home · Lighting · Properly sew curtains with your own hands. How to sew curtains with your own hands, photos, videos, instructions. Step-by-step instructions: choosing a design

Properly sew curtains with your own hands. How to sew curtains with your own hands, photos, videos, instructions. Step-by-step instructions: choosing a design

Textile window decoration is not as difficult a question as it initially seems. When designing beautiful curtains, you should think about the color, pattern, fabric, style. In addition, they must be combined with the overall interior of the room. Sewing curtains yourself is not difficult if you have sewing skills. The most important thing is correct selection color range, sketches, finished patterns and exact amount of fabric. It’s better, before sewing curtains with your own hands, you should watch a master class from specialists.

To sew curtains, you need to know step by step execution works The curtain is made in several stages.

To create any curtains, you should follow this sequence:

  1. We sew the curtains ourselves - stage two: choosing a model, depending on the room and its design;
  2. We sew curtains - stage three: measuring the window (with a tape measure you should measure the length of the cornice and the height of future curtains);
  3. Scaled creation of curtain sketches;
  4. We sew the curtains ourselves - stage four: determining the amount of fabric for curtains, if planned - for a lambrequin (you can watch a master class on making curtains to understand how to correctly make calculations and choose fabric);
  5. We sew curtains - stage five: creating patterns for curtains and lambrequins;
  6. We sew the curtains ourselves - stage six: cutting woven fabrics;
  7. We sew the curtains ourselves - stage seven: processing the cut out parts;
  8. Eighth stage: connecting the curtains with the lambrequin;
  9. Ninth stage: production of decorative elements - tiebacks and other decorations.

After watching a master class on making curtains with your own hands, you can be convinced that cutting and sewing is not a complicated procedure.

Sketches of curtains

The cut of the curtains depends on the correctly created sketch. How to correctly create sketches of curtains with your own hands and calculate the amount of fabric for a certain model - these are the most important and important questions. To calculate the amount of fabric, you should measure the width of the cornice, multiply it by two + 5-6 cm. In the event that two canvases are planned that will hang, then the width of each canvas will be equal to the width of the cornice + 5 cm.

When calculating the height, you should take into account the processing allowance for the upper and lower parts of the canvases. Another quite a few important factor– you need to add 20 cm to the height number in case the curtain “shrinks” when washed.

A master class on creating sketches and sewing curtains can be seen in the video.

Curtain bracket

The brackets must match the design of the room, the shape of the window opening and the curtains. First of all, a curtain rod with a bracket is a functional accessory.

There is quite a wide variety of cornices with brackets:

  • Profile;
  • Metal;
  • Forged;
  • Round;
  • Strings.

Profile cornices with brackets are equipped plastic fittings, bend to any radius, have a light weight. Used for windows in the form of arches. Such a cornice can be single-track or multi-track. Attached to the surface using plastic brackets. The cornice can withstand light weight. The brackets have different lengths, this helps to secure a profile cornice with a certain overhang to the wall.

Metal curtain rods with brackets are more durable and can support heavy fabric. These accessories are great for classic style rooms. But such products do not look good with lambrequins.

Forged cornices are made mainly according to individual order. The brackets add a special charm to the cornice, as they are also made by forging.

Round cornices with brackets are the most popular and versatile option.

A string cornice, equipped with brackets, contains a string that is attached with a baguette. Disadvantages include low load-bearing capacity.

It is better to install any of the curtain rods on windows with 3-4 brackets, especially if the curtains are heavy and the set contains tulle, thick curtains and a lambrequin.

It is better to install the brackets outside the edges of the window opening. This will make it possible to move the curtains and open the window completely.

The optimal distance between the brackets is 1.5 m. In this case, they will securely hold the cornice and the rods will not sag.

When choosing a bracket, you should first think about the weight of the curtains and select the mounting material that suits the interior. Remember that it must match the interior.

For classic interior baguette cornices with brackets are suitable. The minimalist style is combined with a string cornice. With Roman or Japanese species curtains match perfectly aluminum profiles. If the decoration of the space contains stone natural materials, then forged cornices with brackets - perfect option. For a room with low ceilings, the brackets are installed under the ceiling. This will make the ceiling appear higher. For visual increase length of the window, the brackets are installed 15-20 cm away from the window opening.

Fillet knitting pattern for curtains

Fillet knitting is called imitation lace. Fillet knitting patterns for curtains resemble single-color cross stitch patterns.

