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Mini workshop for the production of furniture panels as a business. How to open a solid wood furniture production Business plan for the production of wooden furniture

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    We offer you services for writing an individual business plan for “Production of furniture panels.”

    Detailed development of the project and compliance with the required standards will allow you to use the business plan for the following purposes:

    As a working tool during project implementation;

    To obtain financial resources from private investors;

    To present the project to credit institutions.

    Please note that you can additionally agree on the timing and cost of developing a business plan.



    2.1.General description of the project

    2.2.Description of the proposed product - furniture panel

    2.3.Information about project participants*

    2.4.Project location


    3.1.General overview of the furniture panel market in Russia

    3.2.Main trends in the market

    3.3.Consumer analysis. Consumer segmentation

    3.4. Review of potential competitors

    3.5.Pricing on the market


    4.1.Personnel plan

    4.2.Schedule of work for the project

    4.3.Sources, forms and conditions of financing


    5.1.Description of buildings and premises

    5.2.Description of equipment for the production of furniture panels

    5.3.Product production technology

    5.4.Other technological issues

    5.5.Raw materials, materials and components


    6.1.Input data and assumptions

    6.2.Nomenclature and prices

    6.3.Investment costs

    6.4. Requirement for initial working capital

    6.5. Tax deductions

    6.6.Operating costs (fixed and variable)

    6.7. Cost calculation

    6.8.Sales plan

    6.9.Calculation of revenue

    6.10.Profit and loss forecast

    6.11.Traffic forecast Money

    6.12.Analysis of project effectiveness

    6.12.1. Methodology for assessing project effectiveness

    6.12.2. Project performance indicators

    6.12.3.Net present value (NPV)

    6.12.4. Internal rate of return (IRR)

    6.12.6. Payback period (PBP)

    6.12.7. Discounted payback period (DPBP)

    6.12.8. Other indicators


    7.1.Quantitative risk analysis

    7.2.Qualitative risk analysis

    7.3. Project break-even point


    8.1. Cash flow statement (by month)

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The business plan we presented for the production of cabinet furniture with calculations will help to effectively solve the following problems:

  • Selecting the right one for furniture workshop premises.
  • Registering a business with the tax service.
  • Search and hiring of workers for production.
  • Purchase necessary equipment and tools for making furniture.
  • Starting work.

Over time, the workshop will grow and expand, increasing the product line and entering new ways of selling products.

It is important from the very beginning, even before implementing the business plan, to choose the most suitable format of work. There can be three areas of activity:

  1. Full production cycle. The company itself produces the material from which it then produces finished furniture products. This method is the most expensive.
  2. Average cycle. The workshop does not make the material itself, but purchases ready-made raw materials: MDF, fiberboard and chipboard. All this is cut out and then turned into finished items.
  3. Short cycle. Here the company purchases ready-cut materials from suppliers, from which it only needs to assemble furniture. This is the simplest and inexpensive option, which is suitable for budding entrepreneurs.

For our business plan, we will choose a short cycle as the most easily implemented and does not require large financial costs. Thus, our workshop will work for specific individual orders, and it will need to be equipped with a minimum set of equipment. When we are able to expand our customer base, we will add other cycles and increase production.

We will sell furniture through the following channels:

  • Formation of applications through the office, which will have a showroom.
  • Cooperation with intermediaries ( furniture stores, design studio).
  • Creating your own wholesale online store and its promotion.

The work involves cooperation with transport companies, so you need to conclude contracts with them.

Search for premises

The room for this business must be large because the equipment takes up a lot of space. 200 is quite suitable square meters, if we are talking about an incomplete production cycle. Moreover, it is assumed that the premises will be divided into separate zones. The production area will occupy 150 square meters. Machines will be installed here and people will work.

A warehouse is provided finished products and a place for raw materials. Another 50 sq. m will be needed to organize a small office with a showroom. IN office space the designer and the director will sit. The premises should have the potential to expand in a year to 300 sq. m. m. This should be agreed upon in advance with the landlord. The following requirements must be put forward for the premises:

  • Industrial premises, non-residential, best located in the industrial zone of the city.
  • Access roads for freight transport.
  • The presence of two entrances, one to the workshop, and the second to the office space.
  • Electricity by three-phase circuit(380 V).
  • Absence high humidity, since the material is very sensitive to dampness.

