home · On a note · Treat onions before planting with salt and copper sulfate. Treating onions with salt and potassium permanganate before planting. How can you treat onion sets before planting?

Treat onions before planting with salt and copper sulfate. Treating onions with salt and potassium permanganate before planting. How can you treat onion sets before planting?

To ensure a happy harvest of onions in the fall, you need to take active measures in the spring before planting them. After all, it is in the spring that onion sets are prepared for planting in the ground.

Almost all gardeners use onion sets to harvest onions. Seed treatment plays a very important role in preparing it for planting, since if the seeds are not treated, they will take a long time to germinate or be susceptible to various diseases.

Small onions with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm are selected for planting. You can buy sets at any specialized store or grow them yourself. Preparation of the sowing takes place in several stages.

Stages of preparation for sowing

  • All the onions need to be sorted out, the good ones selected and the unhealthy ones thrown away. Peeling, rotten, moldy, dried out - such turnips are not suitable for planting. If the bulb does not send out a feather, it needs to be “trimmed.” To do this, carefully cut off the husk on the top of the head. This will speed up germination significantly.

In addition, when correct pruning, the soaking procedure will be more effective: the solution will penetrate between the scales of the head very quickly. If you approach preparation with all responsibility seed material, then you can eliminate the troubles associated with growing bulbous crops.

When pruning, you need to be careful not to cut off too much from the top. This will provoke the process of rotting, and will not allow the onion to release its stems.

  • It is advisable to heat treat suitable bulbs a few days before sowing. To do this, spread paper or newspaper near a heat source and lay out onion sets in one layer.

At a temperature of 35–40 degrees, the onion will warm up well. If for some reason warming up is impossible, and the sets need to be planted, then you can do the following to “wake up” the seeds: pour into a bowl with onions for 2 minutes hot water, and then - dip it in cold water.

Such measures will eliminate the possibility of further “shooting” of onion sets. After all, it “shoots” due to improper storage conditions: the room is too cold. At this time, flower buds are born in the bulbs and will begin to develop.

  • Warmed onion heads must be soaked in nutrient liquid in advance. To feed the bulb, you can use any complex of fertilizers. Having poured the bulbs into a net or bag, you need to leave them to soak for 10 hours in a nutrient mixture with “Ammophos”, “Nitroammophos” (take 1 tablespoon of the composition for 10 liters of liquid).
  • Afterwards you need to arrange a “bath”: without rinsing off any remaining solution, dip the mesh with onion sets into an aqueous solution with the addition of copper sulfate for 10 minutes. Mix like this: for 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate.

Exactly like this water procedures prevent the development of fungal diseases in young onion sets. After washing the seed with running water, you can safely plant it in the ground.

There is also a recipe for a “bath”. You can dip the onion in a regular saline solution. Salt fights nematode fungal spores. The recipe is as follows: for one bucket of water, 3 cups of table salt. It must stand for 24 hours before landing. You can also treat the sowing with an infusion of ash or Fitosporin.

You can also disinfect seedlings with potassium permanganate. Despite the fact that many effective modern substances, this remedy still remains the most effective and at the same time inexpensive.

Treatment before planting occurs in the following order: dilute 35 grams of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water, immerse the seeds in the resulting solution for 2 hours. This method will provide protection against any plant diseases.

  • So that the seedlings quickly germinate and give good harvest, before planting it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants. The most affordable and universal method– treat it with wood ash, which is rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

Protection from diseases

It is also important to protect the sets from diseases after planting. Various insects and diseases that attack the heads and prevent their growth, in the process of their life activity, turn green feathers into yellow, and the scales of the bulb become soft and rotten. Such onions will not survive until winter, so emergency measures must be taken.

The most common diseases of onion sets are:

Destroyed by the onion fly, the feathers of the set wither and dry out from the crown of the feather to the very base, so the central petiole breaks off, rotting all the way to the bulb. If you look closely, you can see insect larvae in the bulb itself or on its surface. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, you need to treat the seeds with a TMTD solution or fenthiuram.

If the onion fly has infected young greens, wood ash or crushed charcoal, with which you need to sprinkle the seedlings. To treat young plants, Nexion (0.1%) is often used at the following consumption: 0.5 liters of solution per 1 meter of soil. Watering should be done every two weeks.

  • downy mildew.

The whitish spots that cover the shoots of the sets gradually spread and after some time become a gray coating - this is an infection with downy mildew. The most common cause of this problem is high humidity air or soil in which the onion grows.