The initial stage of knitting with your own hands is chains of air loops. The number of loops in one cell is 3 (one for the column, two for the bottom area of ​​the cell). Loin curtains are not always woven from the first row. Some cases involve casting on the centerline and then knitting into the top and bottom. Do-it-yourself fillet curtains can have different shape, color. The edges are very shaped like teeth and waves. Such products are great for the garden.

What is fillet crochet (video)

Curtains from curtain scraps

How to sew curtains from scraps? You should never throw away remaining curtains that have been damaged over time. From them you can sew stylish, imperial window decorations with your own hands, which, by the way, are now at the peak of fashion.

To make a curtain from scraps, you will need scissors, a tape measure, and a ribbon. Having decided on the size and shape of the curtains, you can begin to work. The pieces are sewn together with double seams so that the curtains do not “creep” over time. Use braid to decorate and hide the seams.

First, you need to measure the width and height of the window itself to find out what size the future curtain will be. Take 3 pieces of fabric and connect them together like this: first on one side, then carefully turn them inside out and connect them on the other side. In the future, decorate the patches sewn together with beads and seed beads.

Many experts offer to watch a master class on sewing curtains from scraps with your own hands.

How to trim a curtain evenly

Open the curtains - one of important points. To cut and trim a curtain evenly, you should know some rules. The canvas is folded in half, and the edges of the edge are marked with cuts. Then you need to carefully fold the canvas in half again lengthwise. Very carefully smooth the fabric with your hands, aligning the middle and edge. Make a cut at the bend.

Without lifting the canvas, fold it in half. Using a long ruler, connect the cuts on the edges with the central part and draw a line with chalk or soap. Cut this line with scissors.

How to sew curtains with your own hands (video)

Thus, cut the entire canvas into the necessary pieces. When cutting, it is important to set aside the required length and align along the edge, then the curtains will always turn out even.

Examples of do-it-yourself curtains (photo)

Every person wants to make their home as comfortable, cozy and beautiful as possible. However, the concepts of beauty and comfort are individual for everyone. But regardless of what is attractive to you, you still can’t do without curtains in the interior. Today, a huge selection of curtains for every taste is available in specialized stores. You can go there and buy without any problem beautiful curtains. However, to get truly original and interesting curtains, it is better to sew the curtains yourself. It will help you with this step-by-step instruction.

Panel curtains are often used nowadays. They are made in a variety of styles and forms.

Classic curtains

If fabric is available suitable size, sewing machine and several auxiliary tools you can sew beautiful curtains in 1-2 evenings. The simplest, but no less attractive option is curtains without lining and unnecessary decorative elements. These DIY curtains are perfect for any room. The most important thing is to choose beautiful material and approach the work responsibly.

Sewing curtains is carried out using the following materials and tools:

  • fabrics for curtains;
  • scissors;
  • rulers;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • sewing machine;
  • thread to match the selected fabric;
  • sewing pins.

Before buying fabric for sewing curtains, take measurements from the window opening for which they will be sewn. In most cases, the window has a height of 215 cm and a width of 170 cm. But even in the case of such a standard window opening there is important nuances. When measuring the length, you will need to get 2 values: the distance between the floor and the cornice and the length of the window. Select the width according to how many folds you want to get.

Decide in advance whether your curtains will be as long as the floor or only as long as the radiator (window sill). If the window height is 215 cm, and the cornice is installed 15 cm above the window, then the cut length should be 230 cm.

If you are going to sew curtains with your own hands, do not forget about allowances. Leave 5 cm at the top and 20-30 cm at the bottom. The latter value may vary depending on your personal preferences.

When sewing sliding curtains, try to ensure that both halves have approximately the same width. Their allowances should also be the same. In the example under consideration, in order to sew curtains, you need to prepare a piece of material 360 cm wide and 260 cm long.

Buy some fabric and start cutting it out. Fold the piece 2-3 times. You need to cut the material into equal sections, turning it wrong side up. Fold the edges of the cut lengthwise by 25 mm and iron.

Fold the edges in again by 30mm and press again. Pin the area with pins and do the same on the other side. The hem needs to be stitched on sewing machine as close to the edge as possible. In this case, a double stitch of 20-30 mm at the beginning and at the end is best suited. Do the same with the second half of your future curtains.

The next step is hemming the bottom edge. Make sure the material is facing up. Measure 20 cm, tuck and press. Do this across the entire width of the bottom edge of the material. Pin the resulting neat edge with pins and machine stitch it as close to the edge as possible.

At this point, the process of sewing curtains is almost complete. Finally, you will need to trim their top part and then attach the rings to it. Fold the material 25 mm and iron. Fold in another 30mm and iron again. Pin and stitch as close to the edge as possible. Attach the rings to the clips with the same spacing. After this, the finished curtains can be hung on the cornice.

