may not have enough strength to fully recover. Further consequences are unpredictable - the plant may be sick for a long time, or may even die.

Usually, the orchid blooms at least once a year (often twice), and the flowering period lasts from 2 months to six months.

In an adult and seemingly healthy orchid, the lack of flowering can only be explained by improper care.

Since caring for phalaenopsis is a complex and complex task, an error can be hidden at any stage.

Main mistakes leading to lack of flowering:

  • incorrect temperature conditions;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • excessive watering;
  • watering with too cold water;
  • overuse of fertilizers;
  • errors during transplantation.

How to stimulate a plant so that it sends out a flower stalk?

For that In order for an orchid to shoot an arrow, you need to create a little stress for it. Usually, very soon after such stimulation, phalaenopsis blooms. But if this does not happen, you need to look for another reason.

Reasons for lack of flowering and how to eliminate them


To get rid of pests in a flower pot, you need to act comprehensively - first, manually collect those insects that are visible to the naked eye, then use chemicals get rid of undetected pests and their larvae.

After this time, all the pests that are present in the soil will begin to crawl out to the surface of the substrate. They need to be collected and removed.

It is improper care that is the most common reason for the lack of flowering of phalaenopsis.

The main mistakes made by inexperienced flower growers are::

It is not difficult to correct all these errors, the main thing is to follow the following rules:

  1. Flower arrangement. Do not place the orchid where it will receive direct sunlight. This will slow down the development of the plant and flowering will have to wait a very long time.
  2. Lighting. In summer natural light will be sufficient. But in winter, phalaenopsis needs to be additionally illuminated. Regular fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.
  3. Temperature. Orchid is a heat-loving flower. Therefore, the temperature in the room where it grows must be at least 25°C.
  4. Watering. Do not moisturize phalaenopsis too often. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only when the soil from the previous watering has already dried out.
  5. Fertilizer. It is worth purchasing first of all those fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium. This will have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds. Such useful substances are added to the soil no more than once every 5-6 weeks.

How to wake up a kidney?

There are several ways to awaken a flower bud. All of them are in one way or another connected with the need to give the phalaenopsis a little stress.

The first method can be used at any time of the year, the second is more convenient to do in the summer. Both of these methods imitate natural conditions and are therefore absolutely safe for the plant.

Artificial drought

The task is to organize the interval between waterings so that the soil remains dry for 4-7 days. The degree of dryness of the substrate is determined simply by touch. And there is no need to be afraid, droughts also happen in nature. The normal watering schedule can be returned only when a flower stalk appears.

A plant can also be stressed by a slight temperature difference. To do this, the flower is placed at a temperature 4-6°C lower than usual throughout the night (in summer, moving the phalaenopsis to the balcony is perfect).

During the day flower pot it is necessary to return to the microclimate normal for the flower. This is an excellent method that will certainly return the orchid to bloom.

Caring for flowering phalaenopsis consists primarily of providing adequate lighting. The flower will feel great if the daylight hours are at least 12 hours. It is very undesirable to move the flower pot during flowering..

The orchid is extremely sensitive to its position in relation to light, so it perceives even the slightest movement as stress. When phalaenopsis blooms, watering should be plentiful. In this case, the water needs to be warm, not lower than 35°C.

Video on the topic

In this video we will look at how to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom^


Proper care and optimally selected microclimate are the main conditions for the formation of a peduncle in phalaenopsis. And if it still doesn’t want to bloom, then simple, but correctly done, stimulation will very quickly eliminate this problem, and the orchid will delight the household with abundant flowering for many months.

Beginners in floriculture often face this problem: after purchasing a lush beauty in a store, it safely fades on the windowsill for the prescribed three months and for the next few years it yearns alone, without releasing a peduncle.

There is a solution to the problem, but it will take some effort. Growth is influenced by a huge number of factors, starting with the plant variety, ending with the temperature in the room. Some always flowering species can without careful care please their owners with lush inflorescences all year round, while others need temperature changes that provoke growth.

As experts note, a healthy orchid blooms approximately 3 times a year, or even more. Next, we will tell you how to admire flowers all year round.


Age of onset

IMPORTANT! First of all, it is worth reducing the amount of nitrogen in fertilizers. It is this component that stops the growth of the peduncle. Preference is given to fertilizers that are rich in potassium and phosphorus. These elements promote bud growth and ensure the formation of new, healthy flowers.


To provide the orchid with sufficient moisture, experienced flower growers recommend placing a container of water next to the plant. When using this method, you can be sure that the plant will receive as much moisture as required.

