home · Tool · Brands of red ceramic bricks: everything you need to know about them. Plastic molded bricks

Brands of red ceramic bricks: everything you need to know about them. Plastic molded bricks

Construction market meets us with such an abundance of wall materials that sometimes you don’t know who to go to with questions and how to study everything that is offered. We devoted today's review to traditional building brick, which, despite its “advanced” age of several thousand years, does not lose its popularity as a reliable, durable, weather-resistant material.

R?ben Chelsea clinker brick

What does an untrained person know about him? Most people only distinguish between red and white brick, however, there are many more types of this stone, and they differ not only in color, but also in shape, size, composition of raw materials and production technologies. So, what you need to know about brick.

Brick is a building material in the form artificial stone correct shape.

Types of bricks by material

Ceramic brick

Made from clay (sometimes a mixture of different clays), after molding and drying it went through high-temperature firing (about 1000 ° C). This is the most recognizable red brick. A high-quality stone has a matte, rough surface; when struck, it produces a characteristic ringing sound; when broken, it is porous, homogeneous, and lightweight. Requirements for clay brick, are presented in GOST 530-2007 “Ceramic bricks and stones”.

Ceramic brick comes in two types: actual construction brick - it is also called wall, backfill, plinth, masonry, clay or ordinary brick; and front - facing brick.

Made from a mixture of sand and lime (90% quartz sand and 10% air lime), it is usually recognizable by its white color, but upon request it can be made with the addition of any colored pigment.

Main advantages - good sound insulation and reduced thermal conductivity; The disadvantage is that it is less moisture resistant than red brick and is quite heavy.

Sand-lime brick is easily distinguished by its whitish cement tint

Requirements for quality, size and appearance sand-lime bricks are similar to the requirements for ceramic bricks and are set out in GOST 379-95 “Silicate bricks and stones. Technical conditions".

Sand-lime brick is not as versatile as ceramic brick; it cannot be used in foundations, plinths, fireplaces, stoves and other critical structures.

Made from a special mixture of limestone, cement and special dyes; is a bar that is correct in shape and ideal in color, which is used for finishing facing works. Particularly popular is brick with a heterogeneous structure, which makes it possible to stylize the cladding of facades to resemble “ragged” stone.

Types of bricks by purpose of use

Ordinary brick

This is a standard building material (that’s what they call it - standard brick, or wall, red, backfill, clay, working brick), which is used for the construction of foundations and load-bearing structures. It can be easily painted and plastered, so it is not required to have high aesthetic qualities, so cracks and chips are not a sign of poor quality stone.

Facing brick

Facing (cladding, finishing, facade) brick is used only for surface finishing. The requirements for its aesthetic qualities are high: deviations in size are allowed no more than 4 mm in length, 3 mm in width and thickness; The coloring must be uniform and there should be no external defects.

There are two types facing bricks: textured, having a relief surface, and shaped, used for finishing decorative parts of a building, window and arched openings, cornices.

Fireclay, or fire-resistant, brick is intended for finishing stoves and fireplaces and is easily recognizable by its characteristic sand (yellow) color. It is smooth, even, has good density, is resistant to strong heat and can withstand temperatures up to 1600 °C. Pairs perfectly with any interior style.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick, a ceramic building material made from clay by firing raw materials until completely sintered, is extremely strong and durable, and has very high wear resistance. It has virtually no restrictions on texture and colors, can imitate an antique surface, preserve the firing effect, which makes it extremely aesthetic and in demand in the most different areas construction.

In everyday life, the word “clinker” also refers to brick-like tiles. increased strength and paving slabs.

Brick characteristics

Brick size and weight

There are three standard sizes in construction:

  • Single brick (single row) - 250 x 120 x 65 mm, weight 2–2.3 kg
  • One and a half brick (thickened) - 250 x 120 x 88 mm, weight 3–3.2 kg
  • Double brick (2NF) - 250 x 120 x 138 mm, weight 4.8–5 kg

Non-standard brick sizes can be used for finishing or restoration.

Brick strength

The most important characteristic of brick is strength, that is, the ability to resist deformations and internal stresses without breaking. Based on their strength, bricks are divided into grades designated by the letter “M” with numerical designation: brick M-50, brick M-75, brick M-100, etc. The number indicates permissible load in kilograms per square centimeter according to GOST 530-2007. The higher the numerical value of the brand, the stronger the brick.

The hollowness of the brick

Ceramic bricks come in two types: solid and hollow (slotted).

Solid brick - having no voids (through holes) or with a voidness of no more than 13%.