Beautiful and simple curtains with ties

You can improve the option discussed above and sew curtains with ties. They will be used instead of rings with clips.

The fabric for the ties can be the same color as the main material or contrast with it. The ties can have different widths and lengths.

A beautiful curtain is a decoration for any interior. But curtains with finials look even more beautiful.

If desired, you can choose interesting tape, original cord or braid. When selecting material, make sure that its density matches the density of the curtains. Finished curtains look beautiful on the cornice.

The ties should be placed at the same (about 7-12 cm) distance from each other. The ties themselves should be 1.5 times the width of the cornice used. Sew ties in pairs on the top edge of the curtains and tie them on the curtain rod with a beautiful knot or bow. The ends of the ties, falling onto the main fabric, look very good. If the curtains are short, the ties can be quite long. This option is perfect for decorating a kitchen window.

Before you start sewing curtains, you need to decide on the required amount of material. As a rule, it is taken 2-2.5 times larger than the width of the cornice.

Weightless organza curtains

Organza is a thin transparent material. It is made from viscose, silk or polyester. It can be matte or shiny. This material allows light to pass through, so before sewing organza curtains, be sure to think about whether it would be appropriate in the room that you plan to decorate with similar curtains.

Prepare the following:

  • organza;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match the selected material;
  • curtain tape;
  • scissors.

Cut the lower and upper parts of the fabric to the height from the floor to the cornice, taking into account the allowance (20-40 mm). It is almost impossible to cut such material perfectly evenly, so its edges will have to be further processed. Bias tape is suitable for finishing the bottom of future curtains. In case you plan to use curtain tape, the top of the curtains can not be treated with bias tape, but simply turn up the edge of the material and stitch it.

Next you will need to sew on the braid or ribbon. With their help you can assemble the curtain. Select the length of the tape according to the width of the curtain. Sew the tape to the curtain with at least 2 seams. If the tape is wide enough, you will need to make more lines. Depending on the chosen braid, the curtains will have beautiful drapery folds.

At the end, all you have to do is iron the finished curtains, tighten the strings on the ribbon and hang the curtains you made yourself.

Inexpensive Roman blinds

Such curtains are the most economical in terms of material consumption. They fit perfectly into any interior. It is quite easy to sew such curtains. They are a rectangle with appropriately processed edges. Curtains have a system of cords and rings, thanks to which they rise into folds. Select the material that best fits the interior of your room and prepare the following:

  • fabric for lining;
  • cornice strip (its length must correspond to the length of the curtains, it is made from a bar with a cross-section of 50x25 mm);
  • durable thin slats or rods;
  • cord;
  • screws with a ring;
  • plastic rings;
  • decorative weight;
  • bracket for fixing curtains;
  • threads to match the selected fabric;
  • stapler;
  • awl.

The best material for sewing Roman blinds is smoothly colored material, with small floral or geometric ornament, checkered or striped. Due to the fact that such curtains should not sag when folded, a material of sufficiently high rigidity should be used for sewing them: taffeta, coarse cotton, wool, etc.

First you will need to cut out a piece of material. Add about 10 cm to the width for the side seams. You also need to add 5 cm to the length at the bottom and 25 cm at the top to attach the curtain to cornice strip. Open the lining in the same way.

Turn the fabric face down. Smooth 50 mm edges on each side. Fold the corners like an envelope. Hem the folded edges with a blind stitch. The lining is processed according to the same principle, but 60 mm is taken for the hem. Take the lining and place it with the wrong side on the wrong side of the base material. The edges of the main fabric should protrude 10 mm on each side. Pin together the patterns using pins.

You cannot sew curtains of this type without drawstrings. Therefore, you will need to cut out 6 strips. The width of each strip should be 120 mm, and the length should be equal to the length ready-made curtains, increased by 40 mm. Fold the strips lengthwise, wrong side inward. Do this so that one of the sides protrudes 15 mm. Fold the exposed edge under and sew. Next, you will need to fold one short edge and stitch it tightly, while leaving the second edge open. Do the same for all remaining drawstrings.

Next, you will need to take a pencil and mark the lines on the lining along which the drawstrings will be sewn. The topmost line should be located under the rail. You don't have to do it. Sew the drawstrings behind the fold lines according to the markings. Insert the strips into the open ends, then close and sew them shut.

At this point, the Roman blinds are ready. But you need to know how to properly hang them on the mounting plate. To do this, take wooden beam ok, wrap it in fabric and secure it with a stapler. After this, wrap the strip with the fabric of the finished curtain 2 times. Make sure it hangs straight and staple the edge in place. Step back 50 mm from the top and punch a hole in the center of the curtain using an awl. Make the same hole at a distance of 20 mm from the edge. Pull the ring screws into the holes.

