home · Lighting · Lunar sowing. The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located is important

Lunar sowing. The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located is important

The lunar sowing calendar came to us from ancient times.

Long-term observations of how the moon influences everything that happens on earth - it controls sea ​​tides and ebbs, affects humans, animals, the surrounding nature, including the growth of plants, led to the fact that, having systematized these data, we came to the conclusion that different phases of the moon have different effects on plants, their growth and development.

The state of the moon, whether sowing or harvesting depended, determined the daily routine in agriculture.

Compiled annual lunar calendars help make decisions when to plant plants, replant and prune trees, when to carry out certain agrotechnical measures on their lands.

Of course, it is worth considering that the data from these calendars is relatively conditional and it is worth considering in which areas and climatic conditions Where you live, when spring and warmth arrive, your plantings begin on the windowsill and greenhouse, or in open ground.

How the moon affects plants

  • You need to know that during the new moon and full moon you should not plan any work with planting and replanting plants. At this time they are especially vulnerable.
  • When the moon grows, all the plant juices rise to its top and leaves. This is the time when you can plant and replant plants with a developed aerial part; accidental damage to the roots is not so dangerous at this time.
  • During the full moon, fruits and herbs have maximum juiciness, and during the new moon, all the juices are in the roots and tubers.
  • In the waning moon phase, plant juices begin to move to the roots, which has a beneficial effect on the planting of root crops. At the same time, you can prune the plants.
  • During the period of the new moon, all the plants are planted aboveground plants, but during the aging period it’s time for root vegetables.
  • It is not advisable to carry out any actions on your site during lunar and solar eclipses. At this time, plants are especially vulnerable.

Full or partial are expected in 2017 - lunar eclipses February 11 and August 7, sunny February 26 and August 21.

Table of the best days for planting and sowing according to the lunar calendar for 2017

Favorable days in 2017 for work on the site

Planting calendar for 2017 for gardeners

What days to pay special attention to in 2017

11 – 13, 27 – 29, do not check for seed germination

20, it is undesirable to engage in planting and propagation of plants

28, do not do any work with plants

10 – 12, 26 – 28, do not check for seed germination

19, it is undesirable to engage in planting and propagation of plants

27, do not do any work with plants

5, it is undesirable to engage in planting and propagation of plants

21, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

28, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and sowing plants

4, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and propagating plants

11, it is undesirable to engage in planting, replanting and pruning plants

19, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and propagating plants

26, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and sowing plants

3, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting, propagating and dividing plants

11, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and sowing plants, as well as pruning, pinching and grafting

26, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and grafting plants

17, it is undesirable to engage in planting, transplanting and propagating plants

24, it is undesirable to engage in sowing, planting and replanting plants

1, it is undesirable to engage in propagation and division of plants

9, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

17, it is undesirable to engage in propagation, planting and replanting of plants

23, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

15, 29, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

6, 28, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

13, it is undesirable to engage in propagation, planting and replanting of plants

20, any work with plants is undesirable

6, 20, it is undesirable to engage in planting and replanting plants

12, it is undesirable to engage in propagation, planting and replanting of plants

28, it is undesirable to engage in work on propagation and division of plants

4, 18, any work with plants is undesirable

11, it is undesirable to engage in propagation and planting

27, it is undesirable to engage in propagation, planting and replanting of plants

4, any work with plants is undesirable

10, 26, it is undesirable to engage in propagation, planting and replanting of plants

1:504 1:514

Lunar recommendations sowing calendar for 2017


Solar and lunar eclipses, which are expected in 2017, have a negative impact on the well-being of plants:
February 11 - penumbral lunar;
February 26 - annular solar;
August 7 - partial moon
August 21 - full sunny.

Astrologers claim that the energy of etheric bodies controls the life potential, the ability to develop and grow all life on Earth.

During the New Moon, plant growth energy is concentrated in the root system and in the lower part of the trunks, and sap flow slows down. At this time, sowing and replanting plants is unfavorable.