Hollow brick (slotted or perforated) - having through holes(emptiness) various shapes and dimensions, due to which it has less weight and greater thermal insulation ability.

The use of hollow bricks in construction makes it possible to reduce the load on the foundation and reduce the thickness of brick walls; moreover, slotted bricks are cheaper than solid bricks. However, traditional ceramic bricks can withstand overloads better.

Frost resistance of bricks

The resistance of a brick to changes in temperature and humidity is determined by such a quality as frost resistance - the ability of a material to withstand alternating thawing and freezing in a water-saturated state. Frost resistance is indicated by the letter “F” with numerical value and is measured in cycles: F-15 brick, F-35 brick, F-50 brick, etc.

The frost resistance grade of bricks for construction and finishing is selected in accordance with regulatory documentation, depending on climatic features region; The lower the frost resistance index, the cheaper the brick. This indicator must be checked before purchasing the material.

Thermal conductivity of brick

Thermal conductivity is the ability of a brick to conduct thermal energy through its own volume. The actual thermal conductivity depends directly on the density of the brick: the more cracks and voids there are in the brick, the more efficiently it retains heat. Thus, heavy and durable clinker brick of the M-500 brand has the highest thermal conductivity coefficient, and less durable ceramics of the M 75 brand have the lowest.

Types and characteristics of bricks presented on the St. Petersburg market

The most common brick is the well-known red or ceramic brick, which is produced by firing clays and their mixtures. Another 10% of the market belongs to sand-lime bricks obtained from lime mortar hardened in an autoclave.

Regardless of the material, the main characteristics of bricks are the same. This:

  • Strength- the main characteristic of brick is the ability of the material to resist internal stresses and deformations without collapsing. It is designated M(brand) with corresponding digital value. The numbers show what load per 1 sq.cm. can withstand brick. The most common bricks on sale are M100, 125, 150, 175. For example, for construction multi-storey buildings they use bricks no lower than M150, and for a house of 2-3 floors, M100 bricks are sufficient.
  • Frost resistance- the ability of a material to withstand alternating freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state is indicated Mrz and is measured in cycles. During standard tests, bricks are immersed in water for 8 hours, then placed in water for 8 hours. freezer(this is one cycle). And so on until the brick begins to change its characteristics (weight, strength, etc.). Then the tests are stopped and a conclusion is made about the frost resistance of the brick. Bricks with a lower cycle are usually cheaper, but their performance properties are usually lower and are only suitable for southern latitudes. In our climate, it is recommended to use bricks of at least MP3 35.

By body density brick is divided into hollow And full-bodied. The more voids there are in a brick, the warmer and lighter it is. The thermal properties of a brick can also be imparted by the porosity of the material itself, and internal pores contribute to better sound insulation. Development modern technology aimed at creating porous(saturated with pores) brick.

The classic brick size is 250x120x65 mm, it is called single. This size is convenient for the mason and is a multiple of a meter. There are also larger bricks - one and a half(its height is 88 mm), ceramic stones of double and many times larger sizes.

Brick color mainly depends on the composition of the clay. Most clays after firing become “brick” in color, but there are clays that, after firing, become yellow, apricot or White color. If you add pigment additives to such clay, you will get brown brick. Sand-lime brick, initially white, it is even easier to color by adding pigments.

Let's look at the types, characteristics and purpose of bricks in more detail.

Sand-lime brick

In fact, sand-lime brick represents bars made of silicate autoclaved concrete, having the shape and size of a brick. It consists of approximately 90% lime, 10% sand and a small proportion of additives. Its advantage in comparison with ceramic is its low cost and the ability to provide a variety of shades. Disadvantages: sand-lime brick is heavy, not very durable, not waterproof, and conducts heat easily. Therefore, it is inferior to ceramic brick in terms of versatility of use and is used only in the laying of walls and partitions, but cannot be used in foundations, plinths, stoves, fireplaces, pipes and other critical structures.

The properties of sand-lime brick are regulated by GOST 379-79 “Silicate bricks and stones. Technical conditions". Its main characteristics:

  1. strength grade - M125, M150;
  2. frost resistance grade - F15, F25, F35;
  3. thermal conductivity - 0.38-0.70 W/m°C.

The requirements for size, quality, geometry and appearance of sand-lime bricks are similar to the requirements for ceramic bricks.