After this, you will need to sew rings along the edges and in the center of the drawstrings. Pull the lace through the bottom left ring and tie a knot. Secure the knot with glue. Then pull the cord through all the rings and screws. Leave the end hanging freely from right side. Pull the cords through the right and middle rows of rings in the same way. See if they are the same length. Tie the loose ends of the laces behind the 4th ring. After this, 2 of them will need to be cut off, and a decorative weight will need to be hung on the 3rd one.

Install the finished curtain in the window opening. Attach the lanyard bracket to the wall. Pull the bracket to the required height and secure the cord to it. Good luck!

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, having minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology. Almost every housewife can easily master the technology of sewing curtains on her own. Having figured out how to sew curtains with her own hands, a woman is able to independently prepare and decorate a room for the whole family to live in. original products, which will give it uniqueness and can perfectly complement the interior of the living space. Unique curtains can surprise the hostess's guests.

You can choose the design of the curtains yourself according to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly. Exists a large number of various types curtains for windows, all these varieties are based on several basic models.

You can choose the design of the curtains yourself according to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly

Having thoroughly studied the sequence of technological operations when sewing basic models of curtains, a woman will be able to sew any product with her own hands.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, having minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology

When solving the problem of which curtains to sew with your own hands, you should decide on the required style of curtains. There is a large number variety of options curtains, but no more than 10 main ones. Many of the main styles are very similar to each other and differ in small design nuances. All the rest differ slightly from the 10 primary sources, so if it is necessary to make adjustments to the design of the curtains, this will not be a problem.

For beginning seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains

For beginning seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains. Most common styles window curtains are considered:

  1. Simple curtains secured with ties.
  2. Lambrequins.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtain, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for the work.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtains, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for the work

Before carrying out the curtain manufacturing process, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • sewing machine;
  • cuts for sewing curtains and matching threads;

A sewing machine is used to make curtains

  • pins;
  • pencil for marking;

A pencil is used for marking

  • ruler and tape;
  • nail polish;

Scissors are necessary when making curtains

  • scissors.

Important! If this is your first time doing sewing, it is recommended to look for curtain patterns that suit your tastes.

How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?

Very often housewives wonder how to sew a lambrequin for curtains. Sewing curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands is quite simple. This design has a simple design, but at the same time has a sophisticated and attractive appearance. In order to sew curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands, you should first prepare appropriate patterns that will facilitate all technological operations.

Lambrequins are a decorative element that fits perfectly into most most popular styles decoration of residential premises

Lambrequins are a decorative element that fits perfectly into most of the most popular residential design styles. This element complements very well and organically shapes the interior of the room.

When making lambrequins, you should Special attention pay attention to the selection of materials. Most often, those women who decide to sew curtains make all the decorative elements for them with their own hands. The same material is most often used to make all curtain elements, but if you wish, you can experiment by using different materials to create different elements. For example, for the main part a plain material is used, and the lambrequin is made of patterned fabric. There are no special rules or requirements in this regard, the only condition– curtains with all decorative elements on them should fit perfectly into overall design rooms.

After choosing the main material for making curtains for the room, you should calculate everything correctly. For a lambrequin, 1/5 or 1/6 of total length material required for sewing curtains. When calculating the material, you should remember that a supply of fabric will be required to make the hems.

Before making curtains, you should consider whether folds are needed on the curtain, and in what quantity. The location of the folds and their number can be marked using tape.

On initial stage You should fold the fabric on top of the future curtain and make a pocket for the curtain beam. The size of the pocket must be slightly wider than the beam. When making a pocket, the element should be processed using a reverse seam.

Folds, if they are planned to be formed, must be secured with threads and processed efficiently using an iron. Before securing the fold, you must carefully stitch the edge of the lambrequin.

In the process of making a lambrequin, some effort and care should be taken to make it original and unique. When choosing decorations for curtains, you should focus on the material used in the manufacture of curtains.

On a note! Light fabric used for sewing curtains can be supplemented with beads and flowers made from organza; heavy fabric can be decorated with fringe.

How to make Roman style curtains?

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind. First of all, you should remember that these Roman blinds are sewn taking into account that they cover the window tightly enough. For this reason, before purchasing required quantity material for sewing curtains in the Roman style, you should accurately measure the window opening, and add 5 cm to the resulting width on each side for allowances. In addition, the length of the fabric should be increased by 12 cm.