After all, this calendar was compiled for window sills and greenhouses, where the seasons are of secondary importance, as well as for southern regions and the CIS countries, where spring begins not in May, as in Russia, but in March - April, writes astrologer Tatyana Borsch.

During the New Moon Pruning of plants is favorable and replanting is unfavorable. Sowing seeds is also unfavorable, since the etheric energy of the seed is too small and is not tuned to growth.

On the days of the Full Moon, on the contrary, everything comes to life - energy rushes from the roots up and out, filling the shoots and fruits. This is a favorable time for sowing and transplanting (since the energy is in the foliage and in the upper part of the plant, and not in the roots).

Fruits collected on the Full Moon and growing above surface of the earth, will have the largest range of useful qualities.

Root vegetables are best collected in New Moon days, since it is on these days that all the power of plants is collected in the roots.

It is also advisable to collect seeds on the days of the New Moon, since the maximum level of energy “packed” in them is observed precisely on these days. Such seeds will remain strong until spring, and once in the ground, they will produce friendly and healthy shoots.

Astrologers divided the signs of the Zodiac according to fertility.

Days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio are considered very fertile, and everything planted these days will not wither, but will give a rich harvest.

Average productivity signs are Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

And the signs of Aquarius, Leo and Aries are considered barren.

On the days of the New Moon you should neither plant nor sow. Also, there is no need to work with sharp tools: a pickaxe, a hoe, a knife, an ax, a shovel. These days are only suitable for weeding and killing weeds.

Potato should be planted between Full Moon and New Moon. Plant potatoes for food a few days after the New Moon, and those intended for seeds - a few days before the Full Moon.

For strawberries and wild strawberries best time plantings July, August during the waxing moon.

Vegetables, that grow for a long time, it is better to remove them on those days when the Moon is in the last quarter - then they will remain in good condition for a long time and will be preserved for a long time.

Grain harvest should be removed before the Full Moon.

Bush beans removed when she begins to lie down, but the Moon must be in the sign of Leo.

Trees should be cut only during the waxing moon. Trees are planted by the Full Moon, and pruned by the New Moon. If for some reason you are replanting old trees, they need to be dug up, moved to a new location and replanted only by the Full Moon. All dried branches of fruit and fruit trees remove only by the Full Moon.

grape branches cut just before the New Moon, otherwise they will “bleed” for a long time.

Large houseplants, growing in vats and tubs, they are transplanted into pots only before the Full Moon.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other plants with above-ground fruits you need to sow and plant during the waxing moon.

All root vegetables (radish, beets, turnips, potatoes and others)- during the waning moon. This rule also applies when sowing seeds in greenhouses.

Between New Moon and Full Moon those plants are planted in which the above-ground part develops and grows more - trees and shrubs, flowers and vegetables.

Between Full Moon and New Moon Root crops are planted: potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets, rutabaga, radishes, black radishes, asparagus, and winter crops. At this time, sap flow is directed down to the roots. .

Plants that form fruits in the aboveground part are recommended to be sown in the waxing moon phase, root crops - in its waning phase.


Favorable days for sowing and planting in 2017

You should prepare for the new planting season in advance. All experienced gardeners and gardeners know that the main help when planning earthworks provides the lunar sowing calendar for 2017, which is formed with the help of the most advanced technologies, engaged in astrology, astronomy and mathematics. This sowing calendar is very useful for any gardener and gardener, since it takes into account the impact of the moon in each of its phases on the health of plants and on the processes occurring in the soil, depending on its position and order. lunar days, as well as the ruling sign of the zodiac, whose influence should also not be underestimated. How does the Moon affect plants? Moon - natural satellite The Earth is the closest celestial body to our planet, therefore its influence on all processes occurring around us is invaluable. The main thing that the moon has the greatest impact on is water in all its manifestations.

Since all vital juices inside plants also consist mainly of water, therefore in some lunar phases ah, which is easy to find out about by referring to the lunar sowing calendar for 2017 for Russia and Ukraine, the Moon can “attract” planting crops to itself, promoting their growth, or “push away”, which even leads to disease and death of the plant.