Proper watering

You can determine whether a plant needs it with one simple rule: pay attention to the root shoots: if they are pale, this means that the plant needs moisture.

However, do not forget that excess moisture will lead to rotting of the root system and possible death of the plant.

To grow a healthy, beautiful orchid, you should clearly understand all its needs.

What should I do to make the orchid bloom again?

No matter how strange it may sound in relation to an orchid, but, Having gotten used to comfortable conditions, the plant may stop blooming. However, do not panic, there are some tricks that can help your orchid grow well. Ways to make it bloom again include:

  • temporary reduction in water dosage;
  • moving the plant to a cool place.

A temporary decrease in temperature can stimulate flowering.

Important! We must not forget that too sudden changes can only cause harm, so the creation of such “shock” situations should be treated with extreme caution.

Popular varieties and types of orchids

- a popular variety among beginners, precisely because it pleases its lucky owners with year-round flowering. It is not difficult to achieve such a result; you just need to follow the most basic rules.

Cymbidium- a fairly unpretentious variety, on average it blooms from March to September, but with proper care it is possible to ensure year-round flowering.

Oncidium- a favorite of gardeners, since the flowering time can vary from April to August, and, therefore, if you follow the above tips, the flowering period can last a whole year.

Paphiopedilum- is just beginning to gain its popularity among orchid lovers as a constantly blooming plant. Its unpretentiousness and the possibility of flowering all year round attracts sophisticated experts like a magnet. The main flowering period occurs at the beginning of October and lasts until April.





The rest period - myth or reality?

A period of rest is a state during which orchid growth and activity decreases. This helps plants to easily survive winter cold, heat and drought, that is, the most uncomfortable periods.

Orchids have a dormant period determined by weather changes. Typically, after new shoots finish the growth stage, the plant begins a dormant period. At home, during the dormant period, it is recommended to reduce watering, lower the room temperature and be careful with fertilizers.

Nuances and questions from readers

The question often arises: what to do if varieties that bloom all year round need to be replanted?

Experts have highlighted Several basic rules, following which will help to replant an orchid without harming the flowering:

  1. You should start the replanting process with the following procedure: gently knock on the walls of the pot to easily remove the plant along with the substrate;
  2. Next step: separation of the substrate. It is recommended to place the roots of the plant in a container with water at room temperature, trim the rotted roots and lubricate the cut areas with brilliant green;
  3. Prepare a new substrate, then carefully move the plant into a new pot and add the remaining substrate to the middle of the pot;
  4. Experienced gardeners use bark or small pieces of brick as drainage. The soil should be loose.

IMPORTANT! After transplantation, watering the orchid is not recommended.

Following these simple rules will help you replant your orchid painlessly. Neglecting the advice of experts can lead to the death of the plant, so we must not forget that the orchid is a capricious lady that requires attention and care.

Useful videos

Video with a simple way to stimulate re-blooming:

From this video you will learn what to do with an orchid after flowering:

This video will tell you how to convince an orchid to bloom magnificently and abundantly:

The following video will reveal the main reasons why an orchid does not bloom:

In contact with

Orchids have become a beautiful addition not only in ordinary apartments, but also in restaurants, cafes, and hotels. Tall peduncles with flowers different forms and colors create an atmosphere of luxury. Blooming flowers remain open for up to twelve weeks, and when good care at home, the orchid blooms twice a year. The main thing is to know the reasons why an orchid does not bloom and how to stimulate the beauty to bloom.

How long can an orchid bloom at home?

The most popular orchids can rightfully be considered Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum, less popular orchids. But there are a lot of species and hybrids of orchids; they all differ from each other in shape, size, flower color, leaf shape and flowering period, as well as the presence or absence of odor.

Orchids can bloom for up to twelve weeks

Orchid flowering begins at the end of the growing season. A peduncle appears, which grows upward about 1 cm per day, then it branches and produces buds. After about 4-6 weeks, the inconspicuous branch is covered with beautiful flowers, which stay on the plant for up to three months. After a short rest, the growing season begins again. The flower arrow appears again on the orchid or new buds appear on the old one. If your orchid does not bloom at least once a year, then you are doing something wrong.

Photo gallery: the most common varieties of orchids

Phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most unpretentious and common orchids in indoor floriculture Dendrobium blooms very beautifully, but is less common than Phalaenopsis. The Cymbidium orchid has long, thin leaves. Paphiopedilum flowers have a bowl shape.