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind

The fabric for making curtains in the Roman style can be chosen to suit your taste. Today, fabric manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of fabric options. Any housewife can choose the fabric to her taste without any problems.

Using chalk or soap, mark the lines along which the curtains need to be hemmed.

An adhesive tape is attached to the beam, and a similar tape is also attached to the upper edge of the curtain. At the point of fastening, the curtain fabric is attached to the beam.

After that down side ironed and hemmed. The next step is hemming the finishing border. The rings are attached to the curtain using wide stitches. Then the curtain is attached to the beam.

The final stage of making curtains is threading the cord into the rings, after which the cord is pulled together and the excess ends are cut off.

The resulting curtains look solid and expressive.

Sewing curtains in English style yourself

Curtains made in english style, look refined, light and airy. Curtains of this type are perfect for any room; the use of this interior element allows you to add a certain zest and uniqueness to the design of the room.

Curtains made in the English style look elegant, light and airy

There is nothing complicated in the process of sewing this type of curtain and almost any housewife with sewing skills can sew such curtains.

To make curtains you should prepare required amount satin, natural muslin and satin ribbon. When calculating the length of curtains, you should take into account the parameters of the window opening. When preparing the material, be sure to take into account the material used for folds and hemming.

The ribbons are pinned to the main fabric and sewn on a sewing machine

On the curtain canvas you should mark the places where you plan to sew satin ribbons points After this, the prepared ribbons are folded one centimeter on each side, ironed and hemmed. The ribbons are pinned to the main fabric and sewn on a sewing machine.

At the final stage, the upper edges of the satin ribbons should be secured. After the entire curtain is ready, its lower edge should be hemmed and thoroughly steamed.

In order to decorate the curtain, you can place several additional satin ribbons

In order to decorate the curtain, you can place several additional satin ribbons.

Sewing simple and beautiful curtains - step-by-step instructions

If you do not want to create complex and binding compositions, you should opt for simple designs, which can be decorated with delicate bows. Very often such curtains are used to create cozy interior in the kitchen. For this reason, very often you can hear from housewives the question of how to sew simple and beautiful curtains for the kitchen with your own hands. Simple curtains may have an unassuming appearance, they will be both beautiful and ideal for decoration kitchen area. If you want to decorate the curtains, you can additionally use a variety of decorative elements, which will give the curtains uniqueness and add a special zest to the interior.

The fabric for making sheets should be chosen in a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen

On a note! The fabric for making canvases should be chosen in a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen.

The length of the curtains in the kitchen is selected by housewives to their taste. Depending on the overall interior of the room, you can make curtains that are short or up to the window sill. If necessary, you can decorate the windows in the kitchen with floor-length curtains. If desired, kitchen openings can be decorated with a narrow ribbon made of satin. This tape is sewn to the curtain fabric using threads of the appropriate color.

Lightweight curtains for kitchen windows can be perfectly combined with blinds various designs and with tulle. You can decorate the curtains in the kitchen with the help of bows, which can add uniqueness and tenderness to even the simplest curtain.

You can choose any fabric for making curtains for the kitchen at your discretion. It should be noted that the best option The material for making curtains for the kitchen is blended or cotton fabric.

This type of fabric perfectly allows air to pass through, which creates an atmosphere of lightness in the room. Ribbons made from satin are recommended for use as decoration; when choosing a satin ribbon, it is advisable to give preference to contrasting colors.

Lightweight curtains for kitchen windows can be perfectly combined with blinds of various designs and with tulle

To sew a curtain, you should take the fabric prepared for this and smooth it, and then baste the entire perimeter with the exception of the top edge.

After basting the entire curtain around the perimeter, hem the top edge in accordance with the width of the cornice on which it is planned to fasten the curtain.

Making curtains with eyelets yourself

Curtains with eyelets in Lately began to gain high popularity. It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often begin to wonder how to sew curtains with grommets with their own hands.

It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often begin to wonder how to sew curtains with grommets with their own hands

There is nothing complicated in sewing curtains, the main and fastening elements of which are eyelets. Subject to all the technological operations that need to be performed when sewing curtains with eyelets, any housewife can make this element of the interior of the room.

To facilitate all operations, it is recommended to use photographs phased implementation the whole process. Such photos can be easily found on relevant websites dedicated to interior decoration and the development of room designs.

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles. Such curtains can organically complement rooms decorated in styles such as:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;

Such curtains can organically complement the room

  • Scandinavian;
  • loft;

When the finished curtains are secured to the cornice, uniform and uniform folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight

  • madder.

The folds of waves formed on curtains, when used to attach eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea ​​waves As a rule, they are pleasant to almost every person.