Moon calendar gardener and gardener for 2017

Lunar sowing calendar for 2017 - table


February 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

Calendar for gardeners for 2017

Green onions, parsley, dill, salad

5, 12, 14,







9, 18,22,












12,14,23,28 3,4,12,14,16,


9,18,22, 3,4,14,15,



Sweet pepper




Zucchini, squash, pumpkins




Radish, radish, daikon






Potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke




Carrots, beets






Beans, peas, beans



Watermelon melon,








Onion sets



Spring/winter garlic



Cabbage, cauliflower






Red cabbage



Parsley root


Calendar for flower growers for 2017

Annual flowers










Bi- and perennials/seeds









Perennials/ division, replanting


Bulbous and corm






Ornamental trees and bushes



Material provided by the site “In the garden with your own hands” handmade-garden.ru Tips and experience of working with your own hands in the garden.

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Category: Garden

Today is a truly useful post, and we welcome your comments below...

We will talk about such an important topic for every gardener and gardener as the timing of sowing and planting seeds on your personal garden farm. For a person who is encountering landings on his own for the first time homestead farming, it may seem that there is nothing complicated here. I loosened the soil, planted the seeds and are waiting for the seedlings to sprout. However, not all so simple.

Lead practice Agriculture since ancient times shows that people approached the issue of gardening quite seriously. We monitored the weather and navigated by various signs. And one of important factors there were lunar phases and even zodiac signs. Since it was noticed that changes in these very phases of the moon greatly affect almost all plants. At the same time, for each strip of Russia, experienced summer residents know their characteristics.

Popular seedlings:

While there are still winter days outside, but spring, especially in middle lane Russia and its south will arrive in March. This means that the planting season will begin soon. And in order to carry it out well and correctly, you need to prepare for it. And so, just at winter period, such preparations are carried out. They usually include preparing the land for planting and preparing seeds for seedlings. If anyone has the opportunity all year round be on your own summer cottage, then you can carry out various chores.

Since we are talking about the use of the lunar calendar, it is necessary to say a few words about the moon itself and its effect on plants.

On perennial shrubs and trees, lunar cycles have a minor impact, but the growth of various vegetable, melon and cereal crops depends very much on them. At the same time, it must be taken into account that greatest influence the moon is in its young and waning stages.

During the waning moon, root crops are usually planted, and during the young moon, land plants are planted. This is due to the fact that in the first case it strengthens root system, and in the second, the development of stems, branches and leaves occurs best. People noticed this a long time ago! The result of such observations was the lunar calendar. But since the lunar and solar phases do not coincide, the lunar calendar is constantly updated every year.

Sowing according to zodiac signs

Fertile zodiac signs:

Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Infertile zodiac signs:

Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aquarius

Average fertile zodiac signs:

Taurus, Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn

So, let's begin planting work best on the waxing moon. It is during this period that the plant begins to grow rapidly. Best time for planting root crops - this is seven days before the next phase of the moon is renewed. If you plant plants on a new or full moon, they will either not sprout at all or will develop very poorly.

Rules for best performance yield:

  • It is important for tomatoes to choose a consecrated and warm place, pre-fertilized with organic matter. And it is important that the fertilizer is not fresh, because it can destroy the future plant;
  • Maintain crop rotation and proximity of crops;
  • Timely pest control in the early stages;
  • Take care about protecting young seedlings from negative influence low temperatures;
  • Prevention of diseases and preventing them in the early stages;
  • Complete renovation of beds and bushes.

Sowing lunar calendar 2018 for the gardener and gardener. Table by days and months

Now let's look at the lunar calendar itself. It displays the dates for each month that are most favorable for various works for each of vegetable and other crops. About what work is carried out according to the most common garden plants we'll talk below.

Note! You can download and print any calendar. Or, perhaps, print only lunar calendars by harvest (separate images). To do this, right-click - “Open image in a new tab”, and then press the key combination on your keyboard - Ctrl + P, and press PRINT. This way, you can hang a single image or the entire page on a refrigerator magnet as a useful reference.

