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Appointment of a person responsible for fire alarms. Decommissioning of the old fire alarm system and adoption of a new one. Organization of maintenance and repair

installation and commissioning organization;

Commissioning organization;

Security units;

State fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

16.3. The commission must begin work on acceptance no later than three days (not counting general weekends and holidays) from the date of notification by the installation and commissioning organization about the readiness of technical equipment for delivery.

16.4. When accepting technical equipment into operation installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission:

As-built documentation (a set of working drawings with amendments made to them);

Technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

Certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work:

Certificate of transfer of equipment, products and materials for installation (according to the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation);

Certificate of readiness of buildings and structures for installation work (Appendix 2):

Act of carrying out input control(Appendix 3);

Certificate of completion of installation work (Appendix 5);

Certificate of testing of protective pipelines with separation seals for tightness (Appendix 8);

Act of measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring (Appendix 9);

Inspection report hidden work for laying electrical wiring on walls, ceilings, and floors (Appendix 10);

Certificate of inspection of hidden works (sewage) (Appendix 11);

Certificate of inspection of hidden work (laying cable lines in the ground) (Appendix 12);

Protocol for warming up cables on drums (Appendix 13);

Certificate of completion commissioning works(Appendix 14);

List of installed devices and detectors (Appendix 16).


1. Upon delivery and acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment at sites where installation work was carried out according to inspection reports, it is presented technical documentation manufacturing enterprises, as well as documents in accordance with Appendices 1, , , , , and the act of transfer of equipment, products and materials for installation in the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

2. An act of transfer of equipment products and materials for installation (form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation) is presented if the installation and commissioning organization accepts signaling equipment for installation from the customer.

3. A certificate of completion of installation work is submitted if the installation organization only carried out the installation of technical signaling equipment.

Guidelines regulate control implementation of design decisions upon acceptance automatic systems fire alarm system (ASPS) into operation.

5.4.1. General provisions

Acceptance of ASPS into operation must be carried out by the working commission appointed by order of the head of the enterprise (organizationtion-customer (22).

The working commission includes a representative of the customer (chairman of the commission), general contractor, design, installation and commissioning organization, as well as the organization carrying out TO and R, representative of the State Border Service. Participation of representatives of the State Border Service in the composition state, departmental acceptance commissions are obligatoryinteresting. In addition to the official representative of the State Border Service bodies, State Border Service employees may be involved in the work of the commissions, implementingcontrolling during construction and further operationobject (clauses 2, 4 NPB 05) (23).

The work of the commission is carried out according to the acceptance testing programtion, agreed upon with the territorial body of the State Border Service and approvedby the customer. The acceptance test program should include (24):

main characteristics of the test object;

purpose of testing;

composition of the acceptance committee;

scope of testing and inspections;

logistics support for testing;

safety requirement;

test methodology;

criteria for evaluating test results.

The working commission must (26):

check the quality and compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the design documentation, SNiP, PUE, NPB, technical documentation from manufacturers;

conduct comprehensive tests of the automatic installation fire extinguishing systems in accordance with the acceptance testing program. After complex tests an act is drawn up (attachment 28).

If the working commission discovers a discrepancy between the completed installation and commissioning work on the project, regulatory requirements documentation, a protocol is drawn up indicating any deficiencies identifiedstatistics and deadlines for their elimination, as well as the authorities responsible for thistions. After eliminating the installation shortcomings specified in the protocol,the commissioning organization must re-present the installation for delivery (27).

A representative of the State Border Service body who is a member of the commission is obliged (29):

take part in the inspection and acceptance of installed equipmentsystem fire protection, view the certificates, technical passports and other documents certifying equipment quality indicators, systems and mouth test reportsnew fire protection;

communicate your opinion in writing to the chairman of the working commission body of the State Border Service on the implementation of the activities provided for by the project and readiness of the installation for acceptance into operation, and if availabledeficiencies - compile and present a list of them.

If violations of requirements are detected regulatory documents, project decisions and activities, a representative of the State Border Service body expresses a special opinion in writing to the chairman of the commission, and the actthe acceptance committee does not sign (30).

5.4.2. Features of systems acceptance into operation fire alarm

Documentation presented upon acceptance of systems into operation fire alarm, must comply with Appendix 30 (35.1).

Acceptance of ASPS into operation without carrying out a comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed (35.2).

Upon acceptance into operation of completed installation work and setting up ASPS working commission conducts (35.3):

checking the quality and compliance of the installation work performeddetailed work of the submitted documentation, operating instructions, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

measuring the insulation resistance of the alarm loop and electrical wiring;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

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11. Acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation

11.1. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

11.2. To accept technical signaling equipment into operation, a working commission is appointed by order of the management of the customer’s organization (enterprise).