The ratio of silicate and ceramic bricks is 15 and 85%, respectively. The only manufacturer of sand-lime bricks in our region is JSC "Pavlovsky plant Building materials» . The modern range of the enterprise consists of both traditional white solid sand-lime bricks and new types of products (sand-lime hollow bricks, sand-lime wall hollow blocks). Since 1998, the company has been producing textured bricks "Antique"® (with effect stone wall old castle). Since 1999 - three-dimensionally painted brick and brick with fillers that improve its heat-insulating properties. In July 2003, Pavlovsky SM Plant CJSC produced the first batch of silicate hollow bricks. Among the main advantages of the new product is the weight of the product (thanks to 11 blind holes, the brick weighs only 2.5 kg) and low thermal conductivity.

Examples of modern sand-lime bricks produced by the Pavlovsk SM Plant:

Solid brick

He's the same building, ordinary, private- material with a low volume of voids (less than 13%). Solid brick is used for laying internal and external walls, erection of columns, pillars and other structures that carry additional load in addition to their own weight. Therefore, it must have high strength (if necessary, use M250 and even M300 bricks) and be frost-resistant. According to GOST, the maximum grade for frost resistance of such bricks is F50, but you can also find bricks of grade F75. Strength is not achieved for nothing - solid brick has an average density of 1600-1900 kg/m³, a porosity of 8%, a frost resistance grade of 15-50 cycles, a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.6-0.7 W/m°C, a strength grade of 75-300. Therefore, the outer walls are completely lined solid brick, require additional insulation. Solid red brick of classic size weighs from 3.5 to 3.8 kg. One cubic meter contains 480 bricks.

JSC produces the most construction and solid bricks "Lenstroykeramika". This enterprise is the only manufacturer in the region of high-strength bricks of the M250, M300 brands, intended for the construction of high-rise buildings.

Examples of solid bricks produced by the Lenstroykeramika plant:

Hollow brick

In accordance with its name, the main difference between this brick is the presence internal voids- holes or crevices that may have different shapes(round, square, rectangular and oval), volume (13-50% of internal volume) and orientation (vertical and horizontal). The presence of voids makes this brick less durable, lighter and warmer; less raw materials are used for its production. Hollow brick is used for laying lightweight external walls, partitions, filling the frames of high-rise and multi-storey buildings and other unloaded structures.

The second, newest way to ensure the lightness and warmth of brick is porization. The presence of a larger number of small pores in a brick is achieved by adding combustible inclusions to the clay mass during its molding - peat, finely chopped straw, sawdust or coal, from which after firing only small voids remain in the mass. Often the brick obtained in this way is called light or super-efficient. Porous brick provides better heat and sound insulation compared to slotted ones.

Technical characteristics of ordinary hollow bricks: density 1000-1450 kg/m³, porosity 6-8%, frost resistance 6-8%, frost resistance 15-50 cycles, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.3-0.5 W/m°C, strength grade 75 -250, color from light brown to dark red.

Technical characteristics of hollow super efficient bricks ( NPO "Ceramics"): density 1100-1150 kg/m³, porosity 6-10%, frost resistance 15-50 cycles, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.25-0.26 W/m°C, strength grade 50-150, color shades of red.

Examples of hollow and porous bricks produced by the Lenstroykeramika plant and the Keramika plant:

Size(mm): 250x120x138
Weight (kg): 3,7-3,9
Density (kg/m³): 890-940
Brand: M 125, M 150 (M 175 to order)
Frost resistance: F35
Water absorption(%): 6,5-9
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.16(per light solution)/0,18

Advantages: excellent thermal insulation properties, soundproofing, less weight. Used in the construction of external and internal walls, significantly increasing heat-shielding properties Houses. External walls made of porous stone are erected faster than walls made of conventional hollow bricks, and the number of mortar joints is reduced. Its density is 30% less, it is lighter, which leads to a reduction in loads on the foundation structure. With a smaller wall thickness of 640 mm, porous ceramic gives the same thermal insulation effect as a conventional brick wall of 770 mm.

Facing brick

He's the same facial And façade. The main purpose of facing bricks is the laying of external and internal walls with high demands on the wall surface. Accordingly, the facing brick has strictly correct form and a smooth, glossy surface of the outer walls. Cracks and delamination of the surface are not allowed. Usually, facade brick - hollow, and, therefore, its thermal characteristics are quite high. By selecting the composition of clay masses and adjusting the timing and temperature of firing, manufacturers obtain a wide variety of colors. These color variations may not be intentional, so all required amount It is more advisable to buy facing bricks immediately, in one batch, so that all the cladding is uniform in color.

Costs for brick cladding more than plastering, but such a facade is significantly more durable than plaster. Using decorative brick for interior walls Special attention is given to cutting seams. Standard sizes facing bricks are the same as for ordinary bricks - 250x120x65 mm.