Let's look at it in more detail...

So, we got acquainted with the lunar calendar gardening work for 2018 and with those activities that can be carried out in certain days. However, it is still worth recalling that the lunar calendar is more of a recommendation than a mandatory one. You can adjust the days of work on the calendar according to your experience, as well as weather conditions.

The lunar sowing calendar will help you navigate the timing of certain types of work, taking into account the phases of the moon and its effect on plants. And this, as mentioned earlier, is important.

Good luck to you in your gardening business, and may the harvest be with you!

It is well known that the Moon, as a celestial body located in relative proximity to the planet, has a positive and bad influence to all living beings and organisms on Earth. This effect is especially strong on stem, root crops and other crops. For this reason, it is always important to focus on lunar gardener and a gardener. After all, it indicates favorable and unfavorable days for planting: periods when it is better to plant root crops, and when it is better to plant upward-growing vegetables.

How is the gardener's lunar calendar for 2017 useful?

Not for an experienced gardener It may seem that all that is required of the gardener is to water the plant on time, remove weeds and fertilize. However, these simple steps do not always guarantee decent harvest or fruits on trees. Real masters in gardening and horticulture know that there is a time for growing certain crops and plants. It is important to prepare the seedlings in advance, as well as to plant everything in the future on the right and favorable day.

Due to the fact that all plants differ in many characteristics - period of growth and maturation, growth up or into the ground, season and characteristics temperature regime- it is important to remember that one needs a lot of moisture, while the other needs a dark, secluded place in preparation period. To make sure everything is done correctly, a lunar sowing calendar for 2017 has been compiled, which takes into account the characteristics of the lunar phases and “names” favorable and not so favorable days for working with seeds, stems and growing plants. In it you will find dates on which you can prepare seedlings, trim branches from trees, fertilize or process your crops. Using the gardener's lunar sowing calendar for 2017, you can achieve incredible results, show off your harvest to your neighbors and enjoy homemade pickles and preserves made from fruits, berries and vegetables that you grew yourself.

How does the Moon affect plants?

Scientists have long found out that the Moon has an incredible influence on all liquids on our planet. Despite its relative distance from the Earth, its natural satellite is responsible for the rise and fall of water levels in rivers, seas and oceans. In the same way, the Moon influences the movement of fluids in all living organisms. That is, it stimulates the movement of juices in trees, stems and leaves of plants. Thus, the gardener’s lunar calendar for 2017 contains very useful data, thanks to which you can significantly increase the yield, get 100% of seedlings after sowing “harmful” crops and not worry about the “health” of the plant.

Exists general rule, according to which, when the Moon is waxing, those plants are planted and sown, the main fruits of which are at the top, that is, the stem is located above the ground, and during the “waning” - root crops located underground (carrots, beets, potatoes). This is explained by the fact that during the waxing moon phase, the sap accelerates quite quickly and upward growth of the stem is stimulated, respectively, all crops receive additional development. And in the last quarter of the Moon, the stems grow worse, which is to the benefit of the tubers, where all the useful substances are in the root system, which strengthens during this period.

The lunar sowing calendar for 2017 briefly tells what is best to do during each lunar phase:

  • On a new moon, when the Moon is barely visible in the sky, or it looks like a thin, thin crescent, you should not plant or sow seeds. Get busy preparatory work: dig up the soil, fertilize it, water it well, remove weeds. This way you will increase the chances of getting a good harvest, because in the next phase you can move on to the main thing.
  • During the waxing Moon phase, it is best to sow and plant/replant any stem plants, as well as flowers growing from bulbs. It is at this time that the movement of juice in plants accelerates, which means they grow faster and are filled with nutrients. But you need to be extremely careful and careful: damage caused to the plant on this day can lead to long-term disease of the seedlings.
  • The full moon is another phase, completely not intended for gardening. gardening work related to landing. It’s better to leave what you’ve already planted for a while and prepare the next ones – tubers and root vegetables. It is also good to fertilize and water.
  • During the last quarter of the Moon, the root system of most plants strengthens; gardeners with many years of experience devote these days to planting tuberous and root crops, for which what is important is what is underground, and not outside. It is believed that all useful substances will flow into the “root” and not the stem.