The procedure and duration of the work of the working commission are determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 *.

The working commission includes representatives of:

organization (enterprise) of the customer (chairman of the commission);

installation and commissioning organization;

commissioning organization;

security units;

state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

11.3. The commission must begin work on the acceptance of technical signaling equipment no later than three days (not counting general weekends and holidays) from the date of notification to the installation and commissioning organization that the technical equipment is ready for delivery.

11.4. When accepting technical signaling equipment into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission:

as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them or an inspection report);

technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work;

production documentation (mandatory Appendix 1).

11.5. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment without carrying out comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed.

11.6. Upon acceptance for commissioning of completed installation and adjustment of technical signaling equipment, the working commission carries out:

checking the quality and compliance of the installation and adjustment work performed project documentation(inspection report), technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop, which must be at least 1 MOhm;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

testing the performance of installed control panels and control systems.

The commission, if necessary, carries out other checks and measurements of parameters agreed upon technical specifications to the installed equipment.

11.7. The test methodology for the installation of technical signaling equipment and their acceptance into operation is determined in each specific case working committee.

11.8. If individual inconsistencies in the work performed are detected with the design documentation or the inspection report, as well as the requirements of these Rules, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, on the basis of which the installation and commissioning organization must eliminate them within ten days and again present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

11.9. Technical signaling equipment is considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes:

all elements building structures and areas around the perimeter of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report;

installation - adjustment work fulfilled in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

measurement results are within normal limits;

tests of the performance of technical signaling equipment were given positive results, while fire alarm systems must ensure, in cases provided for by the design, the shutdown of ventilation systems, the inclusion of smoke removal and air supply systems staircases and vestibules in case of fire.

11.10. The acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation must be documented in an act in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

11.11. The need to connect facility alarms to centralized monitoring consoles is determined by security departments with the participation of representatives of the customer and fire departments.

Our institution is budgetary and is financed by subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks. On the balance sheet of our institution there is a building, the book value of which includes a fire alarm system (equipment). This year the founder signed an agreement to create new system fire alarm. IN next year the founder is going to transfer it to us on the balance sheet. Question: 1. How can we write off the old fire alarm system, will the book value of the building decrease?2. When accepting a new fire alarm system from the founder, should it be included in the book value of the building or accounted for as a separate inventory item?


Your question from 12/28/2015 “Our institution is budget-funded and is financed by subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks. On the balance sheet of our institution there is a building, the book value of which includes a fire alarm system (equipment). This year the founder signed an agreement to create a new fire alarm system. Next year the founder is going to transfer it to us for balance.
1. How can we write off the old fire alarm system, will the book value of the building decrease?
2. When accepting a new fire alarm system from the founder, should it be included in the book value of the building or be accounted for as a separate inventory item?”

Galina Nefedova answers, expert

1. Work on the installation and installation of a fire alarm system in a building to replace the existing fire alarm system is qualified as a major renovation of the building. The object of accounting in this case is the building, and not the security and fire alarm system.

Thus, the cost of carrying out these works should be included in the current expenses of the institution. In this case, an object of fixed assets means a building, the main performance characteristics which is the term beneficial use. Replacing the fire alarm system cannot change this indicator, since the service life of buildings is usually determined by the service life of the most durable elements (load-bearing structures). Consequently, it seems most legitimate to write off the expenses incurred according to KOSGU 225 - as during routine repairs. Since these works do not relate to work as a result of which the book value of the object changes, the question of write-off was earlier installed system fire alarms, as well as reducing the original cost of the building, are not worth it.

2. Unified functioning systems, including the fire alarm system, perform their functions only after installation (installation) in a building or structure, and not independently. These systems are not isolated complexes of structurally articulated objects and are not recognized as separate inventory objects. However individual elements These systems (devices, equipment) must be included in fixed assets, so consider them as separate inventory items at a cost including VAT, specified in the Certificate of the cost of work performed and expenses (form No. KS-3).

Methodological recommendations (MR) of the VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “Automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems. Rules for acceptance and control" regulate the control of the implementation of design decisions when accepting ASPS and AUP into operation, the procedure for their Maintenance and repair (MRO).

General provisions.

Responsibility for organizing the operation of ASPS is assigned to the managers of facilities that are protected by means fire automatics.

Requirements for operational technical documentation for ASPS.

For each ASPS, an order or instruction must be issued to the enterprise (organization), assigning:
- the person responsible for the operation of the installation;
- operational (duty) personnel for round-the-clock monitoring of the operating condition of the installations.