As for the rent, you need to expect a cost of about 50 thousand rubles per month. First, landlords will require payment for 2 months in advance - it turns out that you will need 100 thousand rubles.


For a workshop that produces cabinet furniture in a short cycle, registration as an individual entrepreneur is suitable. It’s simpler, just go to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and bring there your passport and application for business registration. You also need to indicate the correct OKVED codes so that the tax service knows which direction you have chosen for yourself.

You should study the 31 points of the classifier and select it entirely or focus on those positions that you plan to produce.

Equipment purchase

To start short-cycle production, you will need the following equipment:

Thus, the purchase of equipment will cost 360 thousand rubles. This minimum set, which we will expand over time to reach full-cycle production. It is better not to purchase used equipment because it may require expensive repair work and stop production, which should not be allowed so as not to immediately lose the first customers.

You will also need to purchase a Gazelle-Business class vehicle to organize the delivery of furniture to stores and end customers. Its cost will be 2 million rubles.


We won't need a lot of people in our workshop. At first, three people will be enough, two of whom will work directly in the workshop, and the manager will design and control the process.

Workers must be required to have work experience and qualifications. Let's look in tabular form at who exactly we need and what kind of wages should be installed.

Advertising and Marketing

To attract target audience, you will have to launch a large advertising campaign, which will require some expenses. We will choose the following advertising tools:

  • Active sales ( commercial offers, “cold” calls) – these functions will be performed by the business creator himself.
  • Creation of booklets and catalogs for placement in stores, company business cards.
  • Making a billboard for placement near production.
  • Delivery service vehicle branding.
  • Placing information in online catalogues.
  • Contextual advertising on the Internet.
  • Landing page creation.

Financial plan

Starting infusions

We present the costs of opening a small workshop for the production of cabinet furniture in the table.

The minimum financial threshold for entering this business will be 2,755.8 thousand rubles. Most of costs will be spent on purchasing a car, you can save on this by agreeing on delivery with the owner of such a vehicle.

Monthly expenses

Every month you will need to spend 245 thousand rubles.


The profit from this business plan will be small, since income will have to be shared with manufacturers of lumber and furniture blanks. This reduces profitability, and therefore profitability, by 2 times.

At the first stage, you may have to work at a loss, delivering several samples of furniture to furniture stores for sale. But it will help to get orders from there.

Some end customers may come to you on their own, attracted by the “Cabinet furniture from the manufacturer” poster, which promises a lower price.

The average order price from us will be 8 thousand rubles (economy class furniture). Minus the price of lumber, we will have 6 thousand left. To earn money, we need to sell at least 40 average checks per month. This will give a total of 320 thousand rubles and about 60 thousand to the owner after deducting monthly expenses and taxes.

By reducing the cost of purchasing blanks, we will be able to produce goods more High Quality with an overall reduction in costs. This will give us an increase in the average bill to 10-11 thousand and a minimization of raw material costs to 700-800 rubles for one order.


Opening your own furniture workshop is a promising business with an eye to the future. A small workshop operating on a short cycle can be expanded within a year and increase the quality of work and the attractiveness of the product for customers. The level of competition in this area is quite high, so it is important to win customers with fast and professional execution of orders. Then the investments made will be returned!

  • How much can you earn making wooden furniture?
  • What documents are needed to open a business producing wooden furniture?
  • Do you need permits to open a business?
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Furniture from natural wood will never lose its relevance. The demand for wooden furniture shows stable growth from year to year, despite the fact that a lot of furniture made from alternative materials (glass, plastic, metal) appears. The main reasons for this are high environmental friendliness, the absence of toxic impurities, moreover, wood carries positive energy and warmth.

Assortment of natural wood products

Wood is the best raw material for making furniture for the kitchen and children's room.
That is why a properly organized business for the production of wood goods will always find its client. The list of products that can be made from wood is very diverse:

  • Tables;
  • Chairs;
  • Furniture for restaurants and bars;
  • Gazebos and garden furniture;
  • Doors and wall panels;
  • Sofas and armchairs for offices;
  • Cabinet furniture;
  • Kitchen sets;
  • Playgrounds;
  • Gaming tables (billiards, poker);
  • etc.

Which taxation system to choose for a wood furniture manufacturing business?