Also, according to lunar sowing calendar For gardeners in 2017, the new moon and full moon are considered consistently inappropriate times for planting and sowing plants, since at this time growth slows down and even stops. You risk losing your harvest if you plant seedlings between phases.

Is the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located important?

Researchers have found that there are so-called “fertile” zodiac signs, “neutral” and “infertile”. It follows that for intensive plant growth, the phase of the Moon is important, as well as its position relative to the zodiacal cycle. Helpful information this is contained in the gardener's lunar calendar for 2017.

Thus, the traditional fertile signs include the signs of the elements of Water - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Neutral, or average fertility, are signs related to Earth, Air and Fire - Taurus, Capricorn, Libra and Capricorn. And just like that barren signs Fire, Air and Earth - Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo. But here there are a number of reservations and nuances:

  • Moon in: you should not start planting anything - the seeds and seedlings will quickly disappear, and you will be left without a harvest. The exception is different kinds herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro.
  • Moon on: the day is suitable for planting tubers and root crops (especially if it falls with the waning Moon), bulbous vegetables and flowers, trees, shrubs.
  • Moon in: favors grains and legumes (depending on the phase of the Moon), they can take root climbing plants. Planting anything else is strictly contraindicated. Better get busy cleaning weeds or harvesting crops (if the Moon has waned).
  • Moon in: you can plant anything, there is a high chance that your labors will be rewarded good harvest. It is favorable to take care of flowers these days. But the harvest harvested on such a day will not be stored for very long.
  • Moon in: one of the most “unfertile” days, put off all planting matters. It’s better to devote a day to caring for and fighting pests.
  • Moon in: another day, which is better to devote to care rather than planting fresh seedlings or tubers, weed, water your plants, or just skip this day.
  • Moon in: it is best to plant seeds for germination into seedlings or to obtain an adult plant; the harvest will be large and good.
  • Moon in: there is no point in planting anything in your garden, but it is highly advisable to take care of the garden - pruning trees, replanting bushes and harvesting are the best things to do. The fruits collected on this day will be stored for a long time, and preparations for the winter will last longer.
  • Moon in: seedlings planted these days will be sick for a long time and are unlikely to take root, but it is good to fertilize what is already growing, prune or harvest.
  • Moon in: days are suitable for planting root crops and grain crops, everyone else will face a sad fate - your harvest will go to pests. But you can do soil cultivation (fertilizer, weed removal) and harvesting.
  • Moon in: put off planting and replanting on this day, it’s better to harvest. If the moon is waxing, collect seeds, fruits and berries, and when the moon is waning - vegetables and root vegetables.
  • Moon in: suitable for planting anything, but in the future these plants will require you special attention and care. Try not to harvest the crop, it will not be stored for very long.

In addition to the above rules for planting crops, depending on the location of the Moon in a certain phase and the need to avoid borderline conditions celestial body, there is one more important note: on the day when the Moon changes sign, any gardening work is strictly prohibited. You risk harming the plant yourself and depriving yourself of the long-awaited harvest.

Of course, the 2017 lunar calendar for gardeners, compiled by experienced astrologers, takes into account these features and nuances. Of course, if such a calendar is not available to you, you can choose your own suitable days for gardening work. You need to take into account the phase of the moon, its zodiac sign, and also keep in mind in which month which crops are best sown and replanted.

The 2017 lunar sowing calendar for the gardener will be useful both for the gardener who is just trying himself in this role, and for those who have many years of experience and their own schemes for carrying out gardening work. To make it easier to navigate, there is a special table of the lunar sowing calendar for 2017.