Operational (duty) personnel must have and fill out an “Installation Failure Log.”
Maintenance and repair may be carried out by site specialists with appropriate qualifications. In this case, the procedure for carrying out maintenance and repair work must comply with these methodological recommendations.
Restoring the functionality of ASPT or ASPS after its operation or failure should not exceed:
- for Moscow, St. Petersburg, administrative centers autonomous entities within Russian Federation- 6 hours;
- for other cities and settlements- 18 o'clock

The control room premises must contain instructions on the procedure for the duty dispatcher to act upon receiving alarm signals.

Operating documentation for AS PS

ASPS fault log

Type of instalation ________________________________________________

Installation date of the unit ________________________________________________

Protected object __________________________________________

Certificate of initial inspection of fire automatics installation (form)

G.____________ "___"____________200__ g.

We, the undersigned:

customer representative ___________________________________________________________________________
(name of enterprise, organization, institution)

represented by ___

(position surname, initials)

on the one hand, and the representative of the performer ____________________________________________________________
(position, surname, initials)

on the other hand, they drew up this act in that when inspecting installations

(list settings)

installed ___________________________________________________________________________________
(Name installation organization, installation date)

but the project completed by ________________________________________________________________________________
(name of the design organization, number and date of release of the project)

(name of commissioning organization, commissioning date)


technical condition of installations_________________________________________________________________
(specify faults)

design and technical documentation, acts_______________________________________________________________

(indicate missing documentation, give comments on existing documentation)

Conclusions, suggestions______________________________________________________________________________

Customer executive

____________________________________ ______________________________________
(signature, initials, surname) (signature, initials, surname)

M.p. m.p.

Chairman of the installation and commissioning organization_________________________________________________

Certificate for completed work on the initial survey automatic installations fire alarm


(performer, his bank details)

(customer, his bank details)

Customer executive______________________________

"___"____________________200_g. “___”_____________________ 200_g.

M.p. m.p.

Passport for automatic fire alarm systems


Name of the customer enterprise (organization), details:



Maintenance conditions

Number of detectors. installed at height, m:


8 — 15………………………………………………………..

above 15……………………………………………………..

Means of lifting to height (lifting vehicles) ______________________________

Other information ______________________________________________________________________________


The passport is drawn up

(position of the executor, full name, signature)


(customer’s position, full name, signature)



(position of the State Border Service representative, full name, signature)


Technical requirements defining the performance parameters of ASPS

1. Installation type_______________________________________________________________________________

2. Installation composition_________________________________________________________________________

3. Comprehensive installation check

Technical requirements developed

(position, full name, signature, date)

Agreed Agreed

Executor Customer

(position) (position)

_______________________________________ ____________________________________________

"___"_________________20___ "___"_________________200_g.

Note. List of vehicles included in the installations and subject to maintenance and repair:
receiving and control devices, loops with detectors, intermediate devices, terminal devices, sirens.

Maintenance and repair schedule for 200__.

UNDER AGREEMENT No. ___________________

[Object name)

Executor Customer

_______________________________________ ____________________________________________
(full name, signature) (full name, signature)

"___"_________________20___ "___"_________________200_g.

Standard Maintenance Regulations for Automatic Fire Alarm Systems

Logbook for registering maintenance and repair work on automatic fire alarm systems

(executing enterprise)

(site, workshop)

registration of works for maintenance and repair
automatic fire alarm installations

(Object name)

Started "___"_______________200_

Finished “___”_______________200_


I. Name of the object and its location (address, telephone):


2. List of settings


3. Contract number, date of its conclusion _____________________________________________

4. Annual cost of work_______________________________________________________________

5. Bank details of the customer ___________________________________________________

6. Bank details of the performer ________________________________________________

7. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the person responsible for the operation of the installation

(installations) and a sample of his signature ___________________________________________________

8. Order number and date assigned responsible person customer

for the operation of the installation(s) _____________________________________________

9. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the persons performing the technical


Note. The magazine has _____ sheets numbered and laced together.

GOST R 50776 requirements for operation and maintenance of systems

General provisions

Maintenance of the system or complex should be carried out periodically, according to the established form.
During maintenance you should check:
a) installation condition, fastening and appearance equipment;
b) triggering of detectors and performance control panels and devices;
c) condition flexible connections(transitions);
d) performance of the main and backup sources power supply;
e) operability of light and sound alarms;
f) the overall performance of the system, the complex as a whole. The organization of technical diagnostics, maintenance and repair of systems or complexes of objects of all forms of ownership must comply with the requirements of GOST 18322, GOST 20911, the current departmental regulatory documentation in this area.
The right to carry out this type of work is granted to organizations and individuals in accordance with current legislation.