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to start treatment with any of these agents:

  • 80% cuprosan (0.4%);
  • ditan M-45 (0.20%);
  • Bordeaux mixture 1%.

Vegetables and various herbaceous plants are an integral part of the whole variety of culinary dishes. The most widespread vegetable crop among summer residents is onion. This plant has a lot of useful vitamins. Bulbs and leaves are used when preparing salads, onions are used as an addition to meat and vegetable dishes. But before onion will appear on the summer resident’s table, it must be grown. And it is necessary to grow the plant taking into account the basic rules and recommendations so that the crop does not die from fungal diseases. In order to protect and preserve the seedlings, a soaking procedure is carried out before planting.

What to soak onions in?

Summer residents did not have a consensus on whether it is worth soaking before planting or not. We can say that the general circle of specialists is divided into two camps. Some argue that seedlings must be treated before planting. special solution. Others say that it is not necessary to soak the onions; the crop will grow anyway.

Attention! Remember that soaking is a guarantee that the harvest will be preserved in any case, since treated seedlings are not afraid of fungal diseases.

In fact, soaking is a precautionary measure for the summer resident himself. After all, when purchasing planting material, the buyer is faced with a lot of unresolved questions: in what conditions did the onions grow, how and with what fertilizing was done. Therefore, many people prefer not to take risks and carry out the soaking procedure, which is carried out immediately before planting.

Soak the onion in a salt and manganese solution

Almost every day, lovers of growing various herbal crops come up with more and more new ways to protect themselves from unexpected expenses, and how to protect the crops they grow from various fungal diseases. But the most effective and effective method Soaking the onion in a saline or manganese solution is considered.

Attention! You can process onions only if you first planting material was circumcised. All efforts to protect onions will be nullified if the bulbs are not trimmed, because in this case inner part culture will remain defenseless.

To soak onions in saline solution you need:

  1. Pour three cups of salt into a 10-liter bucket of water.
  2. Move the solution, place all the planting material and leave for two days for a more effective result.
  3. Water the area before planting saline solution. This will help prevent it from occurring over time.

A fairly simple procedure that will help disinfect onions from nematodes. It’s even easier with potassium permanganate. This method of soaking is the most popular, because it requires a minimum of time and available materials. The temperature of the water does not matter; potassium permanganate is simply added until the composition receives a slightly concentrated color. After which the onion heads are placed in the solution for 20 minutes.

Treating beds with kerosene

Onion fly – worst enemy this culture. Sometimes a regular saline solution is not enough to combat an illness. Then summer residents use heavy artillery - treating previously prepared furrows with a mixture of kerosene and salt. To prepare this solution, you only need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of kerosene and a glass of salt in a bucket of water. The composition is thoroughly mixed, after which watering occurs.

Kerosene is an excellent means of combating onion flies. Its pungent smell repels the fly once and for all. Plus, many vegetable crops love salty soil. Salted water repels not only the main pest, but also a lot of other dangerous and harmful bacteria. Thus, kerosene with salt helps reliable protection and ensures good yield.

Soaking onions on greens

Fragrant leeks have an excellent taste and smell. The crop is grown primarily from seeds. Before planting, the seeds must be placed in warm water for 5 hours.

Advice. Soaking in warm water is most in an economical way. To carry out this procedure, you only need water at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. You don’t even need to add any drugs. Warm water alone is enough to disinfect the seedlings.

Often people who like to grow onions use synthesized analogues natural remedies– . This adaptogen stimulates the growth of the root system and the plant itself. To prepare the composition, you need to dissolve one adaptogen capsule in warm water, then soak all the planting material.

Soaking onions in warm water is an economical and quite effective way.

To prevent onions from rotting after planting, the material is pre-soaked in a solution of wood ash. For a 10-liter bucket of water, 3 cups of ash is enough. The seedlings are placed directly in a net in a container for 2-3 hours. After which they must be thoroughly dried on a thick cloth.

The benefits of soaking onions are obvious. A simple but effective procedure will protect the crop, promote a good harvest, and save a lot of time. Any of the above recipes can be used as a solution, but experienced onion growers often combine several methods simultaneously to completely eliminate the possibility of various diseases Luke.

Preparing onions for planting - video

Soaking onions before planting - photo

I soak it in a solution of table salt - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. For the night. In the morning, without washing, I start planting.