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise for the production of wooden furniture can be either an ordinary individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. For small workshops, on initial stage An ordinary individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, since registering this activity (as well as closing it) is many times easier and cheaper than opening a legal entity (LLC). But individual entrepreneurs cannot create their own branches, large firms are not so willing to work with them, and entrepreneurs have a greater risk of losing personal property (in case of lawsuits) than legal entities (who only risk the property of an LLC).

Therefore, with the consolidation of a business, registering an LLC promises a lot of advantages. As a taxation system, the most optimal is the simplified taxation system - simplified tax system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. Application of the simplified tax system exempts an enterprise from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. Switch to this special. the regime is implemented immediately at the time of business registration based on notification.

What is the OKVED code for a business producing furniture made of wood?

When registering a business, you must indicate the OKVED code in the application. For production and sales wooden furniture The following codes will work:

  • 36.12 Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises;
  • 36.13 Production kitchen furniture;
  • 36.14 Manufacture of other furniture
  • 51.47.11 Wholesale trade household furniture;
  • 52.44.1 Retail furniture;
  • 52.44.5 Retail sale of wood, cork and wickerwork;
  • 52.61.2 Retail trade carried out directly through television, radio, telephone and the Internet.

If you are opening an individual business, then in the application you should indicate all the OKVED codes under which you plan to work (you can at least 30, it won’t be too much). If you are registering an LLC, you can indicate only one code, since the charter of the LLC will state that the Company can engage in any type of activity that does not contradict the law. As for the license. Mandatory licensing and certification of manufactured furniture is not established by law. But, some enterprises voluntarily issue quality certificates for their products (to increase sales). In this case, compliance with such norms and standards as:

  • GOST 16371-93 “Furniture. General technical conditions";
  • GOST 28793-90. Furniture. Tables. Definition of sustainability
  • GOST 28777-90. Furniture. Test methods for children's beds
  • GOST R 50051-92. Furniture. Chairs. Definition of sustainability
  • GOST 19917-93 “Furniture for sitting and lying down. General technical conditions";
  • GOST 19194-73 “Furniture. Method for determining the fastening strength of furniture legs";
  • GOST R 54208-2010 “Protective and decorative coatings on furniture made of wood and wood materials. Classification and designations."
  • GOST 13715-78 “Joiner slabs. Specifications»;
  • GOST 30255-95. Furniture, wood and polymer materials.

What equipment to choose for the production of furniture from natural wood

To organize a full-cycle furniture production, you will need to purchase: a thickness planer, a jointing machine, a drilling and grooving machine, a circular saw for cutting wide boards, a milling machine, a grinding machine, a turning and milling copying machine, a paint gun, a drilling and filler machine, an edge banding machine, etc. auxiliary equipment. The main supplier of equipment is China and Taiwan.

How much money do you need to start a business producing furniture made of natural wood?

The estimated costs for the purchase of equipment for organizing the production of full-cycle wooden furniture are 700 - 1000 thousand rubles (including auxiliary equipment).

Raw materials used for furniture production

For the manufacture of wooden furniture, ready-made furniture panels or edged solid boards are used. The most popular types of wood are: pine, oak, beech, hornbeam, alder, birch, larch. Sawn and dried boards are purchased from forestries, forestry enterprises and private companies.

One m3 of edged pine boards will cost about 6500-7500 rubles. Special attention in production should be given paint coating. Varnish protects wood from external influences, increases resistance to moisture, thereby increasing the service life of furniture. To achieve the best result, the wood is varnished at least three times, thoroughly drying after each application.

Expert tips for creating natural wood furniture

Step-by-step plan for starting a business producing wood products

The size of the premises for organizing a furniture business directly depends on the planned production volume. If we are talking about a full production cycle (and not a “garage version”), then the following departments must be present:

  1. Production workshop - the place where woodworking machines and other equipment will be located;
  2. Assembly shop - a place where wooden furniture is assembled from pre-prepared parts;
  3. Paint shop - a room for carrying out paint and varnish work;
  4. Dryer or drying chamber;
  5. Finished products warehouse/raw materials warehouse;
  6. Production staff room;
  7. Lavatory, shower;
  8. Accommodation for administrative staff and sales managers.

Requirements to production premises are standard and require heating, water supply, ventilation, a 3-phase network, and a fire safety system.