Technical characteristics of facing bricks: density 1300-1450 kg/m³, porosity 6-14%, frost resistance 25-75 cycles, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.3-0.5 W/m°C, strength grade 75-250, color from white to brown.

Examples of facing bricks:

Red facing brick (Pobeda plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,4-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1200-1300
Brand: M150
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-7
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,37

Designed for masonry and simultaneous cladding of external and internal walls of buildings and structures of any number of floors. The strength properties of facing bricks allow it to be used not only as decorative material, but also as a load-bearing material along with ordinary brick.

Size(mm): 250x85x65
Weight (kg): 1,8-2,0
Density (kg/m³): 1260-1400
Brand: M175
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.20 (on a light solution)/ 0.26

Euroformat- This modern standard brick size, which makes it possible to embody the European standard of efficiency, aesthetics and modernity in Russian reality. Used for exterior and interior work. Euroformat is lighter than regular brick, which allows saving on the construction of foundations, making it easier and faster for masons to work

Colored and figured bricks

It's a special kind face brick who needs a promotion decorative effect given a special shape, surface relief or special color. The relief can be simply repeating, or it can be treated like “marble”, “wood”, “antique” (textured with worn or deliberately uneven edges). Shaped brickcurly, which speaks for itself. Features figured brick - rounded corners and edges, beveled or curved edges. It is from such elements that arches, round columns, and façade decoration are built without any particular difficulty. they call it differently

Among the enterprises of our region in the field of colored and shaped bricks, the palm is once again shared by NPO Keramika and "Victory Knauf". Last year, the latter began producing engobed bricks (3-dimensionally painted bricks that are resistant to various types of influences) in an expanded range of colors.

Ceramic facing hollow brick, colored and brown

Cream face brick, body-dyed (Pobeda plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,4-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1200-1300
Brand: M150
Frost resistance: F50
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,37
Water absorption(%): 6-7

Cream is original color and the warmth of soft cream colors. Cream brick is intended for cladding external and internal walls.

White facing brick with textured surface (Pobeda plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,4-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1200-1300
Brand: M150
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption: (%) 6-7
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,37

Straw facing brick, with textured surface (Keramika plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,2-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1130-1280
Brand: M125, M150 (M175 to order)
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity

Designed for cladding external walls of buildings and structures of any number of floors. Production technology allows us to achieve uniform color.

Colored facing brick with textured surface (Keramika plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,2-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1130-1280
Brand: M125, M150 (M175 to order)
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.26 (light solution)/0.20

Designed for cladding external walls of buildings and structures of any number of floors. Production technology allows us to achieve uniform color. Color pink, gray, light green, green, yellow, blue, blue

Facing brick with relief surface“Reed”, red (Keramika plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,2-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1130-1280
Brand: M125, M150 (M175 to order)
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.20 (light solution)/0.26

Used for facade and interior work. The front surface of the brick resembles the texture of reed stalks and allows you to enrich ceramic masonry decorative touches to give it a picturesque expressiveness.

Facing brick with a relief surface “Oak bark”, red (Keramika plant)

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2,2-2,5
Density (kg/m³): 1130-1280
Brand: M125, M150 (M175 to order)
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.20 (light solution)/0.26

Used for exterior and interior work. The texture of the brick surface resembles the bark of a tree, which determines the expressiveness and attractiveness of this material.

Size(mm): 250x120x65
Weight (kg): 2-2,2
Density (kg/m³): 1130-1280
Brand: M125, M150
Frost resistance: F35, F50
Water absorption(%): 6-8
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
0.20 (light solution)/0.26

Figured brick- This original material for home decoration, allowing you to personalize any structure. The use of figured bricks allows one to avoid labor-intensive operations of cutting conventional face bricks and provides architects with the broadest opportunities to create separate architectural elements facades: roundings and frames of window and doorways, construction of arches and columns

Brick large sizes

GOST defines it as ceramic stone. Standard ceramic stone, or double brick (as sellers often call it) - has dimensions of 250x120x138 mm. Dignity ceramic stones in their manufacturability and efficiency. Large bricks can significantly speed up and simplify the laying process. The highest achievement in the production of such bricks in our country was the products of the plant "Victory of LSR", which has mastered the production of light and very large blocks under the RAUF brand.

Such products have come very far from the simplest brick, which was once sculpted by hand. The units of the Pobeda LSR plant even to the eye look like very high-tech products.