I do this procedure so that the onions are not damaged by soil pests that are starving after wintering. Always with onions! 2 years ago from Tamara Kozlova0 votes and a question. what for? It’s clear that you want to soak something. but the soil is also not sterile.2 years ago from StrikeStar0 votesCan be soaked in salt water: 1 tbsp. l per 1 liter of water for two hours, then rinse and for another two hours in water with manganese. The soil, of course, is not sterile, but we disinfect the seeds.2 years ago from kamel-k

Boarding time

There is no need to talk about specific planting numbers for onions. Sevok is planted when the ground warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters.

If you rely on the weather, then in early and warm spring planting can be done at the end of April. Onions cannot be planted in cold ground, but you can’t delay landing either. The main guideline is the soil temperature, which should not be lower than +12°C.

Preparation of planting material

It is very important to properly prepare planting material. If the set has been purchased, it should be dried. Grown with your own hands and preserved at temperatures below +18°C - warm up.

Warming up the onion is a long process, carried out in several stages. Stage 1. At a temperature of +20°C, the onion must be kept for 15 to 20 days. Stage 2. Store the onion for 8-10 hours at a temperature from +30°C to +40°C . It is important not to overexpose. The heated seedlings are treated with a growth stimulant before planting. If step-by-step preparation is not possible, it is necessary to carry out the following procedure immediately before planting the crop:

  • soak the seedlings in water at a temperature of +45°C - +50°C for no more than 10-15 minutes; after the above time, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water also for 10-15 minutes; place the seed for 5-6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out before planting onion sets is disinfection. Suitable for processing: weak solution potassium permanganate, and a solution of copper sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water). There is a method, the so-called grandmother’s secret of planting onion sets, which is as follows:

  • the planting material is dried for 7 days, the temperature should be from +20°C to +25°C; before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water); the bulbs are washed; the seedlings are immersed in a dark solution potassium permanganate for 2 hours; rinse again;

This concludes the work on preparing the seedlings for planting.

Soil preparation

Before you prepare the soil, you need to select a site for planting. It is important to know that onions are a light-loving plant, so the area where they will grow should be open and well lit. This crop is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so you should avoid areas where groundwater flows. Soil for this crop is started cook in the fall. Onions are lovers of loose, nutritious soil, so it is imperative:

  • dig the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm; apply fertilizer from rotted manure (you can fertilize it with peat manure compost).

An important point - it is necessary to fertilize the soil precisely at this stage of soil preparation; it is strictly forbidden to add it to the soil. organic fertilizer before planting to avoid growth of the upper part of the plant and dormancy of the lower part, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before planting, it is contraindicated to add humus and chicken droppings.

It is necessary to take into account the acidity level of the soil. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to liming with one of the following components:

  • lime;

Do I need to soak onion sets and in what way before planting?

No, these onions are not soaked. They simply poke it dry into the ground. It's good if the ground is slightly damp.

But the onion itself is not supposed to be wet. Then it will be uncomfortable to sit it down, it will stick to your hands. And it’s better not to water the finished bed from above.

The soil will become crusty and it will be difficult for young onions to germinate.

If you buy onion sets from a trusted manufacturer, then you don’t have to soak the onions in anything; they should grow without special training. Some gardeners plant dry onion sets, some believe that they should soak the onions in warm water no higher than 38 degrees Celsius for ten to fifteen hours. Sometimes it is advised to soak the onions in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Also, experienced agricultural technicians believe that it is useful to warm the sets for one or two days at temperatures up to 38-40 degrees, for example, placing it next to the battery central heating. This procedure reduces the likelihood of onions bolting and improves survival rate.

Before planting, it is better to soak onion sets in warm water, then in a solution of potassium permanganate, you can also soak them in a solution of table salt, you can also use stimulants. The whole point here is what is more important for the gardener: planting faster, for example, if there is no time to plant on favorable days.

Or plant it as required by the onion growing technology. Soaked onions produce friendly sprouts. As for advice on warming up seed onions before planting, this is not necessary if the sets were kept warm in winter.

If the onions were stored at low temperatures, then the onions need to be warmed up, otherwise there will be a lot of arrows, which will lead to a decrease in yield.

Soaking onions before planting

Onions are most often planted in the garden not with seeds, but with already prepared medium-sized bulbs, from which the upper layers of the peel are removed, soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and sorted in order to increase productivity and create immunity against seasonal diseases. Family bow for planting, it must be prepared in advance so that it takes root, so it is removed from the storage container and placed in a bright place, placed on the windowsill, and pre-moistened in water. But onion sets are soaked immediately before planting.

How to properly prepare onions for planting?