Technology of production and manufacture of wooden furniture

The full production cycle of wooden furniture includes the following stages: Stage 1. Preparation of a working sketch. At this stage, technologists develop three-dimensional models and working drawings of the future product.

Stage 2. Preparation of wood for production. At this stage, the type of wood is selected, as well as the solid wood is dried for 10 days until its humidity drops to 80% of the original values.

Stage 3. Dissolving furniture panels using a multi-saw machine. At this stage, the bark is removed and the board is cut into specified sizes.

Stage 4. The cross cutting machine removes knots, resin pockets, crooked areas and other defects.

Stage 5. Merging the bars along the length - preparing the lamellas. Wooden blanks are laid out on the table, aligned along the edge and pressed with a press from above and on the sides. Once the programmed length is reached, the lamellas are cut and sent to the press.

Stage 6. Gluing lamellas. The lamellas are sanded on both sides and glued together using a fan press, taking into account the guide fibers. The gluing time is 40-50 minutes.

Stage 7. Shield Formation the right size using a belt dividing machine.

Stage 8. Planing the lamella on both sides on a thickness planer.

Stage 9. Sawing furniture panels to the required thickness using a calibrating grinding machine.

Stage 10. To create additional strength, solid wood is finished with veneer.

Stage 11. Reaming mounting holes on a drilling and attachment machine. The production of individual furniture parts is carried out on automated machines according to specified parameters. Such machines make all the necessary cuts, cuts and veneer edges.

Stage 12. Finished products are subject to inspection for defects and defects.

Stage 13. All parts are sanded 3 times to give the product perfect smoothness.

Stage 14. Varnishing and painting furniture in accordance with the specified design.

Stage 15. Drying of the product.

Stage 16. Packaging of the product and sending it to the finished product warehouse. In addition to the full cycle, there is also a short production cycle. This is when the raw materials for the production of wood products are ready-made dried panels, which are sanded, sawn into certain parts, assembled and varnished.

Staff The required staff of even a small wooden furniture production enterprise includes:

  • constructor-designer;
  • technologist;
  • carpenters-machine operators (from 4 people);
  • carvers;
  • auxiliary workers (from 2 people);
  • Sales Manager.

The company will also need an accountant, a cleaner, a personnel officer and a lawyer. However, most small businesses, for the purpose of reasonable savings, outsource these workers. It is not profitable to employ such employees full-time when production volumes are small. conclusions Organizing the full cycle production of wooden furniture is a very complex matter. The project manager has to solve such important issues as: selection of qualified personnel, personnel motivation, selection quality wood And paint and varnish materials, purchasing expensive equipment and tools, studying and implementing carpentry technologies, regular retraining of production personnel, managing sales, processes, people and much more. It is for this reason that many inexperienced beginners in this field will face inevitable collapse. According to some market players, the best way study the industry with minimal risk - organize the business in a somewhat “truncated form.” For example, you can only design furniture, but production processes entrust it to an experienced craftsman. The key task of organizing a business will be to find a responsible and competent partner.

Such products are products of complex processing wood material. The production of furniture panels, during which a monolithic finished product is obtained from individual wooden blocks by processing and gluing, allows you to save money and use timber with maximum efficiency.

Scope of application of furniture panels

Products are safe material, which makes it possible to widely introduce it in factories as furniture semi-finished products for the manufacture of facades, panels, window sills, cabinets, and shelving.

In construction, panels are used when installing stairs:

  • steps;
  • balusters;
  • railings;
  • sites;
  • stringers.

In the interior of children's rooms, kitchens, corridors, walls and ceilings are decorated with wooden panel panels. The dimensions of the furniture board are on average from 20 to 40 mm thick; it can vary depending on the wishes of the customer.

Softwood processing technology

The raw material for the production of wooden panels is unedged and edged board from coniferous or hardwood species - ash, birch, oak. The most commonly used material is from coniferous species (pine, spruce), it is cheap and can be processed.

The shield is a worthy replacement for an array, thanks to more effective use material, while maintaining quality characteristics, but at low cost.

Technological operations, as well as control during the manufacturing process, must be strictly observed so that the resulting product is of high quality, meets the necessary requirements and standards, and also has an aesthetic appearance.