Examples of ceramic blocks produced by the Pobeda LSR association

Size(mm): 250x120x138
Weight (kg): 3,8; 4,3*
Density (kg/m³): 900; 1000*
Brand: M150, M175
Frost resistance: F50
Water absorption(%): 11; 9*
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,17; 0,26*

* depending on the brand of stone

It is used in the construction of external and internal walls, significantly increasing the heat-insulating properties of the house. Advantages: excellent thermal insulation properties, soundproofing. External walls made of porous stone are erected faster than walls made of conventional hollow bricks, and the number of mortar joints is reduced. Its density is 30% less, it is lighter, which leads to a reduction in loads on the foundation structure. With a wall thickness of 640 mm, porous ceramics provide the same thermal insulation effect as a conventional brick wall of 770 mm.

Size(mm): 250x250x138
Weight (kg): 6,9
Density (kg/m³): 780
Brand: M150
Frost resistance: F50
Water absorption(%): 10
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,22

Used in the construction of external walls. The use of this stone allows you to reduce the load on the foundation, increase the speed of masonry, and reduce the consumption of mortar. Porous brick is lighter than regular brick, has low density and low thermal conductivity. Has excellent thermal insulation properties. By softening temperature changes, it creates a comfortable microclimate in the house. Using it in masonry increases labor productivity and helps reduce heat loss.

Size(mm): 380x253x219 Weight (kg): 17 Density (kg/m³): 800 Brand: M75, M100 Frost resistance: F50 Water absorption(%): 11 Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,18

Acts as an additional element in the construction of external and internal walls from Warm ceramics. Porous block lighter than usual, it has low density and low thermal conductivity. Due to the magnificent thermal insulation properties Temperature changes in the house are mitigated. Transport, production and technological costs are significantly reduced, and the time spent on masonry is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

Size(mm): 398х253х219 Weight (kg): 17,7 Density (kg/m³): 800 Brand: M75, M100 Frost resistance: F50 Water absorption(%): 11 Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,18

Acts as an additional element when constructing walls made of Warm ceramics. A porous block is lighter than a regular one, which reduces the load on the foundation. It has low density and low thermal conductivity. Due to its excellent thermal insulation properties, it softens temperature changes in the house. Transport, production and technological costs are significantly reduced, and the time spent on masonry is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

Size(mm): 510x253x219
Weight (kg): 23
Density (kg/m³): 800
Brand: M75, M100
Frost resistance: F50
Water absorption(%): 11
Thermal conductivity (W/m°C)
at 0% humidity
: 0,18

It is the main material for the construction of walls of houses made of Warm ceramics in low-rise housing construction. A porous block is lighter than a regular one, which reduces the load on the foundation; it has low density and low thermal conductivity. Due to its excellent thermal insulation properties, it softens temperature changes in the house. Transport, production and technological costs are significantly reduced, and the time spent on masonry is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick used for cladding plinths, paving roads, streets, courtyards, and cladding facades. The latter can be especially noted - such a finish for a long time does not need repairs, dirt and dust practically do not penetrate into the surface structure, and there are more than enough variations of colors and shapes. Among the disadvantages of clinker are increased thermal conductivity and high price. Clinker density 1900-2100 kg/m³, porosity up to 5%, frost resistance grade 50-100, thermal conductivity coefficient 1.16, strength grade 400-1000, color - from yellow to dark red.

Clinker brick is pressed from dry red clay and fired before sintering at significantly higher temperatures than is customary for the manufacture of conventional bricks. building bricks. This provides high density and wear resistance of clinker.

Fireclay brick

To avoid rapid destruction of masonry in contact with open fire, you need a brick that can withstand high temperatures. He is called stove, fireproof And fireclay. Fireclay brick can withstand temperatures above 1600°C. Its density is 1700-1900 kg/m³, porosity 8%, frost resistance grade 15-50, thermal conductivity coefficient 0.6 W/m°C, strength grade 75-250, color from light yellow to dark red. Fireclay bricks are made in classic, as well as trapezoidal, wedge-shaped and arched shapes. Such a brick is made from fireclay - fire-resistant clay.

Article from the site library.stroit.ru

- This wall material for external (enclosing) and internal structures, which has proven itself well throughout the world for many hundreds of years. According to the production method, bricks are divided into two groups: ceramic bricks and silicate bricks.

obtained by firing clay and their mixtures. Requirements for ceramic bricks are regulated by the following standards: GOST 530-95 for building bricks, GOST 7484-78 for facing bricks.

- This autoclave material, consisting of 90% sand, another 10% is lime and additives. Thus, sand-lime brick is just a kind of hard material, similar in shape to brick. Current GOST 379-95.