You need to create all the conditions in the house so that the onions take root before planting. To do this, the bulbs are placed next to gas stove, placed near the battery, on the windowsill, next to the oil heater. If the temperature reaches 25°C, the onion will germinate within a week.

It will heat up from the inside and will be qualitatively ready for planting in open ground. Family onions are most susceptible to insects and fungi, so for disinfection upper layers Soaking onions before planting is mandatory. You can prepare the solution yourself.

To prevent nematode infection, onions are soaked in saline solution. To do this, dilute 3 cups of salt in a bucket of water; the culture should stand in this liquid for 3 days, after which the onions can be planted.

Onion sets are soaked before direct sowing, since in itself it has small sizes. For onions, the main thing is mineralization All seeds will be ready for sowing at the same time if you place them, collected together in a net, in a solution of mineral fertilizer diluted with water.

For example, copper sulfate (1 teaspoon of the product per bucket of water) saves both family and onion sets from pests and fungus. The onions should remain in the solution for 2 days, then each of the onions should be washed with running water (it is better to do this with a hose). So that the soil does not dry out necessary substances, next to the onion beds you can plant garlic and carrots, which repel the onion fly and thereby increase the yield of nearby crops.

A little about antiseptics Copper sulfate solution is used everywhere in vegetable growing. For the onions, make a hot antiseptic bath with vitriol.

We dilute by eye until the liquid turns bluish; the water should have a temperature of at least 60°C. Soak the onion for 1-2 minutes and remove, rinsing with cool water. After 5-6 hours, the onions will be completely saturated and ready for planting.

Remember that vitriol protects against most seasonal diseases and pests. To save onions from rotting, they are soaked in a solution of water and wood ash. Several glasses of ash are diluted in a bucket of water and the onions are placed there in a mesh for 2-3 hours.

Then the vegetable is taken out, dried on a towel and planted. Phytosporin, from which the growth stimulator takes the baton, also saves from rot. After such soaking, the onions should dry properly, the moisture and minerals should be absorbed, and your future vegetable in the garden will be healthy, grow strong and be stored for a long time in the winter.

After soaking, the onions should be planted immediately or stored at medium temperature; cold is detrimental to the plant in this form. It’s good if the soil is warmed up and sufficiently moistened - the sprouts will not take long to appear.

Along with the article “Soaking onions before planting” also read:

Is it necessary to soak onions before planting? - this is the question in the form of a meager line that I constantly receive on my email. It’s not difficult to guess that this question is asked by people who are just starting to try their hand at forcing onions.

And a counter question immediately arises: is this question ripening from laziness to work? I have already written quite a lot about the fact that I always soak onions before planting and for me this is a MANDATORY action, I wrote here on the blog and wrote on the forum, but for some the question still remains open.

How else can I explain it so that it would be clear?.., but of course I’ll try, and then it’s up to you to decide whether to soak the onions before planting or not. If you are engaged in feather forcing on a scale close to industrial, then soak the onions before planting them on shelves, empty waste of time and energy heating water. You can't get by with a basin there.

But there is another reason why this is practically not done on such a scale. The fact is that a newcomer will not take on such a scale right away in the first season, but will try himself in this matter and find permanent place purchasing a suitable turnip.

When you know the field, know the farmer who sells planting material, when you have been cooperating with him for many years, then the risks are minimized. Although they are not completely excluded, in any case everything can be resolved in the end. This applies to experienced onion growers. Now, as for the beginner.

A beginner risks much more, because onions for planting for forcing green onions have to be purchased at wholesale markets, through advertisements from warehouses, etc., and there is no complete history of the arrival of these onions. Where did it come from, in what conditions was it grown, and especially in what conditions and weather was the harvest in the field, it is unknown what pests lived in the field, what it was processed with, etc.

As a result, if any kind of unfavorable flora and fauna was present in the field, then it arrived safely along with the planting material. After which it simply wanders onto the shelf of your greenhouse and delivers a lot of unpleasant surprises. I don’t force onions on a gigantic scale and I find time for soaking, this is a mandatory process for me, an integral part of forcing the feathers.

I don’t want to risk the harvest and money, I don’t want to look for ways to solve the problem later and get rid of the misfortune. Unfortunately, we don’t have good planting material in our region, and I also have to buy turnips for planting from wholesale markets, so I prefer to protect myself.

Moreover, I already have experience in this matter, I have twice encountered problems where I lost not only profit, but also could not return the money invested. The first time I bought planting material, the year before last, which was collected in terrible conditions, it was rainy and damp, the onions simply did not dry out and began to rot on the shelves.