Organization of maintenance and repair


The main tasks of maintenance are:
- ensuring the sustainable functioning of technical means (TS) of signaling;
- monitoring the technical condition of the vehicle;
- identifying and eliminating faults and causes of false alarms, reducing their number;
- elimination of the consequences of exposure to climatic, technological and other unfavorable conditions on the vehicle;
- analysis and synthesis of information based on the results of work, development of measures to improve forms and methods of maintenance.

Maintenance can be planned (regulated) or unplanned (based on technical condition).
Scheduled maintenance is provided for alarm loops and equipment (SPI, control panels, complex detectors, power supply devices). It is mandatory to check the overall performance of the entire system or complex.
The results of scheduled maintenance should be recorded in a journal in the prescribed form.

Unscheduled maintenance is carried out when:
- receipt of false alarms from a protected facility;
- equipment failures;
- eliminating the consequences of adverse climatic conditions, technological or other influences;
- application of the user (owner of the protected object).

Repair of technical equipment burglar alarm.

Depending on the nature of the damage or failure of security alarm systems, labor intensity repair work, carry out the following types repairs:
- current and capital - for alarm loops;
- average and current - for equipment.

Current repair of alarm loops consists of replacing individual failed components (detectors, installation elements, sections of connecting lines).
Major repairs of alarm loops are carried out if their further operation is impossible or in the event overhaul protected object. At the same time, detectors, connecting lines, and installation elements are dismantled and completely replaced.
Average equipment repair consists of partial or complete disassembly, restoration or replacement. components.
Current equipment repair consists of replacing failed easily removable elements.

Actions of personnel in the event of an alarm

The actions of facility personnel in response to alarm signals (8) of the system or complex must be regulated by special instructions agreed upon with the facility security services. Instructions should include information on how personnel should react, what actions to take, what means of communication to use, etc.
Service instructions regulating the actions of facility personnel (economic agency, owner) in response to alarms must take into account: the type, significance and mode of operation of the facility, the nature, significance and location of the protected values, the accepted type and tactics of security, the presence of people at the facility during the period of operation of the system , complex, location of the object on the ground, communications facilities available at the object.

Response service. Interaction of services providing facility security.

Users of the system or complex (owners of the protected object) must have constant communication with organizations and services that ensure the security of the object and the trouble-free functioning of the technical means of the system or complex.
The time of arrival at the protected site of specialists to restore the functionality of the system or complex in the event of its failure should not exceed 4 hours (with the exception of hard-to-reach objects, for example, those located on an island).
If it is impossible to carry out restoration work on time, the repair service must inform the user of the system or complex about this.
The procedure for interaction of the user (economic entity, owner) with the services ensuring the protection of the facility, compliance with standards for organizing and maintaining security, is regulated by current legislative and regulations, departmental orders, official instructions.

Registration of system (complex) service information

Any system or complex must have means of recording service information (for example, automatic documentation tools, logs).

Passport of the system, complex.
The passport of the system or facility complex must reflect:
- details of the user, owner (economic entity) - position, surname, first name, patronymic, address permanent residence, home phone, average time of arrival at the site from the place of permanent residence, transport used;
- floor, territorial or other similar fragmented diagrams of the location and connection of technical means of security alarms and/or other equipment (power supply, lighting, communications, television, etc.) indicating the types, locations, number of components, issued service signals .

When drawing up diagrams it is necessary to use symbols, abbreviations subject to confidentiality.


When operating a system or complex, it is necessary to record and time the results of operation, indicating the reasons for the appearance of various service signals (“alarm”, “failure”, etc.).
The results of the functioning of the system or complex must be recorded in the prescribed form (in journals, registration sheets, etc.).

Registration technical inspections(regulatory work).

When operating a system or complex, registration and accounting of maintenance work (routine work) should be carried out. Records including timing and provisions of Section 9, as well as identified deficiencies and actions to eliminate them, must be kept in a special document (journal).
Activities for the maintenance and repair of security alarm technical equipment must, depending on the type of security (departmental affiliation of the service guarding the facility), be carried out and documented in the prescribed form.

Alarm registration.

Registration of alarm signals issued by a system or complex must be carried out in the form of records containing: the date and time of receipt of the alarm signal, the type of signal, the place of its occurrence; timing of activities to respond to signals.

Logging outages system, complex (“removing” an object from protection by technical means).

Registration of cases of shutdown of the system, the complex as a whole or its individual fragments should be carried out in the form of records containing: date and time of shutdown, indication of a specific technical means that caused the shutdown and the reason for it, the date and time of restart.
The user (owner of the protected object) or his representative must confirm each case of system or complex shutdown and its consequences.
Registration of signals and actions on them must, depending on the type of protection, be maintained and documented in the prescribed form.