How to care for a beautiful orchid during flowering

The orchid is native to the tropics. She experiences both droughts and high temperature with plenty of moisture. After the rains, the plant begins to powerfully grow leaves and roots, accumulate strength, and only then blooms. For an orchid, such indicators as proper lighting, humidity, and temperature are very important.

Choosing the right lighting for flower growth

Each type of orchid is individual. As for the Phalaenopsis orchid, it prefers bright, diffused light without direct sunlight. A great place for it would be the window sill of an east window.

Phalaenopsis loves bright light without direct sunlight

On a south or west window, the orchid should be separated with a tulle curtain. The length of daylight is also important, which should be at least 12 hours.

How humidity and watering affect the roots and growth of orchid arrows

Watering an orchid is done by immersing the pot in a bucket of water or a deep tray. The roots and soil should be allowed to soak for about 30 minutes and excess water should be drained. Upper part It is useful to spray the substrate with a spray bottle. During the rest period, orchids are watered less often - only after the roots of the plant change their green color to grayish. In dry climates it is important to maintain high humidity around the orchids, this can be achieved by placing the pot on a tray of damp expanded clay. In this case, it is very important that the pan is wide and the evaporation area is large.

A humid atmosphere should be maintained around the orchids.

Choosing the right temperature for orchid growth and flowering

It is believed that temperature changes can stimulate the flowering of orchids. It is enough that the daytime temperature differs from the nighttime temperature by 3–5 degrees. It is quite possible to do this on a window. Optimal temperature for orchid growth in summer 25–30 degrees; in winter you can keep plants at 18 degrees.

Table: lighting, temperature and watering have a great influence on the growth and flowering of different varieties of orchids

Orchid varietyLocation and lightingDaytime temperatureWatering frequency
The plant can be installed on western and eastern window sills.18–25 ºCTypical humidity is 30–40%. Watering is carried out after the soil has completely dried.
Suitable for flowers good lighting, but without direct sunlight in the afternoon.15–25 ºCOptimal humidity is 25–30%. An increase in humidity gives rise to new shoots.
The plant needs a lot of fresh air and light. The flower can be exposed to open sun for at least four hours a day. Bright but soft autumn sun is the best “helper” for flowering.Withstands temperatures of 35–38 °CDuring the period of active growth, it requires abundant watering. It is necessary to allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
Does not like bright sunlight. When exposed to direct sunlight, burns appear on the leaves.
Flowers will take root on northern windows, but the eastern direction is also suitable.
18–25 °CNeeds abundant and frequent watering. Excess water must flow out through the drainage holes of the pot.

Why fertilizing helps stimulate the growth of flower stalks

Like other plants, the orchid needs mineral and organic fertilizers, but in much smaller quantities. Typically, fertilizing begins with the beginning of the orchid's growing season. It is not difficult to identify it: new roots and leaves appear. It is at this time that the orchid is intensively watered and fed. But if the proportion of nitrogen in fertilizing is high, then the orchid will only grow leaves, so it is important to use special products for fertilizing orchids. As soon as you find a peduncle that has appeared, stop feeding, it can cause the buds and peduncle to dry out. To determine whether an orchid has a peduncle or a root, pay attention to the color. The peduncle is usually Green colour and grows upward, and the root has a dark tip and is directed downward.

The orchid root can be distinguished from the peduncle by color: dark color at the tip of the root, it grows downwards

How to get new flower stalks to appear in orchids

So, your Phalaenopsis purchased in bloom has already faded about six months ago and it’s time for it to bloom again. Before stimulating a plant to bloom, check to see if your orchid is healthy? Only after a careful examination for the presence or absence of rot and other signs of disease can the methods below be used.

Small young plants that have not reached two or three years of age may also not bloom.

Rate the plant, how many young leaves have grown in Lately? How many roots have appeared, are they in active growth or “frozen”. Young roots differ from old ones in their tenderness green. If Phalaenopsis has not been growing for a long time, then it simply “fell asleep.”

The reason for the appearance of an orchid peduncle: stress

If an orchid grows well for several months, produces new leaves and roots, but there is no flower stalk, it is necessary to create a stressful situation.

  1. Place the orchid in a bright place with a day length of 14–16 hours.
  2. In winter, use artificial lighting with lamps to lengthen daylight hours.
  3. Take care of high humidity using pallets with wet moss or expanded clay.
  4. Feed the plant by special means, tablets or paste.

For the appearance of arrows, it is most preferable to change the watering scheme and create a dry season - water much less often with the substrate completely drying in 2-3 days. This regime must be maintained until the first rudiments of the flower arrow appear. If the air humidity is high, the orchid can have a completely dry season without watering for 3–4 weeks.