Plant/Month February March April May June July August September October
Eggplants, zucchini, squash, pumpkin 14-16 13-15 15-17 13-16 9-12 7-10 5-7 11-12 3-11
Rutabaga, turnip 19-23 20-23, 25, 26 19-20, 22-24 19-21 15-17, 21-24 14, 15, 17 15-17, 19-21 15-18 12-15, 17-19
Peas, beans, beans 15-17 13-17 9-13 7-11 5-7 10-12 7-10
Garden strawberries (strawberries), rhubarb 21-24 13-15 16-17 15-17, 19-21 11-14 8-10 5-7 10-12 7-10
Cabbage (including cauliflower), asparagus 5-7, 10-12 3-10 5-7, 10-12 6-8 5-8 5-7 2-6, 31 2-4, 29-30
Potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, peanuts 21-24 20-26 19-24 16-17 14-17 14-15 15-17 12-15, 17- 19 12-15, 18-20
Bow on feather 6-9 6-9 15-17 11-15 9-15 6-11 2, 3, 29, 30 1-5, 10, 11, 29- 31
Onion on turnip 21-24 21-26 19-24 13-21 15-17
Carrots, parsnips (root) 19-24 20-23 19-20 20-22 17-20 14-16, 19-21 11, 12, 15- 17 12-15, 17-19
Cucumbers, watermelon, melon, corn 5-7 9-11 6-8 4-6 5, 6 1-3, 29, 30
Sweet pepper 13-15 13-15 15-17 11-15 8-13 5-9 10-12 7-10
Parsley on greens 5,6, 8-10 3-10 5, 6, 10-12 7-9 4-6 5-8 2-6, 31 1-3, 29, 30
Parsley at the root 20-24 20-24 19, 22-24 19-21 17-18, 20-23 14, 15, 13- 20 15, 16, 19- 21 15-18 12-15, 17-19
Sunflower 5-7, 15-17 15-17 11-13, 15-17 3-11, 14-17 5-7, 10-13 3, 4, 7-10 3-7 1-3, 10-12, 29, 30 7-10
Radish, radish, daikon 20-24 20-25 19-24 13-21 15-17, 21-22 13-21 15, 16, 19- 21 11, 12, 15- 17 12-15
Lettuce, spinach, chard 5-10 6-10 5, 6, 9-11 5-8 4-6 4-7 2-5, 31 1-3, 30
Beet 1, 2, 20-24, 27-29 20-23, 25-27 1, 19, 22-24, 27-30 19-21, 25-27, 30-31 15-17, 21-22, 26-23 13-21, 23-28 15-17, 23-26 11, 12, 21- 23 12-15, 17-19, 24, 25
Celery 5-7, 9-11 3-10, 30, 31 1, 6, 7, 9-11, 23 7-9, 25-31 4-5, 25-27 7, 8, 23-27 3-6, 24-26 1-3, 20-22, 29, 30 24, 25
Tomatoes 4-6, 13-15 13-15 14-16 11-15 3-13 5-9 5-7, 11, 12 3-11
Dill, fennel, cilantro, cumin, mustard 11-16 10-15, 17, 18 7-11, 13-15 5-8, 12-14 4, 5, 7-9, 11-14 4-6, 9-11, 13, 14 1-3, 5-7, 10, 11 1-3, 5-8, 29, 30 3-5, 30, 31
Horseradish 20-24 20-23, 26 19, 20, 23, 24 20, 21 16-18, 21-23 15, 18-20 15, 16, 20, 21 16-18 13-15, 18, 19
Garlic 21-24 22-25 19-21 13-20 12-14, 22 3-13, 21, 22 6-9, 16-19 4, 5, 12-15 10-13

Also, the lunar sowing calendar for 2017, the table of which is given above, provides comprehensive information about when and how many times you can sow your garden with a variety of crops. That is, if you missed the preparatory period or want to harvest two harvests, guided by the calendar data, you can prepare the seedlings and plant them in right time. But remember that the day should be favorable not only according to the lunar calendar, but also according to weather conditions.

Gardener's lunar calendar for 2017

Amateur gardeners also have a lot of work to do throughout the year, who carefully monitor the health of trees and shrubs. There are a number of works that can and should be carried out long before the trees begin to bear fruit. It is important that these are favorable days to carry out a certain type of work. More information about this can be found in the gardener's lunar calendar for 2017, where, taking into account the movement of the Moon (phases and zodiac signs), the dates of the month for gardening work are indicated.