In order to secure the finished curtains to the grommets, the housewife will need to prepare:

  • curtain fabrics;
  • cornice;

The folds of waves formed on curtains, when used to attach eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea waves; as a rule, they are pleasant for almost every person

  • fixed rings;
  • threads for sewing and hemming curtain fabrics;

Sewing needles for making curtains

  • scissors;
  • sewing needles;

  • hammer.

When the finished curtains are fastened to the cornice, uniform and homogeneous folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight. Such folds are formed due to properly carried out drapery.

I like

It is impossible to imagine a living space in which the windows would not be protected from prying eyes or excess light by curtains. No designer can do without this item when choosing an individual interior. Today, stores and studios offer many different variations on the theme of curtains, curtains and other things that can decorate a window opening in a room, but sometimes a person wants to independently express his vision of beauty, which is why you need to know how to sew practical curtains with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions: choosing a design

Before you start practical implementation To achieve your dream of ideal curtains, you need to study a little of the presented assortment. It is necessary to choose the types of curtains that suit the existing interior. The most popular today are:

  • English curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • classic curtains with ties;
  • various lambrequins;

Sewing each of these types of curtains is not difficult. With detailed patterns and step-by-step instructions for each of them, it will take very little effort and time to work, and the result will be excellent. Having studied the features in detail and thoughtfully, you can quickly sew curtains with your own hands, which will not differ in quality from those produced in the studio.

Lambrequins: how to sew?

Lambrequins are one of the most popular types of curtain finishing in rooms. In order to sew them, you will need:

  • Fabric that matches the shade;
  • Pattern;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads, pins, needles.

The process of doing everything necessary actions very simple but the result will surpass all the expectations of the housewife, because lambrequins successfully complement most of the styles used today.

The first step in the work is the selection of fabric; here many variations open up, limited only by imagination. So, to sew the main part of the lambrequin, you can use a plain material, and make the side part or the top and bottom patterned or contrasting in color. There are no strict rules at all.

After this, you can start calculating. Usually, in order to sew a lambrequin, measure out an amount of fabric equal to a fifth of the length of the curtain. Additionally, you should add 10 cm for hems and hems, and the width is calculated based on the window in the room. Each step is described in detail in the appendix to the pattern or demonstrated in a master class. Upper part the structures are hemmed so that a kind of pocket is formed where the beam for the curtain will be placed. You can create this design with your own hands in a few minutes.

Folds can be made, but you can do without them. In the first case, you will need to secure them with threads and iron them. At the end, when the lambrequin is sewn to the main curtain, it is time to finish it, decorate it, and emphasize the style. It is necessary to focus on the chosen fabric - decorate light ones with beads, and decorate heavy ones with decorative cords or fringes.

How to sew Roman blinds

As a rule, Roman blinds are sewn by lovers of privacy in the room, since this type of curtain tightly covers the window. The first step to creating a Roman shade for your window is to measure it. After this, another 5 cm should be added to the resulting width for allowances, and the length should be increased by 10-15 cm. The fabric, as in the previous version, is chosen by the hostess herself, based on her desires or the interior of the room.

Sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is not difficult, so you shouldn’t be afraid of the name. There are many options to choose from, so you can use your imagination here too. The purchased material must be ironed well to avoid wrinkles. The outlines of the pattern are highlighted using soap or chalk, taking into account allowances.

On the block or stick to which the Roman blind will be attached in the future, you should attach duct tape. The same tape is attached to the top of the curtain. The whole operation, done with your own hands, will take a few minutes even for a housewife who is inexperienced in sewing Roman curtains. The bottom edge must be ironed and a finishing tape must be sewn to it. The rings are attached to the insertion points of the slats. At the end, a cord is threaded through them and pulled tightly, the excess ends are secured to a knot and cut off.

English curtain: nuances of work

This type of curtain is suitable for those whose interior is the embodiment of coziness and comfort characteristic of the style of London houses. Such curtains will bring no less mystery to the interior than Roman ones, so sewing them with your own hands will be the right decision.

To get started you will need:

  • Satin fabric and ribbon;
  • Natural muslin.

Of course, the guideline for the height and width of the canvas will be the window opening, which needs to be measured by adding about another 10 cm to the existing fabric, since the fabric will shrink due to the hems being produced and the formation of folds characteristic of this style. The place for sewing satin ribbons must be indicated in advance.

In order to do this, you will need to carefully pull out 2 threads from the fabric: one along the upper edge of the fabric, the second at a distance of approximately 15 -17 cm from it. Using the same pattern, you will need to mark the locations and directions of the horizontal satin ribbons. Even a novice seamstress can do all this with her own hands.