Strength grade

The main characteristic of brick quality– strength grade, determined based on the results of testing the brick for compression and bending. The strength indicator is indicated by the letter “M” and numbers that show how much load per 1 cm 2. can withstand brick. 8 brands of bricks were installed: M-75, M-100, M-125, M-150, M-175, M-200, M-250, M-300.

Frost resistance

There are 4 frost resistance grades for brick: F-15, F-25, F-35, F-50. Frost resistance indicates the ability of a brick to withstand alternate freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state. This test is carried out until external damage appears that is not allowed by the standard.

Brick size

In accordance with current standards, brick sizes can be as follows:

  • Single
  • One and a half
  • Double (stone)

The sizes of ceramic bricks and silicate bricks are the same.

The following names are accepted for the faces:

the side long one is a spoon, the end one is a poke, the big one is a bed.


Since the weight of one brick should not exceed 4.3 kg, one and a half brick and ceramic stones are produced with voids, which make up a significant part of the volume (more than 13%). The presence of voids reduces the mass of the brick and, accordingly, its density, reduces the consumption of raw materials for brick production, speeds up the processes of drying and firing of bricks, and reduces the thermal conductivity of the product. Since the diameter of the through voids is no more than 16mm, and the width of the gap is 12mm, masonry mortar practically does not fill holes. Therefore, the masonry has low thermal conductivity. The arrangement of voids is predominantly through, vertical.

The shape and size of voids can be different:

  • Round
  • Oval
  • Square
  • Slot-shaped

The name “effective ceramics” has been assigned to hollow bricks. Hollow bricks are used both in the construction of external walls with high thermal insulation and internal partitions, during finishing work. Hollow brick cannot be used for laying foundations, basements, or plinths, where it may come into contact with water. Freezing of water that gets into the voids of the brick leads to its destruction.

Unlike hollow brick, solid brick has a small volume of voids (less than 13%) or does not have them at all. Other names are ordinary brick, ordinary brick, solid brick.

The water absorption of solid bricks must be at least 8%. Brick weight 3.2 – 4 kg. The surface of the brick is rough (corrugated), so walls built from it must be plastered. In accordance with current standards, the size of a solid brick is 250x120x65mm, less often solid thickened bricks are produced - 250x120x88mm.

Solid brick is used for the construction of walls, columns, vaults, and for the construction of plinths, foundations, and basements.

We remind you that ceramic brick is a wall material for external and internal structures.

Facing brick

For external cladding buildings and structures use facing bricks, or facing bricks in other words. It differs from ordinary building bricks in that its spoon and poke (or 2 pokes) have an increased surface quality: smooth, defect-free surface, even coloring, precise shapes. It is possible to emboss the surface or texture it (glazing, engobing). As a rule, the facing brick is hollow.

For buildings with brick walls facing brick finishing is the most efficient look finishing, since it is simultaneously part of the wall and performs all its functions. Ceramic facing bricks also include:

  • Klinkreny
  • Glazed
  • Figured

The standard allows for fairly large deviations in the size and shape of building bricks, which are explained by large and uneven shrinkage during the brick production process. It is acceptable if deviations in size and shape do not exceed: - length + 5mm, width + 4mm, thickness + 3mm; - non-straightness of edges and edges, no more: along the bed - 3mm, along the spoon - 4mm; - through cracks on the butt and spoon edges - no more than one along its length along the bed, no more than 30 mm; - broken and dull edges and corners – no more than two, more than 5 mm deep and 10-15 mm long.

The requirements for the appearance of facing bricks are more stringent: on the front surface of the brick there should be no chips (including from lime inclusions), stains, efflorescences and other external defects visible from a distance of 10 m at open space in daylight.

Due to its fairly high physical and mechanical properties and durability, ordinary ceramic bricks are widely used in modern construction for laying external and internal walls of buildings, foundations, chimneys and other designs.


It is not entirely true to say that only when we reach a certain age we are literally “covered by a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of our youth or see some attributes of that time. Even completely Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy if someone took it or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they contain the spirit of an entire era. It is not enough for us to read about this in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique thing that we can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages that emitted a sweetish aroma, especially when flipping through them, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, the same ones with an uneven white border. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved to this day, despite the low quality of such images. The point here is not in the image, but in the feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they catch our eye.

If there are no “objects from the past” left in our lives due to endless moves and changes of place of residence, then you can buy antiques in our antique online store. Antique stores are especially popular now, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit such outlets, and they are mainly concentrated only in large cities.

Here you can buy antiques of various subjects.