On the calendar you will find information on when it is best to plow and loosen the soil, add fertilizers (mineral and organic), trim shoots and spray against pests, vaccinate plants and organize intensive watering, when it is most productive to plant a garden and lay compost. The gardener's lunar calendar 2017 is the result of the work of professional astrologers who tried to take into account all the factors that have the greatest influence on growth garden plants(trees and shrubs) and indicated the most favorable ones for carrying out all types of work.

Types of work/Month February March April May June July August September October
Plowing, loosening, cultivation, hilling 28, 29 8-12, 16-18, 27-31 2, 3, 18-27, 29, 30 1, 2, 17-24, 27-29 1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30 16-18, 20-23, 25-28 17-19, 22-24, 26-28 13-15, 18-20, 23-27 13-25
Application of mineral fertilizers 18-20, 28-30 7-10, 14-15, 28, 29 7-9 1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25 1-3, 10-12, 19-23, 24-26, 28-30 6-10, 16-18, 21-23, 25-28 3-8, 24-26
Application of organic fertilizers 13,14, 20-24 3-6, 18-20, 27-29 1-2, 5-7, 10-14, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29 2, 20-22, 24-27, 29-31 1-3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30 1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25 19-22, 24-26 6-10, 16-18, 21-23, 25-28 13-15, 18-20, 22-24
Pruning branches, shoots of trees and shrubs 1, 2, 25-28 3-5, 22-25 1, 21-30 20-30 19-28 18-28 16-26 15-25 15-24
Spraying plants, exterminating pests 20-22, 24-26 3-5, 22-25, 30, 31 2, 18-22, 24-27, 29-30 1, 2, 22-24, 27-29 3-5, 7-12, 24-29 20-23, 25-28 17-19, 22-24, 26-28 13-15, 18-20, 23-29 13-18, 22-26
Grafting of trees and shrubs 20-22, 30, 31 7-1, 15-17, 22-26 5-7, 10-12, 18-20 16-18 2-3, 9-11, 13-14
Intensive watering of shrub trees 25-28 4-6, 9-11, 17-19, 24-27, 31 5-7, 10-12, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29 3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30 16-20, 23-25, 28-30 1-3, 10-12, 19-22, 24-26 1, 6-10, 28-29 13-16, 25-28
Planting new trees and shrubs 2-4, 16-18, 26-28 2-5, 13-15, 22-26, 30, 31 2, 5-7, 18-20 2-4, 7-9,15-17 13-18, 20-28
Planting, transplanting, picking 9-12, 14-16 6,7, 11, 12, 19-21, 27-28 5-7, 10-12, 16, 17, 22-24 3-5, 10-12, 30 18-20, 24-25, 28-30 10-12, 24-26 1-4, 6-8, 15-18, 20-23, 26, 28-30
Weeding, thinning of seedlings 20-23, 30, 31 2-3, 18-27, 29 2-4, 7-9, 15-17, 24-27, 29-31 1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30 16-18, 20-23, 25-28 17-19, 22-24, 26-28 13-15, 18-20, 23-27
Adding compost 1-4, 12-15, 22-26 2, 3, 20-27 1, 2, 17-24, 27-29 1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30 16-18, 20-23, 25-28 14-28 13-20, 23-27 13-18, 20-26
Procurement of seeds 2-4, 12-14, 22-24 2-5, 8-11, 22-26 10-12, 16, 17 7-9, 15-16 3-5, 10-14 16-23 3-5, 7-10, 12-14, 30-31 4-6, 8-10, 13-15, 18-20 15-18, 20-26

During the three months when it is especially cold, you can start preparing fertilizers, tools and seeds. You can also work in a greenhouse, but remember that the harvest collected these days will be poor and not enriched with vitamins and useful substances. It will be much more effective to carry out full preparation for planting - from seeds to seedlings - and plant the plants already in open ground.