Late spring or early autumn You can take the orchid to the balcony so that during the day it is kept at a temperature of 20–23 °C, and at night at 10–13 °C. Such sharp drop temperature stimulates flowering very well. In winter, the temperature difference can be made on the windowsill. However, if the radiator is very hot, then it is better to separate the window with foil foam rubber at night so that the heat of the room does not transfer to the windowsill, and remove it in the morning. But still, the natural temperature difference in the open air is preferable.

Video: how to make an orchid bloom again

There are special tablets and ointments to stimulate flowering. The most commonly used are succinic acid tablets and cytokinin paste.

To additionally stimulate the flowering of orchids, they use feeding preparations - “Bud”, “Ovary”, “Tsveten”.

Succinic acid as a means of stimulating the appearance of peduncles

Succinic acid strengthens, stimulates and supports plants. Afterwards, roots and leaves begin to actively grow, and flower buds awaken.

How to use succinic acid correctly:

  1. Dilute 1 tablet in 0.5 liters of water (if in bulk, then on the tip of a knife).
  2. Pour water into a spray bottle and spray the leaves. aerial roots, root collar.
  3. Water the soil with the rest of the solution or soak the orchid in it for 6–8 hours.

Spraying does not replace feeding, so after stimulation the orchid must continue to be fed complex fertilizers. Succinic acid is best used once every three weeks for the growth of new shoots.

Using cytokinin paste for re-blooming

It is a hormonal drug based on cytokinin. Thanks to it, dormant buds awaken on the plant and cells begin to actively divide. The paste gives 100% appearance of baby orchids. Cytokinin should be used in the warm season, or the orchid should be provided with conditions comparable to summer conditions (bright lighting and warmth).

Application of the miracle paste:

  1. The paste is applied to the buds on an existing peduncle. As a rule, the lowest or highest buds are chosen.
  2. Carefully remove the top dry scale with tweezers or a knife, revealing a small green bud underneath. It is necessary to try not to damage both the bud itself and the peduncle.
  3. Cytokinin paste is squeezed onto the tip of a toothpick and transferred to the kidney. Pea paste - up to 2 mm. For better penetration paste, you can lightly scratch the kidney with a sterile needle using gentle and smooth movements.
  4. Distribute the paste over the entire surface of the kidney.

In a week, either a new peduncle or a baby will appear from this bud. Do not overuse stimulation paste. It is enough to treat 2-3 buds (more is possible on a powerful plant), since the orchid will then have to grow this baby or peduncle.

Indications for use of cytokinin paste:

  • deplorable or critical condition of the plant;
  • to awaken a flower from a long winter “hibernation”;
  • uneven development of the plant.

Do not use cytokinin paste to stimulate flowering in the following cases:

  • orchid damage by disease or pests;
  • the orchid is already blooming profusely and the awakening of extra buds weakens the plant;
  • there is no need to awaken more than three kidneys with paste;
  • do not smear the roots and leaves of the orchid;
  • Do not use on young orchids and transplanted children.

Video: applying cytokinin ointment to an orchid bud

The orchid has stopped blooming: problems and ways to solve them

If you properly care for your orchid, it will bloom for a very long time.

Description of the problemCauseSolution
The orchid only grows large leaves and roots.Growing season, excessive fertilizing with nitrogenAfter winter, the plant increases its green mass and the orchid will bloom only at the end of the growing season. Water the flower with fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus.
Orchid does not bloom after transplantationThe plant regains strength and grows rootsFor better survival after transplantation, water with Epin or succinic acid- this will strengthen the orchid and help awaken dormant buds.
The orchid has sent out an arrow, but does not bloomIndividual characteristics of an orchidAn orchid can form buds, but not bloom them for up to three months. Try feeding with fertilizer diluted by half.
The orchid does not bloom for more than a yearImproper careLack of light, regular frequent watering, and the same day and night temperatures lead to the fact that the orchid grows but does not bloom. Stress the plant:
  1. Place in bright light (no direct rays).
  2. Water once every 10–12 days after the soil has completely dried for 1–2 months.
  3. Give the orchid a difference in night and day temperatures of at least 5–7 degrees.
The orchid's buds are falling off
  1. We bought it in winter and the flowers froze during transportation.
  2. We fed the orchid with mineral fertilizers when the flowers began to bloom.
  3. The buds have dried out due to excess direct sunlight or lack of lighting.
  4. Root rotting.
  5. Peduncle fracture.
  1. Take care of proper packaging: wrap the plant in several layers of paper and cellophane.
  2. Take a break from feeding.
  3. Adjust the amount of sunlight you receive.
  4. Cut off the peduncle and place it in water; the orchid must be treated with special preparations.
  5. You need to cut the peduncle and place it in water.