The pattern of English curtains is made on the basis of a drawing at hand, which can be found in special magazine or on the website. After this, you will need to take the satin ribbons and tuck them 1 cm, then carefully iron them and carefully, slowly hem them, trying to make small stitches so that they are not visible. The main tapes should be pinned to the main fabric, and then sewn on a machine. If there are free spaces between the vertical strips of ribbon, it is recommended to sew several more ribbons to create symmetry. The work instructions do not regulate the quantity; it all depends on the width and height of the window opening. Next, you should cover and pin the ribbons with a strip of satin of suitable width, you need to focus on the elongated threads. The upper edges of the ribbons are secured with a knot. The bottom of the curtain needs to be hemmed. It’s not difficult to create such beauty with your own hands. English curtain, just like the Roman one, is often used in country houses, dining rooms or kitchens, as it gives the interior a unique coziness that is characteristic of a quiet and measured life.

How to create simple curtains?

Step-by-step instructions for sewing simple and beautiful curtains with your own hands are also very easy to implement. It is suitable for those who are just trying on the role of a designer and a tailor rolled into one. Simple curtains, of course, do not contain complex designs, so there will be no problems with cutting out and sewing the product according to the existing pattern. If you want something unusual, then you can play a little, giving preference to curtains with a design in the form of bows. Such curtains will ideally complement, for example, a nursery or kitchen. They do not require luxurious furnishings, and therefore will give the interior the harmony and beauty of ordinary life.

Every housewife can create them with her own hands; it only requires a little attention and perseverance. The material is measured in accordance with the window opening in the room, with an addition of 10 cm in width. As for the height, here you can show your imagination and create short curtains or vice versa, covering the window completely. For decoration you will need a decorative cord or ribbon, as well as fabric to match the main one chosen for sewing curtains.

Patterning a simple curtain will not take much time; it is only important to remember that the drapery in this option has its own characteristics and depends on the chosen style. So, for the kitchen or dining room, cotton fabric is ideal, while for the living room you can choose massive and heavy velvet options or flowing silk.

A satin ribbon or cord is used as a decorative element; it is desirable that it be bright or in a contrasting color. First you need to take a piece of fabric of a suitable size, lay it out on flat surface and carefully smooth it out to prevent wrinkles that will “eat up” the fabric and ultimately ruin the appearance of the future curtain. The sides and bottom parts should be sewn with an overlock stitch, being careful not to tighten the threads too much. Next, you should hem the top edge, taking into account the width of the cornice in the room. The side seams are slightly gathered into an accordion using thread. The number of stitches should not exceed 6, and the distance should not exceed 15 cm. After this, the main work can be considered complete. Now all that remains is to hang the resulting curtains on the cornice in the room. As the final touch You will need to carefully throw a ribbon of satin fabric over the cornice with the curtain already placed on it and pull it tightly, forming those same decorative elements - beautiful and light bows.

Takes ~2 minutes to read


Every housewife dreams of the interior of her home changing from time to time. There are many ways to do this. The simplest and cheapest is to change the curtains. They can be purchased at any market or store. This will be easy to do, since the choice of curtains is huge. But the best solution I will sew the curtains myself. Even someone who has never sewed such products can easily cope with this task. How to do roller blinds You will find out with your own hands by reading the step-by-step instructions of the article to the end.


Disadvantages and advantages of such curtains


  1. No light leaks through them, nothing is visible through them, that is, no one will be able to look into your window.
  2. They can be hung anywhere.
  3. They take up little space.
  4. Fresh air flows easily and freely through the roller blinds.
  5. These curtains are suitable for any room.
  6. Roller blinds can be hung either independently or in addition to others.
  7. Their selection is huge.


  1. Roller blinds absorb unpleasant odors.
  2. They need to be constantly looked after.
  3. After some time they may become warped.
  4. The mechanism that raises the roller blind quickly breaks down.


How to sew roller blinds on plastic windows with your own hands

To sew roller blinds with your own hands, you need to choose the right fabric. When choosing a fabric, you need to consider that it is:

  • Natural;
  • Moisture-repellent;
  • Reflected the light.

To make roller blinds, you can use fabric of one color or multi-colored and with a pattern. It will depend only on you and your choice.