In the manufacture of boards, several types of boards are used, which makes it possible to expand the price range for the finished product by breaking it down by grade.

Depending on the area in which the shields will be used, they are made single-layer or multi-layer.

In the first option, bars, slats or boards are glued along the wood grain, resulting in a board with a thickness of 15 to 60 mm.

The multilayer product has two front sides and several odd inner layers. They are laid out symmetrically in thickness, and the total height of the lamella is often 70–80 mm.

Stages of production of glued furniture panels:

  • processing (trimming) and sorting of workpieces;
  • identifying defective areas and cutting the workpiece to width;
  • processing according to specified parameters with simultaneous removal of erroneous zones;
  • connecting pieces along the length, applying glue;
  • product configuration;
  • elimination of irregular seams;
  • final calibration and grinding;
  • cutting finished material according to specified sizes.

Conditions for starting a business producing furniture panels

The demand for this type of product is quite high; the production of wooden panels is a good idea for creating own business. To assemble and sell small wholesale quantities of goods, it is more expedient to open a small workshop where longitudinal cutting and gluing of lamellas will be carried out.

But profitable option There will be the creation of a facility near the forest area, where trees are cut down, and there are also sawmills for producing boards and timber. But working with imported raw materials will be a profitable business.

To do this, you need to rent a warehouse or workshop, the structure of which includes:

  • Administrative premises.
  • A warehouse with timber and, separately, finished products and an area where the necessary equipment will be installed.
  • The size of the workshop space often depends on the dimensions of the machine park. To organize your own business, you need to draw up a plan and calculate all the risks.

It is easy to rent equipment for production or take out a loan and purchase used but operating machines.

Technical equipment and its features

To produce furniture panels, the following industrial equipment is required:

  • Drying chambers for wood preparation - there are vacuum, convective, and aerodynamic types.
  • Universal woodworking machines - units from Winner Blazer and Warrior have proven themselves.
  • Double-sided thickness gauges for lamellas of domestic production, as well as Ostermann, GRIGGIO.
  • Weights for gluing the board: fan - from RAUTEK, INDUK, pneumatic - Stromab.

As well as installations for optimizing end cutting, you can obtain a minimum of waste. There are walk-through machines - for piece processing from Quadro and devices with a Cursal pusher - for obtaining a bunch of boards.

Equipment for splicing along the length allows you to connect short workpieces into lamellas; this feature makes it possible to transform defects into working material. Automatic, semi-automatic lines, Beaver and OMGA tenoning machines.

Adhesive application systems are used on flat surfaces to distribute the adhesive evenly. For gluing timber, the composition is applied directly on the KM-250 machine.

Designed for cutting materials lengthwise and crosswise. There are: with a ball carriage - Ostermann, a roller carriage - FILATO, format-cutting centers - SELCO.

Additionally, during production, machines are used for artificial aging or brushing of wood. To obtain the unique texture of the furniture board, special abrasive brushes or sanding drums GRIGGIO and domestic models– from the Elmediagroup company – KS200, KS1.

Advantages and applications

Shields are widely in demand in furniture production, as a finishing material for interiors. Due to the textured texture of wood, the products are used for the production of both standard furniture and for individual orders.

Despite a fairly large range of other materials (chipboard, MDF), products made from laminated veneer lumber are in demand due to many advantages.

Furniture panels, unlike solid wood, do not shrink, so the dimensions remain the same over time. This feature allows you to significantly save on the operation of the material.

Panel products are environmentally friendly, so they are used as decoration for children's rooms and for the manufacture of teenage and other furniture. The technology for manufacturing wooden panels allows for efficient use of wood, which significantly saves money and helps save forests from large areas of deforestation.

The resulting material acquires decorative look by imparting a beautiful texture to the wood using a brushing (grinding) operation, which allows the use of furniture panels for finishing various rooms.

Possibility to manufacture furniture product any size and thickness, depending on the customer's wishes. Production of furniture panels – good idea for a business project, there is a constant demand for such products, especially for high-quality and relatively inexpensive products. Wood parts are widely used by craftsmen both for the manufacture of furniture and for finishing premises, also due to their affordable price.

Modern production of laminated panels is a business with a short payback period and constant receipt arrived. The initial costs will be returned by the owner within the first 6 months, and a wide material base will allow this figure to be halved.

Video: Production of furniture panels