To dot the i's, it should be said that antiques store is a special establishment that purchases, sells, exchanges, restores and examines antiques and provides a number of other services related to the sale of antiques.

Antiques are some old things that have a fairly high value. This could be: antique jewelry, equipment, coins, books, interior items, figurines, dishes, etc.

However, in a number of countries, different things are considered antiques: in Russia, the status of “antique thing” is given to an item that is more than 50 years old, and in the USA – items made before 1830. On the other hand, in each country, different antiques have different values. In China, antique porcelain is of greater value than in Russia or the USA.

In other words, when buying antiques It should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of execution, manufacturing method (everyone knows that handmade valued much higher than mass production), historical, artistic or cultural value and other reasons.

Antiques store- quite a risky business. It's not just the laboriousness of the search required product and the long period of time during which the item will be sold, but also in the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

In addition, a store selling antiques must meet a number of standards in order to gain the proper reputation in the market. If we are talking about an antique online store, then it should have a wide range of products presented. If an antiques store exists not only on the World Wide Web, then it must also be large enough so that the client can conveniently wander among the antiques, and, secondly, have beautiful interior and a pleasant atmosphere.

Our antiques store has very rare items that can impress even a seasoned collector.

Antiques have magical powers: once you touch them, you will become a big fan of them, antique items will take their rightful place in the interior of your home.

In our antique online store you can buy antiques on a variety of topics affordable prices. To make searching easier, all products are divided into special groups: paintings, icons, rural life, interior items, etc. Also in the catalog you will be able to find antique books, postcards, posters, silverware, porcelain dishes and much more.

In addition, in our antique online store you can purchase Original gifts, furniture and kitchen utensils that can enliven the interior of your home and make it more sophisticated.

Antiques for sale in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are the high costs of purchasing antiques, but the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material, cultural and historical value.

When purchasing antiques in our store, you can be sure of the authenticity of the items you are purchasing.

Our antique store employs only qualified consultants and appraisers who can easily distinguish originals from fakes.

We strive to make our antique online store interesting for collectors, for fans of antiquity and for the most ordinary connoisseurs of beauty who have good taste and know the value of things. Thus, one of our priorities is the constant expansion of the range both through dealers and through cooperation with other companies involved in the sale of antiques.

This section provides the classification, dimensions and symbols of bricks in accordance with GOST 530-2012 and 379-2015, adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction.

Brick classification

  • By appointment. Products are divided into ordinary and facial. Stone with tongue-and-groove and groove joints can only be ordinary.
  • By emptiness. Brick is made solid and hollow, stone - only hollow. The stone can be made with flat vertical edges, with protrusions for tongue-and-groove joints on the vertical edges, with an unpolished or polished supporting surface (bed). Voids in products can be located perpendicular to the bed (vertical) or parallel to the bed (horizontal).
  • In terms of strength. Brick is divided into grades M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300; clinker Brick - M300, M400, M500, M600, M800, M1000; stones - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300; brick and stone with horizontal voids - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100.
  • According to frost resistance products are divided into brands F25, F35, F50, F75, F100, F200, F300
  • By indicator medium density products are divided into classes 0.7; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.4; 2.0; 2.4. 4.1.6 Based on the thermal characteristics of the products, depending on the average density class, they are divided into groups in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1 - Product groups by thermal characteristics

Basic brick dimensions

Products are manufactured in nominal sizes given in tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 - Nominal dimensions of bricks in millimeters

Product type Type designation Nominal sizes Product size designation
Length Width Thickness
Brick KR 250
1 SF
0.7 NF
1.4 NF
0.5 NF
1.3 NF
1.8 NF
0.8 NF
Brick with horizontal voids KRG 250
1.4 NF
1.8 NF

Table 3 - Nominal dimensions of stone (in millimeters)

Product type Type designation Nominal sizes Size designation
Length or non-working size Width or working size Thickness of unpolished stones Thickness of ground stones
Stone KM 250
2.1 NF
4.5 NF
6.8 NF
6.8 NF
6.0 NF
6.9 (7.2) NF
7.0 (7.3) NF
7.3 (7.6) NF
10.7 (11.2) NF
14.3 (15.0) NF
10.7 (11.2) NF
11.1 (11.6) NF
14.3 (15.0) NF
14.9 (15.6) NF
Additional stone KMD 129
3.6 (3.8) NF
5.2 (5.6) NF
7.1 (7.5) NF
5.5 (5.8) NF
7.4 (7.8) NF


1. It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to manufacture additional products and other products nominal sizes, while the maximum dimensional deviations should not exceed the values ​​​​given in 4.2.2. The thickness of the products should be a multiple of the thickness of the brick plus a 12 mm bed joint.