Making it yourself: step-by-step instructions (photos and videos)


To make roller blinds with your own hands you will need:

  • Textile.
  • Cord.
  • Rope.
  • Ribbon.
  • Weighting agent (metal or wood).
  • Rod shaft (wooden beam or metal tube).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Drill.
  • Iron.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Fasteners


Master Class

  1. Let's determine the width of the roller blind. Measure the length of the roller and subtract one centimeter from the resulting length.
  2. Now let's determine the length of the curtain. To do this, measure the distance from the roller to the window sill. Add twenty centimeters to the result.
  3. Now make a curtain pattern. Measure on the fabric the width and length that you obtained when measuring. Cut out the resulting rectangle. There should be two such rectangular segments.
  4. Fold the segments front side inside and sew on three sides. You should end up with a bag.
  5. Turn the resulting bag inside out and iron it with an iron.
  6. Let's move on to attaching the weighting agent. Its length should match the width of the curtain. This is necessary so that the roller blinds do not hang on the plastic window. Attach the weighting material, tuck the fabric and sew, departing five millimeters from it.
  7. Now you need to prepare the tapes. With their help, the curtain will hang rolled up. Cut a ribbon eight centimeters wide from the fabric. And the length of the ribbon depends on the height of the window and is calculated using the following formula: 2* height of the window opening + 30.
  8. Fold the resulting ribbon lengthwise, right side inward, and sew. Then the tape must be turned out, ironed and the open side sewn up. DIY roller blinds are ready.


DIY mechanism for roller blinds

First option.

To make the mechanism you will need:

  • Staples;
  • Video clip;
  • Duct tape;
  • Screwdriver.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Let's start with the staples. If the curtain is located inside the frame, then the staples are placed three centimeters below the top of the curtain. If the curtain will be located outside, then the staples must be secured five centimeters above the window opening. A bracket with a round hole is installed on the right side, and a bracket with a square hole is installed on the left side.
  • The distance between the staples should be the same as the length of the roller. If so, secure the roller.
  • Now we attach the curtain to the roller. Place it face up and place the roller at the top of the curtain. Wrap the edge of the fabric around the roller and secure it with adhesive tape.
  • Throw the ribbons over the roller and secure them in the center with a stapler.
  • Insert the curtain roller into the brackets. Roller blind for plastic window ready.


Second option.

For it you will need:

  1. Bar.
  2. Sticky double-sided tape.
  3. Glue gun.
  4. Special fastenings.
  5. Cord and hooks.
  6. Wooden slats.
  7. Weighting agent.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • First you need to saw off wooden slats. Its length should be one centimeter less than the width of the curtain.
  • Cover it with the same fabric from which the roller blind was made.
  • Glue adhesive double-sided tape to the bottom of the block.
  • On the back side of the block you need to attach special fastenings.
  • Insert a weighting agent into the sewn roller blind.
  • Attach the roller blind to the prepared cornice.
  • Take the cords, tie them and lead them through the special holes. Then line them up and tie a knot.

A video on making curtains and a mechanism will help you cope with this task.

How to make with garter ribbon

To make such a roller blind you will need:

  • textile;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • weighting agent;
  • block and lath.


Manufacturing stages:

  1. First you need to make a pattern from the fabric. Measure the desired width and length of the future curtain. Cut out the resulting rectangle and sew it on three sides. Turn the fabric inside out and iron it.
  2. Insert the strip into the unstitched side, and then sew it up. This will be the bottom.
  3. Attach the top of the roller blind to the block.
  4. Now prepare the ribbons. They should be twice as long as the roller blind itself. There should be two of these tapes.
  5. Attach the ribbon to the block.
  6. The roller blind is ready.

Do-it-yourself roller blinds

To make roller blinds you will need:

  • fabric for sewing;
  • paper template;
  • a simple pencil;
  • a piece of soap or chalk;
  • ruler;
  • adhesive pad;
  • fringe;
  • special glue for fabric.


Master class on making them:

  1. First you need to make a pattern. It is done in the same way as for regular roller blinds. But there is a difference - you need to leave an allowance of 25 centimeters. This is necessary to finish the edge.
  2. Now make a template. It is made from plain paper. Its width is equal to the height of the carved edge, and its length corresponds to the length of the roller minus one centimeter. On the resulting rectangle, make the pattern you like.
  3. The rectangle must be folded like an accordion. Draw the desired pattern on the first strip. Using this pattern, cut the remaining stripes. So, the pattern will be the same across the entire width.
  4. Make a drawstring. Insert the tube into it and sew up the edges.
  5. Place the paper template under the drawstring and secure with pins. Trace the pattern with a piece of chalk.
  6. By bottom edge glue the fringe.
  7. Attach the resulting roller blind to the roller.

Now you know how to make roller blinds with your own hands, as well as how to make them yourself roller blinds without the help of a master. Good luck!