Many onion growers now understand what I’m talking about, since they also lost a lot of money at that time. But life goes on. Last year I ordered one batch of onions from storage; unfortunately, the planting material was infected with thrips and onion fly.

I somehow got my money back, but I lost the profit. In appearance, the onion was dry, clean and excellent, but in reality it began to deteriorate, wither, turn yellow, etc.

But everything would be fine, but getting rid of all this was hard labor, a lot of time wasted. Soaking, in turn, gives some chances to protect yourself and save your harvest. Since at +40-50 degrees, almost all flora and fauna die.

Only trimmed onions need to be soaked, which not only helps heat treatment, but water also penetrates between the onion scales. There is no point in soaking just an uncut onion.

The maximum that this will affect is the bottom of the onion, and everything that lives inside will continue to live. Now many onion growers are coming up with different ways soaking onions, but I only used 4 methods, I’ll describe it to you, the information may be useful. 1 - soaking in plain water. The water temperature is +40-50, I keep the bag in the water for 5-10 minutes and take it out for further planting.

This procedure is only for disinfecting the material. 2- soaking in a solution of nitrate. I pour a teaspoon of saltpeter into a construction black bath with a volume of 70 liters of water, already heated to +40-50 degrees.

Soak the onion for 15 minutes. (I use this method only at the beginning of the season) This procedure affects the disinfection of onions and accelerates the appearance of the root mass. 3- soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate. I add manganese to cold water and get a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

I keep the onion in water for 15 minutes. I use this method when I don’t have time to heat the water. I can’t say how effective it is, but there were no problems with onions later. 4- soaking in a solution of the Epin-Extra drug.

I pour one capsule into heated water and soak the onion for 10-15 minutes. Warm water disinfects, and the drug accelerates the germination of roots and the feather itself.

I can’t say about the effectiveness of this method, but some changes in the timing of forcing were noticeable. Well, in principle, I think that I answered the question more than fully. Thank you all for your attention, enjoy.P.

S. But be that as it may, there are times when you have to take risks. I recently picked up a batch of very small onions and didn’t cut off the tails, which means I didn’t soak the onions. Now I hope it will pass...

It seems that growing onions is very simple and will not cause any problems. But this is not true; many people face many problems when growing. The main problem is the bolting of the plant; it does not make it possible to grow a dense and large fruit, and this also includes various diseases that will ruin all your efforts and work. To avoid such problems, you first need to plant the plants on time and treat them beforehand. Proper disinfection will help ensure good protection from diseases and will allow you to harvest a very generous and large harvest.

The first and very important stage is the processing of planting material before planting, first it necessary sort through. The selection must be done as follows:

  • Very soft and bad small onions should be thrown away immediately, because they will not give a good harvest. You also need to get rid of completely dried seeds.
  • If the set bulb does not yet have feathers, it is recommended to “trim” it. To do this, you need to carefully cut off the husk; this procedure will speed up the germination of the plant.
  • Then you need to dry the selected seeds in a dry and warm place.
  • After this, you need to warm up the planting material. This is done in several stages. First, the seeds are kept at a temperature of no less than twenty degrees, this is done for about three weeks, and then for ten hours they are heated at thirty-five or forty degrees. You need to carefully watch the time so that the onions do not overcook, otherwise they will give a bad harvest.

You can also recommend another approach, which will be an alternative to such a long warm-up. This method involves soaking the seedlings in water at a temperature of up to fifty degrees for ten minutes, then they need to be purchased in a nutrient mixture of fertilizers and cold water. This procedure takes about six hours, but the effect is the same.

How to treat onion sets before planting

Processing seedlings in spring- this is mandatory preparatory stage. Treatment is carried out before planting and consists of the following procedures:

Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use Fitosporin or copper sulfate, the dosage should be the same.

Soil and its preparation for planting onions

Give excellent harvest Only properly processed plant seeds can. But for this you need to choose right place for planting them and prepare the soil for this. This process should begin in the fall. Don't forget that onion seeds love places where there are a lot of sun. Seeds also love moisture, but a large amount of it will lead to their death. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a place that is well lit sun rays, and where not groundwater.

In autumn, the area for sowing needs to be carefully dug up and fertilized; a mixture of manure and peat is suitable for fertilization. Optimal conditions for growing onions in acidic soils perform liming.

If you do not want to grow onions only for the feather, then you do not need to apply fertilizers before planting. In addition, such treatment can stimulate the growth of weeds, and you will be forced to weed the beds all summer to get rid of them. In the spring there will be little work; you will need to loosen the soil a little to remove the hard crust and you can start planting onions.