2. The designation of the size (format) of products is defined as the ratio of the volume of the product in cubic meters, calculated as the product of the nominal dimensions length x width x thickness to the volume of a normal format brick of 0.00195 m3, rounding the value to one decimal place.

3. Size designations for polished stones are given in parentheses.

Maximum deviations from established standards

Maximum deviations from nominal dimensions

Maximum deviations from the nominal dimensions on one product should not exceed, mm:

  • by lenght:
    - brick and stone without tongue-and-groove connection ± 4,
    - stone with tongue-and-groove connection ± 10;
  • in width:
    - brick, stone with a width of no more than 120 mm ± 3,
    - stones with a width of more than 120 mm ± 5;
  • by thickness:
    - facing bricks ± 2,
    - ordinary brick ± 3,
    - stones ± 4.

Limit deviations from perpendicularity of adjacent faces

Deviation from perpendicularity adjacent faces no longer allowed:

  • 3 mm - for brick and stone up to 300 mm long;
  • 1.4% of the length of any facet - for a stone with a length or width of over 300 mm.

Limit deviations from the flatness of product edges

Deviation from the flatness of product edges is not allowed more than:

  • 3 mm - for brick and stone;
  • 1 mm - for polished stone.

Limit deviations of other product parameters

  • The thickness of the outer walls of hollow bricks must be at least 12 mm, stone - at least 8 mm.
  • The radius of rounding the corner of vertical adjacent edges should be no more than 15 mm, the chamfer depth on horizontal edges should be no more than 3 mm.
  • The dimensions and number of protrusions of the tongue-and-groove connection are not regulated.
  • The diameter of vertical cylindrical voids and the side size of square voids should be no more than 20 mm, the width of slot-like voids should be no more than 16 mm.
  • The void size of products with a void content of no more than 13% is not regulated.
  • The dimensions of horizontal voids are not regulated.
  • For stone, voids are allowed (for gripping during laying) with a total cross-sectional area not exceeding 13% of the area of ​​the stone bed.

Brick symbols

Symbol ceramic products must consist of:

  • letter designation of the product type in accordance with tables 2 and 3:
    - r - for privates,
    - l - for facial,
    - cl - for clinker,
    - pg - for stones with a tongue-and-groove system,
    - w - for polished stones;
  • symbol for brick size - in accordance with Table 2;
  • nominal dimensions of the stone - in accordance with table 3;
  • working size of stone with tongue-and-groove system in accordance with Table 3;
  • designations:
    - by - for solid bricks,
    - pu - for hollow brick;
  • strength grades;
  • medium density class;
  • frost resistance grades;
  • symbols of this standard.

Examples of symbols

  • Ordinary (face) brick, solid, dimensions 250×120×65 mm, format 1NF, strength grade M200, average density class 2.0, frost resistance grade F50:
    KR-r-po (KR-l-po) 250×120×65/1NF/200/2.0/50/GOST 530-2012.
  • Clinker brick, solid (hollow), dimensions 250×120×65 mm, format 1NF, strength grade M500, medium density class 2.0, frost resistance grade F100:
    KR-kl-po (KR-kl-pu) 250×120×65/1NF/500/2.0/100/GOST 530-2012.
  • Ordinary brick with horizontal arrangement of voids (face), dimensions 250×120×88 mm, format 1.4NF, strength grade M75, average density class 1.4, frost resistance grade F50:
    KRG-r (KRG-l) 250×120×88 /1.4NF/75/1.4/50/ GOST 530-2012.
  • Ordinary stone (face), dimensions 250×120×140 mm, format 2.1NF, strength grade M200, average density class 1.4, frost resistance grade F50:
    KM-r (KM-l) 250×120×140/2.1NF/200/1.4/50/GOST 530-2012.
  • Stone with tongue-and-groove joint (polished), working size 510 mm, format 14.3NF, strength grade M100, average density class 0.8, frost resistance grade F35:
    KM-pg (KM-pg-sh) 510 mm/14.3NF/100/0.8/35/GOST 530-2012.
  • Additional stone with tongue-and-groove joint (polished), working size 250, format 5.2NF, strength grade M100, average density class 0.8, frost resistance grade F35
    KMD (KMD-sh) 250 mm /5.2 NF/100/0.8/35/GOST 530-2012.

It is allowed to enter into the symbol Additional information.

When carrying out export-import operations, the product designation may be specified in the contract for the supply of products (including entering additional alphanumeric or other information).