Different varieties of orchids begin to bloom at different ages. Usually the first buds appear when the flower is 1.5-3 years old. You can find out the age of an orchid by its shoots: if the plant is 2 years old or more, then there should be at least 5-8 of them.

Attention: Botany knows more than 30 thousand natural varieties blooming orchids and the same number of species of this plant bred artificially.

After the orchid has bloomed and its peduncle has dried, you can wait for the next flowering no earlier than in 2-3 months. This fact is due to the fact that a healthy plant with proper care can generate flower stalks only 2-3 times a year, and the duration of flowering itself is usually about 3 months. However, not all orchids obey the general rules, and the reason for this is often the incorrect conditions of their maintenance and the owners’ ignorance of how to act correctly to achieve flowering.

Why does it take so long for it to start?

There may be several reasons why an orchid is in no hurry to please its owner with flowers for more than a year, or even two.

Is it necessary to artificially stimulate the plant?

In order for a recently transplanted orchid to produce large and bright flowers, care should be taken to artificially stimulate its flowering. It is important to make sure that the plant is completely healthy, has strong roots and powerful and fleshy leaves.

  1. Most often, an orchid's flowering is stimulated by placing it in a stressful situation. If the plant has begun to become “lazy” and has not put out a flower stalk for a long time, you can try to push it to flower by watering. To do this, immerse the pot in water heated to 40-45°C and leave it there for 30 minutes.
  2. A hot shower is also a useful stimulator for orchid flowering. Place the plant in the bath and pour a very warm stream of water over its leaves and roots (the temperature should be tolerable for your hands, otherwise you can burn the roots and leaves!).
  3. If the orchid has never bloomed yet, despite the appropriate age, as well as the number and quality of shoots, you can try sending it to a cool balcony for a week or two (the room temperature should not fall below 0°C). This procedure will simulate the wintering of the plant under natural conditions, thereby bringing its flowering period closer. After you bring the flower back into the house, a peduncle will soon appear on it.

9 important rules for flowering

Why doesn’t it produce buds and grow leaves?

Most often, a stop in development and growth is associated with a lack of fertilizers. To stimulate active vegetation, you should treat the leaves of the plant with a special fertilizer for phalaenopsis. After the vegetative function is completely restored, the plant will increase the necessary green mass and, subject to proper maintenance, will delight the owner with a young peduncle.

Read about how to understand why an orchid does not bloom.

If it produces only roots and leaves

If the orchid does not bloom but produces leaves, it may be in a dormant period. As a rule, the resting time of orchid plants lasts from 1.5 to 3 months, during which the plant should be provided with a cooler temperature regime.

If there is no flowering for more than three months, it is necessary to understand the watering regime, as well as the humidity and temperature in the room where the orchid is kept. It is necessary to adjust the housing conditions and create stressful conditions for the plant to successfully force the peduncle.

How to make it produce buds by changing watering?

The watering regime is especially important for the successful flowering of an orchid.. How to speed up flowering by changing watering? Water the plant by completely immersing the pot in water. In order for the dry substrate to be sufficiently saturated with moisture, it is necessary to remove the flowerpot from the decorative flowerpot and lower it into water for 3-5 minutes. After watering, the plant should be pulled out, excess water should be allowed to drain from the pot and put back in its original place.

Such manipulations should be performed once every two weeks in winter and once every 10 days in summer. More frequent bathing can lead to rotting of the root system and disease, and sometimes even complete death of the plant.

Orchids gravitate to the humid climate of the subtropics, so it is important to maintain high humidity in the room where they are grown. The plant should be sprayed daily using well-settled warm and soft water.

How to stimulate by adjusting the length of daylight hours?

Advice: The reason for the orchid’s reluctance to bloom may lie in the lack of light. Care must be taken to ensure that the plant is illuminated for at least 10-12 hours a day. To ensure this condition, a phytolamp of a suitable spectrum that does not dry out the air is quite suitable.

Despite the light-loving nature of orchids, they should not be placed on south-facing windows in the summer.: There they can get sun and temperature burns. In addition, any plant needs a night rest phase for the photosynthesis process to properly occur, so do not forget the plant under the included phytolamp at night.


Orchids are plants of luxurious beauty that can reward you with fantastic flowering for the correct observance of simple rules for caring for them. Using some tricks in organizing the regime of keeping your pet, every owner of an orchid will certainly achieve its abundant flowering.

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