In areas where crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, peas and cabbage grew before planting onions, the plant will grow very well. Additional protection onions, can become a carrot, which is planted next to it. Her phytoncides will drive away the onion fly and allow you to harvest a very good harvest.

Disease and pest control

Important stage To obtain a good harvest after planting, it is necessary to protect onions from diseases and pests. The growth of onion sets is often interfered with various diseases and pests, they damage the feathers and make the bulb rotten and soft. A damaged crop cannot be saved; for this reason, onions must be protected from pests before planting. The most famous onion diseases are:

  1. Onion fly.
  2. Powdery downy mildew.

If the plant is damaged onion fly, then its feathers will dry and wither, and the central leaf will break off very easily, as it begins to rot from the base. If you look closely at the plant, you can see small onion fly larvae.

In order to prevent the appearance of onion fly, you need to treat the seeds with fenthiuram or TMTD solution. If the onion fly has affected the seedlings themselves, then this will help you wood ash or crushed charcoal, which needs to be sprinkled on the soil around the seedlings. Nexion (0.1%) diluted in 0.5 liters of solution can be used for young plants.

A sign of a false powdery mildew there are white spots on the feathers of the onion, they begin to increase over time, and a gray coating also appears. The cause of this disease is high humidity. To help fight this disease:

To protect the plant from diseases you need:

  • It's too early to plant the bulbs.
  • Remove weeds in a timely manner.
  • Water and feed the plant periodically.
  • Collect and remove damaged crops.

Growing onions on a plot of land seems, at first glance, to be a very simple task. However, if you want to get large and dense heads, and not just green arrows, you will have to work hard. This mainly concerns proper pre-planting preparation and meeting deadlines.

Preparing onions for planting

First, you need to carefully select the bulbs for planting, weeding out those that are soft, dried out, or too small. Then, to speed up germination, you need to cut off the husk, dry it in a warm and dry place and warm it up for 2-3 weeks at +20ºC. Closer to planting, it needs to be warmed up well at a temperature of +35-40ºС for 10 hours.

An important stage in onion preparation is its disinfection. This should be done immediately before planting in the ground. The simplest and effective method, which our grandmothers used - treating onions with salt and potassium permanganate before planting.

At the first stage, before planting, the onions are treated with salt. To do this, you need to immerse the seed for 2-3 hours in a saline solution prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt (rock or table) per two liters of water.

Treating onions with a saline solution will give the plant rapid development and provide its protection from aggressive environmental influences. Salt also disinfects onions from nematodes.

The second stage of preparation is treating onion sets in the spring before planting with potassium permanganate. You need to dilute 35 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water and immerse the onions in this solution for a couple of hours. This simple method is the most effective against any disease. And although many new preparations for treatment have appeared today, potassium permanganate has been and remains the most in demand, since it is very effective despite its low cost.

Another option pre-sowing preparation Luke:

  • Before planting, the onions need to be poured into a bucket and poured in for 2 minutes. hot water(65-70ºС), then lower it into cold water for literally a minute;
  • then soak the onions in a nutrient solution (you can use 1 tbsp. complex fertilizer per bucket of water) for 8-10 hours;
  • drain the solution, and immerse the onions, without washing, in a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10-liter bucket of water) for 5-7 minutes;
  • Wash the bulbs and you can start planting.

Preparing the soil for planting onions

If you want to grow a good harvest of onions, it is not enough just to process the seeds; it is also important to choose the right place for planting and prepare the soil. Moreover, you need to start preparing the beds in the fall.

Onions love good light and grow best in sunny areas. It is also moisture-loving, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, there should either be no groundwater at all, or it should lie at a considerable depth.

Crops such as peas, potatoes, tomatoes or cabbage are most suitable as onion predecessors. Can also be planted close to onion bed carrots so that their phytoncides are driven away.

In the fall, the selected area needs to be dug up and rotted manure and peat added. If the soil is acidic, you need to liming it to create optimal conditions for onions.

In the spring, it is not advisable to apply fertilizer before planting, since this will cause the onion to produce a lot of feathers and the bulbs will not be large enough. You just need to loosen the bed, destroying the surface crust, and you can start planting the prepared bulbs.

The bulbs need to be planted at a distance of 8-10 cm. It is necessary to cover them with soil so that the layer above the onion hangers is no more than 2-2.5 cm. When planting, be sure to water the bed. Further care consists of loosening, weeding, and watering.